Assemblies of God Music and Song in Worship Music and musical instruments appear near the beginning of the biblical record. As early as Genesis 4:21, Jubal is mentioned as the “father of all who play the harp and flute.” The Old Testament mentions 16 or more musical instruments in both worship and non-worship settings. The New Testament mentions four (or five if the “gong”of 1 Corinthians 13:1 is included).

An assembly, synagogue or ekklesia is defined exclusively to read and understand material handed down from a higher power. Because this is rarely discerned in the clear inclusive and exclusive passages, theologians decide that they need entertainment to "make the medicine go down." As a result they ignore the story line and just lift "musical" or "instrumental" passages out of context and by definition "make the lambs dumb before the slaughter." There is nothing you can offer God as "worship" other than to give attendance to the reading and understanding of His Word.  Without spending too much time over "musical" events this paper will concentrate on some of the connections between music and the serpent beginning in the garden of Eden.

  1. In Genesis 49 Jacob warned against the Levi tribe who had the same attributes as the RACE OF SERPENTS in the garden and Babylon. The godly people always attended synagogue as a School Only by non-mercinary Patriarchs.
  2. God did not command king, kingdom, temple, animal slaughter (Isaiah 1; Jeremiah 7) or the Jacob-cursed and God-abandoned Levites whose instrumental prophesying is defined as soothsaying or sorcery.
  3. Because of Instrumental-Trinitarian-Perverted and Egyptian-Babylonian idolatry at Mount Sinai God abandoned them and sentenced them to captivity and death in Assyria or Babylon.
  4. Theologians look for mere mentions of music or an instrument even if it is the song of the prostitute or making noise during the HOLOCAUST of the innocent animals which already belonged to God.
  5. Theology is the science the the laws of Apollon -- Abaddon.  The Jew's SERVICE is the same Abadown.
  6. The only personified spirit is that of Apollon one of the "unknown gods" worshipped at Athens.
  7. HOWEVER, from  Genesis to Revelation music is RESOURCED from Lucifer as the "singing and harp playing prostitute."
  8. In Revelation 17 the same Babylon mother of harlots uses lusted after fruits (same as Amos 8) as speakers, singers or instrument players.
  9. In Revelation 18 Jesus instructs John to call them SORCERERS who HAD once deceived the whole world.
kōma , atos, to, (perh. cogn. with keimai, koimaō) A.deep sleep
metaph., of the effect of music, Pi.P.1.12. 2. Medic., lethargic state, coma,


Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Subtle Cunning: callĭdus  Occult occultare vitia sua,Sall. J. 15, 3: that is taught wisdom by experience and practice, shrewd, expert, experienced, adroit, skilful: callida Musa, Calliope, reference to art, excelling in art, skilful, Crafty, cunning, artful, sly.
Hes. Th. 1[25] the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis: “Shepherds of the wilderness, wretched things of shame, mere bellies, we know how to speak many false things as though they were true; but we know, when we will, to utter true things.”

Mousagetēs 1 doric for Mousēgetēs leader of the Muses, Lat. Musagetes, of Apollo [Abaddon, Apollyon] , Plat.1 Mous-a_getēs, ou, ho,

Mousa_geta_s , a, ho, Dor. for Mousēgetēs (v. infr.), A.leader of the Muses, epith. of Apollo
callĭdĭtas cunning, craft, slyness, artfulness sapio Sophos , ē, on, A. skilled in any handicraft or art, clever, harmatēlatas s. Pi.P.5.115, cf. N.7.17; “kubernētēsA.Supp.770; “mantisId.Th.382; “ even of hedgers and ditchers, Margites Fr.2; but in this sense mostly of poets and musicians, Pi.O.1.9, P.1.42, 3.113; en kithara s. E.IT1238 etc.; also en oiōnois, kithara, [Wind and Harp] of oratorical artifice
Eph. 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

Elders have one assignment: To Teach that which has been Taught to PREVENT the Race of Vipers

Eph. 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

The SERPENT still has angels of light exercising the same CUNNING craftsmanship:

-Panourg-os (properisp.), on,  elders-turned-wolves love to HIRE them.
A. ready to do anything, wicked, knavish,
II. in a less positively bad sense, cunning, clever, smart, “p. kai deinosD. 1.3, cf. Pl.Tht.177a, Arist.EN1144a28; “p. te kai sophosPl.R.409c; “kompsos kai p.Plu. 2.28a: Sup., Plb.5.75.2. Adv. “-gōs, p. kai hupokritikōs legein ta epē
-“p. kai deinosegein clever at speaking, forcible, vehement, style in oratory, “d. hupo panourgias
Sophos , ē, on, A. skilled in any handicraft or art, clever, harmatēlatas s. Pi.P.5.115, cf. N.7.17; “kubernētēsA.Supp.770; “mantisId.Th.382; “ even of hedgers and ditchers, Margites Fr.2; but in this sense mostly of poets and musicians, Pi.O.1.9, P.1.42, 3.113; en kithara s. E.IT1238 etc.; also en oiōnois, kithara, [Wind and Harp]
-Plat. Rep. 409c But that cunning fellow quick to suspect evil,
        and who has himself done many unjust acts and who thinks himself a smart trickster,
                 [panourgos te kai sophos]
        when he associates with HIS LIKE does APPEAR to be clever,
being on his guard and fixing his eyes on the PATTERNS within himself.
        But when the time comes for him to mingle with the good and his elders, --
THEN  on the contrary he appears stupid.
        He is unseasonably [kairon] distrustful [apistōn] and
        he cannot recognize a sound character
        because he has no such pattern in himself.

Genesis 3.1  sed et serpens erat callidior cunctis animantibus terrae quae fecerat Dominus Deus qui dixit ad mulierem cur praecepit vobis Deus ut non comederetis de omni ligno paradisi

5175 nâchâsh naw-khawsh' From H5172 ; a snake (from its hiss):—serpent.
H5172 nâchash naw-khash' A primitive root; properly to hiss, that is, whisper a (magic) spell; generally to prognosticate:— X certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) X enchantment, learn by experience, X indeed, diligently observe.

, of things, to move slowly or imperceptibly, to creep along, proceed gradually,
Of disease, etc.: “si ulcus latius atque altius serpit,gradually spreads,serpentes quasdam (bestias), quasdam esse gradientes,”  “chamaeleon,
 Fire: “exsistit sacer ignis et urit corpore serpens,slowly spreading,  canam, qui leniter
(cf.:sermones Repentes per humum, A creeping LOUSE

Canam or Cano   A. Of men: “si absurde canat, Tibia and singtibia canentum  the flute curvo calamo  The harp cithara,
inclinată ululantique [Halal praise]  voce more Asiatico canere,” Celebrate ANTI Reverence and godly fear.

-aoid-ē  = eppsdē, spell, incantation,okhēes ōkeiais . . anathrōskontes aoidaisA.R.4.42, cf. 59. Cf. ōdē.

  1. ōdē   epōdos, magic song, spell
  2. ODE as enchantment OPPOSITE  lexis, Lg.816d; en ōdais kai muthois kai logois
  3. Lexis Orders GIVEN BY WORD OF MOUTH. 4. text of an author, opp. exegesis
  4. God always commands that WE SPEAK the Bible text (Ephesians 5; Colossians 3)
  5. Therefore, to SING always connected to sorcery VIOLATES direct command and common sense.
Hes. Th. 48 And they, uttering their immortal voice, celebrate in song first of all the revered race of the gods [45] from the beginning, those whom Earth and wide Heaven begot, and the gods sprung of these, givers of good things. Then next, the goddesses sing of Zeus, the father of gods and men, as they begin and end their strain, how much he is the most excellent among the gods and supreme in power. [50] And again, they chant the race of men and strong giants, and gladden the heart of Zeus within Olympus,—the Olympian Muses, daughters of Zeus the aegis-holder.
The Muses are John's Locusts:
Hes. Th. 1 from the Heliconian Muses let us begin to sing [aeidein], who hold the great and holy mount of Helicon, and dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty son of Cronos, [5] and, when they have washed their tender bodies in Permessus or in the Horse's Spring or Olmeius, make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helicon and move with vigorous feet. Thence they arise and go abroad by night,

[10] veiled in thick mist, and utter their song [humneusai ]with lovely voice, praising Zeus the aegis-holder, and queenly Hera of Argos who walks on golden sandals, and the daughter of Zeus the aegis-holder bright-eyed Athena, and Phoebus Apollo [Apollōna], and Artemis who delights in arrows,

[15] and Poseidon the earth holder who shakes the earth, and revered Themis, and quick-glancing Aphrodite, and Hebe with the crown of gold, and fair Dione, Leto, Iapetus, and Cronos the crafty counsellor, Eos, and great Helius, and bright Selene,  [The moon goddess of Lectio-Divina Hailing Mary the Mother of God]

[20] Earth, too, and great Oceanus, and dark Night, and the holy race of all the other deathless ones that are for ever. And one day they taught Hesiod glorious song [aoidēn] while he was shepherding his lambs under holy Helicon, and this word first the goddesses said to me—

[25] the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis:
        “Shepherds of the wilderness,
        wretched things of shame, mere bellies,
        we know how to speak many false things as though they were true;
        but we know, when we will, to utter true things.”

Repeated at Tyre and Babylon and Lucifer worship the Spirit OF Christ notes of the same enemy of God:

Ezek. 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

Lucifer was created in the sense of being "cast down".
h2490 Chalal to wound, to play the flute, take people's inheritance, player on instruments, cast as profane or prostitute.
h1984    halal as David's praise word: to sine, celebrate, make self foolish, feign self mad, give in marriate
h1966.   heylel, hay-lale´; from 1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning-star:—lucifer.
Lucifer as Tyre: Just like Jerusalem called Sodom

Is. 23:15 And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king: after the end of seventy years shall Tyre sing as an harlot.
Is. 23:16 Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered.
Is. 23:17 And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years, that the LORD will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth.

Lexis Orders GIVEN BY WORD OF MOUTH. 4. text of an author, opp. exegesis

exêgêtês II. expounder, interpreter, esp. of oracles, dreams, or omens, Hdt.1.78; at Athens, of sacred rites or customs, modes of burial, expiation, etc., spiritual director, Pl.Euthphr.4d,9a, Lg.759c, 759e, 775a, D.47.68, Is.8.39, Thphr.Char.16.6: as an official title, e. Puthochrêstos IG3.241 ; e. ex Eupatridôn ib.267; e. ex Eumolpidôn Lys.6.10 , etc., cf. Suid.s.v.;  patrios e., of Apollo, Pl.R.427c.

Pl.R.427c For the exegete as a special religious functionary at Athens. cf. L. and S. s.v. and Laws 759 C-D. Apollo in a higher sense is the interpreter of religion for all mankind. He is technically patrōos at Athens (Euthydemus 302 D) but he is patrios for all Greeks and all men. Plato does not, as Thümser says (p. 301), confuse the Dorian and the Ionian Apollo, but rises above the distinction.

Paul cast out the Pythian Spirit from the young girl
Pu_tho-khrēstos , A.delivered by the Pythian god, manteumata [The Mad women of Corinth who musical prophesied]

b. at Rome, of the pontifices, D.H.2.73.

2. guide, cicerone, to temples, etc., Paus.5.15.10, SIG1021.20 (Olympia).

3. commentator, Gal. 15.518, EN50.8.

The synagogue as The Church of Christ (the Rock) was defined inclusively and exclusively in the Wilderness. This was after the fall into musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.  The musical proof texts have to do with the Civil-Military-Clergy whom God abandoned to worship the starry host (Acts 7 etc)

The assembly was:
EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing or rhetoric: Jesus calls them hypocrites
INCLUSIVE of Rest, Reading and Rehearsing the Word only.


Dt 18:9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee,
        thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
Dt 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that
        maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire,
        or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,

hărĭŏlus  soothsayer, prophet, prophetess
somnĭo , to dream; to dream of or see in a dream, to dream, i. e. to think idly or vainly, to talk foolishly:
psaltrĭa , ae, f., = psaltria, . a female player on the cithara, a lutist, “ineptias,Col. 1, 8, 2: “ah stulte! tu de Psaltriā me somnias Agere,Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 6; Plaut. Pers. 2, 3, 5.—Absol.: “vigilans somniat
portenta non disserentium philosophorum sed somniantium,Cic. N. D. 1, 8, 18.

Deut. 18:11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer


Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images,
        the STAR of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Acts 7:41 And they made a calf in those days,
        and offered sacrifice unto the idol,
        and rejoiced in the works of their own hands


Amos 5:23 Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs;
        for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.
Amos 5:24 BUT [INSTEAD] let judgment run down as waters,
        and righteousness as a mighty stream.
Amos 5:25 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness
         forty years, O house of Israel?
Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images,
        the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
Amos 5:27 Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus,
         saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.

This is a picture of the instrumental worship at Jerusalem and Mount Gerizim just before and just after Russ and David claim that God commanded them to impose instrumental Worship. Perhaps He did:
Acts 7:42 Then God turned,
        and GAVE THEM UP to worship the HOST of heaven; 
        as it is written in the book of the prophets,
        O ye house of Israel,  have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices
        by the space of forty years in the wilderness?

Amos 5:27 Therefore will I cause you to go into
        captivity beyond Damascus,
        saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.
Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch
        and the star of your god Remphan
        figures which ye made to worship them: 
        and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
PSALM 22 prophesied of the same assault of dogs or catamites musically mocking Jesus to fulfill the type.

PSALM 41 and in the Dead Sea Scrolls Prophesied the Judas Attack
DSS: "The priests shall blow the trumpets of massacre, and
the Levites and all the blowers of the ram's horn
.........shall sound a battle alarm,
.........and the foot soldiers shall stretch out their hands against the host...
and at the sound of the alarm
.........they shall begin to bring down the slain.
All the people shall cease their clamor,
.........but the priests shall continue blow the trumpets of massacre."  - War Scroll
All who have eaten my bread
.........have lifted their heel against me (cf John 13:18)
.........And all those joined to my Council
.........have mocked me with wicked lips. (Children piping and chiding.)
They have overtaken me in a narrow pass (gap) without escape
.........And there is no rest for me in my trial.
.........They sound my censure upon a harp
.........and their murmuring and storming upon a zither." Ps.41:11
Anguish seizes me the pangs of a woman in travail, (John 16:21)
.........and my heart is troubled within me.
.........I am clothed in blackness
.........and my tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth. (Vermes, 165f)
However, of Jesus:

I will groan with the
zither of lamentation all grief-stricken mourning and bitter complaint
.........until iniquity and wickedness are consumed

and the disease-bringing scourge is no more
I will sing with knowledge and all my music
shall be for the glory of God.
(My) lyre (and) my harp shall sound
for His holy order
  • and I will tune the pipe of my lips
  • to His right measure

    Matthew 27:29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head,
            and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him,
            and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
    Matthew 27:28 And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
    Matthew 27:31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him,
            and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.

    Music was always the sign that God had abandoned people to their own false worship: God turned the Jews over to worship the starry host.  If you grasp anything out of the Law or the abandoned Monarchy as a pattern you missed the prophets where the Spirit OF Christ condemned them.  Instrumental-Trinitarian-Perverted Idolatry was the rich people rising up to PLAY both instrumentally and homosexuality. Psalm 22 shows that the "dog" or Catamites would attempt to divert Jesus from His goals.

    This can be understood by Psalm 41 especially the copy at the Dead Sea and the actual fulfillment.
    Empaizō , fut. to be deluded  II. sport in or on, “hōs nebros khloerais e. leimakos hēdonaisE.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois khoroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; “ gumnasiōLuc.Lex.5.
    -Prospaizô2. abs., sport, jest3. laugh at, make fun or sport ofsing to the gods, sing in their praise or honour, 2. banter, tous rhêtoras

    2 Peter 3 Marks of the End Time Mockers

    2 Peter 3:2 That ye may
            be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets,
            and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

    That is the CURRICULUM for DISCIPLES who attend the School of the Word and not pagan ceremonial legalism

    2 Peter 3:3 Knowing this first,
            that there shall come in the last days scoffers,
            walking after their own lusts,


    -Aristoph. Thes.[947] Let us now devote ourselves to the sports which the women are accustomed to celebrate here, when time has again brought round the mighty Mysteries of the great goddesses, the sacred days which Pauson himself honours by fasting and would wish feast to succeed feast, that he might keep them all holy. Spring forward with a light step, whirling in mazy circles; let your hands interlace, let the eager and rapid dancers sway to the music and glance on every side as they move. - 

    Great Goddesses:

    Paizo dance, play a game,  4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., Pan ho kalamo phthongapaizôn [played on a reed]Ar.Ra.230 ; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.5. play amorously, prosallêlous X.Smp.9.2 ; metatinosLXX Ge.26.8 ; of mares, Arist.HA572a30.

    -Orgia sacrifices to Aphrodite A.secret rites, secret worship, practised by the initiated, of the Cabeiri and Demeter Achaia, most freq. of the rites of Dionysus, Cogn erdō, rhezō, cf. ergon, orgeōn.
    Kukleo whirl round and round, encompass
    [959] Chorus Let the chorus sing likewise and praise the Olympian gods in their pious transport. It's wrong to suppose that, because I am a woman and in this temple, I am going to speak ill of men; [966] but since we want something fresh, we are going through the rhythmic steps of the round dance for the first time. Matthew 27:29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head,
            and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him,
            and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
    Matthew 27:28 And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
    Matthew 27:31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him,
            and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
    Empaizō , fut. to be deluded  II. sport in or on, “hōs nebros khloerais e. leimakos hēdonaisE.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois khoroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; “ gumnasiōLuc.Lex.5.
    -Prospaizô2. abs., sport, jest3. laugh at, make fun or sport ofsing to the gods, sing in their praise or honour, 2. banter, tous rhêtoras
    God is the Word, Logos or Regulative Principle. The words for teaching and admonishing (comfort) are SPEAK and READ. Jesus was the Audible-Visible Logos and He spoke only what God the Father breathed (spirit) into Him.  In Isaiah 8 the Spirit OF Christ said of those who do not Speak the Word that THERE IS NO LIGHT IN THEM.

    Speak or Logos which uniquely defines worship IN SPIRIT excludes anything beyond PREACHING the Word by READING the Word for doctrine and Comfort.

    Therefore, any instrumental note which is not connected to the Assembly of Christ (the Rock) is, based on lots of history, intended to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter. The word KOMA (Coma) is caused by instrumental noises.

    Jesus as the WORD is the
    -LOGOS or rational discord of God made audible and capable of being recorded. The ONE God always had His Word and Reason with Him.
    -Lego Count, recount, tell over, say, speak, 8. at the beginning of letters or documentsmaintain as a thesis
      Sophron of sound mindhaving control over the sensual desires, temperate, self-controlled, chaste, reasonable comparison. , esp. in the theatre,Singing the words of a male god was considered obscene.

    Opposite to epithumia
     A. desire, yearning, longing after a thing, desire of or for it, Theaomai :--gaze at, behold, mostly with a sense of wonder,
            3. view as spectators
    Ratio   I. a reckoning, account, calculation, computation.
    1. plea, pretext, ground, would have admitted of an explanation,
    2. statement of a theory, argument, to be explained
       c. in Logic, proposition, whether as premiss or conclusion
       d. rule, principle, law, as embodying the result of logismos
    4. thesis, hypothesis, provisional ground,
    5. reason, ground
    6. formula (wider than definition, but freq. equivalent thereto), term expressing reason,
    7. reason, law exhibited in the world-process,
       c. in Neo-Platonic Philos., of regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible
           and operative in the sensible universe
    IV. inward debate of the soul 1.thinking, reasoning,  explanation,
    Opposite Pathos  A. that which happens to a person or thing, incident, accident,
    where this incident took place, unfortunate accident,
    2. what one has experienced, good or bad, experience
    II. of the soul, emotion, passion (“legō de pathē . . holōs hois hepetai hēdonē ē lupēArist.EN1105b21), “sophiē psukhēn pathōn aphaireitai
    Opposite Poiein to excite passion, Arist.Rh.1418a12; V. Rhet., emotional style or treatment, to sphodron kai enthousiastikon p. Longin.8.1; “pathos poieinArist. Rh.1418a12; “
    Opposite  epagōgēs IV. inward debate of the soul
    in Logic, of discursive reasoning,  OPPOSITE intuition
    2. reason as a faculty,
    V. continuous statement, narrative (whether fact or fiction), oration lego
          Trutho pposite myths, poems
    4.speech, delivered in court, assembly

    verbal expression or utterance, lego, lexis
          -Lexis A.speech, OPPOSITE ôidê
    IX 2
    prose OPPOSITE -poiêsis, Id.R.390a;
    OPPOSITE -poiêtikê, D.H.Comp.6; opp. poiêmata, onomatopoeic word

    Logos is the  OPPOSITE  emmetra, ib.1450b15 (pl Id.Rh.1404a31

    There is no command, example or remote inference of God calling people into REST (school) to engage in group singing with or without instruments.


    Genesis was written after the Israelites rose up (against God) in Instrumental-Trinitarian-Perverted Idolatry. God sentenced them to captivity and death in Assyria and Babylon.  Moses defined the Sumerian and other nations c. BC 4000 which had confiscated all of the free farm land and animals. People had to appear at the towers or Ziggurats such as at Jerusalem to pay money to get their own property back because the priests claimed that they protected the people from dangerous gods and made certain that the gods gave them many lambs.

    In Genesis 49 Jacob cursed the Levites and warned people not to attend their assemblies or to enter into a covenant with Levi.  The Levites were cursed because they were like the same murderous descendants of Cain.

    Genesis speaks of TWO FAMILIES: one was that of Cain and Jubal and the other that who brought Noah who will give us comfort.

    Click for The Two Lamech Families

    h7014.  Qayin, kah´-yin; the same as 7013 (with a play upon the affinity to 7069); Kajin, the name of the first child, also of a place in Palestine, and of an Oriental tribe:—Cain, Kenite(-s).
    h7069.  qanah, kaw-naw´; a primitive root; to erect, i.e. create; by extension, to procure, especially by purchase (causatively, sell); by implication to own:—attain, buy(-er), teach to keep cattle, get, provoke to jealousy, possess(-or), purchase, recover, redeem, x surely, x verily.

    Qayin (h7013) kah'-yin; from 6969 in the orig. sense of fixity; a lance (as striking fast): - spear.
    (h6969) koon; a prim. root; to strike a musical note, i. e. chant or wail at a funeral: - lament, mourning woman.

    1John 3:12 Not as Cain, who was OF that wicked one, and slew his brother.
            And wherefore slew he him?
            Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.

    Tubal-Cain is derived from two Hebrew words--

    Yabal (h2986) yaw-bal'; to flow; to bring especially with pomp): - bring (forth), carry, lead (forth). (Related to running sores)

    Qayin (h7013) kah'-yin; from 6969 in the orig. sense of fixity; a lance (as striking fast): - spear.

    Quwn (h6969) koon; a prim. root; to strike a musical note, i. e. chant or wail at a funeral: - lament, mourning woman.

    An artificer is a Koresh

    Choresh (h2794) kho-rashe'; act. part. of 2790; a fabricator or mechanic: - artificer.

    Cheresh (h2791) kheh'-resh; from 2790; magical craft; also silence: - cunning, secretly.
    Charash (h2790) khaw-rash'; from the use of tools to fabricate. figurative: to devise in a bad sense; practise secretly.

    An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, P r6:18

    Gen. 4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the FATHER of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
    Gen. 4:21 And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the FATHER  of all such as handle the harp and organ.

    h2986. yabal, yaw-bal´; a primitive root; properly, to flow; causatively, to bring (especially with pomp):—bring (forth), carry, lead (forth).
    h2990.  yabbel, yab-bale´; from 2986; having running sores:

    căno , cĕcĭni, cantum (ancient I.imp. cante = canite   to utter melodious notes, to sing, sound, play.
    Augur C. Transf., of the instruments by which, or (poet.) of the places in which, the sounds are produced, to sound, resound: “canentes tibiae,”Gen.  to sing, play, rehearse, recite:  Enchant

    Organum Vitr. 10, 1.--Of musical instruments, a pipe,. Gen. 4, 21; id. 2 Par. 34, 12 et saep.--Of hydraulic engines, an organ, water-organ: organa hydraulica,

    Handle proves that Cain was OF that wicked one and the father of Jubal handled musical instruments.

    h8610.  taw-fas´; a primitive root; to manipulate, i.e. seize; chiefly to capture, wield, specifically, to overlay; figuratively, to use unwarrantably:—catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, x surely, surprise, take.
    H8611 tôpheth to'-feth From the base of H8608 ; a smiting, that is, (figuratively) contempt:--tabret. MEANING HELL
    8612. tRp;Ot Topheth, to´-feth; the same as 8611; Topheth, a place near Jerusalem:—Tophet, Topheth

    H8608 taphaph to drum, that is, play (as) on the tambourine: taber, play with timbrels.  

    Organon , to, ( [ergon, erdô] ) I. an implement, instrument, engine of any kind 12.--Of military or architectonic engines (whereas machina denotes one of a larger size and more complicated construction) GET DATA FROM APOC1WATCHERS.HTML

      [Ergô], 1. in Il. mostly of deeds of war, polemêïaerga, 3.a hard piece of work, a hard task, Il.: also, a shocking deed or act,
    A. instrument, implement, tool, for making or doing a thing
    3.musical instrument, ; met'ôidês kai tinôn organôn Phld.Mus.p.98K. ; of the pipe, Melanipp.2, Telest.1.2

    Plato: Apology of Socrates and Crito crito,17.2 speaking directly to the charismatic prophesying being practiced by the women in Corinth:

    hoi korubantiôntes: here a species of madness seems to be indicated,

    under the influence of which men
    ......imagined that they heard the flutes
    ......that were used in Corybantian revels.
    ......and the song of the bacchanals in Eur. Bacch. 123-127,
    Corybantes, wearing helms three-rimmed,
    ......Stretched skins to make my drum's full round;
    ......Then they, in hollowed caves, lithe-limbed,
    ......With drums, and, with the flute's shrill sound
    ......Full Phrygian, bacchic ditties hymned.

    This is Paul's meaning of "clanging brass and tinkling cymbals" which, in church, was equated to speaking in tongues.

    Gen 4:22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.

    The Creator himself declared, “The morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy” at the dawn of creation (Job 38:7).

    David, “Israel’s singer of songs” (2 Samuel 23:1), said, “He [the Lord] put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God” (Psalms 40:3). And Isaiah prophesied, “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands” (Isaiah 55:12).

    Organized music and choirs developed rapidly in David’s time, given his personal musical genius and his reverence toward the ark and the tabernacle/temple as God’s dwelling. David appointed Levites as “singers to sing joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments: lyres, harps, and cymbals”

    (1 Chronicles 15:16-22;

    cf. 2 Chronicles 29:25,26; 35:15). “Four thousand are to be gatekeepers and four thousand are to praise the Lord with the musical instruments I have provided for that purpose”

    (1 Chronicles 23:5; cf. 2 Chron. 5:12,13). In fact, the word "psalm" (psalmos, from psallō, originally “to pluck” or “to play”) itself implies use of musical instruments.

    Interrupted by the Exile, Israel’s musical tradition resumed following her return from captivity, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the completion of the second temple (cf. Nehemiah 7:1; 12:27).

    The Exile was CAUSED by profaning God's day for the poor to REST.

    Though there is little information in the Gospels and Acts, Jesus, the Apostles, and the believers of the Early Church would have been the beneficiaries of the musical ministries of the organized choirs and musicians of the temple.

    While the New Testament says nothing about musical instruments per se in the early Christian house churches, music and song were a part of Spirit-filled worship (Acts 16:25;

    God will be happy if you sing in prison. However, the ASSEMBLY is defined inclusively and exclusively as a place to READ and understand the WORD.  The synagogue or Church of Christ (the Rock) in the wilderness was:
    EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing.
    INCLUSIVE of Rest, reading and rehearsing or repeating the Word as LEARNING.

    Acts 16:25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.

    g5214.  humneo, hoom-neh´-o; from 5215; to hymn, i.e. sing a religious ode; by implication, to celebrate (God) in song: — sing a hymn (praise unto).
    g5215.   humnos, hoom´-nos; apparently from a simpler (obsolete) form of   hudeo (to celebrate; probably akin to 103; compare H5667); a “hymn” or religious ode (one of the Psalms): — hymn.

    When we praise God we do not sing our own songs: we acknowledge what God has done in history.
    laudo  I.  to praise, laud, commend, extol, eulogize, approve (cf.: celebro, praed co).
    Verg. G. 2.412
    Twice doth the thickening shade beset the vine,
    Twice weeds with stifling briers o'ergrow the crop;
    And each a toilsome labour.

    Do thou praise Broad acres, farm but few.

    Rough twigs beside
    Of butcher's broom among the woods are cut,
    And reeds upon the river-banks, and still
    The undressed willow claims thy fostering care.
    So now the vines are fettered, now the trees
    Let go the sickle, and the last dresser now
    Sings of his finished rows; but still the ground
    Must vexed be, the dust be stirred, and heaven
    Still set thee trembling for the ripened grapes.

    1 Corinthians 14:14,15,26;

    Ephesians 5:19;

    Colossians 3:16).

    Apparently there was a variety of styles and content in the congregational singing, though there is no evidence of church choirs or special numbers. The convictions of certain denominations against musical instruments notwithstanding, the New Testament does not prohibit any kind of musical instrument.

    Jesus as the WORD is the
    -LOGOS or rational discord of God made audible and capable of being recorded. The ONE God always had His Word and Reason with Him.

    -Lego Count, recount, tell over, say, speak, 8. at the beginning of letters or documentsmaintain as a thesis
      Sophron of sound mindhaving control over the sensual desires, temperate, self-controlled, chaste, reasonable comparison. , esp. in the theatre,Singing the words of a male god was considered obscene.

    Opposite to epithumia
     A. desire, yearning, longing after a thing, desire of or for it, Theaomai :--gaze at, behold, mostly with a sense of wonder,
    view as spectators
    Ratio   I. a reckoning, account, calculation, computation.
    1. plea, pretext, ground, would have admitted of an explanation,
    2. statement of a theory, argument, to be explained
       c. in Logic, proposition, whether as premiss or conclusion
       d. rule, principle, law, as embodying the result of logismos
    4. thesis, hypothesis, provisional ground,
    5. reason, ground
    6. formula (wider than definition, but freq. equivalent thereto), term expressing reason,
    7. reason, law exhibited in the world-process,
       c. in Neo-Platonic Philos., of regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible
           and operative in the sensible universe
    IV. inward debate of the soul 1.thinking, reasoning,  explanation,
    Opposite Pathos  A. that which happens to a person or thing, incident, accident,
    where this incident took place, unfortunate accident,
    2. what one has experienced, good or bad, experience
    II. of the soul, emotion, passion (“legō de pathē . . holōs hois hepetai hēdonē ē lupēArist.EN1105b21), “sophiē psukhēn pathōn aphaireitai
    Opposite Poiein to excite passion, Arist.Rh.1418a12; V. Rhet., emotional style or treatment, to sphodron kai enthousiastikon p. Longin.8.1; “pathos poieinArist. Rh.1418a12; “
    Opposite  epagōgēs IV. inward debate of the soul
    in Logic, of discursive reasoning,  OPPOSITE intuition
    2. reason as a faculty,
    V. continuous statement, narrative (whether fact or fiction), oration lego
          Trutho pposite myths, poems

    4.speech, delivered in court, assembly
    VI. verbal expression or utterance, lego, lexis
          -Lexis A.speech, OPPOSITE ôidê
    IX 2
    prose OPPOSITE -poiêsis, Id.R.390a;
    OPPOSITE -poiêtikê, D.H.Comp.6; opp. poiêmata, onomatopoeic word

    Logos is the  OPPOSITE  emmetra, ib.1450b15 (pl Id.Rh.1404a31

    In fact, Revelation depicts repeated scenes of heavenly worship featuring musical instruments and songs, as well as verbal celebration of the glory and power of God. The worshipping throng of Revelation 5, some with harp in hand, climaxed their songs to God and the Lamb with “praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever!” (Revelation 5:13). The 144,000 sang to the Lamb “a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders” (Revelation 14:3). Those who overcame the beast “held harps given them by God and sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb: ‘Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty’ ”

     General Council of the Assemblies of God 5 Worship in the Bible

    (Revelation 15:3). The vision of the Lord descending in power and glory is also prefaced by shouts of worship and praise (Revelation 19:1-8). The final word of the angel in that setting is, “Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10).

    While particular aptitude in the music arts is not specifically mentioned among the spiritual gift lists of the New Testament (cf. Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:8- 10,28; Ephesians 4:11; 1 Peter 4:10,11), remember that these lists are probably ad hoc and noncomprehensive. Just as God by His Spirit specifically gifted Bezalel and Oholiab for the artistry of the tabernacle and its furnishings (Exodus 35:30-35)—another gifting not mentioned in the New Testament—it seems evident that He gifted David (2 Samuel 23:1; Psalms 40:3) for music and psalms and continues similarly to gift yielded believers.


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