Renee Sproles Feminist Theology
Jesus SPOKE only what God the Father TAUGHT Him: the Word IS SPIRIT and LIFE and as LOGOS outlaws personal experiences, or opinions, Rhetoric, Music or any Performing roles and PAY TO PLAY.Renee Sproles As Puritan John Newton wrote, “
Many … who would not flatly contradict the apostle’s testimony in 1 John 1:3
attempt to evade its force by restraining it to the primitive times …
but who can believe that the very nature and design OF CHRISTianity
should alter in the course OF time?
And that communion WITH GOD which was essential to it in the apostle’s days, should now be unnecessary?”
The New Covenant or the Last Will and Testament of Jesus. That will was RECORDED, TESTIFIED, AND SEALED AND RESERVED FOR HEIRS ONLY.
JESUS AND HIS COVENANT WAS UNIQUE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. For the First and Last Time Jesus corrected all religious history. He was the power that destroyed TEMPLES or WORSHIP Center. At the same time as God's FAMILY He disposed of all 'usurpers such as preachers, singers, instrument players, effeminate actors or PAY TO PLAY.
Acts 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,IN CHURCH ARCHITECTURE THE ENTRANCE IS A VULVA AND THE PODIUM IS THE MOST HOLY PLACE. 1 Corinthians 1 referencing isaiah 33 says that there will be NO PODIUMS not TAKERS OF SHEKALS is this secret and silent School of Christ.
Acts 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein,
seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth,
dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
g3485. ναός naos, nah-os´; from a primary ναίω naio (to dwell); a fane, shrine, temple : — shrine, temple. Compare 2411.
g2411. ἱερόν hieron, hee-er-on´; neuter of 2413; a sacred place, i.e. the entire precincts (whereas 3485 denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere): — temple.
Singers Duct-Taping the mouth of Jesus and preachers UPDATING all texts, are Purpose Driven to "Make people forget God's Name. I can testify that hers is a Holy Scripture and Reverence Free Zone. Jude says that they were FOREORDAINED to this judgment
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Labor is: kop-iaō ,Men.l.c.; k. hupo agathōn to be weary of good things, Ar.Av.735; “ek tēs hodoiporias” Ev.Jo.4.6; “tē dianoia” “k. orkhoumenoi” Ar.Fr.602; “zōn” AP12.46 (Asclep.); “mē kopiatō philosophōn”
Orkheomai , “en rhuthmō” X.Cyr.1.3.10 “o. pros ton aulon skhēmata” Id.Smp.7.5 ; “o. ton hormon”
aulos , A. pipe, flute, clarionet, Il.10.13, 18.495, h.Merc.452; “Ludios” Pi.O.5.19; Elumos, i.e. Phrugios (q. v.), S.Fr.398; “Libus” E.Alc.347; au. gunaikēios, andrēios, Hdt.1.17; au. andreioi, paidikoi, parthenioi, Arist. HA581b11; “didumois auloisin aeisai” Theoc.Ep.5.1; “emphusan eis aulous” D.S.3.59; au. Enualiou, i.e. a trumpet, AP6.151 (Tymn.); hup' aulou to the sound of the flute, Hdt. l. c.; pros ton au., hupo ton au., X.Smp.6.3, etc.: pl., auloi pēktidos pipes of the pēktis, IG4.53 (Aegina).The meaning of a Lying wonder every time you hear a praise song preventing you from SPEAKING that which is written for our learning..
khēma , atos, to/, (ekhō, skhein) 2. appearance, opp. the reality, ouden allo plēn . s. a mere outside, E.Fr.25, cf. 360.27, Pl.R.365c; show, pretence, “ēn de touto . . s. politikon tou logou” Th.8.89; 5. character, role, metabalein to s. Pl.Alc.1.135d; “panta s. poiein” Id.R.576a; “en mētros skhēmati” Id.Lg.918e, cf. 859a; apolabein to heautōn s. to recover their proper character, X.Cyr.7.1.49. 7. a figure in Dancing, Ar.V.1485: mostly in pl., figures, gestures (cf. skhēmation), E.Cyc. 221, Ar.Pax323, Pl.Lg.669d, Epigr. ap. Plu.2.732f, etc.; “skhēmata pros ton aulon orkheisthai” X.Smp.7.5; en . . mousikē kai skhēmata . . kai melē enesti figures and tunes, Pl.Lg.655a
10. = to aidoion LXXIs.3.17.
Xen. Sym. 7.5 However, these questions also fail to promote the same object that wine does; but if the young people were to have a flute accompaniment and dance figures depicting the Graces, the Horae, and the Nymphs, I believe that they would be far less wearied themselves and that the charms of the banquet would be greatly enhanced.”“Upon my word, Socrates,” replied the Syracusan, “you are quite right; and I will bring in a spectacle that will delight you.”
2Chr. 20:18 And Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground:
and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
1Cor. 14:25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest;
will WORSHIP God, and report that God is in you of a truth.
Rev. 7:11 And all the angels stood round about the throne,
and about the elders and the four beasts,
and FELL before the throne on their faces,
Rev. 11:16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats,
Rev. 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Rev. 14:7 Saying with a loud voice,
Fear God, and give glory to him;
for the hour of his judgment is come:
and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
Rev. 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying,
Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
REVELATION 17 REFERENCES THE ORIGINAL BABYLONIAN MOTHER OF HARLOTS; Her priesthood is "Lusted after fruits" (same as in Amos 6). They are singers, instrument players and any religious CRAFTSMAN: "Theater builders and Stage managers." They are called SORCERERS the name of the original mother goddess and warns that They WILL or ARE BEING "CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE."
God sent Jesus for Sons FROM God who are taught BY God to SPEAK only the words He put into the MOUTH of His Son
Heb. 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Heb. 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,
Matt. 23:34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
Luke 11:49 Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:
2Pet. 3:3 ¶ Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
In one of his letters John Newton spoke with great insight of the Scriptures and their role in the life of believers. He addressed the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit. Listen to his words, written September 6, 1768:
….When we begin to know ourselves, and to feel the uncertainty and darkness which are inseparable from our fallen nature, how comfortable and encouraging is it to reflect, that God has given us his infallible Word, and promised us his infallible Spirit, to guide us into all necessary truth; and that in the study of the one, and in dependence upon the other, none can miss the way of peace and salvation, who are sincerely desirous to find it. But we are cautioned to keep our eye upon both; and the caution is necessary, for we are too prone to separate what God has joined together, Isaiah 8:20, 1 Cor. 2:10-11.
On the other hand, we are directed to expect the teaching and assistance of the Holy Spirit only within the limits, and by the medium of the written Word. For he has not promised to reveal new truths—but to enable us to understand what we read in the Bible—and if we venture beyond the pale of Scripture, we are upon enchanted ground, and exposed to all the illusions of our imagination. But an attention to the Word of God, joined to humble supplications for his Spirit, will lead us to new advances in true knowledge.
John 6:63 It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that I SPEAK unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are life
Is. 8:19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:
should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?
goēs A. sorcerer, wizard, Phoronis 2, Hdt.2.33,4.105, Pl.R. 380d, “g. epōdos Ludias apo khthonos” E.Ba.234, cf. Hipp.1038. for boēsi Hdt.7.191. 2. juggler, cheat, “deinos g. kai pharmakeus kai sophistēs” Pl.Smp.203d; “deinon kai g. kai sophistēn . . onomazōn” D.18.276; “apistos g. ponēros” Id.19.109; “magos kai g.” Aeschin.3.137:
Rev. 18:22 And the voice of [sophistēs] harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, [PARASITE] of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
Rev. 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [pharmakeus] were all nations deceived.
epōd-os , on, (epadō)A. singing to or over, using songs or charms to heal wounds, “epōdoi muthoi” Pl.Lg.903b.
b. Subst., ENCHANTER, “epōd-os kai goēs” E.Hipp. 1038 (but “goēs e.” Ba.234): c. gen., a CHARM for or against, “ethusen hautou paida epōdon Thrēkiōn aēmatōn” A.Ag.1418 ; e. tōn toioutōn one to charm away such fears, Pl.Phd.78a.c. c. dat., assisting, profitable, “e. gignesthai neois pros aretēn” Id.Lg.671aIs. 8:20 To the law and to the testimony:
if they speak not according to this word,
Is. 8:21 And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry:
and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry,
they shall fret themselves, and CURSE THEIR KING AND THEIR GOD, and look upward.
Is. 8:22 And they shall look unto the earth;
and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish;
and they shall be driven to darkness.
1John 2:9 He that saith he is IN THE LIGHT, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
1John 2:10 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
1John 2:11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness,
and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth,
because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.
Renee Sproles, Theology of the Mother goddess, North Boulevard Church of Christ, Feminist Theology, Rewriting holy Scripture.
I just quote Holy Scripture and define terms used such as theology. Wthout being aware they are lending themselves to the theology of Apollo or Apollyon. He is the leaer of the Locusts or His musicians just unleashed from the smokey pit.
Matt. 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest. [ anapausō]
Matt. 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN OF ME
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find REST unto your souls.
Matt. 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light
Is. 3:4 And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.
Isaiah 3:4 et dabo pueros principes eorum et effeminati dominabuntur eis
-1 Kings 14:[22] 10. and will utterly sweep away the house of Jeroboam, as a man sweeps away dung, until it be all gone. Judah did that which was evil in the sight of Yahweh, and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins which they committed, above all that their fathers had done.[23] For they also built them high places, and pillars, and Asherim, on every high hill, and under every green tree;[24] and there were also sodomites in the land: they did according to all the abominations of the nations which Yahweh drove out before the children of Israel.dominabuntur Ruler,
MARK Women or the Effeminate as oratio,
MARK Women or effeminate who are consilium the person who forms the purpose,
MARK Women or the effeminate who Teach Over aedĭfĭco in a religious sense, to build up,
instruct, edify.Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.
O my people, they that lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
mŭlĭer as a term of reproach, a woman, i. e. a coward, poltroon: arbĭtror to make a decision,
give judgment or sentence: OR mŭlĭĕro, to make womanish, render effeminateBoys: -Effeminoto make womanish, effeminate, to enervate: “fortitudinis praecepta“illa elocutio
res ipsas effeminat,” “mollis, luxuriosus, dissolutus): ne quid effeminatum aut molle sit,”
Cic. Off. 1, 35, 129; cf. id. Tusc. 4, 30: “intolerabile est servire impuro, impudico, effeminato,
On the whole, only women and effeminate men fell into this folly of musical worship.
The sissification of the church: Dr. Roger R. Chamber died 1988
Singing, body slapping, slight gyrating, Shaming the Lord Jesus Christ and God who is not worshipped by men's hand. There is no way to be a Christian Assembly and denounce all of the Biblical Evidence. A New Day Church claims a vision and denounces all of the practices of Churches of Christ. Honorable people would leave rather than plot to do a hostile Takeover. Despite these advantages, there are a few barriers for men engaging in contemporary worship. Murrow points out that before contemporary worship came on the scene in the 70’s and 80’s, most worship songs in the church were written about God rather than to God. He writes, “With hymns, God is out there. He’s big. Powerful. Dangerous. He’s a leader. With Praise and Worship, God is at my side. He’s close. Intimate. Safe. He’s a lover.”
“Picture two male hunters sitting in a duck blind, shotguns resting across their laps. One hunter decides to express his affection for the other, using the words of a popular praise song. He turns to his friend and says, “Hey, buddy…”
Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate
I feel I’m moving to the rhythm of your grace
Your fragrance is intoxicating in this secret placeThose are the lyrics to a worship song. Murrow goes on to write, “I cannot imagine saying these words to another man - especially one carrying a loaded shotgun.”
Although most church leaders are men, most Christian men feel like the church is feminized and it’s the last place they want to spend Sunday mornings.
Much the same applies to the active muscle system which is actually in a state of vibration. It is in this vibratory field that all the bio-electric chemical, mechanical, energetic, thermal, structural, kinetic and dynamic processes take their course (Jenny, 1974).
"Therefore, when the natural course of frequencies and vibrations are altered by external, HI/LF sound waves that penetrate the total body system,
one can see the potential for a breakdown in normal body functioning
9.3.23 Denying Christ-only invites Him to deny YOU before the Father.
THEOLOGY OF THE ANGEL OF THE MOTHER GODDESS. First, hints Paul, she will have to force you to emasculate yourself to be able to serve as a priest-priestess:-Renee.Sproles.NBLVD.Christ.IN.You.or.ELSE.html
Kenneth Sublett Church Church of Christ Teachings
The Gods are Despised When They are Made; But Become Valuable When Bought.
founder director Renée Sproles -
Gal328 NEITHER Gender Justice Church of Christ.
Is. 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Is. 55:7 Let the wicked forsake HIS WAY,
and the unrighteous man HIS THOUGHTS:
and let him return unto the LORD,
and he will have mercy upon him;
and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
neither are YOUR WAYS MY WAYS, saith the LORD.
Is. 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Is. 55:10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven,
and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth,
and maketh it bring forth and bud,
that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
Is. 55:11 So shall MY WORD
that goeth forth out of my mouth:
it shall not return unto me void,
but it shall accomplish that which I please,
and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Thea with another Subst., “th. mētēr” 1.280; “theai numphai” 24.615; Pallas th. S.Ant.1184; “theoi theai te” A.Th.87(lyr.); “ma theous, ma theas” Pl.Smp.219c; “ma tous theous kai tas theas
mētēr , Dor. matēr , hē: “Gallai mētros oreiēs philothursoi dromades”
gallazō , A.practise cult of Cybeleb. applied to souls seeking birth, Porph.Antr.18 ; cf. numpheuō.
Mētēr, = Dēmētēr, tē Mētri kai tē Kourē hortēn agousi Hdt.8.65; also of Rhea,
Pi.N.5.6; Aphrodite of the Loves, Id.Fr.122.4; phatis ō mater aiskhunas emas, of a rumour,
II. Nymph or goddess of lower rank, “theai Numphai”
N. “kourai Dios aigiokhoio” Od.6.105 ; Adruades, Hamadruades, Druades
The Brides and Bridegrooms engage in the Hieros Gamos: much easier once we get the girls moving with the males on the stage: John calls them along with her craftsmen, singers, instrument players SORCERERS (named after the original Babylon Mother of harlots0.
History of Religious Sex: The religion of the Goddess, wherever it was practiced throughout history, has always been sex positive. The most famous of the ancient rituals is the Hieros Gamos, or Sacred marriage ritual. Records of this ceremony have been dated as far back as early Sumerian, about 5500 years ago. In this ritual the high priestess acting as avatar of The Goddess had sex with the ruler of the country to show the Goddess's acceptance him as ruler and caretaker of her people. Here is part of the ceremony as translated from an ancient Sumerian poem.The High Priestess, acting for Inanna, is speaking to Dumuzi the new king: the Pagan "Christ."
One of the most famous prophets and seers of ancient time,
Teiresias, was a man who was changed into a woman
and served in the temples as a priestess for seven years
to gain the feminine powers of insight and divination.
During this time as a woman he gave birth to a daughter before being turned back into a man. It was Teiresias who gave us the "scale of one to ten."
Myth has it that Zeus and Hera once argued who had the most pleasure in sex. Zeus said it was the woman, while Hera asserted it was the man. They agreed that Teiresias should judge who was right.
He did not hesitate to tell the God and Goddess, "Measured on the scale of pleasure, in the act of sex man has one measure to woman's nine." Hera became incensed by this, stating that judges, like referees in sporting events are all blind, and made Teiresias blind.
The god Hermes [Hermeneutic, Mercury, Kairos] in order to become a god of magic went into the temple of his consort Aphrodite where he wore a woman's robes and artificial breasts. In the temple he learned all the secrets of the Goddess Aphrodite which were exclusively taught to her female priestesses.
The Vineyard (aka Fuller) and Wineskins sees music as bring on a sexual-like climax JUST BEFORE passing the plate.thea_ , b. of the mind, contemplation, “hē tou ontos th.THE THEOLOGY OF THE MOTHER GODDESS IS FROM.
2. spectacle, performance, in a theater, III. place for seE
ma^geia , hē, II. magic, Thphr.HP9.15.7 (pl.), Act.Ap.8.11 (pl.), PMag.Berol.1.127, etc.; tēn goētikēn m. oud' egnōsan hoi magoi] Arist. Fr.36.
MAGOS or SOPHISTS as speakers, singers, instrument players and dramatic enactors. Jesus said that God HIDES from them. You can PURCHASE the "spirit" of a Magos if you have a fortune.
ma^geia , hē, II. magic, Thphr.HP9.15.7 (pl.), Act.Ap.8.11 (pl.), PMag.Berol.1.127, etc.; tēn goētikēn m. oud' egnōsan hoi magoi
goēt-ikos , ē, on, (goēs) A.skilled in witchcraft, jugglingMagga^n-eia , hē, A. trickery, esp. of magical arts, Pl.Lg.908d; magganeiai kai epōdai ib.933a; “periapta kai m.” Ph.2.267, Gal.11.792; “tēs Kirkēs hē m.”
The Wisdom of Solomon or Sophia is the ANTITHESIS to Jesus as the son of a father: MYSTERIES OE ADONI BY S. F. DUNLAP
The Hebrew Religion stepped out from the noblest side of the Dionysus- worship, influenced, no doubt, to IV PREFACE. some extent by Persian and Babylonian ideas, but still retaining the Phoenician impress. The name of the Phoenician Highest God is Bal, Bol, Bui, Sadak, Suduk, Adonz. The Old Testament uses the WISDOM, SPIRIT and WORD as synonymous expressions.In this philosophy, Adoni, Adonis, Osiris, Bacchus, Iach, Bel-Mithra, Aion and Christ are names of the LOGOS who dwells mainly in the solar orb, as the SPIRIT, the LIGHT and the LIFE of men. There- fore we find the sun-names El (Bel), Sadi, Eli, Alah, 8 Aloh (Helios), Adoni (Baal), retained in the Hebrew Bible as names of , Iacho, or Iacchos.
Zoroaster had delivered the living word, the astronomical observations of many centuries had been sent to Aristotle from Babylon, the Mourning for Adonis was slowly passing away, and the reputations of philosophers, astrologers, prophets and teachers were still in their bloom, when a chorus of angels, a gathering of the Magi, and a star of wonderful reful- gence, signified the advent of a Child of the SPIRIT of God and a virgin mother.
When Kiun (Saturn 4 ), rising with a leap and issuing from Scorpio, shall have gone to Leo, Great Euphrates will pour himself into Tigris. By this was signified that the false Messias should come, become lord of the entire world, sit in a great seat, exercise 1 Excels! Dei, qui sit supra Conditorem mundi.
See Ezekiel 8 connected to the sects in Romans 14 which Paul silences as the false Messiah
Proof of being a CHURCH in violent opposition to an EKKLESIA.
Plat. Laws 908d For whereas the one class will be quite frank in its language about the gods and about sacrifices and oaths, and by ridiculing other people will probably convert others to its views, unless it meets with punishment, the other class, while holding the same opinions as the former, yet being specially “gifted by nature'' and being full of craft and guile, is the class out of which are manufactured many diviners and experts in all manner of jugglery; and from it, too, there spring sometimes tyrants and demagogues and generals, and those who plot by means of peculiar mystic rites of their own, and the devices of those who are called “sophists.” Of these there may be many kinds;Epōdē , Ion. and poet. epa^oidē , hē,
Sophis-tēs , ou, ho, A. master of one's craft, adept, expert, of diviners, Hdt.2.49; of poets, “meletan sophistais prosbalon” Pi.I.5(4).28, cf. Cratin.2; of musicians, “sophistēs . . parapaiōn khelun” [turtle harp] A.Fr.314, cf. Eup.447, Pl.Com. 140; sophistē Thrēki (sc. Thamyris) E.Rh.924, cf. Ath.14.632c: with modal words added, “hoi s. tōn hierōn melōn” (religious melody) “Apollōnidē sophistē”
Magga^n-eia , hē, A. trickery, esp. of magical arts, Pl.Lg.908d; magganeiai kai epōdai ib.933a; “periapta kai m.” Ph.2.267, Gal.11.792; “tēs Kirkēs hē m.”
Proof of being a CHURCH in violent opposition to an EKKLESIA.
Epōdē , Ion. and poet. epa^oidē , hē,A. song sung to or over: hence, enchantment, [burden] spell, “epaoidē d' haima..eskhethon” Od.19.457, cf. Pi.P.4.217 ; “ou pros iatrou sophou thrēnein epōdas pros tomōnti pēmati” S.Aj. 582 ; of the Magi, Hdt.1.132 ; “meliglōssois peithous epaoidaisin” A.Pr. 174, cf. S.OC1194 ; “epōdas epadein” X.Mem.2.6.10 sq.; “epōdais haliskesthai” Anaxandr.33.13; “oute pharmaka..oud' au epōdai” Pl.R. 426b ; thusiai kai e. ib.364b ; “tas thusias kai teletas kai tas e.” Id.Smp.202e, etc.: c. gen. obj., charm for or against.., “toutōn epōdas ouk epoiēsen patēr” A.Eu.649.II.apptly., = epōdos 11,
Pharma^kon “paiōnia” A.Ag.848; “khrēsimon” cf. Apoc.9.21.
Manti^s , Sibulla:— diviner, seer, prophet, of Apollo and Cassandra, of the Pythian priestessA. song sung to or over: hence, enchantment, [burden] spell, “epaoidē d' haima..eskhethon” Od.19.457, cf. Pi.P.4.217 ; “ou pros iatrou sophou thrēnein epōdas pros tomōnti pēmati” S.Aj. 582 ; of the Magi, Hdt.1.132 ; “meliglōssois peithous epaoidaisin” A.Pr. 174, cf. S.OC1194 ; “epōdas epadein” X.Mem.2.6.10 sq.; “epōdais haliskesthai” Anaxandr.33.13; “oute pharmaka..oud' au epōdai” Pl.R. 426b ; thusiai kai e. ib.364b ; “tas thusias kai teletas kai tas e.” Id.Smp.202e, etc.: c. gen. obj., charm for or against.., “toutōn epōdas ouk epoiēsen patēr” A.Eu.649.II.apptly., = epōdos 11,
Pharma^kon “paiōnia” A.Ag.848; “khrēsimon” cf. Apoc.9.21.
Manti^s , Sibulla:— diviner, seer, prophet, of Apollo and Cassandra, of the Pythian priestess
theolog-ikos , ē, on,A.theological, philosophia th., i.e. metaphysics, Arist.Metaph.1026a19, cf. 1064b3; “genos” Str.10.3.23; “pragmateia” D.H.4.62; [muthoi] Sallust.4; to th. Cleanth.Stoic.1.108; hoi th. Mete.129.19: Comp. “-ōteros” Dam.Pr.135. Adv. -kōs, opp. “tragikōs, apophainesthai”
pragma^t-eia , A.prosecution of business, diligent study, mataios p. logismōn] this idle attention to argumentations, great trouble, the business of dialectic,
hē dēmēgorikē p. the business of oratory, b. pl., works, of the buildings of Solomon, LXX 3 Ki.9.1.
4. magical operation, spell, “hē Solomōnos p.” study of drama
Apophainō , give evidence of a legitimate mode of living, show by reasoning, [beyond the sacred pages!]
B. Med., display something of one's own, “Mousan stugeran” A.Eu. 309; “kala erga” Pl.Smp.209e:, make a display of oneself, show off, X.Cyr.8.8.13.
II. apophainesthai gnōmēn declare one's opinion, “a. kineisthai ta panta” Id.Tht.168b:—Pass.,
ki_neō Hermes [mercury KAIROS] leading the souls, Od.24.5; simply, move, warrior about to attack,
2. remove a thing from its place, meddle with things sacred, change, innovate, “nomaia” Hdt.3.80
II. disturb, of a wasps'nest, having driven him in headlong flight,
Hdt. 3.80 After the tumult quieted down, and five days passed, the rebels against the Magi held a council on the whole state of affairs... But I have yet worse to say of him than that; he upsets the ancestral ways and rapes women and kills indiscriminately. [6] But the rule of the multitude has in the first place the loveliest name of all, equality, and does in the second place none of the things that a monarch does. It determines offices by lot, and holds power accountable, and conducts all deliberating publicly. Therefore I give my opinion that we make an end of monarchy and exalt the multitude, for all things are possible for the majority.”
If you can grasp the meaing of a Spirit Deity of the whole university you WILL NOT have any personal opinions.
A MYTH is the OPPOSITE of LOGOS, The Word or the Regulative Principle outlawing personal opinions, comments, jokes, singing, oor playing instruments.
We Christians preach the Word by Reading the Word and let Jesus do the talking. Theology is the collective ignorance of merchant and is ranked right up there with phrenology
Aristot. Met. 6.1026a Now all causes must be eternal, but these especially; since they are the causes of what is visible of things divine.
Hence there will be three speculative philosophies:
mathematics, physics, and theology—
[20] since it is obvious that if the divine is present anywhere, it is present in this kind of entity; and also the most honorable science must deal with the most honorable class of subject. The speculative sciences, then, are to be preferred to the other sciences, and "theology" to the other speculative sciences. One might indeed raise the question whether the primary philosophy is universal or deals with some one genus or entity;
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