Tom Haddon's Homebuilders class Madison Church of Christ Nashville Tom Haddon's Hombuilders at Madison Church of Christ, Nashville: Transcribed by Bobby M. Johnson 5/30/01 thru 6/5/01 Madison member since 1985 Transcript of Homebuilders sunday school class. A recording of Tom Haddon on how to transition the congregation to Saddleback and Holy entertainment in Homebuilders Class.
Even though the SABBATH or REST day for the "church in the wilderness" outlawed vocal or instrumental rejoicing so that the "synagogue" as school of the Bible could exist as a Holy Convocation, Tom Haddon and all such change agents INSIST that they have the right to destroy that rest by destroying their Comfort Zones. Click to see how this is part of Lynn Anderson and family's claim to navigate the winds of change.
Jesus died to give us REST which is "spiritual anxiety created by religious rituals." The laded burdens were spicificially the arousal songs the demagogues used to exercise dominion over people.If you are studying the Holy Spirit at Madison you might want to bone up on Max Lucado and Rubel Shelly who are quite unique in defining the Holy Spirit as a third member of the God "family." There is no Biblical or historical scholarship which does not go to the extreme when defining the TRINITY without warning that the Godhead is NEVER SEPARATED into three PERSONS. Rather, the Godhead is manifested in three and often many more forms of PERSONAE or manifestations. Paul Tillich warns that before the liberal 19th century it would have been blasphemy to call the Godhead persons instead of personae or ways in which the Invisible God makes Himself known in the world.
John Mark Hicks warns that the INCARNATIONAL views of Max Lucado and Rubel Shelly diminishes the humanity of Jesus Christ. That "denies that Christ came fully in the flesh" and that we relate to Jesus the Man as the visible image of the invisible God. Therefore, we do not relate to a SUBSTITUTE for the Son whose first name is HOLY and last name is SPIRIT. Tshis refusal to deal with a human Jesus leads to charismatic and musical pseudo-worship trying to get and peddle drug-induced FEELINGS as the movement of one third of the God FAMILY. This is defined by John as tampering with being an anti-Christ:
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 1Jn.4:3
This anti-Christ view refuses to credit the once-delivered Word of Jesus which He defined as "Spirit and Life" (John 6:63) and attempting to ascend or force Christ to descend to bring a better message. This anti-word view has produced the CORE GOSPEL driving many churches.
God is pure or holy Spirit but neither in Greek nor Hebrew does the word for "spirit" speak of a person or human-like being. Rather, the spirit means THE MENTAL DISPOSITION OF a Being. In this case, Paul defined the Holy Spirit to us as THE MIND OF CHRIST (1 Cor. 2).
In churches of Christ this was the universal view prior to H. Leo Boles, Max Lucado and Rubel Shelly who have made SPIRITISM into a cottage industry.
See how Kregg Hood infiltrates with the legalistic TITHE
See How Hitler Defines the Process of the Purpose Driven Cult.
Donnie Cruz Letter to the Elders
The purpose driven church turns the church into a theater for what they call "holy entertainment." This has the effect of driving away the older people and one of the Madison take over leaders made it public that "we are just waiting for the old folks to die so we can take over."
Holy entertainment also diminishes the bible classes and turns them into entertainment so that the kids will not have a negative view about church. The preacher is replaced with a musical worship facilitator who, it is claimed, leads the worshipers into the presence of God. This says that the musicians replace Christ as the only mediator or intercessor between man and God.
It is important to grasp that THE WORD MUSIC IS NOT AN OPERATIVE WORD FOR THE WORSHIP OF A SPIRIT GOD. The "singing" passages are really Teaching or Preaching passages; the material is the revealed Word of Christ (Spirit) and the singing and melody are "in the heart." This is true because Jesus says that worship is IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH. This means that worship is not "enthusiastic" but is in the MIND as the new PLACE for worship. Any external diversion such as performance music makes in spirit worship impossible.
Music throughout the Old Testament was both the cause and MARK that people would not listen to the Word of God. Modern scholars make the claim that "musical instruments are from the demons and there is no other tradition." Music is not evil but it is a most powerful weapon to silence the mind so that we cannot make spiritual judgments. We have added additional notes at the end of this review.
"In English, unfortunately, the distinction is not sharp, and the word singing is frequently employed to refer to the sacred activity of chanting.
A Greek would never, never say tragoudo (I sing),
-----instead of psallo; the two terms have connotations and
-----associations which are worlds apart --the first is related to the earthly realm,
----- the second to the heavenly." (Letter to James D. Bales of Harding University, September 22, 1959, from Constantine Cavarnos, of the Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.)CONEYBEARE AND HOWSON
"Ephesians 5:19 enjoins:
(1) Speaking TO ONE ANOTHER in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs;
----- (2) singing (adontes) and making melody (psallontes, psalming)
----- with your heart TO THE LORD.One is done with voice and lips,
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
----- the other with the heart.
teaching and admonishing one another
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col 3:16
The commanded act is not to SING but to teach or preach:
Didasko (g1321) did-as'-ko; a prol. (caus.) form of a prim. verb dao, (to learn); to teach (in the same broad application): - teach
To "get the drift" of the proposal from the young marrieds group you may just read the material in the colored boxes.
2/25/01 (or 3/25/01 date unsure) As Posted by Bobby M. Johnson Transcribed by Bobby M. Johnson 5/30/01 thru 6/5/01 Madison member since 1985
- Transcript of Homebuilders sunday school class. A recording of Tom
- Haddon on how to transition the congregation to Saddleback and Holy
- entertainment in Homebuilders Class.
- It could be also be called "How to cook a Frog"
- 1. Never throw the frog into boiling water!
- 2. Always turn the heat up gradually.
- 3. Hold the frogs hand until the water reaches boiling point.
- 4. By the time the frog is cooked, he never knows he's been boiled.
Important Note: BMJ will show in parenthesis a brief phrase, words, or word to locate a particular paragraph or collection of messages from Tom's class. No attempt is made to interpret Tom's teachings and parables or what he means. Exact words are transcribed along with the spelling or misspelling to relate exactly how Tom pronounced the words. Please do not think BMJ to be illiterate or uneducated. Transcribing this tape was near impossible. Patience and Christian love is needed. You must read, read, read, -- read , and read again. Then when you are through reading you must read again what Tom says to understand. This will be very clear as you proceed.
"Out of the box" or not marked BMJ are comments by Kenneth Sublett.
Tom Haddon (and only Tom) is
1. (Entertainment and holy entertainment - making words unobjectionable.) Last week we talked about Entertainment. --Uh, that's kind of where we started. What we said was if the word entertainment does mean to divert ones attention,
DEFINITION AND ETHICS OF A COMMUNITY: Aristotle, Politics: [1252a][1] Every state is as we see a sort of partnership, [community: Oikonomos] and every partnership is formed with a view to some good (since all the actions of all mankind are done with a view to what they think to be good). It is therefore evident that, while all partnerships aim at some good the partnership that is the most supreme of all and includes all the others does so most of all, and aims at the most supreme of all goods; and this is the partnership entitled the state, the political association DIVERSION OF TABERNACLE MINISTERS
DIVERSION OF ELDERS Those who intentionall DIVERTED Madison began by DIVERTING the elders: one dominant elder in the conspiracy and the other elders being DIVERTED. About half of the house leaders were driven OUT because they disagreed. Undoubtedly other elders hung on to their office but disagreed with what
Optional background to making objectionable words unobjectable.
The proposal is to turn church (synagogue or school) into a mass spectacle. The terms used are quite identical to neo-paganism or witchcraft.
To the minimally Biblically literate the notion of "holy entertainment" is as much an objection as the ancient co-partner of "holy entertainment" which was "holy sex." To the Christian mind one cannot "color" or "baptize" ancient paganism to make the prophesied "holy whore" be more attractive.
Aristotle, Poetics notes that "entertainment" MEANS diversion. Why else would one turn "synagogue" into "theater?"
"The fourth kind is the Simple. [We here exclude the purely spectacular element], exemplified by the Phorcides, the Prometheus, and scenes laid in Hades.
The poet should endeavor, if possible, to combine all poetic elements; or failing that, the greatest number and those the most important; the more so, in face of the caviling criticism of the day. For whereas there have hitherto been good poets, each in his own branch, the critics now expect one man to surpass all others in their several lines of excellence.
Note: The text is obscure, and our ignorance of the play or rhapsody adds to the darkness,
but the reference may be to the ruse, common in detective stories,
of misleading the audience by false clues in order to make the final revelation more effective.
The "navigating the winds of change" to destroy the church are defined by Hitler in Mein Kampf:
"Albert Speer recognized the compelling potency of mass spectacle in orchestrating the Nuremberg rallies for Hitler and the Nazi Party. Mass spectacles ranging from tedious mechanical parades
to enormous stadium and arena rallies
have become a perfected art form for totalitarian regimes."One thinks of the choreographed performances honoring "the great leader" not only from the Nazi era, but in later authoritarian and totalistic societies such as Stalinist Russia, China, Korea, or Albania.
"Regardless of the explicit ideology, such mass spectacles inevitably carry an implicit message of suspension of individual consciousness, subordination to "the greater,"
and induce a sense of being immersed - or swept along - in a cause, program, ideology or belief greater and more important than one's self.
One is humbled both literally and metaphorically before "the greater" - be it an ideology, god, movement, or all three. See Signs of a Cult.
Paul in 2 Thessalonians identified the man of sin in terms implicating Judas as well as Apollo or Abaddon or Apollyon in the book of Revelation. Apollo was the "Saddle Back Samael." among the Greeks. He established a Seeker Center at Delphi which included women prophesiers, instrumental music, a gymnasium, swimming pools, a theater and everthing the heart could lust after:
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thess 2:3
Escapatao (g1818) ex-ap-at-ah'-o; from 1537 and 538; to seduce wholly: - beguile, deceive.
The man of sin is apoleia or Apollyon or Abbadon: See His Seeker Center and the music connection. He uses music and his preside-over "preachers with a tune" are women or the effeminate:
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth (dwells) in the temple (naos) of God, shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thess 2:4
The "liturgy area" is the holy place in cathedral architecture: musical worship teams are standing in the holy place claiming to be mediators or that their "awsome" power comes from GOD: the idolatry of talent.
It cannot be refuted: anyone who replaces Christ's Words with His words is EXALTING HIMSELF over Christ. This means that he claims to BE God:
Who exalteth himself Huperairomai (g5229) hoop-er-ah'ee-rom-ahee' mid. from 5228 and 142; to raise oneself over, i.e. (fig.) to become haughty: - exalt self, be exalted above measure.
Aristotle, Politics: "if music is to be employed for refined enjoyment and entertainment; why need people learn to perform themselves instead of enjoying music played by others? And we may consider the conception that we have about the gods: Zeus does not sing and harp to the poets himself. But professional musicians we speak of as vulgar people, and indeed we think it not manly to perform music, except when drunk or for fun."
Shewing himself: Apodeiknumi (g584) ap-od-ike'-noo-mee; from 575 and 1166; to show off, i.e. exhibit: fig. to demonstrate, i.e. accredit: - (ap) prove, set forth, shew.
That he/she is God:
"We are called to be kings and priests (I Peter 2:9). In this study I would like to focus especially on the priesthood and some of the functions which they were responsible for, as well as how these functions relate to dance particularly in regards to intercession Webster's defines a priest as,
"One authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion;
especially as a mediatory agent between man and God." Click for more.
However, she/he is destroyed by the Word:
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2 Thess 2: 8
Music replacing giving heed to God's word as "worship" in the Old Testament had two roles: first it was the cause of people hungering and thirsting for the Word of God. More importantly, musical worship was the dying song of a people doomed and beyond redemption:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs (MARKS) and lying wonders, 2 Thess 2: 9
Jesus identifed the "Devil" as a liar because "he speaks of his own." If he does not speak the Word of Christ it is because "there is no light within him."
And with all deceivableness (DIVERTING YOU) of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2 Th. 2:10
Here is how he DIVERTED with theatrical performance:
Apate (g539) ap-at'-ay; from 538; delusion: - deceit (- full, -fulness), deceivableness (-ving).
He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. Mt.13:22
RICHES: Ploutos (g4149) ploo'-tos; from the base of 4130; wealth (as fulness), i.e. (lit.) money, possessions, or (fig.) abundance, richness, (spec.) valuable bestowment: - riche
And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting (the play at Mount Sinai sport or entertain) themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; 2 Pe.2:13
"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589). See Are Human Hymns Idols?
Catholic Encyclopedia on Candles:
"We must not forget that most of these adjuncts to worship, like music, lights, perfumes, ablutions, floral decorations, canopies, fans, screens, bells, vestments, etc. were not identified with any idolatrous cult in particular; they were common to almost all cults.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion (the wandering STARS of Enoch), that they should believe a lie: 2 Thess 2:11
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thess 2:12
"The notion of music as a tool or technology with a clearly defined purpose is very prevalent in the East. In the West that view is held by some, but others believe that music is entertainment or art and nothing more.
Those who take the latter view tend to believe that music is the product of a individual, while those who take the the former usually believe that music is the product of a group of people, or of the gods, acting through people.
"In many religious contexts, music is less an expressive 'art' than a technology applied to produce practical results,
from the storage and retrieval of information contained in religious narratives and teachings memorized in song
to the attraction of animals in hunting, increase of harvests, curing of diseases, communication with the divine, supplication, and control of the various levels of psychocosmic experience. While aesthetic beauty may or may not be integral to such technologies, individual self-expression plays little part in them and may be detrimental to their intended results (Ellingson 164).
See how the performing arts in ancient religions often enrages the masculine --- Second Part.
How To Force The Introduction of HOLY ENTERTAINMENT
against the will of the members.
This is defined by Lynn Anderson in Navigating the Winds of Change promoting instrumental music and the Shepherding movement. This means that they have been caught and will have to back off and "teach safe doctrine" until things cool down. God was
filled with the "worship of the starry host" to
which He abandoned Israel because of musical
idolatry at Mount Sinai: they believed that
mouth religion appeased or seduced God.
However, Jesus identifies the Scribes and
Pharisees as hypocrites by pointing to
rhetoricians, singers and instrument players.
Seek is:
That is what Paul told Timothy to do: give attendance to the public reading of the Word. And those who "worshiped" God "gave heed" to His word. That is the meaning of worship in spirit. That is my mind as the new PLACE of worship. And it is in Truth which is the Words of Christ which He defined as spirit and life (John 6:63). That is the meaning of the passages erroneously interpreted as "musical" worship. Plato notes that:
The Saddleback Parallel: "everything is done so that the people really won't understand what is happening" "Right, the other thing they do, is that they will split the service and they will have a traditional service for the elderly people who don't want to go into these changes and then they will have a second, more contemporary service for the youth." This is the ancient story of Genun (Jubal, etc) used by Satan to seduce the youth through mixed-sex choirs, instrumental music, dancing and perverted sexuality. Jude quotes Enoch to show that these are the deceivers for whom "God and ten thousand of His Host are coming to judge" because it was all a children's game to TAKE AWAY THE KEY TO KNOWLEDGE.
However, these are external, sensual, without a spiri, divisive:
But to worship "in spirit" and in "truth":
In all of the Biblical "musical" events, the music is at first the CAUSE but then the MARK that those who went to great, divisive effort to keep God from speaking through HIS Word were beyond redemption. Their "captivity" by pagan systems was God pouring out His wrath. |
To Paul, the "many" are always wrong. Therefore, that is why Paul was inspired to tell us how to behave in church and how not to behave. The church is the truth dispenser of God and not the Holy Wineskin Tavern:
But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 1 tim 3:15
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1 tim 3:16
NOW the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 1 Ti. 4:1
Speaking lies in hypocrisy (actors); having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 1 tim 4:2
> Jude quotes the Book of Enoch who connects "God coming with ten thousand of His saints to execute judgment." The dause of the unforgivable sin was to keep the Word of God out of the hands of people. That is, their task was to "Divert people's attention."
> The "way" they diverted people's attention was that Satan taught Genun (Jubal) how to organize mixed-sex choirs, use instrumental music and the dressed-up, ornamented women to seduce people. The Lucifer figure was bisexual but predominately female. He/She is Sophia-Zoe in the ancient traditions. Sophia is identified as the "serpent" the giver of all wisdom and Zoe is called the "BEAST" and she forced brother Logos (Jesus) and the lesser jehovah into musical worship teams to worship HER. Musical worship IS GODDESS WORSHIP.
> The natural world obeyed God's will but only men refused to have the knowledge of God in their minds.
> Those who were lost beyond redemption used "Unholy entertainment" or the lust of the eyes, flesh and ears to triumph over God by triumphing over His Word.
Giving attendance or giving heed to the Words of Christ is the truest form of worship by a direct command of Christ. Only by listening to the Word (Spirit) of Christ can we keep ourselves protected from the "fables" of the musical composers:
Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. Tit.1:14
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. 2 Cor 4:16
Now, no disciple of Christ ever enjoyed "holy entertainment" but gave their lives which always results in being "despised and rejected of men."]
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 2 Cor 4:17
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Co.4:18
So, Paul was not speaking of deliberately deceiving people. Rather, he identified anything related to the human body or the works or talents of human hands as the seen. By definition if we can see it it is not the spiritual kingdom of God which is "within you." The unseen is not the slight of hand tricks of men but the heavenly realm where we have our inheritance laid up and where we meet God as we come boldly before the throne of Grace.
Any "musical" Levite (never truly existed) who tried to escort me, the priest, into the throne room with "holy entertainment" would be run through with a sword. And we fear that those promoting holy entertainment in the presence of a Holy God may have been terminally wounded by the Sword of the Spirit.
Tom Haddon: 2. (Leadership) We spoke about leadership. I'm not going to say any more about leadership except to say there are principles I'm talking about. They apply in our family, our business, and in our church.
There are people who have to be led and our leaders have to know where we're goin'-.
(BMJ's Note: Tom describes an airplane trip to Columbus. A couple of older ladies talk about Cincinnati. Tom is worried that he has gotten on a plane to Cincinnati instead of Columbus.- short version.)
You know the most unsettling times in any situation in life is when you think you are on a road one place and
all of a sudden things happen around you, and you may not understand them all and you could be totally wrong,
but all of a sudden you think you are on a train headed one place and,
but you think the train is going somewhere else.That's all I'm going to say about leadership.
3. (Leadership - phase 2)
Leaders in the world know how to direct a train.
They know how to get all the people on board.
When I say all, realize that there may be people who get off because they don't want to go to Cincinnati.
And we have to accept that.
There may be people who get off because they just want to go to Columbus and they don't want to go over here.
And we accept that.
Because "church" is also "synagogue" its primary funciton is defined by Paul to Timothy: "Give yourself to the public reading of the Word, to doctrine and to exhortation." The "church" has no other agenda and therefore does not need a CONDUCTOR TO TAKE YOU WHERE YOU HAVE NOT DARED TO GO BEFORE. Christ died to build the train and the tracks. If the conductor wants to take it for a seeker trip out through the sands then the conductor does not have Christ's authority.
The way to get everyone "on board" is to follow the plan of Christ. We noted that Paul told the musical, vegetarian Orphics and the musical, meat-eating, wine-drinking background Dionysics that they could be united only by leaving their culture out of the "synagogue" process and just teach the Word as Christ inspired it. Isaiah 5 and Amos 5 speak of musical festivals which replaced the Word of God. The result was that people hungered and thirsted for the Word but went into captivity because the "elders" were off feeding themselves:
And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits (the gong and cymbal image of 1 Cor 13:1), and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? Isa 8:19
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isa 8:20
And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward. Isa 8:21
But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him. Jn.11:10
Entertainment as "worship" was always unholy entertainment. The "musical" worship condemned by Amos was a "festival with and for dead ancestors" or demons.
Tom Haddon: But we do whatever we can in love to get everybody on board and that takes time, and it takes patience,and it takes people who are being led
by people who say,look we may have to divert a little bit here.
We may have to fly around the storm.We may have to scoot over because we don't want to hit headlong into an iceberg,
but our basic direction is unchanged, and everybody knows where we are going.
That's all I'm going to say about leadership.
Umm --- let me say when I say that too, I think we have some wonderful leaders here. I really do.
The "tracks" of Christ and Paul are that we are to be a synagogue or school and not a pagan worship center which must DIVERT to pick up the more modern tribe of SEEKERS.
When believers are baptized, Jesus puts them all on board the Train already on track with Him as the One and Only Conductor. If you change the "train" He originally put us on then you are not the conductor on the Christian Train. How can anyone pretend to be a "christ" for their Church with a new mandate so powerful that you must SUBMIT as we SOW YOU WITH DISCORD?
Quick success is tempting but:
Neo-paganism says: "Try this: When the cue is given, have your chant facilitators step three paces towards the center, turn around with their arms held high, and gradually lover their arms as they lower and slow their voices (and the musicians lower and slow their music). The presiding clergyperson can be doing the same gesture near the main altar, slowly rotating in her/his place. The chant will end with everyone slowly whispering it, then stopping simultaneously. The chant facilitators can then return to their previous positions, and the energies in the grove will be at a strong and steady peak. (This technique will work even better if it's been used a few times earlier in the rite, or at previous ceremonies.) [This is reaching the Climax with God]
"It's important to remember that the primary purpose of all these Praise Offerings is to raise as much psychic/magical/spiritual power as possible, all of it focussed around the deities of the occasion -- not to boost the egos of the performers (that can be a secondary or tertiary purpose).
By the time the last Praise Offering is done, the grove should be charged up with as much energy as it is capable of generating.
"Praise" as a "public ritual" was always to allow those assuming "leadership" to help give the gods power so that they would not fail to deliver the goods. All praise is an attempt to "appease the evil gods, sexually serve the good gods and empower the weak gods." "Praise rituals" therefore repudiate the finished work of Christ and are in reality a wailing cry of lostness echoing down through the corridors of time from the first fall. Click for collected notes.
Hell itself, Topheth, is named after the "King's music grove" where they degenerated into burning babies to the beat of loud musid so that they could get a better message than the one God had delivered to them.
God personally is behind "musical worship" as He hustles the Egyptians, Assyrians (Babylonians) and Jews into captivity and death: they are "musicially triumphed over" just as the Jews led by Judas tried to musically triumph over Jesus.
The more "entertaining" the music sounds as it grinds the lust of the eyes, flesh and ears into a fine powder (melody or harmony) the more certain that you are on the Train To Captivity because you have enjoyed the entertainment as proof of your lack for the love of the Word of Christ. And if the Bible examples are any indication you ain't gonna get off this train!
Tom Haddon: 4. (No surprises, a morning shower and a surprise birthday party, & surprises in worship.) No surprises. That was one of the things I had. No surprises.
Sometimes you say you want us, you know, well you know when, let's just surprise people when you get on an airplane an,
an they think they are goin' to Columbus an,
but let's just send them to Cincinnati. You don't want to be surprised.A lot of us know what it's like to be surprised, don't we? Surprises --- you know how would you like a surprise shower --- a surprise birthday party when you stepped out of the shower one morning? Sometimes that's what surprises in worship are like. You just feel violated all of a sudden you know. You just uh --- uh. We don't want surprises.
So what WE must do is just let them think that they are going to Columbus but WE will send them to Cincinatii. Now, that will be acceptable if we just teach, teach, teach to change THEIR destination to YOUR destination. Divert means deceive.
So, dodge and weave: don't drive them over the edge or brink of a psychic breakdown. Teach, teach, teach so that THEY believe that THEY are doing the thinking.
Tom Haddon: . (Teach, teach, teach, teach, teach, teach, teach, teach ----.) We want to teach about where we are going. We want to lead people.
I was hopin' an prayin' I could say this in a way that didn't turn people off. And that uh, that uh, that was humorous and still got a point across.
We need to teach, teach, teach, teach, teach, teach, teach, and then when we are through teaching, we need to teach some more.
And many times it can't just come from our pulpit.
And we're in a precarious situation right here because we have no fulltime pulpit minister and that means we have to become teachers ourselves. And when we see people hurting we need to be about the business of healing those hurts, and helping those hurts.
These "hurts" have been caused by the "Holy Entertainment" crowd. Without a preacher this means that we are gonna have to help the hurts. No. We cannot take the knife out of their back: we have to teach, teach, teach until they don't hurt anymore.
Ministers serve but if a facility is built on a preacher and its financing is predicated upon attracting people through "holy entertainment" then you are in the same position as the Jews and God may just turn the temple over to worship the idols. Entertainment and the Gymnasium was the first sign of the Abomination of Desolation:
From them came forth a sinful root, Antiochus Epiphanes, son of Antiochus the king; he had been a hostage in Rome. He began to reign in the one hundred and thirty-seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks. 1 Macc 1:10
In those days lawless men came forth from Israel, and misled many, saying,
"Let us go and make a covenant with the Gentiles round about us, for since we separated from them many evils have come upon us." 1 Macc 1: 11
This proposal pleased them, 1 Macc 1: 12
and some of the people eagerly went to the king. He authorized them to observe the ordinances of the Gentiles. 1 Macc 1: 13
So they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem, according to Gentile custom, 1 Macc 1: 14
Athenian There is a tradition or story, which has somehow crept about the world,
that Dionysus was robbed of his wits by his stepmother Hera,
and that out of revenge he inspires Bacchic furies and dancing madnesses in others;for which reason he gave men wine.
Such traditions concerning the gods I leave to those who think that they may be safely uttered; I only know that no animal at birth is mature or perfect in intelligence; and in the intermediate period,
in which he has not yet acquired his own proper sense, he rages and roars without rhyme or reason;
and when he has once got on his legs he jumps about without rhyme or reason; and this, as you will remember,
has been already said by us to be the origin of music and gymnastic.
It is important that we teach the "word as it has been taught" because the needs for the property can divert you into the feeling of panic:
Arnobius writing (A.D. 297-303) Ridicules instrumental music in worship notes.
Nay, rather, to speak out more truly, the augurs, the dream interpreters, the soothsayers, the prophets, and the priestlings, ever vain, have devised these fables; for they,
fearing that their own arts be brought to nought, and that they may extort but scanty contributions from the devotees, now few and infrequent,
whenever they have found you to be willing that their craft should come into disrepute, cry aloud,
the Gods are neglected, and in the temples there is now a very thin attendance. For ceremonies are exposed to derision, and the time-honoured rites of institutions once sacred have sunk before the superstitions of new religions.
And men--a senseless race--being unable, from their inborn blindness, to see even that which is placed in open light,
dare to assert in their frenzy
what you in your sane mind do not blush to believe. (Arnobius Against the Heathen, Ante-Nicene Fathers, VI, p. 418).
The "Builders (old folk) believed in Black and White. And the Bible has some very black and white ideas. For instance, neither in black, white or color is music every an operative word for either Jewish or Christian worship. Worship has been literally bowing or falling on your face but in a spiritual sense it is bowing to the Will of God. Giving heed to God's word was the meaning of both the synagogue and early churches. People fell on their faces when the instrumental sounders made a great crashing sound but this was not music. And if we restore it all over again we repeat the effort of the Jews to defeat Jesus with music and 'holy entertainment' with Him as the victim. This is how Anti-Christ would do it.
Tom Haddon: 6. (Conflict, painting in black and white, now color is out, the struggle, and the clash.) And the conflict comes in there because what's the best way to me is not the necessarily the best way to others.
And I have people who come in you know and they say can't you just paint this in black and white?
Can't you do that? You know it's been black and white for years.
It's been --- you know this, this is the way it is, --- black and white.And, and there's a part of me that wants to rise up and say,
you know we can paint it in black and white, yes --
but have you ever seen color? Do you know color is out? You know the large screen tv's are out.You want to say I can paint it in black and white but there's so much more.
We have a group of people who go to your leaders and say you know black and white is what we have had forever.
Black and white is, black and white is what I grew up with.
And there comes the struggle.The issue of a generation raised with color and [Meaning: There is NO absolute truth.]
a generation raised to believe that black and white is reverent and black and white is holy. [There is absolute truth.]
And you have a clash.
You have a clash with the up and coming [Children piping.]
with what I call their sponsors. [Their Parents.]And many times these sponsors want to come in and
say you can paint in black and white because, you know what, we paid for the brushes.
And we paid for the canvas. If you're gonna paint, please paint like this.
And you know in many ways they are right.
And in many ways they are not right.How can we best do that?
The Willow Creek and Saddleback concept really thrives on loads of strife and conflict. The problem is with timing. Lynn Anderson warns about the timing of prayerful brinkmanship. If you sow discord and get rid of the builders you will find that the theatrical entertainers exact scanty fees from those you are stealing the property from.
The timing trick is to endure the sinking finances until you can suck in loads of seekers of "holy entertainment."
The problem occurs when not EVERYON'E MIND IS DIVERTED and a halt is put in the hostile takeover.
Then, you have the church deeply in debt and no immediate hope of getting the revenue from holy entertainment.
That is a dilema and God always had a solution: come out of her and let her sink.
Sincerity needs to be tied to the Word and untold good can come without sowing discord.
Everyone always believed that the Bible is the authority for all of our faith and practices.
7. (Saddleback Valley Community Church and a church on purpose.)
Important note by BMJohnson: This is Tom's lead-in to describing Saddleback Valley Community Church, a Southern Baptist Church and a corporate organization, subsidized by the IRS and accountable to the state and federal government. As such: The 501c3 Tax Exemption says --- no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda (cannot preach politically incorrect sermons),or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation, and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements),any political campaign on behalf of ( or in opposition to) any candidate for public office. They teach you to use in your worship whatever cultural music is present in your community: jazz, pop, rock, rhythm & blues, etc. with choir, band, and/or orchestra accompaniment.
Their teaching methods involve intensive indoctrination aimed at changing a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with a fixed and unquestioned set of beliefs. (convictions means a fixed or strong belief.)
Free will succumbs to their ministry process. Saddleback is a New Age - One World Community Church. Their Founder Rick Warren says "Your task is to discover and remove growth restricting barriers so that natural, normal growth can occur." Brothers and sisters, that means their church planters will, slowly,
thru teaching cause force to be used by our leaders, the Elders to force us to comply to their indoctrination or leave.
This act by the Elders, the abuse of the Body of Christ against the will of the majority is actually a spiritual violation. If it was a physical act you could be sent to prison. You can also refer to this Contemporary Movement as a hostile take over.
The Instruments in the Old Testament were to be used as a weapon for calling assembly, causing the enemy to panic or to celebrate your defeat over them. When David "sang to the Gentiles" with instruments it was to celebrate God for letting him put his feet on the necks of the defeated Gentiles. David celebrated the death of the Gentiles. However, Jesus DIED FOR the Gentiles and He "sings" to them when we preach the gospel.
Playing loud instruments and "making a joyful noise before the Lord" was an Israelite War Chant. They tried it on Jesus. See David the Warrior Musician: music is for a hostile takeover and to celebrate the defeat of those who didn't want to take Christ's train with you as the conductor through a swampy shortcut.
Tom Haddon: Being a church on purpose. I wanted to tell you a lot about that --- uh --- Saddleback church that I told you about. I'm only gonna tell you about one area that I saw when I got there. They have a purpose. In fact I stole these from them. They call them "Saddleback Sam" and "Saddleback Sally". When you go in "Saddleback Sam" is standing right there --- bring the lost to Christ and "Saddleback Sally" is standing right beside her (not him) to become more like Him. And in that when you pull in their parking lot they have a greeter ministry that is unparalleled with anything that I have ever seen in my entire life. You pull in their parking lot, but first of all you have to be shuttled into their building when you got 24,000 to 26,000 coming on Sunday morning. But when you pull into their parking lot, they have people stopping you asking you if you are a visitor thing that goes on your car right then. you go to another lane. They usher you all along.
Some of the new Saddleback Sallys believe that Madison invented orphan homes. Apparently this writer has never before Saddleback Sam seen members meeting people in the parking lot. We can remember that going on back to about 1965 in Seattle. It is a good idea but it does not authorize holy entertainment replacing the quiet, reverent honoring of Christ by honoring His Words.
Tom Haddon: All morning you got people smiling. They're directing you to a certain place. You get out of your car. Somebody walks with you from the car to the building. As you approach the building you see these hoards of people. I don't know what to call them: "crier-outs". They are at tables that says: Nursery, 2 year olds, 3 year olds, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade all the way up. Your children, Barbie when you bring Travis and Michael and, and Collin and Austin there you don't have to worry where they're goin'. You meet the, you meet people in their class right then. Travis has a friend, a little friend, gives him a coloring book and a thing that tells about Saddleback and the, just some things to do. They, they, they develop a bond right there. The parents meet you, they walk you, they show you where your kids are going to class and then they take you to class with them. They sit there, they find out things about you. They try to take you out to eat for that day before you leave or invite you over into their home.
It is a church on purpose. They are directed. They have a goal for what they're doing and they are goin' at it and in 12 years they have gone from 12 members meeting in a rented high school auditorium to last Easter just on the internet site 46,000 people came there last Easter in an area people told them, "it can't be done". Well you know what they decided to do? They decided to rollup their sleeves and get to work and be about the Lord's business. They decided to have a purpose and to go for that purpose. I would love to tell you some more things about what they're doin' in there, but anyway ---.
Smiling is not related to truth. I see lots of smiling in my "Little Dead Church in the High Woods" but it is not based on inventing some new form of worship. It is a little know fact that many of the "builders" are in pain and often this is increased by a noisey environment. They may have pain which will not allow a smile to appear on their faces but they may be the most spiritual in the body.
It is unseemly for the "boomers" to add to their emotional and spiritual pain by chasing them out of the "houses" they built and into the cold of another congregation just so the "children in the marketplaces" can pipe and try to force Jesus to sing and dance.
Children are directed to classes and old ladies helped from their cars. It is possible to do all of these things without compromising the Truth. If they are coming out smiling because of the holy entertainment then we are no more successful than the local tavern. The goal was to "teach and admonish" with the Biblical text and there is no musical concept in Christian worship.
Tom Haddon: 8. (Edification, evangelism, and glorification.) We're gonna go, 3 things when we come together and let me preface by saying this, you know, I am saying that to me that our assemblies, when we come together, should meet all of these purposes: edification, evangelism, and glorification.
You may have leadership in a certain place that, that your Sunday morning assembly that we're not gonna do one, a certain one of these. That we're gonna direct it in a certain way.
And let me say that that's their prerogative to do. If the leadership decides that our Sunday morning assemblies are goin to be directed in a certain area, then we as followers should have a duty to follow that.
But, at the same time our leadership has to be, they have to look at the needs of the people, the needs of the community, and they have to look at that in a much broader scale than what anyone person wants or needs.
Um --- so when I look at those 3 things, 3 things, I'm goin' to call number 1 edification. When we come together is there anybody who, who would argue that we don't need to be reaching in. That that's what we're doin'. When I say edifying, encouraging or another, reaching in: Helping Mart, praying for him with his dad, helping, uh, Tambor with her hip and whatever else may be.
Being together, being a church, pulling together. When we come together, isn't that what we need to be about? Is it? What about evangelism, reaching out? You know in, in especially, in within the context of the Churches of Christ we have always been about doin' things that brings the outside in, that attract people to the church, uh, --- we want people to come here,
we want to have a service that's uplifting that brings people to the Body of Christ, that talks about evangelism, glorification - reaching up.
I think if there is any of these 3 areas that maybe the Churches of Christ as a whole have kinda gotten away from, I believe it is glorification. I believe it is reaching up. Sometimes we've stressed these so much that we've left out this 3rd one. But if you want to achieve a balance in any situation you've got to have all 3.
We will at some point go back to fill in some blanks there. I know I've left some holes. But I'm going to flip over --- "bonk" --- (Tom hits his microphone.) Sorry Jeremy --- ha, ha --- and I'm gonna uh, uh, aw, --- I know it's not hot in here. I can't be hot, but Kevin told me he'd get me some hormones if I got too hot ha --- ha. I 'm just kidding.
Again, "church" was Christian Synagogue. Like the Jewish Synagogue (same God, you know) which had no praise service, the church has no praise service. We glorify God by our lives and not by a works-oriented, legalistic glorification ceremony. There is not the remotest hint of such a ceremony in the Bible or in the early churches. You don't glorify God by glorifying the team and their compositions even if you "Glorify" or worship the NAME of Father, Jesus and Spirit. Click for more on the praise superstition.
Edification means "education." While it may be charitable to help with someone's hip, that is not edification. The Word of God is the "book" for edification. In all of the "singing" passages, the true ACT is not singing but TEACHING. The resource the Word of Christ or Spirit. The church is 'synagogue' or school and pagan worship centers do not edify. Music, especially, is an attack upon the body which feels good only after it hurts.
"Prophesying" or speaking the Word as it had been delivered to them would bring honor to Christ and produce "fruit." However, Jesus didn't restrict this to the collective assembly where the Word is re-chewed and digested in song and sermon:
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. John 15:6
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. John 15:7 (His words are Spirit and Life. Jn 6:63).
Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. John 15:8
However, we decide to "glorify" God there is absolutely no Biblical concept of a legalistic "Glorification Act of Worship."
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10- But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness. Psalm 5:16
- Now will I rise, saith the Lord; now will I be exalted; now will I lift up myself Isaiah 33:10
- (But) Ye shall conceive chaff, ye shall bring forth stubble: your breath, as fire, shall devour you. Isaiah 33:11
- And the people shall be as the burnings of lime: as thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire. Isaiah 33:12
- Hear, ye that are far off, what I have done; and, ye that are near, acknowledge my might. Isaiah 33:13
- This defines God's "vineyard" or people who concumed the people's wealth on wine, women and music in their religious festivals. They are the ones who always murdered the "vinedresser" sent by the Father just as they killed Jesus Christ to the beat of mocking music.
Paul explained diverse backgrounds in Romans 14 and defined the collective assembly as a synagogue which cannot offend anyone. That method, identical to Ephesians 5 and colossians 3 where we get out "singing" which isn't "music" is defined in Romans 15:
For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. Rom 15:3
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Rom 15: 4
Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: Rom 15: 5
That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom 15: 6
Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Rom 15: 7
Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: Rom 15: 8
And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. Rom 15: 9
Jesus said that as Son He spoke only what He heard from the Father. He told the apostles to "go" out and preach what they had been and would be taught. Paul was faithful in preaching only what ee had been told about Jesus Christ and insisted that the churches speak with ONE MOUTH that which has been writter for our learning.
This is the synagogue model where "edification" means EDUCATION and not a pagan worship center.
Tom Haddon: 9. (The body) I just tell you. I can't say enough, I'm just overwhelmed at all the, at all the, all the things that, that I wished we had time to say. Uh, --- when we come together on a Sunday morning, uh, the beautiful image of the body, that Paul gives us is an image of the body working together, of the hand, and the foot, the eye, the head all of these things, these things coming together of a sense of we can do all of this because we're working as a unit. And the thing that he says there, he says, um "Now you are the Body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it". I think there is an emphasis there on each and every one of you. You know I think God has sent everybody in this congregation for a purpose. He has bought us here from the east, the west, the north, the south, and we're all here to fulfill some mission that God has bought to us, whether it's the right wing, the left wing, the right brain, the left brain, the no brain, you know it doesn't matter. We are all here to fulfill some purpose that God has brought.
One of the surprises is that there is no a hint of a SUPERNATURALLY GIFTED MUSICAL WORSHIP FACILITATOR. Teachers and pastors but not a single singer, actor, dancer or musician was gifted to edify the church.
When the ritual celebrators using their own commandments saw the "body" of Christ they had the urge to tear it apart. They were sincere and believed that God had made them the conductor of His "train."
When He refused to "sing and dance" when the "conductors" piped, and John did not turn out to be friendly they decided to SOW DISCORD AMONG THE BODY by breaking it literally into fragments if they could.
The way they thought they had defeated Jesus was by assaulting Him with mocking and music. Click to see the picture of the musical worship facilitators.
Tom Haddon: 10. ("Riding the Winds of Change" and the builders.) Have any of you read the book "Riding the Winds of Change"? --- It is a great book. I would, I would suggest that you get it.
Lynn Anderson: Navigating the Winds of Change. In this article we see the parallel between the new Change Agents, Neo-Paganism and witchcraft techniques to force change.
In another article, we see how Lynn Anderson's change scheme depends on creating "lots of strife with church insiders."
Paul the Apostle: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried [riding] about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight (fraud) of men, and cunning (trickery, DIVERT) craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Eph 4:14
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: Eph 4:15
From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Eph 4:16
This is another one of those many of Paul's "singing" passages which are not related to modern singing even remotely:
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Eph 5:18
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Eph 5:19
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Co.11:3
It talks about 3 ways that are in every church, three ways that are in every church.
The first one is the builders and I don't know how much of this I'm going to skip, so if you don't mind if I just hold it. It talks about the builders. In general, the builders are the older folks in, among us. They are our parents.
Let me tell you this they are the parents of some of you in here. They are the grandparents, they are the grandparents of some of you in here, because I've hear, I've talked to some of them.
Tom Brokaw calls them the greatest generation, the builders of our society. They are the people who have solid expectations about what worship should be.
Words like reverence and quiet, clear, peaceful, come to mind. They value tradition.
They are the fabric of our society. He says pull them out of society and it will fall apart. He says pull them out of our churches and we may find out just how lax some people have really been. He said they are doing things that nobody even realized they were really doing at times. ---
Um, cause you know they do things that the boomers, you know you go from the builders and you go to the boomers, they are doing things that the boomers say "well you know couldn't we just hire somebody to do that?" You know, I mean, uh you really got to maximize you time and your energy and I, you know I'm busy at work, and I've got this and you just think, you know.
And we announce a building program. We're gonna do, build, Vision 2000.
In a little while it's gonna be Vision 8000, Odyssey One coming to you live from the Madison Church. [Christ just often drops out of the new church names!]
But you know it's there and the builders say you know, we get on this, the builders say you know, we could save some money if we --- do it ourselves.
That's what the builders say. You know what the boomers say "you don't want to be in any building I helped put together you know, you know."
That's what it's, it's the difference and the, and the builders come back and they say, "you know, you just don't get it. You just don't understand. It's not about money."
It's about a purpose. It's about all of these things, coming together, and. and they have words.
Just how did the "builders" of commonly-held property lose ownership? Was it just hijacked?
How did they lose ownership about how the church worshiped? Did some elder fatally presume to be the highest authority and God ordained to make decisions knowing that they would sow discord among the old "builders?"
Why is it that the THEM are not telling the US that church is not so much about "worship" in music as it is about worship in giving heed to Christ's words and what we know He revealed about how 'church' should be conducted?
Tom Haddon: 11. (Uncomfortable) They have words that, that I don't like sometimes. Like uncomfortable, questionable, um and you think it doesn't happen here: the boomers, the builders things.
We (US) had a builder (THEM) at the last deacon's meeting, who is very, very vocal. He's very, very hurt. And he stood up and he said, "you know I would like to know how many,
how many people we do have on the payroll doing things that used to be headed up by volunteers."
Riding the winds of change in your church. They think that way. They think that way everywhere.
To be technical about it, Jesus fired the "doctors of the law" because they were taking away the key to knowledge. And He had the temple of "music" and burden-lading priests who were owed nothing more than a daily dole of food removed from Jerusalem and their "church house" dismantled for the third time.
Jesus sent evangelists out into the world to preach the gospel and firm up congregations but not to "camp out." Paul gave the threshing or harvesting "oxen" the right of support but most of the "staff infection" is often involved with administering their programs and hanging out around the building.
When you build mega-churches with the pyramidal structure God imposed on Israel as a curse under the kings, you steal the support from the honest preacher who is more than anxious to "go into the world and preach the gospel." There simply is no Biblical or practical basis for a hired staff which destroys the "body life" which the elders are supposed to teach.
It is an observable fact that every effort carried out by sincere men and women gets the people and the program crushed when you hire a "professional" to administer the program. The "STAFF" concept is based on restoring the temple.
See Lynn Anderson Navigating the Winds of Chage
Lynn Anderson: So, what to do? Why, just like in Neo-paganism, you:
"Weave! Alternate between safety and disequilibrium. Teach new ideas a while, stretching your church out beyond comfort zones and into fresh thinking... Bend but don't break!
Part Two
Tom Haddon: We can't just, they, they, don't understand why I want to hire somebody to do this and do that because they were the builders. They built. What we must never forget is that we are builders too. And what they must never forget is that we are builders too. And what they must never forget is if that, is if, is if the building just stops with them, and they don't teach us to become builders, by the older teacher the younger, and getting together that the church will die.
Because at some point every boomer has to become a builder. We have to build things. We have to build things that continually attract one another. But I want to talk about one and I'll have to end there. And uh --- the word uncomfortable, the word uncomfortable. Um, it makes me uncomfortable.
First of all, let me say this. Do you know we don't have the right that to tell anybody that they can't be uncomfortable? Do you realize that?
Let me ask you this. One year ago we didn't have Wednesday nights. One year ago we didn't have a praise team in Homebuilders.
I want to raise my hand.
I want those of you and don't make me come to you.
The ones of you who have told me that are now scared to raise your hands,just things and ways that we've worshipped in here a year and a half ago, how many were uncomfortable with some of that?
There was no praise service for the people under the Law. There was no praise service in the Synagogue. There was no praise service in the church. Praise services had to wait for the BOOMERS to arrive on the scene. Their brains were torn into shreds by MUSIC so that they cannot sit still and dissect a rational statement. Praise rituals were always part of pagan superstition: WE can aid the gods in doing their work if we just praise them enough.
However, God said "you offer the sacrifice to me but you eat the meat yourself." And so it is with praise music: "we offer it to God" but "we get the effects of emotional masturbation" in the words of Aldus Huxley.
I do not hire people: WE hire people. That is the meaning of "body" or assembly.
"Carnal indulgences has ever been and is now as much, if not more than ever, the great employer of man's inventive faculties." (Pulpit Commentary, The Book of Amos, p. 131).
But those who want "performing professionals" do not grasp the truth because Jesus said THEY CANNOT GRASP THE TRUTH. Therefore, His words are mysterious parables to them and THEY JUST DON'T GET IT.
Tatian to the Greeks noted that:
For the judge and the judged are made so by Fate; the murderers and the murdered, the wealthy and the needy, are the offspring of the same Fate;
and every nativity is regarded as a theatrical entertainment by those beings of whom Homer says,-
- "Among the gods
- Rose laughter irrepressible.
The grammarians have been the beginning of this idle talk; and you who parcel out wisdom are cut off from the wisdom that is according to truth,
and assign the names of the several parts to particular men; and you know not God, but in your fierce contentions destroy one another.
And on this account you are all nothing worth.
While you arrogate to yourselves the sole right of discussion, you discourse like the blind man with the deaf.
Why do you handle the builder's tools without knowing how to build?
Why do you busy yourselves with words, while you keep aloof from deeds,puffed up with praise, but cast down by misfortunes?
Your modes of acting are contrary to reason, for you make a pompous appearance in public, but hide your teaching in corners.
Finding you to be such men as these, we have abandoned you, and no longer concern ourselves with your tenets,
but follow the word of God.
Why, O man, do you set the letters of the alphabet at war with one another? Why do you, as in a boxing match,
make their sounds clash together with your mincing Attic way of speaking,
whereas you ought to speak more according to nature?For if you adopt the Attic dialect though not an Athenian, pray why do you not speak like the Dorians?
How is it that one appears to you more rugged, the other more pleasant for intercourse?
Real men can do rational (spiritual) discourse. Why is it that poets and musicians seem to see themselves as manly when they cannot speak (clap) without (clap) the (clap) noise (clap) of (clap) immature (clap) children (clap, clap, clap)?
Whatever, one's status, the world has always seen theatrical performance, NOT AS ENTERTAINMENT, but as EFFEMINATE. That is why the effeminate "standing in the holy place" claiming to replace or DIVERT from God's word enrages real males.
But, you don't worship with the hands and you "don't worship with the works of human hands." Lifting as an act of worship repudiates the words of Lord Jesus Christ Who said that God isn't seeking you unless you worship "in spirit" or in the mind God gave you as the "gateway" into His throne room.
You are not worshiping a Holy Spirit (the Mind of Christ) but an unholy spirit if you practice and force others to perform "body worship."
The builders built nothing but the building: Christ is the builder and YOU cannot build on that foundation anything for me. And whatever you decide to build in a physical sense or hire because you want to hire them then you will individually have to pay for it: you co not decide for me.
You don't have to tear down the old structures and start all over. If you were BUILDERS you would align your "bricks" on the chief cornerstone rather than believe that you as a christ have to "do it myself?"
According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. 1 Cor 3:10
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 3:11
Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; 1 Cor 3:12
Every mans work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every mans work of what sort it is. 1 Cor 3:13
If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 1 Cor 3:14
If any mans work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. 1 Cor 3:15
If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames. 1 Cor 3:15NIV
Tom Haddon: 12. (Uncomfortable about being insincere or humorous about the Lord's Supper.) Look around I'm goin' to tell you I have to be transparent to you.
- There's a song that Keith sings.
- And, and I want you to know where I'm comin' from,
- there's a song that Keith sings
- that I absolutely love. ---
- I shoulda had a glass of water before I tried this.
I told somebody Wednesday night in Bixler she was sitting beside me and I looked over there and I said
"oh, I feel sorry for you" and she said "I'm glad I'm sitting by you" and I said "oh, I sing loud and I sing off key you know. I just feel sorry for you."
But uh, the song he sings, you know, have you heard it? - "My Life is in You." I love that song. My life, and every time we sing it. (Tom claps, people clap) My life (clap) is (clap) in you (clap) Lord (clap), my strength (clap) is in (clap) you (clap) Lord.
I felt uncomfort(able) I love that song but we sang it one time when it made me uncomfortable.
[Good: you don't have to go through gender identification classes.]
It was down here for 3rd service that we were doing the Lord's supper. I did it really, um I heard this really beautiful talk about the Lord's Supper. I hear these wonderful thoughts and
we started singing that song.
And some people started to clapping. And you know all of a sudden the beauty of that song left me and you know what I was sittin there thinking
"my life is (clap), in you (clap) Lord (clap).
Here comes the bread (clap) now take a bite.
Now there's the juice and wash it down now (much laughter from the audience).
Was it wrong? It was probably wrong for me to think thata way, you know, but it kinda hit me that way all of a sudden.
And I was uncomfortable with it. You know I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water and say you know you know we don't need to, we don't need to do any of that. (Tom mutters - it's indiscernible.)
[On second thoughts.]
But I just say that there are always circumstances where even people like me whom I've told you before I'm gonna be on the clappin side of heaven. You know I'm gonna, if you want to look me up when we're there, you know, if there's anybody around there acting like they're havin' fun I'm gonna be right in the middle of um. That's where to go. And, and uh, there are even things that make us feel uncomfortable.
We don't have the right to expect that people are not goin' to be uncomfortable. --- Um --- Um, - m - m - m --- comfortable.
The "burden" Jesus died to remove was clergy creating "spiritual anxiety through religious ritual." Therefore, the belief that one has to load the group down with burdens in order to build on the old foundation is the mind of Satan.
In the Passover the people searched their houses in utter silence and using a candle looked for leaven. In the Lord's Supper we are to discern the Body and cast out the old leaven.
If you sing or hum or clap or giggle when I am trying to eat the Lord's Supper then you are little children who should be "made to sleep at the foot of the bed" or "take an ole cold tater and wait." You are not yet fit for fellowship in a Spiritual kingdom. God will spew you out of His mouth. You are eating and drinking damnation to yourself for singing any song while we are discerning Christ.
Hand Clapping is a way to show contempt: if you do it during the Lord's Supper you have fallen and you are not going to get up.
I don't know how to tell people that the ancient, continuous and present IMAGE of theatrical performers is of sexual perversion and addiction to drugs. Music produces an endorphin high like "runner's high." The effect is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE and when not performing both sexual perversion and drug addiction FILLS IN THE BLANKS.
However sincere some may be WHY should musicians be OUR IMAGE of Lord Jesus Christ standing in the holy place?
"The main function of music in the early times of biblical history were social merrymaking, marital noisemaking, magic incantation, and worship. Merry-making in particular was the main function of music during the age of patriarchs and judges (e.G. Gen. 31:27; Exod. 32:17-18; Judg. 11:34-35), sometimes even licentiously practiced (e.G., Isa. 23:16). (The Int. Std. Bible Dict., p. 457).
"Certain members of a tribe, marked out either by unusual skills or by some emotional abnormality, ususally became particularly adept at these operations, and gradually assumed specialized functions.
Released from the duty of hunting (hired), and concentrating on the practice of magic, the shaman, sorcerer, or medicine man was the world's first professional." (H. B. Parkes, Men and Gods, p. 29).
"The development both of religion and of the arts can be traced back in a continuous line to the hunting era. The group ritual of the primeval tribesmen were the origin not only of all religious ceremonial, but also of the drama and of poetry and music, while magic gave birth to the visual arts." (Parkes, p. 30).
"Awed by the mysteries of his own spirit no less than by those of nature, primitive man was likely to attribute to divine influence
any abnormal emotional state, whether above or below the usual level. Medicine men customarily went into states of trance in which they were believed to be in communication with the gods,
and many tribes supposed lunatics and sexual deviants to be divinely possessed.
Prophecy gradually became professionalized, and the schools of prophets, who had developed techniques for the deliberate inducement of states of derangement
by means of music and dances and of alcohol and possibly other drugs,
earned money by helping peasants to find lost articles, performing miraculous cures, and advising kings about the will of Jehovah. This tradition seems to have been stronger in the northern kingdom,where the orgiastic fertility cults were more deeply rooted; its rulers apparently mantained large bodies of hired ecstatics to encourage their subjects with suitably propitious oracles on the eve of a war or some other moral cricis.
"Among more sophisticated persons it was recognized that many of the prophets were merely lunatics and that their utterances were misleading; but the popular assumption of divine guidance was not readily abandoned." (Parkes, Henry Bamford, Gods and Men The Origins of Western Culture, p. 106, Knopf)
The builders are not upset because they suddenly grow antique with age: they are simply spiritual people and know contempt for God, His Word, His Body the Church and for the feelings of others who will see this theatrical performance, not as high spiritual art, but as a perversion of the assembly.
Again, "music" or lifting holy hands or clapping hands is not possible as a legalistic "act of worship" based on the Bible and secular practices.
Tom Haddon: 13. (Not scriptural, little by little, slowly, and something behind what we were doing, teach and teach and teach and teach.) That's where we're goin' to end. We don't ever need to tell somebody just get over it. Just get over it.
Sometimes I'd like to say that, you know don't you sometimes don't you want to say, just get over it.
But you can't say that. We don't ever have the right to be insensitive.
But discomfort comes about, why? Discomfort comes about with a idea that worship service should make us leave feeling what? --- comfortable and you know that's not necessarily scriptural but, where does that go back to?
But how are we going to get over the idea that our worship services should leave make us feeling comfortable?
It's not going to come about unless we're teaching people about it.
Unless we are teaching people that the things we are doing involving banners and praise teams and all these things are to bring the lost to Christ to become more like Him. It's about edification to each other. It's about evangelism.
Praise teams are "human idols." Prefering one above another makes one guilty of the whole Law. This is certain when Paul defined the "synagogue singing" as a one another activity. This has been called the "idolatry of talent." Furthermore, by the fact that they "stand in the holy place" claiming to be mediators between men and God proves that they believe that they have taken over the role of Christ. According to Blackaby-King, one can become a Christ for your church.
Alexander Hislop noting the restoration of Babylonianism notes
Such an idol procession among a people who had begun to study and relish the Word of God, elicited nothing but indignation and scorn. But in Popish lands, among a people studiously kept in the dark, such processions are among the favourite means which the Romish Church employs to bind its votaries to itself.
The long processions with images borne on men's shoulders, with the gorgeous dresses of the priests, and the various habits of different orders of monks and nuns,
with the aids of flying banners and the thrilling strains of instrumental music,
if not too closely scanned, are well fitted "plausibly to amuse" the worldly mind, to gratify the love for the picturesque, and when the emotions thereby called forth are dignified with the names of piety and religion, to minister to the purposes of spiritual despotism.Accordingly, Popery has ever largely availed itself of such pageants. On joyous occasions, it has sought to consecrate the hilarity and excitement created by such processions to the service of its idols;
and in seasons of sorrow, it has made use of the same means to draw forth the deeper wail of distress from the multitudes that throng the procession, as if the mere loudness of the cry would avert the displeasure of a justly offended God.
Gregory, commonly called the Great, seems to have been the first who, on a large scale, introduced those religious processions into the Roman Church. In 590, when Rome was suffering under the heavy hand of God from the pestilence, he exhorted the people to unite publicly in supplication to God,
Tertullian denies the trinity of persons
Every stake fixed in an upright position is a portion of the cross; we render our adoration, if you will have it so, to a god entire and complete. We have shown before that your deities are derived from shapes modelled from the cross. But you also worship victories, for in your trophies the cross is the heart of the trophy.21
21 [A premonition of the Labarum.] Labarum signifies simply a banner or flag, "waving to and fro" in the wind.
The camp religion of the Romans is all through a worship of the standards, a setting the standards above all gods. Well, as those images decking out the standards are ornaments of crosses. All those hangings of your standards and banners are robes of crosses. I praise your zeal: you would not consecrate crosses unclothed and unadorned.
Others, again, certainly with more information and greater verisimilitude, believe that the sun is our god. We shall be counted Persians perhaps, though we do not worship the orb of day painted on a piece of linen cloth, having himself everywhere in his own disk.
The idea no doubt has originated from our being known to turn to the east in prayer.22
Banners are Idols and Threats: Abominations of Desolation because they replace Christ and are therefore weapons of Anti-Christ.
Signum (Semeion) The Roman name for a military standard, usually consisting of a badge (insigne) on a staff, carried by legions, maniples, and cohorts,...On the march and in an attack with close columns, the signa were carried in the first line; in a pitched battle, behind the front rank. The Greeks carried no regular standard, but a scarlet flag (phoinikis) was sometimes raised as a signal for joining battle both on land and sea ( Polyaen.iii. 9Polyaen., 27; Thucyd. i. 49). The Persians carried a golden eagle as a royal standard ( Xen. Anab.i. 10Xen. Anab., 12), and the Parthians had banners of silk. See Vexillum.
(Semeion etc.; kathairein to s. to take it down, strike the flag, as a sign of dissolving an assembly, ekklêsias)
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae:
You look for all the world like a woman. But when you talk, take good care to give your voice a woman's tone.
I'll try my best.Euripides
Hurry up! The signal for the meeting has just been raised on the Temple of Demeter. Farewell.
They both depart. The scene changes to the interior of the Thesmophorion, where the women who form the chorus are assembled. Mnesilochus enters, in his feminine attire, striving to act as womanly as possible, and giving his voice as female a pitch and lilt as he can; he pretends to be addressing his slave-girl.Phoinik-is , idos, hê, 4. red flag hung out as the signal for action, Plb.2.66.11, D.S.13.77, etc.; generally, red banner, phoinikidas anaseiein, a form in solemn curses or excommunications, Lys.6.51.
Banners were idols and weapons of physical, carnal warfare. Therefore, in the spiritual kingdom Lord Jesus Christ, He is the Banner. We are to seek Him or give heed to His Words in song and sermon. If we look to literal banners predicted to "stand in the holy place" then we are part of the Abomination of Desolation standing in the holy place.
The prophecy was that:
And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek (worship): and his rest shall be glorious. Isaiah 11:10
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. Isaiah 11:11
Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. Isaiah 49:22
A Standard is a Banner or Ensign: Nec (g5251) nace; from 5263; a flag; also a sail; by impl. a flagstaff; gen. a signal; fig. a token: - banner, pole, sail, (en-) sign, standard.
When you see the literal banners flying with the "musical" teams you know that you and God are under attack by the "women and children ruling over you."
How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? Jer 4:21
For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish (silly, foolish) children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. Jer 4:22
Cakal (h5528) saw-kal'; for 3688; to be silly: - do (make, play the, turn into fool (-ish, -ishly, -ishness).
That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad (halal or praise); that turneth (pervert) wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish; Is. 44:25
The tokens of the LIARS are banners:
Owth (h226) oth; prob. from 225 (in the sense of appearing); a signal (lit. or fig.), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.: - mark, miracle, (en-) sign, token.
This is David's "halal" or "rising up to play" at Mount Sinai:
Halal (h1984) haw-lal'; a prim. root; to be clear (orig. of sound, but usually of color); to shine; hence to make a show, to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causat. to celebrate; also to stultify: - (make) boast (self), celebrate, commend, (deal, make), fool (- ish, -ly), glory, give [light], be (make, feign self) mad (against), give in marriage, [sing, be worthy of] praise, rage, renowned, shine.
Heylel (h1966) hay-lale'; from 1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning-star: - lucifer.
Yes, God turned Israel over to worship the starry host and kings to lead them into captivity and destruction.
The first explicit mention of musical instruments in the Bible relates to the "Children of Cain" who used the magical, soothsaying or enchanting methods like those of Babylonia reads:
And his brothers name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. Genesis 4:21
Like his ancestor, Cain, and his inventor of polygamy father Lamech, Jubal handled musical instruments without authority:
Taphas (h8610) taw-fas'; a prim. root; to manipulate, i. e. seize; chiefly to capture, wield; spec. to overlay; fig. to use unwarrantably: - catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, surely, surprise, take.
"Based on the concept of an organic pattern in the life course of civilization, a morphology of history: the idea that every culture has its period of youth, its period of culmination, its years then of beginning to totter with age and of striving to hold itself together by means of rational planning, projects, and organization, only finally to terminate in decrepitude, petrification... and no more life. Moreover, in this view of Spengler's,
we were at present on the point of passing from what he called the period of Culture to Civilization,
which is to say, from our periods of youthful, spontaneous, and wonderful creativity to those of
- uncertainty and anxiety,
- contrived programs, and the beginning of the end."
- (Campbell, Joseph, Myths to Live By, p. 84)
The UNCOMFORTABLE THEME. Jesus didn't die to make us uncomfortable unless we have pledged ourselves to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Jesus died to remove the burden of spiritual anxiety deliberately created by religious rituals. Jesus died to give us rest. Remember that Jesus is the Shepherd and the shepherd often endangers the "flock" when he turns it over to a hireling. That is why the elders as the pastor-teachers are to go out collecting their own flock and being willing to die to protect ONE of them from the "sound of rushing waters" which is the maddening crowd which can destroy sheep.
Tom Haddon: And aren't there things we can do that would turn a group of people in a declining membership around that are not scriptural, that would make the word more attractive to other people. Is it goin' to happen over night?
No. It didn't happen in here over night. We sang with a jukebox for 7 months, before we ever got a song leader.And we sang songs most of them didn't they involved spirited singing but that was about it. And then you know we added songs in there. Keith did.
A few people started clapping and others did. And it was a thing that just come about and
it came little by little but you know what,
in the meantime this class grew.And you know how many people we kept on board because we kept weeks and weeks and 5 months of talking about it and we introduced things slowly. And we had a purpose.
And there was something behind what we were doin' and we taught about it. And I go back to teach and teach and teach and teach
and you know for those of us who constantly like new things and are pushing the edge, there are things I need to remember and this is where I want to close.
Hislop defining the Mysteries of Iniquities which means the "musical spectacles."
We know, from the statements in Job, that among patriarchal tribes that had nothing whatever to do with Mosaic institutions, but which adhered to the pure faith of the patriarchs, idolatry in any shape was held to be a crime, to be visited with signal and summary punishment on the heads of those who practised it.
"If I beheld the sun," said Job, "when it shined, or the moon walking in brightness; and my heart hath been secretly enticed, and * my mouth hath kissed my hand; this also were an iniquity to be punished by the judge; for I should have denied the God that is above" (Job 31:26-28).
Now if this was the case in Job's day, much more must it have been the case at the earlier period when the Mysteries were instituted. It was a matter, therefore, of necessity, if idolatry were to be brought in, and especially such foul idolatry as the Babylonian system contained in its bosom, that it should be done stealthily and in secret. *
Even though introduced by the hand of power, it might have produced a revulsion,* It will be seen by-and-by what cogent reason there was, in point of fact, for the profoundest secrecy in the matter.
and violent attempts might have been made by the uncorrupted portion of mankind to put it down; and at all events,
if it had appeared at once in all its hideousness,
it would have alarmed the consciences of men,
and defeated the very object in view.
That object was to bind all mankind in blind and absolute submission to a hierarchy entirely dependent on the sovereigns of Babylon. In the carrying out of this scheme, all knowledge, sacred and profane, came to be monopolised by the priesthood, who dealt it out to those who were initiated in the "Mysteries" exactly as they saw fit, according as the interests of the grand system of spiritual despotism they had to administer might seem to require.
Thus the people, wherever the Babylonian system spread, were bound neck and heel to the priests.
The priests were the only depositaries of religious knowledge; they only had the true tradition by which the writs and symbols of the public religion could be interpreted; and without blind and implicit submission to them, what was necessary for salvation could not be knownPlato speaking of musical gradualism
"music and gymnastic (must) be preserved in their original form, and no innovation made. They must do their utmost to maintain them intact. And when anyone says that mankind must regard...
The newest song which the singers have, (Odyssey)...
"they will be afraid that he may be praising, not some new songs, but a new kind of song; and this ought not to be praised, or conceived to be the meaning of the poet; for any musical innovation is full of danger in the whole State, and ought to be prohibited.
"So Damon tells me, and I can quite believe him; he says that <b>when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them..."
"Then," I said, "our guardians must lay the foundations of their fortress in music?"
"Yes," I replied, 'in the form of amusement: and at first sight it always appears harmless'." (The Great Dialogs, Plato, Classic edition, p. 312)In describing this "frog boiling" deception, Bishop Kerr noted that:
The late Bishop Forbes, of Dundee, adverted with satisfaction to the fact that "everywhere around us, even in systems with which we have no theological affinity, we see the aid of architecture invocated in the construction of churches,
and the unattractive forms of Presbyterian worship are being modified by the introduction of chanted Psalms, organs, and other accessories of Divine worship which would have horrified the last generation."
In the public services of the house of God on the Lord's day, and in many Presbyterian Churches, there are anthems, sentences, responses, solos, organ voluntaries, instrumental quartets, hymnals, prayer books, vestments, apses, altars, crosses, and other accompaniments of a ritualistic worship.
There is the ritualism against which Spurgeon uttered no uncertain sound when he said that he would
"like to see all the pipes of the organs in our Nonconformist places of worship either ripped open or compactly filled with concrete;" and "what a degradation to supplant the intelligent song of the whole congregation by the theatrical prettiness of a quartet, the refined niceties of a choir, or the blowing of wind from inanimate bellows and pipes."There is the ritualism against which a Young Men's Association in Dublin protested
by declining to countenance a jubilee meeting in St. Paul's, London, because of the reredos.
Their plan of campaign would be marked by the following stages at considerable intervals:
1. adverse comments on the simplicity of the worship observed;
2. a choir, who would alone sing;3. a hymnal, with hymns from Romish sources, and
4. frequent use of hymns by Newman and other notable Romanists;5. a harmonium in the Sabbath school;
6. an organ in the church (a gift if possible);
7. occasional references to Protestants as bigots;
8. frequent use of the terms "the church," "holy communion," and "holy orders;"
9. a new church in shape of a cross, with chancel, nave, organ loft, apse, altar, and reredos;10. introduction of saints' days and holy days, including Ash Wednesday, Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday; crosses, crosiers; candles; incense; thurifers; and so on.
Look Again at Lynn Anderson and Navigating the Winds of Change
"People cannot endure sustained disequilibrium! Here is where most eye-on-the-goal, can't -wait-for-the-plodders style of change agents mess up.
They push people into acute disequilibrium and hold them there till an explosion comes. So, what to do! "
So, what to do? Why, just like in Neo-paganism, you:
Weave! Alternate between safety and disequilibrium. Teach new ideas a while, stretching your church out beyond comfort zones and into fresh thinking...Bend but don't break!
Employ prayerful brinkmanship!.. ("To the brink of war. The policy of pursuing a hazardous course of action to the brink of catastrophe." Webster)
But our job is to teach the Word so that people can work and worship on their own and "resist the new winds of doctrine." Our job is not to provide a secular "family" and plan every waking hour of the members. It is to equip them for their own ministry over which we have no control or accounting system.
Tom Haddon: 14. (End, death, loss, grieving, closing a door, moving in another direction.) That the beginning of something with somebody is always the end of something for somebody else. And you know what end is. End is death in some cases. Ends is a loss. end is ---- grieving. End is closing a door on something and moving in another direction.
And when I start using the praise teams and the --- banners (idols) and the ---, and all of this, and
I'm wrapped in that and
I like it and, and you know, and, and
I feel closer to God when I do it.
And, and I'm all enthused about it,what I forget is there's the people out there who haven't been in on the planning and the praying and the knowing and the experiencing it little by little.
No, the Bibles calls this "intoxicated without wine" and the church Fathers calls it "intoxicated on ignorance."
With her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries. Re.17:2
Philo coined the word Enthus O Mania. This was what Paul meant when he said that the Corinthians would look insane if they sang their own songs.
"According to Philo, the gods of the pagans exploit this weakness of men. For the sake of a better effect, and
with the intention of more easily cheating their devotees,
they have set their lies to melodies, rhythms and meters.
Why is it that the little old "obsolete" and "worn out" and "black and white" grandmother who helped found and purchase the buildings suddenly get left out when only the INNER CIRCLE equated by one member to "CELESTIAL BEINGS" as the US decided to radically restructure YOUR old "worship services" to turn church or synagogue or school into "venue" for our favorite theatrical performers so that WE can entertain YOU even if our effeminate practices drive YOU into RAGE or you "steal the church houses" of widows.
Huxley said and we quote:
"Abused as we abuse it at present, dramatic art is in no sense cathartic; it is merely a form of emotional masturbation. It is the rarest thing to find a player who has not had his character affected for the worse by the practice of his profession.
Nobody can make a habit of self-exhibition, nobody can exploit his personality for the sake of exercising a kind of hypnotic power over others, and remain untouched by the process. From Resource
"A man who strains himself on the stage is bound, if he is any good, to strain all the people sitting in the stalls. Bertolt Brecht
"The actor searches vainly for the sound of a vanished tradition, and critic and audience follow suit.
This calls everyone back to the primitive religion promoted by Satan and which destroyed Israel at Mount Sinai:
"During the erotic dance ritual, the priestess would actually become the Goddess in all Her glory. According to the ancient texts, during the erotic dance ritual the priestesses would achieve visionary orgasm in which great truths were revealed.
"Het Heret was the over-arching sky cow Goddess, associated with fertility and bounty and plenty. Married couples would go to the temples of Het Heret for fertility rites that would hopefully lead to a successful pregnancy. The temples were filled with sweet smelling incense.
Typically sweets and red beer or golden ale would flow freely.
The priestesses of Het Heret would dance to the rhythms of live drumming. (hand clapping)When the couples were sufficiently aroused, they would engage in sexual intercourse on comfortable pillows.
Ea, the patron god of music, got drunk and let the female Inanna or Ishtar steal the ME: the supernatural power of mind control including "the authority of the eldership, the power of song and instrumental music and the power of licking the phallus." Ishtar/Tammuz were worshiped in the temple at Jerusalem and in your congregation.
"As the goddess of war and strife, she (Inanna/Ishtar) held the title Ninkur-ra-igi-ga, "the queen who eyes the highland" meaning that other lands feared her.
Battle was called the "dance of Inanna, and she was at the very heart of it.
She was "the star of the battle-cry, who can make brothers who have lived together in harmony fight each other".She is known for causing the fall of the city of Agade."
Playing loud instruments and "making a joyful noise before the Lord" was the common battle cry. The attempt was to panic the enemy with music and boasting about the superiority of your god. The "musicians" were the STARS and the would attempt to triumph over Jesus (Psalm 41) to panic Him into the effeminate dance and singing. Judas was prophesied as the leader of the band.
The subjective, charismatic outbreaks may seem spiritual to others but it will also endanger your gender identification. That will cause many to love you but others to hate you: especially when you try to force the entire church into experiencing a climax with God: making the Holy Spirit come. The "new style song books" composed of erotic praise songs fulfills one of the most ancient superstitions: using a "halal-type" praise to assist the gods so that they will keep up the relationship. A charismatic, sexually-ambivalent leader is required. In all of the Biblical "musical" passages this was the MARK that a people were beyond redemption.
Tom Haddon: And, and I'm all enthused about it, what I forget is there's the people out there who haven't been in on the planning and the praying and the knowing and the experiencing it little by little and the little grandmother that says, "you mean the services that I grew up here for 55 years --- they're not here any more?"
And the dad who says, "my kids, I raised um here, it just doesn't seem the same."
And Mary sits at the back you know or in the middle and she says, "you know Tom, they took Face To Face out of these books."--- And I want to say YES, YES
but look at what they added, OUR GOD IS AN AWSOME GOD.
Pastor Mike wrote: "My God is NOT an awesome God - He is an aweful God. Get out a dictionary and use the words correctly. God is Full of Awe - not just some. Modern bible version mentality in Christianity prevails nowadays and like Rev 3 says, God wants to spue it out!"
The song leader is "awesome." The words are awesome. In the highschool chat room everything is "awesome." "This song is an awsome song. I just sang it with our youth choir and loved it" "I love this song it is so pretty i could listen to it all day long!" The leader is awesome: the leader is stand in for God.
God is awesome. Get the point? No?
By Biblical and medical certainty when you are singing "awesome" songs and having a MOUNTAINTOP you cannot possibly come away with a better appreciation of God. As a medical certainty you are in charismatic ecstasy and your rational (spiritual) half of your person which is controled by spirit or mind is shut down! Shut down! Shut down! And you confuse what I feel with being spiritual because God is supposed in the Vineyard New Style Songs to be reaching the PEAK when you hit the PEAK.
All praise songs are boomer or self-directed. That means erotic. We talk TO God instead of ABOUT God. I feel awesome, she feels sad:
And what I ignored, or maybe not intentionally ignored but forgot was that my wonderful mountaintop was her tragic conclusion to something.
And without the teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching, it's not their fault. It's not. And you know we need to go back and we need to say and look at her and grieve the fact you know.
Sorry my peak of the week worshiping the awesome leader singing the awesom and having a mountain top experience stabbed you in the heart. But, we gonna teach, teach, teach until my mountain top climax is more important to "worship" than your stab in the chest. Greek melody does speak of "MY" twanging my bowstring to send a "singing" arrow into your heart. Sorry about the blood old lady but I gonna teach, teach, teach that you are the problem.
The NIV is written for casual reading: for the reader who wants the "story" without the facts. However, the NIV word "awesome" in the felt, climactic sense is not in the text. No. No. No. Teach all you wish but you are false, false, false.
But they were disobedient and rebelled against you;
- they put your law behind their backs.
- They killed your prophets,
- who had admonished them in order to turn them back to you;
- they committed awful (hostile) blasphemies. Neh 9:26
It is pretty sure that the AWESOME love of leaders and self-composed clap-clap songs during the Lord's Supper is committing an AWEFUL act of blasphemy!
Killing the prophets or quenching the Spirit is refusing to listen to God who admonishes you that your climactic experience is hostility to a Holy God.
Here is that passage about the awesome God in the NIV:
and confessed my sins and those of my people. "O Lord," I prayed, "you are a great and awesome God;
you always fulfill your promises of mercy to those who love you and keep your laws. Daniel 9:4NIV
Here it is in the King James Version:
And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments; Daniel 9:4KJV
If you don't care about the truth you will see the "music" as God's eternal sign or MARK that you are oppressing people and it is, in the Bible, always a sin without redemption: ignorance of the Word is no excuse.
Yare (h3372) yaw-ray'; a prim. root; to fear; mor. to revere; caus. to frighten: - affright, be (make) afraid, dread (- ful), (put in) fear (- ful, -fully, -ing), (be had in) reverence (-end), * see, terrible (act, - ness, thing).
The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy (teach)? Am.3:8
See Romans 3 to understand the Hostile Takeover by the theatrical people in whom is no fear.
Songs are the most conservative part of everyone's lives: I can feel the log cabin at age 5 when I recovered the victrola and can listen to the Jubilee Quartet singing the same: "Little David Play on Yo harp." To deliberately change the musical routine is to deliberately "offend people" so you can sing erotic praise songs TO God instead of ABOUT God.
Rather than providing comfort to the older generation you are deliberately stimulating DISCOMFORT in order to make them over in your image.
And you say, "old broad, it is Corban. You don't understand what I am doing: I am dedicating it to God."
That makes us worse than infidels and it will never be forgiven.Plato warned that you shouldn't worry about "the new songs that people sing" but you should worry that they are deliberately changing the laws and morality of people. Music has destroyed our nation's fabric: why should we believe that the ancient superstition about music can "regenerate the human soul through external means?"
Before God always takes control over revolutionaries, the last Horn of the Armageddon (Means: "Polemic battle with self-exalters."). Is it prophetic?
And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. Daniel 7:24
And he shall speak (poetically) great (as the embodiment of the adversary) words against the most High,
and shall wear out the saints of the most High,
and think to change times and laws:
and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. (3 1/2 years) Daniel 7:25
Tom Haddon: You know where I jus(t) want to go you know but she looks and the tears start. [And every one is recorded in heaven] And she says, "You know Tom, they sang Face To Face when we buried Jack, --- Face To Face was Jack's favorite song and it's not even in these books." --- And what I ignored, or maybe not intentionally ignored but forgot was that my wonderful mountaintop was her tragic conclusion to something.
And without the teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching, it's not their fault. It's not.
And you know we need to go back and we need to say and look at her and grieve the fact you know
that when we stick these tv's and microphones (ultimate phallic symbol) and these banners (Idols, sign that YOU lose, I win) and these screens come down. Yeah it looks a little bit different than when Julie's wedding was here --- and when we buried Jack.
It does, but you know, if I don't grieve the end of those things with them,
if I don't help acknowledge the loss and help them through thatwhen I get back over here and Happy-Go-Tom and we're gonna fly around on angel's wings over here is so up.
[The wings of Icarus melted when he tried to fly too close to the sun]
Let the 'audience' of THEM understand that you have given them power over demonic forces and that they do not have to be defeated with the music, the triumph which they attempted on You, Lord.
Happy-Go-Tom and we're gonna fly around on angel's wings over here is so up is actually mentioned by God in the book of Ezekiel.
Wherefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against your pillows (clothing to suggest after hours free time), wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly (lift up), and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly. Eze 13:20
Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life: Eze 13:22
Therefore ye shall see no more vanity, nor divine divinations: for I will deliver my people out of your hand: and ye shall know that I am the Lord. Eze 13:23
The pipe is Pan's instrument. It is primal, perhaps the first musical instrument made by humans, a hollow reed, a blade of grass sent to whistling. It is an extension of the lips, the breath. The dervish poet Rumi used dance and flute to create ecstatic states, whirling to join heaven and earth in love. The Hindu god Krishna, the avatar of Vishnu, is at once great god of the universe and shepherd boy beloved of all the shepherd women.
His flute made them dance with abandon. The music of Krishna's pipe is Eros freed from the bounds of society, its rules, laws, restrictions, morality.
It is the love of the human soul for the universe and the divine in a mystical relationship unsullied by institutions and authorities, unsullied even by language.
Logos--words, reason--release their customary grip and let the soul soar on wings that logic and science cannot know. Krishna's Flute
- At the first note of his flute
- down came the lion gate of reverence for elders...
- I was thrust to the ground as if by a thunderbolt...
- How can I describe his relentless flute,
- which pulls virtuous women from their homes
- and drags them by their hair to Shyam
- as thirst and hunger pull the doe to the snare?
- Chaste ladies forget their lords,
- wise men forget their wisdom,
- and clinging vines shake loose from their trees,
- hearing that music. (Kinsley 36-37)
By means of his flute, Krishna fills himself and the universe with bliss. He distracts everyone and everything from normal activity and enchants them to revel in ecstasy. His flute sends shudders of delight to the very foundations of the world.
Natural laws fall away as rocks and trees respond to his call and stars wander from their courses. The sound of his flute puts an abrupt end to man's mechanical, habitual activity as well as to the predictable movements of nature.
His music explodes upon the world and society insisting that all else be forgotten.
It is time, it proclaims, to join in his symphony of joy, to frolic in the forest, to scamper in play, to realize every dream that one has ever dreamed in his world of infinite possibility. (Kinsley 40-41)
Tom Haddon:And where is Mary still gonna be? She's gonna be back over here. And if she doesn't think that Tom loves her enough not to get up in the pulpit and preach her a sermon about it
but to go to her house and hold her hands and cry with her and walk her thru it and talk with her, then she's never going.
Because when she sees how much we love her and respect her I think she's a lot more willing when I get up there the next time to say you know what I know him and I know he loves the Lord.
Well Jesus died to rescue Sister Mary from infiltrators and diverters. You cannot have a TEMPTER without a TEMPTED. And you cannot have STEADY souls who don't FLY AROUND without those who try to seduce them into flapping off the tall building of God's Holy Word. Mathew Henry spoke for both the TEMPTER and Tempted old lady who was going to visit her daughter by got her train switched by Satanic bait. See how the false prophets and prophetesses (musical singers) DIVERTED and made souls fly.
3. They kept people in awe, and terrified them with their pretensions: "You hunt the souls of my people (v. 18), hunt them to make them flee (v. 20),
hunt them into gardens (so the margin reads it);
- you use all the arts you have
- to court or compel them into those places
- where you deliver your pretended predictions,or you have got such an influence upon them that you make them do just as you would have them to do, and tyrannise over them.''
"It was indeed the people's fault that they did regard them,
- but it was their fault by lies and falsehoods to command that regard;
- they pretended to save the souls alive that came to them, v. 18.
If they would but be hearers of them, and contributors to them, they might be sure of salvation;
thus they beguiled unstable souls that had a concern about salvation as their end but did not rightly understand the way, and therefore hearkened to those who were most confident in promising it to them.
But will you pretend to save souls, or secure salvation to your party?'' Those are justly suspected that make such pretensions.
4. They discouraged those that were honest and good, and encouraged those that were wicked and profane: You slay the souls that should not die, and save those alive that should not live, v. 19. This is explained (v. 22):
You have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad;
because they would not, they durst not, countenance your pretensions, you thundered out the judgments of God against them,
to their great grief and trouble; you put them under invidious characters, to make them either despicable or odious to the people,
and pretended to do it in God's name, which made them go many a time with a sad heart;
whereas it was the will of God that they should be comforted, and by having respect put upon them should have encouragement given them.
Tom Haddon: Four little things really quick. Really quick. We're jus(t) gonna mention um (THEM), on about how to deal with critics. Uhmm --- . A. Affirm and acknowledge. Affirm their (THEM) right to not like what we like. [but we are gonna stomp all over you]
Hold their hands and say because by the same token
we'll have to turn it around and we'll want them to affirm our light,
our right to like what they don't like.Affirm that decision with them.
And next reflect. When they (THEM) say something to you (US) reflect back on it what they said on it. You know we teach each other that in marriage and counseling.
Say now is, is this what I understand you're sayin'. Let um (THEM) know you (US) hear what they're sayin' and that you're talkin' to um that we're both on the same team. And then lastly I' gonna say plan' pray and part in peace.
Don't think that you have to stop every time a critic (THEM) or somebody stops you (US) in the hall an' " wantna ya rrrrrrr". Don' think you hafta settle it right then.
What would be the motive of claiming the right to ride over the "builders" and get a chance to do your thing? Wouldn't a believer want to go to the Bible and say, "Um, don't you see that Christ wants us to pollute or Mock Him all over by singing, clapping and ignoring His word and singing OUR word." But, people have been led by Blackaby / King among Baptists to beleive that WE GET OUR CHANCE AT BEING CHRIST FOR OUT AGE.
Again, "music" is a pagan or secular word and has no connection to spiritual worship. The "songs" are to be the Word of Christ or Spirit or "that which is written." The purpose is not HOLY ENTERTAINMENT but teaching and admonishing one another.
The melody (not the same as harmony) is to be in the heart because external melody (psallo) speaks of the spiritual anxiety of "grinding the enemy into a fine poweder" to make them into cowards. You can "psallo" a believer's head off with a sword. Christ wants us to use the Spiritual Sword because "lifeless instruments" and "carnal weapons" cannot change the spirit.
Jesus used the word SOP of Judas and this, too, is related to the melody which Paul insisted must be kept "in the spirit" to prevent the sowing of discord among those who may see AWESOME SINGING as ANXIETY AND HOSTILITY CREATING drug overdose of endorphins.
Being Sectarian means "adding some non-essential ritual to the services which is not part of the long-term view of the congretation" founded on those practices. If you try to put them on a different train you sow discord among brethren and offend many, many of these little ones you may believe you are making good decisions for. But it is a dangerous game.
We have added a page two with educational background
Musical Worship Page (Never Biblically or historically approved)
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