Renewing God's People: A concise History of Churches of Christ

Gary Holloway and Douglas A. Foster.

Of course, the Baptists like it: "I purchased, read and enjoyed Renewing God's People: A Concise History of the Churches of Christ by Gary Holloway and Douglas Foster (Abilene Christian University Press, 2001). The authors are members of the Churches of Christ (evidently on the more progressive end), and write from a standpoint of both sympathy and honesty. The book recounts the journey of the Churches of Christ (the conservative wing of the Stone-Campbell movement) from a people who professed to be Christians only, to a people who came to believe they were the only Christians. This is not just historical data, but analysis of why they think this happened and a call to these people back to the original restoration plea. Though the book is written more to the people of these churches, I would recommend it as a concise introduction for those who might be interested in the historical journey of the "Churches of Christ."

Required Reading by the LA International Church of Christ.
   Of course they have a hip hop musical worship band.
From the Preface: 'Did Churches of Christ really begin as a unity movement? Why didn't I know that?'
'You mean we used to be called Disciples of Christ? I thought that was just another denomination.'
'Churches of Christ today believe and practice the same things we have from the beginning, don't we?'
No, we Bible and history readers know better. From Restoration Roots

"The destruction of the apocalyptic vision (includes premillennialism) severely weakened both the restoration vision and the counter cultural dimensions of Churches of Christ ..." (p. 116).

The millennial views are the DOMINANT CULTURAL views of most of the denominations. If the Restoration continued to believe that Jesus Christ FAILED the first time, did not establish His Kingdom, was defeated, high-tailed it back to heaven and is mustering strength in order to give it another try, then it WOULD NOT be counter cultural. However it is totally false that Alexander Campbell subscribed to any of the "theories" and explicitely rejected the near coming of Christ.   

William J. Nottingham Global Ministries.

"My point here is that the first missionary society was the product of a long and intense process which generated considerable soul-searching. There were shared biblical principles and at the same time fundamental differences in theological opinion. Disagreement grew
      concerning congregational ecclesiology,
      commonality in mission with other Christians,
      and also perhaps communion of the Holy Spirit.

This tension would eventuate in separate bodies and institutions of the 20th and 21st centuries.  [Disciples and NACC] A full appreciation is probably hidden from us in the distance from ante-bellum times.
      But the nature of the Bible's authority,
      the relatively new idea of the autonomy of the local congregation,
      and the centrality of millennialist eschatology for these men and women,

with men doing most of the writing which is left to us, seem to me to be mysteries that can only be observed from different angles and rarely entered into existentially by later generations like our own.

This is evidenced in the decisions concerning missionaries growing out of this fervor leading up to the Cincinnati convention: Dr. and Mrs. James T. Barclay were the first. It was in their parlor in Washington, D.C., 1843, that the congregation had been organized which became the Vermont Avenue Church and in 1930 the National City Christian Church.

They went to Jerusalem, not because of Acts 1:8 "beginning with Jerusalem" as a popular Disciples legend has it, but because it was taken for granted by Alexander Campbell and his followers that the Jews were to be converted before the return of Christ.

That was a false assumption: the Millenial Harbinger's major thrust was not to SUPPORT Millerism but to defeat it.  Campbell denies that Jesus will return to Canaan.  Because the Church of Christ did not believe in William E. Miller [Ellen G. White].  You will notice that it was the Disciples who were tilted by Miller.

The title of Campbell's journal proclaimed clearly the eschatology of the pre-Civil War spirituality, so neglected in our denominational memory by scholars and theologians since then.

Notice that Campbell spoke of THE PROTESTANT THEORY: not his because he speaks where the Bible speaks and insists on a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH and that you could not convert people after the literal earth was burned up.

In the Millennial Harbinger of 1841,
       we read in what is called The Protestant Theory:
      "The Millennium, so far as the triumphs of Christianity is concerned, will be a state of greatly enlarged and continuous prosperity, in which the Lord will be exalted and his divine spirit enjoyed in an unprecedented measure. All the conditions of society will be vastly improved; wars shall cease, and peace and good will among men will generally abound. The Jews will be converted, and the fullness of the Gentiles will be brought into the kingdom of the Messiah."

Campbell taught that this will be in a NEW heaven and earth and not our earthly realm.

The founding of the American Christian Missionary Society cannot be separated from the millennialist eschatology of the period

The Disciples followed the Millerites: not Campbell.

nor from the pragmatism which required a foreign dimension to keep pace with other denominations or to outgrow them! D.S. Burnet's book The Jerusalem Mission and Dr. Barclay's book The City of the Great King make this clear, along with speeches and articles by various leaders like Isaac Errett. Barclay wrote in a journal The Christian Age:

"The ACMS...resolved...
     to make the first offer of salvation to Israel. . .
     for the salvation of the Jews...
     for upon the conversion and resumption of Israel
           is unquestionably suspended the destruction of Antichrist
           and the salvation of the world."

The rise of this heresy which insists that Jesus utterly failed in His First Advent but with a little help from His friends (unity meetings, Tulsa, Jubilee etal) they PLANNED to be ecumenical and following the Pope's call for Jubilee 2000 to MAKE IT POSSIBLE for Jesus to have His SECOND ADVENT without failing AGAIN.

Joel's Army was part of this and people enlisted to hand out rewards and destroy the non-converts. The Virgin of Guadalupe appeared to one priest and said that she would return and KILL all of the Masons and Pagans.

Campbell denied that there could be a millenium fitted in between Miller's prophecy (and the Disciples belief), the conversion of the Jews and the DATE SET by Miller.

But, bless their heart they tried to do Jesus' work for Him. Guess it was worth SECTING OFF the real Campbell.

You should understand that Alexander Campbell taught that the The Kingdom of God. came on the day of Pentecost. On the Second Coming of Christ Alexander Campbell wrote something else:

Campbell taught that the literal earth would be burned up and we would enjoy peace in a NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH.

Apparently lots of people have REvisions these days about how to Restore the Restoration Movement.  Theologians have a bad habit of basing their latest book on what others have written. While they get a few things right, they make huge mistakes and force honorable dead men to tell tall tales.

The problem is that young preaches go out and sow massive discord because they believe the book sellers and are taught twisted Scripture at the once Christian colleges.

John Mark Hicks has also written a trilogy all of which flunk the reading with discernment test.  
A Gathered People: Revisioning the Assembly as Transforming Encounter  by John Mark Hicks of Lipscomb University, Johnny Melton and Bobby Valentine.  These people really lust to drag you back under the sacrificial system which was the worship of the starry host to which God abandoned them because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai. LU is in big trouble. THE BOOK for your review.
Trinity as “Necessary” Fact in Alexander Campbell’s “Christian System of Facts" John Mark Hicks From Lipscomb University accuses Alexander Campbell of defending Trinitarianism as the only option for opposing Barton W. Stone's view of the nature of Jesus of Nazareth.
C. Leonard Allen Trinitarian Theology and Spiritual Life   
Come to the Table John Mark hicks from Lipscomb University notes that:   Several features characterize the fellowship meals of Israel. First, it is a moment of communion between God and his people.
eats with his people as the fat is burned to him.
        God is present at this meal. It is eaten before the Lord
as if God sits at the table with the worshipper.  
        And with jubilating praise.
What became The Disciples of Christ and The Church of Christ had different roots and had nothing in common when Foster and Holloway try to TIE a BINDING connection which never existed.  The NACC or Christian Church did not begin to sect out of the Disciples until 1927 to 1971.  The lust to REBIND is based on "fellowship" between the Church of Christ and The Christian Church: if they want unity they might rejoin the Disciples of which they became a sectarian division.

Douglas A. Foster and Gary Holloway make a huge effort to show the UNITY but nothing can be found but the agreement of a few men to become EVANGELISTS to convince individual congregations to join with the Disciples and thisi itself was highly divisive.

Boles speaks of  "unity" from 1832 to 1849 but that consisted only of the few churches which met together.  John Smith defines the "terms" of that agreement to agree but this agreement was quickly violated by the Disciples or Christian Churches when the Baptist converts demanded an organizational structure.

To even say Stone-Campbell Movement (a Leroy Garrett scam) is to mislead people. Boles notes that in 1934 after the "meeting" in 1932. As noted by Foster and Holloway Stone went on a speaking splurge tauting that the Reformers had joined them in a complete union!  However,
"In The Christian Messenger for November, 1834, is quoted an article from the Millennial Harbinger (Campbell's paper) as follows:
"Or does he (Stone) think that one or two individuals, of and for themselves, should propose and effect a formal union among the hundred of congregations scattered over this continent, called Christians or Disciples, without calling upon the different congregations to express an opinion or a wish upon the subject?

We discover, or think we discover, a squinting at some sort of precedency or priority in the claims of the writer of the above article," etc.

"It is well known that Mr. Campbell insisted upon immersion before believers were received into fellowship, to which Stone answered:

"We cannot, with our present views, unite on the opinions that unimmersed persons cannot receive remission of sins."

And though later on he came to believe in immersion in water for the remission of sins, there is no evidence that he ever made it a test of fellowship, without which he could not have been a member of the Disciples of Christ.
Garry Holloway and Douglas A Foster are also wrong that Stone believed in baptism FOR the remission of sins but just DIDN'T WANT to exclude the unimmersed.  That is wrong: the Stoneite preachers began preaching baptism and it brought assurance where the mourner's bench and loud music could not.  Stone was FORCED to begin teaching baptism although it CHILLED the antics which amounted to witchcraft.

The Big lie of the Stone-Campbell Movement amounts to psychological violence to make it appear--as did Stone--there there is and widespread effort to get the Church of Christ to repent and Confess that they were wrong NOT remaining with people who violently imposed instruments WITHOUT any need for Biblical authority.

See the Stone Campbell Movement folly.
See J. F. Burnett who denies that Barton Stone ever intended to JOIN anyone.
Even so, "unity" always insists that those who have a Biblical command affirm or add instruments which were always the mark of Satan, warriors, sacrificial exorcists, prostitutes or Sodomites.

On page 96 much is made by Holloway and Foster of T. B. Larimore refusing to take sides and DIVIDE the UNITY.  In fact, no unity ever existed and T. B. Larimore worked with churches already doomed to DIVIDE because part of the members were already determined to add the "organ" knowing that they would divide the congregation and NONE ever having and text or silence which they even considered in making the decision. The Disciples were never founded on the Bible as sole authority for faith and practices.
Page 89

In this regard, Larimore reflected the heritage of Thomas Campbell and the Decla(ition andd Address. When Campbell spoke of "being silent where the Bible is silent," he allowed for strong opinions on what that silence meant. Some might think silence permits; others might be sure it forbids. The "silence" Campbell called for was the refusal to make those opinions divi- sive matters of faith.

Many in Churches of Christ turned Campbell's teaching upside down, insistincg that "being silent" meant prohibiting any practice not mentioned in the New Testament. They even went far-ther and refused fellowship to those who approved of those practices. This is what Larimore would not do. He would not break relations with those who were (in his opinion) wrong on the issues. Larimore's fellowship with Disciples of Christ and Churches of Christ was in deed, not just in word. He continued to preach wherever he was invited, and was on the List of Preachers in the Disciples Yearbook until 1925. He wrote for religious papers in both groups. He spoke well of all. In his words:

So are Holloway and Foster! Campbell would also preach anywhere but NOT before they silenced the organ and organist.  He might fellowship by preaching but he would not fellowship by ENGAGING in musical Idolatry.

Published Monthly by T. R. Burnett

"The city churches know very well how to settle the pastor question, and stop the division over that issue.  Just send the hired preacher out to preach the gospel, which is his scriptural duty,  and restore the elders to their Bible functions.  But will they do it? Prof. T. B. Larimore once held a meeting that continued five months. At the last sermon there were five confessions, and he said the meeting closed "too soon."  He wants to hold a meeting (before he dies) that shall continue one year. He is only seventy-two. Burnett's Budget

"The bishops to feed the flock, the deacons to serve in secular affairs, and the evangelists to carry the good news to the world. That is God's system. You can not beat it, unless you are wiser than God.

"During the controversy, Bro. Larimore held a lengthy gospel meeting for the church in Sherman, Texas. Dr. Foster mentions that the progressives of the church in Sherman were meeting at separate times from the conservatives so they could worship with their instruments (Ibid. p.152). This is similar to the "alternative services" modern change agents use to get a foot hold in a conservative church. A year later he notes that the "pro-instrument faction withdrew to form what they called the First Christian Church" (Ibid.). If our change folks cannot take the property, you can expect them to leave in order to worship as they wish.

Douglas Foster comments, "To Larimore those issues were not worth dividing the body of Christ" (Will the Cycle Be Unbroken? p. 157). This of course is what Bro. Foster wants his readers to conclude about the innovations of the change movement. He does not consider the possibility that Bro. Larimore was naive about what was actually happening to the church of his day...just as many are naive today. Perhaps Larimore's personality was such that he could not bring himself to confront those who were walking away from the ancient gospel standard. It is reasonable to ask if Bro. Larimore's actions reflected a proper spirit for a Christian soldier in the face of hostile enemies (I Tim.6:12)?
When people deliberately twist the writings of Scripture and dead men to promote their own agenda and sell books, they intend to do harm those they refute. By all known standards this is called lying and liars are doomed to burn along with sorcerers which John in Revelation 18 and all of the Greek literature and Jesus speaking of Scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites identify as "speakers, singers and instrument players." Doing it for a wage makes the doom certain.

The Declaration and Address specificially does not speak of DENOMINATIONS but of INDIVIDUALS: It says NOTHING about tests of fellowship but of INDIVIDUALS judging INDIVIDUALS for the private opinions they hold.  Campbell writes under the premise that the SECTS limited DENOMINATIONAL PARTICIPATION based on their personal opinions for which they had no express authority.  As a Calvinists who watched the State Presbyterians of Scotland ADOPT the use of instruments which SPLIT the group into MANY sects, Thomas Campbell can be represented by dozens of his fellow Biblical Presbyterians who wrote extensively on the use of instruments. The BASIS was making a test of fellowship DENOMINATIONALLY on something not SPECIFICIALLY commanded in the Bible.

I. That we form ourselves into a religious association under the denomination of the Christian Association of Washington, for the sole purpose of promoting simple evangelical Christianity, free from all mixture of human opinions and inventions of men.

II. That each member, according to ability, cheerfully and liberally subscribe a certain specified sum, to be paid half yearly, for the purpose of raising a fund to support a pure Gospel ministry,
        that shall reduce to practice that whole form of doctrine, worship, discipline, and government,
        expressly revealed and enjoined in the word of God.
        And, also, for supplying the poor with the holy Scriptures.

IV. That this Society by no means considers itself a Church,

    nor does at all assume to itself the powers peculiar to such a society;
    nor do the members, as such, consider themselves as standing connected in that relation;
    nor as at all associated for the peculiar purposes of Church association;

but merely as voluntary advocates for Church reformation; and, as possessing the powers common to all individuals, who may please to associate in a peaceable and orderly manner, for any lawful purpose, namely, the disposal of their time, counsel, and property, as they may see cause.

V. That this Society, formed for the sole purpose of promoting simple evangelical Christianity, shall, to the utmost of its power, countenance and support such ministers, and such only, as exhibit a manifest conformity to the original standard in conversation and doctrine, in zeal and diligence;

    that it is high time for us not only to think, but also to act, for ourselves;
           to see with our own eyes,
           and to take all our measures
           directly and immediately from the Divine standard;
    to this alone we feel ourselves Divinely bound to be conformed,
    as by this alone WE must be judged.

    We are also persuaded that as no man can be judged for his brother,
          so no man can judge for his brother;
          every man must be allowed to judge for himself,
         as every man must bear his own judgment-
         -must give account of himself to God.

From reading 101a we understand that those LEAVING the EXCLUSIVE sects must not IMPOSE anything which is not from the "divine standard."

A.  Because the OTHERS are the EXCLUSIVIE Sects even when DENOUNCING INSTRUMENTS through all of Campbell's experience, they ALSO are bound by the Divine Word.

B. His standard was that they should INCLUDE only what is commanded in the Divine Standard.

C. We are also of opinion that as the Divine word is equally binding upon all,
          so all lie under an equal obligation to be bound by it,
          and it alone; and not by any human interpretation of it;

D. Because it was the SECTS whom he identified as JUDGING and EXCLUSIVE, they do not have any right to judge those who THINK FOR THEMSELVES from the DIVINE STANDARD

E. Those denominational groups who excluded both Thomas and Alexander because of THEIR TEACINGS from the Bible, have NO RIGHT to exclude them unless the REFORMERS practices VIOLATE specific CENI.
                  and that, therefore, no man has a right to judge his brother,
                  except in so far as he manifestly violates the express letter of the law.

Heresy or sectarianism defines one who impases a CHANGE to the collective which violates the founding principles of that group.  It would be the instrumentalists who judged those who had not used instruments for the entire time since the Cross: not even the Catholics did congregational singing with the organ to accompany or aid.

The Declaration and Address INCLUDES those who AGREE with the Declaration and Address: it would be beyond the pale to think that the Campbells intended to FELLOWSHIP exactly those they were ABANDONING because they DID NOT follow Biblical standards and JUDGED those who followed the Bible rather than their CREEDS.

V. That this Society, formed for the sole purpose of promoting simple evangelical Christianity,
       shall, to the utmost of its power, countenance and support such ministers,

Countenance means: to extend approval or toleration to : sanction.  You can say whatever comes out of your own head but the Campbells said in effect that they WOULD NOT approve, countenance or tolearte those who went beyond the Word.

      and such only,
      as exhibit a manifest conformity to the original standard in conversation and doctrine, in zeal and diligence;

      only such as reduce to practice that simple original form of Christianity,
      expressly EXHIBITED upon the sacred page;

Campbell EXPLICITELY and LOUDLY said that he WOULD NOT FELLOWSHIP those who did not

      reduce to practice that simple original form of Christianity,
      expressly EXHIBITED upon the sacred page;

He would NOT support those who did not follow the EXPRESS Word of God:

      Support means a (1): to promote the interests or cause of (2): to uphold or defend as valid or right

Campbell said that he would NOT extend approval, tolerate, sanction or support those who DO NOT trust the Word for out faith and practice.

Lee can you grasp that? You need to throw away your "scholarly" junk and read the truth.

Many in Churches of Christ turned Campbell's teaching upside down, insistincg that "being silent" meant prohibiting any practice not mentioned in the New Testament.

False: The Reformers absolutely followed the CENI principle. Silence is to prevent people from INCULCATING anything from HUMAN authority:

They ABSOLUTELY meant:

    without attempting to inculcate
        anything of human authority,
        of private opinion, or inventions of men,
        as having any place in the constitution, faith, or worship, of the Christian Church,
        or anything as matter of Christian faith or duty,

       for which there can not be expressly produced a "Thus saith the Lord,
            either in express terms,
            or by approved precedent.

That was the CENI of Paul in Romans 14. Don't attempt to INCULCATE anything of human opinion
The "music" of the Dionysiacs and Orphics in Rome had been outlawed for public assembly and they would be MARKED by their diet in the marketplace. A person might still be a "bean eater" and having become a Christian no longer attended the musical assemblies. They should be accepted in what Paul called the "synagogue" but they were NOT to discuss their opinions.

Romans 14:1 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

There were three sects in Rome who would be identified by their diet in the marketplace: the Dionysiacs, Orphics and Pythagorians.  However, as Jesus consigned the pipers, singers and dancers to the marketplace, we know that all of these SECTS were highly addicted to charismatic (sexual) music to INDUCE a feeling of the gods being with them. This is the claim of all who introduce "machines for doing hard work."

In the very first verse Paul as usual repudiates those things people promote as "diversities of opinion." Doubtful disuptations to destroy what Paul calls "synagogue" or school of the Bible in Romans 15 where SELF-pleasure is outlawed which outlaws all of the performing arts so that we can "speak that which is written witn one mind and one mouth."

Disputing” implies a questioning mind and suggests an arrogant attitude by those who assume they’re always right. Arguing with others in the body of Christ is disruptive. That’s why Paul spent the first part of chapter 2 on humility.

To dwell above, with saints we love, that will be grace and glory
But to live below with saints we know, now that’s a different story!

Dialogismos is used 14 times in the NAS (Matthew; Mark; Luke 6x; Romans 2x; 1 Corinthians; Philippians; 1 Timothy; James) and is translated as: argument, 1; disputing, 1; dissension, 1; doubts, 1; motives, 1; opinions, 1; reasonings, 2; speculations, 1; thoughts, 3; what...were thinking, 2

Dialogismos is used 11 times in the Septuagint (LXX) (Ps 40:5, 56:5, 92:5, 94:11, 139:2, 139:20, 146:4, Isa 59:7, Jer 4:14, Lam 3:60-61) Dialogismos often means the perverse, vain thinking which contemplates destruction (Ps. 94:11), and is turned against God (Jer. 4:14; Isa. 59:7) and against the godly (Ps. 56:5). 

Commenting on Phil 2:14, MacArthur notes that dialogismos...

soon developed the more specific ideas of questioning, doubting, or disputing the truth of a matter. In Romans 14:1, the word is used of passing judgment on another believer’s opinions and in 1 Timothy 2:8 it is rendered “dissension.” Whereas grumbling is essentially emotional, disputing is essentially intellectual. A person who continues to murmur and grumble against God will eventually argue and dispute with Him. (MacArthur, J. Philippians. Chicago: Moody Press)

See more details by Clicking on Ronnie Norman  Just as the church in the wilderness ordained by Christ and hence The Church of Christ even in the wilderness was EXCLUSIVE of all of the marketplace preferences of Romans 14: it was inclusive of the ekklesia or synagogue of Christ commanded by Paul in Romans 15 where self-pleasure outlaws all of the theatrical or hypocritic arts.

Never in polite society would religious music be tolerated.  No Bible reader can be ignorant of the Satanic impulses driving religious music when the Word of God comes to speak to us.  From Genesis to Revelation religious music has been associated with the mother of Harlots (Rev 17), the performers often castrated males (a cappellas) were called "lusted after fruits" and rhetoricians, singers and instrument players as music and drug peddlars or sorcerers.

Tertullian,, De Spectaculis

Chapter X. Theatrical Performance and Religion 

Let us pass on now to theatrical exhibitions, which we have already shown have a common origin with the circus [Circe=church], and bear like idolatrous designations-even as from the first they have borne the name of "Ludi," and equally minister to idols.

They resemble each other also in their pomp, having the same procession to the scene of their display from temples and altars, and that mournful profusion of incense and blood,
.........with music of pipes and trumpets,
........ all under the direction of the soothsayer and the undertaker,
........ those two foul masters of funeral rites and sacrifices.

Plato, Euthydemus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Meno

[289d] On what proof do you rely? I asked.

I see, he said, certain speech-writers who do not know how to use the special arguments composed by themselves, just as lyre-makers in regard to their lyres: in the former case also there are other persons able to use what the makers produced, while being themselves unable to make the written speech. Hence it is clear that in speech likewise there are two distinct arts, one of making and one of using.

I think you give sufficient proof, I said, that this art of the speech-writers cannot be that whose acquisition would make one happy. And yet I fancied that somewhere about this point would appear the knowledge which we have been seeking all this while.

[289e] For not only do these speech-writers themselves, when I am in their company, impress me as prodigiously clever, Cleinias, but their art itself seems so exalted as to be almost inspired. 

        However, this is not surprising; for it is a part of the sorcerer's art,

[290a] and only slightly inferior to that.

The SORCERER'S art is the charming of snakes and tarantulas and SCORPIONS and other beasts and diseases, while the other is just the charming and soothing of JURIES, assemblies, crowds, and so forth.
Or does it strike you differently? I asked. [The other being
lyre-makers in regard to their lyres]

No, it appears to me, he replied, to be as you say.
Which way then, said I, shall we turn now? What kind of
art shall we try?
For my part, he said, I have no suggestion.
Why, I think I have found it myself, I said.
What is it? said Cleinias."

Musica , ae, and mu-sice- , e-s, f., = mousikę, the art of music, music; acc. to the notions of the ancients, also every higher kind of artistic or scientific culture or pursuit: musicam Damone socci et cothurni,i. e. comic and dramatic poetry, Aus. Ep. 10, 43 : musice antiquis temporibus tantum venerationis habuit,

Similar meaning:

Exegetice , es, f., = exęgętikę, the art of interpretation, exegesis, Diom. 2, p. 421 P.
- , e-s, f., = magikę (sc. technę), the magic art, magic, sorcery medicinam [dico magicenque, magices factio

Factio , o-nis, f. [id.] II. (Acc. to facio, II. B.; lit., a taking part or siding with any one; hence concr.) A company of persons associated or acting together, a class, order, sect, faction, party (syn.: pars, partes, causa, rebellio, perduellio, seditio).

B. In partic., a company of political adherents or partisans, a party, side, faction

Magia , ae, f., = mageia, the science of the Magi, magic, sorcery (post-class.),
Mageia , hę, theology of the Magians, m. hę Zôroastrou Pl.Alc.1.122a

From these diversities it follows that the distinctive signs denoting those who are inspired are of many kinds. Not only among them are the motions of the body and of specific parts, but likewise its perfect repose,

and also harmonious orders and dances and musical voices, or the contraries of these.

The body also is seen lifted up, or increased in size, or borne along raised up in the air,14 or there appear occurrences in relation to it the contrary of these. There is likewise to be observed an evenness of voice according to extent, or with many deviations with intervals of silence and irregularities.

Again, sometimes, the sounds are augmented or relaxed after the rules of music, and sometimes after another manner.

14. M. Eugene Salverte in his work on the "Philosophy of Magic" remarks that in spite of their master's assertions to the contrary, "the enthusiastic disciples of Iamblichus affirmed that when he prayed he was raised to the height of ten cubits from the ground; and dupes to the same metaphor, although Christians, have had the simplicity to attribute a similar miracle to St. Clare and St. Francis of Assisi."

in the common place for the college of the arts sacred to the Muses, and Apollo, and Minerva,
        and also for that of the
arts dedicated to Mars,
        they with
contest and sound of trumpet emulate the circus in the arena,
        which is a real temple-I mean of the god whose festivals it celebrates.
gymnastic arts also originated with their Castors, and Herculeses, and Mercuries. [homosexual]

Gary Holloway and Douglas A. Foster will find no Bible scholar who does not know that God turned Israel over to worship the stary host and the temple was NOT in God's plan: that got Stephen murdered.  The fall from Grace at Mount Sinai was the musical idolatry of the always-pagan trinity.  The prophets speaking by the Spirit of CHRIST repudiated the "musical" rituals which told God to shut your mouth: music was to "cause the lambs to be silent before the slaughter priest."  No theologian can find a church Father or founder of denominations who did not repudiate the use of instruments in the "school of the Bible."  Therefore the usual diversion is to blame the Church of Christ for using silence to invent the NO USE OF INSTRUMENTS.

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