Jeanene Reese was defined in 1 Timothy 2. Strongly Deluded, Jeanene Reese believes that HER pattern is TRUE and God's is FALSE. Most people attend church without demanding that they have to approve their unnatural life style. Maybe it's the deacon ready to fleece you on Monday. Isn't it UNNATURAL to make it a condition of attending your Bible Class that you must AFFIRM their practices. I have been presented with the flaunt: Yes, you are free to attend church. No, we will not publically affirm your lifstyle historically and Biblically considered unnatural. Theologians of any SECT denounce Jesus as fulfilling prophecy. Too bad, too sad. Arm twisting and public denouncement won't work.
The PATTERN of Thomas Campbell is defined for the Church in the wilderness and never changed.
Church: Is a School of Christ.
Worship: is reading and musing the Word.
This was the inclusive and exclusive pattern of Romans 14-15:
No one is "tested" about their opinions: because a School of Christ is to SPEAK or READ
No one is to speak anything which does not edify meaning "education in the Ekklesia."
In Romans 15 all self-pleasure such as rhetoric, music or scenic is SILENCED.
The, You can be united by "using one mind and one mouth" to "teaching that which is written for our LEARNING." Or "Scripture for our Comfort.The ladies and gentlemen are to be silent in 1 Timothy 2 so that"
1Tim. 2:2 [pray] For kings, and for all that are in authority;
that we may lead a quiet and peaceable [silence] life in all godliness and honesty.
1Tim. 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
The one-piece pattern needing no hired hands:
1Tim. 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.Because, ladies, as in 1 Corinthians 14, "The truth did not begin with you."
1Tim. 2:5 For there is one God, [Theos] not 3
and one mediator [in song or sermon]
between God and men,
the MAN Christ Jesus;
1Tim. 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all,
to be testified in due time.The New Covenant is the Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ. No, ladies don't be like men and thin that God created you to pontificate and change the WILL and CHEAT the heirsl.
Oh. ! shudder as I write because the singers, musicians and craftsmen: all claiming to REPLACE God. They are called SORCERERS [and Parasites] and will, along with liars and "dogs" will be CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.
1Tim. 2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle,
(I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;)
a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
Preacher defines an EYE-- and EAR-- witness of Jesus' teachings. Only Evangelists who are identified by "How can they preach unless they are SENT."
I have a sister in law and her niece who wanted to be SENT to the darkest of Africa as a teacher-nurse.
The world is CALLING you but 1 Corinthians 1 explaining Isaiah 33 explains that in Christs Kingdom there are no PODIUMS nor COLLECTORS of Shekals.
Feminists and the Effeminate lied about Paul and were NOT safe in childbearing. Recorded literature warns that when women desert their homes to pursue religionists, their children wind up on drugs and suicide.
The illustration is taking artistic liberty with both a Molech engraving and Zoe's (Lucifer's) consuming fires. "The description of HELL began with Solomon's Music Grove. Once the music-grove, where Solomon's singers, with voice and instrument, regaled the king, the court and the city; then the temple of Baal, the high place of Moloch, resounding with the cries of burning infants; then (in symbol) the place where is the wailing and gnashing of teeth." (p. 3313-14, four-volume Smith)."All the while the hordes would be dancing around the statue singing, playing flutes and tambourines to drown out the screams of the dying child.
The "authentia" authority Paul outlawed knew that, wittingly or half-wittingly, usurping women had "children of fornication" specificially to dedicate them to Baal with musical performance taking away people's ability to understand that you don't have to literally burn your children to dedicate them to Baal.
Training up children and making hard wired brain connections between "reverent worship" and the sexual, sensuous FEELING produced by music is literally BURNING UP their ability to worship in the PLACE of the human spirit as it falls at the feet of God seeking His will in HIS words. Music produces a morphine-like drug producing the impulses of FIGHT, FLIGHT OR SEXUALITY.
Quit burning up your babies with music or God will CONSUME you with the fire of His breath! There is absolutely NO evidence which refutes this.
The Church is a SCHOOL OF CHRIST: It has a one piece pattern.
Matt. 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,Acts 13:27 For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their RULERS,
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matt. 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Matt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
because they knew him not,
nor yet the voices of the prophets
which are read every sabbath day,
they have fulfilled them in condemning him
Jesus provided no ROLE and no DOLE for the merchant class.
Paul to Timothy demands that BOTH male and female be SILENT beyond the READER or President in the Synagogue of "that which is written for our LEARNING." For that, Paul wants the WOMEN to LEARN in SILENCE. The were the oracles or TEACHERS in all ancient and modern paganism. However, there is not role for a TEACHER in that once each week assembly.
1Tim. 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1Tim. 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH [The one piece Pattern]
1Tim. 2:5 For there is one God,
and one mediator between God and men,
the MAN Christ Jesus;
1Tim. 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all,
to be TESTIMONY in due time.
GOD did not set aside a DAY of worship (Abadoh or Abaddon) but REST from all pagan Sabbath day.
The Holy Convocation for READING the word was held on the FIRST and EIGHTH days of any called assembly.No one in Holy Scripture is ever said the WORSHIP by preaching, listening, singing, playing instruments, acting on the PODIUM which was Peverse PERSONA even among pagans.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Rom 1:22
ACU-OSBURN.html the ACU Agenda
On pages 14-15: "With so many questions flying around and so much UNCERTAINTY being expressed in various quarters, what an opportunity for the various faculties of our Christian colleges and universities
to help shape the future!
These are the best of times to be involved in Christian education!
If we are to have a truly significant IMPACT upon the national and INTERNATIONAL scene, faculties of religion must play leading PROPHETIC roles in CHANNELLING and FACILITATING whatever changes loom ahead.
Trainers use PROPHETIC roles to Channel and Facilitate the method of
SUBVERTING the 'hierarchial " views of JESUS and PAUL.
"Feminist HERMENEUTICS stands over AGAINST patriarchal HERMENEUTICS"
its goal achieved "by small, often unnoticed acts of SUBVERSION.
Numerous such incremental changes, like EROSION,
will eventually bring DOWN the FORTRESS "
"The Bible is not so much a 'heaven-sent answer book'
as a historical book PRODUCED within and for a historical COMMUNITY--
yet it SERVES as Scripture today
because people find themselves accountable to it.
THAT is what make its SCRIPTURE" (p. 46).A major task facing our churches
is the reintegration of the Old Testament into the regular teaching,
thinking and practice of the church" (p. 49).
"There is major disagreement on whether one should use the Bible to UNDERGIRD doctrines
in a "proof-texting way, [The Written Scriptures]
or whether one should ALLOW doctrine to EMERGE from understanding texts
in their LITERARY and HISTORICAL contexts.
Certainly these differing views of Scripture lie behind differing views of women in the church" (p. 90). "Paul's arguments carried weight in HIS DAY even though they may not necessarily be CONVINCING by today's standards" (p. 135).And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Rom 1:23
The Beginning Babylon Mother Goddess
Inanna complained that she, the female principle, did not receive enough power. She used the old wineskin trick and got Enki drunk and he gave her powers. She took them to her worship center at Erech. When Enki sobered up he tried to recover them but does not succeed.
Inanna is also Ishtar, who along with Tammuz, was worshipped by the Israelite women in Ezekiel 8. The story of the ME follows with lineage often mixed up. We are profoundly ignorant of Jesus and His teachings without understanding where He pointed as He spoke in parables to hide Spiritual truth from the playing children.
Inanna Gifts of "Me" stolen by getting FATHER drunk.
EGYPTIAN TRINITY WORSHIPPED AT MOUNT SINAI. Isis had to impregnate herself to produce a Male Child Original Babylonian Mother of Harlots. The dove or spirit is the MOTHER in all pagan trinities.
Rev. 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
Rev. 18:3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Rev. 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Rev. 18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Rev. 18:6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
Rev. 18:14 And the FRUITS that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.
Oh, Phales, [god of generation, worshipped in the form of a phallus] companion of the orgies of Bacchus, night reveller, god of adultery, friend of young men, these past six years I have not been able to invoke thee.
CHORUS Here is a man truly happy. See how everything succeeds to his wish. Peacefully seated in his market, he will earn his living; ....without being accosted on the public place by any importunate fellow,
neither by Cratinus, shaven in the fashion of the debauchees, nor by this musician, who plagues us with his silly improvisations, Artemo, with his arm-pits stinking as foul as a goat, like his father before him. You will not be the butt of the villainous Pauson's jeers, nor of Lysistratus, the disgrace of the Cholargian deme, who is the incarnation of all the vices, and endures cold and hunger more than thirty days in the month.
A BOEOTIAN By Heracles! my shoulder is quite black and blue. Ismenias, put the penny-royal down there very gently, and all of you, musicians from Thebes, pipe with your bone flutes
Rev. 18:15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
Rev. 18:16 And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
Rev. 18:22 And the voice of HARPERS, and MUSICIANS, and of PIPERS, and TRUMPETERS, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman [Parasites], of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone [Grinders or prostitutes] shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Rev. 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy SORCERS were all nations deceived.
Rev. 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Rev. 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Inanna Gifts of "Me" stolen by getting FATHER drunk.
(Wolkstein, Kraemer, 12-27)
Inanna placed the shugurra, the crown of the steppe, on her head.
- She went to the sheepfold, to the shepard.
- She leaned back against the apple tree.
- When she leaned against the apple tree,
- ..........her vulva was wonderous to behold.
- ..........Rejoicing at her wounderous vulva,
- ..........the young woman Inanna applauded herself.
- She said:
- "I, the Queen of Heaven, shall visit the God of Wisdom.
- I shall go to Abzu, the sacred place in Eridu.
- I shall honor Enki, the God of Wisdom in Eridu.
- I shall utter a prayer to Enki at the deep sweet waters."
- ..........(Enki or Ea was the patron god of music and more
- Enki, swaying with drink, toasted Inanna:
- "In the name of my power! In the name of my holy shrine!
- To my daughter Inanna I shall give
- ..........The high priesthood! Godship!
- ..........The noble, enduring crown! The throne of kingship!"
- Inanna replied:
"I take them!"- Enki raised his cup and toasted Inanna a second time:
- "In the name of my power! In the name of my holy shrine!
- To my daughter Inanna I shall give Truth!
- ..........Descent into the underworld!
- ..........Ascent from the underworld!
- ..........The art of lovemaking!
- ..........The art of kissing the phallus!"
Grant, then, forgiveness to the Lydians, and to make sure of their never rebelling against thee, or alarming thee more,
So wilt thou soon see them become women instead of men,and there will be no more fear of their revolting from thee."
send and forbid them to keep any weapons of war, command them to wear tunics under their cloaks, and to put buskins upon their legs,
..........and make them bring up their sons to cithern-playing (Kitharizein), singing (psallein),
..........and shop-keeping (Hucksterism).-[4] Ludoisi-[khiton David's garment] te hupodunein toisi heimasi kai kothornous hupodeesthai, proeipe d' autoisi -kitharizein te kai psallein kai kapêleuein [prostitutes, petty trade, playing tricks, corrupting
-Kitharizô 1 [kitharis] to play the cithara, phormingi [Apollo] kitharize Il., Hes.; lurêi eraton kitharizôn Hhymn. (so that there can have been no great difference between the kithara, lura, and phorminx ); kitharizein ouk epistatai, of an uneducated person,
-Kithar-isis , eôs, hê, playing on the cithara, Pl.Prt.325e; k. psilê, i.e. without the voice, Id.Lg.669e, cf. Pae.Delph.15; aulêsis kai k. Phld.Mus.p.23 K.
See the story of the Golden Calf: you will find that most people who repudiate baptism which was a TYPE at the Red Sea also fall into the musical idolatry of the pagan trinity.
"While she may have been called a prophetess because she was a wife of a prophet it is more likely that she had been a prophetess in Egypt which meant that she was a priestess with intercessory authority. Miriam and a band of trained women went out in a mind-altering song and dance with instruments common to Egypt but not common to Israel. This has been interpreted as not just a "victorious" dance but a well-established cultic activity of a priestess with unquestioned authority - which she even tried out on God.
"We know that all of the Israelites brought Egyptian gods and practices with them and it is not far-fetched to think that Miriam, who had not yet been exposed to the Covenant, was part of the consciousness-altering rhythms and which was part of a priestly myth-play brought to destructive consummation at Mount Sinai as the golden calf was called back into action.
This "rising up to play" involved eating, drinking, nakedness and musical worship. The goddess, Hathor, is the best candidate for the Mother Goddess of the Mount Sinai idolatry. Here priestessess or prophetesses were highly trained with musical instruments, cultic songs and be able to join in the religious dance.
"Music and drugs were co-consiprators in religious ecstasy. They may have used some product of the sycamore fig which both intoxicated and induced an altered state of consciousness. The ergo of barley was well known.
"On the other hand, other sources, specifically relating to the customs of the East, refer to the dance as a slow, grave, and solemn gesture, generally accompanied with singing and the sound of the timbrel!
"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).
"In the New Testament there is nowhere any emphasis laid on the musical form of the hymns; and in particular none on instrumental accompaniment whereas this is significantly paganism." (Delling, Gerhard, Worship in the New Testament, trans. Percy Scott Phil. Westminster press, 1962, p. 86).
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, through the lusts of their own hearts,
to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Rom 1:24Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Rom 1:25For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections:
for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: Rom 1:26And likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust one toward another;
men with men working that which is unseemly,
and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Rom 1:27And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Rom 1:28Jeanene Reese: In lieu of one bold sermon including one BRAVE female professor,
and in a coliseum filled with generations of Christians both old and new,
one powerful sentence was announced across the podium
during the finale of a Church of Christ CONFERENCE –
the CHURCH needs and should reconsider our stance
on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender question.
THE Church has its headquarters in heaven although Jesus is still the ONLY Rabbi or Teacher.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more;
but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
John 14:20 At that day ye shall know that I am IN my Father,
and ye IN me, and I IN you.
John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them,
he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me
shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him,
and will MANIFEST myself to him.
A MINISTER is a SERVANT and Jesus provided no ROLE and no DOLE for any performing religious operators known as PARASITES. Jesus in His STATE of Holy Spirit personally teaches His DISCIPLES by allowing Christians-Disciples-Students which He gives A holy spirit or A good conscience allowing them to read BLACK text on BROWN paper. (2 Corinthians 3) when they are converted or baptized or Washed WITH Water INTO the Word or School of Christ.
John 6:63 It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing: [God is not worshipped by the hands of men or women]
the words that I speak unto you,
they are SPIRIT, and they are life.
It is a BURNABLE (Anathema) offense to sell your body and claim that God ever said that people WORSHIP by preaching, listening, singing, playing an instrument, acting or PAY TO PLAY. Elder are the only Spirit appointed Pastor-Teachers. They are commanded to exclude cunning craftsmen or Sophists (Eph 4) defined as trained speakers, singers or instrument players.
ONCE--CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITIES HAVE A HISTORY OF ENCOURAGING DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR. The Women led the Instrumental-Trinitarian-Perverted Idolatry. This was the worship of the Egyptian trinity of Osiris-Isis-Horus.
Opis the golden calf or calves represented Osiris, Isis and Horus: the pagan trinity of father, mother and son.
Horus was the posthumous son and heir of the god Osiris, the primordial king and giver of life. He was invited by his uncle, Seth, to spend a day. Seth’s real motive was not to show him hospitality but to disqualify him from inheriting his father’s royal power. To this end, while Horus slept Seth committed an act of sodomy upon him. Since sodomy was inflicted as a punishment on a defeated enemy and was a symbol of domination, Seth could then claim that he had conquered Horus and demand the kingship in his place.
Historically, the rape of males was more widely recognized in ancient times. Several of the legends in Greek mythology involved abductions and sexual assaults of males by other males or gods. The rape of a defeated male enemy was considered the special right of the victorious soldier in some societies and was a signal of the totality of the defeat. There was a widespread belief that a male who was sexually penetrated, even if it was by forced sexual assault, thus "lost his manhood," and could no longer be a warrior or ruler. Gang rape of a male was considered an ultimate form of punishment and, as such, was known to the Romans as punishment for adultery and the Persians and Iranians as punishment for violation of the sanctity of the harem (Donaldson, 1990). Donaldson, Donald. (1990). "Rape of Males," in Dynes, Wayne, ed. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. New York: Garland Publications.The Jews whose "god"--whatever they named him-was Dionysus or Orpheus. Jesus called the MEN in Jerusalem Children or Boys. They PIPED expecting that Jesus would SUBMIT and identify Himself as their anticipated female MESSIAS
Tertullian 1-8 Messias the Goddess of Reaping. The eggs are regarded as sacred to the Castors, [homosexuals] by men who are not ashamed to profess faith in their production from the egg of a swan, which was no other than Jupiter himself. The Dolphins vomit forth in honour of Neptune. Images of Sessia, so called as the goddess of sowing; of Messia, so called as the goddess of reaping; of Tutulina, so called as the fruit-protecting deity—load the pillars. In front of these you have three altars to these three gods—Great, Mighty, Victorious. They reckon these of Samo-Thrace. The huge Obelisk, as Hermeteles [phallic] affirms, is set up in public to the Sun; its inscription, like its origin, belongs to Egyptian superstition. Cheerless were the demon-gathering without their Mater Magna; and so she presides there over the Euripus. Consus, as we have mentioned, lies hidden under ground at the Murcian Goals
Chapter XVII. Theatrical Performers Victims of Public Lust
Are we not, in like manner, enjoined to put away from us all immodesty?
On this ground, again, we are excluded from the theatre, which is immodesty's own peculiar abode, where nothing is in repute but what elsewhere is disreputable.
So the best path to the highest favour of its god is the vileness which the Atellan [The ludi Atellani were so called from Atella, in Campania, where a vast amphitheatre delighted the inhabitants. Juvenal, Sat. vi. 71. The like disgrace our times.]
gesticulates, which the buffoon in woman's clothes exhibits, destroying all naturalmodesty,
so that they blush more readily at home than at the play,
which finally is done from his childhood
on the person of the pantomime, that he may become an actor.The very harlots, too, victims of the public lust, are brought upon the stage,
their misery increased as being there in the presence of their own sex,
from whom alone they are wont to hide themselves:
they are paraded publicly before every age and every rank-their abode,
their gains, their praises, are set forth, and that even in the hearing
of those who should not hear such things.I say nothing about other matters, which it were good to hide away in their own darkness and their own gloomy caves, lest they should stain the light of day. Let the Senate, let all ranks, blush for very shame!
Why, even these miserable women, who by their own gestures destroy their modesty, dreading the light of day, and the people's gaze, know something of shame at least once a year.
But if we ought to abominate all that is immodest, on what ground is it right to hear what we must not speak?
For all licentiousness of speech, nay, every idle word, is condemned by God.
Why, in the same way, is it right to look on what it is disgraceful to do? How is it that the things which defile a man in going out of his mouth, are not regarded as doing so when they go in at his eyes and ears-when eyes and ears are the immediate attendants on the spirit-and that can never be pure whose servants-in-waiting are impure?
You have the theatre forbidden, then, in the forbidding of immodesty. If, again, we despise the teaching of secular literature as being foolishness in God's eyes, our duty is plain enough in regard to those spectacles, which from this source derive the tragic or comic play. If tragedies and comedies are the bloody and wanton, the impious and licentious inventors of crimes and lusts, it is not good even that there should be any calling to remembrance the atrocious or the vile. What you reject in deed, you are not to bid welcome to in word.
Chapter XXVII. Angels MARK Those who Meet With Heathen
We ought to detest these heathen meetings and assemblies, if on no other account than that there God's name is blasphemed-that there the cry "To the lions!" is daily raised against us [Observe-"daily raised." On this precarious condition of the Christians, in their daily life, see the calm statement of Kaye, pp. 110, 111. -that from thence persecuting decrees are wont to emanate, and temptations are sent forth. What will you do if you are caught in that heaving tide of impious judgments?
- Not that there any harm is likely to come to you from men:
- nobody knows that you are a Christian; but think how it fares with you in heaven.
For at the very time the devil is working havoc in the church,
do you doubt that the angels are looking down from above,
and marking every man, who speaks and who listens to the blaspheming word,
who lends his tongue and who lends his ears to the service of Satan against God?Shall you not then shun those tiers where the enemies of Christ assemble, that seat of all that is pestilential, and the very super incumbent atmosphere all impure with wicked cries?
Grant that you have there things that are pleasant, things both agreeable and innocent in themselves; even some things that are excellent.
Nobody dilutes poison with gall and hellebore: the accursed thing is put into condiments well seasoned and of sweetest taste.So, too, the devil puts into the deadly draught which he prepares,
things of God most pleasant and most acceptable.
Everything there, then, that is either brave, noble,
loud-sounding, melodious, or exquisite in taste,
hold it but as the honey drop of a poisoned cake;
nor make so much of your taste for its pleasures,
as of the danger you run from its attractions.Jeanene Reese: While the faces of several turned sour and ears of hundreds became deaf with disbelief,
Dr. Jeanene Reese, associate professor of Bible,
mission and ministry and associate chair of the department,
spoke out after months of prayer,
tears and ultimately acceptance that perhaps
BUT UTTER CONTEMPT OF HOLY SCRIPTURE. The Assembly of Christ defined by the Campbells is SCHOOL OF THE WORD ONLY. We don't ask the visitor and no Doubtful Disputations takes place.
Jeanene Reese the love for one another is more vital, more important and more difficult to comprehend
when it comes to people who simply have decided to love someone of the same sex.
Chapter XI. Jupiter, Muses' Arts Dedicated to Mars Sounds of Trumpets
In fulfilment of our plan, let us now go on to consider the combats. Their origin is akin to that of the games (ludi). Hence they are kept as either sacred or funereal, as they have been instituted in honour of the idol-gods of the nations or of the dead. Thus, too, they are called Olympian in honour of Jupiter, known at Rome as the Capitoline; Nemean, in honour of Hercules; Isthmian, in honour of Neptune; the rest mortuarii, as belonging to the dead. What wonder, then,
if idolatry pollutes the combat-parade with profane crowns,
with sacerdotal chiefs,
with attendants belonging to the various colleges,
last of all with the blood of its sacrifices? (Note: the old must always be sacrificed)
. To add a completing word about the "place"-
- in the common place for the college of the arts sacred to the Muses, and Apollo, and Minerva,
and also for that of the arts dedicated to Mars,
they with contest and sound of trumpet emulate the circus in the arena,
which is a real temple-I mean of the god whose festivals it celebrates.
The gymnastic arts also originated with their Castors, and Herculeses,
and Mercuries. [homosexual gods and worshipers]Jeanene Reese: That the very people who have been marginalized, opposed, exploited and undermined are rejected by the church. Not only rejected in the sense of not accepting them into a congregation, but also disregarded by simply remaining silent.
Just as we disregard elders who leave to meet the brethren and "take him in." been there-done to" several times.
Churches of Christ do not do an inspection; everyone is welcome according to Paul in Romans 14. However, no one is to opinionate on that which does not edify or educate. Then in Romans 15 self-pleasure (rhetoric, musical, scenic) which create mental excitement and hinders the pattern to "use one mind and one mouth to speak (unison) that which is WRITTEN for our LEARING." Or, 'Scripture for our comfort." Thomas Campbell taught the pattern which excludes none and then people are free to go teach whatever they wish.
Members of the LGBT are not the problem –
it is the deafening silence the church has toward this community that is the problem.
A Church or School of the Word simply teaches that which is written and do not enforce the Biblical and Historical understanding and rejection of unnatural sex. Romans 1 defining the Instrumental-Trinitarian-Perverted worship of the Golden Calf. You certainly want as the Pastor-Example anyone who calls Paul and he rest of Holy Scripture a lie.
The Greek word CHARISMATIC, on the surface, means to PLEASURE ANOTHER whom you consider superior. However, that including sodomy where the worshipers preferred young boys and recruited them from over the land to become "priests." The meaning is pederasty so common in all priestcraft.
Arnobius identifies another "mark" of the beast:
Catamitus is carried off to be a favourite and cup-bearer; and Fabius, that he may be called Jove's darling, is branded on the soft parts, and marked in the hinder.
Greek GANYMEDES, Latin GANYMEDES, OR CATAMITUS, in Greek legend, the son of Tros (or Laomedon), king of Troy. Because of his unusual beauty, he was carried off either by the gods or by Zeus, disguised as an eagle, or, according to a Cretan account, by Minos, to serve as cupbearer. In compensation, Zeus gave Ganymede's father a stud of immortal horses (or a golden vine).
From early times it was believed that Ganymede's kidnapper had a homosexual passion for him, hence the term catamite, derived from the popular Latin form of his name. He was later identified with the constellation Aquarius.
Chapter XXIII. Actors, Effeminate to MARK Jesus as a Liar
Seeing, then, man's own reflections, even in spite of the sweetness of pleasure, lead him to think that people such as these should be condemned to a hapless lot of infamy, losing all the advantages connected with the possession of the dignities of life, how much more does the divine righteousness inflict punishment on those who give themselves to these arts! Will God have any pleasure in the charioteer
- who disquiets so many souls, rouses up so many furious passions,
- and creates so many various moods, either crowned like a priest
- or wearing the colours of a pimp,
- decked out by the devil that he may be whirled away in his chariot,
- as though with the object of taking off Elijah?
Will He be pleased with him who applies the razor to himself, and completely changes his features; who, with no respect for his face, is not content with making it as like as possible to Saturn and Isis and Bacchus, but gives it quietly over to contumelious blows, as if in mockery of our Lord? The devil, forsooth, makes it part, too, of his teaching, that the cheek is to be meekly offered to the smiter. In the same way,
with their high shoes, he has made the tragic actors taller, because "none can add a cubit to his stature." (Matt. vi. 27.)
His desire is to make Christ a liar. And in regard to the wearing of masks,
I ask is that according to the mind of God, who forbids the making of every likeness, and especially then the likeness of man who is His own image?The Author of truth hates all the false; He regards as adultery all that is unreal. Condemning, therefore, as He does hypocrisy in every form,
He never will approve any putting on of voice, or sex, or age; He never will approve pretended loves, and wraths, and groans, and tears. Then, too, as in His law it is declared that
the man is cursed who attires himself in female garments, (Deut. xxii.)
what must be His judgment of the pantomime, who is even brought up to play the woman!And will the boxer go unpunished? I suppose he received these cµstus-scars, and the thick skin of his fists, and these growths upon his ears, at his creation! God, too, gave him eyes for no other end than that they might be knocked out in fighting! I say nothing of him who, to save himself, thrusts another in the lion's way, that he may not be too little of a murderer when he puts to death that very same man on the arena.
Jeanene Reese
Specifically, it is the lack of action the church is taking.
We have collectively decided to remain oblivious in the face of our society.
Where do we expect our neighbors to run to because it’s obvious
they cannot run to the house of the Lord
where the men and women sit in silence as
homosexuality bangs on its doors.The Church is operated by Jesus as the HEAD (Only Teacher) of the Corner or Angle (a secret, quiet place/)
A Church of Christ is a School of Christ. The only RESOURCE is the Word, Logos or Regulative Principle. Jeanene Reese tried to stuff the church with female SERMONIZERS but she is quite ignorant of any of the "Holy Scriptures" defined by Jesus as the Prophets and other prophecies CONCERNING ME. No one is asked about their personal habits and Homoslexuals want to BANG AGAINST THE DOOR forcing everyone to AFFIRM their practices.
Jeanene Reese: The church is AFRAID. Afraid of seeming too radical, becoming too liberal, looking too oppressive or even too dumbfounded because we don’t know when where we stand. We close our eyes and ears as if the LGBT issue, question or idea – whatever politically correct phrase one may want to use – will disappear and subside. The reality is that the community the church is so afraid to accept is actually growing.
Jeanene Reese: In the 2010 Census, over 10.7 million U.S. residents identified as gay.
Does one honestly believe the number of homosexuals has subsided today?
The church is stuck in time.
A time where people were afraid of coming out
because of the persecution from all aspects of life including their religious affiliations.
Just as Reese mentioned once in class, how can we live throughout our lives, give our accounts to the Lord and still believe we are in the right even when we reject those who are not like us? How is the rejection of homosexuals any different than rejecting someone of a different skin color, nationality, political party or religion?
Leviticus 20:22 repeats the very Bible-thumping verse every homophobic (and radical Christian)
uses to protect themselves from the idea of accepting homosexuals.
“If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman,
both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.
No one in churches of Christ track down people and put them to death.
Lev. 20:2 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel,
or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel,
that giveth any of his seed unto Molech;
he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
Lev. 20:3 And I will set my face against that man,
and will cut him off from among his people;
because he hath given of his seed unto Molech,
to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.
Lev. 20:4 And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man,
when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:
Theophilus to AutolycusThis Eve, on account of her having been in the beginning deceived by the serpent, and become the author of sin, the wicked demon, who also is called Satan, who then spoke to her through the serpent, and who works even to this day in those men that are possessed by him, invokes as Eve.58 And he is called "demon" and "dragon," on account of his revolting from God. For at first he was an angel. And concerning his history there is a great deal to be said; wherefore I at present omit the relation of it, for I have also given an account of him in another place.
But also, concerning music, some have fabled that Apollo [Abaddon, Apollyon] was the inventor, and others say that Orpheus discovered the art of music from the sweet voices of the birds. Their story is shown to be empty and vain, for these inventors lived many years after the flood. And what relates to Noah, who is called by some Deucalion, has been explained by us in the book before mentioned, and which, if you wish it, you are at liberty to read.58 Referring to the bacchanalian orgies in which " Eva " was shouted, and which the Fathers professed to believe was an unintentional invocation of Eve, the authoress of all sin.
The word "abomination" is also key to understanding the context. In Hebrew, the word "to 'evah," (abomination) is almost invariably linked to idolatry. In the passages from which both verses are taken, God tells Moses to tell the people not to follow the idolatrous practices of the people around them, people who sacrificed their children to Molech, or who masturbated into the fire to offer their semen to Molech, for example. Chapter 20 starts off with the same warning.
Leviticus 20:2 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
1Kings 11:7 Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.
"To 'evah" also means "something which is ritually unclean."
The Mysteries Judaism Dunlap Latin Havam Arise, see, the Splen- dor (light) of the Newest MAN 1 (i. e. of Fetahil) has failed, the decrease of this Splendor is visible. Rise up, lie with thy MOTHER, and free thee from limits by which thou art held, and those more ample than the whole world. Which having been heard, that Wicked One, 2 his bones jumping, lay with the i " The Son of the MAN." Novissimus = Newest, Latest.
2 Compare the Vallis Eegia, xxxii. 11 ; xlii. 2, where the Serpent lay with Chava.
— Kabbal. Den., II. 306. Chava is Heuah (Eua, Eve.) 52 sod, SPIRITUS.
2Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled [wholly seduced] Eve
through his SUBTILTY
so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
Corrumpo: adulterate, make worse, Of things as objects, to corrupt, adulterate, falsify, spoil, mar, etc.: “litteras publicas,” Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 38, § 93: “tabulas publicas, FOR MONEY “aliquem pecuniāWorship.Androgyny.The.Pagan.Sexual.Ideal.html
Exodus 24.12 Yahweh said to Moses, "Come up to me on the mountain, and stay here, and I will give you the tables of stone with the law and the commands that I have written, that you may teach them."
2 Corinthians 3.3 being revealed that you are a letter of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tablets of stone, but in tablets that are hearts of flesh.
Hdt. 1.105 . [4] But the Scythians who pillaged the temple, and all their descendants after them, were afflicted by the goddess with the “female” sickness: and so the Scythians say that they are afflicted as a consequence of this and also that those who visit Scythian territory see among them the condition of those whom the Scythians call “Hermaphrodites”.2
1 The great goddess (Mother of Heaven and Earth) worshipped by Eastern nations under various names—Mylitta in Assyria, Astarte in Phoenicia: called Heavenly Aphrodite, or simply the Heavenly One, by the Greeks.
2 The derivation of this word is uncertain; it is agreed that the disease was a loss of virility. In Hdt. 4.67 enarēs = androgonos.
andro-gonos , on, A.begetting men, hēmera a. a day favourable for begetting (or for the birth of) male children, Hes. Op.783,788.
Hes. WD 783 785] Nor is the first sixth a fit day for a girl to be born, but a kindly for gelding kids and sheep and for fencing in a sheep cote. It is favorable for the birth of a boy, but such will be fond of sharp speech, lies, cunning words, and stealthy conversation.
The yogin, through powerful techniques of sexual-spiritual meditation, is thus transformed “into a kind of ‘androgyne. amples of spiritual/physical androgyny include the homosexual priests of the Yoruba religion in Cuba and “young gay witches in Manhattan.”80 In light of the above, one would surely have to agree with the argument of a recent book tracing the history of gay male spirituality: “gender-variant men have fulfilled a sacred role throughout the millennia.”81 Emily Culpepper, an ex-Southern Baptist, now a lesbian pagan witch teaching at the University of Redlands in Southern California, agree....The clearest textual testimony in ancient times comes from nineteenthcentury BC Mesopotamia. Androgynous priests were associated with the worship of the goddess Istar from the Sumerian age (1800 BC ). 25 Their condition was due to their “devotion to Istar who herself had ‘transformed their masculinity into femininity.’ ” 26 They functioned as occult shamans, who released the sick from the power of the demons just as, according to the cult myth, they had saved Istar from the devil’s lair.
Cic. Ver. 2.2.93 He had scarcely said this when Verres gives sentence “that Sthenius seems to have tampered with the public documents,” and, moreover, this man so devoted to Venus, added this besides, with no precedent for, no example of, such an addition,
Exa^pa^taō , deceive or beguile, deceive thoroughly, seduce a woman, Hdt.2.114:
sumbol-aion A MARK III. intercourse, “andros pros gunaika” Plu.Alex.30, cf. Ant.25.Euazō , euazō , A. cry euai, in honour of Bacchus, S.Ant.1134 (lyr.), E.Ba. 1034 (lyr.); “Dionusō” AP9.363.11 (Mel.), cf. D.S.4.3, Callistr.Stat.2: c. acc. cogn., “melōdon eu. khoron” Sopat.10:—Med., “Bakkhion -omena” E. Ba.68
Euriipides Bacchae
[64] From Asia o'er the holy ridge of Tmolus hasten to a pleasant task, a toil that brings no weariness, for Bromius' sake, in honour of the Bacchic god. Who loiters in the road? who lingers 'neath the roof? Avaunt!I say, and let every lip be hushed in solemn silence;[73] O happy he! who to his joy is initiated in heavenly mysteries and leads a holy life, joining heart and soul in Bacchic revelry upon the hills,
for I will raise a hymn to Dionysus [Lit. shouting the ritual cry euoi.]
as custom aye ordains.
purified from every sin; observing the rites of Cybele, the mighty mother, and brandishing the thyrsus, with ivy-wreathed head, he worshis Dionysus.
Go, Bacchae, go, Bacchae, escorting the god Bromius, child of a god, [85] from the Phrygian mountains to the broad streets of Hellas—Bromius,Ov. M. 7, 94: “mundus, because composed of air, earth, and water,” id. ib. 15, 859
Pl. Bac. 1.1 Note: Your Bacchanalian den: "Bacchanal" was properly the place where the Bacchanalia, or orgies, were celebrated. He styles them "Bacchantes," and their house a "Bacchanal," in allusion both to their names and their habits
7 Mischievous serpent: "Mala tu's bestia." Literally, "you are an evil Beastia;" which sounds harsh to an English ear, even when applied to such an animal as Bacchis. Bacchanet minister of Bacchus.
Baccha Mainas or Thuias,13 A soft cloak: It was the custom at entertainments for the revellers to exchange their ordinary clothes for fine vestments, elaborately embroidered.
I. a Bacchanet, a female attendant of Bacchus, who, in company with Silenus and the Satyrs, celebrated the festival of that deity with a raving madness carried even to insensibility, and with hair loose and flying wildly about, to initiate into the festivals of Bacchus, Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugera” A.Eu.308 DAUGHTERS: Always Daughters
But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings houses. Mat 11:8
Matthew 11:16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
Matthew 11:17 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
Malakos g. of reasoning, weak, loose, logosIsoc.12.logoslian m. Arist.Metaph.1090b8 . Adv. -kôs, sullogizesthai to reason loosely
2. music to which a song is set, tune, logou te kai harmonias kai rhuthmoum
III. of persons or modes of life, soft, mild, gentle, malakōteros amphaphaasthai easier to handle, of a fallen hero, Il.22.373;
c. morally weak, lacking in self-control, Hdt.7.153 (Comp.); “antikeitai tō m. ho karterikos” Arist.EN1150a33: c. inf., “malakos karterein pros hēdonas te kai lupas” Pl.R.556c; “to truphōn kai m.” Ar.V.1455 (lyr.); not to give in from weakness or want of spirit, indulgences
2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural [instinctive] brute [Anti-Logical] brute Beastias, [Zoon, Zao, Zoe]e. of music, soft, effeminate, “m. harmoniai” Pl.R.398e, 411a, cf. Arist.Pol.1290a28; tuned to a low pitch, opp. “suntonos, khrōma m.” Cleonid.Harm.7, etc.
made to be taken and destroyed,
speak evil of the things that they understand not;
[through lack of knowledge]
and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
2 Peter 2.13 receiving the wages of unrighteousness; people who count it pleasure to revel in the day-time, spots and blemishes, reveling in their deceit while they feast with you;
See 2 Peter2 Instrumental Music Marks Corruption
"Sometimes the serpent stands at the head of the human race as the MOTHER of all.[30] This, following an old and still well supported interpretation of the name Eve (ḥawwah), was apparently also the belief of one branch of the Hebrews.[31]
In Babylonian myth a serpent, apparently in a well or pool, deprived Gilgamesh of the plant which rejuvenated old age, and if it was the rightful guardian of the wonderful gift, one is reminded of the Hebrew story, now reshaped in Gen. iii., where the supernatural serpent is clearly acquainted with the properties of the tree of life. [1911 Encyclopedia Britannica-Serpent Worship.
Hdt.2.49Heredotus 2.XLIX. Now then, it seems to me that Melampus son of Amytheon was not ignorant of but was familiar with this sacrifice. For Melampus was the one who taught the Greeks the name of Dionysus and the way of sacrificing to him and the phallic procession; he did not exactly unveil the subject taking all its details into consideration, for the teachers who came after him made a fuller revelation; but it was from him that the Greeks learned to bear the phallus along in honor of Dionysus, and they got their present practice from his teaching.[2] I say, then, that Melampus acquired the prophetic art, being a discerning man, and that, besides many other things which he learned from Egypt, he also taught the Greeks things concerning Dionysus, altering few of them; for I will not say that what is done in Egypt in connection with the god and what is done among the Greeks originated independently: for they would then be of an Hellenic character and not recently introduced.[3] Nor again will I say that the Egyptians took either this or any other custom from the Greeks. But I believe that Melampus learned the worship of Dionysus chiefly from Cadmus of Tyre and those who came with Cadmus from Phoenicia to the land now called Boeotia.
sophistai: his descendants, e.g. Amphiaraus, and still more the Orphic teachers (cf. 81 n.) of Greece, e.g. Onomacritus.The serpents, however, of the magicians-(that is,) the gods of destruction-withstood the power of Moses in Egypt, but the rod of Moses reduced them all to subjection and slew them. This universal serpent is, he says, the wise discourse of Eve. This, he says, is the mystery of Edem, this the river of Edem;
this the mark that was set upon Cain,The Mysteries Judaism Dunlap Latin Havam Arise, see, the Splen- dor (light) of the Newest MAN 1 (i. e. of Fetahil) has failed, the decrease of this Splendor is visible. Rise up, lie with thy MOTHER, and free thee from limits by which thou art held, and those more ample than the whole world. Which having been heard, that Wicked One, 2 his bones jumping, lay with the i " The Son of the MAN." Novissimus = Newest, Latest.
that any one who findeth him might not kill him. This, he says, is Cain, [Gen. iv. 15] whose sacrifice [Gen. iv. 5. ] the god of this world did not accept.
2 Compare the Vallis Eegia, xxxii. 11 ; xlii. 2, where the Serpent lay with Chava.
— Kabbal. Den., II. 306. Chava is Heuah (Eua, Eve.) 52 sod, SPIRITUS.
Ov. M. 7, 94: “mundus, because composed of air, earth, and water,” id. ib. 15, 859
Pl. Bac. 1.1 Note: Your Bacchanalian den: "Bacchanal" was properly the place where the Bacchanalia, or orgies, were celebrated. He styles them "Bacchantes," and their house a "Bacchanal," in allusion both to their names and their habits
7 Mischievous serpent: "Mala tu's bestia." Literally, "you are an evil Beastia;" which sounds harsh to an English ear, even when applied to such an animal as Bacchis. Bacchanet minister of Bacchus.
Baccha Mainas or Thuias,13 A soft cloak: It was the custom at entertainments for the revellers to exchange their ordinary clothes for fine vestments, elaborately embroidered.
I. a Bacchanet, a female attendant of Bacchus, who, in company with Silenus and the Satyrs, celebrated the festival of that deity with a raving madness carried even to insensibility, and with hair loose and flying wildly about, to initiate into the festivals of Bacchus, Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugera” A.Eu.308 DAUGHTERS: Always Daughters
-Pl. Poen. 5.5But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings houses. Mat 11:8
Matthew 11:16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
Matthew 11:17 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
Malakos g. of reasoning, weak, loose, logosIsoc.12.logoslian m. Arist.Metaph.1090b8 . Adv. -kôs, sullogizesthai to reason loosely
2. music to which a song is set, tune, logou te kai harmonias kai rhuthmoum
III. of persons or modes of life, soft, mild, gentle, malakōteros amphaphaasthai easier to handle, of a fallen hero, Il.22.373;
c. morally weak, lacking in self-control, Hdt.7.153 (Comp.); “antikeitai tō m. ho karterikos” Arist.EN1150a33: c. inf., “malakos karterein pros hēdonas te kai lupas” Pl.R.556c; “to truphōn kai m.” Ar.V.1455 (lyr.); not to give in from weakness or want of spirit, indulgences
2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural [instinctive] brute [Anti-Logical] brute Beastias, [Zoon, Zao, Zoe]e. of music, soft, effeminate, “m. harmoniai” Pl.R.398e, 411a, cf. Arist.Pol.1290a28; tuned to a low pitch, opp. “suntonos, khrōma m.” Cleonid.Harm.7, etc.
made to be taken and destroyed,
speak evil of the things that they understand not;
[through lack of knowledge]
and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
2 Peter 2.13 receiving the wages of unrighteousness; people who count it pleasure to revel in the day-time, spots and blemishes, reveling in their deceit while they feast with you;
See 2 Peter2 Instrumental Music Marks Corruption
to himself . I'm delaying. Looking in his hand. I can now pretty nearly cater a breakfast for myself with this. Raising his eyes. But what's this? How's this? What's this? What's this I see? How now? What means this strange conjunction? What's this coupling together? Who's this fellow with the long skirts, just like a tavern-boy? Do I quite see with my eyes? Isn't this my mistress, Anterastylis? Why, surely it is she. For some time past I've perceived that I'm set at nought. Isn't the girl ashamed to be hugging a tawny fellow in the middle of the street? I faith, I shall give him up forthwith to the executioner to be tortured all over. Surely this is a womanish race5, with their tunics hanging down to their heels. But I'm determined to accost this African female lover. To HANNO. Hallo! you woman, I say, are you not ashamed? What business have you with her, pray? Tell me.ANTHEMONIDES
Why didn't you use a drum while you were saying that? For I take you to be more of an effeminate wretch than a real man.
5 A womanish race: "Muliersous" generally means "fond of women." It clearly however, in this passage means "womanish," or "womanlike."
Do you understand what sort of effeminate wretch I am? Calling aloud. Servants, come out of doors, bring out some cudgels!
9 Use a drum: The priests of Cybele, who were either eunuchs, or persons of effeminate and worthless character, walked in their processions beating a "tympanum." a "drum" or "tambourine." The Captain, by his question, contemptuously implies that Agorastocles is such a character. See the Truer lentus, l. 608, and the Note.
cănis“canem inritatam imitarier,” Plaut. Capt. 3, 1, 25:Verg. A. 3.374
that shapeless Scylla in her vaulted cave,
where grim rocks echo her dark sea-dogs' roar.
Yea, more, if aught of prescience be bestowed
on Helenus, if trusted prophet he,
and Phoebus [Apollyon] to his heart true voice have given,
o goddess-born, one counsel chief of all
I tell thee oft, and urge it o'er and o'er.
To Juno's godhead lift thy Ioudest prayer;
to Juno chant a fervent votive song,
and with obedient offering persuade
that potent Queen. So shalt thou, triumphing,
to Italy be sped, and leave behind
Trinacria.rĕ-sŏno to send forth a roaring noise, B. [select] Trop., to resound, re-echo: “in vocibus nostrorum oratorumlŭpus Plin. 8, 22, 34, § 80.—Prov.: lupus in fabulā or sermone, said of the appearance of a person when he is spoken of; as we say in English, talk of the devil, and he appears: “
“(sonus) in fidibus testudine resonatur aut cornu,” Cic. N. D. 2, 57, 144. — Poet., with acc. of a place, to make resound or re-echo: “ubi Solis filia lucos Assiduo resonat cantu,” Verg. A. 7,
Lupus observavit, dum dormitaret canes, of one who watches his opportunity to be unobserved, Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 133.—
”While this verse is just as valid as every other sentence or commandment in the scripture,
let us look at what the greatest commandment of all is –
to love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.
How is the church fulfilling this commandment?
The picking and choosing of this very phrase is sorrowful and those who follow this ideology should be ashamed.1John 4:21 And this commandment have we from him,
That he who loveth God love his brother also.
1John 5:2 By this we know that we love the children of God,
when we love God, and keep his commandments.
1John 5:3 For this is the love of God,
that we keep his commandments:
and his commandments are not grievous.
2John 5 And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee,
but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another.
2John 6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments.
This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.
Jeanene Reese My question to the church is who are you to not accept your neighbor regardless of his or her sexual preference? Why is the sexual preference of one community more debated and censored than murder or any other sin? How can we even consider the possibility of being like Christ if we are afraid to even consider the notion of accepting gays into our pews. The truth is simple: we are not fulling the will of the Lord.
Who is Jeanene Reese to make laws about how people feel about abnormal and destructive life styles?
Jeanene Reese If the church considers sex to be the boundary between acceptance and rejection, then I must say I am frustrated.
I am frustrated that the very church Christ came down to save rejects those who prefer a man over a woman.
1Cor. 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
1Cor. 6:11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
I am frustrated on how ignorant and blind the church is pretending to be when in reality, the problem is staring at them right in the mirror. I am frustrated that my own peers are remaining silent or are shunned by their elders because of where they stand on the issue.
Jeanene Reese And yet, I challenge the church to take a stand and open their arms despite their own sentiments. I challenge the church to be bold. I challenge the church to wake up. Get up. Say something!
Jeanene Reese Just as Martin Luther nailed the theses, Dr. Reese banged on the doors of the church and now we wait for the sound of the cries and pleads of the oppressed to reach our ears. The church must arise. The church must accept homosexuals and reconsider the fact that our first and most important commandment of all is to love.
1John 2:14 I have written unto you, fathers,
because ye have known him that is from the beginning.
I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong,
and the WORD of God abideth in you,
and ye have overcome the wicked one.
1John 2:15 Love not the world,
neither the things that are in the world.
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life,
is not of the Father, but is of the world.
1John 2:17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:
but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.Jeanene Reese How can we sit in a hypocritical church that ignores the marginalized? How can you sit in silence when you hear the knocks on the door; perhaps even knocks on your door.
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