Jacki l Halstead.Lectio-Divina.Sorcerers

Jesus exists in the STATE (never a person) of Holy Spirit. The only personified SPIRITUS is Apollyon, leader of the LOCUSTS or His Musical Worship Team.
Jesus was sent to seek and save a tiny band of LOST SPRITS. Jesus said that neither He nor anyone who "continues in My WORD" were OF this WORLD. THE WORLD, KOSMOS, ECUMENICAL THE KINGDOM OF THE DEVIL MAKING WAR AGAINST THE QUITE INVISIBLE KINGDOM OF CHRIST. This Kingdom is WITHIN us and therefore protected from the visible-audible vain efforts of those OF this world or DUST (Aborigines) to silence the invitation.

From the synagogue in the wilderness to the PATTERN of an Assembly (school) of Christ, God used the Demonic and Gender traps of SPEAK or READ "that which is written for our learning. That is the only way to prevent those OF this world, and therefore having no holy spirit, from leading you into the MONEY trap.

I am not qualified to know how to treat the minds of people and do not condemn it. However, humans have no way of FORMING the human perfected spirit which has been translated into a heavenly kingdom.  The tragedy is that many who have used their own information pulled out of their own imagination. Their message has been used to REPUDIATE by claiming that their MEDIATOR tells them that the Holy Scripture is no longer to a enlightened culture. Their New Hermeneutic derived from HISTORIC LITERATURE, is means:

Translate the real tongues or dialects as in Corinth thereby explaining what a foreigner wants to say.
hermēn-euō , Dor. herma_neuō SIG1168.88 (Epid.),
A.interpret foreign tongues, X.An.5.4.4; translate, D.H.Th.49, etc.; “apo HpōmaikōnPRyl.62.30 (iii A. D.):—Pass., “HellēnistiD.H.2.12, cf. LXXJb.42.17, etc.
II. explain, expound, S.OC398, E.Fr.636.5, etc.; “humin tautaAntipho 3.2.1; “ho ti legeiPhilyll.11; “ta tōn poiētōnPl.Ion535a:—Med., Id.Epin.985b:— Pass., Arist.SE166b11.
2. put into words, express, Th.2.60, Pl. Lg.966b, etc.; “ti dia tinosHermog.Id.2.5; “ti pezōsId.Meth.30:— Pass., D.H.Comp.25.
3. describe, write about,ton NeilonDemetr. Eloc.121.
III. abs., speak clearly, articulate, Hp.Epid.5.74.
Because the new HermeNEUTS think that the TEXT is not reliable. Therefore, they walk around in SERPENT CIRCLES claiming that their imagination is the REAL new Scriptures.

hermēn-eia , , (hermēneuō)
A.interpretation, explanation, . in Music, expression, Plu.2.1138a, 1144d. hai Platōnikai he. Plato's gifts of style, D.H.Pomp.1.2.
3.translation, Aristeas 3, Ph.2.141; “he. tōn HpōmaikōnPOxy.1201.12 (iii A.D.); he. ekhein to mean when translated,]
A  all upon, attack, assail, daimōn , onos, voc god, goddess, of individual gods or goddesses
ut more freq. of the Divine power (while theos denotes a God in person), the Deity, cf. Od.3.27; pros daimona against the Divine power, Plat. Epin. 984e
Plat. Epin. 984e next below these, the divine spirits,1 and air-born race, holding the third and middle situation, cause of interpretation, which we must surely honor with prayers for the sake of an auspicious journey across.2 We must say of either of these two creatures—that which is of ether and, next to it, of air—that it is not entirely plain to sight: when it is near by, it is not made manifest to us;
daimōn , onos, voc. A.daimōnS.OC1480 (lyr.), “daimonTheoc.2.11, ho, , god, goddess, of individual gods or goddesses,
esp. evil spirit, demon, Ev.Matt.8.31, J.AJ8.2.5; “phauloi d.
B. = daēmōn, knowing, d. makhēs skilled in fight, , names of celestial klēroi,
theōn, d., hērōōn, tōn en HaidouPl.R.392a
klēros III. of the Levites, “Kurios autos klēros autouLXX De.18.2: hence, of the Christian clergy, “en klērō katalegomenos
Hermēs gar ōn klērō poiēseis oid' hotiAr.Pax365; “k. HermouE

Plat. Rep. 3.392a “We have declared the right way of speaking about gods and daemons and heroes and that other world.” “We have.” “Speech, then, about men would be the remainder.” “Obviously.” “It is impossible for us, my friend, to place this here.2” “Why?” “Because I presume we are going to say that so it is that both poets
ti oun ktl. This is the alēthes eidos logōn. Plato has prescribed canons for the pseudeis logoi or legends about gods etc.; but rules for alētheis logoi, i.e. logoi relating to men and human affairs,
Plat. Rep. 3.392b and writers of prose speak wrongly about men in matters of greatest moment, saying that there are many examples of men who, though unjust, are happy, and of just men who are wretched, and that there is profit in injustice if it be concealed, and that justice is the other man's good and your own loss;
        and I presume that we shall forbid them to say this sort of thing
        and command them to sing and fable the opposite.
Don't you think so?” “Nay, I well know it,” he said. “Then, if you admit that I am right, I will say that you have conceded the original point of our inquiry?
Only Jesus was given the authority to speak the WORDS which God put into His MOUTH: that is the only meaning for SPIRIT.

Luke 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father:
    and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father;
    and who the Father is, but the Son,
            and he to whom the Son will reveal him.

John 8:40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth,
        which I have HEARD of God: this did not Abraham.
John 8:41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him,
        We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
John 8:42 Jesus said unto them,
        If God were your Father, ye would love me:
        for I proceeded forth and came from God;
        neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech?
        even because ye cannot hear my word.
John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil,
        and the lusts of your father ye will do.
        He was a murderer from the beginning,
        and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
        When he speaketh a lie, he SPEAKETH OF HIS OWN of his on: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John 8:45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.


Women who use their meditation to debunk Scripture have joined men who Reject God, Jesus, the Apostles such as Paul. They declare Scripture as not intelligible and their forms of theoloy (mytholoy) is highly focused on lying about the Biblical and Historical church which understood that the TEXT is not to be substituted by fabricated songs and sermons performed to pick the widow's purse.

The Labyrinth carries the message of twisted teaching the innocents to walk the maze knowing that the "bull" was waiting to destroy them. However, this is a spiral which has the serpents head or privates "At the Center."
phanta^si-a , , verbal noun of phantazomai and (in sense) of phainomai, A. appearing, appearance, = to phainesthai, pantes ephientai tou phainomenou agathou, tēs de ph. ou kurioi do not control the appearing, Arist.EN 1114a32; usu. with less verbal force, appearance, presentation to consciousness, whether immediate or in memory, whether true or illusory, “phainetai men ho hēlios podiaios, antiphēsi de pollakis heteron ti pros tēn ph.” ; dianoētikai ph. mental images,
2. imagination, i.e. the re-presentation of appearances or images, primarily derived from sensation 
b. in Aristotle, faculty of imagination, both presentative and representative, opp. “aisthēsis,observation OPPOSITE. epistēmē, nous, dianoia, scientific knowledge, scienc  
 creative imagination,ph. sophōtera mimēseōs dēmiourgosPhilostr.VA6.19
sophos , “oiōnothetas” [interpreter of auguries,] of poets and musicians, en kithara  2. clever in practical matters, wise, prudent,
  Speaking of Miriam and the Levites who were soothsayers equated to SORCERERS.

"May it not happen, may it not come to pass, although you craftily conceal it, that the one should take the other's place, deluding, mocking, deceiving, and presenting the appearance of the deity invoked?

If the magi, who are so much akin to soothsayers [http://www.pineycom.com/FathArnoHeresIV.html] ,
         relate that, in their incantations,
pretended gods steal in frequently instead of those invoked;
that some of these, moreover, are spirits of grosser substance, who pretend that they are gods, and delude the ignorant by their lies and deceit,-
why should we not similarly believe that here, too, others substitute themselves for those who are not, that they may both strengthen your superstitious beliefs, and rejoice that victims are slain in sacrifice to them under names not their own?"

14. Your theologians, then, and authors on unknown antiquity,
        say that in the universe there are three Joves,
        one of whom has Aether for his father; another, Coelus;
        the third,
Saturn, born and buried in the island of Crete.
        that Aeculapius was transfixed by a thunderbolt because of his greed and avarice, as the Boeotian Pindar 1sings?

that Apollo, having become rich, by his ambiguous responses,

[Apollo is Apollyon or Abbadon, the beast. He had a Seeker Center at Delphi]

deceived the very kings by whose treasures and gifts he had been enriched?

Did we declare that Mercury was a thief?  [HERMES OR KAIROS] that Laverna is so also, and along with him presides over secret frauds? Is the writer Myrtilus one of us, who declares that the Muses [Locusts, Prostutes led by Apollyon] were the handmaids of Megalcon,  daughter of Macarus? 

Women UNSAFE in childbearing:


Moral and Psychological effects of music:

Schopenhauer, on this point, echoes Plato.
        By means of massive irruptions,  [overtones]
        MUSIC takes up residence in our intimate self
        and seemingly elects to make its home there.
The man inhabited and possessed by this intruder,
        the man ROBBED of a self, is no longer himself:
        he has become nothing more than a vibrating string, a sounding pipe.
He trembles madly under the bow or the fingers of the instrumentalist;
        and just as APOLLON fills the Pythia’s lungs,
        so the organ’s powerful voice
        and the harp’s gentle accents take possession of the listener.

This process, at once IRRATIONAL and SHAMFUL, takes place on the margins of truth,
        and thus borders more on magic than on empirical science.

The magical induction becomes a seduction and thus trickery,
        and an ADULT refuses to be captivated,
        resisting the beliefs suggested to him by the auletic. [piper?]

A WOMAN who persuades solely by means of her presence and its perfumes,
        that is, by the magical exhalations of her being,
        the night that envelops us, MUSIC, which secures our allegiance
        solely through the Charm engendered by a TRILL or an ARPEGGIO,
        will therefore be the object of a  deep suspicion.


Eph. 1:13 In whom ye also trusted,
        after that ye heard the
GOSPEL of your salvation:
        in whom also after that ye BELIEVED
        ye were sealed with THAT holy Spirit of promise,

He that believeth and is baptized  shall be saved: believeth means to comply

Antiph. 5 50 Why, quite apart from the torture employed,
    those who consistently keep to one statement about one set of facts  
logous are more to be trusted than those who contradictthemselves.
       logous legontes pistoteroi to be trusted or believed:
I. of persons, faithful, trusty, “trustworthy, worthy of credit,
        pledge, security, warrant, “to p. tēs alētheias
pist-euō  COMPLY, hōs oukh hupeixōn oude pisteusōn legeis; S.OT625, cf. 646 ; opp. apisteō, Id.Tr.1228S.Aj.371,

Jesus said that God HIDES from the wise: they are SOPHISTS meaning Rhetoricians, Singers, Instrument Players and gender-abandoned as i

Eph. 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners,
        but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
Eph. 2:20 And are built upon [EDUCATED BY] the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
        Jesus Christ himself being the chief [Only Rabbi] corner stone; [at secret and silent places]
Eph. 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together GROWETH unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Eph. 2:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

Acts 13:27 For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their RULERS,
        because they knew him not,
        nor yet the VOICES  of the PROPHETS
        which are READ every sabbath day,
        they have fulfilled them in condemning him

Scripture and recorded history proves that they worship the BEST.

And he exerciseth all the POWER of the first BEAST before him,
        and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein
        to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Rev. 13:12

POWER of the BEAST: exous-ia  Power to win praise.

Strab. 1.2.17
If any thing does not correspond, [To Customs or Laws]
        it should be attributed to change,
        or to misconception,
        or to poetical licence, which is made up of history, rhetoric, and fiction.
        Truth is the aim of the historical portion,..

A lively interest is the end of the rhetorical,
        as when he points to us the combat;
        and of the fiction, pleasure and astonishment...

he bids us not to judge poems by the standard of intellect, nor yet look to them for history.
p. kai mousikoi  the art of poetry mousi^kos , ē, on, Dor. mōsikos , ta mousika music, II. of persons, skilled in music, musical, X.l.c., etc.; “poiētikoi kai m. andresPl.Lg.802b; “kuknos kai alla zōa m.Id.R.620a; “peri aulous -ōtatoiAth.4.176e; lyric poet, OPPOSITE. epic, Pl.Phdr.243a   mousikos kai melōn poētēs
anēr Gk. andr- from ṇr-):—man, OPPOSITE. woman IV. man emphatically, man indeed,
melo  There is no music or lyric material in Scripture.

esp. musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain,
en melei poieein to write in lyric strain
2. music to which a song is set, tune, Arist.Po.1450a14

Thērion , to (in form Dim. of thēr),
A. wild animal, esp. of such as are hunted, mala gar mega thērion ēen, of a stag, Od.10.171, 180 (never in Il.); in Trag. only in Satyric [gender-variant capella] drama] A Term of Reproach
mousikē aei ti kainon thērion tikteiA

Mousa , II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugeraA.Eu.308 (anap.); “euphamosId.Supp.695 (lyr.); “kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousasS.Tr.643 (lyr.); “Aiakō moisan pherein” [a laded burden[

A.  Mousikos, musical, agônes m. kai gumnikoi  choroi te kai agônes ta mousika music
II. of persons, skilled in music, musical, X.l.c., etc.; poiêtikoi kai m. andres Pl.Lg.802b ;
kuknos [minstrel]  kai alla zôia; peri aulous - professional musicians, mousikos kai melôn poêtês, use with singing, skilled in speaking before a mob. Melody, 

B. aei always
C. kainos , esp. of new dramas, the representation of the new tragedies,  (Aphrodisias dedicated to Aphrodite (ZOE); comedy, sexual love, pleasure, a woman's form of oath, Aster or Venus or ZOE.
D. Tikto mostly of the mother 
E. of Rhea one of the zoogonic or vivific principles

Female Beast:
sunesti^-aō , A.help to entertain, AP4.3.24 (Agath.):—Pass., live or feast along with or together, Lys.Fr.53.2, Is.3.70, D.19.190, etc.; [theois] Plu.2.121f; “meta tinōn” “m. kitharas
Eur. IA 1037 Chorus
What wedding-hymn was that which raised its strains
        to the sound of Libyan flutes, t
        o the music of the dancer's lyre,
        and the note of the pipe of reeds?
[1040] It was on the day Pieria's lovely-haired choir came over the slopes of Pelion to the wedding of Peleus, beating the ground with print of golden sandals at the banquet of the gods
      O you, who cause a voice to sing from your seven-stringed lyre,
        a voice that lets lovely-sounding hymns peal forth in the rustic lifeless horn,
[885] son of Leto, I will blame you before this light. You came to me, your hair glittering with gold, when I was plucking into the folds of my robe yellow flowers....
        There was the Dardanian boy, [1050] dainty morsel of Zeus' bed,
        drawing off the wine he mixed in the depths of golden bowls,
Ganymede the Phrygian; while, along the gleaming sand, [1055] the fifty daughters of Nereus graced the marriage with their dancing, circling in a mazy ring.

Eur. Ion 882
O you, who cause a voice
         to sing from your seven-stringed lyre,
        a voice that lets lovely-sounding hymns peal forth in the rustic lifeless horn, [885] son of Leto, I will blame you before this light. You came to me, your hair glittering with gold, when I was plucking into the folds of my robe yellow flowers

I, the unhappy one, bore you a son, whom in fear of my mother

Alas! and now my son and yours, oh cruel one, is gone, torn apart, a feast for birds;
[905] but you are singing to the lyre, chanting hymns.


The Babylonian Mother of Harlot's clergy are LUSTED AFTER FRUITS.  They are speakers, singers, instrument players or any religious craftsperson. They are called SORCERERS and PARASITES and they will be or ARE BEING CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.

to worship the first beast,  WITH FEMALE MASTERS [LOCUSTS] OR LEADERS IS

II.   do service to the gods, athanatous, theous th., Hes.Op.135, Hdt.2.37, X.Mem.1.4.13, etc.; “daimonaPi.P.3.109; Dionuson, Mousas, E.Ba.82 (lyr.), IT1105(lyr.); th. Phoibou naous serve them, Id.Ion111 (anap.): abs., worship, Lys.6.51; do service or honour to one's parents, E.Ion183 (lyr.), Pl.R.467a, Men.91a; serve, wait upon a master, Id.Euthphr.13d, cf. Ar.Eq.59, 1261, etc.; th. tas thēkas reverence men's graves, Pl.R.469a.
ăd-ōro  With acc.: “Auctoremque viae Phoebum taciturnus adorat,Ov. M. 3, 18: “Janus adorandus,id. F. 3, 881: “in delubra non nisi adoraturus intras,Plin. Pan. 52: “large deos adorare,Plin. 12, 14, 32, § 62: “nil praeter nubes et caeli numen adorat,Juv. 14, 97: “adorare crocodilon,id. 15, 2
auctor (incorrectly written autor or author )
APOLLYON- Phoebus , i, m., = Phoibos (the radiant), I. a poetical appellation of Apollon as the god of light: “quae mihi Phoebus Apollon, Val. Fl. 1, 228: “Circe,” [CHURCH AS WORSHIP CENTER] daughter of Sol, Petr. 135.—
B. Phoe-bēus , a, um, adj., Phœbean, Apollinean: “carmina, Lucr. 2, 504: “lampas,the sun, Verg. A. 4, 6: “virgo,Daphne, Ov. P. 2, 2, 82: “laurus,id. Tr. 4, 2, 51: “Rhodos,where the worship of Apollo prevailed, id. M. 7, 365: “lyra,id. H. 16, 180: “sortes,oracle, id. M. 3, 130: “tripodes,id. A. A. 3, 789: “Phoebeā morbos pellere arte,id. F. 3, 827.—
C. Phoebas , ădis, f., a priestess of Apollo; hence the inspired one, the prophetess, Ov. Am. 2, 8, 12; id. Tr. 2, 400; Luc. 5, 128; 165.
Phoebe venantibus assit   a priestess of Apollo; hence the inspired one, the prophetess,
Holy Scripture is absolute in demanding SPEAK or READ that which is written for our LEARNING.  Acts 17 God is not worshipped by the hands of men. That is because it was common practice like the "Laded burden" of singing a song over and over and over. Making people believe that they can WORK THE WORKS and enable the person to see visions or hear audible words. These are about the only ways one can believe that A spirit person is communicating beyond the 5 senses God gave all of mankind.

Anyone who has been "educated" in a once-Christian university has been well taught that we have moved in a NEW AGE where neither God nor Jesus as the HEAD of the church have any authority.


[p. 114] Our proposal to focus on Jesus means that
         Scripture is NO LONGER a set of proof-texts
        or a collection of facts or God's rulebook for human behavior.

Scripture is the UNFOLDING story of God acting both to create and to re-create.
        It is not an easy book to understand.
There was never a DAY or PATTERN of Worship in Holy Scripture. After God has spoken disciples, says Jesus, "Continue in my WORD."

Neh. 8:8 So they read in the BOOK in the law of God distinctly,
        and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the READING.

Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city
        them that PREACH him, being READ in the synagogues every sabbath day.

Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up:
        and, as his custom was,
        he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.

Jesus in the STATE (never a person) of Holy Spirit had to APPEAR to Paul and let Him HEAR His voice led Paul to contradict.

Eph. 3:4 Whereby, when ye READ, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)

1Pet. 3:19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
1Pet. 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient,
        when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing,
        wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
1Pet. 3:21 The like figure whereunto even BAPTISM DOTH NOW SAVE
        (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh,
        but the answer [request for] of a good conscience toward God,)
        by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:
1Pet. 3:22 Who is gone into heaven,
        and is on the right hand of God;
        angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

It was NEVER intended as a document to [p. 115]
        be INDIVIDUALLY read and interpreted--
        a sort-of correspondence course in salvation.

As we go to the cradle only in order to find the baby,
        so we go to the Scriptures ONLY to find Christ. Martin Luther.

Theologians are BOUND by strong delusions to preach lies.


Through Jesus, God Himself spoke to His people during His lifetime.
          Now God speaks through the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will teach you all things,
        will call to your memory the things Jesus said,
        will guide you into all truth,
        will speak what He hears from the Father,
        will tell you what is yet to come,
        and glorify Christ as He reveals Christ to you

John T. Willis lies about Miriam in order to seduce male and female to claim such blasphemy

Theologians Lie: God the Father has not spoken to them MOUTH TO MOUTH and FACE TO FACE.

Acts 22:13 Came unto me, and stood, and said unto me,
        Brother Saul, receive thy sight. And the same hour I looked up upon him.
Acts 22:14 And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee,
         that thou shouldest know his will,
        and see that Just One,
        and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth.
Acts 22:15 For thou shalt be his witness unto all men
        of what thou hast seen and heard.
Acts 22:16 And now why tarriest thou?
        arise, and be baptized,
        and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.


SO SAITH THE LAW which prevents women who were the oracles of their gods is defined when Miriam believed that God also spoke to her. Making instrumental noises was part of the "prophesying" even by the Levites.


God will afflict Miriam with leprosy when she claims to speak for God.  The first meaning of prophet in the PAGAN sense meant a charismatic, musical performer.  All dramatic performance is INTERPRETATION which is, according to Paul, just speaking in tongues.

-Prophe-ta  I. a foreteller, SOOTHSAYER prophet... oraculorumque interpretes, sacerdotes Aegyptiorum, quos prophetas vocant, [Priestess of Egpt prophetess call out] Aegyptius, propheta primarius

PHRASE: Aegyptius, propheta primarius 1.  Aegyptius,
2.  Prophetai
3.  Primarius I. one of the first, of the first rank, chief, principal, excellent, remarkable,
primarius parasitus,Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 73 \
Rhetoric is defined as using tricks of language to literally force people to accept his language.  Music is always defined as a way to induce KOMA or making-dumb as a mind-altering technique
Plautus The Braggart Captain
-Plaut 2.1.73   T. Maccius Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, or The Braggart Captain  PERIPLECOMENUS  You are a simpleton. For, if you lay anything out on a bad wife and upon an enemy, that is an expense; that which is laid out on a deserving guest and a friend is gain; as that,
        which is expended upon sacred rites, is a profit to the wise man.
By the blessing of the Gods, I have enough, with which to receive you with hospitality in my house. Eat, drink, indulge your tastes with me, and surfeit yourself with enjoyments; my house is at your service, myself likewise do I wish to be at your service. For, through the blessing of the Gods, I may say that, by reason of my wealth, I could have married a dowered wife of the best family; but I don't choose to introduce an everlasting female barker at me into my house.
        give me something to give on the Quinquatrus to the sorceress [prae-cantrix] to the woman who interprets the dreams, to the prophetess, and to the female diviner; besides, 'tis impossible for me, in civility, not to fee the expiating woman;
The "praecantrix" was a woman who, by her incantations, was powerful to avert evil.

, īcis, f. praecantor,  I. an enchantress, sorceress  pharma^k-eus
sophis-tēs , A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, “meletan

13 To the sorceress: The "praecantrix" was a woman who, by her incantations, was powerful to avert evil. "Conjectrix" was a female who interpreted dreams. "Ariola" was supposed to be an inspired prophetess. "Aruspica" was a female who divined by means of the entrails, lightning, and other phenomena. "Piatrix" was the woman who purified the company and performed the expiations, on the day on which the child received its name.

A. Obsōnātor (ops- ), ōris, m. [id..] , I.a buyer of victuals; a caterer, purveyor:   According to Paul the corrupters of the Word were hucksters or adulterers "selling learning at retail." Jesus consigned the pipers, singers and dancers to the marketplace where the pagan gods were worshipped.

B. One who wears soft clothing.

In this dress: He has put on the "malacum pallium," "the soft garment," mentioned in l. 71, as being about to join the entertainment which he is providing.

Flash forward to Jesus: Luke 7:25 But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they which are gorgeously apparelled, and live delicately, are in kings’ courts. 

5172. truphe, troo-fay´; from thrupto (to break up or (figuratively) enfeeble, especially the mind and body by indulgence); effeminacy, i.e. luxury or debauchery:  delicately, riot.

2 Peter 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;

Entrupo (g1792) en-troo-fah'-o; from 1722 and 5171; to revel in: - sporting selves.

Truphaô , ( [truphê] ) 
2.revel in, entoisagathoistinos LXXSi.14.4 ; delight in, enagathôsunêisou ib.Ne.9.25.

A. live softly, luxuriously, fare sumptuously, paison, truphêson, paison paizô [pais] 4. to play (on an instrument), Hhymn. II. to sport, play, jest, joke, Hdt., Xen., etc.; p. pros tina to make sport of one, mock him. spoiled pets of the ekklesia,, zêson: apothanein se dei Epigr.Gr.362.5 (Cotiaeum, ii/iii A. D.).

C.  Parasite is one who eats with another,  

Parasiti Jovis of the gods, Phoebi, a player, actor, lives by flattery and buffooner, manages to live at another's expense, a sponger, toad-eate

Parasitis saltandum non cinaedus malacus aequest atque ego.


Parasītus (parasitos,
“table companion”). A word which among the Greeks denoted originally the priest's assistant, who, like the priest, received his support from the offerings made to the temple, in return for certain services. These services included the collection and care of supplies of corn due to the temple, assistance at certain sacrifices, and the preparation of the banquets connected with [p. 1175] certain festivals. The assistants of civil officials, who were maintained at the expense of the State, were also called parasites in many places. The word received another meaning in the Middle and New Greek comedy, where it means the hanger on, who plays the flatterer and buffoon, with a view to getting invited to dinner. The parasite was transferred as a standing character to the Roman imitations of Greek comedy, and figures largely in the plays of Plautus. Good examples of the stage parasite will be found in his Captivi Menaechmi Phormio of Terence.   

Diskouri such as Castor and Pollux the homosexual twins and Hercules introduced homosexuality into the Abomination of Desolation.


Gen. 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

802.  ʾishshah, ish-shaw´; feminine of 376 or 582; irregular plural, נָשׁיִם ʾashiym, naw-sheem´; a woman (used in the same wide sense as 582):—(adulter)ess, each, every, female, x many, + none, one, + together, wife, woman. Often unexpressed in English

vĕnēfĭcus , a, um, adj. venenum-facio,
poisoning, poisonous; sorcerous, magic, magical.
I. Adj.: “verba,Ov. M. 14, 365: “artes,Plin. 30, 2, 6, § 17: “aspectus,id. 28, 3, 6, § 30: “chamaeleon,Sol. 25 med.: “percussor,Curt. 4, 11, 18.—
II. Substt.: vĕnēfĭ-cus , i, m., a poisoner, sorcerer, wizard; and vĕnēfĭca , ae, f., a sorceress, witch, Cic. Cat. 2, 4, 7; id. Inv. 2, 19, 58; Quint. 9, 2, 105; Sen. Ira, 1, 16, 1; id. Ben. 5, 13, 4; Quint. 7, 8, 2; Hor. Epod. 5, 71; Ov. H. 6, 19; id. M. 7, 316 (of Medea); Sen. Ep. 9, 6.—


Ignatius used his meditations to become a mass murderer of Christians. Goebels used the method: "If you tell a lie over and over people will believe something" even against their rational will.  God wants us to come before Him in silence as STUDENTS and not as soothsayers or sorcerers.


Volkish - Völkish - Völkism - Reincarnation

Adolph Hitler and Religious Change Agents
The mass meeting is also necessary for the reason that in it the individual, who at first while becoming a supporter of a young movement, feels lonely and easily succumbs to the fear of being alone, for the first time gets the picture of a larger community, which in most people has a strengthening, encouraging effect. The same man, within a company or a battalion, surrounded by all his comrades, would set out on an attack with a lighter heart than if left entirely on his own.     In the crowd he always feels somewhat sheltered, even if a thousand reasons actually argue against it.
        But the community of the great demonstration not only strengthens the individual, it also unites and helps to create an esprit de corps. The man who is exposed to grave tribulations, as the first advocate of a new doctrine in his factory or workshop, absolutely needs that strengthening which lies in the conviction of being a member and fighter in a great comprehensive bodyAnd he obtains an impression of this body for the first time in the mass demonstration. When from his little workshop or big factory, in which he feels very small,
he steps for the first time into a mass meeting and has thousands and thousands of people of the same opinions around him, when, as a seeker, (Als Suchender.' A Wagnerian phrase, which Hitler was apparently determined to use at all costs)
he is swept away by three or four thousand others into the mighty effect of suggestive intoxication and enthusiasm,
when the visible success and agreement of thousands confirm to him the rightness of the new doctrine and for the first time arouse doubt in the truth of his previous conviction -
then he himself has succumbed to the magic influence of what we designate as 'mass suggestion.'
The will, the longing, and also the power of thousands are accumulated in every individual. The man who enters such a meeting doubting and wavering leaves it inwardly reinforced: he has become a link in the community.
The National Socialist movement must never forget this and in particular
it must never let itself be influenced by those bourgeois who know everything better,
but who
nevertheless have gambled away a great state
including their own existence and the rule of their class.
ALL CHURCH FATHERS AGREED WITH SCRIPTURE: Theologians lie about ALL church history.       
The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians

Faithful Ignatius agreeing with Jesus that those who SPEAK THEIR OWN WORDS are sons of the devil.

But the spirit of deceit preaches himself, and speaks his own things, for he seeks to please himself. He glorifies himself, for he is full of arrogance.
He is
lying, fraudulent, soothing, flattering, treacherous, rhapsodical, trifling, inharmonious, verbose, sordid, and timorous.

1Cor. 14:35 And if they will LEARN any thing, let them ask their husbands at home:
        for it is a SHAME for women to SPEAK in the church.

From the Church or Synagogue in the wilderness God's people assembled ONLY to read the WORD undiluted by Prelatal Pride.
The assembly is not for worship with the works of man's hand.
Worship is not in temples built by human hands.
There is no FUNDING beyond the Evangelists.
People who sell anything in the name of God or Jesus cannot speak the Word or Regulative principle


Miriam Example of Sorcery or Witchcraft

INSTRUCTIONS for second reading: "Liisten attentively for a WORD or phrase that seems to be GIVEN to you,
a word that DRAWS you to it read passage again silence one or two minutes
inviite members to speak aloud the one WORD or PHRASE that the SPIRIT has given them without explanation or discussion

MEDITATIO (reflect) Instructioons for third reading; "Allow the SPIRIT to bring to your mind and heart and experience or issue that you are facing right now that seems to connect you're your word or phrase.  Do not force it, just allow it to emerge."

Read passage again (same or different reader) silence (one or two minutes)
Invite members to briefly share where their word or phrase connects with their life right now.

ORATOR (speak/respond) Instructions for fourth reading: "Is God INVITING you to do or be something in the next few days?  LISTEN for an  INVITATION
Read passagain (same or third readersilence two or three minutesinvite members to share the invitation they HEARD from god.

CONTEMPLATIO (release)  think on these things sit quietly and REST in God's PRESENCE
Be present to God without the use of words silence ten to twenty minutes
Invite members to share the INVITATION they HEARD from God
John 8:26 I have many things to say and to judge of you:
         but he that sent me is TRUE;
        and I SPEAK to the world those things which I HAVE HEARD OF HIM

s. 59:21 As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD;
        My SPIRIT that is upon thee,
        and my WORDS which I have put in thy MOUTH,
        shall not depart out of thy mouth,
        nor out of the mouth of thy seed,
        nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed,
        saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.

Matt. 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
        All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matt. 28:19
    GO ye therefore, and TEACH all nations,
     baptizing them in the NAME [singular] of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Matt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things
        and, lo, I am with you alway,
        even unto the end of the world. Ame

SPIRIT is figurative or a PARABLE to hide from those who speak on their own whom Jesus calls children of the Devil

John 8:38 I SPEAK that which I have seen with my Father:
        and ye DO that which ye have seen with your father.
        [Those who DO are sons of the Devil]
Devil Do: carmen
 I.a tune, song; poem, verse; an ORACULAR response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto). note, sound, both vocal and instrumental “also versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit
John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
        IF ye continue in MY word,
        THEN are ye my disciples indeed;
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth,
        and the TRUTH shall make you free.
Devil Do:   Commercium sermonis,  7  In mercant. lang., to practise, exercise, follow any trade or profession:  8. In relig. lang., like the Gr. rhezein, to perform or celebrate a religious rite; to offer sacrifice, make an offering, to sacrifice: Is. 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Is. 55:2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Deut. 18:1 The priests the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi,
        shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel:
        they shall eat the offerings of the LORD made by fire, and his inheritance.
Deut. 18:9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, t
        hou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
Deut. 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that
        maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fir
        or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a WITCH,

hărĭŏlus  soothsayer, prophet, prophetess
somnĭo , to dream; to dream of or see in a dream, to dream, i. e. to think idly or vainly, to talk foolishly:
psaltrĭa , ae, f., = psaltria, . a female player on the cithara, a lutist,ineptias,Col. 1, 8, 2: “ah stulte! tu de Psaltriā me somnias Agere,Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 6; Plaut. Pers. 2, 3, 5.—Absol.: “vigilans somniat
portenta non disserentium philosophorum sed somniantium,Cic. N. D. 1, 8, 18.

Deut. 18:11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer
A Charmer is an Abomination
, ōris, m. incanto, I. an enchanter, wizard (post-class.), Tert. Idol. 9; Isid. 8, 9, 15; Mos. et Rom. Leg. Coll. 15, 1, 2.

consŭlo (a). In the lang. of religion, to consult a deity, an oracle, omens, etc.: “Apollinem de re,Cic. Leg. 2, 16, 40: “deum consuluit auguriis, quae suscipienda essent,Liv. 1, 20, 7: “deos hominum fibris,Tac. A. 14, 30 fin.: “Phoebi oracula,Ov. M. 3, 9; Suet. Vesp. 5: “Tiresiam conjectorem,Plaut. Am. 5, 1, 76:

Cantus A. Prophetic or oracular song: “veridicos Parcae coeperunt edere cantus,Cat. 63 cf. Tib.
B. An incantation, charm, magic song, etc.: cantusque artesque magorum.
cantus e curru Lunam deducere tentat,
2. With instruments, a playing, music:in nervorum vocumque cantibus,Cic. Tusc. 1, 2, 4; id. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: “citharae,Hor. C. 3, 1, 20: “horribili stridebat tibia cantu,Cat. 64, 264: “querulae tibiae,
Divina was the Thesslian Witch: Miriam in the LAW was to outlaw any prophet with whom God had not "Spoken Face-To-Face'
READING only of That which is Written for our Learning is a LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. That was to eleminate TEACHING anything else. Men who SPEAK or TEACH anything out of their own IMAGINATION were also SILENCED to make the assembly "Safe so that it might COME TO A KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH, THE WORD, LOGOS REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE.

Arnibius warned that "spirits of a grosser kind" might come in and Paul warned that people may be cursing God.  The PATTERN was to use CLEAR WORDS of Scripture. LEARNING and not judging Scripture is the only pattern.

1Pet. 4:10 As every man hath received the GIFT,  [By the hands of an Apostle]
        even so minister [SERVANTS] the same one to another,
        as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

1Pet. 4:11 If any man SPEAK,
        let him SPEAK as the ORACLES of God;
 if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth:
        that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ,
        to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Jackie Halstead claims that THE WORD OF GOD COMES from practices defined as SORCERY. 

1Cor. 14:36  What? came the WORD OF GOD OUT FROM YOU? or came it unto you only?
1Cor. 14:37 If any man think himself to be a PROPHET, or spiritual,
        let him acknowledge that the things that I WRITE unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

The oracle of Apollo or Abaddon.
Phoebe was a Titan goddess of prophetic radiance, often associated with Selene (goddess of the moon).
Phoebe, in Greek mythology, a Titan, daughter of Uranus (Sky) and Gaea (Earth). By the Titan Coeus she was the mother of Leto and grandmother of Apollo and Artemis. She was also the mother of Asteria and Hecate. The family relationships were described by Hesiod (Theogony). Her epithet was Gold-Crowned, but her name, like Apollo’s forename Phoebus, signified brightness. In Aeschylus’s Eumenides (458 bc) she is said to have given Apollo the rite of his oracle in Delphi. In later mythology she was identified with the moon, as were Artemis and her Roman counterpart Diana. See also Selene.


The Egyptian Opis (Apis) and others which Israel worshipped at Mount Sinal were worshipped throughout the area. "In preference to all other hymns these choirs generally sang the so-called epiphany hymns,which were intended to invite the gods to appear. Plutarch wrote:
Why do the women of Elis call upon God in song to approach them with the bull's foot? Their song is the following:
Come, Dionysus, Hero,
into the holy temple of Elis,
together with the Graces
come violently into the temple with the bull's foot!
Then they sang twice at the end: "Sacred Bull!" (Johannes Quasten, Music & Worship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, p. 76)
"For nonliterate peoples, music often serves purposes other than entertainment or aesthetic enjoyment. Certain wind instrumentare closely associated with the supernatural, and their sounds connote powerful magic. Australian Aborigines, for instance, identify the sound of a bull-roarer with thevoices of supernatural beings; for the Plains Indians, the same sound signifies an awesome natural phenomenon, such as thunder. Wind instruments are often among a group's most important ritual objects, and in some cultures they are specially venerated. The Kamairua Indians of the Amazon rain forest keep their giant flutes (three to four feet long), wherein spirits are believed to dwell, in a special shrine where they are worshiped. The flutes and drums of New Guinea are similarly housed and worshiped.
"Wind instruments in primitive cultures also serve nonreligious functions. In New Guinea, bamboo trumpets were once played
to frighten an enemyduring battle and
alert a village that the victorious warriors were coming home with the corpses of the foes.
"Conch-shell trumpets are used for signaling in the Pacific coastal regions of Columbia and in the Ecuadoran highlands. Trumpets also may be associated with the office of king or chief, as in West Africa,
where their use is
strictly controlled by tribal law. "wind instrument" Encyclopædia Britannica Online

Wants "Scripture to read US." All of the Women-Silence passages show that they were almost unique, like Miriam, Paul's Mad Women of Corinth. Because they sold themselves in pagan temples, men were willing to spend their children's food money before they could get out of port.  Anyone who claims a craft to enable a "spirit" to speak through them.


Arnobius, Heresies IV May it not happen, may it not come to pass, although you craftily conceal it, that the one should take the other's place, deluding, mocking, deceiving, and  presenting the appearance of the deity invoked?
If the magi, who ares o much akin to soothsayers [Miriam], relate that, in their incantations, pretended gods steal in frequently instead of those invoked; 
        that some of these, moreover, c
        who pretend that they are gods, and delude the ignorant by their lies and deceit,-
why should we not similarly believe that here, too, others substitute themselves for those who are not, that they may both strengthen your superstitious beliefs, and rejoice that victims are slain in sacrifice to them under names not their own?

33. Your gods, it is recorded, dine on celestial couches, and in golden chambers, drink,
        and are at last SOOTHED by the music of the lyre, and singing .
        You fit them with ears not easily wearied;
        and do not think it unseemly to assign to the gods
               the pleasures by which earthly bodies are supported,
               and which are sought after by ears enervated by the frivolity of an unmanly spirit.


The SPIRITUS of God is Spīrĭtus, breathing or gentle blowing of air, a breath, breeze 
The BREATH of a god, INSPIRATION. God always puts HIS Word into the MOUTH of the Prophets and Jesus for the LAST TIME.
THE OPPOSITE of  Inflate: “spe falsa animos
          Falsa or FALLO  
  to deceive, trick, dupe, cheat, disappoint preach contend in words (oratores)
SPIRITUM PHOEBUS mihi, Phoebus artem Carminis dedit, poetic spirit or inspiration, Hor. C. 4, 6, 29;

Hor. C. 4, 6, 29;      Latin
Sweet tuner of the Grecian lyre,
Whose locks are laved in Xanthus' dews,
Blooming Agyieus! help, inspire
My Daunian Muse! [Rev 18 Muses: Apollyon's Worshp Team]

'Tis Phoebus, Phoebus GIFTS MY TONGUE
With minstrel art and minstrel fires:
Come, noble youths and maidens sprung
From noble sires,

   The MOONgoddess, sister of Phœbus, i. e. Diana, Luna, or the moon [Lectio-Divina]
Phoebus   a poetical appellation of Apollon as the god of light: Phœbean, Apollinean:carmina,Lucr. 2, 504:lampas,the sun, Verg. A. 4, 6: [Zoe-Eve in Latin Literature] virgo,Ov. P. 2, 2, 82: laurus,id. Tr. 4, 2, 51: “Rhodos,where the worship of Apollo
C.  Phoebas , ădis, f., a priestess of Apollo; hence the inspired one, the prophetess,
Inflo to play upon a wind instrument: “inflare cavas cicutas,
to blow: “simul inflavit tibicen, a perito carmen agnoscitur,
to puff up

Ovid Metamorphoses 7.346.

against the magic-making sound of gongs
O wonder-working Moon,
I draw you down
against the magic-making sound of gongs
brazen vessels of Temesa's ore;
cast my spells and veil the jeweled rays .
entheos ,
A.full of the god, inspired, possessed, e. gunaikes, of the Bacchantes, S.Ant.964 (lyr.); e. Arei possessed by him, A.Th.497; “ek Panos
II. of divine frenzy, inspired by the god,tekhnaiA.Ag.1209; “mantikēPl.Phdr.244b; “manteiaiId.Ti.72b; “entheon poiēsis
poi-ēsis , eōs, , A.fabrication, creation, production,
2. of Poetry, tōn dithurambōn p., tēs tragōdias, tōn epōn,

melos , eos, to, limb by limb, like meleisti, Dismember
B. esp. musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain,
2. music to which a song is set, tune, Arist.Po.1450a14; opp. rhuthmos, metron, Pl.Grg. 502c; opp. rhuthmos, rhēma, Id.Lg.656c; Krētikon, Karikon, Iōnikon m.,
3. melody of an instrument, “phormigx d' au phtheggoith' hieron m. ēde kai aulos
III. method of procedure, in Magic,

-Thei-azō , (theios A) A.to be inspired, frenzied, hoposoi autous theiasantes epēlpisan as many as made them hope by divinations,
hoposoi teletais etheiazonobtained inspiration through ritual, Philostr.Her.5.3.
II.worship as divine, Id.59.27; “Puthagoran kai Platōna” [“logos epi teleutē tou Alexandrou etheiasthēArr.An.7.18.6; “

Aoidos , ho, (aeidō) A.singer, minstrel, bard, Il.24.720, Od.3.270, al., Hes.Th.95, Op.26, “a. anērOd.3.267; theios a.4.17, 8.87, al.; “tou aristou anthrōpōn a.Hdt.1.24; “polla pseudontai a.Arist.Metaph.983a4: c.gen., goōn, khrēsmōn aoidos, E.HF110, Heracl. 403; pratos a., of the cock, Theoc.18.56.
= eunoukhos, Hsch.; cf. doidos.
fem., songstress,poluidris a.Id.15.97; of the nightingale, Hes.Op.208; of the Sphinx, S.OT36, E.Ph.1507 (lyr.); aoidos Mousa Id.Rh.386 (lyr.).
enchanter, S.Tr.1000.
as Adj., tuneful, musical, aoidotatan ornithaE.Hel.1109 (lyr.), cf. Theoc.12.7,
2. Pass., = aoidimos, famous,pollon aoidoterēArcesil. ap. D.L.4.30.
= eunoukhos, Hsch.; cf. doidos.

Eunoukhos , ho, (eunē, ekhō)
A.castrated person, eunuch, employed to take charge of the women and act as chamberlain (whence the name, ho tēn eunēn ekhōn), Hdt.3.130, al., Ar.Ach. 117, X.Cyr.7.5.60, etc.
These are the DOGS and CONCISION or the Galla or castrated worship ministers of the Mother Goddess.
Theios   1.of or from the gods, divine, “genosIl.6.180; “omphē2.41; Oneiros ib.22; “epipnoiais”of heralds and bards, Il.4.192, Od.4.17, al.; so perh., of kings, ib. 691.
b.matters of religion, errei ta th. religion is no more, S.OT910 (lyr.), cf. OC1537, X.Cyr.8.8.2

Acts 16:16 And it came to pass, as we went to prayer,
a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us,
which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:

G4436 Puthōn poo'-thone From Puthō (the name of the region where Delphi, the seat of the famous oracle, was located); a Python, that is, (by analogy with the supposed diviner there) inspiration (soothsaying): divination.

The pagan godhead is Abaddon or Apollyon Leader of the Muses, Sorcerers

-Puthiazô , to be inspired by Apollo, [Abaddon, Apollyon] prophesy, Puthô.

-Puthô Pytho, older name of that part of Phocis at the foot of Parnassus, in which lay the city of Delphi, Hom., etc. of Delphi itself, Pi.P.4.66, 10.4, Hdt.1.54, etc. (Acc. to the legend, derived from the rotting of the serpent, h.Ap.372.)
punthanomai , Od.2.315, etc.; poet. also peuthomai (q.v.): Ep. impf.

-Pind. P. 4 Today you must stand beside a beloved man, Muse, the king of Cyrene with its fine horses, so that while Arcesilas celebrates his triumph you may swell the fair wind of song that is due to the children of Leto and to Pytho, where once the priestess seated beside the golden eagles of Zeus, [5] on a day when Apollo happened to be present,

Thia (Theia). A daughter of Uranus and Gê [heaven and earth], one of the female Titans, became by Hyperion the mother of Helios, Eos (Aurora), and Selené (Luna) —that is, she was regarded as the deity from whom all light proceeded (Theog. 135, 171).

Thiăsusthiasos).  The name thiasus was especially applied to the festivals in honour of Dionysus, and, in the representations of poetry and art, to the mythical retinue of the god, which consisted of Sileni, Satyrs, Nymphs, and Maenads.
There is ONE God:
Eph. 4:5 One Lord [Kurios], one faith, one baptism,
Eph. 4:6 One God [Theos] and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.


John 6:63 It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth;
         the FLESH profiteth nothing:
         the WORDS that I SPEAK unto you,
         they are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE.

1Cor. 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion,
        but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
1Cor. 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches:
         for it is not permitted unto them to speak;
         but they are commanded to be under obedience,
         as also saith the law.

1Cor. 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home:
        for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
1Cor. 14:36  What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?
1Cor. 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Take heed in the plague of leprosy, that thou observe diligently, and do according to all that the
priests the Levites shall teach you: as I commanded them, so ye shall observe to do. Deut 24:8
        Remember what the Lord thy God did unto Miriam by the way,
after that ye were come forth out of Egypt. Deut 24:9


Venus.Eve.Collected.html serp;


On addition to the public and official cult of the "twelve great gods" and their subordinate divinities, the Assyrians had a more sacred and secret religion, a religion of mystery and magic and sorcery. The antiquity and importance of this secret religion,

with its magic and incantations of the good spirits or evil demons, may be gathered from the fact that by order of King Assurbanipal his scribes made several copies of a great magical work [praise song book] according to a pattern which had been preserved from a remote antiquity in the priestly school of Erech in Chaldea. This work consisted of three books, the first of which is entirely consecrated to

incantations (chanting a powerful song),
conjurations (to summon a god), and
imprecations (A curse) against the evil spirits.

A demon is called ecimmu, or maskimmu. One special class of these spirits was the sedu, or divine bull, which is represented in the well-known figure of a man-headed bull so common on the Assyrian monuments. This name, it may be remarked, is probably the source of the Hebrew word for demon. The Assyrian sedu, it is true, was more commonly a beneficent or tutelary (guardian) spirit. (Catholic Encyclopedia)

Allowing scripture to read US
INSTRUCTIONS for second reading: "Liisten attentively for a WORD or phrase that seems to be GIVEN to you,
        a word that draws you to it
        read passage again
        silence one or two minutes
        inviite members to speak aloud the one WORD or PHRASE that the spirit has given them without explanation or discussion

MEDITATIO (reflect)

Instructioons for third reading; "Allow the spirit to bring to your mind and heart and experience or issue that you are facing right now that seems to connect you're your word or phrase.  Do not force it, just allow it to emerge."

Read passage again (same or different reader)
silence (one or two minutes)
Invite members to briefly share where their word or phrase connects with their life right now.

ORATOR (speak/respond)
Instructions for fourth reading: "Is God inviting you to do or be something in the next few days?  Listen for an invitation   HS blackaby
Read passagain (same or third reader
silence tw2o or three minutes
invite members to share the invitation they heard from god.

CONTEMPLATIO (release)  think on these things
sit quietly and rest in God's presence
e present to God without the use of words
silence ten to wtwenty minutes
Invite members to share the invitation they heard from G

Sorcerers or Witches as religious ORACLES were almost always female.

A priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity.



The Greek word for a diviner is mantis, pl. manteis, generally translated as "seer" or "soothsayer."[4] A mantis is to be distinguished from a hiereus, "priest," or hiereia, "priestess," by the participation of the latter in the traditional religion of the city-state. Manteis, on the other hand, were "unlicensed religious specialists," who were "expert in the art of divination."[5] The first known mantis in Greek literature is Calchas, the mantis of the first scenes of the Iliad. His mantosune, or "art of divination" (Cicero's mantike, which he translates into Latin as divinatio), endowed him with knowledge of past, present, and future, which he got from Apollo (Iliad A 68–72). He was the army's official mantis. Armies of classical times seldom undertook any major operation without one, usually several. Mantosune in the army was a risky business. Prophets who erred were at best dismissed. The penalty for being a fraud was usually more severe.



Calchas presides at the sacrifice of Iphigeneia, the daughter of Agamemnon, as the divine price of the winds required to carry the fleet to Troy, in a peristyle fresco from Pompeii.

will they not say that you are mad


Apollo, the most important oracular deity, is most closely associated with the supreme knowledge of future events which is the possession of Zeus.[18] Apollo was known as Apollo Moiragetes,[13] referring to Apollo as the god of fate.[19] The oracle at Delphi gave oracles from Apollo.[16]

Apollo in an oracular function is associated with both plague, purification[20] and truth. Even though the prophecies given by him were ambiguous, he is said to have never uttered a lie.[21]

Apollo's oracle at Delphi is the most famous and was the most important oracular site of ancient Greece.

According to Homer and Callimachus, Apollo was born with prophetic abilities and the power of reading the will of Zeus. However, a less popular belief is that he was instructed by Pan in divination as found within myth.[14]

Apollo and Hermes

Apollo transfers to Hermes a skill in cleromancy,[22] upon the request of Hermes. Speaking within the hymn,[which?] Apollo expounds on the difficulty he experiences with his own divination, and then proceeds to provide the gift of divination to his brother Hermes, though a lesser skill, because the mantic dice are not under the control and influence of the will of Zeus.[23] Hermes' skill at divination, though inferior to the skill of Apollo, is still of a divine nature.[18]

The gift of Apollo is bee maidens with oracular abilities.[24]

In religion, a prophet is an individual who is regarded as being in contact with a divine being and is said to speak on behalf of that being, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering messages or teachings from the supernatural source to other people.[1][2] The message that the prophet conveys is called a prophecy.
Gen. 3:16 ¶ Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Is. 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

1Tim. 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
1Tim. 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Rev. 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
John 5:20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.
John 5:21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.
John 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:
John 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
John 5:26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;
John 6:27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

Luke 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father:
        and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father;
        and who the Father is, but the Son,
        and he to whom the Son will reveal him.
John 10:15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
John 15:15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

John 10:13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.
John 10:14 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
John 10:15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
John 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
John 10:17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
John 10:18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

1Cor. 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion,
        but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
1Cor. 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches:
         for it is not permitted unto them to speak;
         but they are commanded to be under obedience,
         as also saith the law.

Num. 12:1 ¶ And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
Num. 12:2 And they said, Hath the LORD indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us? And the LORD heard it.
Num. 12:3 (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)
Num. 12:4 ¶ And the LORD spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out.
Num. 12:5 And the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.
Num. 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a PROPHET among you,
        I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision,
        and will speak unto him in a dream.
Num. 12:7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
Num. 12:8 With him
        will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches;
        and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold:
        wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
Num. 12:9 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them; and he departed.
Num. 12:10  And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.

Deut. 18:15 ¶ The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;
Deut. 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

Acts 3:22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.
Acts 7:37 This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear.

The spirit OF Christ spoke through the PROPHETS to univerally condemn music as the MARK and CAUSE of rejecting the Word. Otherwise, to prophesy meant to MAKE SELF a prophets in a singing, dancing and musical sense.
-Exodus 15:[20] sumpsit ergo Maria prophetis soror Aaron tympanum in manu egressaeque sunt omnes mulieres post eam cum tympanis et choris
God will afflict Miriam with leprosy when she claims to speak for God.  The first meaning of prophet in the PAGAN sense meant a charismatic, musical performer.  All dramatic performance is INTERPRETATION which is, according to Paul, just speaking in tongues.
-Prophe-ta  I. a foreteller, SOOTHSAYER prophet... oraculorumque interpretes, sacerdotes Aegyptiorum, quos prophetas vocant, [Priestess of Egpt prophetess call out] Aegyptius, propheta primarius

Aegyptius, propheta primarius
1.  Aegyptius,
2.  Prophetai
3.  Primarius I. one of the first, of the first rank, chief, principal, excellent, remarkable,
primarius parasitus,

Here is what God thought of her "revelations."
Take heed in the plague of leprosy, that thou observe diligently, and do according to all that the priests the Levites shall teach you: as I commanded them, so ye shall observe to do. Deut 24:8
        Remember what the Lord thy God did unto Miriam by the way,
after that ye were come forth out of Egypt. Deut 24:9

Here is what Miriam did which was common to what the Israelites did in Egypt and never ceased to do.
Sistrum, a metallic rattle which was used by the Egyptians in celebrating the rites of Isis, and in other lascivious festivals,.Ov. Am. 2, 13, 11 By the Jews, Vulg. 1 Reg. [Samuel] 18, 6 .--Hence sarcastically, as if used for a war - trumpet by the wanton Cleopatra Verg. A.8.696   Luc. 10.63
Image of Bast:

Ovid, art of love
And hast thy walks around Canope's walls,
Who Memphis visit'st, and the Pharian tower,
Assist Corinna with thy friendly powers.
Thee by thy silver Sistra I conjure,
A life so precious by thy aid secure;
So mayst thou with Osiris still find grace:
By Anubis's venerable face,
I pray thee, so may still thy rights divine
Flourish, and serpents round thy offerings twine
May Apis with his horns the pomp attend, [re: golden calf]
And be to thee, as thou'rt to her, a friend.
Look down, oh Isis! on the teeming fair,

1 Samuel 18:[6]  It happened as they came, when David returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that the women came out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet king Saul, with tambourines, with joy, and with instruments of music. [7]  The women sang one to another [h6030 Anah] as they played, and said, Saul has slain his thousands, David his ten thousands. [8]  Saul was very angry

"was a typical woman's instrument... Although it occurs in the Psalter and in religious hymns (Exod. 15; Jer. 31:4), it was not permitted in the temple. Its functions in the bible was restricted to secular or religious frolicking, cultic dances, or processions (e.g., II Sam. 6:5; I Chr. 13:8; Ps. 68:25-26). Its absence in the temple ritual was possibly due to its strong female symbolism, which always accompanied the tambourine, and which made its use so popular at all fertility rites." (The Int. Std. Bible Dict., p. 474).
Ovid: book 9, Metamorphoses
the sacred rattles were there, and Osiris, known
the constant object of his worshipers' desire,
and there the Egyptian serpent whose quick sting
gives long-enduring sleep. She seemed to see
them all, and even to hear the goddess say
to her, "O Telethusa, one of my
remembered worshipers, forget your grief;
your husband's orders need not be obeyed;
and when Lucina has delivered you,
save and bring up your child, if either boy
or girl. I am the goddess who brings help
to all who call upon me; and you shall
never complain of me--that you adored
a thankless deity." So she advised
by vision the sad mother, and left her.

"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).

"We know that all of the Israelite brought Egyptian gods and practices with them and it is not far-fetched to think that Miriam, who had not yet been exposed to the Covenant of God's grace, was part of the consciousness-altering rhythms and which was part of a priestly myth-play brought to destructive consummation at Mount Sinai as the golden calf was called back into action. Marks

1Cor. 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home:
        for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
1Cor. 14:36  What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?
1Cor. 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

son reveal



auto-kra^tēs , es,

auto-kra^tēs , es,
A.ruling by oneself, absolute, independent,nousAnaxag.12; “tukhēHp.Loc.Hom.46; “phrēnE.Andr.482 (lyr.); “apeithēs te kai au.Pl.Ti.91b; “genesis oudemia au. estinDam.Pr.394; “to au.Plu.2.1026d. Adv. “-kratōsLyd. Mag.1.33.




Scribes and Pharisees were AUTO
11Let the womanG1135 learnG3129 in silenceG2271 with allG3956 subjectionG5292.
12But I sufferG2010 not a womanG1135 to teachG1321, norG3761 to usurpG831 authorityG831 over the manG435, but to be in silenceG2271.
From G5293 ; subordination:—subjection.
From G5259 and G5021 ; to subordinate; reflexively to obey:—be under obedience (obedient), put under, subdue unto, (be, make) subject (to, unto), be (put) in subjection (to, under), submit self unto.

From G1909 and the base of G5157 ; to turn over (transfer), that is, allow:—give leave (liberty, license), let, permit, suffer.

G831 authenteō ow-then-teh'-o From a compound of G846 and ἕντης hentēs (obsolete; a worker); to act of oneself, that is, (figuratively) dominate:—usurp authority over.
G846 autos ow-tos' From the particle αὖ au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea of a baffling wind; backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the compound of G1438 ) of the third person, and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons:—her, it (-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, ([self-], the) same, ([him-, my-, thy-]) self, [your-] selves, she, that, their (-s), them ([-selves]), there [-at, -by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with], they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare G848 .
G109 aēr ah-ayr' From ἄημι aēmi (to breathe unconsciously, that is, respire; by analogy to blow); “air” (as naturally circumambient):—air. Compare G5594 .

authent-eō ,
A.to have full power or authority over, tinos I Ep.Ti.2.12; “pros tinaBGU1208.37(i B. C.): c. inf., Lyd.Mag.3.42.
2. commit a murder, Sch.A.Eu.42.
  1. ne who with his own hands kills another or himself

  2. one who acts on his own authority, autocratic

  3. an absolute master

  4. to govern, exercise dominion over one

Polyb 23,14,2

A.Eu.42 I was on my way to the inner shrine, decked with wreaths; I saw on the center-stone1a man defiled in the eyes of the gods, [40] occupying the seat of suppliants. His hands were dripping blood; he held a sword just drawn and an olive-branch, from the top of the tree, decorously crowned with a large tuft of wool, a shining fleece; for as to this I can speak clearly. [45]

1 Timothy 2.12] docere autem mulieri non permitto neque dominari in virum sed esse in silentio

dŏmĭnor , ātus (ante-class.
I.inf domina rier, Verg. A. 7, 70), 1, v. dep. n. [dominus], to be lord and master, to have dominion, bear rule domineer (freq. and class.; for syn. cf.: regno, impero, jubeo, praesum). ruling, bearing sway.Lit.: “a gentibus dominantibus premi,
o, “consilium,Cic. Rep. 1, 38: “potestas (sc. censura) longinquitate,Liv. 9, 33: “oratio,Quint. 8, 3, 62: “
Verg. A. 7.45 “Behold, there comes,”
the prophet cried, “a husband from afar!
To the same region by the self-same path
behold an arm'd host taking lordly sway
upon our city's crown!” Soon after this,
when, coming to the shrine with torches pure,
Lavinia kindled at her father's side
the sacrifice, swift seemed the flame to burn
along her flowing hair—O sight of woe!
Over her broidered snood it sparkling flew,
lighting her queenly tresses and her crown
of jewels rare: then, wrapt in flaming cloud,
from hall to hall the fire-god's gift she flung.
This omen dread and wonder terrible
was rumored far: for prophet-voices told
bright honors on the virgin's head to fall
by Fate's decree, but on her people, war.

REPEAT: Paul silences women in the teaching role with authority: authentia means both erotic and murderous.
In two examples the women are not allowed to speak because from Babylonian tablets onward women took the role of soothsayers equated to sorcery claiming that only mad women could hear the voice of the gods: Paul uses the word maniomai.

Thank you very much, says Paul in these and all of the examples

Matt. 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Pater Hence, patres = patricii
The father as head and  resentative of the household
the title given to the high-priest of Mithras, Of the founder of a school:
of a teacher, as a source or creator: Isocrates pater eloquentiae,

pa^tēr   author of songs IV. metaph., father, author, “aoidan p . . . euainētos orpheus” their own tou logou p
  1. a title of honour
    1. teachers, as those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge and training they have received
    2. the members of the Sanhedrin, whose prerogative it was by virtue of the wisdom and experience in which they excelled, to take charge of the interests of others
Gal328 is FALSE because NEITHER male NOR female has any authority to claim to be RHETORICIANS who with the Singers and Instrument players are called wise or SOPHISTS and are ANTI-logos.

1Cor. 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches:
        for it is not permitted unto them to speak;
        but they are commanded to be under obedience, [post in the shelter of, timid]
        as also saith the law.
THIS EXCLUDES: of musical sounds, aulō laleōTheoc.20.29; [English] of trees, v.supr.1.2; “di'aulou ē salpiggos l.
kai ēn suriggi melisdō,
kēn aulō doneō, kēn dōnaki, kēn plagiaulō.
30kai pasai kalon me kat' ōrea phanti gunaikes,
Why women are not permitted to speak where there is no ROLE and no DOLE other than fleecing like Pharisees.

1Cor. 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?
1Cor. 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual,
        let him acknowledge that the things
        that I WRITE unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
1Cor. 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

It is certain that trying to REWRITE this clear statement which can be read by all presumes the right to AUTHOR her own songs or sermons.  This is the meaning of all of the female-driven paradigm to ignore the text and let a spirit do the talking.

Galatians 3:28


enus.Eve.Collected.htmlWATCH THE VIPER BITE as end-time males take on the role of the false widoe.

1Tim. 1:3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,
1Tim. 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying [TEACHING] which is in faith: [THE WORD LOGOS] so do.

G3453 mueo moo-eh'-o From the base of G3466 ; to initiate, that is, (by implication) to teach: ;instruct.

muthos , ho2. fiction (OPPOSITE. logos, historic truth), Pi.O.1.29 (pl.), N.7.23 (pl.), Pl.Phd.61b, Prt.320c, 324d, etc. 3. generally, fiction, “m. idioiPhld.Po.5.5; legend, myth, Hdt.2.45, Pl.R.330d, Lg. 636c, etc.; “ho peri theōn m.Epicur.Ep.3p.65U.; “tous m. tous epikhōrious gegraphenSIG382.7 (Delos, iii B.C.).

fābŭla , ae, f. fari, I.a narration, narrative, account, story; the subject of common talk quae versatur in tragoediis atque carminibus non a veritate modo
B. Of particular kinds of poetry. 1. Most freq., a dramatic poem, drama, play (syn.:ludus, cantus, actio, etc.): in full, fabula scaenica,Amm. 28, 1, 4; “or, theatralis,id. 14, 6, 20: “fabula ad actum scenarum composita,Quint. 5, 10, 9; cf. id. 11, 3, 73 sq.:

dĕus , 2. Of Bacchus, Verg. A. 9, 337; 1, 636.—
C.1. In poets sometimes a goddess; cf. Gr. theos: “ducente deo (sc. Venere),Verg. A. 2, 632: “audentes deus ipse juvat (sc. Fortuna),Ov. M. 10, 586; Macr. Sat. 3, 8; cf. of Aurora, Cat. ap. Cic. N. D. 1, 28 fin.;
Vĕnus , ĕris (I.gen. sing. VENERVS, Inscr. Orell. 1364), f. v. veneror, the goddess of Love, the goddess Venus [Zoe, Lucifer]
fabula nullius veneris sine pondere et arte,Hor. A. P. 320: “sermo ipse Romanus non recipere videatur illam solis concessam Atticis venerem,
II. Derivv.: Vĕnĕrĕus or Vĕnĕrĭus , a, um, adj., of or belonging to Venus: “sacerdos,Plaut. Rud. 2, 2, 23:

1Timothy 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved,
        and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God,  [not three]
            and one mediator between God and men, [not women in this context]
            the man Christ Jesus;
1Timothy 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

1Tim. 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach,
        nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
1Tim. 2:14 And Adam was not deceived,
        but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
para-ba^sis going aside, escape,



The old wives were: Graodes (g1126) grah-o'-dace; from graus , (an old woman) and 1491; crone-like, i.e. silly: - old wives. Graodes is the derogatory word used for 'old women' when they are being silly or mislead. So it is an idiom for anyone stupid enough to come under the influence of evil.}

Rev. 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Rev. 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
Rev. 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.
Rev. 2:12  And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write;
        These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
Rev. 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Rev. 2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.
Rev. 2:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

Rev. 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Rev. 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

prophētis , idos, fem. of prophētēs, esp. of the Pythia, E.Ion 42,321,
Exodus 15.20] Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand; and all the women went out after her with tambourines and with dances.
porn-euō ,
A. [select] prostitute, mostly in Pass., of a woman, prostitute herself, be or become a prostitute, Hdt.1.93, Eup.67, Lys.Fr.59; of a man, Aeschin.1.52, 119, D.19.233.
II   in Act., = Pass., LXXDe.23.17(18),Luc.Alex.5, Phalar.Ep.121, Harp.s.v.“pōlōsi;fornicate, 1 Ep.Cor.6.18.
2  metaph., practise idolatry, LXX 1 Ch.5.25, al.

X.Mem.Prostitute.Sophist.htmlSo is it with wisdom. Those who offer it to all comers for money
               are known as sophists, prostitutors of wisdom,

Pornos , ho, A.catamite, Ar.Pl.155, X.Mem.1.6.13, D.22.73
2. sodomite, D.Ep.4.11, Phalar.Ep.4.
3. in LXX and NT, fornicator, LXXSi.23.16, 1 Ep.Cor.5.9, al.
II. idolater,

1Cor. 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

Sophistas: see on i.1.11. In setting a price on their wisdom, they dishonored it, as did pornoi beauty.

Sophis-tēs , ou, o(, A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, “meletan sophistais prosbalonPi.I.5(4).28, cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, “sophistēs . . parapaiōn khelunA.Fr.314, cf. Eup.447, Pl.Com. 140; sophistē Thrēki (sc. Thamyris) E.Rh.924, cf. Ath.14.632c: with modal words added, “hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn[melody in the holy place--a death sentence for any Levite]

Rev. 2:21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
Rev. 2:22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed,
        and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation,
        except they repent of their deeds.
Rev. 2:23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
Rev. 2:24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.

g899.  bathos, bath´-os; from the same as 901; profundity, i.e. (by implication) extent; (figuratively) mystery: — deep(-ness, things), depth.

Bathos *2. [select] metaph., “kakōn horōn b.A.Pers.465; “ē makrou ploutou batheiS.Aj.130, cf. Ep.Rom.11.33; “b. hēgemoniasPlu.Pomp.53
en bathei posios deep in drink, Theoc.14.29; “b. kardias anthrōpouLXXJu.8.14; ta b. tou theou, tou Satana, 1 Ep.Cor.2.10, Apoc.2.24.

IX. [select] in Music, = barutēs, low pitch, Aristid.Quint.1.11.

"Paul called the teachings
'profane' and 'fit only for old women,' a strong indication that women were the teachers. There isn't any doubt Jesus identified Jezebel as a false prophetess and teacher who taught heresies mixed with sexual immorality (Rev. 2:20). From the available information it can be deduced she was a Gnostic teacher." (Trombley, Who Says Women Can't Teach, p. 165)

The course of the seasons (or hours) is symbolically described by the dance of the Horae;
        and, in conjunction with the Charites, Hebe, Harmonia, and Aphrodite, 
        they accompany the songs of the Muses
        and Apollo's play on the lyre, with their dancing.

Yet another version of Aphrodite as Triple Goddess,
        Agape 'love feast,'
        Irene 'peace,' and
        Chione 'snow queen.'

Irene was also a Goddess in her own right, and she had an attendant named Opora 'autumn.' The Horae who 'greeted' Aphrodite on the shores of Kyprus were her three high priestesses who carried her statue through the shallows, clothing it on the beach during her bathing and purification festival.

Irene was the Crone, bringer of the peace of death,
Agape the ruler of sacred sexual rites, and

Chione was the new year, born at Winter Solstice, unapproachable and serene.

Regarding the cultic associations and the Love-Feast, Rudolph comments:
...the ceremony only
superficially resembles the Christian eucharist,
rather continues older Greek and Hellenistic secret cults (like that of Eleusis and that of the god Sabazios,

in which the snake was worshipped as a symbol of the chthonic deity and fertility). For the Ophites or Nassene gnostics the snake was a medium of revelation and mouthpiece of the most sublime... Resource GNOSIS: The Nature & History of Gnosticism by Kurt Rudolf p. 242

See Hippolytus Book V Satan Worship

Naasseni Ascribe Their System, Through Mariamne, to James the Lord's Brother; Really Traceable to the Ancient Mysteries; Their Psychology as Given in the "Gospel According to Thomas; "Assyrian Theory of the Soul; The Systems of the Naasseni and the Assyrians Compared; Support Drawn by the Naasseni from the Phrygian and Egyptian Mysteries; The Mysteries of Isis; These Mysteries Allegorized by the Naasseni.

  1. Paul EXCLUDES both males and females from any performing-for-hire roles in the School of the Word. The direct command and approved examples was to assemble yourselves ONCE a week on the rest day to read, memorize and mutually confess the resources handed down in written form. This was to exclude any upity claim to a special revelation.
  2. The reason he silenced the men who do not CLEAVE and let the female or effeminate wrath or ORGY break our.
  3. He silences and keeps the women sedentary because from Eve onward including the Babylonianism Moses warned about in Genesis women presumed and the men accepted that they were uniquely qualified to speak to and for the gods: the proof was their sex-unique urge to fall into ecstasy or out of mindness and claim that her messages were worthy of HIRE and exclusion from the productive work force. That was mitigated after the female-led musical and trinitarian "play" at Mount Sinai.
  4. There is just ONE GOD THE FATHER (teacher) and One Mediator between the father and man: the man Jesus Christ. That denies that from Eve (Babylon) onward frantic women are NOT mediators and truth does not originate with them
  5. The one God the Father MADE JESUS to be both Lord and Christ.
  6. The mark of feminist hostile takeover defined in Revelation 17-18 are musical "worship" and the trinity which rests on the ancient tripple-goddess or the father, spirit (mother-seed planter, dove) and the infant son. That was Osiris, Isis and Horus in Egypt represented by Apis the golden calf. The son Horus and the Jewish halal or praise concept gain superiority by raping the enemies.

Paul explains why music and witchcraft intends to recrucify Christ.


JEANENE P. REESE . Jesus freed males from the role of domination that belongs to the fallen WORLD, in order that they can be truly male. On behalf of women Jesus acted as the model human standing AGAINST the patriarchal system, bringing women into the new order where sex distinctions no longer determine rank and worth.

When the female minstrel or "worship team" connected with the Jewish and other's Covenant with death and hell wanted to assist Jesus He "cast them out more or less violently like dung"

-nēnĭa (naenĭa ), I.  a funeral song, song of lamentation, magic song, incantation: This was worshipping the goddess of lamentation. “honoratorum virorum laudes cantu ad tibicinem prosequantur, cui nomen nenia,
has sung the death-dirge over his property, i. e. has buried, has consumed it, Plaut. Truc. 2, 1, 3.—Prov.: “nenia ludo id fuit,my joy was turned to grief, Plaut. Ps. 5, 1, 32.—
2. A magic song, incantation: “Marsa,Hor. Epod. 17, 29.—
dicetur meritā Nox quoque neniā,id. C. 3, 28, 16:
-mĕrĭto , āvi, ātum, 1, v. freq. a. mereo. *
II. To serve for pay, to serve as a soldier, be a soldier: meritavere Cato ait pro meruere, Paul. ex Fest. p. 152 Müll.: “Siculas meritare per oras,Sil. 10, 656.

Women also sang mourning songs to give pleasure that one was not yet dead: music is always imitation of the truth.

Christ in Nahum 3:[4]WEB because of the multitude of the prostitution of the alluring prostitute, the mistress of witchcraft, who sells nations through her prostitution, and families through her witchcraft.

The Latin maleficia is maleficium 1. Fraud, deception, adulteration 4 A hired mourner: The "præficæ" were the women who chanted the "nænia" .

Pl. Truc. 2.1 now, indeed, I shall speak according to my own inclination, freely, as I please. My mistress has sung a funeral dirge1at our house for this fellow, her lover, over his estate; for his lands and tenements are mortgaged for his treats in his amour. But with him does my mistress speak freely upon the objects of her plans, and so he is rather a friend by way of counsel to her than by way of maintenance.

1 A funeral dirge: "Nænia" was a funeral song among the Romans, recited or chanted by hired female mourners, called "præficæ."

Praeficae Women who were hired to act as mourners at Roman funerals (Plaut. Truc.ii. 6 Truc., 14). They went before the corpse, with their heads bared, their locks disheveled, uttering cries of lamentation and chanting dirges (neniae)


H802 ’ishshâh nâshı̂ym ish-shaw', naw-sheem' The first form is the feminine of H376 or H582 ; the second form is an irregular plural; a woman (used in the same wide sense as H582 ).:—[adulter]ess, each, every, female, X many, + none, one, + together, wife, woman. Often unexpressed in English.

H582 ’ĕnôsh en-oshe' From H605 ; properly a mortal (and thus differeing from the more dignified H120 ); hence a man in general (singly or collectively). It is often unexpressed in the English Version, especially when used in apposition with another word:—another, X [blood-] thirsty, certain, chap [-man], divers, fellow, X in the flower of their age, husband, (certain, mortal) man, people, person, servant, some (X of them), + stranger, those, + their trade. It is often unexpressed in the Engl. version, especially when used in apposition with another word. Compare H376

H120 ’âdâm aw-dawm' From H119 ; ruddy, that is, a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.):—X another, + hypocrite, + common sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.


JEANENE P. REESE This new paradigm, however, has not always been realized. From mainline Protestant churches to obscure fundamentalist groups, from Roman Catholics to Pentecostals, Christians for the past two thousand years have dealt with men and women of all ages, classes, and ethnicity who struggle with issues of the NEW ORDER

Jeanene P. Reese's male foundation of the new PATTERN;

A. ‘Bilezikian writes from an unabashedly egalitarian position, calling for “deliberate programs of depatriarchalization” (p. 211) in our religious institutions and “a systematic effort of deprogramming” in our thinking so that we do away with “regard[ing] the opposite sex as opposite” (p. 210; italics his).’


B. FROM ACU AGENDA:   Carroll D. Osburn: Trainers use Prophetic roles to Channel and Facilitate the method of subverting the 'hierarchial" views of Jesus and Paul. the end-time subversion is the beginninng-time version which is "Feminist hermeneutics stands over AGAINS patriarchal hermeneutics"
goal achieved "by small, often unnoticed acts of SUBVERSION.
        Numerous such
incremental changes, like EROSION,
        will eventually bring down the FORTRESS
" (IN THE CHURCH: Reclaiming the Ideal p. 32).

Rick Atchley hatched in the Abilene
Kingdom by Jo Bass who gave rise to the ANTI-Highland or Herald of Truth.

The generation of Boomers has enough denominational loyalty that they’re going to find the least legalistic [to infiltrate and divert]

Well, we discipled the children of those progressive churches
        for a whole generation to grow past us Boomers.
        They never heard the sermons we heard.
        They never heard the rationale for a cappella music.

We sent them to youth rallies and Church of Christ events
        with some of the finest Christian bands in the world.

        We discipled our children to leave our Movement!

Rich Atchley, the preacher of the Richland Hills Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas, made this completely unscriptural claim:
        "Right there at that spot about 1994 the Holy Spirit said to me in the middle of a sermon,
        'that's what you and all preachers like you are doing,
        who haven't for years believed that the worship of God with instruments was wrong.
        But you continue by your silence to let people think it's wrong.
        But you allow the people to be disrupted, and you do so under the plea,
        'Well, we're just maintaining peace.' But that's not peace; that's cowardice.
        I knew then the day would come I'd have to teach this lesson."

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