2 Timothy 3: see how the DECEIVERS condemned by Paul used music as sorcery to deceive the whole world
Cane Ridge - Second Great Awakening - Revivalism
Cane Ridge Revivalism did not sprout from the roots of bamboo. Such CONTAGIOUS EXERCISES hatch from competition between the NEW LIGHTS and the OLD LIGHTS - Control over spirituality. This began with Witfield in New England as the First Great American Awakening and spread to the American frontier as the Second Great American Awakening. Many of the extreme "exercises" are found today in singing, playing music, dancing, shouting and speakiong in tongues.Home... Apocalyptic... Apocryphal... Awakening... Baptism..... Caneridge... Church.... Colonial... Godhead.... MaxLucado... Lynn.Aderson... Musical Worship... Preaching... Restoration... RubelShelly... Search Our Site... Tongues... Topical...
The word CHARISMATIC while worshiping Chara-the Grace-only goddess, is most often attached to perverted sexuality Charismatic ecstasy is speaking as "prophets." The only background for "threskia" form of ceremonial worship was founded by Orpheus one of the "fathers" of music and what Paul identified as MADNESS or speaking in tongues in 1 Cor 14. Chara or GRACE was a goddess. Charismatic connected directly to attempting to bind spirit and flesh together in the "harmony" principle of Apollyon or Apollo: "moving together" involved only two persons and was acted out in homosexuality: usually in pederasty (sodomy) which was common in ALL priesthoods or brotherhoods of religious performers
CLICK HERE FOR THE FREE, TRUE GOSPEL MADE AVAILABLE TO ALL NATIONS WITH SUNLIGHT--FOR A WITNESS Scripture says that those rejecting baptism are treacherous: they call Jesus Christ a liar. Music closes minds.
Index of Max Lucado leading another awakening?
Music at Oak Hills church of Christ.
Calvinism in the Church
# 1: David Lawrence of David Lipscomb on predestinaion Number One.
# 2: A Look at Galatians 3 on PREDESTINATION to a system of FAITH like Abraham who was justified because he obeyed all of God's commands and decrees.
#3: David Lawrence: Predestination Acts 11:8 and 2 Timothy 2
In the most vile pagan temple which included priests, prophets, musicians and prostitutes, the MUSICIANS could never enter the holy hlaces of the temple. They performed in the court yards.The JEWISH musicians called "noise makers" whose SERVICE was HARD BONDAGE could not enter the Holy Place as a type of the church of Christ even to clean out the garbage.
Therefore, the use of musicians a MEDIATORS to "lead you into the presence of God" is new and unique and totally fulfills the prophecy of the end-time Babylon Whore religion.
David's Temple as a request to rule and worship like THE NATIONS. The Hebrew word goyim, "nations", was the Babylonian Gutium or Guti in a neighbouring state which plays an important role throughout Babylonian history. The Temple was a CARNALtemple permitted as PUNISHMENT for Israle's RISING UP TO PLAY at Mount Sinai restoring Egyptian- Canaanite- Babylonian worship. The conditional sentence was carried out when the ELDERS wanted to replace God with a king, kingdom and worship LIKE THE NATIONS. The sentence was that Israel would be returned to Assyria and Babylon.
Comparing the Elements of the Jerusalem Temple as Tower of Babel
The Levitical "musician's" SERVICE was HARD BONDAGE. In the NATIONS the loud noise was EXORCISM to expel the evil spirits and AWAKEN or call the gods into their temple. David composed some AWAKENING Psalms but John Hyrcanus suppressed them.
In its fulfillment prophesied by Psalm 41, Judas--whose JUDAS BAG was for carrying mouthpieces of wind instruments--would try to TRIUMPH OVER Jesus. This was carried out by the WARRIOR musicians originally under the KING and COMMANDERS of the army and NOT the priests.
The "work" of the "musicians" ended with the death of Jesus. Not among the Jews or the worst of pagan temple-states did the "musicians" EVER enter into the Holy Places. The Jerusalem's Holy Place was a carnal type of the church of Christ: no singers or musicians could enter it even to clean out the garbage.
With the demise of the temple the Jews understood that there could be no animal sacrifices and therefore no music. This ended and was not restored until A.D. 1815 in a German synagogue.
Background to "Look To The Hills Leadership and Worship Conference." This is not a direct command worthy of sowing discord to introduce Feminist-Gnostic worship. Rather, the verse is a Question: "Shall I look to the Hills or Mountain Gods?? The answer is, "No, I will look to the CREATOR of the hills for my salvation." This is a coded invitation to end-times pagan ritualizing but NOT to worship."One of America's most enduring forms of public worship, the camp meeting had its beginnings at the dawn of the nineteenth century during the "Great Revival" that swept the newly settled regions of the young republic. The culmination of this phenonenon came in 1801 at Cane Ridge Presbyterian meetinghouse in Kentucky, where more thanten thousand people gathered for a week of worship and fellowship. To trace the origins of the camp meeting, Ellen Eslinger follows Kentucky's development from its initial settlement in 1775 to the eve of the Great Revival..
Second Great Awakening - Speaking in Tongues - Musical Worship
Slavery - Free Will - Revivalism
Records of Similar Revivals of ancient Paganism Andrew Dickson White
# 1 First, Second Awakening, Witchcraft Roots
# 1A First, Second Awakening, Witchcraft Roots
# 2 First, Second Awakening, Witchcraft Roots
# 3 First, Second Awakening, CaneRidge, Witchcraft Roots
Diabolic Agency in Storms and Baptized Bells
Franklin's Lightening Rod and Magical Bells
Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New-England. 1743 - Charles Chauncy Anti-Revivalist
Real Females Don't Dance to the Clergy's Tune
Frances Trollope - Camp Meetings
Background - Harriet Martineau - Women and Preachers
Richard Gooch - Clergy Dangerous to Women
We think that John Locke, David Hume and others are so detested by Charismatic religionists because they didn't believe that you receive revelation from God.
David Hume - Superstition - Enthusiasm
John Wesley - Enthusiasm - RevivalismNostalgia by the Myth-Makers is more fun than the real thing:
Restoration Movement - Origin at CaneRidge? - Leroy Garrett A short history of the Restoration Movement
Presbyterian Background
Kentucky Revival - Red River
Source of Division?
Cane Ridge and Babylonian Parallels
Witchcraft - Revivalism - Great Awakening
Witchcraft - Change Agents - Modern Revivalism
PaleoPaganism and its ClergyOur Main Restoration Movement Page
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