unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: Instrumental music in worship apostatesIsaiah eight because there is no light in them
Isa 8:19And when they shall say unto you,
Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:
should not a people seek unto their God?
for the living to the dead?
kēl-eō ,3362
[19] et cum dixerint ad vos quaerite a pythonibus et a divinis qui stridunt in incantationibus suis numquid non populus a Deo suo requirit pro vivis a mortuiskēl-eō ,A. charm, BEWITCH , beguile, esp. by MUSIC, “korēn humnoisi” E.Alc.359; “ōdais” Pl.Ly.206b; “kēlōn tē phōnē hōsper Orpheus” Id.Prt.315a, cf.Luc.Ind.12; houtōs ekēlei, of Pericles as an ORATOR, Eup.94.6; epadōn k. charm by INCANTATION , Pl.Phdr.267d; tō me kēlēseis tropō; Achae.17.2; of BRIBERY, Theopomp.Com.30:—Pass., “kēleitai aoidais” Archil. ap. Phld.Mus. p.20 K., cf. Pi.Dith.2.22; “hupo sou hōsper ophis kēlēthēnai” Pl.R.358b; “hupo dōrōn kēloumenos” Id.Lg.885d; “huph' hēdonēs kēlētheis” Id.R.413c; “eph' hois katorthōsantes euphranthēsontai, toutois kekēlēntai” Aeschin.1.191; “para tais Seirēsin” Arist.EE1230b35: rarely in good sense, “paideia ton noun kēlētheis” Pl.Ep.333c.[19] et cum dixerint ad vos quaerite a pythonibus et a divinis qui stridunt in incantationibus suis numquid non populus a Deo suo requirit pro vivis a mortuis
-strīdō to make a shrill noise, sound harshly, creak, hiss, grate, whiz, whistle, rattle, buzz: stridentia tinguunt Aera lacu, V.: cruor stridit, hisses, O.: belua Lernae Horrendum stridens, V.: horrendā nocte (striges), O.: mare refluentibus undis, V.: aquilone rudentes, O.: videres Stridere secretā aure susurros, buzz, H.
tībĭa. “tibia digitis pulsata canentum,” Lucr. 4, 585: “modulate canentes tibiae,” Cic. N. D. 2, 8, 22: “septenarios ad tibiam fundere,” id. Tusc. 1, 44, 107: “ubi curva choros indixit tibia Bacchi,” Verg. A. 11, 737 Phrygio curva sono,” Tib. 2, 1, 86: “sub cantu querulae tibiae,” Hor. C. 3, 7, 30: “acris,” id. ib. 1, 12, 1: “Berecyntia,” id. ib. 3, 19, 19; “4, 1, 23: sonante mixtum tibiis carmen lyra,” id. Epod. 9, 5: “adunco tibia cornu,”H7442 rânan raw-nan' A primitive root; properly to creak (or emit a stridulous sound), 2. tremulous sound of a mast or pole "Shaken by the wind" also the sound of a torrent. Vibrate the voice TRILL which is the WOMEN'S sound of Halal above.
-cantus , ūs, m. id., 2. With instruments, a playing, music: “in nervorum vocumque cantibus,” Cic. Tusc. 1, 2, 4; id. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: “citharae,” Hor. C. 3, 1, 20: “horribili stridebat tibia cantu,” Cat. 64, 264: “querulae tibiae,” Hor. C. 3, 7, 30:
B. An incantation, charm, magic song, etc.: cantusque artesque magorum. Ov. M. 7, 195; 7, 201: “at cantu commotae Erebi de sedibus imis Umbrae ibant,” Verg. G. 4, 471: “magici,”
The Wizzard is one who thinks that they can hear the Word of God "beyond the sacred page." John called them sorcerers because they used rhetoric, singers and instrumentalists to STEAL the Word and money from othersYiddeoniy (h3049) yid-deh-o-nee'; from 3045; prop. a knowing one; spec. a conjurer; (by impl.) a ghost: - wizard.
"In Isa 8:19 the 'obhoth and yidh'onim are spoken of those who 'chirp and mutter." These terms refer to the necromancers themselves who practiced ventriloquism in connection with their magical rites. In Isa 29:4 it is said 'Thy voice shall be as an 'obh, out of the ground.'... They are stamped in these passages, as in the Witch of Endor narrative, as deceivers practising a fraudulent art. By implication their power to evoke spirits with whom they were in familiar intercourse is denied." (Int Std Bible Ency., ency, p. 690)
Pȳthon ,,I. the serpent slain, according to the myth, near Delphi by APOLLYON who was fabled to have been called Pythius in commemoration of this victory, Ov. M. 1, 438; 1. Pȳthĭa , ae, f., = hē Puthia,the priestess who uttered the responses of the Delphic APOLLYON, the Pythoness, Pythia, Cic. Div. 1, 19, 38; Nep. Milt. 1, 3. —
God also sends DECEIVING spirits into those who do not love and SPEAK the Word.
Cic. Div. 1.19
These were foretold by the Father of Gods, in earth and in heaven,
Through unmistakable SIGNS that he gave and often repeated.
Now, of those prophecies made when Torquatus and Cotta
1 were consuls,— Made by a Lydian diviner,2 by one of Etruscan extraction—
Jove or Jupiter TRICKED them: For high-thundering Jove, as he stood on starry Olympus,
Hurled forth his blows at the temples and monuments raised in his honour,
And on the Capitol's site he unloosed the bolts of his lightning.
Then fell the brazen image of Natta, ancient and honoured:
Vanished the tablets of laws long ago divinely enacted;
Wholly destroyed were the statues of gods by the heat of the lightning.
Oracle: A. In gen., a prophetic declaration, a prophecy:
To the law and to the testimony:
if they SPEAK not according to this WORD,
it is because there is no light in them. Isa 8:20
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