Buff Scott Reformer Antagonist

Grace Centered forum; Anti ACappella

There is no command, example or remote infereence that anyone from Genesis to Revelation ever assembled to engage in group singing with or without instruments.

Musical instruments used by those God "turned over to worship the starry host and sentenced to captivity and death" are by the Jacob-Cursed and God-Abandoned Levites who were under the King and Commanders of the Army.  While they profaned the sabbath or REST day at and never IN the Temple, the godly citizens were quarantined to their isolated settlements to prevent them from engaging in the Jewis and other's worship of the starry host on the astrology-based sevent day.  Musical instruments are always associated with "refusing to speak or obey God's word" or associated with BURNING.

There was never any "musical" content to the Christian assemblies until after Calvin. He permitted some Psalms-only to be RECOMPOSED so that they could be set to a simple melody to be sung in UNISION as Romans 15 demands.

The Word or Logos is God's Regulative principle and outlaws rhetoric, singing or playing instruments.  The command was to "use one mind and one mouth to speak that which was WRITTEN for our learning" or "Scripture for out Comfort."

That does not prevent those of the WORLD from using devious means to impose instrumental performers as "worship" which is THE Greek meaning of a parasite. SOME one or two claim liberty to turn "school of Christ" into "a theater for holy entertainment" and deny others the right to object or even leave without Buff, Ketcherside etal branding you as a sectarian.

Musical Performers are like NERO who assumed that he was being applauded while they were hating him.  Whatever the THEATRICAL invaders think, up to half of a congregation shows up as "empty pews" when they recognize the universll PERSONA  of the self-exhibitionists MOUNT the podium as Worship Teams alwys intending to take the MARK of Musical instruments.  Beast is Theiron meaning "A new style of music or Satyric Drama."  The Muses as LOCUSTS were Apollon's worship team used to fleece those seeking advice.

Quintus Horatius Flaccus 1.2.5  Bad men, when they avoid certain vices, fall into their opposite extremes.

The tribes of female flute-players,1 quacks, vagrants, mimics, blackguards;2 all this set is sorrowful and dejected on account of the death of the singer Tigellius; for he was liberal [toward them]. On the other hand, this man, dreading to be called a spendthrift, will not give a poor friend [5] wherewithal to keep off cold and pinching hunger.

1 Ambubaiarum , "Women who played on the flute." It is derived from a Syrian word; for the people of that country usually excelled in this instrument. Pharmacopolae is a general name for all who deal in spices, essence, and perfumes.

circumfora-neus adj. [circum + forum] , around the forum, about the market - place: aes, debts (at the bankers). -- Frequenting markets:  [This is the AGORA to which Jesus consigned the Pipers, singers and dancers. .

Pharmacopola, pharmakopôlês,

I. a vender of medicines, a quack (class.), Cato ap. Gell. 1, 15, 9: circumforaneus, Cic. Clu. 14, 40; Hor. S. 1, 2, 1.

2 Mendici, mimae, balatrones . The priests of Isis and Cybele were beggars by profession, and under the vail of religion were often guilty of the most criminal excesses. Mimae were players of the most debauched and dissolute kind; and balatrones, in general, signifies all scoundrels, buffoons, and parasites, who had their name, according to the old commentator, from Servilius Balatro. Balatrones hoc genus omne, for omne hoc balatronum genus, is a remarkable sort of construction.

forum, II. In partic., a public place, market-place. B. The market-place, forum, in each city, as the principal place of meeting, where public affairs were discussed, courts of justice held, money transactions carried on:

choros , ho, dance, aiei d' hêmin dais te philê kitharis te choroi, later of the dance as a public religious ceremony, Dionuson timôsas chorois E.Ba. 220, II. choir, band of dancers and singers, h. Ven.118, Pi.N.5.23, Fr.199; sumphônia kai choroi Ev.Luc.15.25

III. place for dancing, en de ch. poikille . . Amphiguêeis Il. 18.590 ; leiênan de ch. Od.8.260 , cf. 264; hothi t' Êous êrigeneiês oikia kai choroi eisi 12.4 ; Numpheôn kaloi ch. êde thoôkoi ib.318; at Sparta the agora was called choros, Paus.3.11.9; so perh. in Crete, Supp.Epigr.2.509.6 (Eltynia, prob. v B. C.): v. infr. (Acc. to Hsch. choros = kuklos, stephanos, and therefore prop. denotes a ring-dance.)

Jesus CAST OUT the minstrels LIKE DUNG. Here is what he thought of them:

They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept Lu.7:32

Agora (g58) ag-or-ah'; from ageåiro, (to gather; prob. akin to 1453); prop. the town-square (as a place of public resort); by impl. a market or thoroughfare: - market (-place), street

mendi-cus I. adj., beggarly, needy, in want, indigent (class.).

a beggar, mendicant: mendicum malim mendicando vincere, Quam, etc., Plaut. Bacch. 3, 4, 16 : mendici, i. e. the priests of Cybele, Hor. S. 1, 2, 2 .- As a term of abuse, a beggar, ragamuffin, Ter. And. 4, 5, 20.--

Mimic: mi-ma , ae (in the dat. and

I. abl. plur., mimabus, acc. to Cledonius, p. 1863 P.), f. [mimus] , a female mimic or mime, Cic. Phil. 2, 24, 58; 13, 11, 24; Hor. S. 1, 2, 56; Inscr. Orell. 2624.--In apposition: a mima uxore, Cic. Phil. 2, 8, 20 .

Blackguard: balatrones, a babbler, jester, buffoon.

ALL religious singing, playing instruments where "music" includes movement "in harmony" was done by MALES but they were all imitating FEMALE roles. That is why they are "delicate" or "Pathetic" which is OUTLAWED by the Word, Logos or regulative principle.  The SPEAKING roles in the assembly incluses ONLY that Word as the ORACLES OF GOD.  Female or effeminate self-speakers or singers speak out of their OWN IMAGINATION.  That is why the authority (authentia) of Paul demands that both MALE or FEMALE be silent while the Word is PREACHED by being READ.
1Tim. 2:5 For there is one God,
        and one mediator between God and men,
        the MAN Christ Jesus;

We have added more new data on wineskin and the effeminacy of song, instrument and dance of ancient Dionysus worship which the Jewish clergy tried to force upon Lord Jesus Christ. Click Away now or later.

The universal theme of music in the Old Testament is the flouting of patriarchal order. When Israel rejected God at Mount Sinai with the music, dance and sex of Apis the bull worship, they rejected God. The same word "play" or musical imitative dance was demanded of Samson as he was "polluted" just before He brought down the pagan temple, priests, priestesses and musical dance.

The PATTERNISTS in their "praise" singing are MARKED as making war their practices were defined by the word Hillel, Judgex 12:13.  


From Clay tablets to the "singing and harp-playing prostitute in the Garden of Eden" religious singers and instrument players have almost always been warriors "setting ambush" or men plucking their harp to seduce a young boy or man whose pubic hairs had been plucked.


Hor. Carm. 1.17
The pleasures of Lucretilis
Tempt Faunus from his Grecian seat;
He keeps my little goats in bliss
Apart from wind, and rain, and heat.

căpella , ae, f. dim. caper; cf.: puer, puella,
I. a she-goat. also a dog star
2. As a term of reproach, a dirty fellow, Amm. 17, 12; 24, 8 (cf. canicula).—
II. A star on the left shoulder of the constellation Auriga (usu. called capra), Plin. 18, 26, 66, § 248; rising in the rainy season; hence, sidus pluviale capellae, Ov. M. 3, 594: “signum pluviale,id. F. 5, 113.
signum  2. A sign, signal; a watchword, password, given by a wind-instrument, by the tessera, or otherwise

In safety rambling o'er the sward
For arbutes and for thyme they peer,
The ladies of the unfragrant lord,
Nor vipers, green with venom, fear,

Eve was then white as a dove, but afterwards she was blackened by the venom of the serpent through his deceitful tempting, and with foul blots she stained the innocent Adam. Then the victorious serpent gives them coverings of fig-leaves for their nakedness.* Prudentius
cŏlū^bra ,
I. a female serpent; and in gen., a serpent, snake, Lucil., Turp., and Varr. ap. Non. p. 201, 22 sq.; Hor. C. 1, 17, 8; id. S. 1, 8, 42; Ov. M. 6, 559; Juv. 5, 103; Cels. 5, 27, 3; Col. 10, 230; Plin. 32, 5, 19, § 53.—As an attributive of the hair of the Furies, Medusa, etc. (v. coluber), Ov. M. 4, 474; 4, 491; 4, 783; Luc. 9, 634.— “Hence, prov.: quas tu edes colubras?” i. e. art thou frantic? Plaut. Stich. 2, 1, 50 Ritschl N. cr.; and: “colubra restem non parit,” i.e. like produces like, the thorn does not produce grapes, Petr. 45, 9.
Nor savage wolves, of Mars' own breed,
My Tyndaris, while Ustica's dell
Is vocal with the silvan reed,
And music thrills the limestone fell.

per-sŏno A. To sound through and through, to resound  B. To make a sound on a musical instrument, to sound, play: “citharā Iopas Personat,Verg. A. 1, 741: “cymbalis,Vulg. 1 Par. 16, 5: “buccinis,id. Jos. 6, 13.—
lŭpus , i, m. kindred with lukos;
Lukos A. wolf, Il.16.156, 352lukou ptera, of things that are not, 'pigeon's milk', Suid.; hōs l. khanōn, of vain expectation, Eub.15.11, cf. Ar.Fr.337, Euphro 1.31; “l. kekhēnōsAr.Lys.629; prin ken l. oin humenaioi, of an impossibility, Id.Pax1076, 1112, cf. Il.22.263; hōs lukoi arn' agapōsin, of treacherous or unnatural love, humenaion aeidōn wedding song.
VI. nickname of paiderastai, , cf. Pl.Phdr. 241d.
paiderast-ēs , ou, ho, A. lover of boys, mostly in bad sense, Ar.Ach.265(lyr.), X.An.7.4.7, Pl. Smp.192b,
Heaven is my guardian; heaven approves
A blameless life, by song made sweet;
Come hither, and the fields and groves
Their horn shall empty at your feet.

in-nŏcens ,

Cōpĭa , ac, f.
I. The goddess of abundance, Plaut. Ps. 2, 4, 46: “bona,Ov. M. 9, 88: “opulenta,Hor. C. 1, 17, 16; id. C. S. 60 al.

Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, I. a muse, one of the goddesses of poetry, music, and the other liberal arts.
Cor (ŏ, The heart, as the seat of feeling, emotion, the seat of wisdom, understanding, heart, mind, judgment,

cornū , the emblem of fruitfulness and abundance b. A bugle-horn, a horn, trumpet (cornua, quod ea, quae nunc sunt ex aere, tunc fiebant bubulo e cornu Connected with tubae, Cic. Sull. 5, 17; Tac. A. 1, 68;

venerunt capiti cornua sera meo,Ov. Am. 3, 11,:
Hence Bacchus, as a giver of courage, is represented with horns, Tib. 2, 1, 3; Hor. C. 2, 19, 30; v. Bacchus, I.; cf. of a river-god, I. B. 2. c. supra.
Here, shelter'd by a friendiy tree,
In Teian measures you shall sing
Bright Circe [church] and Penelope,
Love-smitten both by one sharp sting.

Hor. Carm. 1.1 To me the artist's meed, the ivy wreath Is very heaven: me the sweet cool of woods, Where Satyrs frolic with the Nymphs, secludes From rabble rout, so but Euterpe's breath

Fail not the flute, nor Polyhymnia fly
Averse from stringing new the Lesbian lyre. O, write my name among that minstrel choir, And my proud head shall strike upon the sky! [AIRFORCE HYMN]

Lesb-iazō , A. do like the Lesbian women, Lat.fellare, Ar.Ra. 1308,
cănīcŭla , ae, f. dim. canis.(and music)
I. A small dog or bitch, Plin. 32, 7, 26, § 79.—Hence,
B. Trop., of a passionate, quarrelsome woman A. Canis Minor, the lesser dogstar, in the mouth of the constellation Canis, q. v., Plin. 2, 47, 47, § 123; 18, 28, 68, § 268: “flagrans,Hor. C. 3, 13, 9: “flammans,Manil. 5, 207: “rubra,Hor. S. 2, 5, 39: “sitiens,Ov. A. A. 2, 231: “insana,
Flammo , B. Trop., to inflame, kindle, incite: “sic donis vulgum laudumque cupidine flammat,

CircēKirkē[CHURCH]the daughter of the Sun and of Perse or Perseis, sister of Æetes, a sea-nymph, distinguished for her magic arts, whose abode, after her flight from Colchis, was said to be in the region of the promontory of Circeii, in Latium. magical, poisoning
Lesbos (-us ), D. Lesbĭ-as , ădis, f., = Lesbias, a Lesbian woman: “Lesbiadum turba,Ov. H. 15, 16: E. Lesbis , ĭdis, adj. f., = Lesbis, Lesbian: “Lesbida cum domino seu tulit ille lyram,
Here shall you quaff beneath the shade
Sweet Lesbian draughts that injure none,
Nor fear lest Mars the realm invade
Lesbius adj , Lesbios, of Lesbos, Lesbian: civis, Alcaeus, H.: plectrum, Alcaic, H.: pes, the Sapphic meter, H.: vinum, H.

Mars a. Of or belonging to Mars: “lupus, sacred to Mars, Verg. A. 9, 566; cf.: Martius lupus, integer et intactus, gentis nos Martiae et conditoris nostri admonuit, descended from Mars
Of Semele's Thyonian son,
Lest Cyrus on a foe too weak
Lay the rude hand of wild excess,
His passion on your chaplet wreak,
Or spoil your undeserving dress
con-tĭnĕo 2. With the access. idea of hindering, preventing motion, to keep, keep still, detain, restrain, repress, enclose.

The Evil Psallo  I. In gen., to play upon a stringed instrument; esp., to play upon the cithara, to sing to the cithara: “psallere saltare elegantius,Sall. C. 25, 2  canituri,”  SING and cantare marked as SORCERY.    saltare et cantare; Cic. Catil. 2.10.23   Suet. Tit. 3

Saltatio   Dancing was originally closely connected with religion. Plato thought all dancing should be based on religion, as it was, he says, among the Egyptians. It has been shown under Chorus that the chorus in the oldest times consisted of the whole population of a city, who met in a public place to offer up thanksgivings to the god of their country by singing hymns and performing dances. These dances, which, like all others, were accompanied by music, 

David's Dirty Dancing with the Camp following girls PATTERN



ODE and PSALLO are in the heart or SILENT

Because Evil Psallo psallere saltare   ēlĕgans   I. In the ante-class. period in a bad sense, luxurious, effeminate, fastidious, nice: elegans homo non dicebatur cum laude “mulier (Phrynewith formo

Psalmus , = psalmos
I.      In gen., to play [psalmus] upon a stringed instrument; esp., to play upon the cithara, to sing to the cithara: “psallere saltare elegantius, Sall. C. 25,
Elego I. to convey away (from the family) by bequest, to bequeath away, 
Sal. Cat. 25 In the number of those ladies was Sempronia, a woman who had committed many crimes with the spirit of a man. In birth and beauty, in her husband and her children, she was extremely fortunate; she was skilled in Greek and Roman literature;
        she could sing, play, and dance,
        with greater elegance than became a woman of virtue, a
        nd possessed many other accomplishments that tend to excite the passions.
        But nothing was ever less valued by her than honor or chastity.
Mulier Always female whatever the sex:
II. Transf., as a term of reproach, a woman, i. e. a coward, poltroon: “non me arbitratur militem, sed mulierem,Plaut. Bacch. 4, 8, 4.

The Evil Psallo includes:  căno , cĕcĭni, cantum (ancient I.imp. cante = canite, “once canituri,Vulg. Apoc. 8, 13), 3, v. n. and a. [cf. kanassō, kanakhē, konabos; Germ. Hahn; Engl. chanticleer; kuknos, ciconice; Sanscr. kōkas = DUCK; A. With carmen, cantilenam, versus, verba, etc., to sing, play, rehearse, recite

The Kingdom of Abilene is the MOTHER of all division.  John T. Lewis, the world's worst "scholar" claims to have been GUIDED by Jo Bass who feed Johnny a Baptist Document I can post for you.

In 1947-1951 I was in High School at Abilene High School.  Jay and Jo Bass played an important role in our development.

A Document written bo Jo Bass on the Holy Spirit led to the spiritual collapse of Highland Church of Christ.  Not even the Doctors of the Law at ACU could prevent the discord which spread throughout the world.  If Jo Bass taught John T. Willis and John T. Willis taught Jo Bass and neither were taught by the WORD as it has been taught then no wonder that so much massive and intentional discord has been spread: by design according to one "scholar."

The ANTI are so hated because they REFUSED to send the widow's mite to Abilene.  The ANTIs are in bed with the ANTI-SCRIPTURALS because the ANTI-REGULATIVE PRINCIPLEITES are ANTI anyone who will take the MARK to get on the program at ACU and be able to BUY AND SELL.  Hey, you cannot see, hear, smell and fell the Kingdom of God and His Son CHRIST.


1.07.16    John T. Willis claims that: Sing and make melody" was a very common practice throughout the history of God's people. These two practices are inseparable as one.  2. "Sing" is vocal; "make melody" is instrumental. Psalms 33:2-3; 144:9; 149:1, 3 make this crystal clear. Amos 5:23 further verifies this reality.

Psallo means to pluck or smite something like plucking a pubic hair or smiting a bow string or smiting a Harp String with the fingers but NEVER with a pllectrum or pick.  Psallo, contrary to the scholars, never means to Play A Harp. Scripture always commands a pluck with the FINGERS and then defines WHAT is to be plucked.  Suck plucking never produces MUSIC.

Conrad L'Heureux demonstrated that the marzeah, or symposium (feast, gathering, banquet, assembly) of El that is found in the Rephaim Texts of Ugarit "must be a reflex in the divine world of the symposium celebrated by the members of the earthly marzeah of El...each guild apparently had a divine patron."42 The heavenly marzeah had participants called rp'm, which we also find in the earthly marzeah, e.g., "May Krt be greatly exalted among the rp'm of the earth...the rp'm constitute an aristocracy of which the Canzere proclaimed as "Speakers for Yahweh," showing the people that "they are sent from the divine king, the suzerain of treaties, to reprove and to pronounce judgment upon Israel..."44

This is defined in the BAAL Epic. Jude warns that it will be RESTORED by those who are FOREORDAINED to this  task.  The only option for the tiny group of LOST SPIRITS in the World or Cosmos ruled by Satan was to observe the ONCE DELIVERED but ONLY to the saints who DO NOT come to OBSERVATIONS because Jesus said the KINGDOM DOES NOT COME.

Of Amos 5: The Jews had A Covenant with Death and Hell






Give us a number please.  Wishing that the historic Church of Christ will DIE OUT is articulated by Dunning and needing to TAKE AN AXE to them.  Be glad that you have really lived to answer WWYDWJ?  Revelation 17 defines the rise of the original Babylon Mother of Harlots.  In Revelation 18 she uses "lusted after fruits" as her Cunning Craftsmen or Sophists: speakers, singers, instrument players and GRINDERS which is a code word in Revelation 18.  In the following chapters SHE WILL BE CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.

The lusted after fruits are defined in Amos identified when the songs IN the temple become HOWLING (praise singing).  In Isaiah 3 the women and children or BOYS identifies worse than EFFEMINATE.  There is no role performance for which God authorized no DOLE which is not the effeminate trying to control your body.  Worship is IN THE SPIRIT is the only way to escape the DOGS or CYNICS.

STRABO identified the SOPHIA-musical as lovers of boys while LOGOS or those who obey the REGULATIVE principle are quite happy to "send the flute girls and harp boys" away so we can hold discourse. That is the SINGULAR pattern for the School of Christ.

My job since 1997 has been to help afflicted and faithful churches to show up at your places as EMPTY PEWS and run into HIDING until the FLOODS totally fail.





APOLLON is one of the gods CALLED unknown and unleashed from theh smokey pit just in time to be the LEADER OF THE MUSES or LOCUSTS.

The Prophets define the future REST of Christ as the Church OF Christ both inclusively and exclusively.
Jesus was ordained what He defined as Holy Scripture "concerning me."
The Apostles were eye--and ear--witnesses of Jesus even after His resurrection..
These definitions of THE CHURCH were not subject to private interpretation or FURTHER EXPOUNDING. This would DESPISE or BLASPHEME the Spirit OF God who VALIDATED the work and teaching of Jesus with SIGNS AND WONDERS.
Anyone who violates that is to be marked as a FALSE TEACHER as assuredly most of the literature PERMITTED to be published or spoken in the BUYING AND SELLING councils PROOVES that they cannot read the Text and are therefore NOT converted.

God makes certain that the "scholarly" publications and lectures are visible Laughing Stocks to any one able to read the text.  MUSIC is always the MARK of people MAKING THE LAMBS DUMB BEFORE THE SLAUGHTER and MARKS of BURNING.

The Holy Spirit OF God wrote the following and I didn't get it off Twitter.  The TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ is called the SPIRIT OF THE PROPHETS.

In Romans 18 Jesus visits the congregations of the Speakers, Singers or Instrument Players and removes it ALL including the LAMPS or Seven Spirits of Christ as He leaves. Parallel to Amos 8 HE WILL NOT PASS BY THERE AGAIN FOR EVER MORE

Adding INSTRUMENTS and USING WOMEN are not the primary sin: it is the MARK that Jesus has been there and GONE and you MUST quite CONFESSING Him in your TITLE.  All of Scripture and similar literature says that you have climbed down from the mountain of the LORD into the valley of the CAINITES and you can never return.


Can you find the stats on Protestant Preacherhoods?

The Bible and other historic documents makes sexuality a VITAL part of religionism. I will tell you about the once-Christian universities celebrating the Song of Solomon not aware (?) of what GOD MADE THEM DO.


The BEAST is defined as "A new style of Music or Satyric (cappella) drama: that gender thing.
You have no choice: Jude says that you are FOREORDAINED.

David's Instruments never made noise until the HOLOCAUST of goats or infants.  However,  HERE is were Rick Atchley gets His COMMANDS:



The Assyrians were in Charge at the time:
God gives me HISSING RIGHTS to see those OF THE WORLD for whom Jesus did not pray begin the descent

The outpouring of WRATH is the proof in Documents like The Book of Enoch.

Apollon had his Locusts-Muses as His Praise Team: He is separating the grain from the chaff..
The BEAST is defined as "A new style of Music or Satyric (cappella) drama: that gender thing.
You have no choice: Jude says that you are FOREORDAINED.

The Assyrians were in Charge at the time:
God gives me HISSING RIGHTS to see those OF THE WORLD for whom Jesus did not pray begin the descent

The outpouring of WRATH is the proof in Documents like The Book of Enoch.

Apollon had his Locusts-Muses as His Praise Team: He is separating the grain from the chaff..

1.17.19. 13


