Genesis 4 Men Began Call Name Lord

When Israel rose up in musical idolatry at Mount Sinai God turned them over  to worship the starry host. God sentenced  them to return to Assyria and Babylon; Canaan as the promised land would become the killing fields. It is clear that Moses then wrote an inverted version of the documents and worship which they would practice beginning in the wilderness until they were taken captive and death.

That is why the same or similar accounts were documented in Egypt, Greece, Canaan and Babylon. Based on similar accounts, it  seems clear that  the Cainites lived in the rich soil of the agriculturists.   They depended on the fertility rituals as well practiced by the family of the EVIL LAMECH.  Abel and later the Holy Sethite were pastorals and lived up on the slopes of the moutains:  similar accounts center the story around Mount Hermon.  The Pastorals could move with the weather and never developed fertility rituals where emotionally and often sexually abnormal gave rise to the prophet, priest or preacher who could be trusted  to appease  or even  sexualy seduce the "gods."

This is the only possible reason God was not pleased with Cain's sacrifice: Cain was OF that wicked one and Paul says that Eve  was wholly seduded as a  young bride is  seduced  before the husband. The Cain  family survived  the flood and show up when Noah was upset at Ham and ccursed Canaan: the error was that Ham was boasting and challenging Noah's leadership as the family through whom Jesus would come.  That family or RACE continues and Jesus said that He would not pray for the WORLD and God hid Himself from the WISE: the wise or sophists were rhetoricians, singers, actors, musicians  and other  great pretender.   

It is important to read the Classics because the JUDAS / JUBAL / GENUN theme is almost universal.

Amphion Greek version of Cain and Abel

Antiope was a daughter of Nycteus, and Zeus had intercourse with her. When she was with child, and her father threatened her, she ran away to Epopeus at Sicyon and was married to him. In a fit of despondency Nycteus killed himself, after charging Lycus to punish Epopeus and Antiope. Lycus marched against Sicyon, subdued it, slew Epopeus, and led Antiope away captive. On the way she gave birth to two [p. 1.339] sons at Eleurethae in Boeotia.

The infants were exposed, but a neatherd found and reared them, and he called the one Zethus and the other Amphion.
........... Now Zethus paid attention to cattle-breeding,
........... but Amphion practised minstrelsy,
........... ........... for Hermes (Mercury) had given him a lyre.

But Lycus and his wife Dirce imprisoned Antiope and treated her despitefully. Howbeit, one day her bonds were loosed of themselves, and unknown to her keepers she came to her sons cottage, begging that they would take her in. They recognized their mother and slew Lycus, but Dirce they tied to a bull, and flung her dead body into the spring that is called Dirce after her.

And having succeeded to the sovereignty they fortified the city, the stones following Amphion's lyre; and they expelled Laius. He resided in Peloponnese, being hospitably received by Pelops; and while he taught Chrysippus, the son of Pelops, to drive a chariot, he conceived a passion for the lad and carried him off. [p.1.341]

Note 5: Compare Paus. 9.5.7ff. The two brothers are said to have quarrelled, the robust Zethus

blaming Amphion for his passionate addiction to music
........... and urging him to abandon it for what he deemed
........... the more manly pursuits of agriculture, cattle-breeding and war.

The gentle Amphion yielded to these exhortations so far as to cease to strum the lyre.

"The discussion between the two brothers,
........... the one advocating the practical life and
........... the other the contemplative or artistic,
........... seems to have been famous.

It is illustrated by a fine relief in which we see Amphion standing and holding out his lyre eagerly for the admiration of his athletic brother, who sits regarding it with an air of smiling disdain. See W. H. Roscher, Lexikon der griech, und röm. Mythologie, i.311.

Apollonius represents Zethus staggering under the load of a mountain, while Amphion strolls along drawing a cliff twice as large after him by singing to his golden lyre. He seems to have intended to suggest the feebleness of brute strength by comparison with the power of genius.

H. Bamford Parkes notes:

"What primative men... wanted from the gods was health and strength, riches and long life, and they hoped to attain these things chiefly by ritual and sacrifice rather than by good conduct.

The methods of early religion always remained largely magical, and its motivations thoroughly materialistic." (H. Bamfort Parkes, Of God and Men, p. 36).

"Agriculture may at first have been a feminine occupation. It is a plausible theory that the women of a tribe first realized that seeds thrown away near their encampment were producing sprouts and deduced the possiblity of deliberately planting them.

Early agriculture was associated everywhere with an emphasis on the femine principle in nature and among the gods on the analogy between human sexuality and the fertility of the earth." (Parkes, p. 40-41)

"Pastoral religion, moreover, remained relatively free from degrading rituals.

Worshiping chiefly divinities of the sky and the weather, and seeing them definitely in masculine forms,
pastoral peoples did not usually
deify the processes of sexual reproduction or regard human sacrifice as more than an extreme and unusual expedient; and their gods, being nomadic rather than fixed to particular localities, and not normally represented by means of images, could be universalized and spiritualized more easily than the peasant deities." (Parkes, p. 48).

The Cainites probably invented the guilt clause and all future violent outbursts of wrath and anger when their "anointing" is challenged. See  more on the GUILT CLAUSE.

A rich man does wrong, and he even adds reproaches; a poor man suffers wrong, and he must add apologies Ecclesu 13:3.

Phaedrus: The Wolf and the Lamb

BY thirst incited; to the brook
The Wolf and Lamb themselves betook.
The Wolf high up the current drank,
The Lamb far lower down the bank.
Then, bent his ravenous maw to cram,
The Wolf took umbrage at the Lamb.
"How dare you trouble all the flood,
And mingle my good drink with mud?"

"Sir," says the Lambkin, sore afraid,
"How should I act, as you upbraid?
The thing you mention cannot be,
The stream descends from you to me."
Abash'd by facts, says he, " I know
'Tis now exact six months ago

You strove my honest fame to blot"-
"Six months ago, sir, I was not."
"Then 'twas th' old ram thy sire," he cried,
And so he tore him, till he died.
To those this fable I address
Who are determined to oppress,
And trump up any false pretence,
But they will injure innocence

Clement of Alexandria: Pedagogue 1

For as the mirror is not evil to an ugly man because it shows him what like he is; and as the physician is not evil to the sick man because he tells him of his fever,-for the physician is not the cause of the fever, but only points out the fever;-so neither is He, that reproves, ill-disposed towards him who is diseased in soul.

For He does not put the transgressions on him, but only shows the sins which are there; in order to turn him away from similar practices. So God is good on His own account, and just also on ours, and He is just because He is good.

And His justice is shown to us by His own Word from there from above, whence the Father was.
For before He became Creator He was God; He was good. And therefore He wished to be Creator and Father.

And the nature of all that love was the source of righteousness-the cause, too, of His lighting up His sun, and sending down His own Son. And He first announced the good righteousness that is from heaven, when He said,

"No man knoweth the Son, but the Father; nor the Father, but the Son." [Luke x. 22]

This mutual and reciprocal knowledge is the symbol of primeval justice. Then justice came down to men both in the letter and in the body, in the Word and in the law, constraining humanity to saving repentance; for it was good.

But do you not obey God? Then blame yourself, who drag to yourself the judge.

We will add more to this chapter in time.

Gen 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain
        and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

H120 ’âdâm aw-dawm' From H119 ; ruddy, that is, a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.):—X another, + hypocrite, + common sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.

Cain was a principle seed of Satan intending to destroy Christ by destroying the holy line of Abel

Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brothers righteous. 1Jn.3:12

H7014 qayin kah'-yin The same as H7013 (with a play upon the affinity to H7069 ); Kajin, the name of the first child, also of a place in Palestine, and of an Oriental tribe:--Cain, Kenite (-s).

H7013 qayin kah'-yin From H6969 in the original sense of fixity; a lance (as striking fast): spear.

H6969 qun koon A primitive root; to strike a musical note, that is, chant or wail (at a funeral): lament, mourning woman.

Schaff wrote:

The Cainites boasted of the descent from Cain the fratricide, and made him their leader. They regarded the God of the Jews and Creator of the world as a positively evil being, whom to resist is virtue. Hence they turned the history of salvation upside down, and honored all the infamous characters of the Old and New Testaments from Cain to Judas as spiritual men and martyrs to truth.

Judas Iscariot alone among the apostles had the secret of true knowledge, and betrayed the psychic Messiah with good intent to destroy the empire of the evil God of the Jews. Origen speaks of a branch of the Ophites, who were as great enemies of Jesus as the heathen Celsus, and who admitted none into their society who had not first cursed his name. But the majority seem to have acknowledged the goodness of Jesus and the benefit of his crucifixion brought about by the far-sighted wisdom of Judas. A book entitled "the Gospel of Judas" was circulated among them.

No wonder that such blasphemous travesty of the Bible history, and such predilection for the serpent and his seed was connected with the most unbridled antinomianism, which changed vice into virtue. They thought it a necessary part of "perfect knowledge" to have a complete experience of all sins, including even unnamable vices.

Some have identified the Ophites with the false teachers denounced in the Epistle of Jude as filthy dreamers, who "defile the flesh, and set at naught dominion, and rail at dignities," who "went in the way of Cain, and ran riotously in the error of Balaam for hire, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah," as "wandering stars, for whom the blackness of darkness has been reserved forever." The resemblance is certainly very striking, and those heretics may have been the forerunners of the Ophites of the second century.

Gen. 4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
Gen. 4:21 And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.

8610. taphas, taw-fas´; a primitive root; to manipulate, i.e. seize; chiefly to capture, wield, specifically, to overlay; figuratively, to use unwarrantably:-catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, x surely, surprise, take.

H8608 taphaph taw-faf' A primitive root; to drum, that is, play (as) on the tambourine: taber, play with timbrels.
H8611 tôpheth to'-feth From the base of H8608 ; a smiting, that is, (figuratively) contempt:--tabret.
H8612 tôpheth to'-feth The same as H8611 ; Topheth, a place near Jerusalem:--Tophet, Topheth.
Gen. 4:22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-cain,
        an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron:
        and the sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah.
Gen. 4:23 And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah,
        Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech:
        for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.


Gen. 4:26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos:
        then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.

The word Enos or Enowsh in Hebrew speaks of man in the plural: The Multitude collective of the human race. The common people, wicked men (Ps 9:20); 56:2; 66:12). Abel had and others had  worshipped God for many years, therefore, ths BEGAN is the Hebrew 2490 Chalal which is similar to the common warrior's praise word h1986 from which h1966 or LUCIFER is derived.  Ezekiel and Isaiah have already equated the kings of Babylon and Tyre to Lucifer callled "the singing and harp playing prostitute" who was in the garden of Eden.  Therefore, the Lucifer figure was outside the garden to welcome the Adamic Race.

Psa. 9:19 Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. 
Psa. 9:20 Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.

Psa. 56:2 Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they be many that fight against me, O thou most High.

Psa. 66:12 Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

The word CRY is h7121 (an onomatopoetic words used of beasts: outcry, the cry of beasts even when not articulate, to call people together, to celebrate.

Of onomatopoetic sounds such as animal sounds during singing:

Jude quotes The Book of Enoch proving that is those seduced by musical sounds for whom God comes in judgment:

Jude 1:16 These are
..........walking after their own lusts; and
..........their mouth speaketh great swelling [burdensome] words,
..........having men's persons in admiration
..........because of advantage.

"Woe, Woe." This word, even in our language, has a mournful sound, but this is especially true in Greek (ouai). Ouai is an onomatopoetic term, the formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.

1111 gogguzo A onomatopoetic word derived from the sound made when murmuring or muttering in a low and indistinct voice with the idea of complaint. To murmur, mutter.
goes A conjurer, and enchanter; a deceiver, an impostor.
--those who speak confusedly on divine things (compare Ex 4:10-12 Jer 1:6 Mt 10:19,20). Or, rather, those drunken scorners who in stammering style imitated Isaiah's warnings to mock them [MAURER]

Rogers translates this hymn from Aristophanes' Lysistrata:

Call upon Bacchus, afire with his Maenades [mad women];
Call upon Zeus in the
lightning arrayed;
Call on his
queen, ever blessed, adorable;
Call on the holy, infallible Witnesses,
Call them to witness the peace and the harmony,
This which divine Aphrodite has made.

Allala! Lalla! Lallala! Lallala!
Whoop for victory, Lallalalae!
Evoi!  Evoi!  Lallala, Lallala!
Evae!  Evae!  Lallalalae.

The word lelein is fundamentally an onomatopoetic one, meaning, as Thayer's Lexicon puts it, to go 'la-la'. The Greeks shouted 'alala' both in worship and in war, and personified Alala as a deity (Pindar, Fr. 208 [78]; Plutarch 2.3496). It was this same repetitive and meaningless syllabification in pagan prayers which Jesus described: 'for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking' (Matthew 6:7)

This is the meaning of David's  PRAISE Word according to Clark who says, like your recent Theologian, THEY CALLED THEMSELVES JEHOVAH.

And of the trumpet (Jubal):

Thus Malvenda in Poole's Syn., "et clangetis taratantara." The word is used by Ennius "At tuba terribili sonitu taratantara dixit." -- Serv. in, AEn, 4. A.V., "an alarm."

"But the trumpet sounded with its terrible taratantara." Ennius (Q. Ennius)

"The hatsotserah, or straight trumpet (Ps. 98:6; Num. 10:1-10). This name is supposed by some to be an onomatopoetic word, intended to imitate the pulse-like sound of the trumpet, like the Latin taratantara. Some have identified it with the modern trombone."

Brown notes of Clement:

"The testimony of Clement is, that musical instruments in worship is fitter things for beasts than for men. Basil says, he thought musical instruments unprofitable and hurtful.

He calls them, the inventions of Jubal of the race of Cain.

At page 955, he says, "In such vain arts, as the playing upon the harp, or pipe, as soon as the action ceases, the work itself vanishes. So that really, according to the Apostle's expression, The end of those things is destruction." And again, at page 957, he says,

"Laban was a lover of the harp and of music, with which he would have sent away Jacob: if thou hadst told me, said he, I would have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp.

[Laban had used a musical party with wine so that Jacob didn't know which woman he was sleeping with. He intended to use the same musical party to SEND Jacove away empty-handed]

THE STORY IN THE Book of Jubilees 4

12,13 week) [235 A.M.] she bare him Enos. He began to call on the name of the Lord on the earth. And in the seventh jubilee in the third week [309-15 A.M.] Enos took Noam his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son

14 in the third year of the fifth week, and he called his name Kenan. And at the close of the eighth jubilee [325, 386-3992 A.M.] Kenan took Mualeleth his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son in the ninth jubilee,

15 in the first week in the third year of this week, [395 A.M] and he called his name Mahalalel. And in the second week of the tenth jubilee [449-55 A.M.] Mahalalel took unto him to wife Dinah, the daughter of Barakiel the daughter of his father's brother, and she bare him a son in the third week in the sixth year, [461 A.M.] and he called his name Jared, for in his days the angels of the Lord descended on the earth, those who are named the Watchers, that they should instruct the children of men, and that they should do

Because Adam and Eve walked with and worshipped God, and Seth worshipped acceptably, it cannot be that Enos was the first individual to call upon the name of the Lord in a good sense.


The traditional Jewish interpretation of this verse implies that it marked the beginning of idolatry, i.e. that men starting dubbing "Lord" things that were mere creatures. This is because the previous generations, notably Adam, had already "begun calling upon the name of the Lord", which forces us to interpret הוחל huchal not as "began" but as the homonym "profanated". In this light, Enosh suggests the notion of a humanity (Enoshut) thinking of itself as an absolute rather than in relation to God (Enosh vs. Adam). Wikipedia

Adam Clark:
Verse 26. Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.] The marginal reading is, Then began men to call themselves by the name of the Lord; which words are supposed to signify that in the time of Enos the true followers of God began to distinguish themselves, and to be distinguished by others, by the appellation of sons of God; those of the other branch of Adam's family, among whom the Divine worship was not observed, being distinguished by the name, children of men. It must not be dissembled that many eminent men have contended that ljwh huchal, which we translate began, should be rendered began profanely, or then profanation began, and from this time they date the origin of idolatry. Most of the Jewish doctors were of this opinion, and Maimonides has discussed it at some length in his Treatise on Idolatry; as this piece is curious, and gives the most probable account of the origin and progress of idolatry, I shall insert it here.

h2490.thayer.gif "In the days of Enos the sons of Adam erred with great error, and the counsel of the wise men of that age became brutish, and Enos himself was (one) of them that erred; and their error was this: they said, Forasmuch as God hath created these stars and spheres to govern the world, and set them on high, and imparted honour unto them, and they are ministers that minister before him; it is meet that men should laud, and glorify, and give them honour. For this is the will of God, that we magnify and honour whomsoever he magnifieth and honoureth; even as a king would have them honoured that stand before him, and this is the honour of the king himself.
        When this thing was come up into their hearts they began to build temples unto the stars, and to offer sacrifice unto them, and to laud and glorify them with words, and to worship before them, that they might in their evil opinion obtain favour of the Creator; and this was the root of idolatry, &c.

And in process of time there stood up false prophets among the sons of Adam, which said that God had commanded and said unto them, Worship such a star, or all the stars, and do sacrifice unto them thus and thus; and build a temple for it, and make an image of it, that all the people, women, and children may worship it. And the false prophet showed them the image which he had feigned out of his own heart, and said it was the image of such a star, which was made known unto him by prophecy. And they began after this manner to make images in temples, and under trees, and on tops of mountains and hills, and assembled together and worshipped them, &c. And this thing was spread through all the world, to serve images with services different one from another, and to sacrifice unto and worship them. So, in process of time, the glorious and fearful name (of God) was forgotten out of the mouth of all living, and out of their knowledge, and they acknowledged him not. And there was found no people on the earth that knew aught, save images of wood and stone, and temples of stone, which they had been trained up from their childhood to worship and serve, and to swear by their names. And the wise men that were among them, as the priests and such like, thought there was no God save the stars and spheres, for whose sake and in whose likeness they had made these images; but as for the Rock everlasting, there was no man that acknowledged him or knew him save a few persons in the world, as Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Sham, and Heber. And in this way did the world walk and converse till that pillar of the world, Abraham our father, was born." Maim. in Mishn, and Ainsworth in loco.

1. WE see here the vast importance of worshipping God according to his own mind; no sincerity, no uprightness of intention, can atone for the neglect of positive commands delivered in Divine revelation, when this revelation is known. He who will bring a eucharistic offering instead of a sacrifice, while a sin-offering lieth at the door, as he copies Cain's conduct, may expect to be treated in the same manner. Reader, remember that thou hast an entrance unto the holiest through the veil, that is to say his flesh; and those who come in this way, God will in nowise cast out.

2. We see the horrible nature of envy: its eye is evil merely because God is good; it easily begets hatred; hatred, deep- settled malice; and malice, murder! Watch against the first appearance of this most destructive passion, the prime characteristic of which is to seek the destruction of the object of its malevolence, and finally to ruin its possessor.

3. Be thankful to God that, as weakness increased and wants became multiplied, God enabled man to find out useful inventions, so as to lessen excessive labour, and provide every thing indispensably necessary for the support of life. He who carefully attends to the dictates of honest, sober industry,

4. As the followers of God at this early period found it indispensably necessary to separate themselves from all those who were irreligious and profane, and to make a public profession of their attachment to the truth, so it should be now. There are still men of profane minds. whose spirit and conduct are destructive to godliness; and in reference to such the permanent order of God is, Come out from among them, touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. He who is not determined to be a Christian at all events, is not far from being an infidel. Those only who confess Christ among men shall be acknowledged before his Father and the angels of God.

Clement: Recognitions, the Post Flood Beginning of musical idolatry 
is never likely to perish for lack of the necessaries of life.

Moreover, perverse and erratic religions were introduced, to which the greater part of men gave themselves up,

by occasion of holidays and solemnities, instituting drinkings and banquets,
following pipes
, and flutes, and harps, and diverse kinds of musical instruments, and indulging themselves in all kinds of drunkenness and luxury.

Hence every kind of error took rise; hence they invented groves and altars, fillets and victims, and after drunkenness they were agitated as if with mad emotions.

By this means power was given to the demons to enter into minds of this sort, so that they seemed to lead insane dances and to rave like Bacchanalians; hence were invented the gnashing of teeth, and bellowing from the depth of their bowels; hence a terrible countenance and a fierce aspect in men, so that he whom drunkenness had subverted and a demon had instigated, was believed by the deceived and the erring to be filled with the Deity.

Chapter VII.-Sacrificial Orgies.

"But they did not cease to worship images, by reason of the evil intelligence of the magicians, who found excuses for them, which had power to constrain them to the foolish worship For, establishing this things by magical ceremonies, they assigned them feasts from sacrifices, libations, flutes, and shoutings,

by means of which senseless men, being deceived, and their kingdom being taken from them, yet did not desist from the worship that they had taken up with.

To such an extent did they prefer error, on account of its pleasantness, before truth.
They also howl after their sacrificial surfeit, their soul from the depth, as it were by dreams, forewarning them of the punishment that is to befall such deeds of theirs.

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