Pist-euō Entertain a confident
opinion, Id.5.105 :
they were believed in what they said, were
believed to possess foreknowledge
3. c. inf., believe that, feel confident that
a thing is, will be, has been
However, in the Christian conversion one must agree that
a person is to be trusted and you avow or agree to "come
to terms" in openingly confessing it: Faith in the trust upon
sense means that you must comply with what you believe in
ALL pagan trinities were father, mother (spirit)
and son, or father, son and spirit: none of these are names of
PERSONS or people.
James 2:19 Thou believest
that there is ONE God; thou doest well:
the devils
also believe, and tremble.
The ANTITHESIS to all paganism is that God ordained
Jesus--the SEED of Abraham to make known what ALL pagans
needed in a "family of Gods." Because God had abandoned Israel
to worship the starry host (Acts 7 etal) they were polytheist
whatever the Scribes wrote. If Jesus claimed to be the SON
then Philip demanded to see the "father" meaning another "god"
person in paganism and much of Judaism:
John 14:8 Philip saith unto
him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
John 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time
with you,
and yet hast thou not
known me, Philip?
he that hath seen
me hath seen the Father;
and how sayest thou
then, Shew us the Father?
John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the
Father, and the Father in me?
the words that I speak
unto you I speak not of myself:
but the Father
that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world
cannot receive,
because it seeth him
not, neither knoweth him:
but ye know him; for
he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
Because the name of the "another Comforter" or Holy Spirit OF
truth is Jesus Christ the Righteous, it is Christ Who will be in
us to give us A holy spirit (at baptism). Al Maxey says we
do NOT have to keep the commandment to be baptized but no one
has A holy spirit (Acts 2:38) or A good conscience
(consciousness) until they have been baptized:
1John 2:1 My little children, these things write I
unto you, that ye sin not.
if any man sin, we have an advocate (paraclete) with
the Father,
Jesus Christ
the righteous:
1John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and
not for ours only,
but also for the sins of
the whole world.
1John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we
keep his commandments.
1John 2:4 He that saith,
I know him, and keepeth
not his commandments, is a liar,
and the truth is not in
Therefore, it is Jesus Christ as Father/Son in our time and
space who indwells us:
Romans 8:10 And if Christ be
in you,
the body is dead
because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of
And Christ does not LIVE INSIDE of our carnal body but in out
immaterial Mind or Spirit:
John 6:63 It is the spirit
that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that
I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they
are life.
If you believe that Christ lied about baptism in the
prophets and Jesus absolutely connected remission of sins to
obedience to His commands to be baptized, it is most likely that
you are a trinitarian or polytheist which no historic inventer
and user of "trias" ever taught. Furthermore, the absolute sign
in MANY passagese about obeying the commands of God is
"replacement thology" in the sense that God sends stong
delusions always manifested in lying wonders which includes ALL
of the performing arts and crafts which
are declared SACRAMENTAL because they are necessary to "give
heed" to the Word which is THE spiritual worship concept.
Another MARK of Anti-Christ is denying that Jesus Christ IS the
promised Holy Spirit Comforter and He comforts through His
NOT confessing that Jesus of Nazareth was that one MAN promised
as the SEED of Abraham made by God in Christ, is preaching that
Father and Son are two of the THREE MEMBER GOD FAMILY.
Claiming that faith in Jesus Christ which does not extend the
word to compliance makes one an Apistos or believeth not which
means "I do not HAVE to comply" and makes one a traitor.
Jesus of Nazareth was the Seed of Abraham: he did not exist
until he was born as a human. Jesus is our ONE and only
avenue to approach the ONE Deity of the whoe universe.
Acts 2:36 Therefore let all
the house of Israel know assuredly,
that God hath
that same Jesus, whom
ye have crucified,
both Lord and Christ.
There is ONE GOD the Father: the Spirit in whom we live, move
and have our being. This universal Spirit makes everything that
exists faithfully follow the pattern or spirit He instills.
1Timothy 2:5 For there is one
and one
mediator between God and men,
the man Christ
Philip had an Isaiah Scroll and was a disciple of Christ in the
prophets. As soon as he understand that Messiah had come, he
immediately wanted to be baptized. The condition was not
just "faith" or belief that Jesus existed: He believed that
Jesus was the SON of God Who came as the Prophet Moses
prophesied about the the Messiah of the woman at the well who
would "Tell us ALL things."
Acts 8:37 And Philip said, If
thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.
And he answered and
said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
The unuch as a Jew separated from the evil at Jerusalem would
have no remote hind of a "trinity" of Gods or in the words of
John Mark Hicks "three persons each with their own center of
consciousness." That would deny BOTH the uniquenes
of God as well as the the faithful obedience of the Son who
as--in the words of the scholars who used the word trias--was
the personified WORD: when the One God the Father spoke He
BREATHED (spirit) and articulated Words.
ALL of the epistles salute the One God in heaven and the One Son
on earth now king over His church. John wrote
1John 2:18 Little children, it
is the last time:
and as ye have heard
that antichrist shall come,
even now are there many
whereby we know that
it is the last time.
No one in history before H. Leo Boles in 1942 ever thought of
the godhead consisting of three separated persons. Men like the
Campbells in the American Restoration Movement denied the dogma
of even speaking of a "trinity." Therefore, in the present
apostasy it is logical as the "patternism" always repeats.
1John 2:19 They went out
from us, but they were not of us;
for if they had been
of us, they would no doubt have continued with us:
but they went out, that
they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
John continues to agree with Peter in Acts 2:38 that it is OUR
spirit which becomes A holy spirit or in 1 Peter 3:21 it is OUR
conscience or consciousness which allows us to read BLACK
text on BROWN paper (2 Cor
1John 2:20 But ye have an unction
[of spiritual
grace] from the Holy One,
and ye know all
1John 2:21 I have not written unto you because ye know
not the truth,
but because ye know
it, and that no lie is of the truth.
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17
And corresponding to
that, baptism
now saves you-- not the removal of dirt from the flesh,
but an appeal
to God for a good conscience-- through the resurrection
of Jesus Christ, 1 Peter 3:21NAS
holy spirit or a sanctified spirit or a good
conscience enables us to be "washed with water INTO
the Word or Into the School of Christ."
, knowledge shared with
informed of. 2. communication, information,
Heurēseis find that, find means, be able,
eisēnegkan tois kollēgais autōn” carry with one, sweep
of a river,
2. bring
in for oneself, 3. bring in with one, introduce,
3. knowledge
4. consciousness, awareness,
For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God:
for God
giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him. John 3:34
John has said that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised COMFORTER
and he equates our unction from God to receiving A
holy spirit. Going further, a liar and antichrist
denies the One God the Father and One Son Jesus Christ.
1John 2:22 Who is a liar but he
that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?
He is antichrist,
that denieth the Father and the Son
The personified WORD or words were with the One God in the
Beginning. Jesus of Nazareth as a human was selected to
validate the prophecies by the Spirit OF Christ in the
prophecies. Again:
Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know
that God
hath made that same
Jesus, whom ye have crucified,
both Lord and Christ.
Believing is a private opinion: confession is
putting your life on the line by admitting that Jesus is the
Christ and that obedience to Him can save you from those whose
hearing your confession were condemned: This was Christ's way to
dismantle the Jewish "worship of the starry host" where Scribes
and Phariesses are called hypocrites. Christ in Isaiah and
Ezekiel names self-speakers (sons of the Devil), singers and
instrument players. They were the "crooked race" of
skolion musicians.
Homolog-eō , S.Ph.980
2. agree to a thing, grant, concede,
homologō tade S.l.c. : abs., Hdt.8.94 ; “tini ti” Pl. Smp.195b
3. agree or promise to do, make
an agreement, come to terms, tini with another,
C. Pass., to be agreed upon, allowed or granted
by common consent, X.An.6.3.9,
7:29 And all the people that heard him,
and the publicans, justified
[Confessed God's
Right Credo]
being baptized with the
baptism of John.
Luke 7:30 But the Pharisees
and lawyers rejected
the counsel
of God against themselves,
being not baptized of him.
Rejected Atheteo 2. c.dat.,
refuse one's assent
3. deal treacherously with, break
faith with,
Opposite of
Pistis —trust
in others, faith 2. in subjective
sense, good faith, trustworthiness, honesty,
b. of things, credence, credit,
The Counsel of God
is Boule God's will,
determination, decree
12:41 These things said Esaias,
when he saw his glory, and spake of him.
John 12:42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also
many believed on him;
but because of the
they did not confess him,
(Homologeo 2.
agree to a thing, grant,
concede, 3.
) agree or promise to do,
lest they
should be put out of the synagogue:
John 12:43 For they loved the praise of men more
than the praise of God.
John 12:44 Jesus cried and said,
He that believeth on me,
believeth not on me,
but on him
that sent me. |
1Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up
a spiritual house, an holy priesthood,
to offer up spiritual
sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
You cannot worship "in spirit" and worship with "religious
observations." The only role of church is to read, discuss and
obey the Word of God. Woe to those who hatch opinions out of
their own imagination which confesses that the example and
command of Jesus Christ is NOT FOR THEM even those they eat up
the houses of widows claiming that their words are superior.
Beyond the scope of this review, the "corner" in Judaism
and paganism was the "hidden" or secret ceremonies
the godly people were never permitted to
witness. All of the not-commanded animal sacrifice and the loud
instrumental noise defines music as meaning "to make the lambs
dumb before the slaughter." The Jews silenced Jesus to
fulfill the prophecy that the Judas people would attemt to
silence Jesus with "vocal or instrumental rejoicing."
This was secret and history notes that all Priesthoods and too
many preacherhoods were effeminate and performed "the role of
The progressive SACRAMENTALISTS are built upon
the Levites whom they lie about: they say that the
Levites were God's patternism for instrumental worship in the
future church. In fact, the Levites were SOOTHSAYERS with
instrumental accompaniment warning the "laity" that if they come
near the sacrificial center--the podium--they will endanger
themselves and the whole "worship service."
Jesus dismantles the "camps" or STAFF INFECTED
clergy who usurp the role of the elders and members and ALWAYS
speaks openly without the "MYSTERY" of sacraments.
Sacraments performed by self-speak sermons and performed music
CONFESSES--like their Catholic mother--that the sacraments can
only be performed by the Levite-based clergy called in all such
sacramental "worship centers" parasites. The pattern in the
wilderness which has NEVER been abrogated is inclusively and
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time
hath in every city
them that preach him,
being read in
the synagogues every sabbath day.
The Lord's Supper is preaching the death of Jesus Christ as a
perpetual confession that Jesus died for our sins. In the
same way, salvation by grace through faith is a perpetual way to
SHOW how God saves when people obey and are baptized.
1Peter 2:6 Wherefore
also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in
Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious:
Peter 2.7 humin oun hē timē tois pisteuousin: apistousin de “lithos hon apedokimasan hoi oikodomountes houtos egenēthē eis kephalēn gōnias”
and he that
pist-euō 2. comply
, hōs oukh hupeixōn oude pisteusōn legeis; S.OT625,
cf. 646 ;
Opposite. apisteō, Id.Tr.1228.
1Peter 2:7 Unto you
therefore which believe
he is precious: |
on him shall not be
kataiskhun-ō , i.e.
show myself not unworthy of thee
3. ho mellōn Khronos emon kataiskhune . . Khreos covered me
with dishonour in that my debt remained unpaid, Pi.O.10(11).8.
, fūdi, fūsum. I. To pour, mingle, or mix
together “sermones in unum,” Liv. 7, 12, 14;
“subjecta sibi vocalis in unum sonum coalescere et confundi nequiret,” id. 1, 7, 26.
—Of bringing together in speech: “cuperem equidem utrumque (una dijudicare)
Trop., of intellectual confusion,
to disturb, disconcert, confound, perplex
“oratio confusa, perturbata,” Cic. de Or. 3, 13, 5
but unto them which be
apist-eō II.
= apeitheō, disobey,
“tini” Hdt.6.108,
freq.in Trag.and Pl., A.Pr.640,
(lyr.), Tr.1183,
al.: abs., to be disobedient, tois apistousin tade in these
things, S.Ant.219,
cf. 656; ēn d' apistōsi but if they refuse
to comply, E.Supp.389,
cf. Pl.Lg.941c.
2. to be faithless, “ei hēmeis apistoumen, ekeinos pistos menei” 2 Ep.Tim. 2.13.
Notice that believe
is always contrasted with disobedient
to disapprove, reject, condemn,
2Peter 2:4 For if God
spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast
them down to hell,
and delivered them
into chains of darkness,
to be reserved
unto judgment;
2 Peter 2:12 But
these, as natural brute beasts, [Zoon, Zao, Zoe] made to be taken and destroyed,
speak evil of the things
that they understand not;
and shall utterly perish in their own corruption
the stone which the builders
the same is made the head of the corner,
1Peter 2:8 And
a stone of stumbling, and a rock of
even to them which stumble
at the word,
being disobedient: nōn crēdo
whereunto also they were appointed
2 Peter 2:13 And shall receive the reward
of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the
day time.
Spots they are
and blemishes, sporting themselves
with their own
deceivings [delusions] while
they feast with you;
They are APPOINTED by being agents of the Babylon
mother of harlots
entru^ph-aō , “dikaiosunē” Ph.2.258; of persons, “Pelopida” Plu.Pel.30;
“en tini” D.C.65.20;
in bad sense, “en tais agapais” 2 Ep.Pet.2.13;
komai anemois enetruphōn it was playing
in the wind
treat haughtily or contemptuously
Paison paizô [pais] 4. to play (on an
instrument), Hhymn. II. to sport, play, jest, joke,
Hdt., Xen., etc.; p. pros tina to make sport of one,
mock him,
Revelation 18:22 And
the voice of harpers, and musicians,
and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be
heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman,
of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in
thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no
more at all in thee;
Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine
no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom
and of the bride [the
heiro gamos sacred prostitution]
shall be heard no more at all in thee:
Sexual Climax with God
for thy merchants were the great men of the
earth; for by thy sorceries WERE all
nations deceived.
B. pharmak-eus , eōs, o(, A. poisoner,
sorcerer, S.Tr.1140,
etc.; “gnēsioi sophistai kai ph.” juggler,
Revelation 18:14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted
after are departed from thee, and all things
which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and
thou shalt find them no more at all.
, fūdi, fūsum. I. To pour, mingle, or mix
together “subjecta sibi vocalis in unum sonum coalescere et confundi nequiret,” id. 1, 7, 26.
A. sūb-ĭcĭo
I. Lit., to throw, lay,
place, or bring under or near
suborn, subject
2. To substitute false for
true; to forge, counterfeit
B. Vōcālis ,
I. that utters a voice, sounding,
sonorous, speaking. “NYMPHA (of Echo, clanging brass),
II. Nymphae, demi-goddesses, who
inhabit the sea, rivers, fountains, woods, trees, and
mountains; nymphs. MUSES
Musical praise teams enact the Sacred Prostitute (Rev
17) she uses "lusted after fruits" parallel to Amoss: Amos 8:2 And he said, Amos, what seest
thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit.
Then said the LORD unto me, The end is come upon my
people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any
more. Amos
Chapter Eight.
P. 3 She did not wait for the
marriage-feast to come, nor for the full-voiced cry of
the hymenaeal chorus, such things as
unmarried girls her own age love to murmur in
evening songs to their companion
Revelation 18:24 And in
her was found the blood of prophets,
and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the
The Mother of Harlots (Sodom) is Jerusalem: the
patternism for all instrumental "worship."
Revelation 19:2 For true and righteous are his
judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which
did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and
hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
Sophis-tês adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, meletan sophistais
prosbalon Pi.I.5(4).28 , cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, sophistês . . parapaiôn chelun [harp]
II. from late v B.C., a Sophist,
i.e. one who gave lessons in grammar,
rhetoric, politics, mathematics, for money
hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn” A sophist,
serpent, makes MUSICAL MELODY |
10.3.19] Further, one might also find, in
addition to these facts concerning these genii and
their various names, that they were called, not only ministers of gods, but also gods themselves. For
instance, Hesiod says that five daughters were born to
Hecaterus and the daughter of Phoroneus, from whom sprang
the mountain-ranging nymphs, goddesses, and the breed of Satyrs,
creatures worthless and unfit
for work, and also the Curetes,
sportive gods, dancers.
Al Maxey: If you should
desire to get into an intense theological discussion
with someone, one that may quickly deteriorate into quite a
heated debate, just bring up the topic of baptism.
It will not be boring! Few of us question the fact that the
NT writings place some significance
upon the place of baptism in our spiritual journey.
Theology is a pseudo-science like
phrenology: the clear commands in the Bible is that it
contains the great epics and patterns of human
development: it is to be read in the belief that reading
the Epic aloud instills and confirms the values of the
story. Preaching is sacramental in that it
believes that ammending bits and pieces of the epic and
making it another narrative has redemptive value or is a
"worship service."
Al Maxey sells his body to violate the
direct command to "teach that which has been taught"
and also preaches the Law of Lay By in Store: as an ACT of
worship he confesses that it is a SACRAMENT to divert the
money to him and from the poor:
budgets--it is
now a mark of the identity of a scriptural church to have
or not to have certain benevolent programs and missionary
projects in the budget; but the time was when churches had
no such problems, for there were no budgets. The
apportionment of the contributions into a pre-arranged
budget is comparatively new, and it met with opposition
for the early writers of both the Gospel Advocate and the
Firm Foundation, perhaps for the foreseen reason of what
is happening now--an an issue develops on what may or may
not be scripturally included in the budget, and the budget
becomes a sacramental thing, the depository for the 'Lord's
Money.'" (Foy E.
Wallace, Jr., The
Gospel for Today, p 552)
Here is the direct command never
changed by 1 Corinthians 16:
"If there is a poor man with you, one
of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close
your hand from your
poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever
he lacks" (Deut. 15:7, 8-11).
H5670 abat aw-bat' A primitive
root; to pawn; causatively to lend (on security); figuratively to entangle:
borrow, break [ranks], fetch [a pledge], lend, X
Jesus said that doctors of the law take
away the key to knowledge. Therefore, the only arena for
discussion is to read the Biblical text and try to
understand each passage in context. Private
interpretation means "further expounding" out of your own
Christians are ONLY those who have been discipled
by BAPTISM and ongoing teaching: Church
has no other role. A Disciple understands that the
Scriptures are an account of God's interaction with many
nations and types of nations. The Bible contains the
Scribe's accounts of the King, Kingdom, Temple,
Sacrificial system as God's abandonment to the idolatry of
nationhood. Christ in the prophets warns about the "lying
pen of the Scribes." Jesus called the Scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites. He quotes from Christ's prophecy in
Isaiah and the Exekiel account. Christ in Ezekiel defines
these two classes by the marks of self-preaching,
performance singing and playing instruments. He
identifies all of these hypocritic arts as nothing: just
nothing at all.
The godly thread was quarantined to the
Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness. A
disciple does not look to the Scribal history of the
secular nation. God in Christ spoke through the Prophets.
The Civil-Military-Clergy complex murdered the Prophets of
Christ from the beginning.
After the musical fall from grace at Mount
Sinai, Christ--the Rock and Cornerstone--who was rejected by
the Israelites, the Qahal, Synagogue or Church of Christ was
defined inclusively and exclusively. The Church or Assembly
was open to all people from the beginning:
Acts 15:18 Known unto God are all his works
from the beginning of the world.
Acts 15:19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them,
which from among the
Gentiles are turned [converted=baptized] to God:
Acts 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from
pollutions of idols, and from fornication, a
nd from things
strangled, and from blood.
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time
hath in every city
them that preach him,
being read in
the synagogues every sabbath day.
Originally the people were "baptized" unto or
into discipleship to Moses. That never changed
for the Godly people who were quarantined from the sacrificial
system which God never commanded. They attended the
assemblies in their own neighborhood: Work included "sending
out ministers of God." Rest meant Rest and never a day
of "worship" according to Al Maxey's patternism. Jesus
"taught" in the synagogues: He stood up to read and then
decently sat down for any discussion. Paul's come
together, assembly or gathering is the "synagogue" word.
Therefore, if you need a pattern for the assembly of
Christ you go to the synagogue which was a school of the Word
of God.
Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling
of ourselves together,
as the manner of some
is; but exhorting one another:
and so much the more, as
ye see the day approaching.
Al Maxey thinks that the "clergy" has the right to call the
assembly: He and everyone believes that "not forsaking"
carries sacramental power and is therefore a SACRAMENT for
religious performance and not a school where Christ does the
Al Maxey teaches people to forsake the assembly: That is
true of all who reject the clear commands of God in Christ.
Con-grĕgo Congrego Academia congregation.
where plato taught, scholars are called Academici,
and his doctrine Philosophia Academica..
The philosophy of the Acadamy, instaret
quae quidquid dixisses, OPPOSITE to the academy of
the Cynics to be excluded as "dogs" by Paul.
Episun-a^gōgē , hē,
The Synagogue was to read and discuss
the Word (only) of God (only)
paraka^leō III.
exhort, encourage,
comfort, console, “tous penthountas” LXX Si.48.24:—Pass.,
To mnēmon-euō II.
call to another's mind, mention, say,
c. acc., “alēthē -eueis” Pl.Lg.646b,
etc.; m. tini tinos make mention of a
thing to another, Phalar.Ep.2:
c. gen., make mention of, tou ethnous en tais historiais J.l.c., cf. Plu.Them.32,
etc.; “m. adelphōn” LXX 1 Ma.12.11.
B. Pass., to be remembered, had in memory,
The INCLUSIVE and EXCLUSIVE pattern defined
by Christ in the Wilderness. Under Jesus Christ the
church is edified or educated on the Prophets and Apostles with
Christ being the author of both.
lectĭo , ōnis, f. lego.
I. A
gathering, collecting.
A reading, perusal; a reading
out, reading aloud.
Transf. (abstr. pro contr.), that
which is read, reading, text (post-class.): “lectio
tamen docet, eo tempore solitos, etc.,” Macr.
S. 7, 7, 5: “haec sunt quae lectio pontificalis habet,” id.
ib. 7, 13, 11 fin.: “juris lectiones,” passages
of the laws
to recite what is written, labe to biblion kai lege Plat., etc.:—but
the sense of Lat. lego, to read.
verbal noun of lego
Opposite kata pathos
Opposite music, poetry or rhetoric
human reasoning
Epagoge bringint in to one's aid, introduction
enticement, incantation, spell
Opposite Pathos A. that
which happens to a person or thing, incident,
where this incident took place, unfortunate
2. what one has experienced, good
or bad, experience
II. of the soul, emotion, passion
(“legō de pathē . . holōs hois hepetai hēdonē ē lupē” Arist.EN1105b21),
“sophiē psukhēn pathōn aphaireitai”
exhortor, I. an exhorting, exhortation,
encouraging (mostly post-Aug.; not in
Cic.): “studiorum,” Quint. 12, 11, 25.
Vulg. Act. 13, 15
stŭdĭum , ii, n. studeo,
I. a busying one's self about or application
to a thing; assiduity, zeal, eagerness,
fondness, inclination, desire, exertion,
endeavor, study: stu dium est animi assidua et
vehemens ad aliquam rem applicata magnā cum voluntate
occupatio, ut philosophiae, poëticae, geometriae, litterarum,
Cic. Inv. 1, 25, 36.—
Acts 13:14 But when they departed from Perga, they
came to Antioch in Pisidia,
and went into the
on the sabbath day, and sat down.
Acts 13:15 And after the reading
of the law and the prophets
the rulers of the
synagogue sent unto them,
saying, Ye men and
if ye have any
word of exhortation for the people, say on.
Acts 13:16 Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand
Men of Israel,
and ye that fear God, give audience.
Acts 13:17 The God of this people of Israel chose our
and exalted the people
when they dwelt as strangers
in the land of
Egypt, and with an high arm brought he them out of it.
B. Application to learning or studying,
study; in the plur., studies (very
freq.; also in Cic.; cf.: “studeo and studiosus): pabulum studii atque doctrinae,”
b). A place for study, a
study, school (late Lat.): “philosophum (se egit) in omnibus studiis, templis, locis,
Pābŭlum . food, nourishment.
Doctrīna I. teaching,
instruction (class.; cf.: litterae, artes,
disciplina, praecepta, scientia, humanitas). A.
Object., the knowledge imparted by teaching, i. e. science,
erudition, learning
A Church of Christ is built (edified, educated) on the Prophets
and Apostles. The Spirit OF Christ prophesied the
nature of the future "rest" both inclusively and exclusively;
Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled these prophecies as a man.
Peter said that if you do not teach that resource you are a
false teacher.
But even unto
this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my
knowledge in the mystery of Christ) Ep.3:4
Colossians 4:15 Salute the
brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas,
and the church which
is in his house.
Colossians 4:16 And when this epistle is read among
cause that it be read
also in the church of the Laodiceans;
and that ye likewise read
the epistle from Laodicea.
But even unto this
day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my
knowledge in the mystery of Christ) Ep.3:4
1Timothy 4:13
Till I come, give attendance to [public] reading, to
exhortation, to doctrine
1Thessalonians 5:27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle
be read unto all the holy brethren
Anaginosko (g314) an-ag-in-oce'-ko;
from 303 and 1097; to know again, i.e. (by extens.) to read: - read.
"The word
that is employed for this "anaginosko, anagnosis)
is the technical term for the cultic
reading aloud of the
Old Testament in the synagogue. By
applying this terminology to the reading of his own
epistles he not only ascribes the same authority
to the apostolic word as to the Old Testament
writings...he also combines a quotation from the Old
Testament with a word of Jesus and introduces the whole
with the familiar formula: 'for the Scripture says.'"
(Ridderbos, Hermon, Paul, P. 483 an Outline of His Theo.,
"anaginosko--of written characters, know
them again, and so, read, 6.
Med., attach oneself to a thing, cling, cleave
to, 7. Pass., to be held fast by
a thing
1. know well,
know certainly,
“ou gar pō tis heon gonon autos anegnō” Od.1.216,
cf. 21.205, Il.13.734.
b. perceive, Theoc.24.23.
2. know again,
recognize, Od.4.250;
once in Hdt., acknowledge,
own, “anagnōnai tous suggeneas” Hdt.2.91,
cf. Pi.I.2.23:
aor. Pass. once in E., “ei men gar ezē posis, anegnōsthēmen an” Hel.290.
II :—of written characters, know
them again, and so, read, first in Pi.O.10(11).1,
cf. Ar.Eq.118,
1065, Th.3.49,
books read aloud, hence, published,
opp. ta anekdota, [unpublished] Lycon
Homologia (g3671) hom-ol-og-ee'-ah;
from the same as 3670; acknowledgment: - con- (pro-) fession, professed.
We confess or profess our SUBJECTION to
the Gospel which has the condition of baptism.
Those who rejected the COUNSEL or WILL
for thei r lives were those who refused to be baptized
1 Ti.6:3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words,
the words of
our Lord Jesus Christ,
and to the doctrine which is
according to godliness;
1 Tim 6:4
He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words,
whereof cometh envy,
strife, railings, evil surmisings,
1 Tim 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt
and destitute of the truth,
supposing that gain is godliness:
from such withdraw thyself. [apostasize]
Ephesians 5:9 (For the fruit of the
Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
Ephesians 5:10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with
the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather
reprove them.
Aiskhros ,
disgrace, put to shame, muthon e. treat a speech with
contempt, Il.9.522; e. tina put one to shame,
Od. 21.424
Il. 9.492,
[505] Howbeit Sin is strong and fleet of foot, wherefore
she far out-runneth them all,
and goeth before
them over the face of all the earth
making men to
fall, and Prayers follow after, seeking to heal
the hurt.
[520] and hath sent forth warriors to
beseech thee, choosing them that are best throughout the
host of the Achaeans, and that to thine own self are
dearest of the Argives; have not thou scorn of their
words, neither of their coming hither; though till then no
man could blame thee that thou wast wroth. Even in this
manner have we heard the fame of men of old
Od. 21.424
But he spoke to Telemachus, saying: “Telemachus, the
stranger [425] that sits in thy halls brings no shame upon
thee, nor in any wise did I miss the mark, or labour long
in stringing the bow; still is my strength unbroken—not as
the wooers scornfully taunt me. But now it is time that
supper too be made ready for the Achaeans, while yet there
is light, and thereafter must yet other sport
be made [430] with song and with the lyre;
for these things are the accompaniments of a feast.”
He spoke, and made a sign with his brows, and Telemachus,
the dear son of divine Odysseus, girt about him his sharp
sword, and took his spear in his grasp, and stood by the
chair at his father's side, armed with gleaming
II. cross-examine,
question, accuse one of doing, 2 test,
bring to the proof,
4. refute, confute, b. put
right, correct, prove by a reductio ad impossibile
5. get the better of betray
a weakness,
"Not surprisingly,
most Israelites declined the prophet's invitation to enter into a
dialog with Yahweh. They preferred a less
demanding religion of cultic observance either
in the Jerusalem Temple or in the old fertility
cults of Canaan. This continues
to be the case: the religion of compassion is
followed only by a minority; most religious people are
content with decorous worship in synagogue, church,
temple and mosque.
ancient Canaanite religions were still
flourishing in Israel... the Israelites were still
taking part in fertility rites and sacred sex there, as we see in the
oracles of the prophet Hosea, Amos' contemporary.
(Armstrong, Karen, A History of God, p. 47).
SCHOOL OF THE WORD. That is why most "scholars" are
deprived of Christ in the Prophets.
are NOT subject to "further expounding" or being challenged.
The Word of Christ is to be OBEYED.
Prophecy of Baptism in Isaiah 1 is parallel to Mark
The Isaiah
DSS Scroll the Ethiopean Enoch would have with him caused
him to want to be baptized as soon as he discovered that
Messiah had come.
12. (10)
Hear the word of YHWH princes of Sodom and
give ear to the Torah of our God people of Gomorrah.
(11) What are they to me,
13. your multiplied sacrifices, says YHWH, I am
sated with holocausts of rams and the fat of
fatlings, and in the blood
14. of bulls and lambs and goats I have no delight.
When you come to see my face to make this request
15. from your hands treading my courtyard.
Do not continue to bring empty gifts,
Incense is an abomination
16. to me, new moon and sabbaths,
calling of reading meetings,
I am not able to
endure even the sacred assembly.
Your new moons and
seasonal feasts
17. my soul hates, they are a burden to me, I am tired
bearing them.
And when you spread
your hands I will hide my eyes
18. from you, also when you multiply prayer I will not
listen, your hands are full of blood.
19. Wash and make yourselves clean and turn
away the evil of your habitual practices from
before my eyes, stop doing evil. (17) Learn
9:9 Which was a figure for the time then
in which were
offered both gifts and sacrifices,
that could not
make him that did the service perfect,
as pertaining to
the conscience;
parabol-ē, A. juxtaposition,
9:10 Which stood only in meats and drinks,
and divers washings,
and carnal
ordinances, imposed on them until the
time of reformation.
Hebrews 9:11 But Christ being come an high
priest of good things to come,
by a greater and more
perfect tabernacle, not made with hands,
that is to say,
not of this building;
Hebrews 9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves,
but by his own blood he entered in once into the
holy place, having obtained eternal redemption
for us.
9:23 It was therefore necessary that the patterns
of things in the heavens should be purified
with these; but the heavenly things themselves
with better sacrifices than these.
When Jesus went into the heavenly Tabernacle it was not to
replace animal slaughter but to purify the "chuch" as His
body. The Church of Christ as "calling of assemblies"
were no better because they did not follow the direct command
to PREACH the word by READING the Word of God.
Those whom He adds to that heavenly kingdom must themselves by
washed to become an apostle.
lăvo , lāvi, lautum,
lăvātum and lōtum
II. Trop., to wash away: “venias nunc precibus lautum peccatum tuum,” Ter. Phorm. 5, 7, 80:
“dulci Mala vino lavere,” Hor. C. 3, 12, 2.—Hence,
lautus , a, um, P. a.
Isa 1:16 Wash you, make
you clean; put away the evil of your doings from
before mine eyes; cease to do evil;
Rachac (h7364)
raw-khats'; a prim. root; to lave (the whole or
a part of a thing): - bathe (self), wash (self).
The baptism of Naaman had
real effects because it was obedience to the commands of
God. Baptism was the instrumental means because God
made it so.
We know that if we take a bath it has no effect on our
spirit or conscience. However, If God promises that He
will give us A holy spirit or A good
conscience IF we obey Him which is the first step of being a
disciple to anyone. If we debate with God we are not fit to
be a disciple.
Only after baptism is our spirits translated
into that heavenly kingdom which has been sanctified by the
blood of Jesus Christ.
20. to do well, pursue
judgement, bless the oppressed, judge the orphan,
contend for the widow. (PP)
17] Learn to do well. Seek justice, Relieve the
oppressed, Judge the fatherless, Plead for the widow."
21. Please come and let us
reason together says YHWH,
if your sins are like scarlet they
shall be white as snow
22. if they be as red as
crimson they shall be as wool.
(19) If you are obedient and you
give heed then of the good of the Land [
{you shall eat.}]
23. (20) But if you
and you rebel you will be devoured by the sword
because the mouth of YHWH has said
"He that believeth" means he that complies. He that "believeth
not" is the Greek Apistos which means that you understand but
you REFUSE and REBEL against God. No person who has a remote
hint that God is God and they are not CANNOT question the
Eternal God of the Universe.
Jerusalem is "the Mother of Harlots." She is Sodom.
How the faithful city has become a prostitute! She was
full of justice; righteousness lodged in her, But now
Those who claim to teach FOR God in Christ are infidels almost
by definition.
Isaiah 1.23 Your princes are rebellious [infidelis],
and companions of thieves. Everyone loves bribes, and follows
after rewards. They don't judge the fatherless,
Neither does the cause of the widow come to them.
Those who refuse to obey are rebels and Challenge
God to a contest. Devouring in the religious operation sense
C. ejus
oratio, nimia
attenuata, a
multitudine et a foro
swallowed but not digested (i. e. heard
without being understood),
Cic. Brut. 82, 283.
ē-lŏquor II. In
to speak in an
oratorical or
manner (only
absol.): et Graece ab eloquendo
rhētōr et Latine eloquens
dictus est .: “
composite, ornate, copiose
Itaque eius oratio nimia religione attenuata doctis et attente audientibus erat inlustris,
multitudine autem et a foro,
cui nata eloquentia est,
When a group claims that "a" spirit told them to impose
ceremonial legalism with the best performance preacher money can
buy, performance singers, adding instrumental music and trying
to dramatize the work of God this IS PROOF that God has turned
the people over to the Scribes and Pharisees to be devoured
Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: by quoting
Isaiah and Ezekiel 33 Christ named self-preachers, singers and
instrument players.
Matthew 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! for ye devour widows’
houses, and for a pretence make long prayer:
therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
Hupo-kri^tēs ,
A. one who
2. of an
poikilos hu. kai perittos (of Dem.)
Phld.Rh.1.197 S.;
one who delivers, recites,
Oneiros 'you
are telling me what I know already', leave the gender
doubtful. in similes or metaphors, of
anything unreal or fleeting,
Poikilos 2.
of Art, p. humnos a song of
changeful strain or full of diverse art,
“poikilon kitharizōn”
“dedaidalmenoi pseudesi poikilois muthoi” Id.O.1.29;
of style, “lexis poiētikōtera kai p.” Isoc.15.47
(Comp.); “skhēmatismoi” D.H.Is.3.
“Epōn” Tim.Lex. s.v.
rhapsōdoi; rhapsodist,
this sense or sense
is possible in
(iii B. C.).
Epos , older wepos SIG9 (v. infr.),
etc., eos,
IV. in pl., epic poetry, opp. melē (lyric poetry), iambeia, dithuramboi, etc., “rhaptōn epeōn aoidoi” Pi.N.2.2
; “ta Kupria epea” Hdt.2.117,
cf. Th.1.3,
etc. ; “epea te poiein pros luran t' aeidein” Theoc.Ep.21.6
; “nikēsas epo
2Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the
scripture is of any private interpretation.
Epi-lu^sis , eōs, hē,
release from, “e. phobōn didou” A.Th.134
(lyr.): abs., exemption from banishment,
It is
Anti-Christian to
try to preach that people are under "
grace" and
cannot be punished: by releasing people from fear you are
usurping the role of Scripture.
2. solution, “sophismatōn” S.E.P.2.246; explanation,
2 Ep.Pet.1.20,
Vett. Val.172.3
(pl.), Hld.1.18, 4.9, Iamb.Protr.21
is Anti-Christian
to use machines, music or anything presumed to AID
the Word of God.
Soph-isma , atos, to, A. acquired
skill, method,
Mēkha^n-ē II. any
artificial means or contrivance for
doing a thing
3. theatrical machine by which
gods, etc., were made to appear in the air
Soph-isma , atos, to, A. acquired
skill, method II. clever
device, ingenious contrivance, stage-trick,
Ekhn-ē , hē, (tektōn) A. art,
skill, cunning of hand, soothsayer (Levites)
2. craft,
II. an
art or craft, i.e. a set of rules,
system or method of making or doing,
whether of the
useful arts, or of the fine art Art of Rhetoric,
O. 13 But the fame for every work is due to
its inventor. Whence did the graces of Dionysus first
come to light, with the ox-driving dithyramb?
Plek-ō , Pi.O. 6.86,
II. metaph., devise, contrive,
mostly of tortuous mean
2. of Poets, p. humnon, rhēmata, Pi.O.6.86,
“ōdas” Critias Fr.1 D.; “p. logous” E.Rh.834,
form the plot of a tragedy, opp. luein, Arist.Po.1456a9:—hence
in Pass., muthoi peplegmenoi complex,
O. 6 [85] who bore horse-driving Thebe,
whose delicious water I drink, while I weave my embroidered
song for heroic spearmen. Now rouse your companions,
Aeneas, first to shout the praises of Hera Parthenia,
and then to know whether we have truly escaped the
ancient reproach [90] of men's speech, “Boeotian pig.”
For you are a faithful herald, a message-stick of the
lovely-haired Muses, a sweet mixing-bowl of
loud-sounding songs.
tēs rhētorikēs” Longin.17.2; opp. a true logical
argument (philosophēma, epikheirēma),
rhētor-ikos , ē, on, A. oratorical,
hē rhētorikē (sc. tekhnē) rhetoric,
Phld.Rh.1.187 S.; to rh. Pl.Phdr.266c,
ta rh. D.L.4.49,
2. of persons, skilled in speaking, fit to
be an orato
2Corinthians 11:20 For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage,
if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt
himself, if a man smite you on the face.
What Christ prophesied MUST BE fulfilled
by Jesus of Nazareth before the Law passed away.
Mark 16:15 And
he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel
to every creature.
Mark 16:16 He that believeth [complieth] and is baptized
shall be saved;
but he that
not shall be damned.
If you give Jesus Christ
Credit that he will fulfil His promise
I. Orig. belonging to the lang. of business, to
give as a loan, to loan, lend, make or loan
to any one: (vilicus) injussu domini credat nemini
A. With the prevailing idea of intended
protection, to commit or consign
something to one for preservation, protection.
b. Mihi crede, believe me, confide in my words,
upon my word, emoi pithou, an expression of
Credo g). After negatives it forms
a strong affirmative, and after the adverbs above named a
strong negative. by no means, not at all, the reverse
, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. damno.
I. to
sentence, condemn, convict (in good prose; rare in
the poets).
Mark begins and ends
by speaking about the command to BAPTIZE.
THE beginning (Arche, most important) of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God; Mark 1:1
The gospel defined by Paul
concerning the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST are the first principle
ot the PROTOS gospel. That is, the Gospel is
that Jesus provided a way for us to be saved.
The word "beginning" is
the word ARCHE: that means that Mark is going to
tell us the MOST IMPORTANT part of the Gospel for
we who are humans.
Henry George Liddell,
Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon
archê , hê, (v. archô) beginning,
beginning, from
the first,
from of old, lay a foundation,
from the beginning, from the first, from of old,
logos the
original argument,
the principal
sum, first principle, element
The ARCH is that
upon which the structure is built. The GOOD
NEWS is that we can obey a FORM of the POTOS
Therefore, Mark looks back to the
GOSPEL prophesied by Malachi and forward to "THE" faith or
the Christian system.
Mark 1:2 As it is written in the
prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which
shall prepare thy WAY before thee.
Mark 1:3 The voice (shouting) of one
crying in the wilderness (a very lonely place), Prepare ye
the WAY of the Lord, make his paths straight
(level at once).
Mark then reveals the most
important principle of the gospel for those who are not
Jesus the Christ.
John DID baptize in the wilderness,
and preach the baptism of repentance FOR the remission of sins. Mark 1:4
Those who believed and repented were
baptized for or THAT their sins be remitted. They were
the promised remnant which had not bowed their knees
to bail and were alive in Jerusalem.
Notice the two GROUPS
which is always the meaning of PREDESTINATED purpose.
And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be
my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob,
........[1] and to restore the preserved of Israel:
........[2] I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles,
........[3] that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth. Isa 49:6
The Baptism of Jesus was for the same
purpose but promised the gift of A holy spirit or A good
conscience which was not possible to those under the curse
of the law.
This was the MARK of the presence
of God in the flesh. Many Jews saw this baptizer as a SIGN
of Messiah:
And there went out unto
him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and
were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their
sins. Mark 1:5
And they asked him, and
said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that
nor Elias, neither that prophet? John 1:25
John explains his role to
make known the Messiah. The passage noted is:
Mal 4:5 Behold, I will
send you Elijah the prophet before the
coming of the great and dreadful day of the
Mal 4:6 And he shall turn the heart of
the fathers to the children, and the heart of the
children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with
a curse.
To understand Malachi it is important
to look where Mark points to prove that Baptism was
BEHOLD, I will send my
messenger, and he shall prepare the WAY before me: and the Lord,
whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple,
even the messenger of the covenant, whom
ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of
hosts. Malachi 3:1
But who may abide
(comprehend or receive) the day of his coming? and who
shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a REFINER'S FIRE, and like FULLER'S SOAP: Malachi 3:2 (To Wash)
The refiner's fire made silver and gold
to become a water vessel pure enough to enter into the
temple. Our spirit is the temple of God. Fuller's Soap
makes Crimson garments as white as snow.
Kabac (h3526) kaw-bas, to trample;
hence to wash (prop. by stamping with the feet)...
WASHING. The Greek Louo (g3068) means to bathe the
whole person.
And from Jesus Christ,
who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the
dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him
that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, Re.1:5
Christ causes us to contact that Blood BY GRACE when we obey a
"form of that action" instead of being crucified ourselves.
Therefore, Al Maxey denes that the FUNDAMENTAL principle of the
Gospel is that Jesus has to wash us before He adds to His
Church, His Kingdom.
Al Maxey says it isn't so.
Al Maxey blasphemes against the Spirit of Christ in the
As the ANTITHESIS to the
performance of religious observations Christ called out
the spiritual people people to His School of the Word of
God. Disciples of Christ do not invent dogma to
justify getting a dole for a role God in Christ
specificially made impossible if you follow the spiritual
PATTERNISM which made Paul, Timothy and the Gentiles wise
unto salvation.
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in
every city
them that preach
being read
in the synagogues every sabbath day.
The absolute patternism is to READ and DISCUSSS the Word of God:
anyone who goes beyond that is trying to justify riding on the
backs of widows and honest working people. Because there
is no law of tithing or law of giving anyone who is informed
from the enemies of Christ is an enemy of Christ. That is
a mark: it is called corrupting the Word or selling the Word at
retail also defined as adultery.
Excluding all other pseudo-scholars whom God loves to make
into a joke:
Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came
and spake unto them, saying,
All power is
given unto me in heaven and in earth.
legō (B), opp. ouden legei has no meaning,
no authority, “ouden l. to sōphronōs traphēnai” Ar.Eq.334,
cf. V.75;
ouden legeis nonsense!
sounds vocal or instrumental
G1849 exousia ex-oo-see'-ah From G1832
(in the sense of ability); privilege, that is, (subjectively) force, capacity, competency, freedom, or (objectively)
mastery (concretely magistrate, superhuman,
potentate, token of control), delegated
influence:authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power,
right, strength.
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore,
[1] teach all nations, [make
[2] baptizing them in the name
[singular] of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ma^thēt-euō ,
A. to be pupil,
tini to one, Plu.2.832c.
II. trans., make
a disciple of, instruct, “panta ta ethnē” Ev.Matt.28.19,
cf. Act.Ap.14.21:—Pass.,
Acts 14:21 And
when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had
taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to
Iconium, and Antioch,
Acts 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples,
and exhorting them
to continue in the faith,
and that we must
through much tribulation
enter into the
kingdom of God.
, A dip, plunge, “xiphos eis sphagēn” J.BJ2.18.4;
“spathion eis to embruon” Sor.2.63:—Pass.,
of a trephine, Gal.10.447; “baptison seauton eis thalassan
[select] baptize, “tina” Ev.Marc.1.4;
“en hudati eis metanoian” Ev.Matt.3.11:—Pass.,
“baptisthētō hekastos eis aphesin hamartiōn” Act.Ap.2.38;
“eis Khriston” Ep.Rom.6.3,
etc.:—Med., dip oneself, LXX4 Ki.5.14;
get oneself baptized, Act.Ap.22.16,
1 Ep.Cor.10.2:—Pass.,
perform ablutions, Ev.Luc. 11.38.
Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he
should not see death; and was not found, because God had
translated him: for before his translation he had this
testimony, that he pleased God.
Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to
please him:
for he that cometh to
God must believe that he is,
and that he is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things
not seen as yet,
moved with
fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his
by the which he
condemned the world,
and became heir of the
righteousness which is by faith.
Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to
go out into a place which he should after receive for an
inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing
whither he went.
Genesis 26:4 And I will make thy seed to multiply as the
stars of heaven,
and will give unto thy
seed all these countries;
and in thy seed
shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
Genesis 26:5 Because that Abraham
obeyed my
and kept my charge,
my commandments,
my statutes,
and my laws.
Making a disciple who has been instructed demands:
[3] TeachING them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am
with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Mt 28:20
di^daskō , in causal
sense:—instruct a person, or teach a thing,
tēr-eō (tē- watch over, take care
of, guard, III. observe or keep
an engagement
Jesus commanded us to be baptized to be saved.
That is spelled CENI for those who will RESIST
all authority.
Jesus Christ TAUGHT the demand to be baptized to be
accepted as HIS disciple.
Al Maxey says that believing in Aaron the Tentmaker makes
YOU a master Tentmaker.
[4] We
note that those who gladly received the Word WERE
baptized: there is no questioning of God's command IF you are of
faith or of truth. Those who debate with God are not and
can never be added to the invisible, internal kingdom of God.
If you are PROFESSIONED to lead a congregation into Worship
Services be aware that Jesus said that the Kingdom
of God does not come with observation. Pau
defined such religious services with performace acts as LYING
WONDERS always to identify those STRONGLY DELUDED.
Jesus speaks only what He hears from
God the father. How can anyone on God's side deny
His right to command.
Entellō, A. enjoin, command,
Act. only in Pi.O.7.40,
mostly in Med., “tini ti” Hdt.1.47,
etc.; in a will, “philois tauta entellomai” Diog.Oen.66: c. dat. pers. et
inf., Hdt.1.53,
etc.; enteilasthai apo glōssēs command by
word of mouth, Hdt.1.123:
so in pf., “entetaltai” LXX 3 Ki.13.17;
“entetalmenoi eiēsan” Plb.18.2.1,
cf. Hdn.1.9.9:—Pass., “ta entetalmena” commands,
Hdt.1.60,5.73, S. Fr.462,
invest with legal powers, authorize
to act, “e. soi kai epitrepō”
Jesus said: All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth.
First: 1317. didaktiko
didaktikos, did-ak-tik-os´; from 1318; instructive
(“didactic”): — apt to teach.
baptism in the NAME of Jesus Christ (not a magical
formula). Christ removes sin from THEIR
spirit so they have A holy spirit. This, says
Paul in 2 Corinthians 3, is the only way you request A
good conscience (co-perception) so that you can read BLACK text on BROWN
is a lie that baptism just ENHANCES our faith
without any power as Christ's INSTRUMENTAL MEANS
:1319. didaskali÷a didaskalia, did-as-kal-ee´-ah; from
1320; instruction (the function or the information):
— doctrine, learning, teaching.
The direct command from the Church of Christ in the wilderness
was to:
- PREACH the Word
- by READING the Word.
- That is what Paul commanded Timothy.
- Al Maxey etal deliberately DISOBEYS this direct
- A disciple goes to Bible Class: not to a pagan worship
Jesus by the authority of God hand picked those He wanted to
be His Apostles. Since Al is not an apostle it is only the
business of Jesus Christ how He made them disciples. The
stumbling block that
Luke 6:1 And it came to pass on the second sabbath after the
first, that he went through the corn fields;
and his
plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their
Jesus made disciples by personally teaching them. It is
probably that as part of the remnant they were baptized by
John. Jesus does not speak to us--whatever the
progressive preachers say--and He provided another way to
SELECT disciples by a Clear
No go
test at baptism.
Discĭpŭlus , i, m.
disco, and root of puer,
pupilla; cf. Sanscr.,
son; Gr.
pōlos; Engl.,
I. a learner,
scholar, pupil, disciple.
I. In gen.,
-Plaut. Bacch. 1, 2,
44 sq.;
Cic. Div. 1, 3, 6;
1, 23, 46;
id. N. D. 3, 7
et saep.—
Trop. Prov.: “
discipulus est prioris posterior dies,”
Pub. Syr. 120 (Rib).—In the
discĭpŭla , ae,
female scholar or
disciple: “
ego te dedam discipulam cruci,”
Plaut. Aul. 1, 1, 20;
Plin. 35, 11, 40, §
Hor. S. 1, 10, 91;
Vulg. Act. 9, 36 al.—Cf.
transf., of the nightingale,
Plin. 10, 29, 43, §
83.—Of Latin eloquence: “
Latina facundia similis Graecae ac prorsus ejus discipula videtur,”
Quint. 12, 10, 27.—
A disciple is never called a worshiper in a ceremonial
legalistic sense: the unique word for worship is to give
heed to Jesus by giving heed to the Words of Jesus Christ.
Al Maxey: Because "the
Churches of Christ have always taught that baptism is the event
during which salvation occurs" [ibid].
Thus, we have historically insisted upon "a sacramental
Churches of Christ teach that baptism
is the event where salvation occurs.
Churches of Christ DO NOT believe that baptism is a
sacrament which is just as effective on an infant as it
is on a believer.
Only those who know enough to believe,
repent and confess the name of Jesus Christ as God's only
Son and believe that baptism is the only time and place
Jesus ordained as the instrumental means of requesting the
remission of sins are baptized. People understand that
Jesus died for their sins and there is nothing that they
can do which actually remits sins or saves. Everyone
understands that Jesus Christ is the one who does the
saving. A sacramentalists believes that
their act does the saving.
Therefore Al Maxey is a False Teacher.
Sacramentalism discussions was in the
context of the Catholics insisting that infants
were free from sin BECAUSE someone sprinkled water
on their heads. It didn't matter whether the child
was fully human enough to even have brain cells to
believe. Therefore, all the Phduhs always miss the
Salvation or remission of sin occurs as a
request to God for A holy spirit or A
good conscience. None of the pseudo scholars know of any
one who believes that the ACT of baptism is the saving
power but Scripture says that water is Christ's
INSTRUMENTAL MEANS: those who dispute this are not
Al Maxey fails to understand because he
fails to understand that Baptism washes away sins because
that is the way to "call on the name of the Lord" or be
baptized "in the name of the Lord."
Only after baptism did God the Father acknowledge
Jesus of Nazareth as a son. Only after believers
obey that form or type or "a pattern capable of being
imitated" does Paul say that they are THEN free from sin.
Al Maxey: The Baptists,
by way of example, have rather frequently characterized us
as "baptismal regenerationists,"
which is just another way of characterizing us, with regard
to our traditional perception and practice
of baptism, as rigid sacramentalists.
They Lie, you know: people are
saved by Grace (teachings of Christ) through faith WHEN
they have been buried and raised with Jesus Christ.
No one teaches that dipping in water without respect to
the saving power of God in Christ so that is repeating a
Al should know that God in Christ
REGENERATES us when we obey His direct command to be
baptized IN ORDER to the remission of sins and receive A
holy spirit or A good conscience. Early church
theologians always denied that water regenerates (Maxey)
but that regeneration never happens without REQUESTING
rather than DEMANDING based on the Baptist's own power to
in his ruins is, however, a proper
subject of a remedial system. He is susceptible
of renovation. Therefore God has placed him under a regenerating
economy. This economy contemplates the
regeneration of the whole human constitution, and
proposes as its consummation the transformation of spirit,
soul, and body. The destiny of the
regenerate is described by Paul in one sentence: - "As
we now bear the image of the earthly Adam, we shall
then bear the image of the heavenly Adam."
God's own Son is proposed as a
model. Conformity to him in
glory, honor, and immortality, as the perfection of
the regenerate, is the predestination of him who
speaks of things that are not, as though they were.
moral and physical: or, in
other words, there is now a renovation of the mind - of the
understanding, will, and affections - and
there will hereafter be a renovation of the body: - "For
this corruptible body shall put on incorruption, and
this mortal body shall put on immortality."
"the bath of regeneration" is not meant the first, second, or third act; but the last act of
regeneration, which completes the
whole, and is, therefore, used to denote the new birth.
This is
the reason why our Lord and his apostles unite this act
with water. Being born of water, in the
Saviour's style, and the bath of regeneration, in the
Apostles' style,
in the
judgment of all writers and critics of eminence, refer
to one and the same act - viz.: Christian baptism.
Hence it
came to pass, that all the ancients (as fully
proved in our first
Extra on Remission) used the word regeneration as synonymous
in signification with immersion. In addition
to the numerous quotations made in our Essay on Remission, from the
creeds and liturgies of Protestant churches,
we shall
add another from the Common Prayer (?) of the Church of
England, showing unequivocally that the learned
doctors of that church used the words regeneration and baptism as
In the
address and prayer of the minister after the baptism of
the child, he is commanded to say, -
now, dearly beloved brethren, that this child is
regenerate, and grafted into the
body of Christ's church, let us give thanks unto
Almighty God for these benefits, and with one accord
make our prayer unto him that this child may lead the
rest of his life according to this beginning."
great prophet, the Messiah, gives to
water the same place and power in the work of
But the
New Testament itself confirms this exposition of the
phrase. We find the word loutron once more
used by the same apostle, in the
same connection of thought. In his letter to the
affirms that Jesus has sanctified (separated,
purified with the water of purification) the church by a
of water - "a bath of water, with
the word" - "having cleansed it by a bath of water, with
the word." [NOTE: Ephesians v. 26]
the means of salvation are means of enjoyment,
not of procurement.
contiinues when speaking of being born again - when
explaining to Nicodemus the new birth, he says,
"Except a man be born of water and of the
Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God." May not
we, then, supported by such high authorities, call that
water of which a person is born again, the water or bath of
While the Word is the seed which engenders
life, a fertilized egg cannot be a Disciple
of Christ. A mature adult must go through the
process of regeneration which begins with hearing the Word
and have his OLD spirit made into A holy spirit before
they can become a Disciple of Christ.
Along with many other pagan practices, the
Catholic Encyclopedia notes that lights and music were
adopted because they were common to all pagan sects.
Baptismal regeneration of infants presuppose that in
sexual contact with the father the mother transmitted a
deadly virus.
Baptismal regeneration was a pagan
baptism where people were WASHED after they
had been initiated into the mysteries at which
they were saved. Because this was a sexual
or homosexual ritual you can understand why the
"mystery" as the source for "music" meaning to make the lambs
or initiates dumb before the slaughter or
Why would Al the Baptist want to wash off
AFTER he has gone through the ritual they tried on
Jesus? Baptism outwardly is washing the body: washing the
body is "obeying that pattern capable of being imitated."
Al Maxey: Before getting too
much more deeply into this study, we need to define some
terms. First, it needs to be noted that the word
"sacrament" never occurs in the English Bible, but comes
to us from the Latin Bible, in which the Greek word musterion,
from which we get words like "mystery" and "mysterious,"
was translated with the word "sacramentum."
"Although none of these passages" in which
this Latin word appears "uses 'mystery' to refer to baptism,
Lord's Supper, or any other religious rite,
the later church began to make that identification" [Holman
Bible Dictionary, p. 1218], and therefore began
to ascribe to these select practices of the church a
much deeper, somewhat "mysterious," spiritual
No one who understood the
true meaning of musterion would understand it as a Christian
sacrament. It was a military sacrament just as Al's
Levite musicians were under the king and commandersof the
Al Maxey is subconsciously
or unconsciously reading off the page of STRONG
DELUSIONS when he brings up the subject that religious
musical performers were always homosexuals performing the
roles of women.
The Catholics are clearly
imitators of Judaism which is God's abandonment of
them to Babylonianism.
A Christian is a Disciple:
a Disciple of Christ PREACHES by READING and
discussing the Word. This was a direct command for the
Church in the wildernes. practiced throughout the Old
Testament for the godly people, exampled by Jesus and
command by the word ekklesia or synagogue.
Scripture is not given for
wannabe scholars to make Dogma and get paid teaching
lies all over the place. Music is derived from "mysteries"
which meant in sacrificial systems "to make the lambs dumb
before the slaughter." Apparently it still works.
Since there is no history which does not question the gender
of religious musicians it may help to warn people not to
participate in a VIRTUAL initiation where the "audience" is
being used by the musicator for his own pleasurees.
Why Males in the
Post-Biblical Effeminate Church are Disguised as Empty Pews or
Hostile Masculines: it Will Get Worse! "Of the
Effeminate Willow-Creek "Holy Entertainment" System: "The
cost of this approach is hard work and loads of strife
with church insiders." Christianity Today
Johannes Quasten. In Music and Worship in Pagan and
Christian Antiquity, beginning on page 41 He uses many of the church Fathers and Classical
resources we also rely upon:
"In every
Greek city the god Dionysus [new wineskin
god] was worshipped by fraternities and sororities and also
by mixed communities. Dionysus was a god of fruitfulness
and vegetation but especially of wine. The Dionysiac
festivals provided an opportunity for stepping outside
of the daily routine. The festivals included not only
drinking wine and engaging in sexual activity but
also participating in such significant features of Greek
civilization as choral singing and mimes. In many cases,
only the initiated could participate in the ceremonies.
As almost every Greek did join in, initiation into the
Dionysiac cult might be compared to tribal initiations. It
seems that initiation into the Dionysiac Mysteries
was accompanied by initiation into sexual
life. The act of producing offspring, however, could
never be wholly separated from the thought of death, so that
the worshippers of Dionysus were aware of a mystic
communion among the ancestors, the living
generation, and the future members of the
community. Britannica Members
Mysteries or Initiations are Listed Here
Livy defines the Bacchus or New Wineskin
worshipers in Rome
10. As such pledges
of mutual love subsisted, and as neither kept anything
secret from the other, the young man, jokingly, bid her not
be surprised if he separated himself from her for a few
nights; as, "on account of a religious duty, to discharge a
vow made for his health, he intended to be initiated among the Bacchanalians."
hearing this, the woman, greatly alarmed,
cried out, "May the gods will more favorably!" affirming
that "it would be better, both for him and her, to lose
their lives than that he should do such a thing," she then
imprecated curses, vengeance, and destruction on the head
of those who advised him to such a step.
The young
man, surprised both at her expressions and at the violence
of her alarm, bid her refrain from curses, for "it was his
mother who ordered him to do so, with the approbation of his
said she, "your stepfather (for perhaps it
is not allowable to censure your mother) is in haste to
destroy, by that act, your chastity, your character,
your hopes, and your life." To him, now surprised by such
language, and inquiring what was the matter, she said (after
imploring the favor and pardon of the gods and goddesses,
if, compelled by her regard for him,
disclosed what ought not to be revealed) that "when in
service, she had gone into that place
of worship, as an attendant on her mistress; but
that, since she had obtained her liberty, she had never
once gone near it: that she knew it to be the receptacle
of all kinds of debaucheries; that it was well known that,
for two years past, no one older than twenty had been
When any person was introduced he was
delivered as a victim to the priests,
who led him away to a place
with shouts, the sound of music, and the
beating of cymbals and drums, lest
his cries, while suffering violation, should be
heard abroad."
then entreated and besought him to put an end to that
matter in some way or other; and not to plunge himself
into a situation, where he must first suffer, and
afterwards commit, every thing that was abominable. Nor
did she quit him until the young man gave her his promise
to keep himself clear of those
that those who passed through initiation (as in the earlier Mysteries) and
achieved Gnosis, had the right to interpret the
message of Jesus in their own way.
In an introduction to the finds at Nag
Hammadi, the distinguished Gnostic historian Elaine
Pagels writes about Professor Gilles Quispel's
dicovery of a complete text of the Gospel of
Now please notice II Kings 17:17,
Jeremiah 8:18-22, and Deut. 4:16-19. Alexander Hislop,
in his book, page 309 says:
"As Baal (Nimrod) the Lord of Heaven had his
visible emblem -- the sun, so she (Semiramis) as Beltes, Queen of Heaven, must have
hers also -- the moon." Josiah (II Kings 23:11) "burned
the chariots
of the sun
with fire."
With regard to Israel's
and Judah's gods being represented by stars, the New Standard Bible
Dictionary, p. 827, says "The stars formed a class . . .
corresponding to the Igigi or 'heaven gods' of the Babylonians." From Atrahasis:
- When
the gods instead of man
- Did the work, bore the loads,
- The
gods' load was too great,
- The
work too hard, the trouble too much,
- The
great Anunnaki made
the Igigi
- Carry
the workload sevenfold.
- Anu
their father was king,
course the minor gods just shifted the burden to
mankind just as God warned Israel's elders when they
demanded a MAN-KING.
- Belet-ili
the womb goddess is present-
- Let her create a mortal man
- So
that he may bear the yoke...
- So
that he may bear the yoke, the work of Ellil,
- Let
man bear the load of the gods!
- ...
- Belet-ili
the womb goddess is present,
- Let
the womb goddess create offspring,
- And
let them bear the load of the gods!
is why God ordained the SABBATH for REST instead of
Isa 3:12 As for my people,
children are their oppressors, and women rule
over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to
err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
5953. ALAL, aw-lal´to effect
thoroughly; specifically, to glean (also
figuratively); by implication (in a bad sense) to
overdo, i.e. maltreat, be saucy to,
pain, impose (also literal): abuse,
affect, x child, defile, do, glean, mock,
practise, thoroughly, work (wonderfully).
5954 THRUSTING youself, 5955 Grape
chALAL wound, profane,
play flute, take inheritance, gather the grapes, playe
on an instruments, pollute PROSTITUTE.
Women oppressors
Nagas (h5065) naw-gas'; a prim. root; to
drive (an animal, a workman, a debtor, an army); by
impl. to tax, harass, tyrannize: - distress, driver,
exact (-or), oppress (-or), * raiser of taxes,
Nagash (h5066) naw-gash'; a prim. root; to be
or come (causat. bring) near (for any purpose); euphem.
to lie with a woman; as an enemy,
Nagan (h5059) naw-gan'; a prim. root; prop.
to thrum, i. e. beat a tune with the fingers; espec. to
play on a stringed instrument; hence (gen.) to make
music: - player on instruments, sing to the stringed
instruments, melody, ministrel, play (-er, -ing..
Boys: Effemino II.Trop.,
to make womanish, effeminate,
to enervate, A.Womanish, effeminate,
Histrio, stage-player, actor,
mimus, boaster, used with
Scaena, 1. Of a
place like a scene of a theatre, school of rhetoric,
display of eloquence.
B. In mal. part., that submits to unnatural lust:
pathicus, Cinaedos: a sodomite, catamite,
one who dances publicly
1 Kings 14:[22] 10. and
will utterly sweep away the house of Jeroboam, as a man sweeps
away dung, until it be all gone. Judah did that which
was evil in the sight of Yahweh, and they provoked him to
jealousy with their sins which they committed, above
all that their fathers had done. [23] For they also
built them high places, and pillars, and
Asherim, on every high hill, and under every green tree;
[24] and there were also sodomites in the
land: they did according to all the abominations of
the nations which Yahweh drove out before the
children of Israel.
Luke 7:31
And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the MEN
of this generation?
and to what are they
7:32 They are like unto CHILDREN sitting in
the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We
have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have
mourned to you, and ye have not wept.
2354. threneo,
thray-neh´-o; from 2355; to bewail: lament, mourn.
2799. klaio, klah´-yo; of uncertain affinity; to sob,
i.e. wail aloud (whereas 1145 is rather to cry
silently): bewail, weep.
hēlios , ho, Ep. ēelios , identified with Apollo,
enopê hē, (enepō)
A. crying,
shouting, as of birds, “
Trōes men klaggē t' enopē t' isan, ornithes hōs”
war-cry, battle-shout, “
makhē enopē te”
etc. (hence,
battle, AP6.163
Mel.)); also,
of sorrow, “
enopēn te goon te”
wild cry, “
en Phrugiaisi boais enopaisi te”
3. of things, sound, “aulōn suriggōn t' enopēn” Il.10.13;
iakhēn t' enopēn te, of thunder, Hes.Th.708;
“kitharas e.” E.Ion882
(anap.); “sarkōn e. ēd' osteōn” crushing
Note 2. lura A.lyre,
a stringed instrument with a sounding-board formed of the
shell of a tortoise (not in Il. or Od.), h.Merc.423,
Margites 1, Pi.O.10(11).93,
etc.; kelados heptatonou lurasE.IT
1129 (lyr.); tonaneu luras thrênon (since the dirge was
accompanied by the flute) A.Ag.990
(lyr.); l. kaikithara
Pl.R.399d, cf. Aristid. Quint.2.16: prov. onosluras (sc. akouôn), v. onos; anêrdepheugônoumeneilurasktupon Ar.Fr.11 D. (q. v.)
the constellation Lyra, Anacr.99, Arat. 269; Mousôn l., of the Pleiades, Pythag. ap. Arist.Fr.196.
is what the clergy wanted Jesus to do when they piped:
Paig-ma , atos, to, A.play, sport, lôtoshotan . . paigmatabremêi whene'er the pipe sounds its sportive
strains, E.Ba.161(lyr.);
Ludia p. lurasLyr.Alex.Adesp.37.15 .
Al Maxey: Thus, [they claim] baptism is sacramentally
perceived as "a channel of divine grace into the heart
and life of the believer" [ibid, p. 1218]. As
the very means of salvation,
it thereby
becomes absolutely essential to salvation in
sacramental theology,
and those who
fail to perform the ritual
precisely according to the
group's established laws and regulations
are eternally damned, regardless
of what other redeeming qualities they might possess.
The Churches of Christ, I am embarrassed
to admit, have a reputation for being among the worst,changing
rapidly and dramatically in our fellowship as
my brethren are taking off their sectarian blinders
although I am very pleased to report this is
discovering what the Scriptures actually teach on a
number of issues
in which, previously,
divine Truth took a backseat to human Tradition.
If Jesus chooses to make
bestowing Grace to those who ask it why does this trouble
Al Maxey so much.
Hairesis , eōs, hē, A. taking,
esp. of a town, Hdt.4.1,
etc.; hē basileos hai. the taking by
the king, Id.9.3;
“elpizōn takhistēn -sin esesthai” Th. 2.75;
hai. dunameōs acquisition
of power, Pl.Grg.513a:—generally,
taking, receiving, “epigenēmatōn”
2. FREE WILL: system of
philosophic principles, or those who profess
such principles,the Christians, ib.24.5,14, 28.22,
generally, faction, party, App.BC5.2.
Al Maxey: Almost as bad,
and just about as "mercenary," are those
"crusaders" and "campaigners" today who boast
of taking a complete stranger "from doorstep to baptistery
in 15 minutes!!" (a claim I myself have actually heard a
well-known evangelist in our own fellowship make -- and to
my absolute horror)!!
For Al there is no Biblical or
rational ROLE or DOLE. Jesus sent
men OUT to preach the gospel which is FREE and paid in
fully. The enoch was a student of Isaiah: there is only
one qualification for baptizing a person TO BECOME a
Disciple of Christ.
Acts 8:36 And as they went on their way, they came
unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water;
what doth hinder me to be baptized?
Acts 8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine
heart, thou mayest.
And he answered and
said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Acts 8:38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still:
and they went down both
into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he
baptized him.
Acts 8:39 And when they were come up out of the water,
the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw
him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.
The purpose was to baptized them INTO the school of Jesus
Christ: Why isn't that good enough for Al Maxey?
One wonders why Al Maxey
violates a Law of God just trying to find something which
will neutralize the Word of God.
verbal noun of lego
Opposite kata pathos
music, poetry or rhetoric
human reasoning
Epagoge bringint in to one's aid, introduction
Alurement, enticement, incantation,
There is no horror story Al can invent which has any effect on
the meaning of the Word of God which OUTLAWS using such
personal "preacher's stories" in order to do what they cannot
do by appealing to the Word of God. Using music or made
up stories or myths are both identified as sorcery or
witchcraft because they intend to take the attention off the
Word of God.
Opposite Pathos A. that
which happens to a person or thing, incident,
where this incident took place, unfortunate
2. what one has experienced, good or
bad, experience
II. of the soul, emotion, passion
(“legō de pathē . . holōs hois hepetai hēdonē ē lupē” Arist.EN1105b21),
“sophiē psukhēn pathōn aphaireitai”
Opposite Poiein to excite passion,
V. Rhet., emotional style or treatment,
to sphodron kai enthousiastikon p. Longin.8.1;
“pathos poiein” Arist.
Using the hypocritic arts and crafts to:
aphair-eō , take
away from:—
b. exclude, separate, “to Hellēnikon hōs hen apo pantōn aphairountes khōris” Pl.Plt.262d;
opp. prostithenai, Id.Phd.95e,
etc. take away for oneself; also in
reciprocal sense, aphaireisthon tukhēn ye have received
each the fortune of the other.
Therefore those who use any of the performing arts:
Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites defined by Christ in
Ezekiel 33 as self-preachers, singers and instrument
Zwingli would define Maxey
as a mercinary and worse:
the last disputation, Zwingli preached a sermon on the corrupt
state of the clergy, which he published by request
in March, 1524, under the title "The Shepherd." 101 He represents Christ as
the good Shepherd in contrast with the selfish hirelings,
according to the parable in the tenth chapter of the
Gospel of John. Among the false shepherds he counts the
bishops who do not preach at all; those priests who
teach their own dreams instead of the Word of God;
those who preach the Word but for the glorification
of popery; those who deny their preaching by their
conduct; those who preach for filthy lucre; and,
finally, all who mislead men away from the
Creator to the creature. Zwingli treats the papists
as refined idolaters, and repeatedly denounces
idolatry as the root of the errors and abuses of the
Al Maxey: They denounced
that the efficacious power of the sacraments came "ex
opere operato" -- essentially by the very fact of
said sacrament being administered. Ulrich Zwingli
(1484-1531), leader of the Reformation in Switzerland,
openly denied that God worked
through the sacraments to impart grace.
Churches of Christ cannot be accused of
teaching that just "dipping" a person in water has any
saving power.
By his mistreatment of Zwingli I suppose that the EXTERNAL
work of Jesus Christ on the Cross could have been replaced
with raising one's hands. Jesus was declared a Son
of God only after He had obeyed the Will of God
the Father. God is Spirit and therefore always
operates by events or people as His INSTRUMENTAL MEANS of
conveying His will.
You need to know what the meaning of IS, IS. The "IS" is
the Catholic teaching that baptism (sprinkling) remits
original sins from an infant. No one ever said that
"baptism does not save" who did not quickly add "without
faith." Zwingli insisted that the church be made up
of people who had been baptized after they came to have
No literate preacher for the Church of Christ would believe
and practice just the EXTERNAL ACT as having any saving power:
to make the claim is pretty crazy. Otherwise, the
preachers would just line everyone up and march them through
the water.
The Radicals could find no trace of infant
baptism in the Bible, and denounced it as an invention
of the pope 127 and the devil.
Baptism, they reasoned, presupposes instruction, faith,
and conversion, which is impossible in the
case of infants. 128
Voluntary baptism of adult and responsible converts
is, therefore, the only valid baptism. They [Radicals]
denied that it was required for salvation but only for
church membership.
However, conversion and remission
of sin at baptism CANNOT be separated.
Zwingli doubted for a while the expediency (not the
right) of infant baptism, and deemed
it better to put off the sacrament to years of
rejected the Roman doctrine
of the necessity of baptism for salvation
and the damnation of unbaptized infants dying in
understood the passage, Mark 16:16, "He that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved," as applying only
to adults who have heard the
gospel and can believe, but not to
[radicals] took an active part in the early stages of
the Reformation, prematurely broke the fasts, and stood
in the front rank of the image-stormers. They went
ahead of public opinion and the orderly method of
Zwingli. They opposed the tithe, usury,
military service, and the oath.
denied the right of the civil magistracy to interfere
in matters of religion.
However, they understood the only direct command for a
met as "brethren" for prayer and Scripture-reading in the
house of "Mother Manz," and in
the neighborhood of Zurich, especially at Zollicon.
maturer reflection [Zwingli] he modified his views. He
learned from experience that it was impossible to
realize an ideal church of believers,
and stopped with what was attainable.
As to
infant baptism, he became convinced of its expediency
in Christian families.
defended it with the analogy of circumcision in the
Old Testament (Col. 2:11), with the comprehensiveness
of the New Covenant, which embraces whole families
and nations, and with the command of Christ,
Circumcision did not ask Jesus Christ to accept them as His
Here, then, is Zwingli’s trilogy: one
covenant, one covenant people, and one covenant
sign. This new set of ideas is the basis for the
usual Protestant doctrine of baptism. It is the reason
many Protestant churches “baptize” infants, and it is
the foundation of the commonly accepted Protestant faith-only
approach to the baptism of adults.
Colossians 2:10 And ye are complete in him, which is the
head of all principality and power:
Colossians 2:11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the
circumcision made without hands,
In putting off the
body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of
This Spiritual circumcision is to
repudiate the
physical circumcision which had no effect on the conscience or
Colossians 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein
also ye are risen with him
through the faith of
the operation of God, who hath raised him from the
Al Maxey: In their way of
thinking it's nothing less than the "precise point
of salvation," with salvation being impossible without it.
Thus, they regard it as more than an "ordinance"
(which view they do accept with respect to the
Lord's Supper).
If you are a disciple you will
PREACH the Word by READING the Word. Then you do not have
to follow human imagination which God says is only evil
Again, Al has lots of trouble believing the Bible where it
SPEAKS clearly.
Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield
yourselves servants to obey,
his servants ye are to
whom ye obey;
whether of sin unto
[not sin BECAUSE of death]
or of obedience unto
righteousness? [not obedience
BECAUSE of death]
Romans 6:17 But God be thanked,
that ye were the
servants of sin,
but ye have obeyed
from the heart that form of doctrine
Which was delivered
Romans 6:18 Being then made free from sin,
ye became the servants
of righteousness.
They were NOT free of sin UNTIL
they obeyed that "pattern capable of being imitated."
does not believe that and mocks God. They were NOT free
before obedience: they WERE free after baptism. That isn't
hard to understand.
Al Maxey: Instead, it is
regarded as a sacred act by which God conveys
His gift of salvation. That makes baptism a sacrament,
although "sacramental terminology is still not widely used
in churches of the Stone-Campbell tradition" [ibid].
That's not true: Baptism was obeying
the prophecy by Christ and the direct commande
by Jesus and Paul. They understood that baptism was the
Jesus-Ordained way to be FREED FROM SIN. Too bad for Al and
the Baptists. All recorded Bible says that
baptism is the way to REQUEST A holy spirit or A good
conscience: iIf it DOES NOT happen after that obedience then Al
needs to go back to remedial reading.
Al Maxey: The non-sacramental
view of both baptism and the Lord's Supper is that they
are "signs of covenant promise" that
very closely, in many ways, parallel circumcision
and Passover under the old covenant. These new
signs, therefore, bear special significance to the
Christian believer (whether Jew or Gentile), serving as
"historical actualizations of
what Jesus accomplished in His life and
ministry" [ibid, p. 257].
NOT TRUE: The Covenant promise made by God in
Christ to Abraham was only appropriated according to Paul.
Gal. 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by
faith in Christ Jesus.
Gal. 3:27 (What I mean to say is) as many of you as
have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
[27] quicumque enim in Christo baptizati estis
Christum induistis
Enim why because, for, for
instance, namely, that is to say, I mean, in fact I.
To corroborate a preceding assertion, yes indeed, yes truly,
of a truth, to be sure, certainly, indeed: A. To prove or
show the grounds of a preceding assertion
Again, if under stress of circumstances individuals have made
any promise to the enemy, they are bound to keep their word
even then.
For instance, in the First Punic
War, when Regulus was taken prisoner by the Carthaginians,
he was sent to Rome on parole to negotiate an exchange of
Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s
and heirs according to
the promise.
was the sign or mark: baptism was "obeying a
pattern capable of being imitated."
The Red Sea was the type: "obeying that
pattern brought salvation."
Jesus died, was buried, was regenerated and rose to
a new life. Baptism is a FORM and a
Pattern capable of being imitated.
Check for a million dollars is a SIGN: The death, Burial
and Resurrection of Jesus was the SIGN or TYPE or
pattern capable of being obeyed. A sign
is different from OBEYING the Sign. Baptism is NOT a sign of
anything except the person is OF FAITH who is never iseen
arguing with the Word.
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent,
and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus
Christ FOR the remission of sins, and ye shall receive
the gift of the Holy Ghost.
The Baptists and Al are deliberately wrong: Eis
never means "because of." Baptism is INTO or turning in
the direction of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his
word were baptized:
and the same day there
were added unto them about three thousand souls.
Does Al and the Baptists think that receiving the words being
preached MAKES one into a disciple: do they think that believing
in brain surgeons makes one a disciple of brain surgery?
Acts 2:47 Praising God, and having favour with all
the people.
And the Lord added
to the church daily such as were being saved.
They were not added to the church until they were
baptized: they were baptized IN ORDER to be saved.
Does Al and the Baptists think that "faith only" asks Christ to
add you to HIS Church.
In order to TRIP UP Al Maxey and the Baptists which is not
connected to the historic church, Jesus made sure that they
would fail:
Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and
be converted,
that your
sins may be blotted out,
when the times of
refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
Al and the Baptists say that means "Repent and be converted
BECAUSE your sins WERE blotted out."

Al Maxey: our immersion
in water is a representation of the death,
burial and resurrection of Christ. As believers participate
in both these new covenant acts,
Not True: Paul says that
Only THEN are we free from sin. Does Al think one
can OBEY that pattern by just believing in the pattern?
"They are thus visible words
which, as adjuncts and seals of the preached
word, confirm and stimulate the faith of participants.
... Taking a more concrete form than the preached word, they
make a wider appeal to the senses" [ISBE,
vol. 4, p. 257].
False: faith is made
perfect by obedience to commands.
The Word "pistis"
realy includes "to comply with what you have
been commanded to do.
Believeth not or Apistos means "I will NOT
comply" and therefore marks the traitors.
Romans 10:12 For there is no
difference between the Jew and the Greek:
for the same Lord
over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the
name of the Lord shall be saved.
Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom
they have not believed?
and how shall they
believe in him of whom they have not heard?
and how shall they
hear without a preacher?
People at Pentecost
called on the name of the Lord to serve him:
Acts 2:38 Then Peter
said unto them,
Repent, and be baptized
every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
for the
remission of sins,
and ye shall
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Paul was told:
Acts 22:16 And now why
tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized,
and wash away
thy sins, calling on the name of the Lo
Peter says that
Baptism SAVES us. Case closed. How does
baptism SAVE us?
1Peter 3:20 Which
sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering
of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a
wherein few,
that is, eight souls were saved by water.
1Peter 3:21 The like figure whereunto even baptism
doth also now save us
(not the putting
away of the filth of the flesh,
but the answer [request
for] of a good conscience toward God,)
by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ:
[20] qui increduli fuerant aliquando quando expectabat Dei patientia in diebus Noe cum fabricaretur arca in qua pauci id est octo animae salvae factae sunt per aquam
Per I. Lit.,
of space, through, through the midst of,
throughout, all over, all along:
per amoena salicta raptare aliquem
B. To indicate the agent, instrument,
or means, through, by, by
means of: Cic. Ver. 2.2.9
C. To designate the reason, cause,
inducement, etc., through, for, by,
on account of, for the sake of:
Cic. Ver. 2.2.9 But as they
were unable to endure luxury, cruelty, avarice, and pride,
when they had lost by the wickedness and lust of one man
all their own advantages, all their own rights, and all
fruits of the kindness of the senate and the Roman people,
they determined either to avenge themselves for the
injuries they had suffered from that man by your
instrumentality or if they seemed to you unworthy
of receiving aid and assistance at your hands, then to
leave their cities and their homes, since they had already
left their fields, having been driven out of them by his
Peters says that
Al Maxey says there is no connection
Al Maxey has blasphemed the Holy Spirit of
Christ in the prophets.
Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be
sent? as it is written,
How beautiful
are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace,
and bring glad
tidings of good things!
Romans 10:16 But they have not all obeyed the
For Esaias
saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
A believer is always a Baptized person: Those who "have faith"
but do not put that faith into operation just repudiates the
Acts 22:16 And now why tarriest
arise, and
be baptized,
and wash away thy
calling on the
name of the Lord
In proselyte baptism you
always named in whom you were being baptized.
Al Maxey Somewhere in the
middle are those who view baptism as an "ordinance" of the
church -- i.e., it is necessary to be baptized in obedience
to the Lord's command, but it's not
necessary to the acquiring of salvation itself,
which is "by grace through faith.
Ephesians is parallel to Paul's
other letters: Baptism is the perpetual SHOWING of how God
saved by grace through faith. Grace teaches: Faith
Grace, like Word, is another
name of the role of Jesus of Nazareth made to be both Lord
and Christ and Word and Grace and Righteousness.
This is the antithesis to the pagans who believed
that the Graces (Muses, dirty adulteresses)
were the goddesses who saved you.
Ephesians 2:8 For by
grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God:
That is, we didn't invent the way God chose to save us FROM the
crooked race.
Titus 2:11 For the [1] Grace of God that bringeth
salvation hath appeared to all
men, |
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh,
and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the
glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. |
Titus 2:12
[2] Teaching
us that, |
Acts 2:14 But Peter, standing up
with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said
unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at
Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to
my words: |
[3] denying
ungodliness and worldly lusts,
Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the
house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made
that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord
and Christ. |
[4] we
should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this
present world; |
Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this,
they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter
and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what
shall we do? |
Titus 2:14
[5] Who gave
himself for us, |
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said
unto them Repent, |
[6] that
he might redeem us from
all iniquity, [Lawlesness]
Lutron redeem, Luo lavo , cleanse
or wash, bathe,
lave. louô, purify,
tina ek tôn hamartiôn
Col. 1:14 In whom we
have redemption through his blood, |
and be baptized
every one of you in the name of
Jesus Christ
for the remission
of sins,
Redemption or Remission happens
even the forgiveness
of sins: |
[7] and
purify unto himself a peculiar people,
zealous of good works. |
and ye shall receive the gift of A
holy spirit |
Ephesians 2:9 Not of works,
lest any man should boast.
Al Maxey I was raised in
a faith-heritage that primarily taught a sacramental
view of baptism. Although many are now moving away
from such a theology, I fear a great many of those within
this heritage are still bound by
this thinking.
Al always has horror stories
which he thinks can trump the Word of God.
By denying that Baptism is the
Christ prophesied and Jesus commanded INSTRUMENTAL MEANS
Al uses the word "heritage" like "traditionalism" which he
says is a vile virus causght from
the historic church.
Al wasn't very alert.
It is my conviction that genuine faith
WILL evidence itself in baptism, as well as in
repentance, confession, loving others, observing the Lord's
Supper, etc. A willful refusal of one to submit to
any of these commands of our Lord reflects, in my view, an absence
of saving faith.
That is not the fact:
Jesus did not pray for the world. Many of them believe
that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. However, they are OF the
world and are the hostile majority tasked in many pulpits
to try to defeat the Word of Jesus.
God HIDES Himself from
the wise sophists: speakers, singers, instrument players,
Jesus commanded that he that
believeth AND is baptized SHALL BE saved.
It is slandering Jesus to say that He reall meant: "He
that believeth is saved and might be baptized to increase
their faith. Now, how would baptism contribute faith
when the patternism of God and human reasoning is that
"faith comes from hearing the Word of God." It is legalism
to think that our actions can substitute as a means to
That is not what Jesus
Luke 7:29 And all the
people that heard him,
and the
publicans, justified God,
[Confessed God's Right]
being baptized
with the baptism of John.
Luke 7:30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected
the counsel of God against themselves,
not baptized of him.
Rejected Atheteo 2. c.dat.,
refuse one's assent 3. deal
treacherously with, break faith with,
Opposite of Pistis —trust
in others, faith 2. in subjective
sense, good faith, trustworthiness, honesty, b.
of things, credence, credit,
The Counsel of God is Boule Gods will,
determination, decree |
John 12:41 These things
said Esaias,
when he saw his glory, and spake of him.
John 12:42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also
many believed on him;
but because of the
they did not confess him,
(Homologeo 2.
agree to a thing, grant,
concede, 3.
) agree or promise to do,
lest they
should be put out of the synagogue:
John 12:43 For they loved the praise of men more than
the praise of God.
John 12:44 Jesus cried and said,
He that believeth on me,
believeth not on me,
but on him that
sent me. |
Al Maxey: Saving
faith shows itself (James 2). If you SAY you have
faith, God expects you to SHOW it -- and baptism is one such
evidentiary act of faith. My position is
stated quite well by the Holman Bible Dictionary:
"When Paul wrote of being 'buried with Christ' in
baptism, he certainly meant that this visible rite demonstrates
our spiritual union with Christ in His death,
burial and resurrection! It is not, however, an
automatic or mechanical transmission of divine
grace. It depends upon the inward faith and
spiritual response of the believer" [p. 1218].
Al believes that HIS power to
believe automatically saves him.
No one believes that the
PHYSICAL ACT of dipping in water automatically transmits
grace. Baptism is a commanded act
for those who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God
and express a wish to become a disciple of Christ.
It is NOT true to say that churches of Christ preach that
the raw act bestows grace. Without faith it is impossible
to come to God
Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible
to please him:
for he that cometh to
God must believe that he is,
and that he is a rewarder
of them that diligently seek him.
Al Maxey: Are there actual
blessings associated with both of these symbolic
representations in which we, as true
believers, participate? Absolutely! They each imprint
upon our hearts and minds, far better than mere words, the
powerful realities of our Lord's atoning
work. As one is buried in the "watery grave," and then is
"resurrected" from that tomb, one cannot help but be personally
impacted for life by the experience; it is
one that the participant will never forget, nor will those
who witness this powerful declaration of faith, hope and
remission of sins, giving A holy spirit and translating
our spirits into the church or heavenly kingdom is in
the MIND or Spirit of God.
1 Pet. 3:20 Which
sometime were disobedient,
when once the
longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah,
while the ark
was a preparing, wherein few, that is,
eight souls were
saved by water.
Baptism is
like God, the Ark and the Water:
it was given POWER by Faith which worked.
God's power is always VESTED in something.
Heb 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of
God of things not seen as yet,
with fear,
............ prepared an
ark to the saving of his house;
which he condemned the world,
..... and became heir of the righteousness
which is by faith.
Being SAVED is the same as having our SINS
You will find ONLY
Baptism being associated by God with REMISSION OF SINS.
Heb 10:18 where
REMISSION of these is there is NO MORE OFFERING for SIN.
What we call
"Church" or "Kirke" exists too often as a SACRIFICIAL
is a SIGN or MARK against the
World which it CONDEMNS so that they are WITHOUT
1 Pet.
3:21 The like figure (Antitupon
or Antitype counterpart) whereunto
..........even baptism doth also now save us
(not the putting away of the filth of the flesh,
..........but the answer of [Appeal
FOR not PLEDGE] a good conscience toward
..........by the resurrection of Jesus
But God be
thanked, that ye were the servants of sin,
but ye have obeyed from
the heart that form (tupos a model for imitation) of doctrine which was delivered
you. Ro 6:17
But now
free from sin, and
become servants to God, ye
have your fruit
the end
everlasting life. Ro 6:22
- CHRIST through Paul said that you are not FREE from
sin until you have OBEYED in baptism
- Al Maxey says: not, it is just a sign that your sins
were REALLY remitted the instant you believe
- Al Maxey has made FAITH a magical sacrament and
blasphemes the Holy Spirit of Christ.
2 Thess 3:9 Not
because we have not power,
but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.
is GRACE or INSTEAD of dying for our own sins.
Anti (g473)
an-tee'; a prim. particle; opposite, i.e. INSTEAD or
because of (rarely in addition to): - for, in the
room of. Often used in composition to denote contrast,
requital, SUBSTITUTION, correspondence, etc.
- We are baptized by GRACE
instead of having to build an Ark or drown
- We are baptized by
GRACE instead of having to cross the Red Sea
or be destroyed by FAITH ONLY when God said "Quit
whining, lift up your arm and MOVE into the jaws of
- We are baptized by
GRACE instead of having to be pinned
on a stake and shed OUR blood.
When you have
to EXPLAIN AWAY what the text MAKES CLEAR you may
have exhausted God's Grace.
(g5179) too'-pos; from 5180; a die (as struck), i.e.
(by impl.) a stamp or scar; by anal. a shape, i.e. a
statue, (fig.) style or resemblance; spec. a sampler
("type"), i.e. a model (for imitation) or instance
(for warning): - en- (ex-) ample, fashion,
figure, form, manner, pattern, print.
Maybe YOU can be SAVED
without the REMISSION OF SINS (connected only to baptism)
but I DON'T THINK you can go into the Most Holy Place
wearing DIRTY CLOTHES. Paul says we are saved BY
FAITH when we are BAPTIZED to be CLOTHED with Christ. Then
we have A holy spirit translated into heaven WHEN we are
added to the CHURCH which is AFTER we have been baptized.
To the general assembly and church of the
firstborn, which are written in heaven,
and to God the Judge of all,
to the Spirits of just men made
perfect, Heb 12:23
NO ONE DENIES IT: Baptism is
always a Request from us to God to give us A
holy spirit or A good conscience. The only condition
imposed by Jesus and Philip is "do you believe that Jesus
is the Son of God." Al Maxey does not know of any he
labels as "sacramentalists" who baptized unbelievers. If
baptism was a sacrament then baptism would DEMAND that we
be forgiven. Al maxey makes FAITH a demand for
forgiveness and makes faith a sacrament.
Faith Only, however which Al
Maxey is promoting is that just BELIEVING without
repenting, confessing and being baptized SAVES or
REMITS SIN. That is called blaspheming the Holy
Spirit OF Christ
Al Maxey: If baptism is a sacrament
through which God imparts the gift of His saving
acceptance, then the Cornelius account in
Acts 10-11 makes no sense whatsoever!! In this historical
narrative we find God pouring out His Spirit
upon this man and his household, thus demonstrating
powerfully for all to see His divine acceptance
of them, just as He had accepted the
upper room disciples in Jerusalem on the day of
Pentecost (Acts 2).
- God purposed to
save Cornelius by commanding words which he must
- Peter only
commanded that he be baptized.
- Otherwise, Peter
would have been unfaithful to God.
It makes
SENSE if you can read the whole story: being
surrounded by a blast of "wind" did not save the
apostles and it did not save Cornelius. He was
already a Godfearer and was a righteous
man. Therefore, he was justified or not ceremonially
impure. The doubting Jews doubted that.
- Cornelius was told
to send for Peter who would "tell him words by
which he might be saved. Cornelius wanted to know
what PETER had been told.
- Having the WIND
fall on you as "breath" does not save or remit
sins. Parables to fool the mercinary foolish.
- Peter consistent
with all direct commands COMMANDED Cornelius
to be baptized.
Pneuma means WIND: it never means a person
of spirit. Only in a transfered form does it
speak of the Spirit or Mental Disposition of God. The
signs in sight and sound that Jesus had returned to guide
the Apostles (only) into all truth was WIND and FIRE. This
did not save the apostles in the upper room.
You cannot see "spirit" but you can
hear the words produced by breath. This was a
one-time event and it never happened again. The wind or
air or breath which caused Cornelius to speak did not "save
him" but proved that at Pentecost Jesus Christ as the Spirit
Word WAS now available to "all nations" to which the Apostles
were slow to accept.
For he whom God
hath sent speaketh
the words of God:
for God giveth
not the Spirit by measure
[meter] unto him. John 3:34
you at my reproof:
I will
pour out my spirit unto you,
I will make
known my words unto you. Proverbs 1:23
God made known Judean words understood
clearly by Judean speaking Jews.
Why would God go to all the trouble if He choose to save
Cornelius or give him A holy spirit to enlist him into the
School of Chrsit when He could have just zapped him. God sent
a human as INSTRUMENTAL MEANS to baptize another as the
INSTRUMENTAL MEANS of bestowing His Spirit or Mind.
All Maxey disputes that and cannot have A holy spirit and
cannot read
BLACK text on
Acts 11:12 And the
spirit bade me go with them,
nothing doubting.
Moreover these
brethren accompanied me,
and we entered into the
man’s house:
WHY if God intended to save Cornelius by blasting him with a
Acts 11:13 And he shewed us how he had seen an
in his house,
which stood and said
unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname
is Peter;
Acts 11:14
shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house
shall be saved.
Acts 11:15 And as I
began to speak, the Holy Ghost [
fell on them, as on us at the beginning.
Acts 11:16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he
said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be
baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Acts 11:17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the
gift as he did unto us, who
believed on the Lord Jesus
Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?
If Cornelius believed on the Lord and that saved him would it
be silly to COMMAND him to be baptized?
The testimony of God was required to dare the Judaizers to
THEN Peter told him how to be saved; "Be baptized.
The SOUNDS of WIND or Air was the
LIKE GIFT: The RETURN of Jesus as The Holy Spirit was made
known fully in the upper room. Ten years later this never
2. of words, pour forth,
utter, Ar. Th.554;
“molpas” E.Supp.773;
“pollēn glōssan ekkheas matēn” S.Fr.929,
cf. A.Ag.1029
The Spirit WAS poured out to both Jew
and Gentile on the day of Pentecost. It was made known by
SPEAKING Words from God and not saving people.
Supp. 773
[770] It is in vain to weep and move to tears these women.
I think it is they who give the lesson. Enough of
that! My hands I lift at meeting of the dead, and
pour forth a tearful dirge
to Hades, calling on my friends, whose loss [775]
I mourn in wretched solitude; for this one thing,
when once it is
spent, man cannot recover, the breath of life,
though he knows ways
to get his wealth again.
Ag. 1017 But blood of man to earth once
falling-deadly, black --In times ere these,
Who may, by singing spells, call back?
Zeus had not else stopped one who rightly knew
And unless one fate ordained of the gods restrains another
fate from winning the advantage, my heart
would outstrip my tongue and pour forth
its fears [1030] but, as it is, it mutters
only in the dark, distressed and hopeless ever to
unravel anything in time when my soul's aflame.
Ef-fundo A.
In gen.: “
effudi vobis omnia, quae sentiebam,” i. e.
freely imparted, Cic. de Or. 1, 34 fin.;
id. Att. 16, 7, 5;
id. Fl. 17, 41;
Quint. 2, 2, 10;
10, 3, 17;
Val. Fl. 7, 434:
procellam eloquentiae,”
Quint. 11, 3, 158:
A. Effudi
Pour out, pour forth, Send out, to pour out in a
multitude, to rush out, spread
abroad. b. With the accessory notion
of producing, to bring forth, produce
abundantly: Patrimony,
B. Vobis
B. Vos, addressed to one person as a
representative of more than one, or with a collective
noun in the sing.:
C. Omnĭs I. all,
every: all, even of the
oldest families,
A. omnes , ium, comm., all
men, all persons: “
II. In sing., every, all, the whole:
not without all knowledge, a complete philosophy,
D. Quis , A.
Alone, any one, any body, any thing;
some one, somebody, something,
E. Sentĭo A.
In gen., to discern by the senses; to feel,
hear, see, etc.; to perceive, be
sensible of (syn. percipio). Charis, Grace
1. To perceive the effects
(esp. the ill effects) of any thing; to feel, experience,
II. Mentally.
A. Lit., to feel, perceive,
observe, notice (syn. intellego). have
III. Transf. (in consequence of mental
perception), to think, deem, judge,
opine, imagine, suppose
F. co-gnosco
I. To become thoroughly acquainted with
(by the senses or mentally), to learn by
inquiring, to examine, investigate, perceive,
see, understand, learn;
II. With the access. idea of individual exertion
(cf. Gr. gignōskō), to seek or
strive to know something, to inquire into, to
investigate, examine
Spirit literally means
WIND: no more and no
less. It is used figuratively of "
breath." Way
down the list it means the spirit or mental disposition of a
person: never a person. What were the SIGNS of the outflow?
Peter said that it reminded him of the long ago and only other
similar event:
Acts 2:2 And suddenly there
came a sound from heaven as of a rushing
mighty WIND, and it filled all the house
where they were sitting.
Acts 10:45 And they of the circumcision which believed were
astonished, as many as came with Peter,
because that on the
WAS poured out [
gift of the
Holy Ghost.
At Pentecost: they were not "
receiving" but
in its fullest sense
and having
received of the Father the promise of the
Holy Ghost,
HE hath
forth this, which ye now
Acts 10:[45]
et obstipuerunt ex circumcisione fideles qui venerant cum Petro quia et in nationes gratia Spiritus Sancti effusa est
Here Spirit and Breath are equated. Spirit is never a
"people" but the spirit OF (preposition) of that person.
Pneuma , atos, to, (pneō) A. blast,
wind, first in Anaximen. 2,
holon ton kosmon p. kai aēr periekhei: II. breathed
air, breath,
Her. 170 abstain from all violence, else you
will suffer by it whenever the god causes fortune's
breeze to veer round.
Boreas north wind,
personified as Boreas, Od.5.296,
Anemos “anemōn amegarton autmēn” Od.11.407, “anemōn phthoggos
anemou kationtos megalou a gale having
come on, Th.2.25; anemou
metaphor, anemos . . anthrōpos 'unstable as the
wind', Eup.376 Breath
Aura I.The air,
as in gentle motion, a gentle breeze, a breath
of air (syn.: aër, ventus, spiritus): agitatus aër auram facit, the popular breeze,
popular favor
3. Sound , tone, voice, echo:“ignarae,” brutish,
Cat. 64, 164,
ubi v. Ellis: “rapida,” Ov. M. 3, 209:
“stridens,” Val. Fl. 2, 586:
“violentior,” Stat. Th. 6, 157: “aurae flatus
II. generally, sound, “anemōn” Simon.37.11;
“daimonos pedarsiou . . pterōtos ph.” Ar.Av.1198
2. of musical sounds, “lōtos phthoggon keladei” E.El.716
(lyr.); “luras” Pl.Lg.812d,
etc., cf. “phthoggous alurous thrēnoumen
b. pl., notes on a musical
instrument; strings of lyre, D.Chr.10.19; stops
of flute, Philostr.VA5.21
Matthew 24.31 He will send out his angels with a
great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together his
elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the
Agĭto , C. Of
the motion caused by the wind, to drive to and fro,
toss about, agitate, disturb: “ventus enim fit, ubi est agitando percitus aër,” when
the air is violently agitated and driven, Lucr. 6, 686:
“mare ventorum vi agitari atque turbari
2: “est magni viri, rebus agitatis (= perturbatis, Beier) punire sontes,” id. Off. 1, 24, 82:
“agitabatur animus inopiā rei familiaris et conscientiā scelerum,
“hoc agitemus convivium vino et sermone suavi,” let us celebrate,
Plaut. As. 5, 1, 7:
Aēr ,
3. personified, “
ō despot' anax amet rēt' A.”
A. hon an tis onomaseie kai Dia”
Acts 10:47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be
which have received the
Holy Ghost as well as we?
Acts 10:48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of
the Lord.
Then prayed they him to
tarry certain days.
Al Maxey: Did they comply
in order to receive God's acceptance? No!
They had already received that by grace through
Al Maxey would REFUSE the
Al doesn't understand that GRACE,
like Word etal are NAMES of Jesus led by the
Spirit OF Christ.

Among whom also we
all had our conversation in
times past in the LUSTS of
our FLESH,
fulfilling the desires of the flesh and
of the mind;
and were by nature the children of WRATH, even
as others. Ephesians 2: 3
In whom also ye are
circumcised with the circumcision made without
hands, in putting off the body of
the sins of the flesh by
the circumcision of Christ: Col 2:11
But God, who is
rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he
loved us, Ephesians 2: 4
with him in BAPTISM,
wherein also
hath RAISED us
up together, and made us sit
together in heavenly
places IN
Christ Jesus: Ephesians 2:6
are RISEN with
him through the faith
of the OPERATION of God,
who hath raised him
from the dead. Col.2:12
Even when we were dead in sins, hath "QUICKENED" (regenerated) us
together WITH
Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) Ephesians 2:5
And you, being dead
in your sins and the uncircumcision of
your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;
Col 2:13
And in Romans 6, one DEAD
TO SIN has a regenerated, holy, sanctified human
Among whom also we
all had our conversation
in times past in the LUSTS
of our FLESH, fulfilling the desires of the flesh
and of the mind;
and were by nature the children of WRATH, even
as others. Ephesians 2: 3
God forbid. How
shall we, that are DEAD
TO SIN to sin, live any
longer therein? Rom 6:2
Not at the cross!
Know ye not, that so many of us as
were baptized
into Jesus Christ were baptized
into his death?
Rom 6:3
But God, who is
rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith
he loved us, Ephesians 2: 4
Therefore we are buried
with him by
baptism into death:
Even when we were dead
in sins, hath
"QUICKENED" (regenerated)
us together WITH
Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) Ephesians 2:5
that LIKE AS Christ
up from the dead by the glory
of the Father,
And hath RAISED us up together,
even so
we also should walk in newness of LIFE. Rom 6:4
made us sit together
in heavenly places IN
Christ Jesus: Ephesians 2:6
For if we have
been planted
together in the likeness
(Form) of his death,
we shall be also in the likeness
of his resurrection: Rom 6:5
Al Maxey: Are there actual
blessings associated with both of these symbolic
representations in which we, as true
believers, participate?
That's deliberately untrue:
The Tupos or type was "a pattern capable of being
imitated. Only when the Romans had obeyed a FORM
or "instead of" teaching could they then be FREE from sin.
Absolutely! They each imprint upon
our hearts and minds, far better than mere words, the
powerful realities of our Lord's atoning
work. As one is buried in the "watery grave," and then is
"resurrected" from that tomb, one cannot help but be
personally impacted for life by the
experience; it is one that the participant will never
forget, nor will those who witness this powerful declaration
of faith, hope and love.
False: only the Word of God can
describe the atoning work which He does when we obey..
We cannot save ourselves:
Baptism is a request for God to DO
SOMETHING. It has no power to help the person be self
righteous. Only God saves: if you "believeth not" or
are APISTOS Jesus said that you DO NOT COMPLY and are
therefore MARKED as a traitor: of the world for which He
would not even pray.
Then they will not have a blast
of air on them making them speak. They will
have A holy spirit or A good conscience which is
absolutely required before Jesus will accept you as
His student.
Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven
as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled
all the house where they were sitting.
Acts 2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as
of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost [Breath],
and began to speak with
other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
- Paul
said that only after you have obeyed a FORM of the
work of Jesus are you THEN free from Sin.
- The Form
or Tupos is "A pattern capable of being imitated."
- Baptism
is an imitation of the death, burial and resurrection of
- Baptism
is therefore an IMITATION and you are NOT free from sin
until you have obeyed.
- Faith
only is not obeying anything and people who teach others
not to obey are "believeth nots" or Apistos
- and Jesus in Mark 16 calls you a rebel,
a traitor. Baptism is a way to MARK the traitors of the
2. Its virtue not
in water without
the Word
Eph. 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it
with the washing of water INTO the word,
Eph. 5:26WEB That he might sanctify and cleanse it
with the
washing of water
[INTO] the
word, (In Verbo, En, Eis)
Into Converto , epistles of a
writer, to be occupied in, Into —In eccl. Lat., to
convert to Christianity, etc.: “aliquem ad fidem Christi,”
2. Pregn., to change the nature
of a thing; i. e. to change, alter, transform,
en paidotribou, en kitharistou, at the
school of Ar.Nu.973,
In this sense is to be
understood the statement of Paul, that "Christ loved the
and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and
it with the
washing of water by the word," (Eph. 5: 25, 26;)
and again, "not by works of righteousness which we have
but according to
his mercy he saved us,
by the washing of
and renewing
of the Holy Ghost," (Titus 3: 5.)
4. True relationship
of baptism and repentance
14. Sign and thing
Now that the
end to which the Lord had regard in the institution of
baptism has been explained, it is easy to judge in what
way we ought to use and receive it.
all men should be false and perfidious, yet God ceases not to
be true, (Rom. 3: 3, 4;) though all were lost,
Christ remains safe. We acknowledge, therefore, that at that
time baptism
profited us nothing, since in us the offered promise, without which baptism is
nothing, lay neglected.
Now, when by
the grace of God we begin to repent, we accuse our blindness
and hardness of heart in having been so long ungrateful
for his great goodness. But we do not believe that
the promise
itself has vanished, we rather reflect thus:
- God in baptism
promises the remission of sins,
- and will undoubtedly
perform what he has promised to all
That promise was offered
to us in baptism, let us therefore embrace it
in faith. In regard to us, indeed, it was long buried on
account of unbelief; now, therefore, let us with faith
receive it.
No one said that Baptism does not save without meaning that
the Catholic sacrament was said to save an infant who could
not believe.
Al Maxey cannot accuse "churches of Christ" as a "sect" for
believing anything not understood by any scholar who presumed
to teach others.
Churches of Christ believe the STATED FACTS: Baptism saves.
Baptism remits sin. Because persons BELIEVE and understand
that their personal actions cannot save. Al is false.
Even the organs were removed, and the Latin singing
of the choir abolished, but fortunately afterwards
replaced by congregational singing of psalms and hymns
in the vernacular (in Basle as early as 1526, in St. Gall
1527, in Zurich in 1598). "Within thirteen days," says
Bullinger, "all the churches of the city were cleared;
costly works of painting and sculpture, especially a
beautiful table in the Waterchurch, were destroyed. The
superstitious lamented; but the true believers rejoiced in
it as a great and joyous worship of God."
Don't believe Al Maxey and the Progressive
Churches of Christ who do not use the Bible for their
2Th. 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken
in mind, or be troubled,
neither by spirit,
nor by word, nor by letter as from us,
as that the day of
Christ is at hand.
2Th. 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that
day shall not come,
except there come a falling
away first,
and that man of sin be
revealed, the son of perdition; {Judas}

2Th. 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God,
or that is worshipped;
so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself that
he is God.
2Th. 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I
told you these things?
2Th. 2:6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be
revealed in his time.
2Th. 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already
only he who now letteth
will let,
until he be taken out of
the way.
There has been a sudden
rise in men willing to "infiltrate and divert" non-instrumental
Churches of Christ intending to "turn YOUR school of the
Word into THEIR "theater for holy entertainment.
The MYSTERY is held and practiced by a small select
group being a "leadership in exile." They slowly
introduce LAWLESS activities but gradually until
they get the message from "a" spirit that it is time
to mount an Ambush.
2 Chron 20:21 And
when he had consulted with the people, he appointed
singers unto the Lord, and
that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they
went out before the army, and to say, Praise the
Lord; for his mercy endureth for ever.
And when they
began to sing and to praise, the Lord set
AMBUSHMENTS against the children
of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come
against Judah; and they were smitten. 2 Chron 20: 22
Musteri-on , A.
mystery or secret rite: mostly in
pl., ta m. the mysteries,
first in Heraclit.14,
cf. Hdt.2.51
(of the mysteries of the Cabiri in
Samothrace), 2. mystic implements
and ornaments b. later, object
used in magical rites, talismanAnomia
lawlessness, lawless conduct
2 Ep.Thess.2.7;
2. the negation of law, opp. nomos, D.24.152.
443 How then is it just for you to
write laws for mortals, and yourselves incur a
charge of lawlessness? If—for it is not so,
but I will handle the subject— [445] you pay the
penalty to mortals for rape, you and Poseidon,
and Zeus, who rules heaven, you will empty your
temples paying for your crimes. For you do
wrong to go eagerly after your pleasures without
64 For by revolting from us they
have gained nothing of what they anticipated; on the
contrary, they have got just the opposite of
freedom; for having slain the best of their
citizens, they are now in the power of the
worst; instead of securing self-government, they
have been plunged into misgovernment of many
terrible kinds;
575a but the passion that dwells in
him as a tyrant will live in utmost anarchy and
lawlessness, and, since it is itself sole
autocrat, will urge the polity, so to speak, of him
in whom it dwells to dare anything and everything in
order to find support for himself and the hubbub
of his henchmen, in part introduced from outside
by evil associations, and in part released and
liberated within by the same habits of life as his.
Is not this the life of such a one?” “It is this,”
he said. “And if,” I said, “there are only a few of
this kind in a city,
one initiated
most freq. of the rites of Dionysus,
of the rites of the Cabeiri and
Demeter Achaia, Hdt.2.51, 5.61;
of Orpheus Hdt.2.81,
al., Theoc.26.13.
“ orgia Mousōn” Ar.Ra.356.
most freq. of the rites of Dionysus, Hdt.2.81,
al., Theoc.26.13.
Kabeiroi [a^, hoi,
A. the
Cabeiri, divinities worshipped especially in
Lemnos, Samothrace, and Boeotia,
Hdt. 2.51 [2]
For the Athenians were then already counted as
Greeks when the Pelasgians came to live in the land
with them and thereby began to be considered as
Greeks. Whoever has been initiated into the
rites of the Cabeiri, which the Samothracians
learned from the Pelasgians and now practice,
understands what my meaning is. [3] Samothrace
was formerly inhabited by those Pelasgians who came
to live among the Athenians, and it is from them
that the Samothracians take their rites. [4] The Athenians, then,
were the first Greeks to make ithyphallic images
of Hermes,[NEW HERMENEUTICS MARK] and they did
this because the Pelasgians taught them. The
Pelasgians told a certain sacred tale about this,
which is set forth in the Samothracian mysteries.
II. mousa, as Appellat., music,
song, (dirty adulteresses, musicians in Rev 18
called sorcerers) (Prob. cogn. with erdō, rhezō, cf. ergon, [WORK] orgeōn.
0rg-eōn , ōnos (nom. pl. once
A. “orgeōnai” IG22.2361.18 (iii
A. D.)), o(, at Athens, member of a religious
association, Is. 2.14,16,
al., Philoch.94, IG22.1252 (iv B.
C.), etc.: poet., generally, for hiereus, priest,
A.Fr.144 :—a
poet. form orgeiōn (in
codd. sts. orgiōn), ōnos, o(, is used by
Hermesian.7.19 : in
acc. with o for ō“, orgionas” h.Ap.389
codd. :—a gen. pl. “orgeōn” Lys. Fr.112 S. is prob. f.l. for orgeōnōn :—a fem.
pl. orgeōnai, = hiereiai,
2Th. 2:8 And then
shall that Wicked be revealed,
whom the Lord
shall consume with the spirit [breath]
of his mouth,
and shall
destroy with the brightness of his coming: |
Lying Wonders: -Teratourg-eô,
A. WORK wonders, pseudôsti Sch.Pi.I.7(6).13.