
Wayne Coats reviewing Joe Beam: A Compendium Of Pentecostal Holiness Teachings At The NASHVILLE JUBILEE 1990-1996

Paul declared that the HOLY SPIRIT is the MIND OF CHRIST. And Jesus as SPIRIT appeared to Paul and declared that "I am Jesus of Nazareth." The SPIRIT is the INTELLECT which God put into all people. An UNHOLY SPIRIT rejects God and His Word. God RENEWS our human spirit and gives us A holy spirit when we ask Him for it at baptism (1 Pet 3:21)


John 8:23 And he said unto them,
        Ye are from BENEATH; [KATARUS]
        I am from above:
        ye are of this WORLD;
                [Kosmos, the Ecumenical, the Kingdom of the Devil, laws permit pederasty] 

        I am not of THIS world.
John 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
John 8:25 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning.
John 8:26 I have many things to say and to judge of you:
        but he that sent me is true;
        and I speak to the world those things which I have HEARD of him.
John 8:27 They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.

John 8:28 Then said Jesus unto them,
        When ye have lifted up the Son of man,
        then shall ye know that I am he,
        and that I do nothing of myself;
        but as my Father hath TAUGHT ME, I speak these things.
John 8:29 And he that sent me is with me:
        the Father hath not left me alone;
        for I do always those things that please him.
John 8:30 As he spake these words, many believed on him.


John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
        IF ye continue in MY WORD
        THEN are ye my disciples indeed;

Those who do NOT SPEAK the Word, THERE IS NO LIGHT IN THEM. [Isaiah 8:20]

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth,
        and the truth shall make you fr

This does not prevent those always identified as FANATICS by Bible Scholars from stealing worship from God by the PSYCHOLOGICAL METHOD of claiming to have some supernatural contact with God.

Jesus defines Holy Scripture as the Prophets who defined the PATTERN for the kingdom of Christ both inclusively and exclusively.
These are, He said, are CONCERNING ME.

The ONE PIECE PATTERN is and assembly for EDUCATION ONLY which needs no one to hear SPIRITS.

Eph. 2:20 And are built upon [EDUCATED ONLY]
        the foundation of the APOSTLES and PROPHETS,
        Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone

Heb. 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
        spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Heb. 1:2 Hath in these LAST DAYS spoken unto us by his Son,
        whom he hath appointed heir of all things,
        by whom also he made the worlds; [AION The Messianic Age]
Heb. 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory,
        and the express IMAGE of his person,
        and upholding all things by the WORD of his power,
        when he had by himself purged our sins,
        sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

The WORD spoken by Jesus is the REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE: it outlaws personal opinions or experiences, rhetoric, singing, playing an instrument, acting or PAY FOR PLAY.  Sorry sucker: Jesus authorized no DOLE so, like Pharisees, you have to concoct your own songs and sermons

Logos  computation, reckoning 2. statement of a theory, argument, ouk emeu alla tou l. akousantas prob. in Heraclit.50; logon ēde noēma amphis alētheiēs discourse and reflection on reality,
IV. inward debate of the soul, reflection, deliberation
Regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible and operative in the sensible universe,

Opposite to epithumia
 A. desire, yearning, longing after a thing, desire of or for it, Theaomai :--gaze at, behold, mostly with a sense of wonder3. view as spectators
Opposite Pathos  A. that which happens to a person or thing, incident, accident,  Moralizing Rhetoric
Opposite Poiein to excite passion, Arist.Rh.1418a12; V. Rhet., emotional style or treatment,
Opposite Enthousi-astikos , ē, on, A. inspired, “phusis” Pl.Ti.71e; esp. by music,
 OPPOSITE -poiκsis, Id.R.390a;
OPPOSITE -poiκtikκ, D.H.Comp.6; OPPOSITE poiκmata, onomatopoeic word
OPPOSITE  emmetra Modus   2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: Mūsĭcus a, um, adj., = mousikos.
X. the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government,

Theologians are doomed to call God a liar or INCOMPETENT.  If God had wanted any kind of music in the tuneful sense He was INTELLIGIBLE But denied by C. Leonard Allen.

mousikos kai melōn poētēs
” 2. generally, votary of the Muses,  The Muses were the LOCUSTS unleashed with Apollon their "musical worship leaders." The Greek and Latin literature identifies them as dirty adulteresses
[25] the Muses of Olympus, daughters of Zeus who holds the aegis: “Shepherds of the wilderness,
        wretched things of shame, mere bellies,
        we know how to speak many false things as though they were true;
        but we know, when we will, to utter true things.”
            ...and they bade me sing of the race of the blessed gods that are eternally,
                but ever to sing of themselves both first and last.
pharma^kon 3. enchanted potion, philtre: hence, charm, spell, Od.4.220 sq., Ar.Pl.302, [Circe, Church, Corinth mother of harlots]  Theoc.2.15

The singers [Muses], instrument players and craftsmen as sorcerers in Revelation 18.


2Pet. 3:1 This second epistle, beloved, I now WRITE unto you;
         in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
2Pet. 3:2 That ye may be MINDFUL [the only worship in your spirit] 
        of the WORDS which were spoken before by the holy prophets,
        and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
2Pet. 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days SCOFFERS,
        walking after their OWN LUSTS

empaig-ma , atos, to,
A.] jest, mocking, delusion, LXX Is.66.4; magikēs empaigmata tekhnēs ib.Wi.17.7.
Paizō , prop., play like a child, sport, “ de th' hama Numphai . . agronomoi paizousi
4. play on a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT  , h.Ap.206: c. acc., “Pan ho kalamophthogga paizōn” Ar.Ra.230; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.
5. play amorously, “pros allēlous” X.Smp.9.2; “meta tinos” LXX Ge.26.8; of mares, 

Isaiah 66:3 He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb,
        as if he cut off a dog’s neck;
        he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine’s blood;
        he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol.
        Yea, they have chosen their own ways,
        and their soul delighteth in their abominations.
I.  To allure from the right path, to entice away, to seduce (only ante-class.): me Apollo ipse delectat, ductat Delphicu “carminibus,” Hor. Od. 4, 1, 23; cf. “iambis (with gaudere carmine),” id. Ep. 2, 2, 59 et passim: “interea cum Musis nos delectabimus aequo animo,”

Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, I. a muse, one of the goddesses of poetry, music, and the other liberal arts. The ancients reckoned nine of them, viz.: Clio, the muse of history; Melpomene, of tragedy; Thalia, of comedy; Euterpe, of the flute; Terpsichore, of dancing; Calliope, of epic poetry; Erato, of lyric poetry; Urania, of astronomy; Polyhymnia, of the mimic art, Aus. Idyl
“me magis de Dionysio delectat,” Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 13 fi
“quam delectabat eum defectiones solis et lunae multo ante nobis praedicere,”

DELECTO I. To allure from the right path, to entice away, to seduce (only ante-class.): me APOLLON
“cum Musis delectari,
Is. 66:4 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.

H8586 ta‛ălϋl tah-al-ool' From H5953 ; caprice (as a fit coming on), that is, vexation; concretely a tyrantbabe, delusion Alal (h5953) glean, mock,

Illūdo 1. To scoff or mock at, to make a laughing-stock of, to ridicule,
“ipsa praecepta (rhetorum),” Cic. de Or. 1, 19, 87:
“voces Neronis, quoties caneret,” Tac. A. 14, 52Plane
plănus , i, m., = planos, I. a juggler, impostor, cheat (class.; cf. “erro): ille planus improbissimus,” Cic. Clu. 26, 72: fracto crure planum attollere
căno , cĕcĭni, cantum (ancient I. [select] imp. cante = canite,
2. Of the faulty delivery of an orator, to speak in a sing-song tone: “inclinată ululantique voce more Asiatico canere,”
C. Transf., of the instruments by which, or (poet.) of the places in which, the sounds are produced, to sound, resound: “canentes tibiae,” Cic. N. D. 2, 8, 22: “maestae cecinere tubae,” Prop. 4 (5), 11, 9.   

uuuuuJesus Christ identified THE HOLY SPIRIT or THE MIND OF CHRIST as conveyed by HIS WORDS "which are Spirit and Life." Thus CUTS THE GROUND out from those who pretend to be APOSTLES by a test: Those who have A holy Spirit will cling faithfully to Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. Those who have an UNHOLY SPIRIT will claim that the Bible has been SIFTED, is no longer authority but nevertheless claim that THEY have the power to DISCOVER and SELL new TRUTH to replace what the Holy Spirit was not competent to protect.

Both Paul and Peter focus the DISCIPLE'S attention on the REVEALED WORD which is the source Jesus came to teach and inspire. The REASONS for letting the Bible be the BENCHMARK is explained by both Peter and Paul:

The Word was spoken by God Incarnate to credible, prepared witnesses.

Peter was witness of Jesus Christ as well as Paul post ascension.

The Word was validated by SUPERNATURAL SIGNS which have NO OTHER PURPOSE than to VALIDATE God's chosen prophets or apostles.

You don't TAMPER with the word because:

Christ inspired it. YOU must not private interpret or FURTHER EXPOUND it.

The MANY false prophets will tell you that THEY have a new message.

Believers always have the CONFIRMED "CONSTITUTION" as source and resource and WILL NOT tolerate those who claim to be apostles.

What if WE believe that the Holy Spirit is either God or OUR spirit made holy at Baptism, and THEY believe that the Holy Spirit is the African "little man (holy spirit) in the BIG MAN (ME)?"

Our NEW SPIRIT REnewed by God is CONSUMED with learning everything God ever inspired, and THEIR spirit makes THEM speak GIBBERISH and minimize the Bible?

If the entire BIBLE is correct and THEY DO NOT have 1/3 of the Godhead IN THEIR CARNAL BODY, then by WHAT SPIRIT are THEY experiencing a CHARISMATIC FIT?

Notes from Madison

PREACHER POTPOURRI (Dr. C. Bruce White): [[[We are seeing a spirit coming alive at Madison that brings glory and honor to the Lord. It is a spirit of love, faith, and service that is obviously born of the Holy Spirit. The future looks bright as we reach out to this community. "We are so pleased to have Joe Beam teaching the HomeBuilder's class. " We need you at the "Mission Field: Madison" planning day, February 8. This will be a time for dreaming and planning in ministry. Be there! We are looking at one of the best years at Madison in a long time. It will demand an involvement level that exceeds any in recent memory. "We find strength in worship. We then use that strength in taking the Word to the community. We want you to participate in our worship and be involved in the ministry of the Lord.]]]

Madison also appealed to Kregg Hood's material to teach the heresy of TITHING. Kregg also is charismatic:

The Tithing Heresy

Kregg Hood hopes for raising the dead.

J. E. Choate, The Third Wave

"The strange connections between the KCP and the church of Christ is established through Gary Holloway, Michael Weed, Rubel Shelly, and Randy Harris. These brethren are indirectly tied in with the Kansas City Prophets through personal contacts and their articles addressing Bickle, Wagner, and Wimber. The common denominator is the Pentecostal "Third Wave" theology.

All of the CLAIMED supernatural power in churches of Christ is based on Max Lucado - Rubel Shelly trithism or POLYTHEISM seeing God as a family or tribe of gods.

This has no foundation in the Bible or in church history EVEN by those who use the word TRINITY to speak of the INTERNAL distinctions WITHIN the One God in the personae of Father, Son and Spirit. Pre Shelly history rarely tries to CUT up the Godhead like a pecan pie.

> Henry Blackaby asks: "Does God really speak to His people in our day?

Will He reveal to you where He is working when He wants to use you?

Yes! God has not changed. He still speaks to His people.

If you have trouble hearing God speak,

you are in trouble at the very heart of your Christian experience."

> Rubel Shelly also preaches:

The Holy Guest will supply everything you need. In your weakness, (seen as GEIST as in POLTEGEIST)

you will feel his strength.

Not only through the exhortation of the Word of God

but in your daily routine,

you will hear from

and experience the Lord Jesus Christ.

It's time for you to begin hearing the voice of God speak to you in those moments to tell you,

"Ah, but look at what's inside you!"

And then perhaps these explicit words will come ringing in your ears:

> "Joe Beam, who, in his 1996 Jubilee speech in Nashville, gave "testimony" of alleged miracles occurring today and taught the same year in his lecture at the Tulsa Workshop

that the Holy Spirit came with miraculous power and made men burst out sobbing at a men's retreat where he was preaching, adding,

"The Holy Spirit is here, and... he will speak to you directly, he will tell you what to do..., he will come with power." This is from the Tulsa-Cross Roads Connection.

"Speakers have included: Chuck Lucas (of the Boston/Crossroads cult which ravaged the church in many places),

> See "Evil" Abraham as PATTERN by Rubel Shelly and that will answer GRACE CENTERED missing of the whole point about baptism." It is probable that preachers have preached BAPTISMAL REGENERATION because they never knew the Bible. However, the discover of FAITH often causes them to accuse all who defend Baptism as defending WORKS or LAW. This leads to a Zwinglian, pagan form of understanding which is just as wrong as the original.

Only false preachers ever taught that Baptism EARNS. However, both God and Paul defined ABRAHAM'S FAITH as OBEYING whatever God commanded him to do. Doing it did not EARN anything but, as with John's Baptism, "rejecting the counsel of God" would cause him to be damned.

This OBEDIENCE OF FAITH or FAITH IN THE OPERATION OF GOD is Jame's meaning of FAITH. We don't believe there has been any NEW REVELATION. Rather, we believe that people fooled in the past have simply subscribed to the TEACHING in favor among the INNER CIRCLES.

Speeches On Holy Spirit At Jubilee

Full Article at Concerned Members by Wayne Coats








Doris Black

Rejoice in the Spirit 1-2-3


Lindsey Garmon

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Steve Flatt

Does the Spirit Move You


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Does the Spirit Move You


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Does the Spirit Move You


Jeanine Reese

Leadership & Spiritual Gifts


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Jeanine Reese

Leadership & Spiritual Gifts


Earl Lavender

Allowing God's Spirit to Grow the Church


Randy Harris

God the Spirit-Powerful Presence


Bob Harrington

The Spirit and Spiritual Growth


Bob Harrington

The Spirit and Life Experiences


Bob Harrington

The Spirit and Spiritual Discipline


Bob Anderson

The Compassion of the Spirit


Earl Lavender

Walking With the Spirit


Tom Riley

The Sweet Fruit of the Holy Spirit


Tom Riley

The Sweet Fruit of the Holy Spirit


Joe Beam

Discerning the Holy Spirit


Joe Beam

Releasing the Spirit's Power


Joe Beam

Bring the Spirit into the Current Crises

Chapter 11 Joe Beam And His Jubilee Babblings 1996 by Wayne Coats.

It would be sheer folly to deny what the Jubilee promoters are trying to do as they continue to spread their ridiculous brand of neo-Pentecostalism. It is even worse when so many blinded folds refuse to see what is happening.

If the efforts of the Jubilee speakers in spreading Holyrollerism is successful, then the church will be swept away in digression as it was 150 years ago, and it will certainly be carried away into a Babylon of Pentecostalism.

In 1996, there were eleven speeches presented at the Jubilee which had the audiences clapping.

The personal literal, indwelling, enabling, empowering influence of the sweet Holy Spirit along with miracle working power is unusually popular among the Jubilee performers.

One must never seek to misconstrue what a speaker says. This is a horrible attitude and is about as low as accusing one of deliberately trying to misconstrue ones utterances.

A false teacher will convict himself. One doesn't need to twist, pervert, or misconstrue anything a neo-Pentecostal, Jubilee jumper might say.

For sheer buffoonery, frivolity, and shallow offerings no one can beat Joe Beam at the Jubilee.

With an audience of spiritual illiterates, who are unskilled in the word of God and are ready to giggle, applaud and tickle the ears of itch-infested speakers, brother Joe can out-do most any circus clown.

There is a time to laugh and there is a time to cry (Eccl. 3:4). When any man presumes to speak about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit before an audience of dying men and women, I just do not believe it is a time for clowning around. the same is true of a group of assembled people who should have enough common sense to discern between truth and fiction.

Judging from the reactions of that Jubilee audience who laughed and clapped as Joe entertained them it would not be amiss to assume that it would take a solid week to teach most of Joe's audience the short Bible verse which declares, "Jesus wept."

I am appalled, amazed, disgusted and heart-sick when I realize how utterly ignorant people can be and still claim to be followers of Christ. One cannot help but wonder from whence all those dull hearers have come. What have they been hearing. What has happened to eyes which have been closed, ears which have been stopped and hearts which have become stone cold?

Who Is Joe Beam?

Joe Beam can be described best by Joe Beam. All of his testimonials qualifications and successes comprise a part of his speeches when he gets so very high up in partnership with the Godhead.

Brother Beam is an example of another poor preacher who get ensnared by old Satan over and over.

There and elsewhere he continues to tell how his marriage fell apart ending in divorce. God would not turn loose of Joe. There are some rare jewels for certain and it sounds like God cannot operate without their expertise. God will back off, give up on, and turn his face away from millions of rebels but he sent the hounds of heaven on the trail of brother Beam.

God found Joe somewhere and things are better than ever since Joe found the Holy Spirit.

If I was working for Barnum and Bailey I would hire Joe Beam for my clown acts if possible. He is full of funny stories. One dear lady said she put her mother on the front row each day because Joe was so funny! How clownish does one need to be in discussing eternal and sacred matters? It makes no difference at a Jubilee.

Brother Joe Beam i.e. J.B. laughs about getting fired as a preacher. He doesn't tell why he was fired. He disclaims being a preacher now and is in some sort of secular business. That allows him to make snide remarks about faithful brethren. He keeps his audience laughing with one joke after another. That's what it takes to become brilliant enough to speak at the Jubilee for three days on the Holy Spirit.

Holy Laughter hit the circuits about the time of Jubilee:

"The Vineyard movement of churches is controversial even within its Pentecostal base. It has been labeled "hyper-Pentecostal" by its detractors, which have included figures such as Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel and evangelist David Wilkerson. Currently, the Vineyard is a major conduit for the "Holy Laughter Movement" in which those said to be filled with the Holy Spirit during a meeting might begin laughing uncontrollably, becoming paralyzed, roar like a lion or howl and bark like a dog.

"Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney's pastor, James Ryle, who is on the Board of PK, is a highly controversial figure [see sidebar, p. 20]. His participation in the "Laughing Revival" was written up in a Washington Post article (11/18/95) about the Laughing Movement at the Pasadena Vineyard Christian Fellowship:

At the Pasadena church, James Ryle, chaplain of the University of Colorado football team, is telling the congregation how Jesus freed him from his own demons -- growing up in an orphanage

and serving jail time for selling drugs. He tells many jokes about his missing middle finger, lost to a lawn mower. There are waves of tear-wiping laughter.

Ryle makes sound effects, including some animal noises. He snaps his fingers, bangs the podium, paces and tells how God will appear here in suits of fire, oil, water. "You will feel! And the glory of the Lord will put you down!" ("A Rush of Ecstasy and Alarm," Carol McGraw)

J.B. makes an initial statement about sharing some things that, "...a few years ago I did not believe." I do not know what he may have believed a few years ago if anything. He believes in entertaining an audience while supposedly speaking about the Holy Spirit.

Can we grasp the fact that Joe has changed in his belief? That is the reason he is a Jubilee speaker. He would not be invited as a speaker if he believed and taught the truth. They want to hear some new things. Joe admits that he has a different tale to tell.

When Joe turned to read Acts 2:38, he allowed that Peter quoted Joel where the Spirit was promised, "to all people, whether young or old, male or female." I suppose that would be something new which Joe has learned. Where did he learn it?

The NIV of Joe Beam very conveniently has all people receiving the Holy Spirit and the application is made for people today. Such is sectarianism without bounds.

Anyone who has any respect for the Bible will be able to connect Joel 2 and Acts 2, together.

It does not seem possible that people can get so entangled with so much error about the Holy Spirit. When J.B. reads Acts 2:38, he concludes, "The Holy Spirit is for every immersed believer." He bases this on his conclusion form reading Acts 2:38. He thinks the promise of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 is for people today.

Turn in your Bible to Acts 2:12 where a question is asked. The apostle Peter proceeds to answer the question, "What Meaneth this," by referring back to Joel's prophecy.

We know that the prophecy of Joel referred to a miraculous event. This has to be the case because Joel declared the Spirit would be poured out on, "all flesh."

All flesh did not mean all people any more than it meant all creatures with flesh. If all flesh meant everything with flesh, then birds, baboons, and tiny babies would receive the Holy Spirit.

That is not so. Do atheists receive the Holy Spirit?

The prophecy of Joel absolutely referred to the miraculous coming of the Holy Spirit. The explanation given by Peter in referring to Joel's prophecy is miraculous.

In Acts 2:33, Peter spoke of ,"...the promise of the Father" and of course he was referring to the promise given through Joel which was miraculous.

We have heard brethren complain that if the gift of Acts 2:38 is miraculous, then the miraculous would continue right along with baptism for the remission of sins. No! These same brethren have no problem preaching Mark 16:16 in order to be saved, but they comprehend very well that the signs of verses 17 and 18 are not among us.

Consider again where Peter used the promise of Joel and referred to "you". You Jews assembled here are the recipients of Joel's promise and "them that are afar off" are the Gentiles and both comprise the "all flesh" of Joel's prophecy. There would be no difference between Jew and Gentile...finally and at last.

But read again the second chapter of Acts. Where does the miraculous begin? Read all the way through verse 33.

We are indebted to brother Franklin Camp for setting forth a cogent, rational, and exegetical discussion of the words "receive" and "gift".

Notice how the word "RECEIVE" is used.

1. John 7:39
2. John 10:21-23
3. Acts 8:15-17
4. Acts 10:47
5. Acts 19:6
6. Gal. 3:2
7. I John 2:27
8. Acts 2:38

Max Lucado quotes John 1:12

Max Lucado: To all who received him, he gave the right to become children of God.

All they needed to do was to trust him to save them.

All those who believe this are reborn!

Brother Camp judiciously and wisely states that every one of the above passages refers to the miraculous and he asks, "is Acts 2:38 an exception?"

A further principle is discussed by our brother Camp when he calls attention to the word "gift." Some six times the word is used in connection with the Holy Spirit. These can be found as follows:

1. Acts 2:38
2. Acts 8:20
3. Acts 10:45
4. Acts 11:17
5. Ephesians 3:7
6. Ephesians 4:7

All of the last five passages refer to the miraculous. Surely everyone would agree with this. Pray tell why the gift in Acts 2:38 would be non-miraculous?

I emphatically deny that the Holy Spirit gift of Acts 2:38 is to be applied to all people today. Brother J.B. can make assertions till Jesus comes but he assumes instead of proving.

J. B. says, " I am a spirit-filled Christian and I'd love for you to be one." What a revelation! What prolonged clapping! What crass ignorance upon the part of an audience! I will admit that J.B. is filled but I deny that he is Spirit filled.

He is full of levity and foolishness and that is different from being filled with the Spirit. How do we know Joe is full of the Spirit? He told his audience he was and they clapped and clapped. If he had said he saw a ninety-foot Jesus I doubt not that his auditors would have clapped, whooped and hollered. Instead of telling jokes it would have been far better for J.B. to have stayed home and studied the Bible.

J.B. is no more, "filled with the Spirit" than a June bug. Please consider how the expression is used in the Bible. This could have been given instead of so many silly jokes-

John 1:15-John was to be filled with the Spirit
Luke 1:41-Elizabeth was to be filled with the Spirit
Luke 1:67-Zacharias was to be filled with the Spirit
Acts 6:3-Stephen was to be filled with the Spirit
Acts 6:8-Stephen was full of power and did great wonders and miracles
Acts 6:3-There were seven full of the Spirit
Ephesians 5:18-"Be filled with the Spirit"
Acts 2:4-"The apostles were filled with the Spirit"
Acts 4:31- "They were all filled with the Holy Ghost"

Is it not the case that every single one of those occasions mentioned above refer to the miraculous, unless Ephesians 5:18 would be an exception? If the passage is not miraculous, it would certainly require some strange interpreting. What would the Ephesians think Paul meant by his imperative, "Be filled with the Spirit?"

Does J.B. want us to really believe he is a Spirit filled Christian?

Let him demonstrate as Stephen, Phillip and others and not equivocate.

Does it make sense for J.B. to say to his Jubilee clappers, "I'm a Spirit filled Christian, and I'd love for you to be one?" Were the hank-clappers not also Spirit filled? Had they been immerersed?

If they had been immersed, then J.B. would say they were Spirit filled. If they were already Spirit filled why would J.B. say that he would love for them to be? Did they know they were Spirit filled?

Joe knows how far to take his cheer-leaders. He said, "I have studied some charismatic theology and I think they have some theological flaws and I reject it." That sounds wonderful to folks who have ears and hear not.

Anyone who has any reasoning power whatsoever can see that Joe is spouting out Pentecostalism by the bushels.

My but he has changed within the past years. He now pours forth charismatic theology. If not why does he mention all those miracles? Does he think everyone is retarded? He says he has changed.

Miracle Number One

If Joe is not charismatic, then why tell the story about the baby who was to be born without all its internal organs?

For twenty-four hours of intense praying and asking God for a miracle, the miracle happened inside the woman.

"The lady went back the next day for ultrasound and God had given the miracle. The organs were there."

That's Joe Pentecostalism which he delights to prattle but Joe is not charismatic. It depends upon which foot he has in his mouth. He doesn't even try to be consistent.

Miracle Number Two

A woman in Texas had Lupus. She prayed and she was healed. Joe said so. "God can make you well" clap-clap-clap. Such tickles the ears of the teller.

Miracle Number Three

Around midnight Joe went to visit a home. Everyone should have been in bed. When Joe got there

he knew there was a woman in the house with the man who should not have been there.

God sent Joe to stop the brother from sinning. The marriage wasn't saved. Where was God? Where was Joe? Could God and Joe not save the marriage? Did God send Joe to all the other adulterers? Why not?

Miracle Number Four

Joe was driving his car and he had to stop. He wanted God to speak to him.

Joe turned on the radio and asked God to put somebody on the radio.

He heard a song and a lady was singing about the sin which Joe had committed.

Joe cried. Clap-clap-clap-clap!

Miracle Number Five

A doctor friend told Joe about a woman who was healed of cancer. It was a miracle. yes, yes!

Joe is not charismatic so leave him alone. He says, "There are some frauds out there."

Yes, and I would say that a sizable number can be found at the Jubilee. No fake healers or fraud will allow himself to be exposed before the public so do not think that the Jubilee frauds will have their cultic foolishness put to the test.

Joe exhibits great courage when he says, "Leave me alone."

Miracle Next

J.B. tells about hearing a man on the radio (orT.V.). who had throat trouble and could barely squeak.

He was healed.

His vocal cords were healed. Joe can testify with any Holyroller because that makes good stuff at a Jubilee.

People clap for that stuff.

Apparently Joe Beam must have thought that he had a marvelous point for his cheerleaders when he said,

"The Holy Spirit came to earth, He did not leave the earth."

It would be the intelligent thing to point out WHY the Holy Spirit was sent and to WHOM He was sent.

One would be led to think that the Holy Spirit is on earth and still doing what He came to do in the first century.

This is zeal without knowledge and I ask if Joe is doing what the apostles did qhwn rhwy ewxwicws rhw Holy Apieir?

For a man who has to hunt for Bible verses, it doesn't take me long to decide that such an one is a fraud. The Holyrollerism of another Jubilee speaker blares forth when J.B. says,

"The Holy Spirit of God speaks to us, not just through the Bible."

"Does the Holy Spirit speak to you outside the word of God?

Yes..." "It's the guiding and prompting of God that tells to do that."

"The Spirit of God actually enters my body."

"Its not biblical to say everything happens just thorough the word."

"The Holy Spirit is on earth and He is in you and among you." "He is active today."

If one will put on a thinking cap, it will be as clear as day that each of the above assertions could be heard at the local Holyroller church.

Joe makes no effort to prove his baseless babblings.

What did he say to prove that the Holy Spirit speaks to someone outside the word?

How does he prove that God prompts one independent of the word?

What is the proof that the Holy Spirit is active today?

We refuse to accept Joe's word any more than we accept the wild claims of Oral Roberts. One is as subjective as the other and as false.

Joe did not need to prove anything to the blind followers who stumbled into his classes at the Jubilee.

There could never be more fermented ignorance assembled in one place.

Not one little peep was made by any Jubilee chick when Joe Beam talked about,

"...quenching the fire of the Holy Spirit."

He babbles about not putting out the fire. His dupes agree when they clap.

When Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica he said, "Quench not the Spirit" [Thess. 5:19]. He said nothing about the fire of the Holy Spirit. Joe prattles about the Holy Spirit, fire and testifies about several healing episodes but he says he is not charismatic.

He isn't but he is and his pathetic audience doesn't know the difference.

The passage to the church at Thessalonica refers to spiritual gifts which some possessed. Look at the very next verse please. Paul wrote, "Despise not prophesyings." What is the connection? It is simple, elementary, and too plain to miss. Notice the plural. Spiritual gifts were miraculous gifts.

Not everyone could prophesy like Joe Beam.

If someone claimed a spiritual gift, the claim did not prove it. There were those who claimed to be apostles but Paul put them in their place by telling them to demonstrate with the signs of an apostle.

There were some dim-wits running around who claimed to be Jesus Christ but like Joe Beam's claims, they were absurd.

How would a person in Thessalonica or elsewhere validate his claims of possessing spiritual gifts? He did not have the New Testament but he certainly could "prove all things..." True spiritual gifts were not to be despised or hindered.

The woman would not have put her mother on the front seat if all the funny stories had been left off.

Truly the audience left an accumulation of ignorance instead of a knowledge of the word of God.

If anyone should wonder how Joe Beam manages to be a speaker at the Jubilee, or elsewhere, it is because of his great "spiritual wisdom."

Yes, Joe deals a little with Acts 15:6, 15:19; and 15:28 to prove that men have, "spiritual wisdom." Like a kangaroo he jumps from Acts 15 to a Jubilee circus and convinces people that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual wisdom today just like he did to Paul, Barnabas, Peter, James, the apostles and elders (Acts 15:2-5).

When a letter was written the statement was made, "For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us... (v. 28). Who directed that meeting in Acts 15?

What part did the Holy Spirit play in that situation?

Click for some Joe Beam Notes.

It is absolutely incredible that a man would use Acts 15 as an example for us to claim spiritual wisdom today. Joe Beam had no problem with all the cheer leaders who clapped at his jokes.

Is Joe on an equality with Paul, Peter, James, and Silas? It is crass foolishness to assume from Acts 15 that we have spiritual wisdom today.

But we are reminded that we are to pray for spiritual wisdom and that the spiritual wisdom will enable us to know things which we do not know. This is just another claim of cultic babblers. I'm just stating a fact that a man who is full of the Holy Spirit, spiritual wisdom, and is baptized in the Holy Spirit--should not be so obtuse in the scriptures. His speech and actions betray the man.

If Joe's spiritual wisdom is any indication of the time he spends in praying for wisdom, I confess that he hasn't prayed at all, God has not heard his prayers, or he has spent far too much time reading joke books. I see no evidence of spiritual wisdom in Joe Beam's speeches.

But we are to, "...pray for spiritual wisdom?" We are to do no such thing. If that were the case, J.B. would need to do nothing but pray. The text used by Joe to pray for spiritual wisdom does not apply to Joe Beam or any other Joe.

Bible students have great respect for the principle which demands that we look at a passage in its context.

I truly believe that the people to whom I preach each Sunday are not so dense as to tolerate a preacher who will wrest the scriptures.

We know that in some of the "wisdom" passages the miraculous gift is meant. It is indisputable that those seven who were selected to look after the distribution of items to the needy were, "...fully of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom" (Acts 6:3).

I know better than to say that wisdom is always used in a miraculous sense in the Bible. Paul speaks of the wisdom of men. He also spoke of the wisdom of this world. In contrast he spoke of the wisdom of God (V.7). Paul spoke the things freely given of God. This was supernatural wisdom.

When discussing spiritual gifts in chapter twelve, Paul wrote, " For to one is given by the Spirit, the word of wisdom..." (v.8). Surely this was miraculous.

To the Colossians Paul wrote and desired that they, "...might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding" (Col. 1:9).

J.B. would have his hearers pray for spiritual wisdom and by this God supposedly will lead, direct, and speak to and control whenever one seeks such. He thinks we just need to ask God and He will give wisdom. Let us study wisdom, not only as it is used in a miraculous sense in the preceding passages, but also as James used the word.

The inspired writer asked, "Who is a wise man and ENDUED with knowledge among you..." (James 3:13). To be endued means to endow, transfuse, to put on, to bring in. The apostles were endued with power from on high (Acts 2). The wise man of James was endued, endowed, transfused, and put on knowledge.

His wisdom was from above (James 3:17). There was an earthly wisdom (James 3:15). What kind of wisdom was to be sought? It certainly was not worldly wisdom. Since there was no New Testament to provide the wisdom needed, the spiritual gift of wisdom would enable one to be endued with wisdom.

Every cultic leader in the country makes the same claims about God speaking to them and putting words in their mouth, and directing them. Joe Beam and his Jubilee jumpers are no different. It is far too late for many to be helped out of the labyrinth of neo-Pentecostalism.

The Jubilee is a curse beyond the wildest dreams of many.

Joe Beam: Star Attraction At The Jubilee

As we continue our study of some of the utterances made at the Nashville Jubilee, it should be of interest to read some of the far-out fables presented by Joe Beam.

Joe is an entertainer with enough jokes and fairy tales to keep his classes clapping and giggling. One young woman said she put her elderly mother on the front row each day because Joe was so funny. What a brilliant observation! Judging from all the giggles, frivolity, clapping and cavorting--such would appeal to the kind of folks who listen to Joe Beam.

Brother Joe declared that he was going to share some things that "...a few years ago I did not believe." Obviously! When I stress that the liberals have changed and are trying to run the church into a Holyroller outfit, some folks snarl at me.

Steve Flatt thinks the Plumbline should be called "Plumblies."

You will never hear Steve attempt to defend the Jubilee Holyroller bunk. Joe declaimed, "I am a Spirit-filled Christian and I would love for you to be one" (clap-clap-clap).

Joe is no more filled with the Spirit than a junebug. He is full of jokes. John was filled with the Spirit (John 1:15). Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit (Luke 1:41). The apostles were filled with the Spirit (Acts 2:4). Joe Beam is full of bologna.

Brother Jubilee Joe believes in miraculous healing. Listen to the taped speech where he told of a baby who did not not have all its internal organs. Would Steve Flatt call that a "Plumbie?"

Being full --Steve agrees with Joe or being full-Steve and his Holy Spirit denies Joe and his Holy Spirit. Do you suppose Jubilee supporters can see that much?

Why did it take twenty-four hours to get the attention of God? Why keep praying as if God hears one for his much speaking? One fable is as foolish as another.

Joe was driving his car down the road and he asked God to speak to him. Joe turned on the radio and a woman was singing a song which dealt with sin which Joe committed.

Joe sat there and cried (clap-clap-clap). That encouraged another tale.

A man was speaking with a horrible throat problem. He cold hardly squeak. Believe it or not, but while Joe was listening the man's throat was healed.

Will Steve Flatt approve of these miracles? He can accuse the Plumbline of printing lies but he will never make an effort to prove his charges. What will he say about the statements of Joe Beam? Will he agree with Joe? Will he testify like Joe? Talk is pretty cheap when men refuse to defend the truth.

Joe declares, "The Holy Spirit of God speaks to us-not just through the Bible. Does the Holy Spirit speak to you outside the word of God? yes" "The Spirit of God actually enters my body." "Its not biblical to say everything happens just through the word." What the Jubilee clappers were hearing was a kind of hocus-pocus supernatural working outside of, separate, independent of and beyond the word.

That means that the word of God is not complete, sufficient or able to meet the needs of mankind in going to heaven. God could have spoken enough to meet the needs of man but He would not, or else he could not. Was the death Christ not enough to meet the demands of God for sin?

What does Joe Beam know beyond that which the word of God reveals? Absolutely nothing!

Joe thinks we are to, "...pray for spiritual wisdom." If that is so, brother Joe Beam has not been praying or his prayer doesn't get above the top of his hat. How much more wisdom does he think he possess than others who do not revel in Holyrollerism?

There were those in the first century who had the supernatural gift of wisdom but I seriously question that Joe demonstrates any degree of supernatural anything.

I realize that some folks will not believe me and they certainly will never bother to check for themselves to see how much neo-Pentecostalism prevails at the Jubilee. When one retired PhD was told by a young preacher on some of the things which I opposed and opposed, the die-hard said, "I would have to hear that myself." Why waste time with such wackos? Stubbornness is a convenient weakness for those who refuse to see.

Above Article from Wayne Coats, Plumbline

The Biblical and Pagan MARKS of Musical- Charismatic, New- Wineskins worship. We should be very discerning when worship INNOVATIONS seem like old PAGANISM.

This has no personal target but provide some insight into the clown in the secular and religious world.

The evidence should guard faithful churches from adopting NEW REVELATIONS without testing the spirits.

Donnie Cruz reports on the "worship" at Madison:

This is how the "MUSICAL" WORSHIP went. It started out with four men who were on the stage with the WORSHIP LEADER. They all sang the medley (this time the male singers overpowered the Praise Team for a change). The first ("traditional") service had the medley of the same songs listed in the worship guide, and I wonder if they were the same four men that performed this part of the program. [Can someone verify this?] Anyway, this PERFORMANCE received a big applause from the contemporary folks. [Let the reader know that the Madison body is fast becoming a clapping group. It claps just about every time there is anything that a non-church public gathering would do --

if it is a joke told in the sermon or if the WORSHIP LEADER motions the crowd to clap after a song.]

There were three "praise" songs that mentioned "dancing" [just imagine how receptive the youth-oriented group was/is to that thought]. (By the way, the list of "praise" songs, narrow as their message is, needs to be checked for accuracy in designating the page number of the song or its source. It is a fact that the individual does not have time to look for the song in any book as it is the intent of the MUSIC department for the people to look at the BIG WHITE SCREEN for just about everything and to rely on Keith's Praise Team for the music. This may be the reason for but I did not find the following songs in the "red notebook" as marked "*" beside: (a) We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory, (b) I Love To Be In Your Presence, (c) River Is Here. With the exception of the Communion and contribution and outside of the sermon and the activities following that, the "core" MUSICAL WORSHIP lasted from 10:30 to 11:18am. It was obvious that the musical performers were enjoying themselves to the fullest.)

He exclaimed: WE MUST BE A SPIRIT-LED CHURCH! (THE AUDIENCE APPLAUDED [learned quickly, didn't it?]!) He concluded by saying, go out there and exercise faith in love.

Paul's unique "worship" concept is to give heed to or pay attention to Christ by giving attendance to the Word. We worship whatever we GIVE HEED TO and if it is the preacher's joke or the "musicians" performance then they are SIPHONING OFF worship due God: and the paying audience loves to have it so.

However, prophecies are fulfilled right before your eye:

See the Laughing and RISING UP TO play connection and the DOGS and BULLS who danced and laughed around Jesus Christ.

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