NACC Victorius Revelation Rick Atchley

Any musical rituals to replace the School of Christ worships Apollyon,




Therefore, you worship the BEAST if you pay for Rhetoric, Singing, Playing an instrument, hearing opinion,
hear experiences or PAY TO PLAY. 

The Babylon Mother of Harlots uses lusted after clergy as singers, instrument players, any religious craftsperson clearly defined as a PARASITE. The first BEAST depended on lying about and slandering the Biblical Regulative Principle.  When so few congregations could be seduced, music and the effeminate was called to the trenches;


Jesus said that He and His Disciples were FROM ABOVE: The Jewish Clergy were from BENEATH or Tartarus.
Terra or dust " tera natives of the soil, aborigines, autochthones" The Earth as goddess used by feminists:  Personified, Terra, the Earth, as a goddess; “usu. called Tellus, Magna Mater, Ceres, Cybele, etc
he infernal regions, Prop. 3, 5


The BEAST from the EARTH exerciseth all the POWER of the first BEAST before him,
    and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein
        to worship
the first BEAST, whose deadly wound was healed. Rev. 13:12
1Cor. 15:45 And so it is written,
        The first man Adam was made a living soul;
        the last Adam was made a QUICKENING SPIRIT
        but that which is natural;
        and afterward that which is spiritual.
1Cor. 15:47 The first man is OF the EARTH, earthy:
        the second man is the Lord from heaven.

1Cor. 15:50 Now this I say, brethren,
        that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
        neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

POWER of the Earth (Aborigines) BEAS is exous-ia Power to win praise.

Strab. 1.2.17
If any thing does not correspond, [To Customs or Laws]
        it should be attributed to change,
        or to misconception,
        or to poetical licence,
               which is made up of [a] history, [b] rhetoric, and  [c] fiction.
                       and Truth is the aim of the historical portion,..

A lively interest is the end ,
the rhetorical as when he points to us the combat;
        [c]  and of the fiction, pleasure and astonishment...
HE bids us not to judge poems by the standard of intellect,
         nor yet look to them for history.
Poi-ētikos  “p. kai mousikoi  the art of poetry mousi^kos , ē, on, Dor. mōsikos , ta mousika music, II. of persons, skilled in music, musical, X.l.c., etc.; “poiētikoi. andres” Pl.Lg.802b; “kuknos kai alla zōa m.” Id.R.620a; “peri aulous -ōtatoi” Ath.4.176e; LYRIC poet, OPPOSITE. EPIC, Pl.Phdr.243a   “mousikos kai melōn poētēs
mole  melōn There is no music or lyric material in Scripture.
esp. musical member, phrase: hence, song, strain,
en melei poieein to write in lyric strain
2. music to which a song is set, tune, Arist.Po.1450a14

kat-aule๔   A. charm by flute-playing, tinos Pl.Lg.790e, cf. R.411a; tina Alciphr.2.1: metaph., se . . -๊s๔ phob๔i I will flute to you on a ghastly flute, E.HF871 (troch.):--Pass., of persons, methu๔n kai katauloumenos drinking wine to the strains of the flute, Pl.R.561c; k. pros chel๔nidos psophon to be played to on the flute with lyre accompaniment, Posidon.10 J., cf. Call.Fr.10.3 P., Phld.Mus.p.49 K.
God is not ignorant, as Theologians claim. If He had intended musical melody He would not have used PSALLO

Thera^p-euō   II.   do service to the gods, athanatous, theous th., Hes.Op.135, Hdt.2.37, X.Mem.1.4.13, etc.; “daimona” Pi.P.3.109; Dionuson, Mousas, E.Ba.82 (lyr.), IT1105(lyr.); th. Phoibou [
“Apollon”] naous serve them, Id.Ion111 (anap.): abs., worship, Lys.6.51; do service or honour to one's parents, E.Ion183 (lyr.), Pl.R.467a, Men.91a; serve, wait upon a master, Id.Euthphr.13d, cf. Ar.Eq.59, 1261, etc.; th. tas thēkas reverence men's graves, Pl.R.469a.
APOLLYON- Phoebus , i, m., = Phoibos (the radiant), I. a poetical appellation of Apollon as the god of light: “quae mihi Phoebus Apollon, Val. Fl. 1, 228: “Circe,” [CHURCH AS WORSHIP CENTER] daughter of Sol, Petr. 135

From the first recorded history, people of this WORLD have engaged in Spiritual and Literal war over Who and How to Worship.  The NACC was born in after Christian Churches SECTED OUT of the Disciples-Christian Churches.  FROM that time pretty ruthless efforts using the ploy of UNITY to force The Historic church to take the MARK of "Instrumental Music Worship."  The thesis is that a group collectivizes and mandates a pattern of several ACTS in the belief that God needs or tolerate SELF-ORIGINATED songs accompanies with "Musical" Instruments.  The BEAST in Revelation is Theiron a new form of music and Satyric Drama.

The result is that commercial grade religionisim has never been able to grasp that no one in Scripture ever attended a WORSHIP center operated by professionals.

Josh. 5:14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua   
       FELL ON HIS FACE to t
he earth,
        and did WORSHIP, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
Dan. 2:46 Then the king Nebuchadnezzar
        and commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto him.
2Chr. 20:18 And Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground:
        and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem

1Cor. 14:25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest;
        will WORSHIP God, and report that God is in you of a truth.
Rev. 7:11 And all the angels stood round about the throne,
        and about the elders and the four beasts,
        and FELL before the throne on their faces,
        and WORSHIPPED God,
Rev. 11:16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats,


John 8:26 I have many things to say and to judge of you:
        but he that sent me is true;
        and I SPEAK to the world those things which I have HEARD of him.
John 8:27 They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.
John 8:28 Then said Jesus unto them,
        When ye have lifted up the Son of man,
        then shall ye know that I am he,
        and that I do nothing of myself;
                but as my Father hath TAUGHT me,
                I SPEAK these things.

GOD as masculine never taught Jesus to SING any of His Words.

John 8:29 And he that sent me is with me:
        the Father hath not left me alone;
         for I DO always those things that PLEASE him.
John 8:30 As he spake these WORDS, many believed on him.
John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
        IF ye continue in my WORD, THEN are ye my disciples indeed

John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free,
        ye shall be free indeed.
John 8:37 I know that ye are Abraham’s seed;
        but ye seek to kill me, because my WORD hath no place in you.
John 8:38  I SPEAK that which I have seen with my Father:
         and ye DO that which ye have seen with your father.

Jn 7:18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory:
        but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.

Devil Do: poiētai 4. after Hom., of Poets, compose, write, p. dithurambon, epea, Hdt.1.23, 4.14; “p. theogoniēn 
Epos  joined with muthos,     1. song or lay accompanied by music, 8.91,17.519.
2. fiction (opp. logos, historic truth),  THE REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE

Hdt. 1.23 Periander, who disclosed the oracle's answer to Thrasybulus, was the son of Cypselus, and sovereign of Corinth. The Corinthians say (and the Lesbians agree) that the most marvellous thing [Lying Wonders] that happened to him in his life was the landing on Taenarus of Arion of Methymna, brought there by a dolphin. This Arion was a lyre-player second to none in that age; he was the first man whom we know to compose and name the dithyramb1 which he afterwards taught at Corinth.

1 The dithyramb was a kind of dance-music particularly associated with the cult of Dionysus.

Devil Do: LATIN:   făcĭo ,  to make in all senses, to do, perform, accomplish, prepare, produce, bring to pass, cause, effect, create, commit, perpetrate, form, fashion operor Lying Wonder,  “po๋ma,” to compose, id. Pis. 29, 70: “carmina,” Juv. 7, 28: “versus,” id. 7, 38: “sermonem,” Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1; cf. “litteram,” id. Ac. 2, 2, 6: ludos, to celebrate, exhibit, admirationem alicujus rei alicui,” to excite [the Laded Burden],

Devil Do: carmen
 I.a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto). note, sound, both vocal and instrumental “also versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonus),” Enn. Ann. 508 Vahl.: “carmine vocali clarus citharāque Philammon,” Ov. M. 11, 317; cf. “vocum,” id. ib. 12, 157: “per me (sc. Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis

“barbaricum,” id. M. 11, 163.—With allusion to playing on the cithara: The Moher o Harlots in John 17 “Carminibus Circe socios mutavit Ulixi,
Devil Do:   Commercium sermonis,”   7  In mercant. lang., to practise, exercise, follow any trade or profession:  8. In relig. lang., like the Gr. rhezein, to perform or celebrate a religious rite; to offer sacrifice, make an offering, to sacrifice:

Devil Do: Mousa   II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugera” A.Eu.308 (anap.); “euphamos” Id.Supp.695 
“Kanakhan .Clanging Brass
as many as made them hope by divinations, Madness caused by Ritual
worship as divine, “Puthagoran  [Of the Cosmos, the Ecumenical, Kingdom of the Devil."
Antiluron mousas
” S.Tr.643 (lyr.);  PLAYING THE LYRE
“Aiakō moisan pherein”
I. bear or carry a load,  A Laded Burden

Orgi-astikos , ē, on, A  of or for orgia, exciting, “ouk estin ho aulos ēthikon, alla . . orgiastikon” Arist.Pol.1341a22 ; o. kai pathētika ib.1342b3.   

Great Goddesses:

Paizo dance, play a game,  4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., Pan ho kalamo phthongapaiz๔n [played on a reed]Ar.Ra.230 ; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.5. play amorously, prosall๊lous X.Smp.9.2 ; metatinosLXX Ge.26.8 ; of mares, Arist.HA572a30.

-Orgia sacrifices to Aphrodite A.secret rites, secret worship, practised by the initiated, of the Cabeiri and Demeter Achaia, most freq. of the rites of Dionysus, Cogn erdō, rhezō, cf. ergon, orgeōn.
Kukleo whirl round and round, encompass Aristoph. Thes
[959] Chorus Let the chorus sing likewise and praise the Olympian gods in their pious transport. It's wrong to suppose that, because I am a woman and in this temple, I am going to speak ill of men; [966] but since we want something fresh, we are going through the rhythmic steps of the round dance for the first time.

Strab. 10.3.10 And on this account Plato, and even before his time the Pythagoreians, [Puthagoreioi] called philosophy music;1 and they say that the universe is constituted in accordance with harmony,2 assuming that every form of music is the work of the gods.
        And in this sense, also, the Muses are goddesses,
        and Apollo is leader of the Muses, and poetry as a whole is laudatory of the gods

The introduction of SORCERERS: singers, instrument players, Craftsmen (Parasites) and JESUS visiting to get the LAMPSTAND (7 spirits OF Divine Knowledge) is the MARK that Jesus has been there and WILL NOT PASS BY AGAIN: there will be no opportunity.

Amos 8 A Basket of Summer "Fruits" (same as Revelation 18 which NACC missed) is the FINAL MARK that people are OF the World, Ecumenical, kingdom of the Devil, plagued by the mark of BLUSHING EFFEMINATE self-display



From 1978 to 1989, he was the preaching minister at Southern Hills Church of Christ in Abilene, TX. Rick earned a BA in oral communication in 1978 and an MA in religious communications with a minor in Bible in 1982 from Abilene Christian University. Rick is the author of several books, including Together Again: A Plea for Unity between Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, co-authored with Bob Russell. He and his wife have two sons and one daughter.  


We're looking forward to Rick's message on "Welcome Salvation Joyfully," based on Revelation 19-20, on Friday morning, July 12th! ... on.19.html ... 19-20.html ... on.21.html ... chley.html ... chley.html ... Hates.html ... Power.html ... f.God.html ... lence.html ... m.God.html ... usion.html ... umpet.html



Among pagans, words were not for information but for controlling the forces of the universe. If you had "charisma" which according to H.B. Parkes, possessed irrational, emotional or sexual abnormalities.

-Plato Laws 10 [885d] that before threatening us harshly, you should first try to convince and teach us, by producing adequate proofs, that gods exist, and that they are too good to be wheedled by gifts and turned aside from justice. For as it is, this and such as this is the account of them we hear from those who are reputed the best of poets -[poiētōn], orators[rhētorōn], seers -[manteōn]oida], priests [hiereōn], and thousands upon thousands of others; and consequently most of us,
        instead of seeking to avoid wrong-doing,
        do the wrong and then try to make it good.

-manti^s pl. mantides Suid.s.v. Sibulladiviner, seer, prophet,. of Apollo and Cassandra, Id.Ag.1275; of the Pythian priestess, II. a kind of grasshopper, the praying mantis, Mantis religiosa

-10.[909a] shall hold intercourse with them, save only those who take part in the nocturnal assembly, and they shall company with them to minister to their souls' salvation by admonition; and when the period of their incarceration has expired, if any of them seems to be reformed, he shall dwell with those who are reformed, but if not, and if he be convicted again on a like charge, he shall be punished by death. But as to all those who have become like ravening beasts, and who, besides holding that the gods are negligent

[909b or open to bribes, despise men, charming the souls of many of the living, and claiming that they charm the souls of the dead, and promising to persuade the gods by bewitching them, as it were, with sacrifices, prayers and incantations,1 and who try thus to wreck utterly not only individuals, but whole families [Oikia household] and States for the sake of money

John 8:26 I have many things to say and to judge of you:
        but he that sent me is true;
        and I SPEAK to the world those things which I have HEARD of him.
John 8:27 They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.
John 8:28 Then said Jesus unto them,
        When ye have lifted up the Son of man,
        then shall ye know that I am he,
        and that I do nothing of myself;
                but as my Father hath taught me,
                I speak these things.
John 8:29 And he that sent me is with me:
        the Father hath not left me alone;
         for I DO always those things that PLEASE him.
John 8:30 As he spake these WORDS, many believed on him.
John 8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
        IF ye continue in my WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed;

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth,
        and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:33 They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed,
        and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?
John 8:34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
        Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.
John 8:35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever:
        but the Son abideth ever.
John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free,
        ye shall be free indeed.
John 8:37 I know that ye are Abraham’s seed;
        but ye seek to kill me, because my WORD hath no place in you.
John 8:38  I SPEAK that which I have seen with my Father:
         and ye DO that which ye have seen with your father

Devil Do: poiētai 4. after Hom., of Poets, compose, write, p. dithurambon, epea, Hdt.1.23, 4.14; “p. theogoniēn 
Epos  joined with muthos,     1. song or lay accompanied by music, 8.91,17.519.
2. fiction (opp. logos, historic truth),  THE REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE

Hdt. 1.23 Periander, who disclosed the oracle's answer to Thrasybulus, was the son of Cypselus, and sovereign of Corinth. The Corinthians say (and the Lesbians agree) that the most marvellous thing [Lying Wonders] that happened to him in his life was the landing on Taenarus of Arion of Methymna, brought there by a dolphin. This Arion was a lyre-player second to none in that age; he was the first man whom we know to compose and name the dithyramb1 which he afterwards taught at Corinth.

1 The dithyramb was a kind of dance-music particularly associated with the cult of Dionysus.

Devil Do: LATIN:   făcĭo ,  to make in all senses, to do, perform, accomplish, prepare, produce, bring to pass, cause, effect, create, commit, perpetrate, form, fashion operor Lying Wonder,  “po๋ma,” to compose, id. Pis. 29, 70: “carmina,” Juv. 7, 28: “versus,” id. 7, 38: “sermonem,” Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1; cf. “litteram,” id. Ac. 2, 2, 6: ludos, to celebrate, exhibit, admirationem alicujus rei alicui,” to excite [the Laded Burden],

Devil Do: carmen
 I.a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto). note, sound, both vocal and instrumental “also versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonus),” Enn. Ann. 508 Vahl.: “carmine vocali clarus citharāque Philammon,” Ov. M. 11, 317; cf. “vocum,” id. ib. 12, 157: “per me (sc. Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis

“barbaricum,” id. M. 11, 163.—With allusion to playing on the cithara: The Moher o Harlots in John 17 “Carminibus Circe socios mutavit Ulixi,
Devil Do:   Commercium sermonis,”   7  In mercant. lang., to practise, exercise, follow any trade or profession:  8. In relig. lang., like the Gr. rhezein, to perform or celebrate a religious rite; to offer sacrifice, make an offering, to sacrifice:

Devil Do: Mousa   II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugera” A.Eu.308 (anap.); “euphamos” Id.Supp.695 
“Kanakhan .Clanging Brass
as many as made them hope by divinations, Madness caused by Ritual
worship as divine, “Puthagoran  [Of the Cosmos, the Ecumenical, Kingdom of the Devil."
Antiluron mousas
” S.Tr.643 (lyr.);  PLAYING THE LYRE
“Aiakō moisan pherein”
I. bear or carry a load,  A Laded Burden

Hdt. 5.6

Among the rest of the Thracians, it is the custom to sell their children for export and to take no care of their maidens, allowing them to have intercourse with any man they wish. Their wives, however, they strictly guard, and buy them for a price from the parents. [2] To be tattooed is a sign of noble birth, while to bear no such marks is for the baser sort. The idler is most honored, the tiller of the soil most scorned; he is held in highest honor who lives by war and robbery.

Herodotus, with an English translation by A. D. Godley. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1920.
ep' exagōgē: for exportation abroad (cf. vii. 156. 2 ad fin.) like the Circassians.

Many races are comparatively indifferent to juvenile unchastity, and only impose strict conduct on women after marriage. Cf. i. 93. 4 n., Peschel, Races of Man, p. 220 f., but per contra, Westermarck, op. cit. p. 61 f.

For marriage by purchase cf. the speech of the Thracian chief Seuthes, Xen. Anab. vii. 2. 37 “soi de, ō Xenophōn, kai thugatera dōsō kai ei tis soi esti thugatēr ōnēsomai Thrakiō nomō”, and Peschel, op. cit. p. 227 f.; Westermarck, op. cit. ch. 17.

Tattooing was to the Greek the branding of a slave (cf. vii. 233 n.), though traces of it are thought by Tsountas to be indicated on a limestone head found at Mycenae (C. R. xi. 461). It was, however, an honour among the Thracians (Cic. de Offic. ii. 7. 25; Dio Chrys. p. 233), Illyrians (Strabo 315), the Agathyrsi (Mela ii. 10), and the Mosynoeci (Xen. Anab. v. 4. 32). It is widely used, sometimes as a tribal or totem mark (Frazer, Totemism, i. 28, iv. 197 f.), sometimes as a means of decoration (Westermarck, op. cit. p. 168).

For the similar feeling among the Germans cf. Tac. Germ. 14 ‘Nec arare terram aut exspectare annum tam facile persuaseris quam vocare hostem et vulnera mereri’. Cf. also ii. 167.

Revelation 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken,
        and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him,
        with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast,
        and them that worshipped his image.
        These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Hdt. 5.7 These are most notable of their usages. They worship no gods but Ares, Dionysus, and Artemis.1 Their princes, however, unlike the rest of their countrymen, worship Hermes above all gods and swear only by him, claiming him for their ancestor.

1 Herodotus as usual identifies foreign with Greek deities: v. How and Wells ad loc.

1.3.22 18  12.22.22 38

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