Led As A Lamb Before The Slaughter

See also Kill ; Murder ; Slay
  • Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter: Acts 9:1 .
  • great slaughters with the sword among my people: 1 Ne. 12:2 .
  • great and terrible was the slaughter thereof: 3 Ne. 4:11 .

The sounds in the wilderness were CERTAIN and at Mount Sinai Moses said he didn't hear the sounds of people going to war or celebrating the defeat of the enemy.  It is the sound of SINGING that I hear: this marked the worship of the golden calf.  When the people were called to assemble in the Qahal or Synagogue:

But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. Nu 10:7

Ruwa (h7321) roo-ah'; a prim. root; to mar (espec. by breaking); fig. to split the ears with sound, i. e. shout (for alarm or joy): - blow an alarm, cry (alarm, aloud, out), destroy, make a joyful noise, smart, shout for joy, sound an alarm, triumph.


By this I know that thou favourest me, because mine enemy (Judas) doth not triumph over me. Ps.41:11

But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. H7321
Numbers 10:9 And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm H7321 with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.

Jer 11:16
The Lord called thy name, A green olive tree
, fair, and of goodly fruit: with the noise of a great tumult he hath kindled fire upon it, and the branches of it are broken
Jeremiah 11:17 For the LORD of hosts, that planted thee, hath pronounced evil against thee, for the evil of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah, which they have done against themselves to provoke me to anger in offering incense unto Baal.
lībo: delibutus I.to take a little from any thing
2. To pour out in honor of a deity, to make a libation of any thing:
3. To pour out as an offering, to offer, dedicate, consecrate:
carmen aris,Prop. 4 (5), 6, 8.

Carmen , I.a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto), carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonuscarmine vocali clarus citharāque Philammon,
Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis,

Ov. Met. 11.317 The sonne of lyghtsum Lucifer, king Ceyx (who in face
Exprest the lively beawtye of his fathers heavenly grace,)
Without all violent rigor and sharpe executions reignd
In Trachin.
See Divina and Lectio Divnia
Lucifer or Phosphorus "the bringer of light"). The name of the planet Venus, when seen in the morning before sunrise. The same planet was called Hesperus, Vesperugo, Vesper, Noctifer, or Nocturnus, when it appeared in the heavens after sunset. Lucifer as a personification is called a son of Astraeus and Aurora or Eos, of Cephalus and Eos, or of Atlas By Philonis he is said to have been the father of Ceyx. He is also called the father of Daedalion and of the Hesperides. Lucifer is also a surname of several goddesses of light, as Artemis, Aurora, and Hecaté.

Jeremiah 11:18 And the LORD hath given me knowledge of it,
        and I know it: then thou shewedst me their doings.
Jeremiah 11:19 But I was like a lamb or an ox that is brought to the slaughter;
         and I knew not that they had devised devices against me, saying,
         Let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof,
         and let us cut him off from the land of the living,
         that his name may be no more remembered.

Those who get a vision to MOCK JESUS in fulfillment of prophecy ALSO rush to remove CHRIST from their public confession.
Mansŭesco ,
I. Act., to tame, to make tame B. Trop., to render mild, gentle, or peaceable:
nam me jam ab orationibus dijungo fere, referoque ad mansuetiores Musas,Cic. Fam. 1, 9, 23: “ira,Ov. Tr. 3, 6, 23.—
dēlūbrum , i, n. de-luo, the place of expiation, cella [holy place as a house only for a god]noctu audita ex delubro vox est, etc.,Liv. 29, 18: “so coupled with templa,id. 30, 20:

wickedly, profanely illūdo to play at or with any thing, to sport with, amuse one's self with (syn. colludo; cf. ludificor). 1. To make sport or game of, to jest, mock, or jeer at, to ridicule (class.).
1. To scoff or mock at, to make a laughing-stock of, to ridicule ipsa praecepta (rhetorum),Cic. de Or. 1, 19, 87: “voces Neronis, quoties caneret,Tac. A. 14, 52: verbis virtutem superbis, Verg. A. 9, 634.—
Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, I.a  muse, one of the goddesses of poetry, music,
Musarum delubra,Cic. Arch. 11, 27: “hic Musarum parens domusque Pieria, Mela, 2, 3, 2: crassiore Musā,
A. A song, a poem: “musa procax,Hor. C. 2, 1, 37
Dumb means the inability to MEDITATE on what is going on. 
cōgĭto The command is to SPEAK the Word and MEDITATE in the heart: not to make music.
Cogitation in a rational sense can be stopped by (d). With de: “cogitavit etiam de Homeri   carminibus abolendis,
Acts 8:32 The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:

Matthew 27:29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head,
        and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him,
        and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
Matthew 27:28 And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
Matthew 27:31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him,
        and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
Empaizō , fut. to be deluded  II. sport in or on, “hōs nebros khloerais e. leimakos hēdonaisE.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois khoroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; “ gumnasiōLuc.Lex.5.
-Prospaizô2. abs., sport, jest3. laugh at, make fun or sport ofsing to the gods, sing in their praise or honour, 2. banter, tous rhêtoras

2 Peter 3 Marks of the End Time Mockers

2 Peter 3:2 That ye may
        be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets,
        and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

That is the CURRICULUM for DISCIPLES who attend the School of the Word and not pagan ceremonial legalism

2 Peter 3:3 ¶ Knowing this first,
        that there shall come in the last days scoffers,
        walking after their own lusts,


-Aristoph. Thes.[947] Let us now devote ourselves to the sports which the women are accustomed to celebrate here, when time has again brought round the mighty Mysteries of the great goddesses, the sacred days which Pauson himself honours by fasting and would wish feast to succeed feast, that he might keep them all holy. Spring forward with a light step, whirling in mazy circles; let your hands interlace, let the eager and rapid dancers sway to the music and glance on every side as they move. - 

Great Goddesses:

Paizo dance, play a game,  4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., Pan ho kalamo phthongapaizôn [played on a reed]Ar.Ra.230 ; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.5. play amorously, prosallêlous X.Smp.9.2 ; metatinosLXX Ge.26.8 ; of mares, Arist.HA572a30.

-Orgia sacrifices to Aphrodite A.secret rites, secret worship, practised by the initiated, of the Cabeiri and Demeter Achaia, most freq. of the rites of Dionysus, Cogn erdō, rhezō, cf. ergon, orgeōn.
Kukleo whirl round and round, encompass
[959] Chorus Let the chorus sing likewise and praise the Olympian gods in their pious transport. It's wrong to suppose that, because I am a woman and in this temple, I am going to speak ill of men; [966] but since we want something fresh, we are going through the rhythmic steps of the round dance for the first time. Matthew 27:29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head,
        and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him,
        and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
Matthew 27:28 And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
Matthew 27:31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him,
        and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
Empaizō , fut. to be deluded  II. sport in or on, “hōs nebros khloerais e. leimakos hēdonaisE.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois khoroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; “ gumnasiōLuc.Lex.5.
-Prospaizô2. abs., sport, jest3. laugh at, make fun or sport ofsing to the gods, sing in their praise or honour, 2. banter, tous rhêtoras

2 Peter 3 Marks of the End Time Mockers

2 Peter 3:2 That ye may
        be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets,
        and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

That is the CURRICULUM for DISCIPLES who attend the School of the Word and not pagan ceremonial legalism

2 Peter 3:3  Knowing this first,
        that there shall come in the last days scoffers,
        walking after their own lusts,


-Aristoph. Thes.[947] Let us now devote ourselves to the sports which the women are accustomed to celebrate here, when time has again brought round the mighty Mysteries of the great goddesses, the sacred days which Pauson himself honours by fasting and would wish feast to succeed feast, that he might keep them all holy. Spring forward with a light step, whirling in mazy circles; let your hands interlace, let the eager and rapid dancers sway to the music and glance on every side as they move. - 

Great Godesses:

Paizo dance, play a game,  4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., Pan ho kalamo phthongapaizôn [played on a reed]Ar.Ra.230 ; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.5. play amorously, prosallêlous X.Smp.9.2 ; metatinosLXX Ge.26.8 ; of mares, Arist.HA572a30.

-Orgia sacrifices to Aphrodite A.secret rites, secret worship, practised by the initiated, of the Cabeiri and Demeter Achaia, most freq. of the rites of Dionysus, Cogn erdō, rhezō, cf. ergon, orgeōn.
Kukleo whirl round and round, encompass
[959] Chorus Let the chorus sing likewise and praise the Olympian gods in their pious transport. It's wrong to suppose that, because I am a woman and in this temple, I am going to speak ill of men; [966] but since we want something fresh, we are going through the rhythmic steps of the round dance for the first time.