John York and Holy Scripture
John York's Theology Denies Christ by Denying the Church of Christ's as sectarian and legalistic
Candice Mcqueen President of Lipscomb University whose theologians continue the effort to nullify Paui and therefore nullifying the Epistles and the claim to God's sending Apostles, Prophets and Scribes to PRESERVE the Prophecy-fulfilled Teachings of Christ died for the LAOS excluding Priests, levites and Pay to Play.
Paul silenced both male and female so that we might all be SAFE and come to a knowledge of The Truth or Word
Holy Scripture and recorded history PROVES that the SHAMEFUL musicians called "Abominable and Reprobate" means that you will never be able to SEE THE LIGHT: We walk in the LIGHT and swim in the WATER OF THE WORD. That's Fine the REAL Scripture says that Sons FROM God are taught BY God to listen only to Jesus and the Apostles, Prophets and Scribes who left us a MEMORY. The Spirit and leader of the locusts or a worship team is named APOLLYON.
Pi.N.7.81 Pindar, Nemean Odes 7
The rich man and the poor man alike travel together to the boundary of death. [20] And I expect that the story of Odysseus came to exceed his experiences, through the sweet songs of Homer
[22] since there is a certain solemnity in his lies and winged artfulness,
and poetic skill deceives, seducing us with stories,
and the heart of the mass of men is blind.
For if [25] they had been able to see the truth, then mighty Aias, in anger over the arms, would never have planted in his chest the smooth sword—Aias, who was the most powerful in battle,
Mousa = “Montia, Monsa”, from root “men”, ‘to think.’ In l. 10 the muse is called “thugater Dios”, as in Il. 2. 491 “Olumpiades Mousai, Dios aigiokhoio thugateres” . They are represented as nine in number in Od. 24. 607, but their names are first given in Hesiod.Poetic Skill: sophia , Ion. -iē, hē, prop. A. cleverness or skill in handicraft and art in music and singing, tekhnē kai s. h.Merc.483, cf. 511; in poetry, in divination, dēmēgorikos from dēmēgoros
Deceives: kleptō , thievish
disguise, diabolais neais do secretly or treacherously. doloisi k. sphagas execute slaughter by secret frauds,
Diabolais remove, create prejudice against an antagonist
IV. fraud, Sch.Ar.Pl. 373. Chremylus Ah! I know the tune you are playing now; you think I have stolen, [370] and want your share.Aristotle: Melody Deceives: "Poets also make use of this in inventing words, as a melody "without strings" or "without the lyre"; for they employ epithets from negations, a course which is approved in proportional metaphors..
- The form of diction should be neither metrical nor without rhythm. If it is metrical, it lacks persuasiveness, for it appears artificial, and at the same time it distracts the hearer's attention,
- since it sets him on the watch for the recurrence of such and such a cadence..
According to Philo, the gods of the pagans exploit this weakness of men. For the sake of a better effect, and with the intention of more easily cheating their devotes, that they have set their lies to melodies, rhythms and meters.." Click for more.
Luke 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal hi
1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority
[Authentia self-authored, sexual, murderous]
over the man,
but [einai what I mean is] to be in silence.1 Timothy 2.12 didaskein de gunaiki ouk epitrepō, oude authentein andros, all' einai en hēsukhia.
di^daskō , d. pollous aulētas” A.flute-player,
Hdt. 1.141 After hearing what they proposed, Cyrus told them a story. Once, he said, there was a flute-player who saw fish in the sea and played upon his flute, thinking that they would come out on to the land. [2] Disappointed of his hope, he cast a net and gathered it in and took out a great multitude of fish; and seeing them leaping, “You had best,” he said, “stop your dancing now; you would not come out and dance before, when I played to you
Si_gaō , used by Hom. only in imper. siga, hush! be still! I 2. metaph. of things, “sigōn d' olethros kai mega phōnount' . . amathunei” A.Eu.935 (anap.); “surigges ou sigōsin” Id.Supp.181; “
The command SILENCES: phōn-eō , (phōnē) Anaxarch.1: abs., cry aloud, as in joy, S.Tr.202; of a singer, “aoidos . . aiola phōneōn” Theoc.16.44:—Pass., ta phōnēthenta sounds or words uttered, Pl.Sph. 262c, Ti.72a, cf. Longin.39.4.
4. of a musical instrument, sound, E.Or.146 (lyr.); of sounds, hēdu phōnein sound sweetly, Plu.2.1021b; but brontē ph. it has a voice, is significant, X.Ap.12.
The command SILENCES: surigx , iggos, hē, A. shepherd's pipe, Panspipe, “aulōn suriggōn t' enopē” Il.10.13; “nomēes terpomenoi surigxi” 18.526; “suriggōn enopē” h.Merc.512; “hupo ligurōn suriggōn hiesan audēn” Hes.Sc.278; “ou molpan suriggos ekhōn” S.Ph.213 (lyr.); kalaminē s. Ar.Fr.719; “kat' agrous tois nomeusi surigx an tis eiē” Pl.R.399d.The Church of SCHOOL (only) of CHRIST (only) led by APT ELDERS is defined inclusively and exclusively by The Spirit of Christ WHERE spirit is always in the form "God puts His WORDS into the MOUTH of Jesus for the LAST DAYS CHURCH.
Hab. 2:20 But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.con-quĭesco , quĭēvi, quĭētum sync. conquiesti, Cic. Fam. 1, 1, 1: “conquierit,” Cels. 6, 6, n. 34; 7, 19 fin.; inf. conquiesse, Liv. 30, 13, 12), v. n., to be wholly at rest, to rest, take rest, to repose (in good prose; most freq. in Cic., esp. in the transf. and trop. signif.). I. Lit., to rest, be at rest, to cease from exertion, to be idle or inactive, to be in repose, etc.
sĭlĕo , ŭi ( I. [select] Transf., to be still or quiet (opp. to being in action), to remain inactive, to rest, cease (in class. prose, for the most part only of things; cf. “quiesco): et cycnea mele Phoebeaque [APOLLYON[ Carmina consimili ratione oppressa silerent,”
quĭesco B. Neutr., to cease, leave off, desist from any thing: “quiesce hanc rem modo petere,”
Carmina 2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: “vocum,” Cic. Div. 2, 3, 9: “musici,” Quint. 1, 10, 14: “lyrici, “nectere canoris Eloquium vocale modis\
petere, 1. In a hostile sense, to rush at, attack, assault, assail; to let fly at, aim a blow at, thrust at
Keith Stanglin Private Interpretation Rejects The Spirit
The READER is not passive but is the MEANS by which God OPENS up NEW meaning
so that a kind of “this is that” appears “when ’that’ is something NEW
and apparently far removed from the original ‘this’” (217).
Keith also rejects several significant Modern presuppositions, including
(1) the neutrality of reader and
(2) the single sense of the text limited to the intent of the HUMAN AUTHOR
John York lipscomb university trinity
John York lipscomb university theology
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