Added 3.21.13Review: A Gathered People: Revisioning the Assembly as Transforming Encounter
John.Mark.Hicks Index This is a working list of links to reviews of John Mark Hicks teachings. He gives himself the right to change the "reading" and use theology over the text. That makes it easy and "scholarly" to look at the TEXT as something to be PREACHED by being READ in the assembly and not something God provided as fodder for "doctors of the Law" to take away the key to knowledge. I will organize this list in time..
John Mark Hicks, Johnny Melton and Bobby Valentine defend Old Covenant worship for the Church. The urge for a passionate encounter was the MARK of people being perverted from the Word of God.They quote suitable texts but are not aware that the context is of a people abandoned to worship the starry host because of musical idolatry of the Egyptian trinity at Mount Sinai. This is a review of the Authort's major points in a review.
The Qahal, synagogue, ekklesia or Church of Christ beginning at one level in the wilderness was solely for the purpose of teaching the Word and excluding those who made "vocal or instrumental rejoicing or rhetorical noises." We are transformed by God in Christ and not by a so-called ritualistic worship services. Jesus died to give us rest and defined the CENI inclusively and exclusively.
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.John Mark Hicks Women in the Assembly: Hicks states dogmatically that women are GIVEN (rather than being denied) authority to pray and prophesy in the public assembly. Using the TEXT instead of THEOLOGY is it clear that Paul is discussing both male and female in their pagan roles of "prophesying" in their roles before they became Christians and perhaps continuing.
Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Rest includes all of the laded burdens which were arousal songs or instruments which hinder the learning of the Word.
ana-pausis , poet. amp-, eōs, hē,A. [select] repose, rest, Mimn.12.2, Pi.N.7.52, Hp.VM 11, X.Lac.12.6: esp. relaxation, recreation, Pl.Ti.59c, X.Cyr.7.5.47.
2. c. gen. rei, rest from a thing, “kakōn” Th.4.20; “polemou” X. Hier.2.11; “kakōn” Epicur.Ep.3p.61U.; “leitourgias” PFlor.57.56.
III public service of the gods, “hai pros tous theous l.” Arist.Pol.1330a13; “hai tōn theōn therapeiai kai l.” D.S.1.21, cf. UPZ17.17 (ii B.C.), PTeb.302.30 (i A.D.), etc.; the service or ministry of priests, LXX Nu.8.25, Ev.Luc.1.23.
In 1 Corinthians 11:17 it is absolutely certain that he BEGINS to say that their ASSEMBLIES do more harm than good.
ANOTHER REVIEW FROM NEW WINESKINS This looks at the random proof texts used to prove that Jesus participated in the Jewish festivals. He just took the opportunity to preach His version.
The Qahal, synagogue or Church ordained by Christ in the wilderness was a SCHOOL OF THE WORD. It excluded vocal or instrumental rejoicing and had absolutely NO mystical power. The Word of Christ is called by Him Spirit and Life: the only thing that happens in the gatherings is that everyone leaves having some portion of Scripture memorizled from speaking it one to another. Even pagans READ the words of their gods. And so did the Jews in the synagogue which continued as the ekklesia or "synagogue" by Paul. That is why the Gentiles were prepared to become Christians: a Christian is a disciple and a disciple is a student and not a ceremonial legalist.
They, in fact, claim the same power that TRANSFIGURED Jesus of Nazareth and will change us into His glorious image The CHRIST-ORDAINED way to change us is to obey only to the METHOD Jesus left us. I felt compelled to post some real text to warn against false spirits.
THE INCLUSIVE AND EXCLUSIVIE PATTERN WAS ORDAINED BY CHRIST FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN THE WILDERNESS2Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament;
not of the letter, [The Law of Moses]
but of the spirit: [The gospel prophesied by the Spirit OF Christ in the prophets]
for the letter killeth, [The Law]
but the spirit giveth life. [The Gospel]
John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth;2Corinthians 3:7 But if the ministration of death,
the flesh profiteth nothing: [The Law]
the words that I speak unto you,
they are spirit, and they are life. [The Gospel]
1Peter 1:10 Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently,
who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:
1Peter 1:11 Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify,
when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.
2 Pet 1:18 And this voice which came from heaven
WE heard, when
WE were with him in the holy mount.
2 Pet 1:19 WE have also a more sure word of prophecy;
whereunto YE do well that ye take heed,
as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,
until the day dawn,
and the day star arise in your hearts:2Peter 3:2 That ye may be mindful of the words
which were spoken before by the holy prophets,
and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
2 Peter 3:3 Knowing this first,
that there shall come in the last days scoffers,
walking after their own lusts,
Empaig-ma , atos, to, A. jest, mocking, delusion, LXX Is.66.4; magikęs empaigmata technęs
-Prospaizô , 2. abs., sport, jest, 3. laugh at, make fun or sport of, sing to the gods, sing in their praise or honour, 2. banter, tous rhętoras
-Pl.Epin.980b Plato Epinomis, or Nocturnal Council: Athenian
[980b] and honoring the gods, with high tribute of his hymns and affluence
throughout the period of his own life.
Well spoken, indeed, good sir. Yes, may you have this consummation of your laws,
after making fine sport in praising the gods and having passed a purer life,
to find thereby the best and fairest end!
Then how, Cleinias, do we state it? Do we honor the gods, think you,
to the utmost with our hymns,
praying that we may be moved to speak the fairest and best things about them?
Do you state it so, or how?
Plat. Rep. 545d Or is this the simple and unvarying rule, that in every form of government revolution takes its start from the ruling class itself,1 when dissension arises in that, but so long as it is at one with itself, however small it be, innovation is impossible?” “Yes, that is so.” “How, then, Glaucon,” I said, “will disturbance arise in our city, and how will our helpers and rulers fall out and be at odds with one another and themselves? Shall we, like Homer, invoke the Muses2 to tell “‘how faction first fell upon them,’ Hom. Il. 1.6 [1] The wrath sing, goddess, of Peleus' son, Achilles, that destructive wrath which brought countless woes upon the Achaeans, and sent forth to Hades many valiant souls of heroes, and made them themselves spoil for dogs and every bird; thus the plan of Zeus came to fulfillment, [5] from the time when first they parted in strife Atreus' son, king of men, and brilliant Achilles. Who then of the gods was it that brought these two together to contend? The son of Leto and Zeus; for he in anger against the king roused throughout the host an evil pestilence, and the people began to perish,2 For the mock-heroic style of this invocation Cf. Phaedr. 237 A, Laws 885 C.Plat. Rep. 8.545e and say that these goddesses playing with us and teasing us as if we were children address us in lofty, mock-serious tragic1 style?”
Plat. Rep. 8.545e “prōton” stasis “empese”Hom. Il. 1.6, kai phōmen autas tragikōs hōs pros paidas hēmas paizousas kai ereskhēlousas, hōs dē spoudē legousas, hupsēlologoumenas legein;
paizō ,
4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., “Pan ho kalamophthogga paizōn” Ar.Ra.230; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.6. hunt, pursue game, “p. kat' alsos” S. El.567.
Eres-khēleō (freq. with v.l. eres-kheleō ), used only in pres.,A. talk loosy, to be jocular, “paizein kai e.” Pl.R.545e, cf. Lg.885c, Luc.DMort.16.3, etc.: c. inf., discuss jocularly whether.., Philostr.VA2.14.-Paig-ma , atos, to,, sport, lôtoshotan . . paigmatabremęi whene'er the pipe sounds its sportive strains, E.Ba.161 ); Ludia p. luras
Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me,
See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant,
and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus:
worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
1John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit,
but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
written and engraven in stones, was glorious,
so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance;
which glory was to be done away:
2Corinthians 3:8 How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?
2Corinthians 3:13 And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face,
that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished:
2Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were blinded:
for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away
in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.
2Corinthians 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
2Corinthians 3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
2Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord,
are changed into the same image from glory to glory,
even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
G3339 metamorphoō met-am-or-fo'-o From G3326 and G3445 ; to transform (literally or figuratively “metamorphose”):—change, transfigure, transform.Matthew 17:1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother,
Philippians 3:1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.
To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.
Philippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
Philippians 3:3 For we are the circumcision,
which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus,
and have no confidence in the flesh.
Philippians 3:17 Brethren, be followers together of me,
and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.
Philippians 3:18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping,
that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:
Philippians 3:19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly,
and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)
Philippians 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven;
from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
Philippians 3:21 Who shall change our vile body,
that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,
according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,
Matthew 17:2 And was transfigured before them:
and his face did shine as the sun,
and his raiment was white as the light.
Matthew 17:3 And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.
Matthew 17:4 Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here:
if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.
Matthew 17:5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them:
and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said,
This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.
Acts 15:21 For MosesThe transformation promoted by those who see church as a Worship Center where the worship word is threskia or after Orpheus who with the Lesbian women put Homer's poems to a tune and added musical instruments.
of old time hath
in every city them that preach him,
being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
Let me show you how the Spirit of Christ told us to be TRANSFORMED: the church is the body of Christ and you cannot transform it even though you can pervert it. Paul's only worship concept means to give heed to the Word of God. Unless you see VISIONS the only way to pay attention or give your devotion to God in Christ is through the Word which Jesus said IS Spirit and IS life (John 6:63). If you will accept the truth of God's word [doctrine] then you MUST NOT GIVE HEED to the words [dogma] of man: the true rest in Isaiah 58 outlaws seeking our own pleasure or SPEAKING our own words. We simply have NOTHING to say of value. And those promoting MUSICAL or performance are promoting rank paganism, violating the Word of God in many places and marking leaders and producing effeminancy.
Revelation 17 defiens the beginning time Babylonian mother of harlots: in chapter 18 she uses lusted after "fruits" which are defined by Amos: they are rhetoricians, singers and instrument players. John calls them Sorcerers and consigns the to be cast alive into the lake of fire. That terrible penalty is reserved for blasphemers who claim that God said something He did not say.
Rom. 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, [Burn up the flesh: silence the carnal]
holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Hab. 2:19 Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise,
it shall teach! Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver,
and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.
Hab. 2:20 But the LORD is in his holy temple:
let all the earth keep silence before himG3050 logikos log-ik-os' From G3056 [WORD] ; rational (“logical”):--reasonable, of the word. II. possessed of reason, intellectual, when we speak A. of or for speaking or speech,
The Ekklesia is similar to the Greek Sulloge you wouldn't DARE make music! Sullogos special meeting as opposed to the regular ekklesia (roughly weekly) II. metaph., collectedness, presence of mind,
logik-os [logos] ) Speech 3. suited for prose, II. possessed of reason, intellectual, sullogismoi, [syllogisms] reasoning, putting togetehr of facts, DIALEKTIKOS conversation, discussion by question and answer,
OPPOSITE megaloprepes, [great person]
OPPOSITE to mousikę, musical, poetic, Lyric as opposed to Epic. elegant, delicate, effeminate. Mousa music, lyre, Sokratous: that was Socrate's way ;-)
OPPOSITE to rhętorikoi,
OPPOSITE to to Epagogue Epagoge bringing in to aid, 4. allurement, enticement, b. incantation, spell, 7. leading away into captivity LXX Isa 14:17Isa 14:[11] Your pomp is brought down to Sheol, the noise of your viols: the worm is spread under you, and worms [maggots] cover you. [12] How you are fallen from heaven, day-star, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, who laid the nations low! [13] You said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; and I will sit on the mountain of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north; [14] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. [15] Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the uttermost parts of the pit. [16] Those who see you shall gaze at you, they shall consider you, [saying], "Is this the man who made the earth to tremble, who shook kingdoms; [17] who made the world as a wilderness, and overthrew the cities of it; who didn't let loose his prisoners to their home?"
Ezek. 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. [Cast as profane out of heaven: the "praise word." Bara also means to CUT DOWN.
The REST for the Holy Convocation or Sabbath is restored as the Greek PAUO: this points most often meaning STOP the speaking, singing and playing instruments.
The LADED BURDEN is in Hebrew and Greek a song which "creates spiritual anxiety through religious rituals." Wrath is defined as "panic because of the Rite-PASSION.
The doubtful disputations outlawed in Romans 14 are opinions out of one's own "preference." In Romans 15 the SELF-pleasure in both Greek and Latin point directly to the hypocritic or performing arts: singing, playing or acting.
Logos, verbal noun of legô (B), with senses corresponding to legô (B) II and III (on the various senses of the word common in all periods in Prose and Verse, exc. Epic, in which it is found in signf. derived from legô to recite what is writtenRom. 12:2 And be not conformed to this world:
Jesus as the WORD is the LOGOS or rational discord of God: You cannot fit Lyric (effeminate) or music into the word SPEAK.
1. plea, pretext, ground, would have admitted of an explanation,
2. statement of a theory, argument, to be explained
c. in Logic, proposition, whether as premiss or conclusion
d. rule, principle, law, as embodying the result of logismos
4. thesis, hypothesis, provisional ground,
5. reason, ground 6.formula (wider than definition, but freq. equivalent thereto), term expressing reason,
7. reason, law exhibited in the world-process,
c. in Neo-Platonic Philos., of regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible
and operative in the sensible universe
IV. inward debate of the soul 1. thinking, reasoning, explanation, opposite perception,
in Logic, of discursive reasoning, opposite intuition
2. reason as a faculty,
V. continuous statement, narrative (whether fact or fiction), oration lego
4.speech, delivered in court, assembly
VI. verbal expression or utterance, lego, lexis
Lexis A.speech,2. common talk, report, tradition d. the talk one occasions, repute, mostly in good sense, good report, praise, honour,
opposite ôidę, of song 5. = eppsdę, spell, incantation
4. text of an author,
opposite exegesis [Peter's private interpretation outlaws exegesis]
Doctrine is the Word of God
Dogma is what the speaker thinks.
3. discussion, debate, deliberation, c. dialogue, as a form of philosophical debate,
1. divine utterance, oracle, expression, utterance, speech regarded formally,
X. the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government,
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
Romans 12.2 kai mē sunskhēmatizesthe tō aiōni toutō, alla metamorphousthe tē anakainōsei tou noos, eis to dokimazein humas ti to thelēma tou theou, to agathon kai euareston kai teleion.
Philippians 3.10 that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, becoming conformed to his death;
Christ does not want to transform your body or the church into a wine, women and music party: Spirit speaks of the MIND andthe only purpose of the church is to transform the MIND. You cannot do that by stirring up the flesh as an ultimate sexual encounter if music is involved.
that ye may prove what is that good,h3339. metamorphoo, met-am-or-fo´-o; from 3326 and 3445; to transform (literally or figuratively, “metamorphose”): change, transfigure, transform
G342 anakainōsis an-ak-ah'ee-no-sis From G341; renovation: renewing.
Eph. 4:21 If so be that ye have heard him,
and have been taught by him,
as the truth is in Jesus:
Eph. 4:22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man,
which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
Eph. 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
Eph. 4:24 And that ye put on the new man,
which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us,
by the washing of regeneration,
and renewing of the holy spirit; [our own spirit]
2Cor. 3:13 And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face,
that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished:
2Cor. 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth
the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament;
which vail is done away in Christ.
It looks like people who need to enhance the Word may need to be converted? This radically refutes the idea that Christ and Spirit are separate people.
2Cor. 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
2Cor. 3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
2Cor. 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2Cor. 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding
as in a glass the glory of the Lord,
are changed into the same image from glory to glory,
even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
We can only behold by looking into the writings of the Prophets and Apostles.
The Spirit of Christ did not speak to the kings to give a patternism for the "school of the Bible"
Pet. 1:11 Searching what, or what manner of time2Pet. 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy;
the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify,
when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ,
and the glory that should follow.
Rev. 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
whereunto ye do well that ye take heed,
as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,
until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
2Pet. 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture
is of any private interpretation. [further expounding]
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. [That's CENI]
Rom. 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
2 Cor 3.[14] But their minds were hardened, for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains, because in Christ it passes away. [15] But to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. [16] But whenever one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. [17] Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. [18] But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord, the Spirit.
Here is the only PATTERNISM ordained by Christ in the wilderness and never changed.
Acts 15:21 For MosesThe Will of God HAS BEEN made into songs and sermons: anything added is DOGMA.
of old time hath
in every city them that preach him,
being read in the synagogues every sabbath dayHOW TO STOP THOSE WHO SEE VISIONS: SOME HEAR VOICES!
A SHEPERD feeds and protects the sheep FROM MANIPULATING people into a CULT and introducing "musical" worship as a way to give honor to the Alpha Male (dominated by an Alpha She Goat meaning CAPELLA. Alpha goats ARE PASSIONATE.
Eph 4:10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;Pastor-teacher is a hyphenated word: the Elders are to Feed by Teaching "that which is written." There are no Worship Teams (a blasphemy word) or GuitarIST which is a synonym for PARASITE which defined the loud NOISE makers (never called music) to "make the lambs dumb before the slaughter priest." He is called a HERETIC because he "Lifted up the lambs to CUT THEIR THROATS" intending to eat the meat himself.
Eph 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Eph 4:13 Till we all come inThe Word EDIFY means EDUCATE: Romans 15 says you speak "that which is written" using one MIND and one MOUTH to educate.
A. the unity of the faith, and of
B. the knowledge of the Son of God,
C. unto a perfect MAN,
D. unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro,Stature: 2244. helikia, hay-lik-ee´-ah; from the same as 2245; maturity (in years or size): age, stature. [Comrad, not playmate]
and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive/
The verb nachash always means to enchant, fascinate, bewitch; or of one having and using occult knowledge. See Gen. 30:27; 44:5, 15. Lev. 19:26. Deut. 18:10. 1Kings 20:33. 2Kings 17:17; 21:6. 2Chron. 33:6. So also is the noun used in Num. 23:23; 24:
Ophis (g3789) of'-is; prob. from 3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision);
a snake, fig. (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, espec. Satan: - serpent
Ophrus (g3790) of-roos'; perh. from 3700 (through the idea of the shading or proximity to the organ of vision);
the eye-"brow" or forehead, i.e. (fig.) the brink of a precipice: - brow.
Ochleo (h3791) okh-leh'-o; from 3793; to mob, i.e. (by impl.) to harass: - vex.
Ochlopoieo (g3792) okh-lop-oy-eh'- o; from 3793 and 4160;
to make a crowd, i.e. raise a public disturbance: - gather a company.
Ochlos (g3793) okh'-los; from a der. of 2192 (mean. a vehicle); a throng (as borne along); by impl. the rabble;
by extens. a class of people; fig. a riot: - company, multitude, number (of people), people, press.
Isaiah III. For, behold, the Lord, Yahweh of Hosts, takes away from Jerusalem and from Judah supply and support, The whole supply of bread, And the whole supply of water; [2] The mighty man, The man of war, The judge, The prophet, The diviner, The elder, [3] The captain of fifty, The honorable man, The counselor, The skilled craftsman, And the clever enchanter. [4] I will give boys to be their princes, And children shall rule over them
Propheta and prŏphētes , ae, m., = prophętęs, I. a foreteller, soothsayer, prophet
Hariolus I. a soothsayer, prophet, prophetess Chresmodotes one who gives oracles, p;ophet, soothsayer
Eloquium poets, and their imitators among prose writers, for eloquentia, eloquence, Hor. A. P. 217, uses with Ignis. A. (Mostly poet.) The fire or glow of passion, of anger, rage, fury,figurative of that which brings destruction, fire, flame, Charis love-charm, in erotic sense, of favors granted to men.
Horace poetry. Let the chorus sustain the part and manly character of an actor: nor let them sing any thing between the acts which is not conducive to, and fitly coherent with, the main design. Let them both patronize the good, and give them friendly advice, and regulate the passionate, and love to appease thou who swell [with rage]:
Boys: Effemino II.Trop., to make womanish, effeminate, to enervate, A. Womanish, effeminate, includes an effeminate, enervating composition.
Histrio, stage-player, actor, mimus, boaster, Tert. Spect. 25Used with: Scaena, 1. Of a place like a scene of a theatre, school of rhetoric, display of eloquence.Seated where there is nothing of God, will one be thinking of his Maker? Will there be peace in his soul when there is eager strife there for a charioteer? Wrought up into a frenzied excitement, will he learn to be modest? Nay, in the whole thing he will meet with no greater temptation than that gay attiring of the men and women. The very intermingling of emotions, the very agreements and disagreements with each other in the bestowment of their favours, where you have such close communion, blow up the sparks of passion.
And when the athletes are hard at struggle, will he be ready to proclaim that there must be no striking again? And with his eye fixed on the bites of bears, and the sponge-nets of the net-fighters, can he be moved by compassion? May God avert from His people any such passionate eagerness after a cruel enjoyment!And then there is scarce any other object in going to the show,
but to see and to be seen
When a tragic actor is declaiming,
will one be giving thought to prophetic appeals?
Amid the measures of the effeminate player,
will he call up to himself a psalm?
For how monstrous it is to go from God's church to the devil's-from the sky to the stye, [De Caelo in Caenum: (sic) Oehler.] as they say;to raise your hands to God, and then
to weary them in the applause of an actor;
out of the mouth, from which you uttered Amen over the Holy Thing,
to give witness in a gladiator's favour; to cry "forever" to any one else but God and Christ
B. In mal. part., that submits to unnatural lust: pathicus, Cinaedos: a sodomite, catamite, one who dances publicly
Luke 7:25 But what went ye out for to see?WEAK: Delicate is Malakos path-ętikos d. = pathętikos e. of music, soft, effeminate, harmoniai, of reasoning, weak, loose, logos Isoc.12.4 , sullogizesthai to reason loosely,
A man clothed in soft [malakos] raiment? Behold, they which are gorgeously apparelled,
and live delicately, are in kings’ courts.
Luke 7:31 And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like?
Luke 7:32 They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another,
and saying, We have piped unto you,
and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.
Mousikos II. of persons, skilled in music, musical, III. of things, elegant, delicate; professional musicians, mousikos kai melôn poętęs, hędion ouden, harmonious [in tune], fitting, trophęMusic means Pathętikos
1Cor. 6:8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.
1Cor. 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
1Cor. 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
-Metamorph-oô , transform dissguise App.BC4.41 Dedicated to Apollon Diod. 4.81
katholou de pithanōs eis tēn tōn haliskomenōn thēriōn metamorphōtheis idean hupo tōn kai talla thēria kheiroumenōn kunōn diephtharē.kuōn dog, bitch, dog in the manger',
II. as a word of reproach, freq. in Hom. of women, to denote shamelessness or audacity;
hē rhapsōdos k.
2. metaph., of persons, watch-dog, guardian, tōn stathmōn k., of Agamemnon, A. Ag.896; dōmatōn k., of Clytemnestra, ib.607, cf. Ar.Eq.1023.3. of the Cynics, “areskei toutois kunōn metamphiennusthai bion” Phld.Sto.Herc. 339.8: hence, Cynic philosopher, Arist.Rh.1411a24, AP7.65 (Antip.), 413 (Id.), Plu.2.717c, Ath.5.216b, Epigr. ap. D.L.6.19, 60, Baillet Inscriptions des tombeaux des rois 172. Pan is the kuōn of Cybele, of the “Bakkhai, Lussas k.” E.Ba.977 (lyr.);
THE BEAST: thērion
III. as a term of reproach, beast, creature, “ō deilotaton su thērion” Ar.Pl.439, cf. Eq.273; “kolaki, deinō thēriō” Pl.Phdr.240b; “Krētes, kaka th.” Epimenid.1; dusnouthetēton th., of poverty, Men. Georg.78; “hē mousikē aei ti kainon thērion tiktei” Anaxil.27, cf. Eup.132; ti de, ei autou tou thēriou ēkousate; said by Aeschines of Demosthenes, Plin.Ep.2.3.10; th. sunestiōmenon, of woman,
pseudo-kuōn u^, kunos, ho,
Plut. Brut. 34 And so at this time he forced his way through the bystanders and entered the room, reciting in an affected voice the verses wherein Homer represents Nestor as saying:—But do ye harken to me, for ye both are younger than I am,and so forth. [4] At this Cassius burst out laughing; but Brutus drove Favonius out of the room, calling him a mere dog, and a counterfeit Cynic. Note: follower of Antisthenes was called a ‘Cynic,’ or dog-like, probably from the coarse and brutal manners affected by the school
Aeschylus, Seven Against ThebesAppian Civil Wors 4.6.41 [41] The son of Geta pretended to burn his father's remains in the courtyard of his house, making people believe that he had strangled himself. Then he conveyed him secretly to a newly bought field and left him. There the old man changed his appearance by putting a bandage over one of his eyes. After the return of peace he took off the bandage and found that he had lost the sight of that eye by disuse. Oppius, by reason of the infirmities of age, was unwilling to fly, but his son carried him on his shoulder till he had brought him outside the gates... the artisans performed the work appertaining thereto without pay, and each of the spectators tossed such money as he could afford to give into the orchestra, so that he became a rich man.
[145] And you, Apollo, lord of the Wolf,2 be a wolf to the enemy force and give them groan for groan!Y ou too, maiden child of Leto, ready your bow!
Ah! Ah! A hail of stones strikes our battlements from afar. O beloved Apollo! [160] There is the clang of bronze-bound shields at the gates. O son of Zeus, in whom dwells the sacred power to decide in battle war's outcome! And you, blessed queen Onca,1 on behalf of the city, [165] defend your seven- gated home!
All-powerful divinities, you gods and goddesses who wield the power to guard the towers of our land, do not betray our city that now toils under the spear [170] to an alien-tongued army. Hear us, hear, as is right, the prayers we maidens offer with outstretched hands.
The Suppliant woman says:
And let no murderous havoc come upon [680] the realm to ravage it, by arming Ares--foe to the dance and lute, parent of tears--and the shout of civil strife. [685] And may the joyless swarm of diseases settle far from the heads of the inhabitants, and to all the young people may Lyceus be graciously disposed.
The epithet Lyceus, often applied to Apollo, was commonly connected with the belief that he was the destroyer and protector of wolves
Lukos treacherous or unnatural love, live by rapine, VI. nickname of paiderastai, cf. Pl.Phdr. 241d.
[241d] “Just as the wolf loves the lamb, so the lover adores his beloved.” There it is, Phaedrus! Do not listen to me any longer; let my speech end here.
Diodorus 9.1.1
I. Solon was the son of Execestides and his family was of Salamis in Attica; and in wisdom and learning he surpassed all the men of his time.1 Being by nature far superior as regards virtue to the rest of men, he cultivated assiduously a virtue that wins applause; for he devoted much time to every branch of knowledge and became practised in every kind of virtue
[4] The same Solon, although the city followed the whole Ionian manner of life and luxury and a carefree existence had made the inhabitants effeminate, worked a change in them by accustoming them to practise virtue and to emulate the deeds of virile folk. And it was because of this that Harmodius and Aristogeiton, their spirits equipped with the panoply of his legislation, made the attempt to destroy the rule of the Peisistratidae.
Truphe soft, delicacy,, cainty, wanton,
THE BOOK: A Gathered People: Revisioning the Assembly as Transforming Encounter (Paperback)
by John Mark Hicks, Johnny Melton and Bobby Valentine. Reviewed from the New Wineskinners
When the NewTestament speaks of an assembled or GATHERED people as COMMANDED it is the words for "synagobue." The synagogue had no praise service, preaching or "laying by in store." It had no INSTITUTE which attempted to keep you busy and broke all week.
New Spectacles permits a new VISION
"Can we DO the Lord's Supper in Church."THE NEW TRINITY:
A. Come to the Table John Mark hicks
John Mark Hicks: Several features characterize the fellowship meals of Israel. First, it is a moment of communion between God and his people.
God eats with his people as the fat is burned to him.
God is present at this meal. It is eaten before the Lord as if God sits at the table with the worshipper.If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof. Psa 50:12
........... Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Psa 50:13A different order of these sacrifices is observed in Lev. 7 from that in the previous chapters, but we have been unable to assign any significance whatever to this, or any reason for it. The peace-offering is the one oddly placed in Lev. 7. CoffmanSee Leviticus Chapter Seven
Lev 7:9 And all the meat offering that is baken in the oven, and all that is dressed in the fryingpan, and in the pan, shall be the priest's that offereth it.
Lev 7:10 And every meat offering, mingled with oil, and dry, shall all the sons of Aaron have, one as much as another.
B. Of course people who reject the CENI want to speak on their own: their religionism becomes more rigid and more legalistic and more paganistic by restoring the ALWAYS PAGAN TRIADS of "gods.."
Trinity as “Necessary” Fact in Alexander Campbell’s “Christian System of Facts" John Mark Hicls
C. Leonard Allen Trinitarian Theology and Spiritual LifeC. Gathered People: Revisioning the Assembly as Transforming Encounter by John Mark Hicks, Johnny Melton and Bobby Valentine. These people really lust to drag you back under the sacrificial system which was the worship of the starry host to which God abandoned them because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai. LU is in big trouble. THE BOOK for your review.
When Scripture speaks of a GATHERED people as recommended by Hicks etal it is exactly what it was prophesied that Messiah would not do and Paul claimed that he had never done.
1. Jacob warned you not to attend the assemblies or "synagogues" of Levi.
Gen. 49:5 Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments [Sword or Musical]2. Jesus never participated in the "singing" or yelling and screaming while "making the lambs dumb before the slaugher.
of cruelty are in their habitations.
Gen. 49:6 O my soul, come not thou into their secret;
unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united:
for in their anger they slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall.Is. 42:2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.Satan also has his synagogue and preachers: the serpent in the garden of Eden was well known as a "musical enchannter(ess)" and the Bible calls the Assyrians the "talllst tree in Eden" and Eve was wholly seduced in a sexual sense says Paul.
H6817 tsâ‛aq tsaw-ak' A primitive root; to shriek; (by implication) to proclaim (an assembly)at all, call together, cry (out), gather (selves)
Judg. 4:3 And the children of Israel cried unto the LORD: for he had nine hundred chariots of iron; and twenty years he mightily oppressed the children of Israel.3. Paul went to Jerusalem to worship: to prostrate himself in homage, do reverence to, adore: like a dog licking his master's hand, to fawn.
Judg. 7:22 And the three hundred blew the trumpets, and the LORD set every man’s sword against his fellow, even throughout all the host: and the host fled to Beth-shittah in Zererath, and to the border of Abel-meholah, unto Tabbath.
Judg. 7:23 And the men of Israel gathered themselves together out of Naphtali, and out of Asher, and out of all Manasseh, and pursued after the Midianites.
Judg. 10:17 Then the children of Ammon were gathered together, and encamped in Gilead. And the children of Israel assembled themselves together, and encamped in Mizpeh.
Judg. 10:18 And the people and princes of Gilead said one to another, What man is he that will begin to fight against the children of Ammon? he shall be head over all the inhabitants of Gilead.G4352 proskuneō pros-koo-neh'-o From G4314 and probably a derivative of G2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand); to fawn or crouch to, that is, (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore):—worship.4. Paul did not go to make passion: Making a conspiracy, concourse (riotous or friendly), stir up a crowd.
Acts 24:12 And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man, neither raising up the people, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city:
Paul didn't gather in order to worship: this was a SINGLE ACT. Poieo 4160 is to "band together" beray, From g4238 prasso "perform repeatedly or habitually."
h1999 make a loud speec, tumult.
"Dan," he says, "shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse-heels, so that his rider shall fall backwards (i.e., he will teach candidates black magic) .The serpent in the Mother of Babylon harlots using passionate "lusted after fruits" as speakers, singers and instrument players whom John called sorcerers who HAD deceived the whole world. The serpent is the ophis which comes right out of the word sOPHISts.
Gen 49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way,
an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels,
so that his rider shall fall backward.
Ophis (g3789) of'-is; prob. from 3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision);Scholarship notes that music is used only by women and the effeminate, and it works only on the lower classes of people: a passionate mobe.
a snake, fig. (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, espec. Satan: - serpent
Ophrus (g3790) of-roos'; perh. from 3700 (through the idea of the shading or proximity to the organ of vision);
the eye-"brow" or forehead, i.e. (fig.) the brink of a precipice: - brow.
Ochleo (h3791) okh-leh'-o; from 3793; to mob, i.e. (by impl.) to harass: - vex.
Ochlopoieo (g3792) okh-lop-oy-eh'- o; from 3793 and 4160;
to make a crowd, i.e. raise a public disturbance: - gather a company.
Ochlos (g3793) okh'-los; from a der. of 2192 (mean. a vehicle); a throng (as borne along); by impl. the rabble;
by extens. a class of people; fig. a riot: - company, multitude, number (of people), people, press.
The assembly is VISIONED as the church in the wilderness it was a School of the Bible--only. It was EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing. Makes sense that you don't let people fabricate their own words in song or sermon if you care what God has to say.
See John Calvin on Numbers 10 to deny that anyone can call an assembly which God has not authorized.Numbers 10:[7] But when the assembly is to be gathered together,
you shall blow,
but you shall not sound an alarm.
The ALARM is the triumph over as a mark in Psalm 41 defining a musical attack on Messiah. While Judas (the new wineskinner and flute player) failed, the Levitical Warrior musicians did mock Jesus right up to the foot of the old rugged cross. The Dead Sea Psalms makes the meaning very clear. In victory Messiah will make music with the zither of His lips.
The so called "musical worship team" and the term Acapella perverted from a cappella or the castrated singers in the Sistine, used a form ORGANUM so that the new style harmony (not related to melody) is a legalistic end run around the NO INSTRUMENTS LAW. It serves the same purpose of "making the lambs silent before the slaughter" and is a precursor for the lust to go instrumental.
"Allegory and metaphor elevated the art over the humdrum of life. The Baroque belittled theatrical realism and dramatic truth as commonplace.It created the castrato, a creature without sex but with a heavenly voice instead."The Baroque invented sentimental shepherds and shepherdesses with salon manners and salon language.
It saw the emergence of virtuosity which transported the listener into a world of marvels.It created melodies with virtuoso ornaments and opera became a theatre in which singing replaced ordinary speech."It invented the wig and female knickers with flounce, lace and ribbons, all of which was to imbue reality with a more poetic character. It created the gallant style and the theory of affections, which isolated and catalogued human emotions and feelings. The opera was the most eloquent manifesto of the escape from reality into a better world.
Numbers 10.[7] quando autem congregandus est populus simplex tubarum clangor erit et non concise ululabuntCon-grĕgo Congrego Academia congregation. where plato taught, scholars are called Academici, and his doctrine Philosophia Academica.. The philosophy of the Acadamy, A. For The philosophy of the Academy: instaret academia, quae quidquid dixisses, This is the OPPOSITE to the acadamy of the CYNICS or the dogs Paul excluded from worship IN the spirit as opposed to IN the flesh.
The simplex BLOW was to call the small tribal groups together only for INSTRUCTION. The trumpets were reserved for sending important signals as they are in the book of Revelation.
Tuba Apart from military purposes, it was used on various occasions, as at religious festivals, games, funerals,
b. Sonorous, elevated epic poetry,
c. A lofty style of speaking,
II. Trop.:tuba belli civilis, i. e. exciter, author, instigato, Apart from military, it was used at religious festivals, games, funerals. A signal for war. NEVER when the synagogue or Academy assembles the "scholars." An academy is NOT a 'worship center' unless you are telling God to SHUT UP.
Cicero F 6. The passport has not been issued at once, owing to the amazing rascality of certain persons, who would have been bitterly annoyed at a pardon being granted to you, whom that party call the "bugle of the civil war"--and a good many observations to the same effect are made by them, as though they were not positively glad of that war having occurred.Of the Evil Thread: Israel as a nation had been abandoned to worship like the NATIONS: their Dionysus from Egypt is clearly defined by the Greeks.
Vergil, Aeneid 5.104
Now came the day desir'd. The skies were bright
With rosy luster of the rising light:
The bord'ring people, rous'd by sounding fame
Of Trojan feasts and great Acestes' name,
The crowded shore with acclamations fill,
Part to behold, and part to prove their skill.
And first the gifts in public view they place,
Green laurel wreaths, and palm, the victors' grace:
Within the circle, arms and tripods lie,
Ingots of gold and silver, heap'd on high,
And vests embroider'd, of the Tyrian dye.
The trumpet's clangor then the feast proclaims,
And all prepare for their appointed games. Clango clamo and klazô] , to clang, to sound, resoundhorrida clangunt signa tubae, luctificum clangente tubā, Val. Fl. 3, 349 : clangunt aquilae,
This has the same meaning as HALAL praise by which David made himself vile going naked with the girls "acting the part of a female."
Clangor I. Of wind instruments: III. Of dogs, a barking, baying
UluloUlŭlo I. Neutr., to howl, yell, shriek, utter a mournful cry. to ring, resound, re-echo with howling:penitusque cavae plangoribus aedes Femineis ululant,
Canes Canto Verg. A. 2, 488 :resonae ripae :Dindyma sanguineis Gallis, [emasculated priests of Cybele] fēmĭnĕus belonging to a woman, for women's usewith an accessory notion of contempt, womanish, effeminate, unmanly:
The Apple Eve ate from the MIDST may have been a galla or gall nutMagicus , a, um, adj., = magikos, of or belonging to magic B. To say urgently or continually (late Lat.): vernacula principi,
A. superstitio , o-nis, f. [super-sto; orig a standing still over or by a thing; hence, amazement, wonder, dread, esp. of the divine or supernatural] . II. In post-Aug. prose sometimes for religio, religious awe, sanctity; a religious rite:
B. vanitas , B. Esp., falsity, falsehood, deception, untruth, untrustworthiness, fickleness, etc.
C. resono to sound or ring again, to resound, re-echo
D. Cantus I. Neutr., to utter melodious notes, to sing, sound, play.
Transf., of the instruments by which, or (poet.) of the places in which, the sounds are produced, to sound, resound:canentes tibiae,
E.magicae resonant ubi Memnone chordae, mysteriousTHE MARKS OF APOSTATES USING MUSIC AS A TRANSFORMING ENCOUNTER
No "scholar" will find any use of music as transforming other than SOURCED from Lucifer, to seduce Eve as the "singing and harp playing prostitute", of people making war (as the Philistines or Canaanites or TRADERS), noise as exorcism as they make the lambs dumb before the slaughter, prostitutes and Sodomites even at Jerusalem. You will find no religious musician who is not TRANSFORMING you into a sexual encounter: Ask Carol Wimber the mother of the new style praise singing
When the elders fired God and demanded a "senior pastor person" God gave several MARKS of His judgment: strong delusions to those who tamper with the word and corrupt it meaning "selling learning at retail" and also "adultery." You WILL be seduced by the Philistines on the hills and mountains.
1Sam. 10:5 After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, [The Els of the mountains or hills)
where is the garrison of the Philistines:
and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city,
that thou shalt meet a company [twisted rope, noose, tied together, pang, snare]
of prophets coming down from the high place
with a psaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe, and a harp, before them;
and they shall prophesy:
1Sam. 10:6 And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee,
and thou shalt prophesy with them,
and shalt be turned into another man."This is the first mention in the OT of a band of prophets. These were men who went about in companies and were able by means of music and dancing to work themselves up into a convulsive and ecstatic frenzy (2 Ki. 3:1-10). Their abnormality was believed to be caused by the invasive influence of the spirit of god.
The word prophesied here does not mean either foretelling the future or preaching after the manner of the later prophets, but engaging in the ritual dance of the prophetic guild (19:18-24). Their behavior was commonly regarded as a form of madness (2 Ki. 9:11; Jer. 29:26)" (The Int. Bible Ency., I Sam. p. 932).
Karen Armstrong notes that the urban feminist urge sweeping revivalist movements is a rejection of Yahweh as the masculine God of the mind or spirit or Word. Later,
"We find demon-possessed Saul 'acting like a prophet' by becoming semi-conscious and immobile when attempting to apprehend David at Ramah..The context of this passage makes it clear that Saul's behavior was not the ordinary behavior of the true prophets of God." (Christianity Today, March 12,
"'Played the prophet,' viz., by gestures and demeanor."--Driver. "Rather, he raved."--Keil. "The word 'prophesy' describes an ecstatic condition due to supernatural influence, good or evil; the result in the one case being prophetic inspiration or religious enthusiasm, in the other raving madness."--Cambridge Bible. 1971, p. 541)
Heredotus writes: Now the Scythians are wont to reproach the Greeks with their Bacchanal rage, and to say that it is not reasonable to imagine there is a god who impels men to madness. No sooner, therefore, was Scylas initiated in the Bacchic mysteries than one of the Borysthenites went and carried the news to the Scythians "
You Scyths laugh at us" he said, "because we rave when the god seizes us.
But now our god has seized upon your king, who raves like us, and is maddened by the influence.
If you think I do not tell you true, come with me, and I will show him to you."The chiefs of the Scythians went with the man accordingly, and the Borysthenite, conducting them into the city, placed them secretly on one of the towers.
Presently Scylas passed by with the band of revellers, raving like the rest, and was seen by the watchers. Regarding the matter as a very great misfortune they instantly departed, and came and told the army what they had witnessed.
When Israel rejected God's direct rule he sent the professional "prophesiers" from the Philistine "high place" as a judgmental sign of their rejection:
Haphak (h2015) haw-fak'; a prim. root; to turn about or over; by impl. to change, overturn, return, pervert: - * become, change, come, be converted, give, make [a bed], overthrow (-turn), perverse, retire, tumble, turn (again, aside, back, to the contrary, every way).
And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concerning this thing also, that I will not overthrow this city, for the which thou hast spoken. Ge.19:21
And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. Ge.19:25
And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt. Ge.19:29
All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me. Jb.19:19
Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength. Da.10:8
Revelation 18 defines the MUSICAL MARKS of a people who had TURNED from God and TOWARD the pagans from the Hills and Mounntains. This is the END TIMES mark defined when God abandoned Israel to SENIOR PASTORS.
NOW HICKS, MELTON AND VALENTINE SEND YOU A GREETING CARD INVITING YOU TO THE DANCE.1 Sam 10:9 And it was so, that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another heart: and all those signs came to pass that day.
Acher (h312) akh-air'; from 309; prop. hinder; gen. next, other, etc.: - (an-) other (man), following, next, strange.
Achar (h309) aw-khar'; a prim. root; to loiter (i. e. be behind); by impl. to procrastinate: - continue, defer, delay, hinder, be late (slack), stay (there), tarry (longer).
1 Sam 10:18 And said unto the children of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all kingdoms, and of them that oppressed you:
1 Sam 10:19 And ye have this day rejected your God, who himself saved you out of all your adversities and your tribulations; and ye have said unto him, Nay, but set a king over us. Now therefore present yourselves before the Lord by your tribes, and by your thousands.
Hophek (h2017) ho'-fek; from 2015; an upset, i. e. (abstr.) perversity: - turning of things upside down.
Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potters clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding? Isa 29:16
From the wilderness onward the SPIRITUAL THREAD only to Rest (from rituals, Read and Rehearse The Word of God. That never changed because God doesn't say, OOOPS! think I will change the way I want to be honored. The "proposal" is in red.
Stoned-Campbell Disciple Bobby ValentineBecause synagogue is "a school of the Bible" with further expounding and private opinions outlawed, and the text book for disciples is the Word of God there is no CONTEMPORARY culture which can change that which Christ commanded for the wilderness, patterned in His life and was commanded for all times.
John Mark Hicks &C: Introduction: 'Sacramental' Encounter?'
1) A False Dichotomy: Life and Assembly in God's Story
The Word of God is TRANSFORMED by false teachers by giving approval to the perversity and worship of the starry host as at Mount Sinai and condemned by Amos the the other prophets by saying "there's nothing wrong with their worship" there was just a DICHOTOMY between the APPROVED WORSHIP and the PRIVATE LIVES. That is how Terry Briley interprets Isaiah if the promo is correct.2) Assemblies in Israel: We Shall Assemble on the Mountain
We shall assemble on the mountain
We shall assemble at the throne
With humble hearts into His presence
We bring an offering of song
Glory and honor and dominion
Unto the Lamb
Unto the King
Oh hallelujah
We sing the song of the Redeemed
Twila Paris
When they sang a song OF GOD the alwas SPAKE or RECITED: no harps PLAY in heaven and No Lurching Lena trafficking.
From the Babylonian story of the flood:
I appointed a sacrifice on top of the mountain peak'
Seven by seven I arranged the sacrificial vessels;
Beneath them I piled reeds, cedar wood, and myrtle.
The gods smelled the savor,
The gods smelled the sweet savor.
The gods above the sacrificer collected like flies.When at length the queen of the gods drew near,
The Book of Enoch, Adam and Eve and about three dozen ancient versions have the holy Sethites on the MOUNTAIN. Satan indwelled the youth to form mixed-sex choirs, play instruments, wear liturgical apparel and fall into homosexuality even within the family. After about a year the Cainites (Cain from a musical note andof that wicked one) finally seduced the Sethites even though the Living Word warned them that the river Satan told them to use was "a river of no return."
She raised the great bows which An at her wish had made.
"O ye gods, as I shall not forget the jewel of my neck
These days I shall not forget--to eternity I shall remember!
Let the gods come to the SACRIFICE,
Lucifer, the singing and harp playing prostitute was "cast as profane" out of heaven and into the earth to seduce people. The BEAST whose horns or Pan Pipes helps the "little kings" ascend up to their mountain is of course Satan and one definition of the BEAST is "a new style of song" or dance or drama.
Literal Zion is not the place where the 144,000 heard the SOUNDS from heaven or "up in the air." All of the SOUNDS were well known to produce panic. The warning to the LIVING was to preach the gospel. See Revelation 14.
Isaiah 30 expains FOR WHOM God has prepared hell: and He beats them into hell with musical instruments
Isa. 17:10 Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips:
Is. 17:11 In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.
Woe to the multitude of many people,
which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations,
that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters Isa 17:12
The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters:
but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off,
and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind,
and like a rolling thing [dung ball] before the whirlwind. Isa 17:13
And I heard a voice from heaven the sound of many waters and the sound of loud thunder; the voice I heard was the sound of harpers playing on their harps Revelation 14:2RSV
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
..........having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
..........and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Rev 14:6
Saying [not singing] with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him;
..........for the hour of his judgment is come:
..........and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea,
..........and the fountains of waters. Rev 14:7SEE ANOTHER PROPHECY IN WISDOM OF SOLOMON 17:16
Only the Civil-Military-Clergy complex were present for animal slaughter which was identical to all pagan or national systems where the the King (Pope) performed the only official national sacrifice. God knew that this was to have a ready supply of meant and not for him.
Christ ordained the Qahal, synagogue or church in the wilderness for the spiritual people.
Num. 10:3 And when they shall blow with them,
all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee
at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.This is not a COMMANDED ACT OF WORSHIP but a PROHIBITION.John Mark Hicks &C: 3) Christian Assemblies: Gospel, Word and Communal Table
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Psa 121:1KJV
........... My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. Psa 121:2
NO! I will NOT look to the hills or mountain's gods for help!
The Assyrians might get you with their chariots on the plains but trust in the hills to save you."But there were some in Israel who were not just ordinary citizens. They saw by the eye of the Spirit.
........... And they were aware of the weakness of trusting in natural resources
........... for help against such cunning, vicious, and determined enemies.> Shall I look to the mountain gods for help? Psa 121:1LIV NO. Don't Do it!
> A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? 121:1NIV
> (A Song of Ascents.) I Will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From whence shall my help come? Psa 121:1NAS
> A Song of Ascents. I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence does my help come? Psa 121:1RSV
........... > > No! My help is from Jehovah who made the mountains! And the heavens too! Psa 121:2LIVAnd we have other proof of the utter superstition that God is restricted in where He can work. For instance,
And the servants of the king of Syria said unto him, Their gods are gods of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we; but let us fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they. 1K.20:23
Har (g2022) har; a short. form of 2042; a mountain or range of hills (sometimes used fig.): - hill (country), mount (-ain), * promotion.
And there came a man of God, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith the Lord,
........... Because the Syrians have said, The Lord is God of the hills,
........... but he is not God of the valleys,
........... therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the Lord. 1 Kings 20:28It was on MOUNT HERMON at Pan's temple where Jesus said "the gates of Hell SHALL NOT prevail."
Hesoid Theog. From the Heliconian Muses let us begin to sing, who hold the great and holy mount of Helicon, and dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty son of Cronos, [5] and, when they have washed their tender bodies in Permessus or in the Horse's Spring or Olmeius, make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helicon and move with vigorous feet. Thence they arise and go abroad by night, [10] veiled in thick mist, and utter their song with lovely voice, praising Zeus the aegis-holder, and queenly Hera of Argos who walks on golden sandals, and the daughter of Zeus the aegis-holder bright-eyed Athena, and Phoebus Apollo, and Artemis who delights in arrows,
[15] and Poseidon the earth holder who shakes the earth, and revered Themis, and quick-glancing Aphrodite, and Hebe with the crown of gold, and fair Dione, Leto, Iapetus, and Cronos the crafty counsellor, Eos, and great Helius, and bright Selene, [20] Earth, too, and great Oceanus, and dark Night, and the holy race of all the other deathless ones that are for ever. And one day they taught Hesiod glorious song while he was shepherding his lambs under holy Helicon, and this word first the goddesses said to me--
Crafty counsellor is:
ankulo-mętęs (Boeot. ankoulomeitas Corinn.Supp.1.13), o, mętisA. crooked of counsel, epith. of Kronos. Il.2.205 , Od.21.415, al., Hes.Th.18, etc.; of Prometheus, ib. 546, Op.48.[25] the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis: "Shepherds of the wilderness, wretched things of shame, mere bellies, we know how to speak many false things as though they were true; but we know, when we will, to utter true things."
Matt 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.
G3428 moichalis moy-khal-is' A prolonged form of the feminine of G3432 ; an adulteress (literally or figuratively): adulteress (-ous, -y).
G3432 moichos moy-khos' Perhaps a primary word; a (male) paramour; figuratively apostateThe MUSES were the:
Tettix , cicala, Cicada plebeia or allied species, a winged insect fond of basking on trees, when the male makes a chirping or clicking noise by means of certain drums or 'tymbals' underneath the wings, This noise is freq. used as a simile for sweet sounds, Plato calls them hoi Mousôn prophętai, but they also became a prov. for garrulity, lalein tettix Aristopho10.7 : t. polloi ginomenoi nosôdes to etos sęmainousi Thphr.Sign.54 . They were thought to sing continually without food or drink, Ar.Nu. 1360, Pl.Phdr.259c; or on a diet of air and dew,
Christ in Spirit has provided the words free of charge (Isaiah 55) and commanded you NOT to stir up passion or even speak your own words.John Mark Hicks &C: 4) Assembly in Christian History: Word and Table as Historic Liturgy
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city
them that preach him,
being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
1Tim. 4:13 Till I come, give attendance to [public] reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.
To that, Jesus ordained, Paul explained and the church mantained the supper as a TEACHING ACT: it had no magical transforming power as claimed for the Eucharist.
Paul defines the Lord's Supper as a showing forth or PREACHING the Death of Jesus Christ: tha't it. Hicks is wrong it is not a sacrificial meal we eat with jubilation.John Mark Hicks &C: 5) Assembly among Churches of Christ: Our Formative History
The church fathers are universally contemptuous of rhetoricians and singing or music was not allowed: pretty simple the Biblical text is the commanded resource and the Bible is not metrical: when the Spirit without measure was given to Jesus the text in the literature would mean WITHOUT METER. Simple Simons knew that "Hypocrites set their lies to melodies to deceive the simple minded." Still works, huh?
The American Restoration Movement scholars such as the Campbells understood the Scriptures and history: Church was A School of Christ. Worship was reading and musing the Word of God. The Lord's Supper is not a feast with God but is a PREACHING of the death of Jesus Christ: no more. Click for Thomas Campbell whose lips "liturgy" would not pass.John Mark Hicks &C: 6) Gathered to God: Divine Presence in the Assembly
There was no "Law of preaching" no LAW of singing and no LAW of laying by in stored.
"If there is a poor man with you, one of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand from your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks" (Deut. 15:7, 8-11).H5670 abat aw-bat' A primitive root; to pawn; causatively to lend (on security); figuratively to entangle:borrow, break [ranks], fetch [a pledge], lend, X surely.
"Concerning budgets--it is now a mark of the identity of a scriptural church to have or not to have certain benevolent programs and missionary projects in the budget; but the time was when churches had no such problems, for there were no budgets. The apportionment of the contributions into a pre-arranged budget is comparatively new, and it met with opposition for the early writers of both the Gospel Advocate and the Firm Foundation, perhaps for the foreseen reason of what is happening now--an an issue develops on what may or may not be scripturally included in the budget, and the budget becomes a sacramental thing, the depository for the 'Lord's Money.'" (Foy E. Wallace, Jr., The Gospel for Today, p 552)
John Mark Hicks &C: 7) Contemporary Gatherings: Assembling Worthy of the GospelWe will find Christ only OUTSIDE of the presence of the massed multitudes stirring up passion.
Because only the SON speaks for the Father (within) it is not possible for professional rhetoricians and musicians to teach: indeed they CANNOT teach the Word as pretenders:
Matt. 18:20 For where two or three are gathered [Synagogue] together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
- Preaching was not permitted as an ACT in the synagogue
- A praise service was not permitted as an ACT in the synagogue
- Giving of means was for the poor box in the back: no ACT of laying by in story with trumpets.
- Do you think that a Rabbi was needed when Jesus is present?
- Do you think singing silly praise songs to create PASSION was permitted when Jesus is present
- Do you think that Jesus would permit passing the plate when HE was there with the FREE word.
All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. Matthew 11:27
Doctrine is what Jesus teaches: Dogma is someone pretending to reveal Him
Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:29
The laded burden is firstly a PASSIONATE song and secondly the ADDED TAX for "creating spiritual anxiety through religious ritual. You can come to Christ only when the elders "teach that which has been taught."
The Laded Burden has been removed along with the burden laders: the BURDEN in Hebrew and Greek would be a "new style praise song" which is one of the MARKS OF THE BEAST people. REST has the same meaning as the church in the wilderness REST, READ AND DISCUSS THE WORD.
Rest or the Greek PAUO absolutely commands Stop the speaking, Stop the singing, Stop the playing. Why is that self evident? Because ONLY Jesus has the Words of Eternal life as Spirit and Life.
People cannot find WORSHIP because they look for WORSHIP; they cannot find CHURCH because they look for church.
Jesus Christ the Spirit promises to gather with us when the elders (ONLY) teach that which has been taught.
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them
that preach him,
being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
The organized synagogue (church in the wilderness) had a poor or widows box in the back: there was no sermonizing and "no praise service in the synagogue." That was by direct command in Numbers 10.
The ekklesia is the PATTERNISM Jesus used for the assembly: that has about the same meaning as Synagogue which is the word Paul uses of gathering or assemblying. It was a word only assembly for instructions only and the rhetoricians, singers, musicians, sellers of bodies and radishes were confined to the Agora or marketplace. That is where Jesus consigned the Jewish-Dionysus clergy whom he called hypocrites by pointing out "slick speakers, singers and instrument players." In Ezekiel 33 that is the MARK Jesus used to identify those who WOULD NOT OBEY the Word of God.
Epilogue: "Why Didn't You Talk About ...?"John Mark Hicks &C: Life and Assembly in God’s Story
The following are three quotes that describe worship. This one is from Israel’s worship.
let us kneel before the LORD our Maker Psalm 95:6
We shouldn't have to remind people that David was king and not the "worship leader" neither does he define worship. You cannot WORSHIP God by holding bowls of incense, holding harps and falling on your face. No, turkey gobbler, no one plays harps up in the air and the NOISE is a warning for the living to PREACH THE GOSPEL.
This passage REPUDIATES the musical idolaltry at Mount Sinai.
Psa. 95:6 O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.
H7812 shâchâh shaw-khaw' A primitive root; to depress, that is, prostrate (especially reflexively in homage to royalty or God):—bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship.
Whose voice then SHOOK the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet ONCE MORE I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. Heb 12:26
And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the REMOVING of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken [a trumpet-like word] may remain. Heb 12:27
Wherefore we RECEIVING a KINGDOM which cannot be moved, let us have GRACE,
whereby we may SERVE God acceptably with REVERENCE and godly fear: Heb 12:28For our God is a consuming fire. Heb 12:29
Psa. 95:7 For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.This was the musical worship of the Egyptian trinity under the golden Calf at Mount Sinai: for that affront of bowing down to "Satan" or the starry hosts, God gave them The Book of The Law and abandoned them to their own resources. This specificially outlaws music which you cannot do and bow down. Of course the Church of Christ people bow down: the most important submission is to His Word. You don't have to be flat on your face.
To day if ye will hear his voice,
Only God in Christ has a VOICE. How could sheep presume so much.
Psa. 95:8 Harden not your heart, as in the provocation,
and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness:
Psa. 95:9 When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work.
Psa. 95:10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation,
and said, It is a people that do err in their heart,
and they have not known my ways:
Psa. 95:11 Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.
Psalm 106:19 They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image.
Psalm 106:20 Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.
Psalm 106:21 They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt;But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: Proverbs 1:25 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; Proverbs 1:26
- Laugh: Sachaq (h7832) saw-khak'; a prim. root: to laugh (in pleasure or detraction); by impl. to play: - deride, have in derision, laugh, make merry, mock (-er), play, rejoice, (laugh to) scorn, be in (make) sport.
- Of the rising up to play at Mount Sinai as Mocking God:
- "The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).
- Mock is: Leag (h3932) law-ag'; a prim. root; to deride; by impl. (as if imitating a foreigner) to speak unintelligibly: - have in derision, laugh (to scorn), mock (on), stammering.
Ps.41:7 All that hate me whisper together against me: against me do they devise my hurt.
Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. Psa 22:15
Lachash (h3907) law-khash'; a prim. root; to whisper; by impl. to mumble a spell (as a magician): - charmer, whisper (together).
In Psalm 41:5, the enemy (Judas) was Oyeb (h341) or the hating adversary or "Ophis" in greek (g3789) for the serpent. This Ophis is the same serpent which beguiled Eve. Jesus called Judas "Satan." In reality, he is incarnated in the sOPHISts who were enchanters for pay.
In Genesis, the "serpent" is not a snake. Rather, he is a musical enchanter who "hisses" and whispers:
Nachash (h5175) naw-khawsh'; from 5172; a snake (from its hiss): - serpent
Nachash (h5172) naw-khash'; a prim. root; prop. to hiss, i. e. whisper a (magic) spell; gen. to prognosticate: - * certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) * enchantment, learn by experience, * indeed, diligently observe.
Canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; rare in Cic.)
2. Of the singing pronunciation of an orator, to declaim in a singing tone, to sing, drawl: si cantas, male cantas, si legis, cantas
C. Hence, because the oracles were of old uttered in verse, of any mysterious, prophetic, or warning utterance, to predict, warn, point out, indicate, make known, say III. In the lang. of religion, as v. n. or a., to use enchantments, charms, incantations, to enchant, to charm,Of persons: 1. With the voice, a singing, song; in full, cantus vocum, Sirenum,
2. With instruments, a playing, music: in nervorum vocumque cantibus, : citharae, Hor. C. 3, 1, 20 : horribili stridebat tibia cantu, Cat. 64, 264 : querulae tibiae
kithara the Lat. cithara (whence guitar), a kind of lyre or lute, Hhymn., Hdt., attic: --it was of triangular shape, with seven stringsEpôidę A. song sung to or over: hence, enchantment, spell Od.19.457 Pi.P.4.217 ou pros iatrou sophou thręnein epôidas pros tomônti pęmati S.Aj. 582 ; of the Magi
John Mark Hicks &C: This one is out of the idea in Churches of Christ in the 1950s that there are five and only five acts of worship.
To be scriptural our Lord’s day worship must contain all of these five required items...To have less than these required five is to render the worship vain! To have more than these, is to corrupt the worship John Banister (1951)iYou don't get authority ot REINVENT the Church of Christ and worship just because MOST religions practiced these acts.
I remember the 30's and that's what we always did: most churches did it without a preacher using the authorized elders as pastor-teachers. These ENCOUNTER PROMOTERS do the same thing including the unlawful "law of giving" and "law of singing" and "law of preaching" but by the use of HATE the Hegelian discord is used to make you feel guilty for NOT adding performance music which is wrong with or without instruments: Jesus called the hypocrites.
Singing and preaching were added from paganism close to the year 400. The Law of Giving came much later even when Paul says IT IS NOT A COMMAND. The present writers will make sure that the ACT of laying by in store is carried out because otherwise the troublers in Zion would have to get a real job.
Will these scholars give up the Law of Preaching, the Law of Singing or the Law of Giving? Of course not.
That is not authority to add #6 and #7 ACTS of liturgy.
John Mark Hicks &C: Finally, this one is from a contemporary writer who follows the “Edification Model” that sees no special presence of God in the assembly but views worship as a way of filling the tank of discipleship to go on living in “daily worship.”
You won't find any place in the New Testament where these ideas of special presence or encounter with God are part of the Christian assembly...There is no more special presence of God on Sunday morning at the church building than there is in your car Monday morning ... The idea of limited or special presence of God comes from temple traditions and cathedral thinking ... What happens in the assembly of the saints is totally up to you! Mike Root (2000)JESUS COMMANDED, EXAMPLES AND INFERENCED ONLY THE EDUCATION MODEL. See Jesus' proof above.
Rather than use them old "legalist, sectarian patternists" to justify EVIL, I refer the readers to the Bible where Jesus promises to be with us as THE ONLY HOLY SPIRIT under #6 above. Jesus is with us ONLY when the elders "teach that which has been taught." Christ commanded the Holy Convocation for the Qahal, synagogue or church in the wilderness: The Church of Christ.
Paul always defines the PAGAN system of worship before he always defines the assembly (synagogue) devoted ONLY to the Word of God: the Lord's Supper is a teaching activity with no Catholic magic.The qahal, synagogue or church is the wilderness was EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing: it was INCLUSIVE of reading and discussing the Word of God. h4744 defines the ONLY holy convocation involving the SPIRITUAL THREAD of the nation. We will see later that this is how the CHURCH gathered for EDUCATION ONLY and it is never called a WORSHIP SERVICE.
The historic church assembled for the Lord's Supper and reading the text including the Psalms as long as time permitted. They knew better than to go to the Law of Moses for their WORSHIP PATTERNISM.
John Mark Hicks &C: Where have we gone astray?
How can we recapture the wonder of worship that ancient Israel and Jesus had when they worshiped?
The purpose of this article, partly an excerpt from our new book,We have noted that the only civillian assembly was the Qahal, synagogue or church in the wilderness. It was inclusive of REST from liturgy, read and discuss the Word of God. The common people only assembled for instruction. It was exclusive of vocal and instrumental rejoicing. We have discussed this several times and any competent Bible student will know the two threads.
is to revision the ancient ways of assembly in Israel, Christ, and the church
that will help shape our assemblies today.
- The Civil-Military-Clergy the prophets called robbers and parasites whom God had abandoned to worship the starry host performed Lying Wonders. The Shadow or Skia means a ghost: a covenant with death.
- The spiritual people attended school of the Bible each REST day: that is the only worship prescribed for believers.
- Jesus attended the Synagogue or school of the Bible each Sabbath as a student.
Jesus was not of the tribe of Levi and NEVER enagaged in the sacrificial "worship"
- Paul's only worship word means to give heed to the Word of God as a school of the Bible and of Christ and never called a Worship Assembly.
- Trying to produce "wonders" and "spectacles" is the best MARK Jesus left us of Anti-Christ.
2Th. 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,
and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th. 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,
or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2Th. 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
2Th. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth,
and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
2Th. 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
MARKS outlawed by Paul in Romans 15 for the synagogue OUTLAWED private opinions in the assembly or any theatrical arts.
The Greek: Teratourg-eô , A. WORK wonders, pseudôsti Sch.Pi.I.7(6).13. Pseudes Lying
DOCTRINE is defined as that which God has taught: that is the only thing permitted in all of the "not" musical passages.
DOGMA is that which comes out of the human imagination--always evil--and Paul outlaws it as doubtful disputations.
Pindar Odes: [1] In which of the local glories of the past, divinely blessed Thebe, did you most delight your spirit? Was it when you raised to eminence the one seated beside Demeter of the clashing bronze cymbals, flowing-haired [5] Dionysus? Or when you received, as a snow-shower of gold in the middle of the night, the greatest of the gods[20] then begin the victory [Nike: TRIUMPH OVER] procession with a sweet-singing hymn for Strepsiades; for he is the victor in the pancratium at the Isthmus, both awesome in his strength and handsome to look at; and he treats excellence as no worse a possession than beauty. [23] He is made radiant by the violet-haired Muses, and he has given a share in his flowering garland to his uncle and namesake
The-ama , Ion. theęma , atos, to, ( [theaomai] )Music is SOURCED from Lucifer who is called the "singing and harp playing prostitute" in the garden of Eden. Because David was the king of a nation abandoned to STAR and SERPENT worship it comes as no surprise that his "praise" word is the source for the word lucifer.
A. sight, spectacle, orchoit'; Opposite mathęma [learning], Th.2.39; freq. of a sight which gives pleasure, theamata kai akroamata hędista parecheis X.Smp.2.2 , cf. 7.5; orchęseis kai theamata the seven wonders of the world, Str.14.2.5, Plu.2.983e: sg., of a marvellously engraved ring, Gal.UP17.1.
Scaena theater, scenes for displaying eloquence, to show one's self, live in the public eye, outward show, pretext,
And with all deceivableness [delusions] of unrighteousness in them that perish;
because they received not THE love of the truth,
that they might be saved. 2 Thess 2:10
Apollumi 2. logois or legôn a. tina
talk or bore one to death YEP
kill, in Hom. mostly of death in battle, demolish, lay waste,
3. ruin a woman, YEP
II. lose his his spirit, YEP
1 Cor. 1:18 For the preaching of the cross
Wicked is anomos , on, A. lawless, impious, trapeza II. (nomos 11 ) unmusical,
is to them that perish, foolishness;
but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1 Cor. 1:19
For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
Trapez-a apoblepein live at other men's table, at their expense, II. money-changer's counter, en agorai
Thema is OPPOSITE to Learning.
Math-ęma , atos, to, ( [mathein] )
A. that which is learnt, lesson 2. learning, knowledge
2Th. 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
In the Sons of The Gods which is commentary on the Bible Jubal who handles instruments "without authority." And Josephus notes that Naamah was an enchantress or witch.
(r) Genun (Jubal etal.) the Canaanite, son of Lamech the Blind, living in the Land of the Slime Pits,
was ruled by Azael from his earliest youth, [The old Nadab and Abihu Scapegoat]
and invented all sorts of musical instruments.
When he played these, Azael ENTERED into them too,
so that they gave forth seductive tunes entrancing the hearts of all listeners.
Genun would assemble companies of musicians,
who inflamed one another with music until their lust burned bright like fire,
and they lay together promiscuously.
He also brewed beer, gathered great crowds in taverns, gave them to drink, [New Wineskins]
and taught them to forge iron swords and spear-points, with which to do murder at random when they were drunk.
Again, the sacrificial system was IMPOSED because of musical idolatry. God removed The Book of The Covenant of Grace which had NO MANDATORY sacrifices. He imposed the Law to protect the weak and spiritual from the perverse king and clergy not ABANDONED to worship the way they prayed for back in Egypt. That was and is ancient and modern Babylonianism. The SPIRITUAL THREAD were quarantined by the loud NOISE never called music. They rested FROM the clergy, read the Word and discussed it.
John Mark Hicks &C: Worship is certainly the rage these days. There are major worship conferences every year. Popular Christian artists are producing worship CDs. Dozens of books and hundreds of articles are dedicated to all aspects of worship.
It is always amazing that those who blew the trumpets to start the WORSHIP WAR are surprised because there is SO MUCH focus on "worship" when Paul's only worship word was to Give heed to CHRIST'S WORDS.
Aristotle: Melody Deceives: "Poets also make use of this in inventing words, as a melody "without strings" or "without the lyre"; for they employ epithets from negations, a course which is approved in proportional metaphors..That sounds about as obscene as Making Love to your Wife Conference! Jeremiah has a word of prophecy for you:The form of diction should be neither metrical nor without rhythm.
If it is metrical, it lacks persuasiveness, for it appears artificial, and at the same time it distracts the hearer's attention, since it sets him on the watch for the recurrence of such and such a cadence..According to Philo, the gods of the pagans exploit this weakness of men. For the sake of a better effect, and with the intention of more easily cheating their devotes, that they have set their lies to melodies, rhythms and meters.." Click for more.
The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream;
and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully.
What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord. Jer 23:28
Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord;
and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? Jer 23:29
Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord,
that steal my words every one from his neighbour. Jer 23:30
Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord,
that use their tongues, and say, He saith. Jer 23:31
Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord,
and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies,
and by their lightness; [frivolity, bubbleup]
yet I sent them not, nor commanded them:
therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord. Jer 23:32Prophe-ta I. a foreteller, soothsayer, prophet,
interpretes inter-pres , [latin]e(tis, com. [inter, and Sanscr. root prath-, to spread abroad II. An explainer, expounder, translator, interpreter soothsayer,
Hermęn-eus , [Greek] eôs, ho, A. interpreter, esp. of foreign tongues, dragoman,
Plato Ion: Socrates praising the musical prophesiers.
[534d] in order that we who hear them may know that it is not they who utter these words of great price, when they are out of their wits, but that it is God himself who speaks and addresses us through them. A convincing proof of what I say is the case of Tynnichus, the Chalcidian, who had never composed a single poem in his life that could deserve any mention, and then produced the paean [hymn in honor of a god, usually Apollo] which is in everyone's mouth, almost the finest song we have, simply--as he says himself--“an invention of the Muses.” For the god, as it seems to me,[534e] intended him to be a sign to us that we should not waver or doubt that these fine poems are not human or the work of men, but divine and the work of gods; and that the poets are merely the interpreters of the gods, according as each is possessed by one of the heavenly powers. To show this forth, the god of set purpose sang the finest of songs through the meanest of poets:
The speakers act as interpreters of the interpers: shades of Paul.
Mousa The muses (locusts) were the Worship Team for Apollo (abaddon) and Dionysus: they played and sangJer 23:36 And the burden of the Lord shall ye mention no more;
..........for every mans word shall be his burden:
..........for ye have perverted the words of the living God,
..........of the Lord of hosts our God.THE MARK OF TRUE CHRISTIAN TEACHERS.
1Pet. 4:11 If any man speak,John Mark Hicks &C: In many ways this is as it should be—the church should be passionate about worshipping the God of glory.
let him speak as the oracles of God;
Pagan oracles were declared by Cantus singing, playing instruments. Cock crow A. Prophetic or oracular song: B.An incantation, charm, magic song. Magic
if any man minister,
let him do it as of the ability which God giveth:
that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ,
to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
You cannot glorify God by performing oracle songs John called sorcery in Revelation 18 of speakers, singers and instrument players.
The Word Acappella is a STEAL word from a cappella: Capella was the Goat Consntellation as part of the STARRY HOST. Tragedy is derived from the GOAT SONGS. The opra singers the Pope brought to the Cistine Chapel (Caper, goat) were CASTRATED and so all of the PRAISE SINGERS like the Jewish Levites sing in a FALSETTO. See how this and all EXCITING worship rituals are the MARKS of the effeminate.
Why would a preacher give aid and comfort to violating direct commands to speak "that which is written" the "Spirit" [Ep;h 5) as the Words of Christ (JOhn 6:63) or The Word of Christ (Col 3). Click for the Praise Singer who is the most ancient, pagan, superstitious, legalistic and perverted sexual profession known to mankind.
The MOTHER GODDESS of passionate worship is:
Kupris. Kuprin and Kuprida, Il.5.330,458:--Cypris, a name of Aphrodite
To Aphrodite [1] Muse, tell me the deeds of golden Aphrodite [ZOE] the Cyprian, who stirs up sweet passion in the gods and subdues the tribes of mortal men and birds that fly in air and all the many creatures[5] that the dry land rears, and all that the sea: all these love the deeds of rich-crowned Cytherea. Yet there are three hearts that she cannot bend nor yet ensnare. First is the daughter of Zeus who holds the aegis, bright-eyed Athena; for she has no pleasure in the deeds of golden Aphrodite,[10] but delights in wars and in the work of Ares, in strifes and battles and in preparing famous crafts. She first taught earthly craftsmen to make chariots of war and cars variously wrought with bronze, and she, too, teaches tender maidens in the house[15] and puts knowledge of goodly arts in each one's mind. Nor does laughter-loving Aphrodite ever tame in love Artemis, the huntress with shafts of gold; for she loves archery and the slaying of wild beasts in the mountains, the lyre also and dancing and thrilling cries[20] and shady woods and the cities of upright men
A. See the Bacche to define the homosexual priests of the mother of harlots.
Euripides Bacche. Some people in rage took up arms, being plundered by the Bacchae,THE WORSHIP OF THE MOTHER OF THE GODS THEY WANT?[760] and the sight of this was terrible to behold, lord. For their pointed spears drew no blood, but the women, hurling the thyrsoi from their hands, kept wounding them and turned them to flight--women did this to men, not without the help of some god.[765] And they returned where they had come from, to the very fountains which the god had sent forth for them, and washed off the blood, and snakes cleaned the drops from the women's cheeks with their tongues.Receive this god then, whoever he is,
[770] into this city, master. For he is great in other respects, and they say this too of him, as I hear, that he gives to mortals the vine that puts an end to grief. Without wine there is no longer Aphrodite or any other pleasant thing for men.Of women taking over the Ekklesia.
B. It's clear enough why;
[720] so that, instead of them, we may have the first-fruits of the young men. It is not meet that tricked-out slaves should rob free-born women of their pleasures. Let the courtesans be free to sleep with the slaves.
ORGE 3. c. gen., Panos orgai visitations of Pan's wrath. Panic created by the ritual.
Orgai be getting ready to bear, growing ripe for something, swell with lust, wax wanton, be rampant, be reaady to be excited, under the influence of passion.
Pascho have something done to one, suffer, to be treated so and so by another, suffer it at his hands, 2. without Adv., with reference to evil, Apolauo as apolaustikôs echô, cf. Apollon.Lex., Sch.Od. 19.229):--have enjoyment of a thing, have the benefit of it, enjoy an advantage from some source, III. make sport of,Odyssey 19: But I will tell thee as my mind pictures him.Pathema is what befell Christ, suffering, misfortune. The prophecy was that Jesus would suffer reproaches: that means to expose His pudenta. That is why Paul OUTLAWED passion as SELF pleasure in Romand 15. To have the Levitical singers TRIUMPH OVER Jesus would have--as well documented--been to try to sodomize Him. They may have falied but when they piped hoping to get him to sing or lament and dance this was the MARK of Dionysus. Nosema a disease, metaphor of passion, vice, of any grievous affliction, disorder.[225] A fleecy cloak of purple did goodly Odysseus wear, a cloak of double fold, but the brooch upon it was fashioned of gold with double clasps, and on the front it was curiously wrought: a hound held in his fore paws a dappled fawn, and pinned it in his jaws as it writhed. And at this all men marvelled,[230] how, though they were of gold, the hound was pinning the fawn and strangling it, and the fawn was writhing with its feet and striving to flee.
2Cor. 1:4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble,
by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
2Cor. 1:5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us,
so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.
2Cor. 1:6 And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation,
which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer:
or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.Trachinia 141: You have heard of my trouble, I would guess, and that has brought you here. But the anguish which consumes my heart--may you never come to know it through your own experience!--to that now you are total strangers... As a matter of fact, I have had many a trouble to weep for, but I am going to speak of one that none of the previous could equal.
By preventing women from waving unholy ARMS and letting the mature males TURN UP holy palms, Paul intended to PREVENT the outbreak of PASSION or ORGY in the school of the Bible.Thucydides 4:48.[3] Most of their number, meanwhile, were engaged in dispatching themselves by thrusting into their throats the arrows shot by the enemy, and hanging themselves with the cords taken from some beds, that happened to be there, and with strips made from their clothing; adopting, in short, every possible means of self-destruction, and also falling victims to the missiles of their enemies on the roof. Night came on while these horrors were enacting, and most of it had passed before they were concluded
John Mark Hicks &C: Churches of Christ have done more than devote energy to the study of worship, especially corporate worship. We have agonized over it! Our birth as a religious tradition took place in liturgical acts of worship. From Barton W. Stone’s communion festival at Cane Ridge in 1801 to Alexander Campbell’s dispensing of his communion token at Glasgow in 1808, concern for proper worship has been a hallmark of our identity.
AS BIBLE STUDENTS THEY DID NOT BELIEVE IN LEGALISTIC LITURGICAL ACTS OF WORSHIPTheodoret claimed that the Jews brought liturgical music from Egypt and Philo wrote that "Moses learned rhythm, harmony, meter and everything concerned with instrumental music from the Egyptians." This is why Moses knew that the noise at Mount Sinai was not the sound of defeat or of victory. Rather, it was the "sound of them singing that I hear."
"The Jews sang in the type of the Egyptian threnodies (elegies for the dead):
"Thus they made a golden bull (the golden calf), the image of an animal that was held to be the most sacred in that land; they offered unholy sacrifices, performed impious dances and sang hymns which differed in no way from the pagan mourning songs. Philo, De specialibus legibus
The group known as The Church of Christ had no connection with Cane Ridge and Campbel and others denounced it as ridiculous.
Leitourg-ia i.e. annual, liturgies, D.20.21; leitourgiai metoikôn, III. public service of the gods Eis-phora , A.carrying or gathering in, property-tax levied for purposes of war "Biblical Greek. Here the meaning is always religious. leitourgia in the OT is limited to priestly and Levitical administration. In the LXX it renders chiefly the Hebrew abhodha (5656) (from abad (5647)) which signifies service to God, specially undertaken by priests and Levites (e.g. Num.8:25; Lk.1:23; Heb.8:6; 9:21).
5656. abodah, from 5647 [keep in bondage, enslave]; work of any kind:act, bondage, + bondservant, effect, labour, ministering(-try), office, service(-ile, -itude), tillage, use, work, wrought.
In Christian Greek there is the additional meaning of brotherly beneficence operating in the local church, seen as a sacrifice to God.
"St. Paul speaks of himself being 'offered,' as upon an altar (Ph.2:17), and Epaphras as sacrificing almost his life to supply the Philippians' lack of leitourgia (2:30). He uses the word to indicate the almsgiving of Corinthian believers (II Cor.9:12). St. Clement speaks of leitourgia of each Christian apparently in the context of the Eucharist (41:1), and later in connection with the bishop's office.(44:3,6).
The placing of the word leitourgia in the context of the Eucharist so early in Christian history naturally raises the question whether this term, having a strong sacrificial sense in Biblical Greek, does not figure in the same context in the NT. Is not Paul referring thereby to the offertory gifts at the Breaking of Bread
The MASS is defacto continuing to sacrifice Christ.
Choręg-ia , hę, A. office or lęitourgia [p. 1999] of a choręgos, defraying of the cost of the public choruses, used generally of lęitourgiai ,
2. generally, expense. generally, supplies for a banquet,
d. abundance, nosou all that feeds the disease,
The Spiritual Israelites were QUARANTINED form the POLITICAL-PRIESTLY liturgy which says Stephen etal "the worship of the starry host." They remained within their own gates on the REST day to hold a Holy Convocation which consisted ONLY of reading and discussing the Word of God either written or in the minds of any competent elder of the local assembly.Choreia , hę,
A. dance, esp. choral dance with music chorous choreias tôi Dionusôi
2. of any circling motion, as of the stars planętôn te kai aplanôn choreiais [Wandering Stars]
The Declaration and Address had nothing to do with the Stoneites and the Disciples or latter day Christian churches. There was no liturgy because the church says they is A SCHOOL OF CHRIST. The only truly sectarian influence was adding instruments in all religious denominations: those of the Church of Christ had a literate history inherited from the Biblle, history and John Calvin.
Layard defined Devil worship in older Iraqu by Christians: it is quite identical to the outrages of Cane Ridge to which the Church of Christ never subscribed but repudiated.
See why in earlier days they would have been stoned as witches.
Cane Ridge 1
Cane Ridge 2 a total summary
John Mark Hicks &C: Churches of Christ despite all our agonizing have been more reactive than programmatic. We, as a people, have rarely formulated a positive and foundational theology of worship. This has sometimes led us to embrace false dichotomies about worship. The most frequent false dichotomy is found in two common but opposing understandings of assembly in Churches of Christ—the “Five Acts Model” and the “Edification Model.”"He speaks of... falling, rolling, jerking, barking, growling, snapping the teeth, foaming, rushing out on all-fours, roaming round, personating dogs--shouting, screaming, shrieking, groaning, singing, clapping of hands, praying, preaching, jumping, dancing, &c...." (However, this was a false accusation against STONE and Rogers wrote)--
"And that as a matter of course, if Mr. Stone's peculiar views gave rise to such fearful extravagancies, his reformation is little worth." (Stone Biography, p. 402)
"That there were many eccentricities, and much fanaticism in this excitement, was acknowledge by its warmest advocates; indeed it would have been a wonder, if such things had not appeared, in the circumstances of that time. Yet the good effects were that... 'it silenced contention and promoted unity for a while; and these blessed effects (unity--not exercises) would have continued--but, but, but." (Biography, p. 42).
"At first, they were pleased to see the Methodists and Baptists so cordially uniting with us in worship, no doubt, hoping that they would become Presbyterians.
But as soon as they saw these sects drawing away disciples after them, they raised the alarm..."
"The gauntlet was now thrown, and a fire was now kindled that threatened ruin to the great excitement (unity not exercises); it revived the dying spirit of partyism, and gave life and strength to the trembling infidels and lifeless professors. The sects were roused. The Methodists and Baptists, who had so long lived in peace and harmony with the Presbyterians, and with one another, now girded on their armor, and marched into the deathly field of controversy and war.
These were times of distress.
"The spirit of partyism soon expelled the spirit of love and union--peace fled before discord and strife, and religion was stifled and banished in the unhallowed struggles for pre-eminence. Who shall be the greatest, seemed to be the spirit of the contest--the salvation of a ruined world was no longer the burden... peace was drowned by the din of war." (Stone Autobiography, 45-46)
"We have seen this state of things continue but a short time, and then disappear for years. We have seen many of these converts soon dwindle, sicken and die, and become more hardened against the fear of God, than they were before--many of them becoming infidels, by thinking that all professors of religion are like themselves deluded by strong passion and imagination."... All must acknowledge that some good results from such revivals; but all must acknowledge that great evil also rose out of them. Those, who were under strong affections, believed they were born of God, and who made a public confession of faith, and fell from it, are of all people in the most pitiable situation, seldom do they ever after embrace religion--these by their example, discourage others, and fill their minds with prejudices against religion." (Stone, Barton Warren, The Christian Messenger, Vol. VII, No. 7, July, 1833, pages 210-212--See Randall p. 390, for the complete letter).
"No Christian churches long survived in Tennessee, their cause was ruined in Kentucky and never has regained its former strength or prestige... Of the Southern Ohio Christians a majority of the preachers embraced Campbellism prior to 1837, and only about one thousand church members remained." (Jenning, Walter W., Origin and Early History of the Disciples of Christ, p. 197, Standard).
That is QUITE untrue: The Church of Christ in fact is called sectarian because it REFUSED TO REACT to adding instruments when they had NEVER used instruments. Except for the stolen congregations the only AGONY is the periodic effort to SEDUCE dupes into adding instruments.
John Calvin called his a Restoration Movement which meant to cast off all of the rituals added by the Catholics. That was the view of the Campbells who were wise enough to know that A Worship Service is never even hinted at in the Old Testament for the spiritual thread or by the ekklesia or synagogue which was A School of the Bible: giving heed to the Words of Christ are Paul's ONLY worship words. The first assemblies by the Campbells read and mused the Word of God and there was no SERMONIZING or COLLECTION PLATES. The Church of Christ did not have the AUTHORITY to FORMULATE that which Jesus Christ formulated.
Two Models of Assembly
John Mark Hicks &C: The “Five Acts Model” believes worship is five, and only five, acts of worship performed by the corporate assembly on the Lord’s Day. Assembly is something we do for God through prescribed acts; it is a function of obedience. The “Edification Model” reacts negatively to this and suggests that the assembly is only for mutual encouragement and that all of life is worship. Assembly is something we do for each other. The assembly is not worship in any special sense—no sacramental encounter with God—since it is designed only for edification.
The Church of Christ was not forumlated as a play in five ACTS. That is an older if wiser breed of theologians having no certificate of need in the Bible or common sense. The IMPROVIZED seems to want to ADD the curses imposed on the Israelites IN ADDITION to the five because they HATCHED sermonizing in the mid 30s of the last century when evangelists began to come in out of the cwww. The Church in the Wilderness was defined by Christ, practiced in the synagogue (no preaching, singing or collection plates) commanded by Christ using the word ekklesia, exampled and commanded by Paul and practiced for several centuries before singing, preaching and collection plates.
All of Paul's commands are for EDIFICATION meaning EDUCATION: no one is edified by preaching, singing or giving away their funds.
John Mark Hicks &C: Both positions are reductionistic as they overstate their cases. Scripture, in both Testaments, affirms that all life is lived out before God as worship. Everything we do should be done to honor the God of glory.
The scholars think that Amos was speaking of the "Worship of the starry host" just like david was ACCEPTABLE: they just had a bad mental attitude. The simple word is that God always said LIVE OUT righteous lives INSTEAD of the pagan music--induced slaughters to make the lambs dumb before the throne.
John Mark Hicks &C: Yet, the assembly is a sacramental encounter with God. It is an edifying, enriching mediation and enjoyment of the gracious presence of the Triune God. The uniqueness of the assembly is its sacramental character—God does something for us.
There are NO sacraments in the ASSEMBLY: speaking that which has been spoken and teaching the death of Christ during the Lord's Supper are EDUCATIONAL and there is absolutely NO magical effects. It is true: Christ TEACHES us when the elders teach that which has been taught and--if you hallucinate any musical content--"sing that which is written. The synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness had NO SACRAMENTS.
John Mark Hicks &C: Briefly critiquing these two models, we hope to offer a more holistic approach to worship that values both the lives poured out before God as sacrificial offerings but also the sacramental reality of God’s presence among those gathered in his name.
When Paul spoke of sacrificing his body or FLESH he means that all of the human passions are subdued which is required for worship to be in the spirit or rational nature devoted to the word of God.John Mark Hicks &C: Beyond the Lord’s Day and Filling Our Tank
Heb. 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.
Heb. 13:10 We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle.
Heb. 13:11 For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin,
are burned without the camp.
Heb 13:13 Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. [Rom 15:3 seduced nakedness][13] toinun exerchômetha pros auton exô tęs parembolęs, ton oneidismon autou pherontes [The laded burdens Jesus died to remove]
Go through the doors to escape abroad.
Camp is "battle array" tower, castle
G3925 parembolē par-em-bol-ay' From a compound of G3844 and G1685 ; a throwing in beside (juxtaposition), that is, (specifically) battle array, encampment or barracks (tower Antonia):--army, camp, castle.
Parem-bolę encampment, soldier's quarters, barracks
Castrum , I. any fortified place; a castle, fort, fortress, A.Lit., several soldiers' tents situated together; hence, a military camp, an encampment; Stativus. standing still, stationary. A. In military language, of or belonging to posts, stations, or quarters, a stationary camp, a camp where an army halts for a long while,WHEN THE LOUD NOISE BEGAN THE JESUS PEOPLE MUST BE OUTSIDE OF THE CITY GATES: NEVER ENGAGING IN ANIMAL SACRIFICES.
NO, Jesus is a "tent" person: you cannot trap him in a house built by human hands: don't squander your money on what is not bread: the water of the Word is free: don't listen to those violating the command and speak their own words or stir up your passion to fleece you.
Heb 13:14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
[14] ou gar echomen hôde menousan polin, alla tęn mellousan epizętoumen
Civitas. II. Concr., the citizens united in a community, the body - politic, the state, and as this consists of one city and its territory, or of several cities, it differs from urbs, i.e. the compass of the dwellings of the collected citizens; Polis city, collection
Heb 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise [thank offering] to God continually,
that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
AND God supplies THE FRUIT OF THE LIPS:Heb 13:16 But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Isa 57:4 Against whom do ye SPORT yourselves? against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood,
Isa 57:19 I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord; and I will heal him.
Isa 57:20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
Isa 57:21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
AND commands you not to speak your own words in Isaiah 58.
Sport: Anag (h6026) aw-nag'; a prim. root; to be soft or pliable, i. e. (fig.) effeminate or luxurious: - delicate (-ness), (have) delight (self), sport self.
- Empaizô , fut. - mock at, mock, tini
- 2. euphem. in mal. part., LXXJd. 19.25.
- Jdg 19:24 Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing.
- The viol or nebel is named after VILE which can be an empty bag or a harp.
- Jdg 19:25 But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go
- Illudo to play at or with any thing, to sport with, amuse one's self with, 2. To sport or fool away a thing, i. e. to destroy or waste in sport; in mal. part., to violate, abuse
- 3. Pass., to be deluded, Ev.Matt.2.16, AP10.56.2 (Pall.), Vett.Val.16.14; to be defrauded, of the revenues, Cod.Just.1.34.2.
- II. sport in or on, hôs nebros chloerais e. leimakos hędonais E.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois choroisin e. to sport in the dance, ; tôi gumnasiôi Luc.Lex.5 .
- Hędonę A. enjoyment, pleasure, first in Simon.71, S.l.c., Hdt.1.24, al.; prop. of sensual pleasures,
Isa 57:20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
Isa 57:21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
While we sympathize with the necessary corrective of the Edification Model, it also has a number of flaws. Just as we believe that all of life has theological significance before God, we also believe the assembly has theological significance. As much as we endorse the idea that our lives are living sacrifices, the assembly is more than mutual edification; it is an encounter with the Triune God.
THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD AND HE IS NOT A FAMILY. The Musical Worship Team heresy teaches that THEY can lead you into the presence of God Now, they promise and encounter with Father, Son and Spirit which Jesus said that HIS NAME is the name of father, son and Spirit. We are taught by the Word or Scriptures (Rev 15), we glorify or praise God by speaking His songs and sermons, we comfort one another "with Scripture" and doing so we keep the unity of the "school of the Bible."
John Mark Hicks &C: The semantic fields of “worship” have been well plowed in many excellent studies.iii There is no need to rehearse this material here but only to provide a few comments to frame our discussion. The most common words translated “worship” in our English Bibles are the Hebrew histahawah (170x)
Theologeô, discourse on the GODS and cosmology, zôogonon theologousi Epitheiazo call upon the name of the gods, adjure, conjure.
[980a][21] All men naturally desire knowledge. An indication of this is our esteem for the senses; for apart from their use we esteem them for their own sake, and most of all the sense of sight. Not only with a view to action, but even when no action is contemplated, we prefer sight, generally speaking, to all the other senses. The reason of this is that of all the senses sight best helps us to know things, and reveals many distinctions.. Now animals are by nature born with the power of sensation, and from this some acquire the faculty of memory, whereas others do not....Thus the other animals live by impressions and memories, and have but a small share of experience; but the human race lives also by art and reasoning.
It is from memory that men acquire experience, because the numerous memories of the same thing eventually produce the effect of a single experience. Theolog-eion , to, in the theatre,
A. a place above the stage where gods appeared, When Paul outlawed private interpretation he meant FURTHER EXPOUNDING. A TRUE theologian speaks only the words of the God.
Phaethonta] ZOOGONON theologousi call him ZEUS ta theologoumena DISCOURSES about the GODS, itle of work by Asclepiades of Mendes, Suet. Aug.94; treis hai Moirai theologountai Theol.Ar.16 .
Zôiogonos [zôion, Geinô]
producing animals, generative, name of Apollo, Haethô 1 [phaô] to shine, only found in part. phaethôn, beaming, radiant,
1. phaethôn, ho, shiner, one of the steeds of Eos, Od. Hislop
2. son of Helios or Apollo, famous for his unlucky driving of the sun-chariot,
3. the planet Jupiter, Auriga.Caper, he-goat sacrificed to Bacchus (because injurious to the vine) A star in the left shoulder of the constellation Auriga (also called capella)
Capra Capella (Aix). The brightest star in the constellation of the Auriga, or Charioteer, and said to have been originally the nymph or goat who nursed the infant Zeus in Crete. See Amalthea; Zeus.
Aix: source of mysterious and suspected wealth proverbs, aix ourania in Com. as a source of mysterious and suspected wealth, in allusion to the horn of Amalthea, Cratin.244; ouranion aiga ploutophoron Com.Adesp.8 ; aix tęn machairan (sc. hęure), of those who 'ask for trouble', Zen.1.27; aix oupô tetoken 'don't count your chickens before they are hatched'
Paid-ikos 2.playful, sportive, choros the chorus of boys, play the aulos (flute)3. puerile, jealous, malice ; foolish, silly II.o f or for a beloved youth, humnoi p. love-songs, B.Fr.3.12; p. logos a love-tale,; paidika (sc. melę),
Melos B. esp. musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain, 2. music to which a song is set, tune, 3. melody of an instrument, phorminx d' au phthengoith' hieron m. ęde kai aulosDelicatus, I. That gives pleasure, i. e. alluring, charming, delightful; luxurious, voluptuous. delicatiores in cantu flexiones, soft, tender, delicate (poet. and in post-Aug. prose):
capella, Cat. 20, 10Cano n., to produce melodious sounds, whether of men or animals; later, with a designation of the subject-matter of the melody, as v. a., to make something the subject of one's singing or playing, to sing of, to celebrate, or make known in song, etc. B. Transf., soft, tender, delicate (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): capella (a she goat), II. Addicted to pleasure; luxurious, voluptuous; and subst., a voluptuary, a wanton. 1. Spoiled with indulgence, delicate, dainty, effeminate,
flexĭo , ōnis, f. [flecto] ,I.a bending, swaying, turning; a bend, turn, curve (rare but class.). 2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, [Zoon, Zao, Zoe]
..........made to be taken and destroyed,
..........speak evil of the things that they understand not;
..........and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
2 Peter 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time.
..........Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves
..........with their own deceivings [delusions] while they feast with you;
..........All musicians and rhetoricians are equated to parasites.
Entrupo (g1792) en-troo-fah'-o; from 1722 and 5171; to revel in: - sporting selves.
Truphaô , ( [truphę] ) connected to the Polus, Spoiled pets: en tais ekklęsiais t. kai kolakeuesthai, of the people,
gamęliôi lechei [marriage couch-bed] hędonais, playing in the wind, exult over, treat haughtily or contemptuously, made a mock of, tinos sumphorais, III. use or abuse at pleasure
2.revel in, delight in.Ne.9.25.
A. live softly, luxuriously, fare sumptuously ,, en ankalais mętros truphęsai, of a child, E.Ion 1376, cf. Ba.969; t. en tais esthęsi Isoc.2.32 ; t. kai megaloprepôs diaitasthai X.Ath.1.11 ; leukos anthrôpos, pachus, argos . . , eiôthôs truphan Sosicr. 1 , cf. Ep.Jac.5.5, Gal.6.416, etc.; paison, truphęson, zęson: apothanein se dei Epigr.Gr.362.5 (Cotiaeum, ii/iii A. DClark Verse 25 Became fat, and delighted themselves] They became effeminate, fell under the power of luxury, got totally corrupted in their manners, sinned against all the mercies of God, and then were destroyed by his judgments. We have an old nervous saying, "War begets poverty, poverty begets peace, peace begets affluence, affluence begets luxury and corruption of manners; and hence civil broils, foreign wars, and desolations." A sensible Roman historian has said the same: "Imperium facile iis artibus retinetur, quibus initio partum est: verum ubi pro labourE, DESIDIA; pro continentia et aequitate, LIBIDO atque SUPERBIA invasere: fortuna simul cum moribus IMMUTATUR."
Wesley Sermon 81: 2 Cor. 6:17, 18. 18. But as dangerous as it is to converse familiarly with men that know not God, it is more dangerous still for men to converse with women of that character; as they are generally more insinuating than men, and have far greater power of persuasion; particularly if they are agreeable in their persons, or pleasing in their conversation. You must be more than man, if you can converse with such and not suffer any loss. If you do not feel any foolish or unholy desire; (and who can promise that you shall not?) yet it is scarce possible that you should not feel more or less of an improper softness, which will make you less willing and less able to persist in that habit of denying yourself, and taking up your cross daily, which constitute the character of a good soldier of Jesus Christ. And we know that not only fornicators and adulterers, but even "the soft and effeminate," the delicate followers of a self-denying Master, "shall have no part in the kingdom of Christ and of God."
Singing, dancing, playing instruments or slaughtering animals is never called worship: the singers and players while the CIVIL-MILITARY-ONLY elite BOWED their head or prostrated themselves. They had NO WORSHIP SERVICES under the law: the spiritual thread attended synagogue or church in the wilderness for EDUCATION ONLY. God has NO NEED for our assemblying other than to EDUCATE.
Absolutely NONE of this has to do with a WORSHIP SERVICE at a WORSHIP CENTER. The repudiates making worship into a PASSIONATE experience of the senses.
John Mark Hicks &C: and the Greek proskuneo (61x). Both of these words literally mean to bow or prostrate oneself before a superior. This word pair signifies recognizing and granting homage to a superior. These words reveal the radical continuity in the basic meaning of worship in both Testaments.
True, but NEITHER has to do with singing, playing, clapping, preaching or the law of giving: we bow to God in everything we do. We especially BOW to His Word which is the ONLY resource commanded for the ekklesia or synagogue "which never had a praise service."
John 4:20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain;The human spirit is a PLACE as opposed to worship IN A HOUSE. Paul said that the Jews now worshipped IN THE SPIRIT as opposed to IN THE FLESH. That was to prevent the DOGS or concision or old style praise singers from taking over the EDUCATION-ONLY assembly.
and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
John 4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh,
when ye shall neither in this mountain,
nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship:
for salvation is of the Jews. [Jesus-Salvation-was not a Samaritan but a Jew]
John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:
for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
John Mark Hicks &C: The second major word pair is the Hebrew abad and the Greek latreuo/latreia. These words are remarkably similar. They basically mean to serve, especially in some kind of religious or “cultic” (ritual) service. The Hebrew abad is used in such passages as Exodus 3:12: “when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.”Ex. 3:11 And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?John Mark Hicks &C: A final word pair is the Hebrew sharath and the Greek leitourgeo/leitourgia. These terms often refer to the ministry and service of priests. For example, it describes the service that Zechariah rendered to God during his tenure at the temple (Luke 1:23; cf. Jeremiah 33:21-22).
Ex. 3:12 And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.
H5647 ‛âbad aw-bad' A primitive root; to work (in any sense); by implication to serve, till, (causatively) enslave, be, keep in bondage, be bondmen, bond-service, compel
Moses--not the "congregation"--served God on "this mountain." God caused the people to assemble and spoke to them. The people refused to listen to God and demanded that Moses be their human mediator. They said that they would obey The book of The Covenant. While Moses was up on the mountain getting the tablets and the 70 conditional laws of Grace, the people rose up in musical idolatry of the Golden Calf representing the Egyptian Trinity. Moses heard SINGING and knew that it was idolatry. The Tablets were broken NEVER to be restated in their original form. God then gave them a fiery law and abandoned them to worship the starry host. The people were made blind and would never be able to read the Word of God until they turned to God (2 Corinthians 3). The Spiriti at Sinai was Christ the Rock.
Moses never held WORSHIP SERVICES on the mountain.
Zechariah was of the tribe of Levi: you could not sing, dance, play an instrument, or even slaughter innocent animals without being of Levi. Priests could only go into the Holy Place which was a type of the body or church of Christ: the bread of fellowship, the seven candles or spirits of God and the incense altar looking into the most holy place. We are all priests of God and we cannot TOLERATE a preacher without portfolio or funding to presume to carry out priestly duties for us. Only 3/7 of the tithes from FREE FARMS went to the tribe of Levi and only 1/10 of the 3/7 to the priests to minister at the Temple. The temple was permitted as a place to look to for prayer: Jesus cast out the collection plates and the collectors and confirmed that it was NOT a den of thieves or house of merchandise. And with 24 courses I suppose a preacher would get pretty hungry!H8334 shârath shaw-rath' A primitive root; to attend as a menial or worshipper; figuratively to contribute to:—minister (unto), (do) serve (-ant, -ice, -itor), wait on.
Leitourg-ia i.e. annual, liturgies, D.20.21; leitourgiaimetoikôn, III. public service of the gods Eis-phora , A.carrying or gathering in, property-tax levied for purposes of war"Biblical Greek. Here the meaning is always religious. leitourgia in the OT is limited to priestly and Levitical administration. In the LXX it renders chiefly the Hebrew abhodha (5656) (from abad (5647)) which signifies service to God, specially undertaken by priests and Levites (e.g. Num.8:25; Lk.1:23; Heb.8:6; 9:21).
Levites were not PRIESTS but had been so in Egypt in the worship of the Egyptian trinity: they were added as a CURSE and not as the PATTERNISTS FOR WORSHIP.
Here is how they served:
Anaireô , pf. anęiręka (aneir-dub. in Com.Adesp.18.6D.): (v. haireô): --take up, anelontes apo chthonos having raised the victim from the ground, so as to cut its throat (cf. aueruô), Od.3.453.
Romans 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to PLEASE ourselves.
Romans 15:2 Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. [EDUCATION]
- Nacach (g5329) naw-tsakh'; a prim. root; prop. to glitter from afar, i. e. to be eminent (as a superintendent, espec. of the Temple services and its music); also (as denom. from 5331), to be permanent: - excel, chief musician (singer), oversee (-r), set forward.
- "Among the Temple prophets officiating in liturgies were the Levitical guilds and singers: the "sons" of Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, who are said to "prophesy with lyres, with harps, and with cymbals" (I Chronicles). Britannica Members
1 Chronicles 25.3 porro Idithun filii Idithun Godolias Sori Iesaias et Sabias et Matthathias sex sub manu patris sui Idithun qui in cithara prophetabat super confitentes et laudantes Dominum
- 1Chronicles 25:3 Of Jeduthun: the sons of Jeduthun; Gedaliah, and Zeri, and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, six, under the hands of their father Jeduthun, who prophesied with a harp, to give thanks and to praise the LORD.
Exodus 15:[20] sumpsit ergo Maria prophetis soror Aaron tympanum in manu egressaeque sunt omnes mulieres post eam cum tympanis et choris
God will afflict Miriam with leprosy when she claims to speak for God. The first meaning of prophet in the PAGAN sense meant a charismatic, musical performer. All dramatic performance is INTERPRETATION which is, according to Paul, just speaking in tongues.
Prophe-ta I. a foreteller, SOOTHSAYER prophet... oraculorumque interpretes, sacerdotes Aegyptiorum, quos prophetas vocant, [Priestess of Egpt prophetess call out] Aegyptius, propheta primarius
Of people who Prophesied with Instruments.
PHRASE: sacerdotes Aegyptiorum, quos prophetas vocant,” Macr. S. 7, 13, 9: “Aegyptius, propheta primarius,”
God [70] (As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets who have been from of old),They used instruments as judgmental signs.2. Prophetai I. a foreteller, soothsayer, prophet
3. Primarius I. one of the first, of the first rank, chief, principal, excellent, remarkable,
primarius parasitus,
Plaut 3.1.73 PERIPLECOMENUS You are a simpleton. For, if you lay anything out on a bad wife and upon an enemy, that is an expense; that which is laid out on a deserving guest and a friend is gain; as that, which is expended upon sacred rites, is a profit to the wise man. By the blessing of the Gods, I have enough, with which to receive you with hospitality in my house. Eat, drink, indulge your tastes with me, and surfeit yourself with enjoyments; my house is at your service, myself likewise do I wish to be at your service. For, through the blessing of the Gods, I may say that, by reason of my wealth, I could have married a dowered wife of the best family; but I don't choose to introduce an everlasting female barker at me into my house.Părăsītus , i, m., = parasitos, lit. one who eats with another; hence, I. In gen., a guest (pure Lat. conviva): parasiti Jovis, the gods, Hence, parasitus Phoebi, a PLAYER. actor, II. In partic., in a bad sense, one who, by flattery and buffoonery, manages to live at another's expense, a sponger, toad-eater, parasite
Won't you now have done with that old-fashioned and antiquated talk? Now surely, guest, you are using the cant of the vulgar. For they are in the habit of saying, when they have taken their places, when dinner is put on table: "What necessity was there for you to go to this great expense on out account? Surely you were mad, for this same dinner was enough for ten persons." What has been provided on their account they find fault with; they eat it up, however.Canto , I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play
-Comically, of a whip: ne ulmos parasitos faciat, that he will make his elm-twigs stick to me like parasites, i. e. give me a sound flogging, he tutelar deity of parasites was Hercules, Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 79.
Hercŭles , after his deification, of Hebe, the god of strength, and the guardian of riches, to whom, therefore, tithes were offered; he was also the guide of the Muses (Musagetes); the poplar was sacred to him, Cic. N. D. 3, 16, 42;
Much as he loved women, Hercules loved youths no less. Plutarch said that the number of his lovers was beyond counting. What we know for sure is that he had more than even the god Apollo (who was no slouch when it came to male love) Hēraklēs at Tyre
In Ancient Greece, homosexual love was not only accepted but many also held it in high regard. Even more extreme, Plato's speakers in the Symposium held love between men as higher than any other form as it was love between equals; men were held to be on a moral and intellectual plane higher than women. One of the most extraordinary features of the period was the homosexualisation of myth. Included below is a list of some gay relationships of Greek myth.
Plaut 3.1.73 PERIPLECOMENUS You are a simpleton. For, if you lay anything out on a bad wife and upon an enemy, that is an expense; that which is laid out on a deserving guest and a friend is gain; as that, which is expended upon sacred rites, is a profit to the wise man. By the blessing of the Gods, I have enough, with which to receive you with hospitality in my house. Eat, drink, indulge your tastes with me, and surfeit yourself with enjoyments; my house is at your service, myself likewise do I wish to be at your service. For, through the blessing of the Gods, I may say that, by reason of my wealth, I could have married a dowered wife of the best family; but I don't choose to introduce an everlasting female barker at me into my house.Remember the CODE Diotrephes: Name means begotten or BELOVED of Jove who is the "old man" who thrusts in the reaping hook (meaning a musical instrument) about now.
Won't you now have done with that old-fashioned and antiquated talk? Now surely, guest, you are using the cant of the vulgar. For they are in the habit of saying, when they have taken their places, when dinner is put on table: "What necessity was there for you to go to this great expense on out account? Surely you were mad, for this same dinner was enough for ten persons." What has been provided on their account they find fault with; they eat it up, however.Canto , I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play
Notes from 2 Maccabees defining the Abomination of Desolation
The tensions which led to the Jewish revolt were exacerbated when the Jewish high priest, a Hellenist himself, offered a sacrifice to Heracles (Hercules) who was a Greek symbol of homosexuality.
Payne insists that the Hebrew of 1 Chronicles 25:1 unambiguously identifies these leaders as military commanders, an interpretation favoured by several Bible translations. (Payne, p 423-4; NASB, NIV, NKJV, NRSV, Jerusalem Bible) If military commanders had a particular interest in the appointment of musicians, it suggests a strong link between music and warfare
- Acaph (h623) aw-sawf'; from 622; collector; Asaph, the name of three Isr., and of the family of the first: - Asaph.
- Acaph (h622) aw-saf'; a prim. root; to gather for any purpose; hence to receive, take away, i. e. remove (destroy, leave behind, put up, restore, etc.): - assemble, bring, consume, destroy, fetch, gather (in, together, up again), * generally, get (him), lose, put all together, receive, recover [another from leprosy], (be) rereward, * surely, take (away, into, up), * utterly, withdraw.
Prophesying is NOT something you want to do:
"The Hithpa'el of nb', in the ancient texts, refers to ecstasy and delirium rather than to the emission of a 'prophecy'." (de Vaux, Roland, The Bible and the Ancient Near East, p. 243 Doubleday
"Maniac inspirations, the violent possession which threw sibyls and priestesses into contortions--the foaming lip and streaming hair and glazed or glaring eyes-- have no place in the self-controlling dignity of Christian inspiration. Even Jewish prophets, in the paroxysm of emotion, might lie naked on the ground and rave (1 Sam. xix. 24); but the genuine inspiration in Christian ages never obliterates the self-consciousness or overpowers the reason. It abhors the hysteria and stimulation and frenzy which have sometimes disgraced revivalism and filled lunatic asylums." (Pulpit Commentary, 1 Cor., p. 460).
Paul proves the ONLY liturgy for a DISCIPLE of Christ is to the destitute which was NOT a command:John Mark Hicks &C: The Edification Model assumes a radical discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments. It denies the relevance of Israel in understanding Christian assembly. There are many reasons to study the Old Testament, Root believes, “but not to give us insights into how the New Testament church assembled.”i It is common to read that the New Testament “liberalized” and “spiritualized” worship from the stifling ritualism and legalism of the Old Testament, or that Jesus transformed the “fleshly” and unspiritual worship of the First Testament to a truly spiritual approach in the New. This has little support from Scripture.I speak not by commandment, but by occasion of the forwardness of others, and to prove the sincerity of your love. 2 Cor 8:8
Epitage (g2003) ep-ee-tag-ay'; from 2004; an injunction or decree; by impl. authoritativeness: - authority, commandment.
But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: Ro.16:26
For the administration of this service
not only supplieth the want of the saints,
but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God; 2 Cor 9:12Whiles by the experiment of this ministration they glorify God
or your professed subjection unto the gospel of Christ,
and for your liberal distribution unto them, and unto all men; 2 Cor 9:13Paul defined it a ALMS and not the Law of Giving:
Now after many years I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings. Acts 24:17
Eleemosune (g1654) el-eh-ay-mos- oo'-nay; from 1656; compassionateness, i.e. (as exercised towards the poor) beneficence, or (concr.) a benefaction: - alms (-deeds).
The real command or act of worship is defined by Jesus
TAKE heed that ye do not your alms (compassionateness) before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 6:1
Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. Matthew 6:2
But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: Mt.6:3
The legalism and ritualism of the Old Testament was not an obsolete PATTERNISM for worship: it defines the Gentile worship which God permitted with the warning that the Kings would rob them blind and lead them into captivity and death. NO civillian spiritual person did their WORSHIP at the temple doing legalistic, music induced ceremonies.
There was not a BREAK between those who had attended the synagogue of the Jews and the synagogue or ekklesia of the Christians: Jesus ordained, Paul explained and the historic church mantained the addition of the Lord's Supper. There was no preaching because the Word of God in the hands of the elders meant that he only had to be literate.The Mything Link is failure to grasp Acts 7: Stephen repeats what the prophets say over and over: God turned Israel over to worship the starry host because of musical idolatry of the trinity. There is nothing in the 'Old Covenant' in the sense of the Law of Moses or the radical shift under the Monarchy, which can be "oozed" into a New Testament. Hicks quotes: Kenneth L. Barker, “False Dichotomies between the Testaments,” includes the idea of progressive dispensational which is a form of Premillenialism .
Moses said that they would have to way for "a prophet like me" as a prophecy of Messiah.
And Paul in 2 Corinthians 3 says that the Jews had been blinded at Mount Sinai and would not be able to READ the Old Testament until they converted to Christ which includes baptism.
The BREAK is with the animal slaughter which was not commanded but imposed when God abandoned the EVIL THREAD to worship the starry host. The monarchy, temple, animal slaughter with exorcism NOISE never called music was a curse imposed by God
The qahal, synagogue or church in the wilderness was commanded by Christ in the Spirit: it was INCLUSIVE of rest, reading and discussing the Word of God. It was exclusive of vocal or instrumental rejoicing. It was a holy convocation on the first and sevent days of FESTIVALS which were not WORSHIP SERVICES but military musters. Always it was held on the REST day while the SPIRITUAL THREAD was quarantined OUTSIDE THE CAMP or gates when the Burning the Bulls and Goats began.
God hated the sacrificial ritual because He did NOT command it: it was imposed because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai and demanding a king set over us: God promised that the kings would enslave them and destroy them. Who could have missed that?
Is. 1:10 Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.
Is. 1:11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.
Is. 1:12 When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?
Is. 1:13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.
Is. 1:14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
Is. 4:2 n that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious,The Ekklesia or synagogue of Christ PROTECTS the decent people FROM the Agora or marketplace where Jesus consigned the Jewish-Dionysus pipers, singers (lamenters) and dancers. The marketplace was for speakers, singers, dancers, sellers of bodies and of radishes. The PSALLO word defines the red, polluted rope used to DRIVE the profane out of the marketplace into the ekklesia which was for VERBAL INSTRUCTION ONLY with none of what Jesus called the HYPOCRITES: performance speakers, singers and instrument players.
and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.
Is. 4:3 And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem,
shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:
Is. 4:4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion,
and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof
by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.
Is. 4:5 And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion,
and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day,
and the shining of a flaming fire by night:
for upon all the glory shall be a defence.
Is. 4:6 And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat,
and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.
Neh. 8:5 And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people; (for he was above all the people;)
and when he opened it, all the people stood up:
Neh. 8:6 And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God.
And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands:[palms up]
and they bowed their heads,
and worshipped the LORD with their faces to the ground.
7812. shachah, shaw-khaw´; a primitive root; to depress, i.e. prostrate (especially reflexive, in homage to royalty or God):bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship.Neh. 8:7 Also Jeshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites, caused the people to understand the law: and the people stood in their place.
Neh. 8:8 So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city
hem that preach him,
being read in the synagogues every sabbath day
The SPIRITUAL THREAD assembled in the synagogue or church for READING ONLY: The outlawed work included "sending out ministers of God." All of Paul's NEVER MUSICAL ASSEMBLY passages radically outlaw "doubtful disputations" (Rom 14) or that which is hatched out of personal opinion. In Romand 15 Paul commanded speaking that which is written with one mind and one mouth as the ONLY way to edify or EDUCATE, glorify or praise God, comfort with Scripture and keep the unity.
One of the oldest sermons in Second Clement concerned repentance. It was taken from Scripture and the writer says:
"Brothers and sisters, after the God of truth,
I am reading to you an exhortation
to give attention to the things written,
in order that you may save yourselves
and one reading among you. (19:1; cf. VI. 25)Chapter LXVII.-Weekly Worship of the Christians.
And we afterwards continually remind each other of these things. And the wealthy among us help the needy; and we always keep together; and for all things wherewith we are supplied,
we bless the Maker of all through His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Ghost.
And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits;then, when the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things.
KuônI. a dog or bitch, Hom., etc.; most commonly of hounds, or ma ton kuna was the favourite oath of Socrates, Plat.: cf. trapezeus.
II. as a word of reproach, to denote shamelessness or audacity in women, rashness, recklessness in men, Hom.
2. at Athens a nickname of the Cynics, Arist., Anth.
III. the Trag. apply the term to the ministers of the gods; the eagle is Dios ptęnos kuôn Aesch.; the griffins Zęnos akrageis kunes id=Aesch.; the Bacchantes LussęsLukos A. wolf, oresteroi, oin humenaioi,
VI. nickname of paiderastai,Paiderast-ęs , ou, ho, A. lover of boys, mostly in bad sense
John Mark Hicks &C: Moses taught that the greatest of all things is to love Yahweh with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Deuteronomy 6:4-5; ). The Lord himself actually performs this critical heart operation (Deuteronomy 30:6; cf. Jeremiah 4:4): “The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all yourLeviticus 19:18). The circumcision of the heart is an essential requirement for being in relationship with God (Deuteronomy 10:16
I believe any childl could tell you the difference between the REAL circumcision and SPIRITUAL circumcisioon. No, God doesn't cut off your foreskin!Jeremiah 4:2 And thou shalt swear, The Lord liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; and the nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him shall they glory.
Jeremiah 4:3 For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground,
and sow not among thorns.Jeremiah 4:4 Circumcise yourselves to the Lord,
............ and take away the foreskins of your heart,
............ ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem:
............ lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it,
............ because of the evil of your doings.Rev. 11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city,
which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Col 2:8
For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Col 2:9
And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: Col 2:10In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Col 2:11
Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. Col 2:12
Jeremiah 4:5 Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say,
............ Blow ye the trumpet in the land:
............ cry, gather together, and say,
............ Assemble yourselves, and
............ let us go into the defenced cities.Jeremiah 4:6 Set up the standard toward Zion: retire, stay not:
............ for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction.Jeremiah 4:7 The lion is come up from his thicket,
............ and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way;
............ he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate;
............ and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isa 58:12
If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Isa 58:13
Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Isa 58:14
Jeremiah 4:8 For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl: for the fierce anger of the Lord is not turned back from us.
Jeremiah 4:9 And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the Lord, that
............ the heart of the king shall perish,
............ and the heart of the princes;
............ and the priests shall be astonished,
............ and the prophets shall wonder.Jeremiah 4:10 Then said I, Ah, Lord God surely
thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying,
Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul.
Col. 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,John Mark Hicks &C: The Old Testament rejects any kind of ritualistic formalism that separates a consecrated life and assembly (Psalm 50:16-17).
after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Col. 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
Col. 2:10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
Col. 2:11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands,
in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:
Col. 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God,
who hath raised him from the dead.
What right have you to recite my lawsSee "Thank offering" below to read the REST of the Story
or take my covenant on your lips?
You hate my instruction and cast my
words behind you.
The ELITE thread of king, rulers and clergy were abandoned to worship the starry host. Therefore, it is simple Bible that the people practiced Sabazianism and the Levites were the operatives of pagan idolatry in Egypt. Therefore, God removed their inheritance (no pay) and let THEM carry on the Babylonian, Canaanite, Egyptian or Greek worship. God promised that they would be robbers and parasites and lead the people into captivity and death. Nehemiah and the other prophets recording by the SPIRIT OF CHRIST agreed that they were robbers and parasites IMPOSED because of their own sins.
Preachers are wont to say that THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THEIR WORSHIP, they just had a bad mental attitude. One supposes that a father and son could go into the same temple prostitute IF they had a good mental attitude. Amos and Isaiah and Stephen etal connect the musical and perverted PLAY at Mount Sinai to the worship of Israel and the patternism of the Jews who attended these festivals seeking to kill Jesusl.
John Mark Hicks &C: The Old Testament teaches that God desires the sacrifice of a contrite heart (Psalm 51:16-17), that obedience is better than cultic ritual (1 Samuel 15:22), and that a true fast includes helping the poor (Isaiah 58:6-7).
Isaiah 55 commands us NOT to spend our money for the FREE water of the Word. Isaiah 58 outlaws self pleasure or PASSIONATE WORSHIP and outlaws "speaking our own word." Why purchase words (dogm) when God has given us doctrine free?
John Mark Hicks &C: According to the Jeremiah, lifestyle gives validity to worship rituals (Jeremiah 7:1-15). [Click for rebuttal] Amos denounces those who keep a form of religion but have a life that is antithetical to it (Amos 5:18-24):
I hate, I despise your religious feastsNo, Jeremiah 7 and Amos 5 does NOT give validity to the worship of the starry host condemned in Acts 7: they were continuing the worship of the golden calves with stolen wine, women and instrumental music Amos condemned as imitated from David's warrior music.
I cannot stand your assemblies.Even though you bring me burntofferings and grain offerings,I will not accept them.Though you bring choice fellowship offerings,I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of your songs!I will not listen to the music of your harps.
BUT, means INSTEAD of the feasts God said that he DESPISED without any "conditioning" means STOP your paganism?
But let justice roll on like a river,righteousness like a never-failing stream!John Mark Hicks &C: Old Testament faith is not only a religion of cultic rituals
but also the devotion of the whole life to
See how Hicks etal are RECOMMENDING the "progressive worship system" along with a GOOD ATTITUDE is flat wrong.
That means that the writers believe that the CULTIC RITUALS were correct BUT they had "attitudes." So sad.
And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. Acts 7:41
music, singing, ritual, and pagentry... it was calculated to stimulate the deepest religious emotions, and fan the flames of ecstatic joy." (Fairservice, Walter A., Jr, The Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile, p. 171-172, Mentor"Isis: Gender-variant priestesses, often self-emasculated, danced and performed magic rites with the other women devotées. Such a dance can be viewed on a marble relief at Ariccia, near Rome on the Appian Way.Ecstatic dancing, lifting of skirts, shaking of buttocks, tossing of heads and raising of arms reveal the enthusiasm of the dancers. It also reveals that some are clearly male-born. Such as these were called cinaedi. [Dogs lumped with Sorcerers, Revelation]
"Common to most Egyptian worship : "A burnt offering was then presented, accompanied by singing and music; and finally the goddess was ceremoniously clothed, adorned, and adored. The second service took place in the afternoon, which consisted chiefly of prayer and meditations before the images and symbols of the gods and which closed with music and antiphonal singing. A third service, quite brief... left Isis unclothed in her quiet temple... The two great autumn and spring festivals featured the death and resurrection of Osiris... and it was expressed with all the symbolism, mystery,
"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).
"In the New Testament there is nowhere any emphasis laid on the musical form of the hymns; and in particular none on instrumental accompaniment whereas this is significantly paganism." (Delling, Gerhard, Worship in the New Testament, trans. Percy Scott Phil. Westminster press, 1962, p. 86).
Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven;
as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? Acts 7:42
John Mark Hicks &C: Throughout Scripture there is a symbiotic relationship between discipleship (life) and assembled worship. For example, one of the word pairs mentioned above, abad and leitourgia, tie the daily life of the disciple with the worship of God. The Israelite bondage in Egypt is characterized as abad (Exodus 1:14; cf. 5:18; 14:5, 12), yet Moses uses the same word to describe assembling on the mountain (Exodus 3:12; cf. 4:23; 7:16; 8:1).
Amos 5:21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Amos 5:22 Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings,
I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.
Amos 5:23 Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.Amos 5:24 But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.Zimrah (h2172) zim-raw'; from 2167; a musical piece or song to be accompanied by an instrument: - melody, psalm.Amos 5:25 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. [God abandoned them to Sabazianism, ancient Dionysus (Levius) wine god]Amos 5:27 Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is The GOD of hosts.6:1 WOE to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel cameAmos 6:4 That lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall;Amos 6:5 That chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of musick [singing], like David;Amos 6:7 Therefore now shall they go captive with the first that go captive, and the banquet of them that stretched themselves shall be removed.
Mirzach was like the pagan Agapae:
1 Kings 4:31 by (a) term meaning'aboriginal' or 'native sons,' and who possessed Canaanite names such as Heman, Chalcol, and Darda, were engaged in various forms of musical activity.
Under the King and Commanders of the army they made WAR and never approved worship.
"The marzeah had an extremely long history extending at least from the 14th century B.C. through the Roman period. In the 14th century B.C., it was prominently associated with the ancient Canaanite city of Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra), on the coast of Syria..
The marzeah was a pagan ritual that took the form of a social and religious association... Some scholars regard the funerary marzeah as a feast for--and with--deceased ancestors (or Rephaim, a proper name in the Bible for the inhabitants of Sheol)." (King, Biblical Archaeological Review, Aug, 1988, p. 35, 35)
"These five elements are:
........(1) reclining or relaxing,
........(2) eating a meat meal,
........(3) singing with harp or other
musical accompaniment,
........(4) drinking wine and
........(5) anointing oneself with oil." (King, p. 37)."The normal order of events was a meal, followed by a drinking party. Entertainment might include anything from a rhetorcian or philosopher discoursing on some topic, to musical entertainment, to sexual dalliance."
"Plutarch implicitly contrasts a serious dinner featuring a sage as the after-dinner speaker with the other sorts of dinners - where sexual play with the girl flute-players or hetairae was common." (Witherington, Ben, Why Not Idol Meat, Bible Review, June 1994, p. 41-42).
Baal Epic: to `El being "dead drunk," or both metaphorical,and ironic, as the marzeah serves as the setting for feasts for the dead and for the living mourning the dead (p. 145).
David's Parable of Patternism:
"we recognize the same elements: the sacrifices and libation, the cultic feast in which the congregation gets a share of food and drink after it has been blessed by the king, and the merry-making, now in the form of instrumental and vocal music. But the central act of the ritual, which was performed by the king, is called literally 'drinking' the god (Gurney, O. R. Some Aspects of Hittite Religion, p. 33-34, Oxford University Press, 1977)
This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us: Acts 7:38To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, Acts 7:39
Saying unto Aaron, Make us gods to go before us: for as for this Moses, which brought us out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. Acts 7:40And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. Acts 7:41Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the HOST of heaven;as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? Acts 7:42Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. Acts 7:43
Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses, that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen. Acts 7:44Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David; Acts 7:45A. Who found favour before God, and desired to find a TABERNACLE for the God of Jacob. Acts 7:46B. But Solomon built him an HOUSE. Acts 7:47Skenoo (g4637) skay-no'-o; from 4636; to tent or encamp, i.e. (fig.) to occupy (as a mansion) or (spec.) to reside (as God did in the Tabernacle of old, a symbol of protection and communion): - dwell. Skenos (g4636) skay'-nos; from 4633; a hut or temporary residenceC. Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet. Acts 7:48Oikos (g3624) oy'-kos; of uncert. affin.; a dwelling (more or less extensive, lit. or fig.); by impl. a family (more or less related lit. or fig.): - home, house (-hold), temple.Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest? Acts 7:49Hath not my hand made all these things? Acts 7:50Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Acts 7:51
Resisting the Holy Spirit resists the writing prophets who spoke by the Spirit OF Christ (1 Pet 1:11)Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: Acts 7:52
Acts 7:53 Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.
Paul in Galatians 4 speaking of those who set the church in order and defined the purpose which was to EQUIP everyone for the ministry: it has NO rituals or liturgy other than being a school of the bible: the ekklesia or synagogue had no liturgical or magical acts.
Gal. 4:23 But he who was of the bondwoman
was born after the flesh;
but he of the freewoman was by promise.
Gal. 4:24 Which things are an allegory:
for these are the two covenants;
the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.
Gal. 4:25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia,
and answereth to Jerusalem which now is,
and is in bondage with her children.
Rev. 11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city,Those who REJECTED the PRE counsel of God that they obey in baptism were burned up as Jerusalem was destroyed.
which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
Those who heard the gospel message and "went outside the camp" by being saved FROM that crooked generation escaped Jerusalem. Jesus added them to the church and translated their spirits into a heavenly kingdom save from the SODOM.Gal. 4:26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.
Gal. 4:27 For it is written,
Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry,
thou that travailest not: for the desolate
hath many more children than she which hath an husband.
Gal. 4:28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.God abandoned Israel to "worship the starry host" according to Stephen and all known evidence. That means that the Monarchy was a gentile-like nation and the temple and the sacrificial system was identical to that of Babylon or Tyre whose king Hiram built the temple in Jerusalem. The "levitical musican" ENSLAVED even jews and compelled them to do BONDGAGE.
When the WARS were over David had a surplus of Warrior Musicians so he organized a Works Project Administration to keep the mustered out Levites from revolting. Even then they had to rotate and were FED only when on duty.
1 Chron 25:1 MOREOVER David and the Commanders of the Army separated to the service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals: and the number of the workmen according to their service
was:Service is: H5656 ăbôdâhFrom H5647 ; work of any kind:—act, bondage, + bondservant, effect, labour, ministering (-try), office, service (-ile, -itude), tillage, use, work, wrought.
H5647 ‛âbad aw-bad' A primitive root; to work (in any sense); by implication to serve, till, (causatively) enslave, etc.:— X be, keep in bondage, be bondmen, bond-service, compel
Worship is:
H10 ’ăbaddôh ab-ad-do' The same as H9, miswritten for H11 ; a perishing:—destruction.
Because the kings carried out the captivity and death sentence imposed BECAUSE of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai, this is a MOTIF or PATTERNISM which is being repeated right now with the Mother of Harlots
H6 ’âbad aw-bad' A primitive root; properly to wander away, that is lose oneself; by implication to perish (causatively, destroy)
H11 ’ăbaddôn ab-ad-done' Intensively from H6 ; abstractly a perishing; concretely Hades:--destruction.
This is the Apollo John used as the PATTERNISM for the Mother of Harlots where Abaddon or Apollyon unleashed the locusts with deadly scorpion stingers who were the MUSES known to any literte Greek. That is why the singers and musicians are call SORCERERS who TAKE PEOPLE CAPTIVE.
1 Chron 25:2 Of the sons of Asaph; Zaccur, and Joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asarelah, the sons of Asaph under the hands of Asaph, which prophesied according to the order of the king.
H623 ’âsâph aw-sawf' From H622 ; collector; Asaph, the name of three Israelites, and of the family of the first:--Asaph.
H622 ’âsaph aw-saf' A primitive root; to gather for any purpose; hence to receive, take away, that is, remove (destroy, leave behind, put up, restore, etc.):--assemble, bring, consume, destroy, fetch, gather (in, together, up again), X generally, get (him), lose, put all together, receive, recover [another from leprosy], (be) rereward, X surely, take (away, into, up), X utterly, withdraw.
Maybe we should remember that David was the KING and the TEMPLE was the Capital of a Goyim or gentile nation. The animal sacrifices were NATIONAL and when the slaughter of INNOCENT LAMBS (as types of God) began, the loud NOISE was a signal that all CIVILIANS be outside of the WALLS--far removed from the later temple court.
Their RELIGION was Sabazianism and many of the names point directly to DIONYSUS worship which the Israelites brought from Egypt and NEVER CEASED to observe on a national basis.
Kings do not prescribe SPIRITUAL worship which took place OUTSIDE the gates where they held synagogue--even in the wilderness--to REST, read and rehearse the Word. Loud trumpets could CALL ASSEMBLY but not the ALARM which included "making a joyful noise before the Lord" which was every nations' PANIC music.
John Mark Hicks &C: Paul also links discipleship and worship. Romans 12:1-2 demands that Christians offer up their bodies as an offering to God: “I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship (leitourgia).”
Jesus LIMITED worship in the PLACE of the human spirit devoted to the truth: it cannot be done in houses build by humman hands or by the works of human hands. Paul warned about the dogs and concision which marked the Cynics or old style praise singers seeking whom they might devour. One of the definitions of the BEAST in revelation is "a new style of singing or speaking or drama."
Spiritual worship is RATIONAL worship and never defined as more than: G3050 logikos log-ik-os' From G3056 ; rational (“logical”):--reasonable, of the word.
G3056 logos log'-os From G3004 ; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive. G3004 legō leg'-o A primary verb; properly to “lay” forth, that is, (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse;
Logos opposite muthos, as history to legend, prose, opposite of poetry/ opposite Meter. Only the words of lyric or dramatic poetry. the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government,
Dogma is: Poi-ętikos A.capable of making, creative, productive Opposite to praktikos or useful. Strong, vigorous. with mousikoi II. of persons, skilled in music, musical, melody, used to speak before a mob, elegant, delicate, effeminate. HedoneAna logistikos judging by analogy, grammatikos, haireses,
Our lives (discipleship) become worship through spiritual service. Serving meals to the homeless is just as much worship as serving the Lord’s Supper (cf. Hebrews 13:15-16)—both are leitourgia, service or worship.
Our SPIRITUAL SERVICE is Word-Only: then we are prepared to give PHYSICAL service!
To be in the Spirit is contrasted with being in the body. Therefore, Paul did not speak of being inside of God any more than of God being inside of him. In 2 Cor 12:2, Paul couldn't tell whether he was in the body or out of the body. That is, his revelation may have been in his mind or Spirit where God reveals Himself except in rare "face-to-face" events (Num 12:6). Being in the spirit means in the mind:
Paul in the spirit
And when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paul was pressed in the spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ. Acts 18:5
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter (body); whose praise is not of men, but of God. Romans 2:29
John in the spirit on the lord's day
I was in the Spirit on the Lords day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, Revelation 1:10
"As of" shows that John is using symbolic language: the language of parable, vision, etc.
"We," the real person, can live "in" spirit or "in" flesh. What does this mean? Matthew Henry notes that:
John Mark Hicks &C: The worshipper encounters a God who inclines his ear to the orphan and oppressed (Psalm 10:12-18) and identifies himself as a father of orphans and defender of widows rights (Psalm 68:5-6). In the worshipping assembly redeemed slaves are reminded that Yahweh continues to set the captives free (Psalm 146:7-10)."You are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. This expresses states and conditions of the soul vastly different. All the saints have flesh and spirit in them; but to be in the flesh and to be in the Spirit are contrary.
It denotes our being overcome and subdued by one of these principles. As we say, A man is in love, or in drink, that is, overcome by it."
As a gathered people, God not only requires corporate rituals
but a holy life dedicated to the service of other human beings.
Not that I am aware of: the synagogue was school of the Bible and Paul's only worship word was to give heed to the Word of God. Worship IN SPIRIT is a place as opposed to IN THE HOUSE and Paul said that they worshipped in THE SPIRIT rather than in THE FLESH. The reason that you keep 'worship' to teaching and learning the Word is to prevent the DOGS or Cynics or Catamites who howled their old style praise singing seeking whom they might devour.
Prophets attended church services like those presupposed in the Psalms. But they noticed that many did not like certain selections when sung. Their enthusiasm for assembled worship, despite their neglect of ethical living, led them to the mistaken belief that God remained among them (Micah 3:9-11):
Psalms were primarily warrior's panic songs. They were not composed for WORSHIP SERVICES. Rather the Levites under the king and commanders of the army were part of the TEMPLE STATE to serve the king and NOT the people who did not need their property stolen.
There was no TEACHING in the sacrificial system: There is not a clue that he is speaking of anything other than the commercialized synagogues. This was the CURSE imposed on Israel when the elders hired a king like the nations so they could worship like the nations. Micah says exactly what God promised is the PURPOSE DRIVING the Old Covenant system. Hear God through Samuel.John Mark Hicks &C:Hear this, you heads of the house of Jacob and rulers of the house of Israel, who abhor justice and pervert all equity, who build Zion with blood and Jerusalem with wrong. Its heads give judgment for a bribe, its priests teach for hire, its prophets divine for money; yet they lean upon the LORD and say, ‘Is not the LORD in the midst of us? No evil shall come upon us.
Jacob says I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord!" Of Simeon and Levi the patriarch remarks that they
Gen. 49:5 Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments [Sword or Musical]
of cruelty are in their habitations.
Gen. 49:6 O my soul, come not thou into their secret;
unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united:
for in their anger they slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall.
John Mark Hicks &C:These ancient believers disconnected corporate worship and life—
AND I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel; Is it not for you to know judgment? Micah 3:1 Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones; Micah 3:2
Gazal (h1497) gaw-zal'; a prim. root; to pluck off; spec. to flay, strip or rob: - catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil, take away (by force, violence), tear.
Who also
eat the ,
and flay their skin from off them;
and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot,
and as flesh within the caldron. Micah 3:3Then shall they cry unto the Lord,
but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time,
as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings. Micah 3:4Thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people err,
that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace;
and he that putteth not into their mouths,
they even prepare war against him. Micah 3:5Nashak (h5391) naw-shak'; a prim. root; to strike with a sting (as a serpent); fig., to oppress with interest on a loan: - bite, lend upon usury.
And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. Rev 9:5
Therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you,
that ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down over the prophets,
and the day shall be dark over them. Micah 3:6Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded:
yea, they shall all cover their lips; for there is no answer of God. Micah 3:7But truly I am full of power by the spirit of the Lord, and of judgment, and of might,
to declare unto Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin. Micah 3:8Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel,
that abhor judgment, and pervert all equity. Micah 3:9They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity. Micah 3:10
The heads thereof judge for reward,
and the priests thereof teach for hire,
and the prophets thereof divine for money:
yet will they lean upon the Lord, and say,
Is not the Lord among us?
Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps,
and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest. Micah 3:12NOW HEAR IT AGAIN AND WEEP:
Prophets attended church services like those presupposed in the Psalms. But they noticed that many did not like certain selections when sung. Their enthusiasm for assembled worship, despite their neglect of ethical living, led them to the mistaken belief that God remained among them (Micah 3:9-11):NO, they did not: the prophets spoke by the Spirit of Christ: the kings did not. They ALL define the monarchy and their slaughter as robbers and parasites. Hosea says the same thing.
they acted as if their cultic observance covered up their ungodliness.
NOT SO: the "corporate" worship was devoted to the worship of the starry host as Acts 7 defines Amos and Isaiah: how could the curse of a sacrificial system be worship God desires.
The "people's congregation" never engaged in the slaughter of innocent animals producing rivers of blood: they attended synagogue for WORD ONLY instruction just as Paul defined in Hebrews 12 which EXCLUDES "liturgy"
Yet even if these Judeans offered rivers of oil and their firstborn on Yahweh’s altar he would nevertheless reject their worship. Instead, God wants a living sacrifice: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
Then you CAN promote the Synagogue of Levi imposed as A CURSE if you just love mercy and walk humbly?
But this emphasis on sacrificial life-worship does not undermine the nature of divine presence within the worshipping assembly. Around 742 B.C., Isaiah sacramentally encountered the Living God in the temple courts (Isaiah 6).
Isa 6:1 IN the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
Isa 6:2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.Saraph (h8314) saw-rawf'; from 8313; burning, i. e. (fig.) poisonous (serpent); spec. a saraph or symbol. creature (from their copper color): - fiery (serpent), seraph.
Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpents root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. Is.14:29
The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble and anguish, from whence come the young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent, they will carry their riches upon the shoulders of young asses, and their treasures upon the bunches of camels, to a people that shall not profit them. Isa 30:6
A BURDEN in Hebrew and Greek is a SONG intended to strip your wealth.
Saraph (h8313) saw-raf'; a prim. root; to be (caus. set) on fire: - (cause to, make a) burn ([-ing], up), kindle, * utterly.
John Mark Hicks &C: Among the gathered saints we, like Isaiah, see the “face” of God (Psalms 95:2; 96:6, 9, 13; 98:6, 9; 100:2). As we bring our broken and fallen lives into his presence we find healing, comfort and transformation.Isa 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory
Isa 6:4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.And he said, Go, and tell this people,And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. Re.15:8
Kapnos (h2586) kap-nos'; of uncert. affin.; smoke: - smoke.
Hear ye indeed,
but understand not;
and see ye indeed,
but perceive not. Isa 6:9Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart,
and convert, and be healed. Isa 6:10Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate, Isa 6:11
And the Lord have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land. Isa 6:12
Isa 6:13 But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me,
Nagash (h5066) naw-gash'; a prim. root; to be or come (causat. bring) near (for any purpose); euphem. to lie with a woman; as an enemy, to attack; relig. to worship; causat. to present; fig. to adduce an argument; by reversal, to stand back: - (make to) approach (nigh), bring (forth, hither, near), (cause to) come (hither, near, nigh), give place, go hard (up), (be, draw, go) near (nigh), offer, overtake, present, put, stand.
and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Isaiah 29:13 (to the tune of a hickory stick or an oxgoad)
Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder:
> for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish,
> and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. Isaiah 29:14JESUS CALLED THEM HYPOCRITES
Ezek 33:28 For I will lay the land most desolate, and the pomp of her strength shall cease;
and the mountains of Israel shall be desolate,
that none shall pass through.
Ezek 33:29 Then shall they know that I am the Lord,
when I have laid the land most desolate
because of all their abominations which they have committed.See how the Abominable Branch was the "song with instruments opposed to Christ the True Branch. Then turn on some EYES and EARS:
Ezek 33:30 Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and
speak one to another, every one to his brother,
saying, Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the Lord.And they come unto thee as the people cometh,
and they sit before thee as my people,
and they hear thy words,
........ but they will not do them:for with their mouth they shew much love,
........ but their heart goeth after their covetousness. Ezek 33:31And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song
........ of one that hath a pleasant voice,
........ and can play well on an instrument:
for they hear thy words,
........ but they do them not. Ezek 33:32And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them. Ezek 33:33
Through liturgical action, the assembly remembers the story of grace and enables us, like Isaiah, to find our own place in the story.
We come to the gathering of God’s people tired and often abused but we leave as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. How can this be? Because God, as he has always done, comes to dwell among a rag tag group of aliens and transforms them into a kingdom of priests.
No one can doubt that the day of REST from the laded burden (rituals) is the most works-intensive day of the year. We come out of fear and leave like owls on a log not able to answer "what did he preach about" half an hour later at the steak house. A priest can come boldly before the throne of grace WITHOUT any mediators in song and sermon. Jesus used the term "laded burden" which means spiritual anxiety created by religious ritual. And Satan in the garden and Nimrod and moder science knows that "music" induces a drug high that makes ups feel just awful on Monday morning.
John Mark Hicks &C: Jesus the True Worshiper:
Jesus is the Messiah, the hope of Israel. Jesus is the New Adam, the new beginning of humanity. Jesus is Immanuel, the living tabernacle of God. Jesus is also the true worshipper. Jesus’ life was worship—a life supremely devoted to the Father and regular gatherings with the people of God.
If Jesus is the Worship Leader as Shelly claims it is because the worship leader PAYS ALL OF THE EXPENSES and bears all of the burdens.
Leitourg-ia i.e. annual, liturgies, D.20.21; leitourgiaimetoikôn, III. public service of the gods Eis-phora , A.carrying or gathering in, property-tax levied for purposes of war
The rhythm of his life was to some extent shaped by Israel’s great pilgrimage festivals. These feasts connected Jesus with the history of God’s redemptive acts in Israel. For example, Luke tells us that Jesus’ family went to Jerusalem to participate in the Passover “every year” (Luke 2:41).
There is absolutely no connection to these feasts and the weekly synagogue which never ceased. If one uses these as authority for festivals then you are bound to make it a YEARLY affair and not involve the women, young men or older men. Jesus attended "some" festivals knowing they were seeking to kill him, but, the work of Jesus was to repudiated the yearly festivals. He had a GO button and this is the PATTERNISM for any true evangelists.
I am not aware that as a PATTERN for modern evangelists (only) that Jesus taught anyone to observe ANY "worship" ritual: worship is giving heed to God which can only be done by giving heed to the Words of Christ.
Mark 1:37 And when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee.In spoken or acted parables Jesus ended all of the festivals which were NEVER for the common people.
Mark 1:38 And he said unto them,
Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also:
for therefore came I forth.
Mark 1:39 And he preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils.
Matt. 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,
and preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
Matt. 26:55 In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes,
Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me?
I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and ye laid no hold on me.
Luke 13:10 And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath.
Luke 21:37 And in the day time he was teaching in the temple;
and at night he went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives.
Passover was a FAMILY observance: Jesus' parents were JEWS and they lived under the Law of Moses. You cannot miss that when Jesus was 12 years old he was ready to take on the theologians:
Luke 2:43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
Luke 2:44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a days journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.
Luke 2:45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him.
Luke 2:46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple,
sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.
Luke 2:47 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.
Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge:
ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.I think that meant that Jesus was not offering animal sacrifices, singing or playing instruments? Too bad, JHis only patternism was to cast out the musical minstrels like dung and upset their collection plates called "trumpets."
Lev 23:7 In the FIRST day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: Exod 20:10
Melakkah (h4399) mel-aw-kaw'; from the same as 4397; prop. deputyship, i. e. ministry; gen. employment (never servile) or work (abstr. or concr.); also property (as the result of labor): - business, * cattle, * industrious, occupation, (* -pied), * officer, thing (made), use, (manner of) work ([man], -manship).
Malok (h4397) mal-awk'; from an unused root mean. to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; spec. of God, i. e. an angel (also a prophet, priest or teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger.
REST meant REST as in the word REST and never meant WORSHIP. Isaiah 58 even OUTLAWS Al speaking his own words and doing his own pleasure.
John Mark Hicks &C: Jesus attends the three major feasts prescribed by the Torah. Israel’s worship assemblies provide an interpretive lens for understanding the identity and mission of the Messiah. Jesus habitually made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Passover (The Gospel of John draws extensively on Israel’s liturgical calendar and Jesus’ habitual attendance at these worship gatherings. In John 5-10John 2:13, 23; 11:55). Jesus himself is the Passover lamb and thus the fulfillment of Israel’s foundational festival.And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isa 58:12
If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him,
Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord;
- not doing thine own ways,
- nor finding thine own pleasure,
- nor speaking thine own words: Isa 58:13
and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth,
and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father:
for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Isa 58:14
These were ANNUAL gatherings and required only for draft age males: in fact they were not "worship rituals" but military musters. How can it be a WORSHIP SERVICE if the person can turn his animals into CASH, attend the MILITARY MUSTER and get DRUNK with wine and strong drink.
John Mark Hicks &C: The second pilgrim festival of the Jewish year was Weeks (Pentecost). Though the festival in John 5:1 is not named, it has, since ancient times, been identified as Weeks.vii The content of chapter five is directly related to the themes of that festival. For example, the gathering celebrated, among other things, the giving of the Torah and during this festival Jesus confronts Jewish leaders about their lack of faith. Moses, many believed, was in heaven interceding on Israel’s behalf as he did during the Golden Calf tragedy. But instead of interceding, here Moses accuses Israel of hardheartedness because they do not believe what he wrote about Jesus.Dt 14:25 Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose:
Dt 14:26 And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household,
If clergy is going to use these as legalistic patternisms then for heaven's sake DON'T do it every week and not let the people get drunk.
The WORSHIP to which these writers appeal was that TO WHICH GOD ABANDONED them because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai. See the missing ingredient in any theology which attempts to IMPOSE worship rituals based on the Curse of the monarchy. Click for what happened at Mount Sinai.
John Mark Hicks &C: The texture of John 7 and 8 is woven with imagery from the Festival of Tabernacles. Jesus arrived at the temple halfway through the feast (7:14). On its last day Jesus seized the teaching opportunity. Every day at dawn a priest filled a golden pitcher from the pool of Siloam and brought it to the Temple while the people sang the words of Isaiah: “with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3). The Temple choir sang the Hallel Psalms (Psalms 113-118) as the priest poured the water and wine into a bowl at the altar.
Theodoret (Quasten, Music & Worship, p. 65) claimed that the Jews brought liturgical music from Egypt and Philo wrote that "Moses learned rhythm, harmony, meter and everything concerned with instrumental music from the Egyptians." This is why Moses knew that the noise at Mount Sinai was not the sound of defeat or of victory. Rather, it was the "sound of them singing that I hear." The Jews sang in the type of the Egyptian threnodies (elegies for the dead):
Thus they made a golden bull, the image of an animal that was held to be the most sacred in that land;
they offered unholy sacrifices, performed impious dances and sang hymns
which differed in no way from the pagan mourning songs. Philo, De specialibus legibus[Jesus threw them out more or less violently]
"This reference probably indicates the use of songs from the cult of Osiris... it can hardly be denied that Egyptian influence on Jewish musical practices was quite significant. This would stand to reason because of the high quality of Egyptian cultic music. The tambourine or timbrel, a hoop of bells over which a white skin was stretched, came from Egypt. Miriam used this instrument to accompany the singing and dancing on the shores of the Red Sea (Ex. 15).
"The trumpet... was the signaling instrument of the Egyptian army. The name of the Sistrum (2 Sam 6:5) was mena'ane'im. It was the Egyptian kemken used in the cult of Isis.
The music during the transferring the Ark to Sion (David rose up to play)
and the dances of the women at the Shiloh (Judges 21:21), were similar to the Egyptian liturgy and parades."As Herodotus reports, women sang the praises of Osiris while liknesses of the gods were born about and, during the festival of Diana at Bubastis,
.Women's singing was a vital part of all pagan worship. In very
.times women became priestly singers of the gods in the temple."Women and girls from the different ranks of society were proud to enter the service of the gods as singers and musicians. The understanding of this service was universal: these singers constituted the 'harem of the gods'." (Johannes Quasten. In Music and Worship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, beginning on page 41)
The Egyptian Opis (The Golden Calf or Apis) and others which Israel worshipped at Mount Sinal were worshipped throughout the area. "In preference to all other hymns these choirs generally sang the so-called epiphany hymns, which were intended to invite the gods to appear. Plutarch wrote:
Why do the women of Elis call upon God in song to approach them with the bull's foot? Their song is the following:
- Come, Dionysus, Hero,
- into the holy temple of Elis,
- together with the Graces
- come violently into the temple with the bull's foot!
- Then they sang twice at the end: "Sacred Bull!" (Johannes Quasten, Music & Worship
in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, p. 76)Choirs of young girls often officiated and they wore garments of the dancers consecrated to the gods. (The ephod was once a feminine apron)
[David's naked dance was rising up to PLAY where the PRAISE word means to make yourself vile wearing sexual garments.]
Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, Strepho (g4761) stref'-o; strengthened from the base of 5157; to twist, i.e. turn quite around or reverse (lit. or fig.): - convert, turn (again, back again, self, self about).
have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? Acts 7:42
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. Acts 7:43
According to Stephen, the star image they used in the wilderness was:
Kiyyun (h3594) kee-yoon'; from 3559; prop. a statue, i. e. idol; but used (by euphemism) for some heathen deity (perh. corresp. to Priapus or Baal-peor): - Chiun.
Mystically Vach is masculine and feminine at will, as in the Hebrew Genesis Eve is with Adam. It is through her power that Brahma produced the universe. Blavatsky points out that Brahma produced through Vach in the same way that the incomprehensible assumes a tangible form through speech, words, and numbers (cf SD 1:430).
Vach through her productive powers produced what Pythagoras called the music of the spheres.
The teachings of Pythagoras also speak of the hierarchies of the heavenly host as numbered and expressed in numbers. Vach is equivalent, in some aspects, to Isis, Aditi, mulaprakriti, the waters of space, chaos, and the Qabbalistic Sephirah.
"Whether as Aditi, or the divine Sophia of the Greek Gnostics, she is the mother of the seven sons: the 'Angels of the Face,' of the 'Deep,' or the 'Great Green One' of the 'Book of the Dead' " (SD 1:434).
These feminine logoi are all correlations of light, sound, and ether. In many aspects Vach approaches Kwan-yin, she of the melodious voice.
Lucifer (Latin) Light-bringer [cf Greek Phosphoros; or Eosphoros dawn-bringer]; the planet Venus, the morning star. Lucifer is light bringer to earth, not only physically as the brightest of the planets, but in a mystical sense also. In mysticism he is the chief of those minor powers or logoi who are said to rebel against high heaven and to be cast down to the bottomless pit -- the so-called war in heaven and the fall of the angels.
Amos said the same thing and God warned them:
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. Amos 5:23
........ But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. Amos 5: 24But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. Amos 5: 26
........ Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Lord,
........ whose name is The God of hosts. Amos 5: 27Heredotus II notes that "The following are the proceedings on occasion of the assembly at Bubastis:-
Men and women come sailing all together, vast numbers in each boat, many of the women with castanets, which they strike, while some of the men pipe during the whole time of the voyage; the remainder of the voyagers,
........ male and female, sing the while, and make a clapping with their hands.
........ When they arrive opposite any of the towns upon the banks of the stream,
........ they approach the shore, and, while some of the women continue to play and sing,others call aloud to the females of the place and load them with abuse, while a certain number dance, and some standing up uncover themselves. After proceeding in this way all along the river-course, they reach Bubastis, where they celebrate the feast with abundant sacrifices.
........ More grape-wine is consumed at this festival than in all the rest of the year besides.The number of those who attend, counting only the men and women and omitting the children, amounts, according to the native reports, to seven hundred thousand.
The Feast of Tabernacles, like all of the festivals, had been turned into a giant fertility ritual. Jesus refused to go up for the opening ceremonies because everyone including the sober elders would be engaged in a TALENT SHOW. The Brothers of Jesus thought that he could work some magic and win the prize. While they were holding their festivals they were seeking their Messiah to murder him. The meaning of music as mystery is to "silence the voice of the victim" and thus Jes was dumb like a lamb before the slaughter.
Click for some notes on the Feast of Tabernacles.
"Today, this music and dance festival is understood as the one remnant of the old Canaanite fertility rituals, which, in the monotheistic pseudomorphosis of the temple ceremonies, was to ensure an abundant crop of plants, animals, and even human beings."
"This was perhaps the only occasion where popular music-making was allowed to mix with the otherwise sternly guarded prerogative of Levitical music.
Consequently, secular, superstitious, even popular licentious elements were here introduced in the performance of the temple's liturgical music." (Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, p. 460, Abingdon).
John Mark Hicks &C: The dramatic ceremony recalled God’s blessing of water in the wilderness (Exodus 17:1-6) and the promise of living water that would flow from Ezekiel’s new temple (Ezekiel 47:1-12).
When God abandoned Israel to worship the starry host the Levites continued to perform the liturgy of DIONYSUS in the temple into which no preacher, singer or musician could enter on penalty of death in the MOST VILE pagan temples. Jesus spoke and acted parables to fool the fools not worthy of hearing the message. Consistent with Jochin and Boaz the temple was always a phallici symbol. Water is also a part of Dionysos's domain. The myth of Lycurgus, related in the Iliad, tells how a young Dionysos and his foster mothers were attacked and chased by the impious Lycurgus. Dionysos fled into the sea and was sheltered by Thetis. The god is also a sailor; there is a myth which tells how he was once kidnapped by pirates and taken aboard a boat. The god then turned the pirates into dolphins. The sea is a refuge for Dionysos. Water, according to W. F. Otto, is the element in which Dionysos feels at home, as like him it betrays a dual nature:
being bright, joyous, and vital for life,
while also having a side that is dark, mysterious and deadly.A second Sukkot observance is the taking of the "Four Kinds": an etrog (citron), a lulav (palm frond), three hadassim (myrtle twigs) and two aravot (willow twigs). On each day of the festival (excepting Shabbat), we take the Four Kinds in our hands, recite a blessing over them, and wave them in all six directions: right, left, forward, backward, up and down. The Midrash tells us that the Four Kinds represent the various types and personalities that comprise the community of Israel, whose intrinsic unity we emphasize on Sukkot.
Jesus is OUR Passover and HE is the only source of LIVING WATERS.
The Catholic Encyclopedia notes of the Feast of Tabernacles:
"After the Exile, the feast was protracted to the twenty-fifth of the month, and two new rites were added to the old ceremonial.
Every morning of the celebration a priest went down to the Siloe Fountain, whence he brought in a golden ewer of water which was pored on the alter of holocausts
amidst the singing of the Hallel (Pss, cxii-cxvii) and the joyful sound of musical instruments.
It was possibly the performance of this ceremony (the institution of which may have been suggested by Is., xii, 3) which afforded to Our Lord the occasion to compare the action of the Holy Ghost in the faithful to a spring of living water (John, vii, 37-39)
While all of the SECTARIANS went musical and charismatic, Jesus refused to participate and knew that when He went up to the Feast of Tabernacles to speak the WORD the clergy would be looking for Him to PUT OUT His lights.
"At the close of the first day of the feast the worshipers descended to the Court of the Women, where great preparations had been made.
Four golden candelabras were there, each with four golden bowls, and against them rested four ladders; and four youths of priestly descent held, each a pitcher of oil, capable of holding one hundred and twenty log, from which they filled each bowl. The old, worn breeches and girdles of the priests served for wicks to these lamps.
There was not a court in Jerusalem that was not lit up by the light of 'the house of water-pouring.'
The 'Chassidim' and 'the men of Deed' danced before the people with flaming torches in their hands, and sang before them hymns and songs of praise;
[Note: The Instruments of David] and the Levites, with harps, and lutes, and cymbals, and trumpets, and instruments of music without number,
stood upon the fifteen steps which led down from the Court of Israel to that of the Women, according to the number of the fifteen Songs of Degrees in the Book of Psalms.
They stood with their instruments of music, and sang hymns.
[The trumpets commanded by God] Two priests, with trumpets in their hands, were at the upper gate (that of Nicanor), which led from the Court of Israel to that of the Women. At cock-crowing they drew a threefold blast. As they reached the tenth step, they drew another threefold blast; as they entered the court itself, they drew yet another threefold blast;
and so they blew as they advanced, till they reached the gate which opens upon the east (the Beautiful Gate).
As they came to the eastern gate, they turned round towards the west (to face the Holy Place), and said:
'Our fathers who were in this place, they turned their back upon the Sanctuary of Jehovah, and their faces toward the east, and they worshipped towards the rising sun;
but as for us, our eyes are towards the Lord.'
This was the Worship of Tammuz and the hanging of probably Phallic symbols in an early sun-rise service. See Ezekiel 8 to understand more of the Temple which God SHUT DOWN with a dark cloud so that could not be used by the priests.
Josephus warned that the Levites wanting to perform clergy roles DESTROYED the nation once and would do it again. Josephus knew the Biblical fact that the Levitical Warrior Musicians were to give glory to the earthly kingdom while the Priests blew the trumpets. All of these were to make signals. The SOUND of all of these Levitical instruments would be the SOUND OF MIGHTY RUSHING WATERS which speaks of fear and not worship.
You will notice from reading the Bible that the Levites derive from Levius or Dionysus of Egypt. Ezekiel blames the Levites for the destruction of the nation. Josephus tells the complete story about how the Clergy Musicians destroyed the nation and were going to do it again.
John Mark Hicks &C: In this assembly Jesus claims to be the source of this water (John 7:37-39). John 8:12-30 apparently takes place on the last evening when the feast lamps and torches were placed in the Temple’s Court of Women. Pious Jews brought lamps and would dance and sing as the Levites played zithers, harps and other musical instruments. The entire area was ablaze with light and rejoicing. Jesus seized this moment of worship to proclaim, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).
There is more about waters and Miriam as Bitter Waters than people care to know. Click for Al Maxey's use of Miriam as a female worship leader
John Mark Hicks &C: The last major feast mentioned by John (John 10:22) is not found in the canonical Old Testament. The Festival of Lights or Dedication originated in the oppressive days of Antiochus Epiphanes who sacrificed swine on the Temple altar and raised an image of Zeus in God’s temple. Dedication celebrates the rededication of the temple by the Maccabees in 167 B.C. Jesus participated in this festival even though it is not commanded in the Torah. John uses this moment to highlight the irony that these leaders believed in the miracle of lights but they did not “believe the miracles” of Jesus (10:38, NIV).
Not TRUTH: not remotely truth. Jesus went where he could CONDEMN before He teaches. Jesus NEVER did a RITUAL.
The festivals provided Jesus an opportunity to gather in sacred assembly with his fellow Jews to worship the Father. But the festivals also provided Jesus with opportunities to make powerful claims about his vocation as Israel’s Messiah. In the context of these worship assemblies, Jesus affirmed that the hopes and dreams of Israel expressed in the feasts were realized in his own person. Jesus was the fulfillment of these festivals.
Jesus was always around the Temple and alwys teaching AGAINST the Jews: He DID NOT engage in a "sacred assembly with his fellow Jews." Here He defines the clergy to whom He would not speak plainly but only in parables:
John Mark Hicks &C: Jesus, the true worshipper, not only participated in cultic assemblies, but also was devoted to personal spiritual disciplines and service to others. He dedicated himself to regular seasons of prayer. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark,” for example, “Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35). Prayer saturated the ministry of Jesus and this inspired the disciples to ask for special instruction in this discipline (Luke 11:1-4). Jesus also went about “doing good” (Acts 10:38). A careful reading of the Gospel narrative reveals that Jesus and his disciples also shared with the poor. (John 12:6) or “money box” (RSV) used to hold the funds out of which they lived and gave to the poor.Judas carried the “common purse”But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth [robs in tithes and offerings] them, and scattereth [skorpizo] the sheep. John 10:12
The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. John 10:13
I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. John 10:14
As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. John 10:15The REMNANT would be a small group of RIGHTEOUS JEWS not subverted by the hirelings and TO ALL THE NATIONS. Those who HEARD the direct command of Jesus as THE WAY ENTERED into that WAY throug (EIS) Baptism.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
........... them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice;
........... and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. John 10:16Those JEWISH sheep were the PRESERVED Remnant which had not BOWED TO BAAL which was a musical ritual.
And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob,
........[1] and to restore the preserved of Israel:
........[2] I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles,
........[3] that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth. Isa 49:6Salvation is Yeshuwah!
Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee. Isa 49:7
Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee:
........ .[1] and I will preserve thee,
........ .[2] and give thee for a covenant of the people,
........ .[3] to establish the earth, to cause to
................inherit the desolate heritages; Isa 49:8Jesus answered them, I told you,
and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Fathers name,
they bear witness of me. John 10:25But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. John 10:26
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: John 10:27Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. John 10:31
Jesus answered them,
Many good works have I shewed you from my Father;
for which of those works do ye stone me? John 10:32The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not;
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in YOUR law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34
but for blasphemy; and because that thou,
being a man, makest thyself God. John 10:33
If he called them gods, unto whom the WORD of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; John 10:35
Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou Blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? John 10:36
Jesus never LED PRAYER not attended a PRAYER LITURGY. Jesus ate the ROAST LAMB with His disciples and USED the feast of unleavened bread to institute HIS Lord's Supper which repudiated the Jewish-Babylonian "getting drunk on wine" Passover. Judas carried the bag because he was a THIEF. He would have stolen from the poor box as the only collection plate in the synagogue.
The Judas bag was always attached to a flute case and was for carrying the mouthpieces of wind instruments. Judas carried the bag as the prophesied son of perdition who would attempt to triumph over Jesus. This was the vocal or instrumental rejoicing which Christ outlawed for the synagogue or church in the wilderness. When Jesus fed him the sop which is the root of the psallo word it was the sign for Satan to come into Judas and destroy him. Music is always the MARK that God is pouring out His judgment.
Jesus was consecrated to the Father. He embodied the call of Israel to be a holy nation and a kingdom of priests. In him we see devotion to God in assembled worship and a life of worship.Conclusion
Psalm 40 brings the themes of this chapter together in a single song. The psalm worshipper confesses that God desires lives poured out as sacrifices. Yet at the same time the worshipper also praises God in the “great assembly” (Psalm 40:6-10):
Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
but my ears you have pierced;
burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require.
Then I said, ‘Here I am, I have come –
it is written about me in the scroll.
I desire to do your will, O my God;
your law is within my heart.”
I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly;
I do not seal my lips, as you know, O LORD.
I do not hide your righteousness in my heart;
I speak of your faithfulness and salvation.
I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly.”
Christ founded the Qahal, synagogue or church in the Wilderness: therefore, it was the Church of Christ. Christ taught in the CHURCH when the elders taught the Word which He had delivered to Moses. That was it. No liturgy! That means that Christ in Spirit DID NOT NEVER EVER participate in the sacrificial system which had been imposes as a curse. In fact, the sacrificial system was slaughtering types of God because He had turned them over to worship the starry host.
Here is how the Holy Convocation was held WITHOUT any music and also by Nehemiah on the Return.
Psa 40:6 Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.
Ps Psa 40:7 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,
Ps 40:8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.
Ps 40:9 I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: [Qahal] lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, thou knowest.
Ps 40:10 I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation:
have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation. [Qahal]GOD DID NOT COMMAND SACRIFICES BUT ABANDONED THEM TO THEIR SABAZIAN OR OLD EGYPTIAN SYSTEM NOT CALLED WORSHIP. God did not say PERFORM the rituals but you must have a good MENTAL ATTITUDE.
John Mark Hicks &C: Thank offerings accompanied grateful responses to God’s grace (cf. Psalm 50:14-15, 23). Psalm 40 emphasizes the importance of the assembly as it declares God’s praises for salvation. The Israelite who sought and received deliverance came to the great assembly to glorify God’s name. Divine deliverance required public proclamation. According to the preacher of Hebrews, Jesus himself joins disciples in the great assembly as they praise God for such a great salvation (Hebrews 2:12, NIV):
BUILDING THE FOUNDATION: The people were Quarantined from Sacrificial System added as part of the worship of the starry host to which God had abandoned the nation.
- As a Covenant of Grace God gave The Book of the Covenant to govern the nation.
- Israel fell fatally from Grace because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.
- God turned them over to worship the starry host (Acts 7 and a dozen more passages)
- God burdened them with The Book of The Law and the Levites to "bear the burdens of sin."
- The Abrahamic Covenant was lost and the First Born sons replaced.
- No one not of Levi and not specificially ordained could COME NEAR the Tabernacle without sinning.
Because the false teachers REST on the curse of the Law and the Monarchy, the elders, preachers and artistic performers would die if they ventured in or near the area of animal slaughter.Num 18:2 And thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father, bring thou with thee, that they may be joined unto thee, and minister unto thee: but thou and thy sons with thee shall minister BEFORE the tabernacle of witness. [never IN]
Furthermore, no Levite, used as Warrior Noise makers and later under the king and commanders of the army--could come near the holy places of the sanctury or they would be executed. The patternism is that if a musician enters into the body of Christ as fulfilment of the Holy Place he / she / it is worthy of death.
H8334 sharath shaw-rath' A primitive root; to attend as a menial or worshipper; figuratively to contribute to:--minister (unto), (do) serve (-ant, -ice, -itor), wait on.Num 18:3 And they shall keep thy charge, and the charge of all the tabernacle:
only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the sanctuary and the altar,
that neither they, nor ye also, die.Nadab and Abihu violates several commandments.
All of the non-Levites were called STRANGERS: therefore, if you were not of the tribe of Levi with the assignment to serve you could not even minister to the priests outside of the Temple-proper. Therefore, no member of the "church" could come near the Tabernacle and none of the "ministers" could ENTER it.
"A stranger," that is, one, neither a priest nor a Levite, who should intrude into any departments of the sacred office, should incur the penalty of death. ROBERT JAMIESON
Num 18:4 And they shall be joined unto thee,
and keep the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation,
for all the service [hard, legalistic bondage] of the tabernacle:
and a stranger shall not come nigh unto you.The sacrificial system was NEVER the spiritual worship but part of the WRATH DISPELLING curse imposed because of Musical idolatry.
Num 18:5 And ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary, and the charge of the altar:
that there be no wrath any more upon the children of Israel.Contrary to being a spiritual worship service, the sacrificial system had been imposed and if it were not performed it would bring down God's wrath as punishment due for NOT performing what they had been abandoned to.
Num 18:6 And I, behold, I have taken your brethren the Levites from among the children of Israel:
to you they are given as a gift for the LORD,
to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation.Num 18:7 Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your priest’s office for every thing of the altar,
and within the veil; and ye shall serve: I have given your priest’s office unto you as a service of gift:
and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
"And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. Numbers 18:21
That also removes any modern cleric from imposing the tithe.
H5656 ‛abodah ‛abodoh ab-o-daw', ab-o-daw' From H5647 ; work of any kind:--act, bondage, + bondservant, effect, labour, ministering (-try),
H5647 ‛abad aw-bad' keep in bondage, be bondmen, bond-service, compel, do, dress, ear, execute
"Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation,
lest they bear sin, and die. Numbers 18:22
Furthermore, all of the performing arts are identified as the Hypocritic arts and because they produced nothing good and caused lots of destruction of morals they were called PARASITES.
Why are people so anxious to impose the CURSE of hypocrites and parasites.
The False preachers also missed that the Spirit OF Christ spoke ONLY through the prophets: it is a lie that the "holy spirit" guided the elders and preachers to lie about all of the Bible. The prophets thought that the kings, our princes, our priests, and our fathers were lawless parasites.
So the children went in and possessed the land, and thou subduedst before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and gavest them into their hands, with their kings, and the people of the land, that they might do with them as they would. Neh 9:24
And they took strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods, wells digged, vineyards, and oliveyards, and fruit trees in abundance:
so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat,Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee,
and delighted [became soft, lived voluptuously]
themselves in thy great goodness.
and cast thy law behind their backs,
and slew thy prophets which testified against them to turn them to thee,
and they wrought great provocations. Neh 9:26
THIS HAS HAPPENED ALL OVER: false teachers fall back to the Law to get authority to be a "king set over us" and absolutely silence the Spirit of Christ speaking through the prophets. Maybe it is time, with Nehemiah and Jesus, to declare that the rascals are parasites and cast them out.Neither have our kings, our princes, our priests, nor our fathers, kept thy law, nor hearkened unto thy commandments and thy testimonies, wherewith thou didst testify against them. Neh 9:34
For they have not served thee in their kingdom, and in thy great goodness that thou gavest them, and in the large and fat land which thou gavest before them, neither turned they from their wicked works. Neh 9:35
Behold, we are servants this day, [and so are you]
and for the land that thou gavest unto our fathers to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof,
behold, we are servants in it: Neh 9:36And it yieldeth
much increase unto the kings whom thou hast set over us
because of our sins:
also they have dominion over our bodies, and over our cattle,
at their pleasure,
and we are in great distress. Neh 9:37Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard,
they have trodden my portion under foot,
they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness Jer. 12:10They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns:
they have put themselves to pain, but shall not profit:
and they shall be ashamed of your revenues
because of the fierce anger of the Lord. Je.12:13That is THE meaning of having a Senior Pastor set over you with no Biblical nor common sensical justification.
Chapter XXII.-So Also Were Sacrifices and Oblations.
"And that you may learn that it was for the sins of your own nation,
and for their idolatries and
not because there was any necessity for such sacrifices ,
that they were likewise enjoined, listen to the manner in which He speaks of these by Amos,
one of the twelve, saying:`Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is this day of the Lord for you?
It is darkness and not light, as when a man flees from the face of a lion, and a bear meets him; and he goes into his house, and leans his hands against the wall, and the serpent [devil] bites [stings with tithes] him. Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness and not light, even very dark, and no brightness in it? I have hated, I have despised your feast-days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies:
wherefore, though ye offer Me your burnt-offerings and sacrifices, I will not accept them; neither will I regard the peace-offerings of your presence.
Take thou away from Me the multitude of thy songs and psalms; I will not hear thine instruments.BUT, let judgment be rolled down as water, and righteousness as an impassable torrent.
Speaking of dominant pastors now replacing the elders and firing the deacons:
"The pastor is not a necessity. He is a FUNGUS GROWTH upon the church, the body of Christians, DWARFING its growth, PREVENTING its development of its members; and until the church GETS RID of him it will NEVER prosper as it should. In the Bible we can find all the necessities.
"I can testify from my own observation that a good eldership will lose its efficiency, and its members become both UNABLE and UNWILLING to do the work of elders, in a very few years after the employment of a pastor. And if under the pastor system a good eldership has ever developed, I have never seen or heard of the case. I don't believe that has or ever will be done." --James A. Harding, Gospel Advocate, May 20, 1885
This was the Qahal or Church in the wilderness or the Ekklesia: you don't DO legalistic liturgy in a school of the Bible.
There was no PRAISE SERVICE in the synagogue by direct command, universal practice and minimal common sense.
“[Jesus] says
I will declare your name to my brother
in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises.”John Mark Hicks &C: The horizontal and vertical dimensions of worship are held in substantial unity in Scripture. Assembly means nothing apart from the sacrificial lives of the people of God, but assembly is essential in shaping the lifestyle of the gathered. Through worshipping assemblies God’s people experience the grace of God’s presence and the covenant community is empowered to bear witness even in its weakness. Through worship gatherings we proclaim the story of redemption, the renovation of our lives, and the reclamation of the world by the Creator.Ps 50:7 Hear, O my people, and I will speak;
O Israel, and I will testify against thee: I am God, even thy God.
Ps 50:8 I will not reprove [justify] thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings, to have been continually before me.
Ps 50:9 I will take no bullock out of thy house, nor he goats out of thy folds.
Ps 50:10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.
Ps 50:11 I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine.
Ps 50:12 If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.
Ps 50:13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?
Ps 50:14 Offer unto God thanksgiving; [Adoration NOT a sacrifice] and pay thy vows unto the most High:
Ps 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
Ps 50:16 But unto the wicked God saith,
What hast thou to do to declare my statutes,
or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?
Ps 50:17 Seeing thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee.
Ps 50:18 When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him,
and hast been partaker with adulterers.
Ps 50:19 Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit.Ps 50:23 Whoso offereth praise [adoration NOT making self vile with music]
glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God.Neh. 5:7 Then I consulted with myself, and I rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto themHEBREWS 2
Ye exact usury, every one of his brother. And I set a great assembly against them.
for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour;
that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
AFTER they become SONS then God brings them to GLORY: simple simon?
ALL people are the CREATURES of God but not ALL are brought to GLORY.
Heb 2:10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things,
in bringing many sons unto glory,
to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
Heb 2:11 For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one:
for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,
Saying, I will DECLARE thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise (hymn) unto thee. Heb 2:12
DECLARE in Greek is:Apagello (g518) ap-ang-el'-lo; from 575 and the base of 32; to announce: - bring word (again), declare, report, shew (again), tell.This does not mean to entertain but to do the work of an EVANGELIST: Speak or Preach.Aggelos (g32) ang'-el-os; from aggello, [prob. der. from 71; comp. 34] (to bring tidings); a messenger; esp. an "angel"; by impl. a pastor: - angel, messengerEuaggelizo (g2097) yoo-ang-ghel-id'-zo; from 2095 and 32; to announce good news ("evangelize") espec. the gospel: - declare, bring (declare, show) glad (good) tidings, PREACH (the gospel).Heb 2:13 And again, I will put my trust in him. And again,
Behold I and the children which God hath given me.
The Assembly (synagogue or ekklesia is the only purpose for the church.
Rom. 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak,This is the only way to confess Christ and let HIM do the "singing" while ours is IN THE HEARTS and never external: singing was added because it was "common to all pagan cults" in the year 373.
and not to please ourselves.
Self pleasue outlaws the creation of mental excitement as the "laded burden." The word outlaws all of the theatrics and music which is defined by the word LADED BURDEN.
Rom. 15:2 Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. [Education only]
Rom. 15:3 For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.
Rom. 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime
were written for our learning,
that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Disciples go to BIBLE CLASS: they do not do liturgical actions or use theology or theologians.Rom. 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation
grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Rom. 15:6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, [the only way to praise God]
even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rom. 15:7 Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.
Rom. 15:8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God,
to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:
Rom. 15:9 And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written,
For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name.
G1843 exomologeō ex-om-ol-og-eh'-o From G1537 and G3670 ; to acknowledge or (by implication of assent) agree fully:confess, profess, promise.Rom. 15:10 And again he saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people.
Rom. 15:11 And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people.
Rom. 15:12 And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles;
in him shall the Gentiles trust.
Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites by pointing to Isaiah and Ezekiel 33 to identify slick speakers, singers and instrument players.
Rom. 15:14 And I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren,
hat ye also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge,
able also to admonish one another.
Rom. 15:15 Nevertheless, brethren, I have written the more boldly unto you in some sort,
as putting you in mind, because of the grace that is given to me of God,
Rom. 15:16 That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles,
ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable,
being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.
Rom. 15:17 I have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ in those things which pertain to God.
Rom. 15:18 For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me
to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed,
Because worship is giving heed to God and His Word according to Paul, it is impossible to give heed to a preacher, singer or falsetto praise singer at the same time: be amused and astounded but NOT worship. Worship can happen ONLY in the human spirit says Jesus and Paul and there is NOTHING in the assembly which does not suck up all of the ATTENTION to people or their antic or most likely the back of someone's head as a spectator.
The ekklesia or synagogue in Paul's word is a WORD ONLY assembly for EDUCATION ONLY. NO, the singers cannot lead you into the presence of God: that would be standing in the holy place claiming to be God because Christ is the only mediator.
Having LEARNED a whole psalm (on 50 are singable) you go back to kitchen or plow and SPEAK TO YOURSELF all week long so that the assembly is not ALL IN VAIN and as Paul said of Corinth "Your assemblies do more harm than good."
Eph 4:10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;Pastor-teacher is a hyphenated word: the Elders are to Feed by Teaching "that which is written." There are no Worship Teams (a blasphemy word) or GuitarIST which is a synonym for PARASITE which defined the loud NOISE makers (never called music) to "make the lambs dumb before the slaughter priest." He is called a HERETIC because he "Lifted up the lambs to CUT THEIR THROATS" intending to eat the meat himself.
Eph 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Eph 4:13 Till we all come inThe Word EDIFY means EDUCATE: Romans 15 says you speak "that which is written" using one MIND and one MOUTH to educate.
A. the unity of the faith, and of
B. the knowledge of the Son of God,
C. unto a perfect MAN,
D. unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:Stature: 2244. helikia, hay-lik-ee´-ah; from the same as 2245; maturity (in years or size): age, stature. [Comrad, not playmate]
Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro,
and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Paul always defines the EVIL PAGAN assemblies before he defimes the Christian assembly: when you COME TOGETHER is a synagogue word. We know that the synagogue or church in the wilderness met weekly and the civl ekklesia met roughly weekly.
Panourgia (g3834) pan-oorg-ee'-ah; from 3835; adroitness, i.e. (in a bad sense) trickery or sophistry: - (cunning) craftiness, subtilty.
3835. panougos, pan-oor´-gos; from 3956 and 2041; all-working [ergon], i.e. adroit (shrewd): crafty.
A musical instrument is a machine for doing hard WORK from ERGON. This was always to MAKE WARE or to induce the arousal in religious ritualism.
A musical instrument is a machine for doing hard WORK from ERGON. This was always to MAKE WARE or to induce the arousal in religious ritualism.
Organon , to, ( [ergon, erdô] 3.a hard piece of work, a hard task, Il.: also, a shocking deed or act,
3. musical instrumentSophis-tikos Artistic or poetic, This includes the techne or craftsmen who perform as sorcerers in Rev 18.
Techn-ę ,, skill, cunning of hand, soothsayer, to learn a thing professionally, hence title of various treatises on Rhetoric (v. VI; but rather tricks of Rhetoric, OF the rhapsoidikos, poetl
Clement Against Heresies
To me, therefore, that Thracian Orpheus, that Theban, and that Methymnaean,-men, and yet unworthy of the name,-seem to have been deceivers, who, under the pretence of poetry corrupting human life, possessed by a spirit of artful sorcery for purposes of destruction, celebrating crimes in their orgies, and making human woes the materials of religious worship, were the first to entice men to idols;
nay, to build up the stupidity of the nations with blocks of wood and stone,-
that is, statues and images,-
subjecting to the yoke of extremest bondage the truly noble freedom
of those who lived as free citizens under heaven
by their songs and incantations. Technites
Both in Hebrew and Greek a BURDEN is a song which creaths spiritual anxiedy (laded burden) or the self-pleasure in Romans 15 which is a reproach (exposing one's pudenda)The singers and musicians entered only the inner court to do HARD BONDAGE helping the slaughter priests. No singer or musician or rhetorician could enter into the holy place as a type of the Church of Christ without getting executed.
i John Bannister, “The Worship of the Church,” Abilene Christian College Lectures, 1951 (Austin, TX: Firm Foundation, 1951), 146.
ii Mike Root, Empty Baskets: Offering Your Life as Worship (Joplin, MO: College Press, 2000), 33, 185.
iii Andrew E. Hill, Enter His Courts with Praise: Old Testament Worship for the New Testament Church (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993), 1-10.
iv Mike Root, Spilt Grape Juice, 48.
v See Dusty Owens, “The Worship of God,” located at . See Kenneth L. Barker, “False Dichotomies between the Testaments,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 25 (March 1982), 3-16, for an incisive refutation of this logic.
vi Hill, Enter His Courts, 11-29
vii George R. Beasley-Murray, John: Word Biblical Themes (Waco, TX: Word, 1989), 77.
viii John Goldingay, Psalms, Vol. 1: Psalms 1-41: Baker Commentary on Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2006), 579.
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