Stephen Lawson, Professor Historical, Death of God, John Mark Hicks, Theology, Lipscomb University, Ecclesiology, Kark Barth, Christian Church, Candace McQueen, Jackie Halstead, Rhonda Lowry, John York, Leonard Allen etal.
Nothing is more proof of inspiration than Luke who said that Doctors of the Law Take away the key to KNOWLEDGE. If you understand Genesis, the year 2000 as the Rubel Shelly and the Pope's Jubilee Y2K, saw a historic, sudden and quite violent, Documented Plot to RESTRUCTURE Churches of Christ. That involved hiring Conflict Resolvers to Purpose resolving CONFLICT by Turning Against the Historic AND Biblical Churches of Christ which fed their face.
Suddenly only those with the ticket to BUY AND SELL and pretend Church Councils, had repudiated the Biblical and Historical Church of Christ. It felt the need to MOCK Churches of Christ for not added so-called Instrumental Music. Bible readers know that the BEASTS are the Locusts or MUSIC GIRLS led by Apollyon the prophesied SPIRITUS of the end time.
In all of Paul's silencing everyone but the READER, women were silenced because they always believed that TRUTH BEGAN WITH THEM. Nothing could be more tragic to see women DOMINATING because no one dares question their claim to FLITTER above Holy Scripture and somehow get the truth by treading the SERPENT'S SPIRIT which they fool people by calling it a Labyringh.
Theolog-os A.one who discourses of the gods, of poets such as Hesiod and Orpheus [one of the sects silenced in Rome] Arist.Metaph.1000a9, cosmologists
“theologoi kai poiētai” [poet, singers you make yourself] of diviners and prophets,
“th. kai manties” Philol.14; hoi Delphōn th
This speaks of the Mad WOMEN of Corinth well documented.Mark.10.They.Shall.Mock.Him.With.Music
Arist.Metaph.1000a9, The school of Hesiod, and all the cosmologists, considered only what was convincing to themselves, and gave no consideration to us. For they make the first principles Gods or generated from Gods, and say that whatever did not taste of the nectar and ambrosia became mortal—clearly using these terms in a sense significant to themselves; but as regards the actual applications of these causes their statements are beyond our comprehension
Manti^s female witchcraft of Spiritual Formation. ho mantis mantin ekpraxas eme, of Apollon and Cassandra,
“ho Thrēxi m.” E.Hec.1267 (of Dionysus), That Thracian or Threskia as IMPURE religion. 2. metaph., presager, foreboder,
II. a kind of grasshopper, the praying mantis, Mantis religiosa, Theoc.10.18,
Delphoi , ōn, hoi, A.Delphi, “Delphōn es piona dēmon sacrificial meat. [Paul cast out the Delphian spirit who used music]
Delphoi , ōn, hoi, A.Delphi, “Delphōn es piona dēmon sacrificial meat. [Theolog-eō ,
A.discourse on the gods and cosmology, Arist. Metaph.983b29; “peri tinōn”c.; Dia auton ton Phaethonta [Jupiter, son of Apollon] zōogonon theologousi call him Zeus z. Antig.Mir. 10b:—Pass., ta theologoumena discourses about the gods,, Suet. Aug.94; “treis hai Moirai theologountai” Theol.Ar.16.2. refer to a divine influence, tous tokous Sch.Ptol.Tetr.103.
THEOLOGY OF THE ANGEL OF THE MOTHER GODDESS. First, hints Paul, she will have to force you to emasculate yourself to be able to serve as a priest-priestess:--zōogon-os , on,
generative, Aret.SD2.5, Orph.H.38.3; name of Apollon, AP 9.525.7; producing life, Procl.Inst.155; “theos” Jul.Or.5.175c, Dam.Pr. 267; rhoizēma ib.282; “rhathamigges
Thea with another Subst., “th. mētēr” 1.280; “theai numphai” 24.615; Pallas th. S.Ant.1184; “theoi theai te” A.Th.87(lyr.); “ma theous, ma theas” Pl.Smp.219c; “ma tous theous kai tas theas
mētēr , Dor. matēr , hē: “Gallai mētros oreiēs philothursoi dromades”
gallazō , A.practise cult of Cybele
Mētēr, = Dēmētēr, tē Mētri kai tē Kourē hortēn agousi Hdt.8.65; also of Rhea,
Pi.N.5.6; Aphrodite of the Loves, Id.Fr.122.4; phatis ō mater aiskhunas emas, of a rumour,
b. applied to souls seeking birth, Porph.Antr.18 ; cf. numpheuō.
II. Nymph or goddess of lower rank, “theai Numphai”
N. “kourai Dios aigiokhoio” Od.6.105 ; Adruades, Hamadruades, Druades
Trumpet, drums, flute, cymbals and castinets with buffoons
Psallo permits ONLY smiting a string with your FINGERS: not a plectrum
Psallo and SOP have the same root meaning.
Revelation 18F: they are all called Sorcerers who HAD once deceived the whole world.
CONTINGENT THEOLOGY means that Stephen Lawson, John York, Keith Stanglin etal deny that God is omniscient or omnipotent, nor that He put His WORD into the MOUTH of Moses, Elijah and the MAN Jesus of Nazareth for the last time.
TRUTH means what Keith Stanglin and all theologians CO-INSPIRE for the ME TIME because the Almighty could not possibly know what a Phd at Lipscomb could provide--for a price.
The Clear Prophecy and Time is defined for the APOLLYON and the Locusts (muses) Dispensation in Revelation 17-18. Because a Disciple of Christ "continues in my word" they will know that the BEAST or Therion identifies A New Style of Worship by the Muses and Satyric or gender-confused drama.
Stephen Lawson andJOHN MARK HICKS: Irenaeus knew that everyone reads the text
against the background of a hypothesis, which norms what the text
can mean or gives boundaries to the meaning of a text.
This is Scripture’s sacramental function within the liturgical life of the church.
This quite literally in published documents that neither Father nor Son could inspire people to document His mind or spirit. Stephen Lawson denies that God could not foresee OUR culture and wishes. Therefore, His documents are CONTINGENT which means that God had lost the right to inform His creatures by the time the document arrived at another location.
The REAL Irenaeus.Demonstration.of.Apostolic.Preaching.html
But, since at this present time we are parted from one another in the body, yet according to our power
we will not fail to speak with you a little by writing,
and to show forth in brief the preaching of the truth for the confirmation of your faith.2
We send you as it were a MANUEL of essentials,3 that by little you may attain to much,
For one is the way leading upwards for all who see,
learning in short space all the members of the body of the truth,
and receiving in brief the |70 demonstration of the things of God.
So shall it be fruitful to your own salvation, and you shall put to shame all who inculcate falsehood,
and bring with all confidence our sound and pure teaching to everyone who desires to understand it.
lightened with heavenly light:
but many and dark and contrary are the ways of them that see not.
2. Now, since man is a living being compounded of soul and flesh, he must needs exist by both of these: and, whereas from both of them offences come, purity of the flesh is the restraining abstinence from all shameful things and all unrighteous deeds,
This way leads to the kingdom of heaven, uniting man to God:
but those ways bring down to death, separating man from God.
Wherefore it is needful for you and for all who care for their own salvation
to make your course unswerving, firm and sure by means of faith,
that you falter not, nor be retarded and detained in material desires,
nor turn aside and wander from the right.
and purity of the soul is the KEEPING FAITH towards God entire,
neither adding thereto nor diminishing therefrom.
For godliness is obscured and dulled by the soiling and the staining of the flesh, and is broken and polluted and no more entire, if falsehood enter into the soul: but it will keep itself in its. beauty and its measure, when truth is constant in the soul4 and purity in the flesh.
98. This, beloved, is the preaching of the truth,
and this is the manner of our redemption, and this is the way of life,
which the prophets proclaimed,
and Christ established,
and the apostles delivered,
and the Church in all the world hands on to her children.
This must we keep with all certainty, with a sound will and pleasing to God,
with good works and right-willed disposition.
3. Now, that we may not suffer ought of this kind, we must needs hold
the RULE OF THE FAITH without deviation,7
and DO the commandments of God,
believing in God and fearing Him as Lord and loving Him as Father.
99. So that none should imagine God the Father to be other than our Creator, as the heretics imagine;
(for) they despise the God who is, and make gods of that which is not;
and they fashion a Father of their own above our Creator,
and imagine that they have found out for themselves
something greater than the truth. For all these are impious and blasphemers against their Creator
and against the Father, as we have shown in the Exposure and Overthrow of Knowledge falsely so-called.
And others again reject the coming of the Son of God and the dispensation of His incarnation,
which the apostles delivered and the prophets declared beforehand,
even such as should be the summing up of mankind, as we have shown you in brief:
and such also are reckoned amongst those who are lacking in faith.
And others receive not the gifts of the Holy Spirit,
and cast away from |151 themselves the prophetic grace,
watered whereby man bears the fruit of life unto God:
and these are they of whom Isaiah speaks:
The demonstrated fact in posted rebuttals beginning in 1997, is that the New Hermeneutic or various forms of Theology have the purpose of rejecting each and every faith or practice by the Historical Church of Christ. Their new PATTERN is forced to deny that all of the clear SCRIPTURAL PRACTICES, recorded and belieived for 2,000 years have SUDDENLY proven that Holy Spirit which means that "God puts His WORD into the MOUTH of Moses, Elijah and the MAN Jesus for the LAST TIME."
BOASTING OF TEACHING YOUR YOUTH TO LEAVE THEIR MOVEMENT FOR TEN YEARS (Rick Atchley) the Machavelli plot was to intimidate everyone for DARING to question anyone who claims that THEIR teaching came by visions (Lucado) or hearing audible voices (Rick Atchley right there in the pulpit).
"Perhaps the most startling conclusion that Brueggemann arrives at from this construct is
that we cannot help but interpret the biblical texts so that our own "good" morality
is in agreement with what the authors of the texts appear to be saying.Peter outlaws "private interpretation" or further expounding because that would repudiate the signs and wonders of Jesus left in writing for OUT memory.Keith.Stanglin.Private.Interpretation.Rejects.The.Holy.Spirit.html
Stephen Lawson Joins JOHN MARK HICKS: Given God’s history with God’s people
and given the confession of the Rule of Faith
and its practice within the church,
Stephen Lawson Joins JOHN MARK HICKS:
"The TEXT itself gives RISE to meaning BEYOND the HUMAN author’s INTENT.
The church HEARS the WORD of God,
understands its depth and profundity,
and PERFORMS it LITURGICALLY and ethically.
Scribes would be at any place or public event. They were journalists. They had copiests make copies of an public speech and sell them before the crowd dispersed. Any copy could be a lectio-Divina or the "oracles of God" Whose Spirit enabled the Man Jesus:
John 8:26 I have many things to say and to judge of you:
but he that sent me is true;
and I SPEAK to the world those things
which I have HEARD of him.
John 8:27 They understood not that he SPAKE to them of the Father.
John 8:28 Then said Jesus unto them,
When ye have lifted up the Son of man,
then shall ye know that I am he,
and that I do nothing of myself;
but as my Father hath taught me,
I SPEAK these things.
John 8:29 And he that sent me is with me:
the Father hath not left me alone;
for I DO always those things that PLEASE him.
John 8:30 As he SPAKE these WORDS, many believed on him.
John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
IF ye continue in my WORD, THEN are ye my disciples indeed;John 8:37 I know that ye are Abraham’s seed;John Mark Hicks explaining Keith Stanglin:
but ye seek to kill me, because my WORD hath NO place in you.
John 8:38 I SPEAK that which I have SEEN with my Father:
and ye DO that which ye have seen with your father. [Of the Devil is DNA, Dust, Aborigines]
THE SONS OF THE DEVIL SPEAK ON THEIR OWN AND DO which includes rhetoric, singing, playing an instrument, acting or anything beyond FALLIN ON YOUR FACE and listen to the WORD.
John 6:62 What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?
John 6:63 It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing:
the WORDS that I SPEAK unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE.
Theological hermeneutics, then, is where ecclesially-formed,
believing readers co-create meaning with the text
(1) within liturgical life of the church,
Hermeneutics in Greek permits ONLY translation or explanation of something: it never gives a Christian the right to lie about the Word. Hermeneutics after Hermes the pagan LOGOS as a GOD. As antithesis God used LOGOS to mean His Regulative and Governing principle
(2) in the confidence of the sacramental function of Scripture,
(3) the transformative presence of the Holy Spirit.
Hermēs; Dor. Hermas). The son of Zeus and of the Naiad Maia, daughter of Atlas. Immediately after his birth upon the Arcadian mountain of Cyllené, he gave proof of his chief characteristics—inventiveness and versatility, united with fascination, trickery, and cunning. Born in the morning, by mid-day he had invented the lyre; in the evening he stole fifty head of cattle from his brother Apollon, which he hid so skilfully in a cave that they could not be found. After these exploits he lay down quietly in his cradle.
Apollo undlerstood that he had been lied to: Hermes gave APOLLO or APOLLYON the Lyre and Apollo gave Hermes a flute. Apollyon always carried his BOW and his LYRE. He seduced both male and female with his lyre to shoot Love Arrows. When anyone refused Apollyon's advance he plucked the bow string (psallo) to make it twang to send forth a singing arrow into the literal heart.
Stephen Lawson Joins JOHN MARK HICKS: Given God’s history with God’s people
and given the confession of the RULE OF FAITH
and its practice within the church,
"The TEXT itself gives RISE to meaning BEYOND the HUMAN author’s INTENT.
The church HEARS the WORD of God,
understands its depth and profundity,
and PERFORMS it LITURGICALLY and ethically.
"From the prophet even unto the priest, every one dealeth falsely." Again, "The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them," (Jer. 6: 13; 14: 14.)
And not to be prolix with quotations, read the whole of his thirty-third and fortieth chapters. Then, on the other hand, Ezekiel inveighs against them in no milder terms.
"There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls."
"Her priests have violated my law, and profaned mine holy things," (Ezek. 22: 25, 26.) There is more to the same purpose. Similar complaints abound throughout the prophets; nothing is of more frequent recurrence.
The REAL Irenaeus.The.Rule.of.Faith.html1. The temper and error of the Libertines, who take to themselves the name of spiritual, briefly described. Their refutation.
(a). The Apostles and all true Christians have embraced the written Word. This confirmed by a passage in Isaiah; also by the example and words of Paul.
(b). The Spirit OF Christ seals the doctrine of the written Word on the minds of the godly.(2) Refutation continued.
a) The impositions of Satan cannot be detected without the aid of the written Word. First Objection. The Answer to it.
3. Second Objection from the words of Paul as to the letter and spirit. The Answer, with an explanation of Paul's meaning. How the Spirit and the written Word are indissolubly connected.
1.The fanatics wrongly appeal to the Holy Spirit
Those who, rejecting Scripture, imagine that they have some peculiar way of penetrating to God, are to be deemed not so much under the influence of error as madness. For certain giddy men have lately appeared, who, while they make a great display of the superiority of the Spirit,
3. Now, that we may not suffer ought of this kind, we must needs hold
Now this doing is produced |72 by faith: for Isaiah says:
the RULE OF FAITH without deviation
and do the commandments of God,
believing in God and fearing Him as Lord and loving Him as Father.
If ye believe not, neither shall ye understand.
Since then faith is the perpetuation of our salvation,
we must needs bestow much pains on the maintenance thereof,
in order that we may have a true comprehension of the things that are.
Now faith occasions this for us; even as
the Elders, the disciples of the Apostles, have handed down to us.
First of all it bids us bear in mind that we have received baptism for the remission of sins, in the name of God the Father, and in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was incarnate and died and rose again, and in the Holy Spirit of God. And that this baptism is the seal of eternal life, and is the new birth unto God,
that we should no longer be the sons of mortal men,
but of the eternal and perpetual God;
and that what is everlasting and continuing is made God; and is over all things that are made,
and all things are put under Him; and all the things that are put under Him are made His own;
for God is not ruler and Lord over the things of another,
but over His own; and all things are God's;
and therefore God is Almighty, and all things are of God.
5. Thus then there is shown forth 14 One God, the Father, not made, invisible, creator of all things; above whom there is no other God, and after whom there is no other God.15
And, since God is rational, |74 therefore by (the) Word He created the things that were made;16
and God IS Spirit, and by (the) Spirit He adorned all things: as also the prophet says:
By the WORD of the Lord were the heavens established, and by his spirit all their power.17 Since then the WORD establishes, that is to say, gives body 18 and grants the reality of being, and the Spirit gives order and form to the diversity of the powers;
rightly and fittingly is the WORD called the Son,
and the Spirit the Wisdom of God. Well also does Paul His apostle say:
One God, the Father, who is over all and through all and in us all.19 For over all is the Father; and through all is the Son, for through Him all things were made by the Father; and in us all is the Spirit, who cries Abba Father,20 and fashions man into the likeness of God.4
Now the Spirit shows forth the Word,
and therefore the prophets announced the Son of God;
and the Word utters the Spirit,
and therefore is Himself the announcer of the prophets,
and leads and draws man to the Father.
The REAL Tertullian.The.Prescriptions.Against.Heretics.html
Chapter XIII.-Summary of the Creed, or RULE OF FAITH without No Questions Ever Raised About It by Believers. Heretics Encourage and Perpetuate Thought Independent of Christ's Teaching.
Now, with regard to this RULE OF FAITH without-that we may from this point 145 acknowledge what it is which we defend-it is,
you must know, that which prescribes
the belief that there is one only God,
and that He is none other than the Creator of the world,
Who produced all things out of nothing through His own Word, first of all sent forth; 146
that this Word is called His Son,
and, under the name of God,
was seen "in diverse manners" by the patriarchs,
heard at all times in the prophets,
at last brought down by the Spirit and Power of the Father into the Virgin Mary,
was made flesh in her womb, and, being born of her,
went forth as Jesus Christ; thenceforthChapter XIX. Appeal, in Discussion of Heresy, Lies Not to the Scriptures. The Scriptures Belong Only to Those Who Have the RULE OF FAITH without
With whom lies that very faith to which the Scriptures belong. 200
From what and through whom, and when, and to whom,
has been handed down that rule, 201
by which men become Christians?
Chapter XX.-Christ First Delivered the Faith. The Apostles Spread It; They Founded Churches as the Depositories Thereof. That Faith, Therefore, is Apostolic, Which Descended from the Apostles, Through Apostolic Churches.
Christ Jesus our Lord (may He bear with me a moment in thus expressing myself!),
whosoever He is, of what God soever He is the Son,
of what substance soever He is man and God, [John 10 reference to Eloyhim, not JEHOVAH]
of what faith soever He is the, teacher,
of what reward soever He is the Promiser, did, whilst He lived on earth,
Himself declare what He was, what He had been,
what the Father's will was which He was administering,
what the duty of man was which He was prescribing; (and this declaration He made, )
either openly to the people, or privately to His disciples,
of whom He had chosen the twelve chief ones to be at His side, 202
and whom He destined to be the teachers of the nations.Chapter XXI.-All Doctrine True Which Comes Through the Church from the Apostles,
Who Were Taught by God Through Christ.
All Opinion Which Has No Such Divine Origin and Apostolic Tradition to Show, is Ipso Facto False.From this, therefore, do we draw up our RULE. Since the Lord Jesus Christ sent the apostles to preach, (our rule is) that no others ought to be received as preachers than those whom Christ appointed; for "no man knoweth the Father save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him
Chapter XXII.-Attempt to Invalidate This RULE OF FAITH without Rebutted. The Apostles Safe Transmitters of the Truth. Sufficiently Taught at First, and Faithful in the Transmission.
Prescription, Chap. I., p. 243, supra.
In a word, it means, "the RULE OF FAITH without asserted against Heresies."
And his practical point is, it is useless to discuss Scripture
with convicted (Titus 3:10, 11.) heretics;
every one of them is ready with "his psalm, his doctrine, his interpretation,"
and you may argue fruitlessly till Doomsday.
But bring them to the test of (Quod Semper, etc.), the apostolic prescription (1 Corinthians 11:16).-
We have no such custom neither the Churches of God.
State this RULE OF FAITH without, viz. Holy Scripture, as interpreted from the apostolic day: if it proves the doctrine or custom a novelty, then it has no foundation, and even if it be harmless, it cannot be innocently professed against the order and peace of the churches.STEPHEN LAWSON AS PROOF THAT YOU CANNOT READ BLACK TEXT ON BROWN PAPER.
Stephen with all of the End-Time Theologians ACCUSE God and His Spirit and Holy Scripture LIARS. Plato or Heredotus or even Adolph Hitler are able to document their views and no one takes the Parasite Trail intimidating the fleeced that they need a Degree From a university to understand the objective statements of Machivelli. How is it that SCRIPTURE brings on so much quite violent acts to convince everyone that the Holy Almighty of the University cannot deliver His Spirit or Mind or Teaching on a page of parchment?
My mother gave me a memory verse for a Card Class: I still remember it. I just looked it up and it hasn't changed, as claimed, by Evolution and the "Heisenberg uncertainty principle."
Prov. 16:16 How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!
It continues to prove that the WAY is God's Way which can be found by a very NARROW BUNCH.
Prov. 16:17 The HIGHWAY of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.
This road is the Theologian's hated PATTERN: The Road, The Pattern, The Method, for the Christian WAY that is called a SECT.
h4546 A. In gen., a way, method, mode, manner, fashion, etc., of doing any thing, course , the right way, the true method, mode, or manner ratione docentur et viā, primum constituendum est, quid quidque sit, etc.,” rationally and methodically
docentur I.to teach, instruct, inform, show, tell, etc. (for syn. cf.: edoceo, perdoceo, erudio, praecipio, instituo).
TO: With the access. idea of preparation, to set up, erect, establish, found, build, construct, prepare, make, create, constitute (class. and very freq.).
C. With the access. idea of ordering, contriving, to establish, fix, appoint, settle, order, manage; to confirm, regulate, arrange, dispose.Stephen Lawson: “The past accompanies the present always,
even when it is repudiated,
and what we reject determines what we affirm.” –David Bentley Hart1John Calvin called for the Restoration of the Church of Christ. He was aware that HISTORY had allowed heretics ADD to the Word of God. The Campbells were so educated that they would not talk with a modern Doctor of the law. The call for RESTORATION proves that they knew of errors IMPOSED by men.
AS 100% of the time, no one quotes the REAL history. STEPHEN LAWSON proof text for rejecting Holy Scripture.
Christ and Nothing, David Bentley Hart
But we—while not ignoring how appalling such a condition is—
should yet rejoice that modernity offers no religious comforts
to those who would seek them.
In this time of waiting, in this age marked only by the absence of faith in Christ,
it is well that the modern soul should lack repose, piety, peace, or nobility,
and should find the world outside the Church
barren of spiritual rapture or mystery,
and should discover no beautiful or terrible or merciful gods
upon which to cast itself.
With Christ came judgment into the world,
a LIGHT of discrimination
from which there is neither retreat nor sanctuary
And this means that, as a quite concrete historical condition,
the only choice that remains
for the children of post-Christian culture
is not whom to serve,
but whether to serve Him whom Christ has revealed
or to serve nothing—the nothing.
No third way lies open for us now, because—as all of us now know,
whether we acknowledge it consciously or not—
all things have been made subject to Him,
all the thrones and dominions of the high places
have been put beneath His feet,
Stephen Lawson That call by its nature is ahistorical;
it discounts the development and transmission of Christian
BELIEF and practice through CONTINGENT events and personalities
across the centuries
In Scripture Instrumental Sounds in the face of a holy God is ALWAYS the sign.
Of hypocritess (Isaiah 29; Ezekiel 33) of Hired speakers who neither Teaches nor listerners intend to obey. The marks are also of talented singers and players of instruments.
The mark is also of BURNING.
Walter Brueggemann: “those of us who think critically
do not believe that the Old Testament
was talking about Jesus,
and yet we make the linkages
DENYING MESSIANIC PROPHECY AND THE CLAIMS OF JESUS. Texts traditionally understood as prophetic and messianic he generally interprets as "Christian imagination" or "rereadings": for example, the "great light" promised in 9:2 is simply "relief from oppression" not predictive.
John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them,
saying, I am the LIGHT of the world:
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,
but shall have the light of life.
John 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
John 12:46 I am come a light into the world,
that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
1Pet. 1:10 Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently,
who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:
1Pet. 1:11 Searching what, or what manner of time
the SPIRIT of Christ which was in them did signify,
when IT testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ,
and the glory that should follow.
The Holy Spirit OF Go denied that ANY MAN or WOMAN at Lipscomb University had the ability to MAKE DECISIONS FOR HIM.
Is. 59:16 And he saw that there was no man,
and wondered that there was no intercessor:
therefore his arm brought salvation unto him;
and his righteousness, it sustained him.
Is. 59:17 For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke.
Is. 59:18 According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence.
Is. 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.
Is. 59:20 And the Redeemer shall come to Zion,
and unto them that TURN from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD.
Is. 59:21 As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD;
My SPIRIT that is upon thee,
and my WORDS which I have put in thy MOUTH,
shall not depart out of thy MOUTH,
nor out of the MOUTH of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed,
saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.
But Lipscomb Theologians go well beyond redemption by saying that God Almighty did not have in mind and was capable of delivering His MIND or SPIRIT and repudiating ALL other religions.
Their "god" could not have known that A spirit would cause people to sow massive discord, lie, cheat and steal, because the YOUNG PEOPLE GET BORED BY SCRIPTURE. Bless their heart, God knew that only the Lost Spirits or called Sons FROM God desired and DARED Speak the WORD to be despised by the WORLD. The WORLD or Kosmos is defined as the ECUMENICAL or the Kingdom of Satan making war against the Kingdom of God. Scripture and Strabo knew that the LAWS govering them was SOPHIA devoted to musical performance and pederasty (common to all historical religions).
Creation and Contingency
Contingency is a term that occurs in philosophical discourse as well as in theology in a number of contexts and with a number of meanings. In its modern sense the English term contingency refers to events, processes, or properties that may occur, but are not certain to occur; or that have, but might not have, occurred,
because they depend on factors beyond our knowledge...
A consequence of the latter view seems to be that God cannot have sufficient fore-knowledge with regard to the process of creation so that God’s omniscience and omnipotence seem in danger. On the other hand, the option of total predestination faces the problem that in its view the Creator seems to be responsible for everything, including all evil.
contingency: a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.a detailed contract that attempts to provide for all possible contingenciesIn philosophy and logic, contingency is the status of propositions that are neither true under every possible valuation (i.e. tautologies) nor false under every possible valuation (i.e. contradictions). A contingent proposition is neither necessarily true nor necessarily false.
HOWEVER The relationship of the Creator to His creation is not like that of an artist to His work.
The created order would disintegrate and vanish upon the withdrawal of the Divine presence.
"In Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
"In Him all things hold together" (Col. 1:17).
"He upholds all things by the WORD of His power" (Hebrews 1:3).
Creation would not exist autonomously and independently from God, apart from His sustaining providence, maintaining power and sovereign control. This is known as the "general immanence" of God in His creation. The "particular immanence" of God in His creation is the indwelling of Christ in the Christian.
Science seems to be at the forefront of explaining the "relatedness" and "relativity" of the created order upon God. Religion, on the other hand, is running in circles trying to be socially "relevant" to the world.
Rather than trying to relate the ecclesiastical institution and its practices to the fallen world,
Christians should be at the forefront of interpreting the newest scientific observations
of how God in Jesus Christ relates to everything in the world,
and all the world is contingent and dependent upon God. More specifically Christian theology must consistently explain the contingent relation of the Christian "new creature" upon Christ for all Christian living.
The Stone-Campbell Movement LIE was created by Leroy Garrett after the final Sectarian Movement by more Conservative Christian Churches:
1. Churches of Christ were never part of a Stone or any human movement.
2. In 1906 Churches of Christ denied that they were property of the Disciples-Christian denomination.
3. The NACC denomination was founded in 1927 after failing to lie, cheat and steal Churches of Christ.
4. In 1968 the RESTRUCTURE of the Disciples of Christ caused the Christian Churches to become a seperate sect.
5. In 1971 the Disciples removed the NACC from their body count.
6. Leroy Garret, Thomas Olbricht and others were all primed to introduce a New Hermeneutic with the single purpose of Infiltrating and Diverting congregations and universities to the prophesied BABYLON MOTHER OF HARLOTS movement.
STONE-CAMPBELL MOVEMENT has no connection to Churches of Christ Stephen Lawson is hired to DESTROY. This was the PATTERN of the NACC or the Christian Churches Denomination.
Barton W. Stone and the Disciples of Christ
J. F. Burnett in 1921 denies that Barton W. Stone joined the Disciples of Christ.Churches of Christ do not IMPOSE human imagination by men who explicitly REPUDIATE God the Father and Jesus into whose MOUTH God put His WORD. They deny Jesus as a plagiaristic for claiming that Holy Scripture is the "Prophecies Concerning Me."
Stephen Lawson In his denunciation of the importing of Greek philosophical concepts into Christian theological reflection, the early Latin Christian writer Tertullian famously quipped,
“What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?”
The title I have taken for this article is likely to elicit an analogous question from readers:
What has historical theology to do with the Stone-Campbell Movement?
In a word, it means, "the RULE OF FAITH asserted against Heresies." And his practical point is, it is useless to discuss Scripture with convicted (Titus 3:10, 11.) heretics; every one of them is ready with "his psalm, his doctrine, his interpretation," and you may argue fruitlessly till Doomsday. But bring them to the test of (Quod Semper, etc.), the apostolic prµscription (1 Corinthians 11:16).-We have no such custom neither the Churches of God. State this RULE OF FAITH,
viz. Holy Scripture, as interpreted from the apostolic day:
if it proves the doctrine or custom a novelty, then it has no foundation,
and even if it be harmless, it cannot be innocently professed
against the order and peace of the churches.These are "the doctrines" of men and "of demons"
produced for itching ears of the spirit of this world's wisdom:
this the Lord called "foolishness," and "chose the foolish things of the world"
to confound even philosophy itself.
For (philosophy) it is which is the material of the world's wisdom,
the rash interpreter of the nature and the dispensation of God.
Indeed heresies are themselves instigated by philosophy.
"See that no one beguile you through philosophy and vain deceit,
after the tradition of men,
and contrary to the wisdom of the Holy Ghost." 77
He [Paul] had been at Athens,
and had in his interviews (with its philosophers)
become acquainted with that human wisdom
which pretends to know the truth,
whilst it only corrupts it,
and is itself divided into its own manifold heresies,
by the variety of its mutually repugnant sects.
God HIDES from the Wise or Sophists.
Plat. Laws 908d For whereas the one class will be quite frank in its language about the gods and about sacrifices and oaths, and by ridiculing other people will probably convert others to its views, unless it meets with punishment,
the other class, while holding the same opinions as the former,
yet being specially “gifted by nature'' and being full of craft and guile,
is the class out of which are manufactured many diviners and experts in all manner of jugglery;
and from it, too, there spring sometimes tyrants and demagogues and generals, and those who plot by means of peculiar mystic rites of their own, and the devices of those who are called “sophists.” Of these there may be many kinds;
Sophis-tēs , ou, ho, A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, “meletan sophistais prosbalon” Pi.I.5(4).28, cf. Cratin.2; of musicians,
of poets, “meletan sophistais prosbalon” Pi.I.5(4).28,
of musicians, “sophistēs . . parapaiōn khelun”
with modal words added, “hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn”
Epōdē , Ion. and poet. epa^oidē , hē,A. song sung to or over: hence, enchantment, [burden] spell, “epaoidē d' haima..eskhethon” Od.19.457, cf. Pi.P.4.217 ; “ou pros iatrou sophou thrēnein epōdas pros tomōnti pēmati” S.Aj. 582 ; of the Magi, Hdt.1.132 ; “meliglōssois peithous epaoidaisin” A.Pr. 174, cf. S.OC1194 ; “epōdas epadein” X.Mem.2.6.10 sq.; “epōdais haliskesthai” Anaxandr.33.13; “oute pharmaka..oud' au epōdai” Pl.R. 426b ; thusiai kai e. ib.364b ; “tas thusias kai teletas kai tas e.” Id.Smp.202e, etc.: c. gen. obj., charm for or against.., “toutōn epōdas ouk epoiēsen patēr” A.Eu.649.II.apptly., = epōdos 11,
Stephen Lawson What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem?
What concord is there between the Academy and the Church?
what between heretics and ChristianThe REAL Tertullian: Our instruction comes from "the porch of Solomon," 78 who had himself taught that "the Lord should be sought in simplicity of heart." 79 Away with 80 all attempts to produce a mottled Christianity of Stoic, Platonic, and dialectic composition! We want no curious disputation after possessing Christ Jesus, no inquisition after enjoying the gospel! With our faith, we desire no further belief. For this isour palmary faith, that there is nothing which we ought to believe besides.
Chapter VIII.-Christ's Word, Seek, and Ye Shall Find, No Warrant for Heretical Deviations from the Faith. All Christ's Words to the Jews are for Us, Not Indeed as Specific Commands, But as Principles to Be Applied
ANSWER: The Stone-Only Movement as perverted IS HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. Unfortunally and a Burnable Offense. Neither Barton Stone, Alexander Campbell or any enlightened reformer would dare accuse God of ignorant or unable to comprehend the hallucinations of THEOLOGY which is a word marking APOLLYON and his adulterous Locusts or his guiding SPIRITUS and Worship Team. Jude PROPHESIED but APOLLYON caused it:
Jude 3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation,Jeanene.Reese.LGBT.MUST.be.Included.html
it was needful for me to write unto you,
and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for THE FAITH
which was once delivered unto the saints.
Jude 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares,
who were before of old ordained to this condemnation,
ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,
and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. [Trinitarians]
Jude 5 I will therefore put you in remembrance,
though ye once knew this, how that the Lord,
having saved the people out of the land of Egypt,
afterward destroyed them that believed not.
Jude 6 And the angels which kept not their first estate,
but left their own habitation,
he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness
unto the judgment of the great day.
Jude 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha,
and the cities about them in like manner,
giving themselves over to fornication,
and going after strange flesh,
are set forth for an example,
suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
Jude 16 These are murmurers, complainers [blaming Fate], walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having mens persons in admiration because of advantage.
1113. goggustes, gong-goos-tace´; from 1111; a grumbler: — murmurer.
1114. goes, go´-ace; from goa¿w goao (to wail); properly, a wizard (as muttering spells), i.e. (by implication) an imposter: — seducer.goês A. sorcerer, wizard, Phoronis 2, Hdt.2.33,4.105, Pl.R. 380d, Phld.Ir.p.29 W.; g. epôidos Ludias apo chthonos E.Ba.234 , cf. Hipp.1038; prob. f.l. for boêisiHdt.7.191.
Epôidos [epaidô]I.singing to or over: as Subst. an enchanter, Eur.: c. gen. acting as a charm for or against, Aesch., Plat. 2. pass. sung or said after, morphês epôidonc alled after this form,
II. in metre, epôidos, ho, a verse or passage returning at intervals, a chorus, burden, refrain, as in Theocr.
E.Ba.234 Euripides, Bacchae Pentheus
-Mania (A), Ion. -iê, hê, ( [mainomai] ) madness, Hdt.6.112, Hp.Aph. 7.5, S.Ant.958 (lyr.), etc.; pollên katagnônai m. tinôn Isoc.4.133 ; mechri manias hê sphodra hêdonê katechousa Pl.Phlb.45e ; maniê nousos Hdt.6.75 : freq. in pl., Lex Solonis ap.D.46.14, Thgn.1231, A.Pr. 879, 1057 (both anap.), et
Paul outlawed SELF-pleasure which is hedonistic in order to conduct the church, ekklesia or school of the Bible. Jesus died to put down the burden LADERS and laden burden which is 'creating spiritual anxiety through religious rituals."II. enthusiasm, inspired frenzy, m. Dionusou para E.Ba.305 ; apo Mousôn katokôchê te kai m. Pl.Phdr. 245a; theia m., opposite anthrôpinê, ib.256b, cf. Prt.323b, X. Mem.1.1.16; tês philosophou m. te kai bakcheias Pl.Smp.218b .
[215] I happened to be at a distance from this land, when I heard of strange evils throughout this city, that the women have left our homes in contrived Bacchic rites, and rush about in the shadowy mountains, honoring with dances[220] this new deity Dionysus, whoever he is. I hear that mixing-bowls stand full in the midst of their assemblies, and that they each creep off different ways into secrecy to serve the beds of men, on the pretext that they are Maenads worshipping;[225] but they consider Aphrodite before Bacchus.2. juggler, cheat, deinos g. kai pharmakeus kai sophistês Pl.Smp.203d ; deinonkai g. kai sophistên . . onomazôn D.18.276 ; apistos g. ponêrosId.19.109 ; magoskai g. Aeschin.3.137 : Comp. goêtoteros Ach.Tat.6.7 (s. v. l.). (Cf. Lith. žavēti 'incantare'.)
Jude 17 But, beloved, remember ye the words
which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Jude 18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time,
who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
Jude 19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
To be sure, the clarion call of the founders of the Stone-Campbell Movement2
to “restore” the NT church was a call to overcome historical contingency,
HAD the founder of the Christian faith been defective in wisdom or benevolence,
then his authority, his testimony, and his commandments,
might be canvassed with as little ceremony as the discoveries and maxims
of our compeers and contemporaries
then his religion might be improved,
or reformed, or better adapted to existing circumstances.
But as all christians admit that he foresaw and anticipated
all the events and revolutions in human history,
and that the present state of things was as present to his mind
as the circumstances that encompassed him in Judea,
or in the judgment hall of Caiaphas;
that he had wisdom and understanding perfectly adequate to institute,
arrange, and adapt a system of things,
suitable to all exigencies and emergencies of men and things,
and that his philanthropy was not only unparalleled in the annals of the world,
but absolutely perfect, and necessarily leading to,
and resulting in, that institution of religion
which was most beneficial to man in the present and future world.
I say all these things being generally,
if not universally agreed upon by all christians,
then it follows, by the plainest and most certain consequence,
that the institution of which he is the author and founder,
can never be improved or reformed.
The lives or conduct of his disciples may be reformed, but his religion cannot.
The religion of Rome, or of England, or of Scotland may be reformed, but the religion of Jesus Christ never can. When we have found ourselves out of the way we may seek for the ancient paths, but we are not at liberty to invent paths for our own feet. We should return to the Lord.
But the abstract and metaphysical dogmas of the best creeds now extant, are the most difficult of apprehension and comprehension.
Dogma Sample 5. "Although in relation to the knowledge and decree of God, the first cause,
all things come to pass immutably and infallibly;
yet, by the same providence, he orders them to fall out
according to the nature of second causes,
either necessarily, freely, or contingently."Stephen Lawson means that Holy Scripture must be interpreted by THEM based on the need of the moment. Of course that Blasphemes God.
Stephen Lawson Campbell: essentially bypassing centuries of theological and ecclesial development
in order to encounter the pristine church
before it was besmirched in its historical development.
That's false and foolish: All Restoration was to the Gospel OF the kingdom or the Church of Christ. There is no example of men using the congregations of that time. The Holy Scriptures based on ALL Church Fathers is delivered "once for all." The succession of Bishops meant that new Bishops were given the task of not letting any thing slip into the widely-distributed documents.
Not even the Pople CHANGES Scripture: He simply gives himsellf the authority to do a LAWSON sidestep.
There is no historical Scholar who was so reckless as to deny the Apostles and Propphets as the foundation of a religious organizati.
Clement of Alexandria c. ad 190
Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God; that is, what you are commanded to do by the rule of faith (Miscellanies IV:15)
All things are right," says the Scripture, "to those who understand." That is, those who receive and observe, according to the rule of the Church, the exposition of the Scripture explained by [Christ]. And the rule of the Church is is the concord and harmony of the Law and the Prophets in the covenant delivered at the coming of the Lord. (Miscellanies VI:15)
Further, Isaiah the prophet is ordered to take a new book and write in it certain things. The Spirit of God was prophesying that through the Scriptures there would later come the sacred knowledge, which was at that time still unwritten, because it was not yet known. For it was spoken in the beginning only to those who understand. Now it has been handed down to us that the Saviour taught the apostles the unwritten rendering of the written Scriptures, inscribed by the power of God on new hearts, as the new book indicates. (Miscellanies VI:15)
Stephen Lawson: In Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address, he wrote that “Nothing ought to be received into the faith or worship of the Church [omitted motive] that is not as old as the New Testament.”
Much less has any [16] human authority power to IMPOSE new commands or ordinances upon the Church, which our Lord Jesus Christ has not enjoined.
Nothing ought to be received into the faith or worship of the Church,
or be made a term of communion among Christians,
that is not as old as the New Testament.
That the fact should be acknowledged and lamented, that VERY MUCH IS WANTING TO BRING THE CHRISTIANITY AND THE CHURCH OF THE PRESENT DAY UP TO THE NEW TESTAMENT STANDARD amongst a people so intelligent, so respectable in numbers, and so influential, as the Baptist society in Kentucky; and that leaders of that community, so erudite, so pious, and so influential, should call upon their brethren to lay these things to heart, and to prepare themselves to make an effort towards reform, we hail as a most auspicious event.
The New Testament is a COVENANT and A Last Will and Testament. The confirmation by Jesus was to MAKE MORE PERFECT what He defined as Holy Scripture the PROPHETS and PROPHECIES Concerning Me. No one would be so DEPRAVED that they would attempt to CHANGE the Will of a beloved relative.
Those reformers are not most deserving of our thanks who stand highest and most celebrated in the annals of reformations. We owe more to John Wickliffe than to Martin Luther, and more, perhaps, to Peter Bruys than to John Calvin
The reformations most celebrated in the world are those which have departed the least from the systems they professed to reform.--Hence, we have been often told that there is but a paper wall between England and Rome.
The church of England, with king Henry or George IV. as her head,
The reformation of the church of England, effected by Mr. Wesley,
though a celebrated reformation,
has made but a few and very short strides from her mother,
the church of Rome, with the pope at her head.
So sensible of this are the good members of the reformed church of England, that they yet give to their king the title of "Defender of the Faith," although the title was first given him by the pope for defending his faith.
which issued in Episcopal Methodism,
has entailed the same clerical dominion over that zealous people,
which their forefathers complained of in the hierarchies of England and Rome.
And not in England only does this dominion exist, but even in these United States, of all regions of the earth the most unfriendly to a religious monarchy, or even a religious oligarchy.
A restoration of the ancient order of things
is all that is necessary to the happiness and usefulness of christians.
No attempt "to reform the doctrine, discipline and government of the church,"
(a phrase too long in use,) can promise a better result than those
which have been attempted and languished to death.THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DECLARATION AND ADDRESS
Most Churches of Christ are based on Directt evidence in the PROPHETS and recorded by the APOSTLES.
2. That although the Church of Christ upon earth must necessarily exist in particular and distinct societies, locally separate one from another, yet there ought to be no schisms, no uncharitable divisions among them. They ought to receive each other as Christ Jesus hath also received them, to the glory of God. And for this purpose they ought all to walk by the same rule, to mind and speak the same thing; and to be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment.
3. That in order to this, nothing ought to be inculcated upon Christians as articles of faith; nor required of them as terms of communion, but what is expressly taught and enjoined upon them in the word of God. Nor ought anything to be admitted, as of Divine obligation, in their Church constitution and managements, (John Locke LT)
but what is expressly enjoined by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles upon the New Testament Church; either in express terms or by approved precedent.
John Locke A Letter Concerning Toleration
But since men are so solicitous about the true church, I would only ask them here, by the way, if it be not more agreeable to the Church of Christ
to make the conditions of her communion consist in such things, and such things only,
as the Holy Spirit has in the Holy Scriptures declared, in express words, to be necessary to salvation; (Thomas Campbell D&A compare with John Locke)
I ask, I say, whether this be not more agreeable to the Church of Christ
than for men to impose their own inventions and interpretations upon others as if they were of Divine authority,
and to establish by ecclesiastical laws, as absolutely necessary to the profession of Christianity, such things as the Holy Scriptures do either not mention, or at least not expressly command?
Whosoever requires those things in order to ecclesiastical communion, which Christ does not require in order to life eternal, he may, perhaps, indeed constitute a society accommodated to his own opinion and his own advantage;
but how that can be called the Church of Christ which is established upon laws that are not His, and which excludes such persons from its communion as He will one day receive into the Kingdom of Heaven, I understand not.
5 That with respect to the commands and ordinances
of our Lord Jesus Christ,
where the scriptures are SILENT,
as to the express time or manner of performance,
if any such there be ;
in order to SUPPLY the supposed deficiency,
by making laws FOR the church ;
NOR can any thing more be REQUIRED of Christians in such cases,
but only that they so observe these commands and ordinances,
as will evidently answer the declared and obvious end of their institution.
Much less has any human authority power to IMPOSE
NEW commands or ordinances upon the church,
which our Lord Jesus Christ has not enjoined.
Nothing ought to be received into the faith or worship of the church ;
that is not as old as the New TestamentTHAT WAS THE DIRECT COMMAND OF JESUS CHRIST:
Matt. 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matt. 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name [SINGULAR] of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost:
Matt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world [messianic age]. Amen.
Eph. 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners,
but fellowcitizens with the saints,
and of the household of God;
Eph. 2:20 And are built upon [EDUCATED BY]
the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
Jesus is the HEAD or the only Teacher when APT elders teach that which has been taught.
The Corner or ANGLE is a quiet, secret place where Jesus invites the twos and threes to come learning of men. Jesus Teachers on Disciples "who continue in my WORD" or Regulative Principle.
gōnia , hē,2. metaph., corner, secluded spot, “en gōnia psithurizein” Pl.Grg.485d; “en g. pepragmenon” Act.Ap.26.26.3. of the four quarters of the compass, Ptol.Tetr.29.4. joint, Arist.PA 690a13.II. joiner's square, Pl.Phlb.51c, Plu.Marc.19.III. cutwater of a bridge, D.S.2.8.IV. of persons, leader, chief, LXX 1 Ki.14.38. (Akin to gonu.)
Called assemblies: of the schools or places of private discussion,
Assemble Selves: in contrast with public, practical life:, non oratione perfectio,” id. Rep. 1, 2;
Contemptuously, of the schools or places of private discussion, in contrast with public, practical lifeANY ONE WHO CHARGES TO "TEACH OVER" ANYONE IS A CROOKED COUNSELOR.
Paul's ANTITHESIS is most often refuting the THESIS of the Pagan gods.
-(ll. 1-25) From the Heliconian Muses let us begin to sing, who hold the great and holy mount of Helicon, and dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty son of Cronos, and, when they have washed their tender bodies in Permessus or in the Horse's Spring or Olmeius, make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helicon and move with vigorous feet.Thence they arise and go abroad by night, veiled in thick mist, and utter their song with lovely voice, praising Zeus the aegis-holder and queenly Hera of Argos who walks on golden sandals and the daughter of Zeus the aegis-holder bright-eyed Athene, and Phoebus APOLLON, and Artemis who delights in arrows, and Poseidon the earth-holder who shakes the earth, and reverend Themis and quick-glancing (coquettishness) Aphrodite, and Hebe with the crown of gold, and fair Dione, Leto, Iapetus, and Cronos the crafty counsellor, Eos and great Helius and bright Selene, Earth too, and great Oceanus, and dark Night, and the holy race of all the other deathless ones that are for ever.
-Helius II. as pr. n., Helios, the sun-god, -Od.8.271
2. Hēliou astēr, of the planet Saturn -Pl.Epin.987c
identified with Apollo, Carm.Pop.12, E.Fr.781.11; with Dionysus,Crafty counsellor is:
-Angkulo-mêtês (Boeot. ankoulomeitas Corinn.Supp.1.13), o, mêtis
A. crooked of counsel, epith. of Kronos. [Saturn STUR 666] Il.2.205 , Od.21.415, al., Hes.Th.18, etc.; of Prometheus, ib. 546, Op.48.Historical or Narrative or Contingency Theology has already claimed tha the MAN Jesus of Nazareth
Stephen Lawson: In Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address, he wrote that “Nothing ought to be received into the faith or worship of the Church. . . that is not as old as the New Testament.”3
Stephen and all THEOLOGIANS replacing God in the HOLY PLACES, twist the MOTIVE of the Campbells. Campbell added [or be MADE A TERM OF COMMUNION AMONGST CHRISTIANS]
In fact, from Bible 101a we learned that there is no Scripture which says that anyone WORSHIPS by preaching, listening, singing, playing instruments, acting (all gender traps) or PAY TOPLAY. Stephen's Christian Church invented the PSALLO word in about 1875 to try to justify stealing the church houses of widows.
Stephen Lawson: "A Declaration and address of the Christian Association of Washington, Pa.,
in which he proclaimed eternal enmity to 'All human authority in matters of religion,' and declared that he would require nothing of others for which he could not find a 'Thus saith the Lord,' either in express terms or by approved precedent."
Douglas.A.Foster.Restoration.Quarterly.Baptism.htmlStephen Lawson: That call by its nature is ahistorical;
it discounts the development and transmission of Christian
BELIEF and practice through contingent events and personalities
across the centuries
V. That this society, formed for the sole purpose of promoting simple evangelical Christianity, shall, to the utmost of its power, countenance and support such ministers, and such only, as exhibit a manifest conformity to the original standard in conversation and doctrine, in zeal and diligence;—
only such as reduce to practice
that simple original form of Christianity,
expressly exhibited upon the sacred page;
without attempting to inculcate anything of human authority,
of private opinion, or inventions of men,
ALL of the "theologies" which have been intrentionally substituted for REAL study of historic literature, inculcates and forces the Lawson teaching where CONTINGENCY impose Instrumental Noise claiming that it "brings down God into their presence."
Rom. 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
Rom. 10:3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness,
and going about to establish their own righteousness,
have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
Rom. 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
Rom. 10:5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law,
That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.
Rom. 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise,
Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven?
(that is, to bring Christ down from above:)
Rom. 10:7 Or, Who shall descend into the deep?
(that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)
Rom. 10:8 But what saith it? The WORD is nigh thee,
even in thy mouth, and in thy heart:
that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
Stephen Lawson: as having any place in the constitution,
The truth is that Stephen Lawson has no "office" or "authority" to IMPOSE Instrumental Idolatry into a congregation of Christ. In fact MUSIC is excluded in dozens of instances.. The Instrumental Sectarians do not know because they do nor or can not read "that which is written for our learning."
faith, or worship, of the Christian church—
or' any thing, as matter of Christian faith, or duty,
for which there can not be expressly produced a thus saith the Lord
either in express terms, or by approved precedent.
Mark 7:6 He answered and said unto them,ALL theologies reject the teachings of Jesus and claim to be guided by The Holy Spirit Person. It is a fact not available to heretics says Tertullian that the Glorified Jesus received the PROMISE of the Holy Spirit. Anyone interested in Holy Scripture will understand that Jesus is now in the STATE of Holy Spirit.
Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites,
as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips,
but their heart is far from me.
Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me,
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Mark 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God,
ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups:
and many other such like things ye do.
Mark 7:9 And he said unto them,
Full well ye reject the commandment of God,
THAT ye may keep your own tradition.
Matt. 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matt. 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name [singular] of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Matt. 28:20 TEACHING them to OBSERVE
all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world [the messianic age]. Amen.
The first man Adam was made a living soul;
the last Adam was made a QUICKENING SPIRIT
1Cor. 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual,
but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
1Cor. 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy:
the second man is the Lord from heaven.
Jesus died for all but did not pray for those OF the WORLD, the Kosmos, the Ecumenical, the kingdom of the Devil whose rituals are always embarassingly gender confused.
Gen. 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every IMAGINATION of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Gen. 8:21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
Speaking of the mystics, Armstrong showed how the new, gender-neutral gods are to be worshipped:Lynn Anderson: The mind-set of the times threatens to strip our faith of symbols, rituals, dramas, mystery, poetry, and story,which say about life and God what logic and reason and rationalism can never say. S
- "This God is to be approached through the imagination and can be seen as a kind of art form, akin to the other great artistic symbols that have expressed the ineffable mystery, beauty and the value of life.
- Mystics have used music, dancing, poetry, fiction, stories, painting, sculpture and architecture to express this Reality which goes beyond concepts." (P. 396)
See Volkism Guided Imagery:
David Hunt, in his two books, The Seduction of Christianity (1985) and Beyond Seduction (1987), first chronicled the influence of Carl Jung's ideas in the modern church. He wrote of Agnes Sanford whose visualization techniques are founded in
shamanistic practices of the occult and
who expressed pantheistic beliefs similar to those held by Carl Jung.
The Vineyard Christian Fellowships, headed by John Wimber, are heavily involved in the use of imagination, visualization, and inner healing. There has been criticism that to a large extent allowing God to "guide the imagination" has been placed on a level equal to the authority of the Bible, which has created a great deal of confusion. David Hunt, (p. 174 Seduction of Christianity
Stephen Lawson: and rather embraces a romantic, idealistic vision of an immaculate original Christianity.
That is totally false. Imagination can move one toward BURNING along with the Sorcers as any Religious Craftperson, singer, instrument player actor or PAY TO PLAY. The Assembly of Christ was defined with SYNAGOGUE type words and was a School of Christ (the Campbells and Scripture) and worship was READING and musing the WORD.
The Reign of Messiah
Moreover, being well aware, from sad experience, of the heinous nature and pernicious tendency of religious controversy among Christians;
tired and sick of the bitter jarrings and janglings of a party spirit, we would desire to be at rest;
and, were it possible, we would also desire to adopt and recommend such measures as would give rest to our brethren throughout all the Churches: as would restore unity, peace, and purity to the whole Church of God.This desirable rest, however, we utterly despair either to find for ourselves, or to be able to recommend to our brethren,
by continuing amid the diversity and rancor of party contentions, the veering uncertainty and clashings of human opinions:
nor, indeed, can we reasonably expect to find it anywhere but in Christ and his simple WORD, which is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever.
Our desire, therefore, for ourselves and our brethren would be, that, rejecting human opinions and the [3] inventions of men as of any authority, or as having any place in the Church of God, we might forever cease from further contentions about such things; returning to and holding fast by the original standard;
- taking the Divine word alone for our rule;
that, by so doing, we may be at peace among ourselves, follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.the Holy Spirit for our teacher and guide, to lead us into all truth; and Christ alone, as exhibited in the word, for our salvation;
Dearly beloved brethren, why should we deem it a thing incredible that the church of Christ, in this highly favored country, should resume that original unity, peace and purity,
which belongs to its constitution, and constitutes its glory?
Or, is there any thing that can be justly deemed necessary
for this desirable purpose,
but to conform to the model,
and adopt the practice of the primitive church,
expressly exhibited in the New Testament.
Whatever alterations this might produce in any or all of the churches, should, we think,
neither be deemed inadmissible nor ineligible.
Surely such alteration would be every way for the better, and not for the worse ;
UNLESS we should suppose the divinely inspired rule to be faulty, or defective.
Were we, then, in our church constitution and managements,
to exhibit a complete conformity to the Aposto-lick church,
would we not be in that respect, as perfect as Christ intended we should be?
And should not this suffice us?
Stephen Lawson: Moreover, as Curtis Freeman notes in his recent volume Contesting Catholicity,
this ahistorical vision of the early Restorationists
was not infrequently understood as anti-historical,
justifying its ignoring of the vast majority of Christian history
by embracing a narrative the
“regarded the church from the fourth to the sixteenth century
to be degenerate and apostate.”4
Alexander Campbell grew up in the DOGMA which imposed the Jewish Monarchy into its pattern of govering and worshiping. Secondly, Campbell was so cultified that he believed that SCRIPTURE was not to be consulted in the organization and worship of the Church. When he grasped that the Scripture's version of God's Authority was important, the first thing that he wanted to do was to be BAPTIZED for or in order to the remission of sins.
John Calvin Necessity of Reforming-Restoring The Church of Christ
Number One
John Calvin's Restoration of the Church of Christ proposed all of the baggage added by clergy usually to enhance their Purgatory Plot. Calvin, like Scripture and the Campbell's saw the assembly as educational. Calvin removed the Catholic organ music for two reasons.
1. The pattern was to SPEAK that which was written for our learning.
2. From Calvin's Number 10 definition of the Church in the Wilderness or Synagogue understood that the trumpet was for calling the assembly ONLY. That was to be a SIGN and not instrumental music which was impossible in the "tuneful" sense."
No clergy of the time would be ignorant of the Historical Scholars. Alexander Campbell taught his children Latin without which it would be impossible to understand man of the historical scholars. There is no HISTORICAL Vision which did not defend Holy Scripture as the ONLY source for the Christian School.
have arisen the Trinitarian, Arian, Semiarian,
Sabellian, Unitarian, and Socinian hypotheses.
Here, we presume, there is no
greater latitude assumed, or allowed, on either side,
than the law expressly determines. But we
would humbly ask, if a professed agreement in the
terms of any standard be not liable to the very
same objection? If, for instance, Arians, Socinians,
Arminians, Calvinists, Antinomians,
&c. &c. might not all
subscribe the Westminster Confession, the
Athenasian Creed, or the doctrinal
of the
Church of England.
If this be denied,
we appeal to historical facts ; and, in the
mean time, venture to assert, that such things are,
and have been done. Or will any say, that a
person might not with equal ease, honesty,
and consistency, be an Arian, or a Socinian, in
his heart, while subscribing the Westminster
Confession, or the Athenasian Creed,
reformers are not most deserving of our thanks who stand
highest and most celebrated in the annals of reformations.
We owe more to John Wickliffe than to Martin Luther,
and more, perhaps, to Peter Bruys than to John Calvin.
The world is more indebted to Christopher Columbus than to
Americus Vespusius, yet the latter supplanted the former
in his well earned fame. So it has been amongst religious
reformers. The success of every enterprise gives eclat to it.
As great and as good men as George Washington have been
hung or beheaded for treason
Stephen Lawson:
In light of the negative evaluation the early leaders of the SCM
gave to the history of Christian theology,
should we simply acknowledge that the relationship
between historical theology and the SCM is indissolubly acrimonious?
To say Stone-Campbell is to lie.
There was never "fellowship" which means I endorse you, I assemble with you and I support you. The 1832 few handshake where John Smith recorded the "agreement" which would permit agreement on an intellectual level. The "contract" the few preachers with no denominational authority signed was a statement which was in perfectly in agreement with what became Churches of Christ. The ink was not dry before the Disciples began violating it.
JESUS DIED TO DISPOSE OF RELIGIOUS CLERGY. He made His total message available to the masses free of Charge. Theologians have no more right to interfere than Phrenologists. The House of God makes Him as the Father and excludes any intrusion from anyone outside of that flock. The elders are defined as the Pastor-Teachers of the Flock and the children do not work FOR or Pay the Father for His unique role as instructor."The 'union' itself was consummated on New Year's day, 1832, in Hill Street Christian Church, at Lexington, Kentucky, where representatives of both parties pledged themselves 'to one another before God, to abandon all speculation, especially on the Trinity, and kindred subjects, and to be content with the plain declaration of Scripture on those subjects on which there had been so much worse than useless controversy.'
The plain meaning is that they found common ground to occupy, threw away their divisive teachings and opinions, and acted as one. The men who at Lexington pledged themselves there and then gave one another the hand of fellowship,
speaking for themselves, and the churches they came from,
but not for all the churches or the denominations in Kentucky or the United States.There was no voting, and no attempt at formal union, but merely a 'flowing together' of those like-minded. In token of that union Elder John Smith, of the Disciples of Christ, and Elder John Rogers, of the Christians, 'were appointed evangelists by the churches' to promote that simple unsectarian Christian work, which was adhered to by thousands; and Stone took Elder J. T. Johnson, a Disciple, as co-editor of The Christian Messenger.
"This 'union' did not change the status of any name or church or minister or piece of property.
At a later time Campbell made some public invidious remarks about the Christians, and it began to be claimed that they had joined or united with the Disciples. John [7] Rogers says on this point:'No one ever thought (at the first) that the Reformers, so-called, had come over to us, or that we had gone over to them; that they were required to relinquish their opinions, or we ours.
We found ourselves contending for the same great principles, and we resolved to unite our energies to harmonize the church and save the world. Such are the simple facts in the case."
Theologians in the modern sense are Purpose Driven to drive out the Father and be the HEAD of his flock in order to fleece them.
Historical Theologians agree that there is no money provided by Jesus who assured that we can read that which is written for our learning
la_os , ho, Ion. lēos Hippon.88, Hdt.5.42 (
4. in LXX, of the people, as OPPOSITE. priests and Levites, 1 Es.5.46; in NT, of Jews, opp. Gentiles, Ev.Matt.2.6, Ev.Luc.2.10, al., cf. SIG1247 (Jewish tombstones); of Christians, opp. heathen, Act.Ap.15.14, al.
This was The Book of The Covenant and NOT The Book of The Law of Moses. A husband is not a Priest, Levite, Pharisee or a Scribe who "by the lying pen of the Scribe" lied about the role of the Temple as opposed to Righteousness and Justice.
Foedus “thalami,” i. e. marriage contract, marriage,
a compact, covenant, agreement, stipulation, bargain: with the plebis
plebis [opposite Priests and Levites, opposite. the patricians, senators, and knights]“communia studii,” Ov. P. 4, 13, 43.—
The People are la_os 4. in LXX, of the people, as OPPOSITE priests and Levites, 1 Es.5.46;
1 Es.5.46; in NT, of Jews, opp. Gentiles, Ev.Matt.2.6, Ev.Luc.2.10,of Christians, opp. heathen, Act.Ap.15.14,.
1 Esdras 5:45 - and that they would give to the sacred treasury for the work a thousand minas of gold, five thousand minas of silver, and one hundred priests' garments.
1 Esdras 5.46 - The priests, the Levites, and some of the people settled in Jerusalem and its vicinity;
and the temple singers, the gatekeepers,
and all Israel in their towns. [pleb people of the land)
plebs opp. the patricians, senators, and knights C. The whole people, nation, community, = populus (late Lat.), Vulg. Gen. 23, 13: “plebs tua Israel,” id. Luc. 2, 32
stŭdĭum assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study: litterarum, studiis dicam cognoscendi, “doctrinae,” A. Zeal for any one; good-will, affection, attachment, devotion, favor, kindness, pabulum studii atque doctrinae,
(β). A place for study, a study, schoo
Matt. 23:4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne,
and lay them on men’s shoulders;
but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
Matt. 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men:
they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,
Matt. 23:6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts,
and the chief seats in the synagogues,
Matt. 23:7 And greetings in the markets,
and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
Matt. 23:8 But be not ye called Rabbi:
for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
Matt. 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth:
for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Matt. 23:10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
Matt. 23:11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
Matt. 23:12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased;
and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
Matt. 23:25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
[25] vae vobis scribae et Pharisaei hypocritae quia mundatis quod de foris est calicis et parapsidis intus autem pleni sunt rapina et inmunditia
hupo-kri^tēs , ou, ho, I. interpreter or expounder, “tēs di' ainigmōn phēmēs” Pl.Ti. 72b; “oneirōn” Luc.Somn.17, etc.
II. in Att., one who plays a part on the stage, actor, Ar.V.1279, Pl.R.373b, Chrm. 162d, Smp.194b, X. Mem.2.2.9, etc.2. of an orator, poikilos hu. kai perittos (of Dem.) Phld.Rh.1.197 S.; one who delivers, recites, declaimer, “epōn” Tim.Lex. s.v. rhapsōdoi; rhapsodist
3. metaph., pretender, dissembler, hypocrite, LXX Jb.34.30, 36.13, Ev.Matt.23.13, al.
hupokrinô reply, make answer, of an oracle, 2. expound, interpret, explain [Peter outlawed this as private interpretation.] 2. deliver a speech, declaim, of orators and rhetoricians, represent dramatically, erôtikôn dramatôn 3. of an orator, use histrionic arts, exaggerate, ape, mimic, Mania or religious frenzy.
răpīna , ae, f. rapio. I. Robbery, plundering, pillage, rapine
A collecting together, removing: “opum suarum,”
esp. the act of robbery, the business or habit of plunder:
Matt. 23:33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
Matt. 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
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