
Paul SILENCED Ode (sing) and Melody (Psallo) because: For in the city of Ephesus, women, attired as they go in the feasts

"Al Maxey Not A Christian" Jesus told me so.
















g2323. THERAPEUO, ther-ap-yoo´-o; from the same as 2324; to wait upon menially, i.e. (figuratively) to adore (God), or (specially) to relieve (of disease): — cure, heal, worship.

-therap-ōn  henchman, attendant [1] Mousaōn [2] therapontes

[1]   Mousa music, song [3 below]  stu^ger-os , Mousa kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousas
        II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugeraA.Eu.308   
        moisan pherein
disreputable, discredited, reprobate,
kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousas 

moisan pherein”\
        “adein adokimon m.Plat. Laws 775b

[2]  therapontes [preacher of]
kērux generally, public messenger, envoy,
k., Dios  aggeloi ēde kai andrōn1.334; theōn k., of [2]
        Zēus”,[preacher of] ploutou, Semitic Baalim, [preacher of]. Beelbōsōros, .[preacher of] Ōromasdēs, [preacher of] Dios astēr the planet Jupiter [preacher of]  Ploutōn A.Pluto, god of the nether world,rom ploutos) the wealth-giver, a name of Hades, Eur. Alc. 360, Soph. Ich. 273
Eur. Alc. 360 If I had the voice and music of Orpheus so that I could charm Demeter's daughter or her husband with song and fetch you from Hades, [360] I would have gone down to the Underworld, and neither Pluto's hound nor Charon the ferryman of souls standing at the oar would have kept me from bringing you back to the light alive.
Soph. Ich. 273 Zeus came secretly to Atlas's house ... to the deep-girdled goddess 1 ... and in a cave begot a single son [Hermes, Kairos]He has a hidden machine that makes the sound you're asking about, that so surprised you. It's a box full of pleasure that he made in just one day from a dead animal [A Turtle] he found, and he's down there shaking it.
[preacher as] kērukōn, hoi dēmioergoi

a skilled workman, handicraftsman,
    peithous dēmiourgos rhētorikē
from presbeis, as being messengers between nations at war
used interchangeably with apostolos,
[preacher of]    2. crier, who made proclamation and kept order in assemblies, etc.

THE Herald, when summonig a meeting of the Council, was quite as much a signal for the citizens to hurry from the Agora, each in terror of arrest, as it was for the Council to proceed to the Council-chamber.3

    Ar.Ach.42  They are gossiping in the marketplace, slipping hither and thither to avoid the vermilioned rope.9 The Prytanes10 even do not come; they will be late, but when they come they will push and fight each other for a seat in the front row. which never told me to ‘buy fuel, vinegar or oil’; there the word ‘buy,’ which cuts me in two, was unknown; I harvested everything at will. Therefore I have come to the assembly fully prepared to bawl, interrupt and abuse the speakers, if they talk of anything but peace,
        9 Several means were used to force citizens to attend the assemblies; the shops were closed; circulation was only permitted in those streets which led to the Pnyx; finally, [from PSALLO] a rope covered with vermilion was drawn round those who dallied in the Agora (the market-place), and the late-comers, ear- marked by the imprint of the rope, were fined.
        The assemblies of the people; they were FIFTY in number.
[Minister of]    mustēs , ou, ho, (mueō) initiated
ta mustōn orgia”[WRATH] (Prob. cogn. with erdō, rhezō, cf. ergon, orgeōn.
        orgeōnII. of men, like sphrigaō, swell with lust, wax wanton, be rampant
to be in heat, desire sexual intercourse

John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
        If ye CONTINUE in my WORD, THEN are ye my disciples indeed
and sacrifice of [Dionysus] Bacchus, came out to meet him with such solemnities and ceremonies as are then used: with men and children disguised like fauns and satyrs [BEAST].
        Moreover, the city was full of ivy, and darts wreathed about with ivy, [Shaken Reed of a Catamite]
        psalterions  , flutes, and howboyes [hautboys];
        and in their songs they called him Bacchus

Dionysus silenced Romans 14
         outlaws rhetoric, singing, playing, acting


        father of mirth
        courteous and gentle: and so was he unto some,
        but to the most part of men cruel and extreme. [Savage]

Marcus Antonius
XXIII. Plut. Ant. 23.1
XXIV. For straight, one Anaxenor,
        a player of the cithern [guitarist], Xoutus,
        a player of the flute, Metrodorus a tumbler,
        and such a rabble of minstrels
                 and fit ministers for the pleasures of Asia
                (who in fineness and flattery passed all the other plagues he brought with him out of Italy),
all these flocked in his court, and bare the whole sway: and after that all went awry.
        For every one gave themselves to riot and excess,
        when they saw he delighted in it: and all Asia was like to the city Sophocles

attests that those musicians came trom the lower social strata,
        and many of them, both men and women, were prostitutes

        hired to entertain guests in private parties."

Moreover there are numerous specific references to psaltery and kithara
        players employed as prostitute entertainers.

, for example, attests that Misgolas,
        one of the alleged lovers of Timarchos,
        had a reputation for being very fond of kithara boys,
        while Antiphanes and Alexis confirm this with jokes about Misgolas and his kithara boys.

Corrupting the Word (Logos Regulative Principle) is Selling your WORD at Retail. In Greek Civil Society these were PROSTITUTES.


Laying By in Store Fraud: 
For he robbed noblemen and gentlemen of their goods, to give it unto vile flatterers: who oftentimes begged living men's goods, as though they had been dead,

  Al Maxey SELLS himself as a King (pastor) set over us and therefore fleeces the flock.

Christians Speak: Devils Do. Selling your own Words: Prostitution and Self-Glorifying

Music.  Cantillation signs guide the READER in applying a CHANT to  READINGS. This chant is technically regarded as a ritualized form of SPEECH intonation rather than as a musical exercise like the singing of metrical hymns: for this reason Jews always speak of saying or reading a passage rather than of singing it. (In Yiddish the word is leynen 'read', derived from Latin legere, giving rise to the Jewish English verb "to leyn".)
5.12.20 Religious music is Prostitution and SORCERY.

The BEAST is Apollo or Apollyon: He is now unleashed from the smokey pit.
The BEAST is also the "new style of Music or Satyric Drama"

Isa 8:19 And when they shall say unto you,
        Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
        and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:
                should not a people seek unto their God?
                for the living to the dead
Python. Paul cast out the Pythian spirit out of the little girls. 
near Delphi by Apollo,
     to make a shrill noise, sound harshly, creak, hiss, grate, whiz, whistle, rattle, buzz: stridentia tinguunt Aera lacu, V.: cruor stridit, hisses, O.: belua Lernae Horrendum stridens, V.: horrendā nocte (striges), O.: mare refluentibus undis, V.: aquilone rudentes, O.: videres Stridere secretā aure susurros, buzz, H.
incantātĭo  I.  n enchanting, enchantment (post-class.): “magicae, Firm. Math. 5, 5: incantationum vires,Tert. Hab. Mul. 2.
To the law and to the TESTIMONY: [Spirit OF Christ]
        if they SPEAK not according to this WORD,
        it is because there is no light in them. Isa 8:20
The Word AS DABAR or Logos is GOD made Visible and Audible when Jesus or anyone SPEAKS that which is written for our LEARNING.
John 8:38 I SPEAK that which I have seen with my Father:
        and ye DO that which ye have seen with your father.

Rhetoric, singing, playing instruments, selling your own experiences or opinions is ANTI-Logos and therefore ANTI-Christ.

Al Maxey will never grasp that Paul said to know the WILL OF THE LORD and then SPEAK it.
Ode (enchantment) and Psallo (mark of Catamites) is IN the hear or SILENT.

If you EXPOUND that which Jesus made perfect from the PROPHETS then Paul says that you mock the Spirit OF God who put His WORD into the MOUTH of Jesus.  Prostitution is selling any words of your own beyond amplifying THAT PORTION of SCRIPTURE which is the One Piece Pattern.


John 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said,
        My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
John 7:17 If any man will do his will,
        he shall know of the doctrine,
        whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
John 7:18 He that speaketh of HIMSELF seeketh his own glory:
        but he that seeketh his glory that sent him,
        the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.
Devil Do: poiētai 4. after Hom., of Poets, compose, write, p. dithurambon, epea, Hdt.1.23, 4.14; “p. theogoniēn 
Epos  joined with muthos,     1. song or lay accompanied by music, 8.91,17.519.
2. fiction (opp. logos, historic truth),  THE REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE

Hdt. 1.23 Periander, who disclosed the oracle's answer to Thrasybulus, was the son of Cypselus, and sovereign of Corinth. The Corinthians say (and the Lesbians agree) that the most marvellous thing [Lying Wonders] that happened to him in his life was the landing on Taenarus of Arion of Methymna, brought there by a dolphin. This Arion was a lyre-player second to none in that age; he was the first man whom we know to compose and name the dithyramb1 which he afterwards taught at Corinth.

1 The dithyramb was a kind of dance-music particularly associated with the cult of Dionysus.

Devil Do: LATIN:   făcĭo ,  to make in all senses, to do, perform, accomplish, prepare, produce, bring to pass, cause, effect, create, commit, perpetrate, form, fashion operor Lying Wonder,  poëma,to compose, id. Pis. 29, 70: “carmina,Juv. 7, 28: “versus,id. 7, 38: “sermonem,Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1; cf. “litteram, id. Ac. 2, 2, 6: ludos, to celebrate, exhibit, admirationem alicujus rei alicui,to excite [the Laded Burden],
Devil Do: carmen
 I.a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto). note, sound, both vocal and instrumental “also versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonus),Enn. Ann. 508 Vahl.: “carmine vocali clarus citharāque Philammon,Ov. M. 11, 317; cf. “vocum,id. ib. 12, 157: “per me (sc. Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis

barbaricum, id. M. 11, 163.—With allusion to playing on the cithara: The Moher o Harlots in John 17 Carminibus Circe socios mutavit Ulixi,
Devil Do:   Commercium sermonis,  7  In mercant. lang., to practise, exercise, follow any trade or profession:  8. In relig. lang., like the Gr. rhezein, to perform or celebrate a religious rite; to offer sacrifice, make an offering, to sacrifice:

Devil Do: Mousa   II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, m. stugeraA.Eu.308 (anap.); “euphamosId.Supp.695 
Kanakhan .Clanging Brass
as many as made them hope by divinations, Madness caused by Ritual
worship as divine, Puthagoran  [Of the Cosmos, the Ecumenical, Kingdom of the Devil."
Antiluron mousas
S.Tr.643 (lyr.);  PLAYING THE LYRE
Aiakō moisan pherein
I. bear or carry a load,  A Laded Burden
Apparently the Cuba Avenue elders approve of spending their preachercating funds on INVENTING new RACA words to pour on the heads of anyone who will not CEASE teaching what the Bible universally teaches. It always associates music with Satan, prostitutes and Lucifer the harp-playing prostitute.  Perseus may have hacked some of these links for the literate.



Plato, Euthydemus

I think you give sufficient proof, I said, that this art of the speech-writers cannot be that whose acquisition would make one happy. And yet I fancied that somewhere about this point would appear the knowledge which we have been seeking all this while.

[289e] For not only do these speech-writers themselves, when I am in their company, impress me as prodigiously clever, Cleinias, but their art itself seems so exalted as to be almost inspired. However, this is not surprising; for it is a part of the SORCERER'S art, epōdōn tekhnēs
Latin 289e:
kai mentoi ouden thaumaston: esti gar tēs tōn epōdōn tekhnēs morion mikrō te ekeinēs hupodeestera.

Thaumaston Is a Lying wonder which claims that your rituals are ordained by God.

, Ion. and poet. epa^oidē , , sung to or over: hence, enchantment, spell, LADEN BURDEN
ou pros iatrou sophou thrēnein epōdas pros tomōnti pēmati
of the Magi, Hdt.1.132
  oute pharmaka..oud' au epōdaiPl.R. 426b ; thusiai kai e. ib.364b ;
charm for or against..,toutōn epōdas ouk epoiēsen patērA.Eu.649.

epōd-os , on, (epadō
A.singing to or over, using songs or charms to heal wounds, “epōdoi muthoi

b. Subst., enchanter,e. kai goēsE.Hipp. 1038 (but “goēs e.Ba.234): c. gen., a charm for or against,ethusen hautou paida epōdon Thrēkiōn aēmatōnA.Ag.1418 ; e. tōn toioutōn one to charm away such fears, Pl.Phd.78a.
c. c. dat., assisting, profitable, 2. Pass., sung to music,phōnaiPlu.2.622d ; fit for singing,poiētikēn e. parekhein
2. epōdos, ho, verse or passage returning at intervals, in Alcaics and Sapphics, D.H.Comp.19 ; chorus, BURDED, refrain,

Pl.Lg.903b    Athenian
Let us persuade the young man by our discourse that all things are ordered systematically by Him who cares for the World—all with a view to the preservation and excellence of the Whole, whereof also each part, so far as it can, does and suffers what is proper to it. To each of these parts, down to the smallest fraction, rulers of their action and passion are appointed to bring about fulfillment even to the uttermost

Plat. Euthyd. 290a and only slightly inferior to that. The sorcerer's art is the charming of snakes and tarantulas and scorpions and other beasts and diseases, while the other is just the charming and soothing of juries, assemblies [Ekklesia or church], crowds, and so forth. Or does it strike you differently? I asked.

No, it appears to me, he replied, to be as you say.

kēl-ēsis , eōs, , *A.  bewitching, charming, ekheōn, nosōn, Pl.Euthd. 290a: enchantment by eloquence, dikastōn k. te kai paramuthia ibid.; by music and sweet sounds, Id.R.601b, Stoic.3.97.

Plat. Rep. 601b
whether he speak in rhythm, meter [melos] and harmony [rhuthmon about cobbling or generalship or anything whatever. So mighty is the spell1 that these adornments naturally exercise; though when they are stripped bare of their musical coloring [metron] and taken by themselves,2 I think you know what sort of a showing these sayings of the poets make. For you, I believe, have observed them.” “I have,” he said. “Do they not,” said I, “resemble the faces of adolescents, young but not really beautiful, when the bloom of youth abandons them?3” “By all means,” he said. “Come, then,” said I, “consider this point: The creator of the phantom, the imitator, we say, knows nothing of the reality but only the appearance.

hōraios , fruits ripe for plucking or rippe for death.

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