Jonathan Storment Tradition: Guards or Gardening
2.04.14 It's
Fine to be in the Kingdom Of Abilene because Jesus said that the
Kingdom of God does not come with OBSERVATION. Abilene would have
missed that: it means that the kingdom of God does not come with
RELIGIOUS OBSERVATIONS. Those are called Lying Wonders by men who are
Strongly Delusionsal because God MADE THEM SO. Lying wonders are
the buffonery of rhetoricians, singers, instrument players, actors,
dancers, clappers or others involved in BODY WORSHIP.
PROPHETS AND APOSTLES. The Mark of the Kingdom of God is to PREACH the
Word (Logos) by READING the Word for Comfort and Doctrine. When
you are anti-christian God turns you into buffoons to perform a dog and
pony show as a MARK for Disciples of Christ. Disciples go to the School
of Christ through the Word: the delusionals go to ceremonial legalism of
people we joke about with God's permission.
WOE: for the devil is
come down unto you, having great WRATH, because he knoweth that he hath
but a short TIME [kairon ekhei ETHOS.’] Rev. 12:12 diabolos
is the orge, orgy and connects to all of the similar words. 1
Timothy 2 silences both men and women to prevent an outbreak of WRATH.
Organon , to, (ergon, erdō) hard work A.
instrument, implement, tool, for making or doing a thing, engine of war,
musical instrument, Simon.31, f.l. in A.Fr.57.1 ; ho men di' organōn ekēlei anthrōpous, of Marsyas, Pl.Smp.215c ; aneu organōn psilois logois ibid., cf. Plt.268b ; “o. polukhorda” Id.R.399c, al.; “met' ōdēs kai tinōn organōn” Phld.Mus.p.98K.; of the pipe, Melanipp.2, Telest.1.2.
Plat. Sym. 215c Why, yes, and a far more marvellous
one than the satyr. His lips indeed had power to entrance mankind by
means of instruments; a thing still possible today for anyone who can
pipe his tunes: for the music of Olympus'
flute belonged, I may tell you, to Marsyas his teacher.
So that if
anyone, whether a fine flute-player or paltry flute-girl, can but flute
his tunes,
they have no equal for exciting a ravishment,
and will
indicate by the divinity that is
in them who are apt recipients of the
deities and their sanctifications.
You differ from him in one point
only—that you produce the same effect with simple prose unaided by
instruments. For example, when we hear any other person—
For katekhesthai of “possession”
(by supernal or infernal powers), cp. Meno 99
D, Phaedrus 244 E; Ion 533 E ff. (Rohde Psyche
II. pp. 11, 18 ff., 48^{1}, 88). The orgiastic flute-music (having a cathartic effect
parallel to that of tragedy) provided, as Aristotle explains, a kind of homoeopathic
remedy for the fit of enthousiasmos.
Simple Prose:
psilois logois. I.e.
“in prose,” devoid of metrical form as well as of musical
accompaniment (aneu organōn). Cp. Laws 669 D
logous ps. eis metra tithentes: Menex. 239 C.
Plat. Sym. 215d quite an excellent orator, perhaps—pronouncing one of the usual
discourses, no one, I venture to say, cares a jot; but so soon as we
hear you, or your discourses in the mouth of another,—though such person
be ever so poor a speaker, and whether the hearer be a woman or a man
or a youngster—we are all astounded and entranced. As for myself,
gentlemen, were it not that I might appear to be absolutely tipsy, I
would have affirmed on oath all the strange effects I personally have
felt from his words, and still feel even now. For when I hear him
Lucretius (98 - c. 55 BC): The Worship of
- Wherefore great
Mother of
gods, and
Mother of
- And parent of man hath she
alone been named.
- Her hymned the old and
learned bards of Greece....
- Do name Idaean , giving her
Escort of Phrygian
bands, since first, they say,
- From out those regions
'twas that grain began
- Through all the world.
To her do they assign
- The Galli, the
emasculate, since
- They wish to show
that men who violate
- The
majesty of the Mother and have proved
- Ingrate to parents are to be adjudged
- Unfit to give unto
the shores of light
A living progeny. The
Galli come:
And hollow cymbals, tight-skinned tambourines
Resound around to
bangings of their hands;
The fierce
horns threaten with a raucous bray;
The tubed pipe excites their maddened minds
- In Phrygian measures; they
bear before them knives,
- Wild emblems of their
frenzy, which have power
- The rabble's ingrate heads and impious hearts
- To panic with terror of the goddess' might.
Moses begins God's Timetable c. BC 4000 When the
Sumerians and others began the city-states (like Jerusalem) to
COLLECTIVIZE all of the people God created free. The first
professional was the prophesier or praise singer who convinced everyone
that the gods only spoke to the "emotionally and sexually abnorman."
They sang, chanted, danced, drummed or even let you have sex with a god
by having sex with a god's agent. They also had exorcists, cooks
and male and female prostitutes. That was the case surrounding all of
the Ziggurats such as the one Solomon built without God's command.
Moses began to write an inverted or godly view AFTER mostly
the Jacob-cursed and God abandoned Levites and the women rose up AGAINST
god in PLAY. Now, if you are a part of the Abilene Covern you do
not know that PLAY means to play instruments which aroused people to
play with one another in a perverted sense.
Sorry you missed the Worship of the Golden Calf or calves representing the Egyptian trinity. Exodus 32
ACU Summitt 2009 the Missing Exodus
Exodus 32 They Sat Down to Eat and rose up to play: they repudiated The Book of The Covenant of Grace given by Christ to Abraham to ALL NATIONS.
Deuteronomy 32 They Rose Up To Play
1 Corinthians 10 They sat Down to Eat and Rose Up To Play God
gave Israel The Book of The Covenant of Grace as that made by Christ to
Abraham. The Israelites engaged in musical idolatry of the
Egyptian trinity. God gave them The Book of The Law and Moses coultd
not atone for them. The Angle (Christ) led them but God said nevertheless in the day when I visit I will visit their sin upon them.
You are NOT part of Christ's Kingdom if you use the Law and Monarchy as your PATTERN
Eph. 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Eph. 5:26WEB That he might sanctify and cleanse it
with the washing of water
[INTO] the word, (In Verbo, En, Eis)
Into Converto , epistles of a writer, to be occupied in, Into
Philo-sophos Love of educatioon, an academy Philo-mathes or Philo-Logos
OPPOSIITE of Sophistes A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, musicians
Parapaion Khelon (play
the harp, Hieron Melon (Melody in a religious shrine).
A quibbler, cheate,
one who gave lessons FOR MONEY
Fides (not
faithful to
the community) but Fides (faithful to Apollon)
conversation, Oral by word of mouth urnio plura
verbo quam s
cripturā mandata dedimus, In eccl. Lat. as a
of logos,
LOGOS Opposite PATHOS (personal experiences), Opposite folly, Opposite reasoning, deliberation,
2.28.10 Kairos Church Planting Daimon has come down to you
Kairos: He comes at critical or dangerous momen Like
Hermes [Who makes the thief, protector of thieves] , he has wings in his
feet to fly with the wind .Caerus is sometimes considered a daimon spirit rather than a
God due to his aggressive nature towards humans. He sought
to drink
their blood, killing many to do so. Kairos or Caerus is the yougest son
of Zeus: But once he has
passed by, no one can grasp him, the back of his head being bald. The Always "mother goddess" name is Occasio. As a sign to men that I am sharper than any sharp edge.
Aristot. Nic. Eth. 1175b.1
For instance,
persons fond of the flute
cannot give their attention to a philosophical discussion
[The LOGOS or Regulative Principle]
they overhear someone playing the flute,
because they enjoy music more than the activity
in which they are engaged;
therefore the pleasure afforded by the music of the flute
impairs the activity of study.
WOE: for the devil is
come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath
but a short TIME [kairon ekhei ETHOS.’] Rev. 12:12 diabolos
KAIROS (or Caerus) was the spirit (daimon)
of opportunity, the youngest divine son of Zeus. He was depicted as a
youth with a long lock of hair hanging down from his forehead, which
indicated that Opportunity could only be grasped as he approached.
Spiritus A. (Class.) A haughty spirit, haughtiness, pride, arrogance; also, spirit, high spirit, energy, courage B. spiritum Phoebus mihi, Phoebus [Apollo, Abaddon, Apollyon] artem Carminis dedit, poetic spirit or inspiration, Hor. C. 4, 6, 29
daimôn , A.
“daimōn” S.OC1480 (lyr.), “daimon” Theoc.2.11, ho, hē, god, goddess, of individual gods or goddesses
Thu_mos fits of anger, passions, “peri phobōn te kai thumōn” Pl.Phlb.40e; “hoi te th. kai hai kolaseis” Id.Prt.323e, cf. Arist.Rh.1390a11. phobos , ho, (phebomai) 2. Phobos personified, as son of Ares, Il.13.299; “Deimos te Ph. te”
“klazousi kōdōnes ph.” “edōk' Apollōn thēras phobō” Pi.P.5.61; of the person who feels fear
The Year 2000 in prophecy and fulfillment! WHY would Moses write
Genesis in the middle of the desert? He wrote because God had rescued
the Israelite people from Egyptian captivity: His judgment would have
left them there to self destruct because they were worse than any other
people. God gave them The Book of The Covenant of Grace: this was
the only spiritual covenant God in Christ made to Abraham as He moved
this righteous family OUT OF BABYLON. Keeping the Sabbath holy was
the ANTITHESIS of the seventh day "worship" by all of the nations
devoted to worship the Starry Host. Keeping the REST DAY outlawed vocal
or instrumental rejoicing [Exodus 31]
which profaned the REST given to protect the people from the LEVI tribe
which Jacob had warned not to attend their assemblies or enter into
covenant with them.
The people refused to listen to God and demanded Moses as intercessor:
because of that, Moses said that the people would be blind and deaf unto
"another prophet like me comes." Like modern Jews when preachers
and "scholars" say "there is no command" it is because they refuse to
listen and missed reading 101a.
God tested the people: Working from SILENCE the people rose up to PLAY
in the musical idolatry of the Egyptian trinity represented by Apis the
golden calf. Missed Exodus 32, huh?
God sentenced them back to Babylon without any redemption. In Romans 1
Paul proves that from Babylon onward proves the absolute binding at the
lips between religious musical performance and a gender-variant
priesthood. In 1 Corinthians 10:
Cor. 10:7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people
sat down to eat and
drink, and rose up to
1 Corinthians 10.7 mēde eidōlolatrai ginesthe,
kathōs tines autōn: hōsper gegraptai “Ekathisen ho laos
phagein kai pein,
kai anestēsan paizein.”
pais I.
properly, to play like a child, to sport, alla pepaistai metriōs hēmin, of the chorus, Ar. Th.1227. 4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., “Pan ho kalamophthogga paizōn” dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.
Aristoph. Frogs 225
Rightly so, you busybody.
the Muses of the fine lyre love us
And so does horn-crested Pan, playing his reed pipe.
And the harpist Apollo delights in us as well,
On account of the reed, which as a bridge for his lyre
Apollōn , ho, Apollo: Abaddon, Apollyon The name of a NUMBER
phorm-iktēs , ou, Dor. phorm-miktas , ho, A. lyre-player, of Orpheus, Pi.P.4.176
phorm-iktos , ē, on, A.
sung TO the phormigx, kai peza kai ph. (sc. melē) S.Fr.16.
Melos , eos, to, 2.
music to which a song is set, tune, Arist.Po.1450a14;
melody of an instrument, “phormigx d' au phtheggoith' hieron m. ēde kai aulos” ; “aulōn pamphōnon m.” Pi.P.12.19;
Apollo, Abaddon or Apollyon has been unleashed as the Leader of the
Muses or Sorcerers in Revelation 18 who will be
cast alive into the Lake
of Fire. They are agents of the Babylon Mother of Harlots ((Revelation
17) and consistent with the person of all religious operatives, John
calls them "lusted after fruits" which Amos defined in chapter 8 of
those whose music in the temple caused the people to hunger and thirst
for the Word but the clergy fleeced them with tithes and offerings but
were too busy to teach the young people. God said that "I will not pass
by them again" and in Revelation 19 the religious craftsmen are to be
cast alive into the lake of fire.
Moses then wrote a history of the conflict between the WORD of God (Patriarch) and the the rise in Mesopotamia of a brilliant, ruthless nation who forced the people to WORSHIP on the Seventh
day which meant to bring in their TITHES and meet the "gods" in the
form of the god's agent, the priests who would bring them into the god's
presence with singing, clapping, playing and the resultant sexual
abnormalities told in all of the contemporaneous literature and on clay
Moses knew about clay tablets recording Mesopotamian history from 2900
BC. However, Sumerian history can reasonably said to begin c. 4000
BC. "The Ubaidians were the first civilizing force in Sumer, draining
the marshes for agriculture, developing trade, and establishing
industries, including weaving, leatherwork, metalwork, masonry, and
pottery". Eridu and the Abzu temple of the God Enki (Akkadian water-god, Ea).
Inanna was the goddess of Uruk: she got Enki-Ea drunk and stole all of
the ME or sacred enchantments by which she usurped the power of the
father. Among other things she stole the power of the eldership, the musical performers and kissing the phallus. She loved to trick men into building grand temples or mega-churches and then she got angry and tore them down.
deified Eve, Zoe, Ishtar, Semiramis etc., always stands on top of the LION. In
the baptism of Jesus, the DOVE representing the MOTHER OF THE GODS in
paganism instead rests on the head of the SON and He is identified by a
Father and not a mother.
c 4000 is a fair date for Moses clear claim: That in the beginning the ELOHIM bara (cast down) the heavens and the earth. And everything was dark (ignorant) and destroyed God's work.
HOWEVER, the Spirit OF Christ said:
Isaiah 45:5 I am the LORD, [Jehovah] and there is none else,
there is no God [Elohim] beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
Isaiah 45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west,
that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
There are many elohim but OUR god is JEHOVAH the only real eloah.
Isaiah 45:18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens;
God himself that formed the earth and made it;
he hath established it,
he created it not in vain,
he formed it to be inhabited:
I am the LORD; and there is none else.
ad 2000 almost to the date: a sudden, ruthless, well-financed
with a band of preachers and "scholars" with no right to BUY or SELL at
the universities and gatherings of the massed multitude (beasts),
launched a vicious attack using all of the RACA words for a LITTLE FLOCK
which have never and will never take the mark of Instrumental Music as
Worship fulfilling the meaning from mystery of "making the lambs dumb
before the slaughter. It took one or two decades before the "spirit"
would let the preachers try his tricks without getting fired.
I will begin reviewing this as time permits: it is the same sad misinformation spread by Dougas A. Foster in how Instrumental Music "as" worship became a red flag issue.
Paul said in effect of Corinth that "fools love to be fooled" so we
are led to believe that Churches of Christ which never in recorded
history directly ignored the warning against instrumental sounds as
soothsaying (Miriam, Jacob-cursed Levites) to the "lusted after fruits"
as speakers, singers and instrument players or sorcerers (Revelation
18). The cunning approach is to say that Churches of Christ had no
problems with instruments. However, after the Civil War and the
carpet baggars came south people held a pity party because the NORTH
added ORGANS rather than feed the poor in the south. However,
after the hungry got fed they were locked into a hate-based tradition
and continued to refuse to have their property diverted by the
instrumentalists still spending ill-gotten gains remodeling the old church house into "a theater for holy entertainment."
They would also have
us believe that even writing on an encyclopedic and global history are
ignorant of all of the Bible and church history before the Disciples
discovered the psallo word as late as 1878 to label people who would not be confiscated as evil, ignorant and Satanic.
Jonathan Storment:
“Far too much Traditional Church has been too much tradition, and not enough Church.” -N.T. Wright
That's true: the Restoration of the Church of Christ by Calvin and then the Campbells REMOVED all of the traditions:
hypocritic performances of rhetoric, singing, playing or acting was
FORBIDDEN from the wilderness onward. He especially removed the PAY for teaching the word which was IMPOSED after Constantine.
The WORD of God or the LOGOS is what God breathed (Spirit)
and Jesus of Nazareth SPOKE without measure: the word is METER
throughout the text and makes sense sense none of the LOGOS or REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE is in meter. Meter or melody as tunefulness belongs to the 19th century.
The direct command from the Church of Christ (the Rock) in the
wilderness was to rest, read and rehearse the Word (Dabaf-Logos) of
God. The command and practice made even the Gentiles "wise unto
salvation" because they attended the synagogues and refused to attend
the pagan rituals with singing, clapping, playing instruments, acting
and any of what Christ calls the HYPOCRITIC arts and crafts.
Acts 15:20 But that
we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and
from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
Acts 15:21 For [enim what I mean is that} Moses of old time
hath in every city them that PREACH him,
being READ in the synagogues every sabbath [REST] day.
BIBLICAL AND HISTORICAL FACT: All instrumental sounds arouse spiritual anxiety and merchandisers discovered that they could "make the lambs dumb before the
slaughter" and steal them. All musical terms and names of
instruments parse directly to enchantment, sorcery, witchcraft,
effeminacy and the mark of sexual perversion. Read Isaiah 3 and hear
Christ affirm.
All historical scholarship understood that instrumental or other
hypocritic performances led to rejecting the logical and
spiritual. They all repudiate the secular festivals and absolutely
deny that music had any role in a Spiritual Discipline. The
Christian Churches secting out of the Disciples INVENTED the Psallo
word in 1878: it is still used by deceptive people to define as Satanic
anyone who will not let them turn SPEAK that which is written for our
learning into SING that which is not in Scripture
There is no command, example or remote inference of instruments being
used by godly people from Genesis to Revelation. Instruments are
connected by Christ and Jesus in Revelation and elsewhere as proofs to
being cast into "hell" or being cast alive into the Lake of Fire.
Therefore, anyone who claims any
authority for imposing instrumental noise into the School of Christ
intends that it NOT have anything to do with Christ (listen to their
sermons) and as Christ in the prophets and all recorded Prophets and
Apostles calls them LIARS. Liars and Dogs are grouped with
instrumentalists or Sorcerers who HAD deceived the whole world. There
can be no rebuttal and there will not because they are Purpose Driven
because God has not given their lost spirits to Jesus Christ
manufacture doctors of the law whom Jesus said takes away the key to
knowledge. Scribes and Pharisees are defined as Hypocrites: in the Greek
literature and by Christ in Ezekiel 33 hypocrites are entertaining
speakers, singers and instrument players usual for hire because they are
mercinary. The audience is also defined as hypocritical because it
comes to be entertained because they know that the preacher will not
obey the pattern to PREACH the Word (only) for Comfort and Doctrine by
READING the Word.
TRADITION THEY WILL KEEP: The Greek PAUO like the Hebrew Sabbath never meant "worship" but REST: The Rest Jesus brought is a word dedicated to saying STOP the rhetoric,
singing, playing, acting, dancing all of which meant STOP THE
PANIC. The Laded Burden which is outlawed means "spiritual anxiety
created by religious rituals" and burdens specificially means STOP the arousal songs Jonathan Storment is waged to promote.
based words mean to SPEAK: it EXCLUDES rhetoric, poetry, music or
drama. The LOGOS is the Regulative Principle. Jesus was made
to be the Christ and the speaker of the LOGOS. If you are ANTI-the Regulative Principle then you are ANTI-Christian.
or making your own petty plots is a bad TRADITION begun hundreds of
years after Christ because the Slick Willies found out that they could
get rich and famous if they went to schools of rhetoric. Even now,
I understand that you can get an advanced degree in LYING. Sermonizing
and Singing were imposed about the same time about the year 373.
money as a LAW OF GIVING is not only a tradition but violates Scripture
and most recorded history. Men of the Restoration Movement denied that a
local society had any authority to collect money for any purpose.
The hirelings-changelings will NOT want to give up that tradition Paul
would call EXTORTION.
when the command to SPEAK is a tradition which oozed, say
musicologists, out of voodoo practiced by blacks when the masters
stopped the Drumming Meetings. The hirelings promote body drumming
as voodoo.
silly songs of the silly praise singers is not only a tradition but
violated the direct command of their 'proof texts' where the LOGOS words
are opposite to the ODE, and ODE is the opposite of SPEAK.
TRADITION THEY WILL KEEP: melody is not harmony and is not related to it.
Jonathan Storment: I was almost an art thief. Or at least I felt like one. It was at the
end of our semester abroad, we got to go to the Louvre where we saw
thousands of priceless works of art.
If you take pay for Preaching the Gospel (that which is
written) of the Kingdom but perform rhetoric (hypocrite) then you
probably ARE a thief. Paul said that corrupting the word or
selling learning at retail is adultery or prostitution. Preaching is
safer for now.... John Calvin defined the Regulative Principle.
And, lest they complain that they are unjustly
traduced for the fault of a few, what are we to think of those who
not only luxuriate on the public revenues of
the church, but abuse them in paying the hire
of panders
and courtesans? I speak only of what is notorious.
Then, were we to ask, I say, not at the whole
order, but at the few who reside in their benefices, by what right
they receive even a frugal and moderate
stipend, even such a question they are
not able to answer. For what duties do they perform in return? In
the same way as anciently, under the laws, those who served at the
altar lived by the altar,
"even so hath the Lord ordained,
that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel" (1 Cor.
9:14). These are Paul's words. Let them, then, show us
that they are ministers of the gospel, and I will have no
difficulty in conceding their right to stipend.
The ox must not be muzzled that treadeth out the corn [1 Cor. 9:9]. But is it not altogether at
variance with reason that the ploughing oxen should starve, and the lazy asses be fed?
They will say, however, that they serve at the
altar. I answer, that the priests under the law deserved maintenance,
by ministering at an altar; but that, as Paul declares, the
case under the New Testament is different. And what are
those altar services, for which they allege that maintenance is due
to them?
Forsooth, that they may perform their
masses and
chant in
churches, for example, partly labor to no purpose, and partly
perpetrate sacrilege, thereby provoking the anger of God. See for what it is
that they are alimented at the public expense!
(Ambrose, Epist.,
Lib. v. Ep. 31 and 33.) Nay, how few of
them do not abuse what they possess with as much license as if it had
been given to be profusely squandered as they list? It is vain,
therefore, for them to expostulate, because deprived of that which
they possessed without any right, and wasted with the greatest
Jonathan does not enjoy the Mona Lisa because it was GUARDED:
Jonathan Storment: Of the Mona Lisa: Unlike so many other incredible works of art at the Louvre, there was
a guard specially assigned to this one piece. Just watching you as you
watched it. And I noticed that as he was especially watching me, I was
acutely aware of the fact that I didn’t want to give him the impression
of being a suspicious character. But that’s when he had me.
These people are trained to read character.
Elders as the Christ-ordained Pastor-Teachers (Ephesians 4) are to GUARD
the flock: specificially they are to EXCLUDE any of the cunning
craftsmen meaning sophists (speakers, singers, players) so that the Word
can be feed to the lambs.
We are to KEEP or Guard that which has been affirmed by blood and handed down to us so that silly
people cannot claim to hear "beyond the sacred pages." Apostolic
Succession insisted that when Godly elders pass on new ones are selected
who are proven to NOT let any uhs, ahhs, buts or I means creep into the text as written.
When the elite of
Israel fell into instrumental idolatry at Mount Sinai, the Jacob-cursed
Levites jumped at the chance to execute 3,000 of the instrumental brethren. God
then commanded that the Levites have no inheritance and that they STAND
GUARD around the now devalued Tabernacle and later the Temple as the
"worship center" of the Civil-Military-Clergy complex. They were NOT
called Musical Worship Ministers but they stood GUARD in ranks under the
King and Commanders of the Army. They prevented any NOT-abandoned
Israelite from coming near any of the "holy" things or into any "holy"
They made a great crashing noise during the burning of the Goats.
However, the Spirit OF Christ in Isaiah 1 and in Jeremiah 7
specificially says that God HAD NOT commanded the slaughter of innocent
animals or the burnt offering. The GOATS and especially the scape goat
was added after Adab and Abihu as a way to appease the Devil The Scape Goat is defined as the SORCERERS
who were speakers, singers, instrument players and grinders (millstone)
which defines the location of the local prostitute. ANATHEMA
is any thing or person who has been dedicated to a holy place claiming
to ADORN it could never be redeemed and must be burned. All of the
Levites and all of their instruments are said to have been burned at
the destruction of Jerusalem which is called SODOM.
God never called WORSHIP ASSEMBLIES where
acts were performed BY others for the MASSES. Worship is in the
PLACE of the sanctified spirit as it gives attention to THE TRUTH which
is the Word of Christ in the Prophets and Apostles. The SABBATH
was to REST and being Quarantined from the always-evil rituals by those
who take PAY for standing between you and God. That is why this is the
World's Oldest Profession.
Furthermore, men with no Role and no Dole who cannot bring themselves
to confront the MASCULINE, Rational, Spiritual Word and teach it as it
has been taught now see Godliness as a means of financial gain:
OCCUPATION only. However, it is a fact that getting paid for
performing with any of your body parts when Jesus paid it all and
taught it all is called PROSTITUTION.
As Calvin knew them as Panderers and Prostitutes.
X.Mem.1.6.13 Xen. Mem. 1.6.13
To this Socrates
replied: “Antiphon,
it is common opinion among us
in regard to beauty and wisdom
that there
is an honourable
and a shameful way of bestowing them.
For to offer
one's beauty for money to all comers is called prostitution;
But we
think it virtuous to become friendly with
a lover who is known to be a
man of honour.
So is it with wisdom. Those who offer it to all comers
for money
are known as sophists, prostitutors of wisdom,
But we think
that he who makes a friend of one whom he knows to be gifted
by nature, and teaches him all the good he can,
fulfils the duty of a citizen and
a gentleman.
, ou,
o(, A. master of one's craft, adept,
expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49;
of poets, “meletan
cf. Cratin.2;
of musicians, “sophistēs
. . parapaiōn
cf. Eup.447,
Pl.Com. 140;
(sc. Thamyris) E.Rh.924,
cf. Ath.14.632c:
with modal words added, “hoi
melōn” [melody in the holy place--a death sentence for any Levite]
The Israelites claimed that God was SILENT because they refused to LISTEN to Him.
This is a primary definition of those who ACT without God's explicit
Ex. 31:14 Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for
it is holy unto you:
every one that defileth
it shall surely be put to death:
for whosoever doeth any work
that soul shall be cut off
from among his people.
KEEP the sabbath never meant WORSHIP on the REST day for the
spiritual people of God. Jesus gave us another REST
which outlaws the musical aggitation and dethroned the burden laders.
Hebrews 4:7 Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said
To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
Hebrews 4:8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
Hebrews 4:9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
Hebrews 4:10 For he that is entered into his rest,
he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
Hebrews 4:11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest,
lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word [Regulative
Principle] of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of
the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart.
1. to make to cease or desist
2. to restrain a thing or person from something
3. to cease, to leave off
4. have got release from sin
1. no longer stirred by its incitements and
Pauô, includes to:
bring to an end,
Pauo means stop the
polemos or battle, fight, war: stop
levying war against
anaireisthai or airô egeirein, kathistanai, epagein to begin a war; p. poieisthai to make war 2. metaph. of womankind, “polutelēs
Pauô, includes to:
klagg-ē , baying of dogs, X.Cyn.4.5, etc.; also, of musical instruments, aēdoneios
The singing which is to
PAUSE to give rest is b. mostly of things, make an end of, stop,
Pauo means: STOP
the :
“pausai legousa” E.Hipp.706 ; “pausai pharmakopōlōn” Ar.Fr.28 ; “p. melōdous'”
melôid-ia ,
hê, singing,
II. chant, choral song, melôidias poiêtês, lullaby, generally, musis
Pauo means: Stop the
pain of: aoidê [aeidô]
1. song, a singing, whether the
art of
song, Hom.; or the
act of singing, song, Il.
2. the thing sung, a song, Hom., etc.
3. the subject of song, Od.
5. = eppsdē, spell, incantation, “okhēes ōkeiais . . anathrōskontes aoidais” Hes. Th. 48
melizō (B), Dor. melisdō , Dor. fut. Med. A.“melixomai” Mosch.3.51: otherwise only pres. and impf.: (melos B):—modulate, sing, “melisdein suriggi” Theoc.20.28:
To keep the SABBATH or the new day of rest or PAUO then someone NEEDS to Guide,
Guard and Protect the lambs from the wolves from among the elders which
includes the pederasts Christ warned about in Isaiah 3.
Keep: H8104 shâmar
shaw-mar' A primitive root; properly to hedge about (as with
thorns), that is, guard; generally to protect, attend to, etc.:—beware,
be circumspect, take heed (to self), keep (-er, self), mark, look
narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that
lay) wait (for), watch (-man).
Keep in Latin: -Custodio custodibitur, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 71), v. a. id., to watch, protect, keep, defend, guard
II. With the accessory idea
of hindering free motion, A. In
gen., to hold something back, to preserve, keep: to be on the watch: cautiously, carefully: “ut parce custoditeque ludebat!” Plin. Ep. 5, 16, 3.
Plin. Ep. 5, 16, 3. officio diligebat! quam studiose, quam intellegenter lectitabat! ut parce custoditeque ludebat!
Meaning to keep precepts or laws: Regula a rule,
pattern, measuring rod, formula sermonis
Loquor to
speak, talk, say (sermo in the lang. of common life, in the
tone of conversation
Lūdo B. To play, sport, frisk, frolic: “dum se exornat, nos volo Ludere inter nos,” have some fun,
Verg. E. 6, 1.—Esp., to play on an instrument of music, to make or compose music or song: “ludere quae vellem calamo permisit agresti,” Verg. E. 1, 10: quod tenerae cantent, lusit tua musa, puellae,” id. Am. 3, 1, 27: “coloni Versibus incomptis ludunt,” Verg. G. 2, 386: “carmina pastorum,”
Verg. Ecl. 1 TITYRUS
O Meliboeus, 'twas a god vouchsafed
this ease to us, for him a god will I
deem ever, and from my folds a tender lamb
oft with its life-blood shall his altar stain.
His gift it is that, as your eyes may see,
my kine may roam at large,
and I myself play [ludere], on my shepherd's pipe [călămus]
what songs I will.
călămus 2. A reed-pipe, reed (cf. Lucr. 5, 1380 sq.; the form is described in Tib. 2, 5, 32; Ov. M. 1, 711): 3. An arrow: “hastas et calami spicula Gnosii,”
I grudge you not the boon, but marvel more,
such wide confusion fills the country-side.
See, sick at heart I drive my she-goats on,
căpella , ae, f. dim. caper; cf.: puer, puella,
I.a she-goat. [whatever the sex]
2. As a
term of reproach,
a dirty fellow,
(cf. canicula dog, Catamite).—
Catul. 19 Bearded kid and anon some horny-hoofed nanny shall sprinkle.
Wherefore Priapus is bound to requite such honours by service,
Doing his duty to
guard both
vineyard and garth of his
Here then, O lads, refrain from ill-mannered picking and stealing:
hold something back, preserve, hinder free motion, watch, preserve.
hold back simulation.
-Simulatio hold
back . a falsely
assumed appearance, a false show,
feigning, shamming, pretence,
feint, insincerity, deceit,
hypocrisy, simulation,
pretend to be under a divine command.
“simulatio et inanis ostentatio,
Jesus defined the Scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites by pointing to
performance speakers, singers and instrument players.
Quint. Inst. 12 1.29
And assuredly the man who will
best inspire such feelings in others is he who has
first inspired them in himself. For however we strive
to conceal it, insincerity will always betray
itself, and
there was never in any man so great eloquence as
would not begin to stumble and hesitate so soon as
his words ran counter to his inmost thoughts.
Sermons pretend that it is God speaking
Singers pretend that their songs are Spirit inspired.
Tacitus Tac. Hist. 2.61 Amid the adventures of these
illustrious men, one is ashamed to relate how a certain Mariccus,
a Boian of the lowest origin, pretending to divine inspiration,
ventured to thrust himself into fortune's game, and to challenge the
arms of Rome. Calling
himself the champion of Gaul,
and a God (for he had assumed this title), he
had now collected 8000 men, and was taking possession of the
neighbouring villages of the Ædui, when that most formidable state
attacked him with a picked force of its native youth, to which
Vitellius attached some cohorts, and dispersed the crowd of fanatics.
was captured in the engagement, and was soon after exposed to wild
beasts, but not having been torn by them was believed
by the senseless multitude to be invulnerable, till
he was put to death in the presence of Vitelliu
2Chronicles 12:10 Instead of which king Rehoboam made shields of
brass, and committed them to the hands of the chief of the guard, that
kept the entrance of the king’s house.
2Chronicles 12:11 And when the king entered into the house of the LORD,
the guard came and fetched them, and brought them again into the guard
Genesis 33:9 And Esau said, I have enough, my brother; keep that thou hast unto thyself.
Acts 16:4 And as they went through the cities, they delivered them the
decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which
were at Jerusalem.
1Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust,
avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely
so called:
2Timothy 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things:
nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am
persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him
against that day.
Solomon offered
offerings unto the Lord
on the altar of the
Lord, which he had
built before the
porch, 2 Chronicles
after a
rate every
day, offering according to
commandment of
Moses, on the sabbaths, and on the new
moons, and on the solemn
feasts, three times in the year, even in the feast of
bread, and in the
feast of
weeks, and in the
feast of tabernacles.
2 Chronicles
he appointed,
according to the
David his father,
courses of the
priests to their
and the Levites
to their charges,
to praise and minister before the priests,
as the
duty of every day required: the porters also
by their courses at every gate:
so had David the man of God
Chronicles 8:14
The Levites "charges" is the Hebrew is
(h4931) mish-meh'-reth; fem. of 4929; watch, i. e. the act
(custody) or (concr.) the sentry, the post; obj. preservation, or
(concr.) safe; fig. observance, i. e. (abstr.) duty, or (obj.) a usage
or party: - charge, keep, to be kept, office, ordinance, safeguard,
ward, watch.
(h4929) mish-mawr'; from 8104; a guard (the man,
the post, or
the prison); fig. a deposit; also (as observed) a usage (abstr.), or an
example (concr.): - diligence, guard, office, prison, ward, watch.
(h8104) shaw-mar'; a prim. root; prop. to hedge about (as with
thorns), i. e. guard; gen. to protect, attend to, etc.: - beware, be
circumspect, take heed (to self), keep (-er, self), mark, look
narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that
lay) wait (for), watch (-man).
Jonathan Storment: Because once you start thinking about trying to act like you are not
thinking about stealing a famous work of art, you in fact start acting
very shady. So much so, that I think they assigned a special guard to me for the rest of my time there.
Context Is King
Jonathan Storment: This past Sunday at the Highland Church, I co-preached with Doug
Foster. Doug is a Church historian who teaches at the ACU Graduate
School of Theology. He’s passionate about Church history and the
tradition that we have been handed down, and he’s a great story teller.
(Which all historians really should be).
The LOGOS of God is the Regulative Principle; the Logos forms of
SPEAK is defined as the opposite of story-telling or self reference
which is bad flaw. It is opposite of poetry, singing, playing
or acting. It is also opposite of MUSIC because music almost
demands DANCING. As you move your voices together you are supposed
to move your bodies together. This was always a sexual or
homosexual moving together.
Douglas Foster being PASSIONATE may make him flutter over the facts of the Bible and recorded history.
Jonathan Storment: And we talked about how, in our particular tradition, the way we sing
and worship has become codified over the past few generations. Many
Churches of Christ have sang A Capella for the past few hundreds years.
It’s a wonderful tradition…
Jesus said that doctors of the law "take away the key to
knowledge." They are Scribes and Pharisees Jesus called hypocrites which
in the Ezekile 33 passage by the Spirit OF Christ is self-speakers,
instrument players and the audience: the preachers preach for pay and
the singers and instrument players get paid and the audience has no
intention of obeying what Ezekiel or God says.
The Spirit OF Christ identified the King-Queen of Tyre as inspired
by LUCIFER: He says that Lucifer (ZOE) was the singing and harp-playing
prostitute in the garden of Eden. God never said "Thou shalt not
be a singing and harp-playing prostitute" but one should cross their
fingers behind their backs when saying that Godly Disciples who never
sang with instruments in the Bible or recorded history are guilty of the
John warned about the end-time Babylon Mother of Harlots in
Revelation 18. In chapter 18 she uses "lusted
after fruits" as self-speakers, singers and instrument players. The
sound of the millstone was to mark the local prostitute who did double
duty. John says that were sorcerers who Had deceived the
whole world and they would be cast alive into the lake of fire.
or Apollyon and the muses (dirty adulteress) are the LOCUSTS for those
with a need to know. Apollo or Apollyon is the LEADER of the
MUSICIANS. The Lusted after Fruits are the same ones in Amos 8 as Christ's Prophetic Type.
The music in the temple made the Levites condemned to be executed.
When you hear those sounds in the TRUE holy place it is a mark that
Jesus has been there and gone with the lamps or seven spirits of Christ.
God never said "Thou
shalt not be a doge or Catamite" but Paul said that worship was IN THE
SPIRIT because religious observations invites the Cynics or the old
style praise singers howling for a mate for the night." At least we have
a right to repudiate anyone who says that those who NEVER used instrumental sounds in what
Thomas Campbell taught them as A School of Christ and say that they are
Purpose Driven because one cannot be accidentially unaware of TRUE history.
Jonathan Storment: But Dr. Foster and I were talking about when this became more than just a tradition.
If you want to hear the whole sermon, you can find it on ITunes or here, but the basic gist was that this became more than just a good tradition, pretty soon after the Civil War.
Moses Lard knew early
own that those who were IMPOSING instruments and driving the owners out
never wanted unity but in the case of Sand Creek they wanted your new
red brick building. Organs (only we promise) were in only a few
churches before almost the end of the century. Sand Creek was in
1889 and the Illinois Supremen Court said, no, you have to go and
purchase your own new red brick church house. Highland will spend
hundreds of thousandss to transform the School of the word (prior to
about 1950) into a Theater for Holy Entertainment. Those who object
having to cast themselves out of their own synagogue (school of the
Word) are always told: get over it or get out. That is what they told
Douglas Foster harps on
the fact that the leaders of the Restoration Movement (the Campbell
wing) were Presbyterians. Any presbyterian reader would have had
access to a large body of literature brought on when the State Church of
Scotland was a kingly ceremonial center and they wanted to add the
organ. The Church of England had VOTED to remove the organ left
over in the few Catholic Cathedrals. However, Queen Elizabeth
needed the organ (only, we promise) for State Church Rituals. The
Catholics lifted that from the Jews where the Temple was the King's
Schrine and NEVER a worship center for singing with instruments.
Jonathan Storment: Because now Churches of Christ in the North had some money to spend,
and some of these churches bought buildings and organs, while some of
the Churches of Christ in the South were dying from hunger. And they saw
their brothers and sisters dying and their northern brothers and sister
buying. And they said that’s not right.
Lucky we have some
great history which refutes that: A church in Murfreesboro which was the
center of education and the Church of Christ along with county churches
were little affected by the war even though Stone's River was just
outside of town. I volunteered in a mansion visited by Nathan Forest and
generals on the other side. James A. Garfield visited and
attended a meeting where Churches of Christ pledge to stay out of the
War. Garfield went back to Bethany, collected his students and
jumped into the war with both feet.
It was at Sand Creek, Illinois not very close to the war-torn South
that the Christian Church through members of Sand Creek attempted to
IMPOSE instruments and all of the trappings of a human institution
clearly defined by the Highland Church of Christ pattern. When
that didn't happen they went to law to attempt to confiscate the new
brick building. They took it to the illinois Supreme Court and
LOST. Storment, Foster etal will never recover from that fact.
Sand Creek Church of Christ is about 120 north east of Saint Louis: we might not call that the deep south. Shelby County, Il A brick building had been
constructed in 1874, bigger and
better than the old log and frame meeting houses of earlier days,
situated on a small knoll amid
oak and walnut trees. A small cemetery lay due west, hallowed with the
graves of the immortal
soldiers of God
Dainel Sommer Address at Sand Creek
But the music question must not be
forgotten. I read Eph. 5:19. "Speaking
to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and
making melody in your heart to the Lord." I also read Col. 3:16. "Let
the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and
admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."
In the light of such teachings we
can certainly believe without the slightest doubt that singing is
part of the worship and that it is the will of the Lord that we
should teach in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. This we can
believe without question, because this much is clearly set forth in
the divine testimony.
But no one ever did or ever can believer that
it is the Lord's will to play on an instrument in the worship.
No one on earth can possibly believe that
playing of any kind is a part of the worship of God through Christ,
nor that it SHOULD or even MAY accompany the worship without offending Christ.There may be inferences, opinions,
views, notions, suppositions, but there
can be no such confidence as the word "faith" signifies.
"Whatsoever is not of faith is sin."
While this subject is in hand it becomes us to
pause and give it a concise examination. The law given through Moses
on Mt. Sinai was finished and instrumental
music in connection with the worship of God was not mentioned.
How then did it get into the worship of the
Jews? The answer is that it was
by David
who was the second of the Kings.
Then by turning to 1 Sam. 8th chapter we learn
that when Israel first asked for a king
God said that they had rejected
him that
he should not reign over them. That was God's interpretation of their conduct.
So, then, to say the least, the Israelites were in a backsliding condition from
that date onward, and it was while they were in this
backslidden state that instrumental music was introduced into the
worship of the Jews.
He was absolutely correct since it was because of musical idolatry at Mount
Sinai that God turned them over to worship the starry host and sentenced
them back to BABYLON for captivity and destruction. God did not command
any of the monarchy.
Before slandering a Bible-literate body of people it would be a good idea to read First Samuel Eight and see where the PERFORMERS were abandoned to their pattern thinking that they had any hand in the abandonment.
1Sa 8:4 Then all the elders of Israel
gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah,
1Sa 8:5 And said unto him, Behold,
thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now
make us a king to judge us like all
the nations.
1Sa 8:6 But the thing displeased Samuel,
when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto
the LORD.
1Sa 8:7 And the LORD said unto Samuel,
..........Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they
say unto thee:
.......... for they have not rejected thee,
.......... but they have rejected me,
.......... that I should not reign over them.
1Sa 8:8 According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day,
.......... wherewith they have forsaken me,
.......... and served other gods, so do they also unto
This is when they rose up in musical
idolatry and God truned them over to worship the Starry Host. David's
SEER was a Star Gazer, Jerusalem was a Jebusite High Place and the
worship was mostly Sabianism.
1Sa 8:9 Now therefore hearken unto their
......... howbeit yet protest
solemnly unto them,
..........and show them the manner of the king that shall reign over
Neither Methodists,
Baptists or Presbyterians were so unlearned that they thought that
instruments did anyting but cause discord and stop the role as A School
of the Word. Baptists and Presbyterians resisted on the same
Biblical Basis as educated
members of the Church of Christ especially the mothers who read the
Bible to the whole family. Something almost totally absent to
either Jonathan's or Foster's twisting of Scripture and history.
Based on the number of people maliciously discorded this must be the most vicious attack in church history.
Jonathan Storment: And then suddenly, what had previously been a preference or tradition became what some would call, “A Salvation Issue.”
When the banditos
decided to RESTRUCTURE all Churches of Christ into adding the instrument
(only a few fell because they were already ripe unto rotten) the MANTRA
of the Gang INVENTED the statement: "Instruments are NOT a salvation
Issue." Like all people who shoot you in the heart they
accuse you of attacking them with spurts of blood: it began with
Eve. It is NEVER an issue until someone decides to "Lie, cheat and
steal the church house of widows."
A Christian is a
Disciple: a Disciple is a Student: The ONLY resource is defined by the
CENI stated by Christ in the PATTERN for the godly people from the
Wilderness until today. A Christian cannot say "salvation issue."
In fact, the instrumentalists launched an attack against those who would
not join the Society and Organ party and turn over their property. ALL
of the debates which fueled the secting out of the NACC from 1927-1971
from the Disciples INSIST that using the ORGAN (Only, we promise) WAS a
salvation issue.
In the Stark-Warlick debate which terminated the hostile takeover of Churches of Christ in Tennessee
1903 Stark: In the Stark Warlick Debate, thought of worship as the emotion
of the soul and that it might "produce singing, shouting, praising,
leaping, dancing, hand clapping, or thanksgiving and such should not be
suppressed by man made rules."
These commands of men are the creed of their division of God's people. Like Paul's '"man of sin," they have taken their place in the temple of God and assume to speak as God. God put it into his sanctuary by command; and if he has not taken it out, it remains
there, unless some one claiming superior authority to God shall as God
put it out of the temple of God. That character Paul calls "the man of
sin who opposseth and exalteth himself above all that is called God: The Doom of such is HELL. I need no authority for using it; for where there is no law, there is no transgression. [p.15]
What have they to do with my worship of God? The whole thing comes from a devilish, domineering spirit, which, instead of worshipping God, has taken God's seat in judgment to control the praise others may bring... it is well enough to teach them: but 'rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborness is as iniquity and idolatry. (1 Samuel 15:23)
put the twelfth commandment into God's law, saying, "Thou shalt not
have an instrument of music in the congregation of the saints?"
David [Lipscomb], the destructive critic, when, like the "man of sin," he sits in the temple of God, says: "Thou shalt not." That is the corner stone of his departure--the foundation of his schism. Their church is built upon it, and a few old fogies have made it a test of fellowship. God will shake their thunder out of them and put some lightning into them one of these days. [p.28]
1908 O.E. Payne Foundational Document: The instrument would be forced into the
worship by these new converts made by Payne's book, which would drive
out those it did not convert, and thus we would have division instead of
unity as a result of this work. Surely this commission could not hope
to change every one on this question with this book and thus get every
one wrong; but if it did not change all, but changed any, it would cause
division instead of unity.
Rick Atchley used by the NACC
We sent them to youth
rallies and Church of Christ events
with some of the finest Christian
bands in the world.
We discipled our children to leave our Movement!
Rick Atchley interviewed by the Christian Standard
Rick Atchley: As minister of the Word at The Hills
Church of Christ, Rick Atchley leads a congregation that has expanded to
three campuses in the Greater Fort Worth, Texas, area and ministers to
5,000 people each weekend.
The Hills has a background as an a cappella
church of Christ,
but has transitioned over the past few years to
include instrumental worship in most services.
Dwaine E. Dunning:
There are at
least three ways to kill a tree.
You can
poison it, or burn it. It might not survive if all the limbs
were lopped off.
But men usually choose to kill a tree by cutting down its
We take an axe or
saw to it not
far above the roots and "fell" that tree.
Likewise a system of
doctrine may be destroyed in various ways. It might be
poisoned (or sweetened in this case) by
injecting a
different spirit into those who hold the doctrine.
- Or its various
contentions may be individually or specifically
like lopping
off a
one by
- A. Ralph Johnson: A Word of Caution
One difficulty with writing is,
to accurately convey
feelings. It is also
difficult, when a subject affects millions of people in different
ways, to speak to the needs
of each without leaving others feeling pained that they have been lumped with the "bad guys." In citing arguments made against
instrumental, I do not wish to imply that all anti-instrumentalists hold to all of them.
I recognize that
most anti-instrumentalists are wise enough to reject many of the really outrageous ones. I do not wish to blame
all for the folly of a
few. Permit me also to
explain that I use the term, "anti-instrumental" rather than "non-instrumental" or "a
cappella brethren," because those two terms fail to fully express the
essence of our situation.
There are many who by preference,
or for other reasons, do not use
instrumental music
but do NOT believe that it is
One MAY by choice sing a-cappella.
By "anti-instrumental" I mean those
opposed to religious use of
instrumental music, as
I have no problem with those
who simply prefer
to sing unaccompanied.
Robert Ballard and the NACC: and to refuse
to permit that which God Himse;f has (P93) SAID TO USE. To forbid
their use, where God has SAID TO USE THEM, as in Eph. 5:19 and
Col. 3:16 is flagrant sin (Rev 22:18:19)
And over time, we forgot about the context of why this became such a
passionate problem for some people,
and we just knew our grandparents
taught us it was wrong.
It is a bit absurd and
racists to claim that Churches of Christ or other groups rejected the
ORGAN (only, we promise) based on holding a
pity party. This is historically wrong and ethically without
redemption. Your grandmother undoubtedly had read more Bible than
her grandson who believes what he believes because he has to CONFESS to
get a false professor to give him a still-bleading sheepskin.
In my context, I’ve learned that while this form of worship may have
mattered a lot to my grandma, chances are it didn’t matter as much (or
at least in the same way) to her grandmother.
And that’s the value of tradition! It doesn’t codify the way things used to be done. In fact it can help to challenge it!
Living Tradition
For the past few months, I’ve taken up gardening. That’s probably too
generous of a word for it. Basically I tried to make the primary color
of my front yard to not be brown. But as Leslie and I have planted
shrubs and flowers, I’ve noticed how much trimming and cultivating we
have to do. We have to keep something’s in and other things out.
Gardening is in some ways like Guarding.
Except for one fundamental difference.
One is about something that is alive, and the other is about something that is dead.
One of the problems with tradition is not knowing how to live with it.
So for example, in my tribe, we’ve said that we want to worship A
because the early Christians (some times) did.
That’s an okay
reason, but it’s dead by itself.
It’s copying and pasting a form,
without having the heartbeat behind it.
We ask the question How…but the real question to ask, to have a Living Tradition, is
Why did the Early Christians sing like that?
And the answer is of course, far more fascinating and
it’s because they were trying to be different than the Jewish
and Roman religious around them.
They were trying to be a distinct group
of people in the world that they currently lived in.
Jonathan Storment: And now all of a sudden, you have a tradition with some teeth in it.
Not just the form that they used, but the principle behind it. Which was
to be a good missionary for the culture that they were in.
They KNEW that a missionary is a KERUSSO or
HERALD which can never be LOCATED but must be sent: He is not to open
and tamper with the message and he is not to charge on the receiving
end: that is what Paul commanded.
Matt. 28:17 And when they saw him, they worshipped
him: but some doubted.
G4352 proskuneō pros-koo-neh'-o From G4314
and probably a derivative of G2965 (meaning to kiss, like a
dog licking his master’s hand); to fawn or crouch to, that is,
(literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do
reverence to, adore):—worship.
Proskun-eō obeisance
to the gods or their images, fall down and worship, c.
acc., Hdt.2.121
[select] esp. of the Oriental fashion of prostrating
oneself before kings and superiors, abs., Hdt.1.119, 8.118: c Plat.
Rep. 398a
IRONICALLY, proskunoimen an auton hōs hieron kai thaumaston kai hēdun, Pl.R.398a:
Republic [398a] who
was capable by his cunning of assuming every kind of shape
and imitating all things should arrive in our city, bringing
with himself the poems which he wished to exhibit, we
should fall down and worship him as a holy and wondrous and
delightful creature, but should say to him that there is no
man of that kind among us in our city, nor is it lawful for
such a man to arise among us, and we should send him away to
another city, after pouring myrrh down over his head and
crowning him with fillets of wool, but we ourselves, for our
souls' good, should continue to employ
Epideik-nu_mi -nuō 2. . more freq. in
Med., show off or display for oneself
or what is one's own, mousikan orthan e. give a specimen of
his art. of a rhetorician lecturing, Id.Phdr.235a;
“polla kai kala” Id.Grg.447a;
of epideictic orators, Arist.Rh.1391b26;
of a musician, Ael.VH9.36:
c. part., e. “hupertheōn” Pl.Lg.648d.
In other words, maybe the best way to not break tradition, is to sometimes break tradition.
It is Lying and Blasphemy (Re Jeremian 23) If
you say that calling Baptized Believers OUT of the World into what was
prophesied using the word UMBRELLUM is to protect them from men blowing
hot air and pouring out their own lightening and thunder. Jesus said the
Kingdom of God does not COME with observation: that means Religious
Services devoted to legalistic acts such as PREACHING to enhance the
Word of God, passing the plate or violating direct commands by complex
harmony teaching that which is NOT WRITTEN FOR OUR LEARNING.
- Christ the rock OUTLAWED Vocal or instrumental rejoicing and "speaking your own words for the Church in the wilderness.
- If you say that NOT using "machines for doing hard work" is just the TRADITION of Churches of Christ.
- Then you DESPISE people and the Word of Christ in the Prophets and Apostles and that is defined as blasphemy.
And this is why, in keeping with my last post on Tradition,
I think my generation has undervalued it.
Because the answer to what to
do next, probably isn’t to invent something new.
The way forward lays
through the past, but you still must engage your present.
The early Christians didn’t have everything worked out
as far as what
their strategy should be for spreading the Gospel,
let alone what our
strategy should be today.
Paul said that Jesus gave the church a Spiritual gift IF you have APT
ELDERS. They are the only vocational pastor-teachers commanded to teach
that which has been taught. Their first job was to EJECT the Cunning
Craftsmen or Sophists meaning Rhetoricians, singers and instrument
players. They MUST be ejected because Paul said that their Driving
Purpose is to LIE IN WAIT TO DECEIVE. That is their predestinated
purpose because they are OF the World.
Then the PATTERN from the wilderness onward was to "use one mind and one
mouth to speak that which is written for our learning" or reading
Scripture for our COMFORT.
I can understand that being a member of the Kingdom of Abilene you have
been subverted so that you probably CANNOT obey the command to both men
and women to sit down and be silent "SO THAT everyone might be saved and
come to a knowledge of the truth. That MUST be silenced because
Paul continues to say that;
There is ONE GOD the Father and ONE MEDIATOR (songs and sermons) between
man and god. That silences the Storming Rhetoricians who THINK that
they are God's gift for which you must PAY.
Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore,
and teach all nations,
baptizing them in
the NAME (singular0 of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Por-euō , fut. I. Act., make to go, carry, convey, by land or water
2. of things, bring, carry, “epistolas patri” S.OC1602
That does not mean to set up a honey pot to suck in the butterflies to be collected and pinned to a pew.
Ma^thēt-euō , be pupil, tini to one, Plu.2.832c.
Eph. 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Eph. 5:26WEB That he might sanctify and cleanse it
with the washing of water
[INTO] the word, (In Verbo, En, Eis)
Into Converto , epistles of a writer, to be occupied in, Into
Philo-sophos Love of educatioon, an academy Philo-mathes or Philo-Logos
OPPOSIITE of Sophistes A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, musicians
Parapaion Khelon (play
the harp, Hieron Melon (Melody in a religious shrine).
A quibbler, cheate,
one who gave lessons FOR MONEY
Fides (not faithful to
the community) but Fides (faithful to Apollon)
conversation, Oral by word of mouth urnio plura
verbo quam s
cripturā mandata dedimus, In eccl. Lat. as a
of logos,
LOGOS Opposite PATHOS (personal experiences), Opposite folly, Opposite reasoning, deliberation,
Epagoge bringing in AIDS, alurement, enticement, incantations, opposite of human reasoning, leading into captivity
Example [364c]
any misdeed of a man or his ancestors, and that if a man wishes to harm
an enemy, at slight cost he will be enabled to injure just and unjust
alike, since they are
masters of spells and enchantments
that constrain the gods to serve their end.
And for all these sayings they cite the poets as witnesses, with regard
to the ease and plentifulness of vice, quoting:“ Evil-doing in plenty a
man shall find for the seeking;
1 In Laws 933 D both are used of the victim with epōdais, which primarily applies to the god.
Cf. Lucan, Phars. vi. 492 and 527.
Epode song sung rto or over, hence, enchantment, spell, charm, pharmaka (sorcery Rev 18:23)
44:17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image:
he falleth down unto it, and worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it,
saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god.
The LOGOS the buffoons and jesters love to be ANTI about is
called the Regulative Principle. Logos is the OPPOSITE of rhetoric,
self-referenced inanity, singing, playing instruments, acting or dancing
which are also marks of the eternal Gender-Variant priesthoods.
Matt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I
have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you
alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
When God sends strong delusions or makes buffons of ANTI-Logos merchants, they can no longer read BLACK text on BROWN paper.
The Word TEACH includes teaching anything requiring information. When Jesus speaks He asserts.
have one taught or educated, esp. of a father,
II. abs., explain, “pōs dē; didaxon” A.Eu. 431; “saphōs d.” Th.2.60, etc.; show by argument, prove, “legōn didasketō” X.An.5.7.11,
Jesus Cast Out the musical minstrels or flute players aulētas”
III. of dithyrambic and dramatic Poets (cf. “didaskalos” 11), d. dithurambon, drama,produce a piece, Hdt.1.23, 6.21; “Persas” Ar.Ra.1026, cf. Pl.Prt.327d, IG12.770, al.:—Med., didaxasthai khorontrain one's own chorus, d. pollous aulētas”
Therefore the inclusive and exclusive teaching resource is:
whatsoever I have
commanded you:
dŏcĕo , cŭi, ctum, 2, v. a. root da; Zend. dā, to know; strengthened, dak-; Gr. didaskō; Lat. disco, teach, instruct, inform, show, tell, etc. (for syn. cf.: edoceo, perdoceo, erudio, praecipio, instituo)
Jesus and the disciples DICTO or SPOKE one hymn in His whole life as far as we know: the command for teaching is to SPEAK.
Paul outlawed the Dionysiacs, Orphics or Phythagoreans as the SECTS in Rome as excluded in Romans 14.
2. Of things as subjects: “frontes,” Hor. C. 1, 1, 29: “tibia,” Prop. 2, 30, 16 (3, 28, 16 M.): “carmina,” Tib. 2, 3, 20; cf. “vox,” Ov. P. 2, 5, 52: “voces Pythagoreorum,” Cic. Tusc. 4, 1, 2: “sermo,” Plin. Ep. 7, 25, 3: “prece,” Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 135: “manus artificis,” Tib. 1, 8, 12; cf. id. 2, 1, 70; Ov. F. 3, 832; 6, 792: “falx,” Prop. 2, 19, 12
But Jesus did not say to go teach them any of the performing arts: He commanded
entellō ,
A.enjoin, command, Act. only in Pi.O.7.40, S.Fr.269:— mostly in Med., “tini ti” Hdt.1.47, etc.; in a will, “philois tauta entellomai” Diog.Oen.66: c. dat. pers. et inf., Hdt.1.53, Pl.R.393e, etc.; enteilasthai apo glōssēs command by word of mouth, Hdt.1.123: so in pf., “entetaltai” LXX 3 Ki.13.17; “entetalmenoi eiēsan” Plb.18.2.1, cf. Hdn.1.9.9:—Pass., “ta entetalmena” commands, Hdt.1.60,5.73, S. Fr.462, X.Cyr.5.5.3.
II. invest with legal powers, authorize to act, “e. soi kai epitrepō”
Latin COMMAND: mando , āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. manusdo, commit to one's charge, to enjoin, commission, order, command (syn.: praecipio, edico); constr.
alicui aliquid, with
ut, ne, the simple
subj., or with
inf. (class.).
A. In gen.,
to commit, consign, enjoin, confide, commend, intrust any thing to a person or thing: “
ego tibi meas res mando, B. To charge a person to announce something, to send word to a person or place o
(opp. invito),”
Vop. Aur. 16, 2.—
invīto ,
A. To invite,
challenge: “
a Caesare liberaliter invitor in legationem illam,”
Cic. Att. 2, 18, 3: “
Cosconio mortuo, in ejus locum invitor,”
id. ib. 1, 19, 4: “
hostes ad deditionem,”
Hirt. B. G. 8, 19: “
aliquem ad audiendum,”
Suet. Calig. 53: “
ad spectaculum,” id. Ner. 12: “
praemiis ad quippiam agendum,”
Cic. Lig. 4: “
in libidinem,”
Suet. Calig. 41.—
B. To incite, allure, attract: “ni id me invitet ut faciam fides,” Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 5: “invitat hiemps curasque resolvit,” Verg. G. 1, 302: “invitent croceis halantes floribus horti,” id. ib. 4, 109: “ad agrum fruendum invitat atque allectat senectus,” Cic. de Sen. 16; so, “assentationem,” to encourage flattery, id. Lael. 26: “invitare et allicere appetitum animi,” id. Fin. 5, 6: “somnos,” to attract, Ov. M. 11, 604: “culpam,”
4. Of prayer or entreaty, to hear, listen to, lend an ear to, regard, grant:
“audivit orationem eorum,” Vulg. Psa. 105, 44: “audisti verba oris mei,” ib. ib. 137, 1: “Audiat aversā non meus aure deus,” Tib. 3, 3, 28: “audiit et caeli Genitor de parte serenā Intonuit laevum,” Verg. A. 9, 630: “minus audientem carmina Vestam,” Hor. C. 1, 2, 27; 4, 13, 1:
B. Aliquem, aliquid, or absol. audio, to hear a person or thing with approbation, to assent to, agree with, approve, grant, allow:
When God pours out His WRATH (Orge, Orgy) He sends Jesters and Buffoons. Paul said that He sends strong delusions with strong deluders. The MARK of Strong deluders is any kind of self-speaking (marks the sons of the Devil says Jesus) with any musical or theatrical performance.
Well, if you are part of the Abilene Kingdom built upon the foundation of John T. Willis you will have missed the PATTERN beginning with the Church of Christ (the Rock), the Great Commission and the fact that the early missionaries had a GO button defined inclusively and exclusively by Jesus:
all pertains to life and godliness
They were just trying to think like a missionary for their time and context.
That’s the tradition that we’ve inherited.
That’s a living breathing tradition that demands more than just someone guarding it.
It demands that we replant it in every culture and see what blooms.
I planted, Apollos watered
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