Kingdom Come,
Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of David Lipscomb and James Harding
by John Mark Hicks and Bobby Valentine x
A partial response to a review by:
Gardner Hall: The authors eloquently use Harding and Lipscomb’s writings to plead for separation from the world.
However, they have allowed the feminist movement of the world
to pressure them into a distorted interpretation of texts such as
1 Timothy 2:11,12 and 1 Corinthians 14:34,35 so that they can promote women in the pulpit
Disciples of Christ speaking for God, do not interpret: neither are they enlightened with A holy spirit to say that this is narrative or a drama.
John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
IF ye continue in my WORD, [Regulative principle]
THEN are ye my disciples indeed;
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free [From industrial grade religion, tithes and offerings]
1Cor. 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
GOD'S LAW TO MIRIAMA Christian is a Disciple or Student of Christ which includes "the prophecies concerning me."
IF THEY ARE WILLING TO LEARN ANYTHING FROM THE READING OR SPEAKING ONLY HOLY SCRIPTURE. Disciples attended the ASSEMBLY for the SOLE PURPOSE of reading and confessing parts of Holy Scripture so that the RETAINED in their minds trained in the ORAL TRADITION.
AN APOSTLE OR PREACHER IS CHOSEN BY GOD TO BE EYE AND EAR WITNESSES OF CHRIST INCLUDING AFTER HIS RESURRECTION. An Evangelist or Preacher afterward is always defined as "teaching that which has been taught.manthanō learners, pupils, X.Mem.1.2.17; m. ta Homērou epē learn by heart, Id.Smp.3.5;
Xen. Sym. 3.5 I will not begrudge describing the art that gives me the success that I speak of...My father was anxious to see me develop into a good man,” said Niceratus, “and as a means to this end he compelled me to memorize all of Homer; and so even now I can repeat the whole Iliad and the Odyssey by heart.”
1Cor. 14:35 And IF they will LEARN any thing, [BY HEART]
let them ask their husbands at home:
for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
1Cor. 14:36 WHAT? came the word of God out from you?
or came it unto you only?
1Cor. 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual,
let him acknowledge that the things that
I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
1Cor. 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant
Hicks and Valentine disassociate themselves from what they called the "ecclesial hermeneutic (‘command, example and inference’)" of Harding and Lipscomb .
STUDENTS UNDERSTAND THAT GOD SAID THAT, ALL OF SCRIPTURE SAYS THAT AND ALL OF THE HISTORICAL SCHOLARS AND FOUNDERS OF GROUPS SAID THAT. The alternative is to follow the commands of John Mark hicks whose teachings are "Self-Authored and NOT free."
and their participation in the battles with the Disciples of Christ denomination over instrumental music and the missionary societies.
The only battles were to EDUCATE everyone whose congregation was "infiltrated and diverted" away from their owners. Based on Jesus,
Luke 6:29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.
Because God is NOT worshiped by the hands of men or in "houses built by human hands." Sons FROM God are taught BY God when they hide away in secret and silent places as the only way to shut off false teachers who want lots of hands and expensive houses built by the bread of widows and the poor..
They obviously don’t see that such common-sense Biblical interpretation and the battles with those who were losing confidence in restoration, were integral parts of their other-worldliness.
Inevitably, there must be separations between
those who cling to primitivist principles and those that reject them.
Division, though it must be avoided until there is no other recourse, is sometimes necessary (1 Cor. 11:19).
Daniel Sommers resisting "taking the new RED BRICK BUILDING with them.
The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ was for heirs--sons from God taught by God--to speak only. what Jesus was taught by Him. This was a Perfect Law of Liberty FROM clergy-parasites-and ANY organization beyond being The School of Christ.
2Th. 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,
and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th. 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,
or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself that he is God.
primitive: relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something.
synonyms: crude, simple, rough, basic, elementary, rough-hewn, rudimentary, undeveloped, unrefined, unsophisticated, rude, rough and ready, makeshift, old-fashioned, obsolete, archaic
The New Testament of Last Will and Testament of Jesus, was enabled by His death by the Clergy, recorded by "Prophets and SCRIBES", DISINHERITED Pharisees and hypocrites (performers on stage) and LET THE LAMBS GO FREE has no Statute of Limitations.
Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the Lord,
Stand ye in the ways, and see,
and ask for the old paths, where is the good way,
and walk therein, and ye shall find REST for your souls.
But they said, We will not walk therein.hJohn.Mark.Hicks.patternism-division-and-grace.html
On the agenda of the new LU president is to determine whether the university paid for by churches of Christ and widows purses wished to continue being associated with The Church of Christ.
The answer from those seeing visions and hearing audible voices and the Spirit instructint them to lie about all of the "music" passages, is that they want to FORCE A SEPARATION between the instrumentalists and the historic Church of Christ. To their eternal shame these writers after sowing massive discord and spending fortunes have so far been able to seduce onl their own churches. Out of maybe 18000 congregations world wide less than 20 should cause them to do the Judas maneuver.
Discovering our Roots: The Ancestry of the Churches of Christ
Richard T. Hughes and C. Leonard Allen.Edward Fudge: The Restoration Movement Fulfilled In Jesus Christ
However Alexander said JUST THE OPPOSITE in the Second Coming
Richard Hughes Restoration Roots
Marty E. Martin uses Richard Hughes to pass judgment on the Church of Christ and says:
Among these are members of the Churches of Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), two of the fastest growing bodies in the U.S. and wherever they send missionaries.
"Primordium" is the most obscure and thus the easiest to define of the three words. University of Iowa professor Theodore Dwight Bozeman in his sound and exciting new book To Live Ancient Lives: The Primitivist Dimension of Puritanism relates it to Mircea Eliade's concepts.
Eliade spoke of an "originative, repeatable primordium," a sacred, mythic "Great Time," which invited mortals to a consoling "nostalgia for the perfection of beginnings" and which helped them explain the world, even as it became "the exemplary model for all significant human activities." But for Eliade as for Bozeman and other historians, the Puritan primordium. differed from others in that the Great Time occurred not in prehistory but within human history.
This primordium identifies the IMPOSERS of instrumental music and seeing the Lord's Supper as a sacrificial meal where God eats while we burn the fat with jubilation:
Divination: orgi-a A. secret rites, secret worship, practised by the initiated, of the rites of the Cabeiri and Demeter cogn. with erdô, rhezô, cf. ergon, orgeôn.)Organon , to, ( [ergon, erdô] ) I. an implement, instrument, A. instrument, implement, tool, for making or doing a thing 3.musical instrumen
Ergon [Ergô], 1. in Il. mostly of deeds of war, polemêïaerga, 3.a hard piece of work, a hard task, Il.: also, a shocking deed or act,
"Candidates for initiation into the KABIRI were crowned with a garland of olive and wore a purple band round their loins. The dancing was then begun.
In fact, homosexuality was part of the ritual, what the historians in their scholarly dungeons called their "most immoral tendencies." The purpose was to evoke a passage beyond earth to a higher life. That is, "to lead the worshipers into the presence of the gods."
That is, in their mystical dances, continued leaping into the air achieves a shamanic state of trance, a transfer of consciousness analogous to the transformation of the
magician into a bird whereby the apprentice masters his powers to join a gay brotherhood "who, by nature, are superior to other men.""Smiths and shamans are from the same nest," also declares a Yakut proverb from early North America, cited by the mythologist Mircea Eliade.
According to Herodotus, they surfaced some 2,000 years after that as an effeminate priesthood in what is now southern Russia and present-day Ukraine. They were called the ENAREE, "endowed by the goddess Venus with the gift of prophecy." Source
Hislop: Hence the "Horned bull" signified "The Mighty Prince,and constant friction (minemployment) between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain. 1 Timothy 6:5
Of course those who deny that the Words of God in Christ have survived so that they can be read through our evolved eyes, have no trouble using their own imagination to build a new PATTERNISM which conforms to modern culture. In the words of Rubel Shelly, we have to become as much LIKE THE WORLD as possible to WIN the world. However, the WORLD is not winable by using the CARNAL WEAPONS of the world which are defined as LIFELESS INSTRUMENTS
Martin refers to Thomas Olbricht who included as primitive the impulse of New Englanders to collect European books, to write 6,000 pages of manuscript as Cotton Mather did, to study German as Moses Stuart did, or to undertake perilous voyages to the Old World to hear complex lectures on early Christianity?
Defending what they decry, as usual, Hughes and Allen, and therfore, Hicks and Valentine page 5:
"This attitude toward the past characterized the early movement... Propelled by such an attitude toward the past, restoration movements like ours easily develop a kind of historylessness. By this term I refer to the perception that, while other churches or movements are snared in the web of profane history,
one's own church or movement stands above mere human history. One's own movement partakes only of the perfections of the first age, the sacred time of pure beginnings... This sense of historylessness works in powerful and subtle ways. In the process it creates exhilarating (and damaging) illusions.
"Among Churches of Christ it often has meant that we simply discounted eighteen centuries of Christianity as,
And not surprisingly, the same attitude has led many people among Churches of Christ to dismiss their own history as itself irrelevant. For after all, if our origins come entirely from the Bible and our churches are New Testament churches, then we really need not bother ourselves with the recent worst, a diseased tumor or, at best, an instructive failure.
The CORE DOGMA of Hughes etc is still based on the Church of Christ always resisting those who attempt to IMPOSE musical instruments. The History of course in the Bible, church fathers and all of the denominations of that time was to REPUDAITE the use of instruments as violating direct commands and destructive of peace and harmony required to carry out the purpose of the assembly to teach the Word.
- No history supports the modern lust to use the curse of the Sacrificial sysgem as its pattern for New Testament worship
- No historical scholar ever said that "Baptism does not save" who didn't quickly add "without faith."
- The Bible and most recorded history honors Christ with the term The Church of Christ.
- The weekly assembly with the weekly Lord's Supper is universally supported by early church history.
- The rejection of the trinity of three persons is rejected by all classical trinitarians.
- The role of women has been tried and abandoned for the public assembly and the Church of Christ is not different.
- History does not speak of faithful assemblies devoted to rituals: singing was imposed in the year 373.
- So, Hughes must be suggesting that we are a diseased tumor for NOT accepting those historical deviations.
It is apparent that one can collect encyclopedic masses of information and at the same time not know the truth of the individual components. Hughes often does proof texting.
Therefore, Hughes, Allen, Valentine and Hicks and LU MEAN that you should depend on the writings of theologians (Jeus fired the doctors of the law and marked the Scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites by pointing to speakers, singers and instrument player. The implication of Christ in Ezekiel 33 that the delusions producing "lying wonders" is a theatrical performance with lots of sexual overtones.
Their mentors, the Disciples of Christ articulated by Richard L. Hamm claims that the Holy Spirit uses to exercise authority:
Richard L. Hamm: I want to lift up these four basic sources of revelation.
The first is Scripture, which for Christians means, of course, the Holy Bible (which is to say the whole Bible: the Hebrew and Christian testaments).The second is reason and the third is experience. We Disciples are quite appreciative of these sources. Our movement was born within the philosophical context of
No, that's a lie. The Reasonableness of ChristianityJohn Locke who said that truth can be known through reason tempered with experience.
In this secular age in which we live, I'm afraid that many of us have increasingly depended on these two sources alone, but reason and experience are two valuable sources for understanding God.
The fourth is tradition. The Church has learned some things in the past two thousand years (that's right, the Church learned some things even before Alexander Campbell!). By looking to the Church's tradition (its history, its declarations, its collective wisdom) one can learn much about the nature of God and the nature of humankind. As the sage has said, one who does not learn history is doomed to repeat it. Studying the church's tradition is a way for us to learn some things the easy way!The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Living God, uses these four sources of revelation to teach us who God is and who we are.
The Living Holy Name repudiated the pagan trinity by claiming the roles of Father, son and Spirit. His name is Jesus Christ the Righteous and He HAS guided the apostles into all truth.
The Disciples / Christian church also claims as their own the Law of Silence and Inferences that when they speak you must comform or get another church home.
John Calvin repudiated church councils and human opinion as a curse and plague and his "restoration" was to peel OFF the doctors of the law and the schools of Canon Law.
If this is all Dispensationalism was about it could be easily ignored as the speculative fantasies of a fringe movement of American Protestantism. But a central part of Apocalyptic theology is the belief that the events signaling the End are inextricably bound up with the creation, expansion and continued existence of the modern state of Israel. This gives these beliefs a political focus, sometimes dangerously so.
We have posted the fact that the Disciples formed their society after they joined the Millerites in needing to SAVE all of the Jews so that THEY could enable the return of Jesus Christ in 1844.
"The development both of religion and of the arts can be traced back in a continuous line to the hunting era. The group ritual of the primeval tribesmen were the origin not only of all religious ceremonial, but also of the drama and of poetry and music, while magic gave birth to the visual arts." (Parkes, Henry Bamford, On Gods and Men, p. 30).
"Awed by the mysteries of his own spirit no less than by those of nature, primitive man was likely to attribute to divine influence any abnormal emotional state, whether above or below the usual level. Medicine men customarily went into states of trance in which they were believed to be in communication with the gods,
and many tribes supposed lunatics and sexual deviants to be divinely possessed.
"When tribes grew too large for effective co-operation (and inbred), they often became subdivided into smaller kinship groups (clans, sibs, gentes) which continued to regard each other as close allies. Government was exercised by individual chieftains assisted by councils of elders" (p. 26).
"In this fashion evey common tribal interest--the recurrence of the seasons, the increase of the food supply, successful hunting--
was likely to become embodied in some regularly repeated ceremony, which usually included group dancing, singing, and feasting.
Besides enabling men to express, and thereby to allay, ANGER and ANXIETY, such ceremonies also promoted tribal UNITY and strengthened the loyalty of the individual to TRIBAL TRADITION,
for the emotional excitement they aroused had the effect of breaking down the barriers between individuals
and thus fusing all tribesmen into a collective whole. Meanwhile, whole systems of magical devices were gradually elaborated." (Parkes, p. 29)
The PRAISE word meant to make yourself vile in warfare and boasting that your god could destroy the enemy's god. The worship of the starry host because of musical at Mount Sinai was the worship of Apis the golden calf symbolic of the Egyptian trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus:
Apis the golden calf or calves represented Osiris, Isis and Horus: the pagan trinity of father, mother and son.
Horus was the posthumous son and heir of the god Osiris, the primordial king and giver of life. He was invited by his uncle, Seth, to spend a day. Seth’s real motive was not to show him hospitality but to disqualify him from inheriting his father’s royal power. To this end, while Horus slept Seth committed an act of sodomy upon him. Since sodomy was inflicted as a punishment on a defeated enemy and was a symbol of domination, Seth could then claim that he had conquered Horus and demand the kingship in his place.The praise words parse to Lucifer called the singing and harp playing prostitue in the garden of Eden.
Fool also called JESTER, a comic entertainer whose madness or imbecility, real or pretended, made him a source of amusement and gave him license to abuse and poke fun at even the most exalted of his patrons. Professional fools flourished from the days of the Egyptian pharaohs until well into the 18th century, finding a place in societies as diverse as that of the Aztecs of Mexico and the courts of medieval Europe.
Often deformed, dwarfed, or crippled, fools may have been kept for luck as well as for amusement, in the belief that deformity can avert the evil eye and that abusive raillery can transfer ill luck from the abused to the abuser. Fool figures played a part in the religious rituals of India and pre-Christian Europe, and, in some societies, such as that of Ireland in the 7th century BC, they were regarded as being inspired with poetic and prophetic powers.
The raillery of the fool and his frequent ritual association with a mock king suggest that he may have originated as a sacrificial scapegoat substituted for a royal victim.
A resemblance between the sacrificial garments of ancient ritual and the costume of a household jester in the Middle Ages--coxcomb, eared hood, bells, and bauble, with a motley coat--has been noted.
In most early societies, moreover, men evolved techniques for deliberaly inducing the abnormal forms of consciousness in which they supposed themselves to achieve union with divine power, sometimes by the use of drugs and other physiological stimuli, sometimes by hypnotic dances and music. The wild utterances to which they gave vent on such occasions were regarded as the words of a god and were interpreted as divine commands or predictions of future events." (Parkes, p. 32-33).
Hicks and Valentine disassociate themselves from what they called the "ecclesial hermeneutic (‘command, example and inference’)"
The problem goes away if you once grasp that Christ as the Rock ordained the Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness.
It was INCLUSIVE of Rest, Reading and Rehearsing the Word of God.That means that they have to disassociate themselves from clear Biblical teaching, ALL of the church fathers, all of the founders of denominations and EVEN from themselves. That is because Hicks and Valentine ASSOCIATE themselves with the CENI by taking snippets of Scripture and using the example of Hughes, Allen etal and INFERRING that they were all telling more truth than the Word of God.
It was EXCLUSIVE of vocal or instrumental rejoicing called noise.
That is simple when you grasp that ekklesia, synagogue and all of the patterns in the New Testament define the School of the Word.
- If loud vocal rejoicing and any instrumental noise was OUTLAWED for the School of the Word in the wilderness
- And the Spiritual Road never led to the curse of the sacrificial sysgem
- And everyone was quarantined from the temple to hold school of the Bible.
- And Christ in Isaiah 55 commands us not to spend our money for the FREE Word.
- And Christ in Isaiah 58 commanes us not to seek our own pleasure or even speak our own words, you would need a DIRECT COMMAND from the same Christ to BEGIN any kind of music.
If God is ALLOWED to exercise any authority then how else would He do it. Valentine and Hicks assume to themselve the authority they deny to God.
We have collected numerous passages where God CLAIMS the Word as His only authority and marks those who do not teach it as taught as devoid of truth.
And when they shall say unto you,
Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:
should not a people seek unto their God?
for the living to the dead? Isa 8:19
The familiar spirit is a dry, empty wineskin. It serves as the echo chamber of the nebel which means 'VILE.' It has the same meaning as the harp and the sounding gongs in 1 Cor. 13.
The Wizzard is one who thinks that they can hear the Word of God "beyond the sacred page." John called them sorcerers because they used rhetoric, singers and instrumentalists to STEAL the Word and money from othersYiddeoniy (h3049) yid-deh-o-nee'; from 3045; prop. a knowing one; spec. a conjurer; (by impl.) a ghost: - wizard.Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word,
"In Isa 8:19 the 'obhoth and yidh'onim are spoken of those who 'chirp and mutter." These terms refer to the necromancers themselves who practiced ventriloquism in connection with their magical rites. In Isa 29:4 it is said 'Thy voice shall be as an 'obh, out of the ground.'... They are stamped in these passages, as in the Witch of Endor narrative, as deceivers practising a fraudulent art. By implication their power to evoke spirits with whom they were in familiar intercourse is denied." (Int Std Bible Ency., ency, p. 690)
it is because there is no light in them.Acts 4:19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them,
Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.Acts 4:20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.
Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Jer 13:8
Thus saith the Lord, After this manner will I mar the pride of Judah, and the great pride of Jerusalem. Jer 13:9
This evil people, which refuse to hear my words,
........which walk in the imagination of their heart, [twisted]
........and walk after other gods, to serve them,
........and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing. Jer 13:10Paul outlaws doubtful disputations in Romans 14 by the sects marked by DIET but all who practiced musical worship.
Disputing” implies a questioning mind and suggests an arrogant attitude by those who assume they’re always right. Arguing with others in the body of Christ is disruptive. That’s why Paul spent the first part of chapter 2 on humility.
To dwell above, with saints we love, that will be grace and glory
But to live below with saints we know, now that’s a different story!Dialogismos is used 14 times in the NAS (Matthew; Mark; Luke 6x; Romans 2x; 1 Corinthians; Philippians; 1 Timothy; James) and is translated as: argument, 1; disputing, 1; dissension, 1; doubts, 1; motives, 1; opinions, 1; reasonings, 2; speculations, 1; thoughts, 3; what...were thinking, 2
Dialogismos is used 11 times in the Septuagint (LXX) (Ps 40:5, 56:5, 92:5, 94:11, 139:2, 139:20, 146:4, Isa 59:7, Jer 4:14, Lam 3:60-61) Dialogismos often means the perverse, vain thinking which contemplates destruction (Ps. 94:11), and is turned against God (Jer. 4:14; Isa. 59:7) and against the godly (Ps. 56:5).
Isaiah Eight Slogan
And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits (Old, empty wineskins), and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter (these people used musical devices and said that the gods lived inside of them): should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? Isaiah 8:19
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20
W. E. MacClenny, The Life of Rev. James O'Kelly (began preaching 1774) and the Early History of the Christian Church in the South, Raleigh, Va.: Edwards and Broughton Printing Company, 1910, Reprint 1950 pages 232-247
1. I could call forth a cloud of witnesses from the Old and New Testaments to prove the authority, and sufficiency of the Scripture Hierarchy, but a few will be sufficient.
2. Thus saith the Lord by the pen of Moses, in the 18th of Deuteronomy: "The Lord shall raise up a prophet (Christ), him shall ye hear in all things."
3. The word of the Lord came unto the prophet Isaiah: "To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is not light in them. Chap. 8:20.
4. The law and testimony must include the doctrines and government of Christ's Church.
If one grasped that the Qahal, synagogue or church in the wilderness was a School of the Word and excluded vocal and instrumental rejoicing, no faithful person would try to manipulate the Word of God to force some view especially knowing that it would sow discord.
The Synagogue is EXPLICIT about what the Spirit of Christ permits.
Hicks and Valentine disassociate themselves from participation in the battles with the Disciples of Christ denomination over instrumental music.
Based on those who flock together it is clear that they dissociate themselves from all of the founding views and that LU dissociates itself from the need to resist instrumental music and the missionary societies.
However, Jesus warned that doctors of the law "take away the key to knowledge." He identified the Scribes andPharisees as hypocrites by NAMING slick speakers, singers and instrument players.
It is easier to mumble personal opinion than to LOOK at the proof that Jesus was OUTLAWING musical performers. Why can't you FACE Scripture fair and squar?
Matt 15:7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
Hypokrites (g5273) hoop-ok-ree-tace'; from 5271; an actor under an assumed character (stage-player), i.e. (fig.) a dissembler ("hypocrite"): - hypocrite.
hupokrinô reply, make answer, of an oracle, 2. expound, interpret, explain [Peter outlawed this as private interpretation.] 2. deliver a speech, declaim, of orators and rhetoricians, represent dramatically,
Similar Words:
erôtikôn dramatôn 3. of an orator, use histrionic arts, exaggerate, ape, mimic, Mania or religious frenzy.Demosthenes, Speeches [15] but in fact he has deserted the path of right and justice, he has flinched from the proof of recent guilt, and then, after a long interval, he makes a hotchpotch of imputation and banter and scurrility, and stands on a false pretence, denouncing me, but indicting Ctesiphon. He sets in the forefront of the controversy his private quarrel with me, in which he has never confronted me fairly; yet he is avowedly seeking to disfranchise somebody else.
5. hupokrinetai, he plays his part: cf. etragôidei in § 13.6. The word implies not only pomposity but dissimulation.--katêgorei...krinei: see note on § 14.8.
Rhêtor-ikos , ê, on, oratorical, hê rhêtorikê (sc. technê). These are the craftsmen lumped with the singers, musicians and "grinder" doing merchandise in the house of prayer. Rev. 18:22SIMILAR LATIN: canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing, C. Transf., of instruments, to sound, resound: 2. Of the singing pronunciation of an orator, to declaim in a singing tone, to sing, preach to deaf ears. occasion for singing, i. e. for imagination, fiction, Of an actor:
Ezekiel JesusIsaiah 29
Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still are
talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and speak one to another, every one to his brother, saying,
Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the Lord. Eze 33:30 Ye hypocrites (actors), well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, Matt 15:7
- This people draweth nigh unto me
- with their mouth,
- and honoreth me with their lips;
- but their heart is far from me. Matt 15:8
Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. Is. 29:9
For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep,
and hath closed your eyes:
the prophets and your rulers,
the seers hath he covered. Isa 29:10 My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. With their mouths they express devotion but their hearts are greedy for unjust gain Eze 33:31
Luke 16:14 And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matt 15:9
And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand:Matt 15:10 And the vision of all is become unto you
as the words of a book that is sealed,
which men deliver to one that is learned, saying,
Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: Isa 29:11 Indeed, to them you are nothing more Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man;
And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying,
Read this, I pray thee:
and he saith, I am not learned. Isa 29:12 than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice and plays (make melody on) an instrument well,
for they hear your words but do not put them into practice. Ez 33:32 but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. Matt 15:11
Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? Matt 15:12
- But he answered and said, Every plant [doctrine], which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Matt 15:13
Wherefore the Lord said,
Forasmuch as this people draw near me
with their mouth,
and with their lips do honour me,
When all this comes true--and it surely will--then they will know that a prophet has been among them." Eze 33:33 And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. [pit] Matt 15:14
- Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind.
- Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols:the worm is spread under thee, and the maggots cover thee. Isaiah 14:11
Isaiah 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
but have removed their heart far from me,
and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Isa 29:13
Matt. 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of menGardner Hall: The most eloquent protests against such worldliness have come not from the more conservative elements of "the mainstream" but from progressives such as C. Leonard Allen, John Mark Hicks and Rubel Shelly. In various books and publications, they plead for more personal spirituality, Bible study and prayer even as they press for women in the pulpit, acceptance of instrumental music in worship and other elements of their progressiveagenda. The authors of the book, Kingdom Come... are from this progressive group .
However, while giving lip service to Bible study and prayer, their press for women in the pulpits and acceptance of instrumental music are two specific restrictions by Paul and the rest of the Bible which by their very nature destroy worship as giving heed to the Word of God made impossible when the laded burden or "spiritual anxiety created by religious ritual" is promoted. Or the doubtful disputations or those views which arise out of human opinion are not stifled but deliberately promoted. That makes synagogue or school of the Bible in Romans 15 impossible.
Paul outlawed vocal and stand over women because their authority or AUTHENTIA was erotic and murderous. It is not possible to have visible and vocal women PERFORMING without automatically tempting most of the males to lust of the eyes and lust of the ears. Paul prevented women from WAVING UNHOLY ARMS and insisted that the males life holy PALMS: this would prevent WRATH or Orgy which is marked by singing, playing, clapping and doing body bumps and grinds. This was always a woman's way of saying "I am available." Shame on men who would invite their wives or daughters to deliberately tempt people into sin!
Gardner Hall: The authors take a similar historical approach to the Stone-Campbell restoration movement as that taken by Richard Hughes in his 1996 book Reviving the Ancient Faith. They divide the movement into three spheres of influence:
The foundation upon which they build a continuing sectarian or divisive atmosphere is the term Stone-Campbell. The view is that the Church of Christ sected out of the Christian Churches in 1906. In fact what became the Church of Christ never "joined" the Disciples / Christian churches and Campbell mocks the Stone claim that a handshake by a few men meant that the Reformers had come over to the Stoneites. When the Disciples / Christian church tried to count the Churches of Christ in 1906 the census taker knew that it was not honest. The Christian churches (NACC) did not begin to sect out of the disciples until beginning in 1927 and got themselves detached from the Disciples census in 1971. That was the time that the unity meetings had the instrumentalists trying to infiltrate and divert happy churches of Christ.
The Stone Campbell Movement to which the Church of Christ never belonged.
Burnett denying that the Church of Christ ever joined the Disciples / Christian church.
(1) A compromising, materialistic stream represented by liberal Christian churches of today,
(2) A dogmatic and somewhat sectarian influence seen in many churches in Texas. Austin McGary and the Firm Foundation magazine represented this approach during the lifetimes of Harding and Lipscomb. It later characterized men such as R.L. Whiteside and Foy E. Wallace.
Without understanding the Biblical era concept of dogmatic, these more liberal nominal writers in the Church of Christ insist that to defend faith and practices based on the authority of the Bible is legalistic. Because it does not submit to the false views of others it is called sectarian. At the present level those who PREFER not to use instruments are accepted into the inner circle. However, those who know that the Bible condemns it and continue to refute those promoting imposing instruments into their own congregation are called ANTI-instrumentalists. These are considered unredeemable and are fair games for games fair or foul for what is called "infiltration and diversion." There has never been a "unity" meeting which has not presented the almost identical list of proof-texts defending instrumental music. The message is clear: if you add instruments then we can have unity.
A sectarian or heretic is defined in Paul's discussion of the synagogue in Romans 15 as one who lifts people up using all of the performing or hypocritic arts: rhetoric, singing, drama or playing instruments. In Romans 14 Paul silences those with doubtful disputations. This would includes most sermons and songs which inject what comes out of the human imagination which is usually evil says Scripture.
In any sense a sectarian is one who injects things like instrumental music and presiding over women exercising the authority Paul comdemned as both erotic and sexual. Paul makes many provisions to silence women who are more excitable and musical and of course males doing the same thing which would mark them as "perverted, drunk or just having fun."
Lying about the Bible to imagine the use of instruments when vocal or instrumental rejoicing is OUTLAWED by Christ who ordained the Qahal, synagogue or church in the wilderness.
The word SPEAK in the ekklesia or assembly is clearly defined as the opposite of poetry or music: that is because both are the area of myth mongers who were not permitted to write real history. Secondly, all forms of music is identifyed as enchantment or Sorcery. John calls the speakers, singers and instrument players in Revelation 18 sorcerers who HAD deceived the whole world.
You must understand that the trinity of Father, mother and son Jesus came to repudiate was Zeus, Dionysus (etc) and Demeter. When Jesus claimed to be from God, Thomas insisted SHOW US THE FATHER. Jesus chided him for not recognizing that Jesus as the Christ of God embodied Father, Son and Spirit: rejecting the trinity leaves no room for Zeus or in the modern speak Je-Zeus or hail Zeus.
Logos OPPOSITE to muthos, as history to legend, prose, OPPOSITE poiêsis, Id.R.390a; OPPOSITE to emmetros OPPOSITE. poiêtikê, D.H.Comp.6; OPPOSITE. poiêmata, ib.15; koinakaipoiêmatônkailogôn Only the words of lyric or dramatic poetry. X. the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government,
Ana logistikos judging by analogy,
Techne, skill, cunning of hand, a soothsayer
Aeschylus, Eumenides 1. And at his arrival, the people
[15] and Delphus, helmsman and lord of this land, made a great celebration for him. Zeus inspired his heart with prophetic skill and established him as the fourth prophet on this throne; but Loxias is the spokesman of Zeus, his father. These are the gods I place in the beginning of my prayer.[20] And Pallas who stands before the temple is honored in my words; and I worship the Nymphs where the Corycian rock is hollow, the delight of birds and haunt of gods. Bromius has held the region --I do not forget him-- ever since he, as a god, led the Bacchantes in war,[25] and contrived for Pentheus death as of a hunted hare. I call on the streams of Pleistus and the strength of Poseidon, and highest Zeus, the Fulfiller; and then I take my seat as prophetess upon my throne.Dogma A.that which seems to one, opinion or belief, philosophical doctrines, 2 .decision, judgement,Id.Lg.926d (pl.); public decree, ordinance
A dogmatic person is tiven to trite moralizing, given to excessive moralizing; self-righteous.
Whatever one can say about the strong views of the conservatives, there is nothing in their teaching which is DOGMA. Their stance against instruments, against women performing visible roles which arouse lust and other views were what they could find clearly taught in the Bible. On the other hand, the progressives deny that the Bible--especially the epistles--exercise any command, example or inference authority over what they do. They, therefore, are the DOGMATICS.
Dogma is the Greek Autonomia or Self made laws: 3. dogmatism it includes POETRY poi-êtikos or poetic license. Dogma would be "sermons" as opposed to "teaching" or "songs" which are SELF composed and imposed on the church as LAW.
A. freedom to use its own laws, independence,
Thucydides 3.46.[5] At present we do exactly the opposite. When a free community, held in subjection by force, rises, as is only natural, and asserts its independence, it is no sooner reduced than we fancy ourselves obliged to punish it severely;[6] although the right course with freemen is not to chastise them rigorously when they do rise, but rigorously to watch them before they rise, and to prevent their ever entertaining the idea, and, the insurrection suppressed, to make as few responsible for it as possible.For instance, Rubel Shelly teaches that "individuals have no right to read, interpret and speak the word outside of the community (commune) interpretation." Of course, the "pastor" has the right to read, interpret and speak the Word any way he wishes--and pay him too.
The Command, Example and Inference concept is well documented in the Bible, is supported by all church fathers and all founders of denominations. Those who deny God's right to command, example and infer give THEMSELVES that right. Because there are commands, examples and inferences associated instrumental music with Satan, sorcerers, warriors, sacrificial exorcists, prostitutes and Sodomites, the PROGRESSIVES actually give themselves the right to private interpret (further expound) and to ASSIST God by their own effort.
Dogma is: Poi-êtikos A.capable of making, creative, productive Opposite to praktikos or useful. Strong, vigorous. with mousikoi II. of persons, skilled in music, musical, melody, used to speak before a mob, elegant, delicate, effeminate. Hedone
The word PLAY is EPI-psallô, then you MUST define WHAT is to be played. psallere saltare elegantius
Dogma is: Hedone A. enjoyment, pleasure, first in Simon.71, S.l.c., Hdt.1.24, al.; prop. of sensual pleasures, desires after pleasure, pleasant lusts, X.Mem.1.2.23, Ep.Tit.3.3, al.
Dogma is: Charizo: In erotic sense, grant favors, to a man, comedy, gratify or indulge a humar of passion. Give up as a favor by dropping a law aimed at him,
Autonomia is used with: theôr-êtikos A. able to perceive, 2. of the mind, contemplative, speculative,Philosophy i. e. one who speculates on truth and reality, 2. of arguments, sciences, etc., scientific, philosophic,
Has the meaning of Voluntarius I. willing, of his or its own free-will, voluntary.
Autonomism The term autonomia/Autonome is derived from the Greek "auto'-nomo*s" referring to someone or something which lives by his/her own rule. Autonomy, in this sense, is not independence. While independence refers to an autarcic kind of life, separated from the community, autonomy refers to life in society but by one's own rule. Aristotle thus considered that only beasts or gods could be independent and live apart from the polis ("community"), while Kant defined the Enlightenment by autonomy of thought and the famous "Sapere aude" ("dare to know) refers to a set of left-wing political and social movements and theories close to the socialistz movement. Autonomism (autonomia), as an identifiable theoretical system, first emerged in Italy in the 1960s from workerist (operaismo) communism. anarchist tendencies Later, post-Marxist and became significant after influence from the Situationists,
Dogmatic is Theorematikos or interpreted as SEEN or the Greek Oneiros as seen in a dreem, similes or metaphors or anything unreal or fleeting
Oneiros you are telling me what I know already, oneiron hupokrinesthai 2. as pr. n. dream personified, 3.skia, in similes or metaphors, of anything unreal or fleeting,
hupokrinô 2. expound, interpret, explain, II. Att., speak in dialogue, hence play a part on the stage, the part played, an actor, tragoidias, komoidian, play, drama, 2.deliver a speech, declaim, of orators and rhetoricians, represent dramatically, ape, mimic histrionic arts, play a part, feign, pretend. Latin Canto I.Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play, sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing, C.Transf., of instruments, to sound, resound
3. in similes or metaphors, of anything unreal or fleeting, dreams of wealth,
Skia A shadow, 3.shade of one dead, phantom, proverbs of man's mortal estate, Evil spirit, uninvited guest
If anyone, while acting as ambassador or herald, conveys false messages from his State to another State, or fails to deliver the actual message he was sent to deliver, or is proved to have brought back, as ambassador or herald, either from a friendly or hostile nation, their reply in a false form,--against all such there shall be laid an indictment for breaking the law by sinning against the sacred messages and injunctions of Hermes and Zeus, and an assessment shall be made of the penalty they shall suffer or pay,
Son, and herald, of Zeus, and a master of speech (and of lies).Romans 14 outlaws DOUBTFUL DISPUTATIONS: in Romans 14 the church or SYNAGOGUE is defined EXCLUSIVELY and the INCLUSIVE of being a school of the Bible. People who observe practices which they PREFER are not to even discuss the issue in the SCHOOL.
Dogmatic is Theorematikos or interpreted as SEEN or the Greek Oneiros as seen in a dreem, similes or metaphors or anything unreal or fleeting
The only DOCTRINE of Christ is that inspired by Christ the Spirit: that includes "Moses" who defined a FALLEN people and the PROPHETS who repudiate the Civil-Military-Clergy system as parasites and robbers.
Jesus outlawed the LADED BURDEN (songs) and Paul outlawed SELF-pleasure BEFORE He included "that which is written" as the SOLE resource to be called the teachings of Christ. The "creation of mental excitement" used to please or divert people is DOGMA.
THERE IS NO DEBATE: Doctrine consists ONLY of that which Christ in person or in Spirit taught in a SPIRITUAL SENSE only through the prophets.Areskos A. pleasing, mostly in bad sense, obsequious, cringing, Arist.EN1108a28, 1126b12, Thphr.Char.5.1.
II. areskos, ho, the staff borne by pornoboskoi [brothel keeper] on the stage, Poll.4.120.Areskô I. of pers. only, make good, make amends, spondas theois aresasthai make full drink-offerings to the gods, please, satisfy, be Lord and Master.
IV. areskei is used impers. to express the opinion or resolution of a public body, also of prevailing opinions; ta areskonta the dogmas of philosophers
please, satisfy, despozô 2. c. gen., to be lord or master of, h.Cer.365, Hdt.3.142 as law-term, to be the legal proprietor,
Heredotus 3. I always disliked it that Polycrates or any other man should lord it over men like himself. Polycrates has fulfilled his destiny, and inviting you to share his power I proclaim equality.
If you hack up Scripture and SELF-promotion you are DOGMATIC which means that it is AUTO promoted. The authority Paul outlawed was Authentia or that which originates out of self. The direct command is to TEACH THAT WHICH HAS BEEN TAUGHT. Moses was PREACHED by being READ in the Synagogues: that defines the Church of Christ in the Wilderness which excluded vocal or instrumental rejoicing which would NEGATE silencing the burden laders. Paul commanded Timothy how to hold CHURCH: Read the Scriptures publically, explain any DOCTRINE included in THAT READ PORTION and admonish everyone to obey it: they say AMEN.
That would exclude SELF or AUTO composed songs or self-inflating rhetoric.
That would EXCLUDE any "resolution of a body" meaning dominant preacher and elders to COMMAND "instrumental praise." Instrumental music is defined as LEGAL MACHINERY to force submission.
That would EXCLUDE prevailing opinions as: "Our culture enjoys CCM with a Rock beat." That would be DOGMA as well as violating DOCTRINE. Doctrine includes the word SPEAK: that word speaks of the WORD or LOGOS and is the opposite of poetry or music. Hebrew Cantillation is more like SPEAK and is not metrical because NONE of the directly commanded DOCTRINAL material is metrical: you couldn't SING it in our sense if your life depended on it. Jesus spoke WITHOUT METER. That word has lots more application meaning "musical meter" than it does about an UNLIMITED AMOUNT.Gardner Hall: (3) Harding and Lipscomb represented the third stream seen among churches around 1900. The authors call it the "Nashville Bible School Tradition." Richard Hughes used the term "apocaliptic" to describe this third approach and feels that it originated with Barton W. Stone.
Ed Harrell prefers the term "cultural separatism." It was characterized by an emphasis on separation from the world, pacifism, a belief in the personal indwelling of the Spirit, concern for the poor, God’s providential intervention apart from the Word and in the case of Harding, R.H. Boll and others, premillennialism.
We will add this section later.
Progressives such as C. Leonard Allen, John Mark Hicks and Rubel Shelly. In various books and publications, they plead for more personal spirituality, Bible study and prayer even as they press for women in the pulpit, acceptance of instrumental music in worshipJoseph Campbell notes that when people lose faith in their source of religion they CRACK AWAY TO THE ARCHAIC. It comes as no surprise that the changes called progressive were maybe 3,000 years old when Moses was born. The Monarch as the PATTERNISM for the progressives was the worship; of the starry host. This was identical to that of Babylon where the Ziggurats were manned by prophets, priests, exorcists, singers, instrumentalists, cooks and prostitutes.
It is not possible for anyone to have even read the Bible without grasping that Christ speaks to the Spiritual thread only through the prophets and NOT by the Civil-Military-Priestly complex whom through Nehemiah etal identify as robbers and parasites.
We have the word of Jesus for it that doctors of the Law take away the key to knowledge: that is why Jesus took away the doctors of the law and the burden laders where burdens are defined as the pagan arousal singing with instruments. We should not expect that doctors of the Law who have been strongly deluded and therefore MARK themselves by lying wonders or all of the performing arts and crafts should be able to read black text on brown paper. For instance, the only effort to justify instruments was the psallo word discovered by the Disciples / Christian church in 1878. Even then their scholars told them they were wrong.
The word psallo or psalmos NEVER means to play a harp: it just means to pull or twitch with the fingers but NEVER with a plectrum. Therefore, you are forbidden to use a guitar pick, a trumpet, a drum, a piano or an organ.
Psalmos , ho, twitching or twanging with the fingers, psalmoi toxôn E.Ion173 (lyr.); toxêrei psalmôi [toxeusas] Id.HF1064 (lyr.).
Psalmoi toxôn does not mean "sing and play a harp" WITH a bow. Psalmoi just means pluck or twang a bow.
See our review of Danny Corbitt mocking Dr. Everett Ferguson.Euripides, Ion But I will cease from labor [145] with the laurel branch and I wil hurl from golden vases Gaia's fountain, which Castalia's eddies pour out, casting out the moist drops, [150] since I am chaste. May I never cease to serve Phoebus in this manner; or, if I do, may it be with good fortune. Ah, ah! Already the birds of Parnassus have left their nests, [155] and come here. I forbid you to approach the walls and the golden house. I will reach you with my bow, herald of Zeus [Je-Zeus by the music imposers], though you conquer I will reach you with my bow, herald of Zeus, though you conquer
[160] with your beak the strength of all other birds. Here comes another, a swan, to the rim of the temple. Move your crimson foot elsewhere! Phoebus' lyre, that sings with you,[165] would not protect you from my bow. Alter your wings' course; go to the Delian lake; if you do not obey, you will steep your lovely melody in blood.[170] Ah, ah! what is this new bird that approaches; you will not place under the cornice a straw-built nest for your children, will you? My singing bow will keep you off. Will you not obey?[175] Go away and bring up your offspring by the eddies of Alpheus, or go to the Isthmian grove, so that the offerings, and the temple of Phoebus, are not harmed. . . . and yet I am ashamed to kill you,[180] for to mortals you bear the messages of the gods; but I will be subject to Phoebus in my appointed tasks, and I will never cease my service to those who nourish me.Psallo is alway associated with Apollo, Abaddon or Apollyon: Phoebus' lyre, that sings with you,
[165] would not protect you from my bow.
ouden s' ha phorminx ha Phoibou 165
summolpos toxôn rhusait' an.
parage pterugas:
Phorm-inx A. lyre, as the instrument of Apollo. 2. ph. achordos, metaph. for a bow, Arist.Rh.1413a1.
psalmoi s' eirxousin toxôn. ou peisêi; chôrôn dinais
Here psalmoi means just SINGING. Melody is aoide meaning "the act of singing."
Here the singing is something the BOW does which is not tuneful.
If you want to PLAY a harp you must indicate what is to be plucked. The word for an accompanied song is naturally used in the Bible from cover to cover.
Anti-psallô , a stringed instrument in accompaniment of song, a. elegois phormingaAr.Av.218 .
Ar.Av.218 .Aristophanes, Birds
Epops rushes into the thicket.
From within; singing.
Chase off drowsy sleep, dear companion.
[210] Let the sacred hymn gush from thy divine throat in melodious strains; roll forth in soft cadence your refreshing melodies to bewail the fate of Itys, which has been the cause of so many tears to us both.[215] Your pure notes rise through the thick leaves of the yew-tree right up to the throne of Zeus, where Phoebus listens to you, Phoebus with his golden hair. And his ivory lyre responds to your plaintive accents;[220] he gathers the choir of the gods and from their immortal lips pours forth a sacred chant of blessed voices.Not commanded by Paul: PsaltOideo sing to the harp 2 Chron 5:[13] it happened, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard
Not commanded by Paul: Psaltos sung to the harp, sung OF Translated sing in Psalm 119:54
Not commanded by Paul: KitharOidesis singing to the cithra. A note would be plucked and voice matched.
NONE OF THESE ARE USED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: simple! Church is a School of the Bible
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