Women Worship Leaders


No one can lead another in worship.  Jesus said that worship was IN SPIRIT.  That is a place compared to Gerizim and Jerusalem.  Worship is IN TRUTH: Thy Word is truth. ''Worship" is seen almost exclusively in the context of Composing your own material, singing, clapping, playing instruments and other of the "hypocritic arts and crafts."  This includes theater building and stage management.  This is defined as the craftsmen who along with the rhetoricians, singers and instrument players are called sorcerers (Revelation 18) who are agents of the Babylon Mother of Harlots (Revelation 17).  The BEAST in Revelation is defined as "A new style of song or drama."  Women were almost always the pagan worship leaders with the goal of increasing the CONTRIBUTIONS to a pagan temple.  It would be almost impossible for a normal male to fall into the form of speaking Paul forbids.

Johannes Quasten. In Music and Worship in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, beginning on page 41:

"Philodemus considered it paradoxical that music should be regarded as veneration of the gods while musicians were paid for performing this so-called veneration. Again, Philodemus held as self deceptive the view that music mediated religious ecstasy.
He saw the entire condition
induced by the noise of cymbals and tambourines as a disturbance of the spirit.

He found it significant that, on the whole, only women and effeminate men fell into this folly. Accordingly, nothing of value could be attributed to music; it was no more than a slave of the sensation of pleasure, which satisfied much in the same way that food and drink did.

1Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
        and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

This is not speaking as in the command to SPEAK one to another to teach and comfort. Sounding brass and tinkling cymbals here are identifying marks of people who have NO LOVE. Even if they COULD speak all of the languages in the world there would be no love. The command is to SPEAK or LOGOS the Word of Christ which is the opposite of rhetoric, singing or playing instruments. Speaking in the tongues of angels was IN FACT making music in tongues.

Speak is self-speak:
la^l-eō , A. [select] talk, chat, prattle, b. metaph., zōgraphia lalousa (of poetry)
II.  chatter, opp. articulate speech, as of locusts, chirp, Theoc.5.34; mesēmbrias lalein tettix
III.  of musical sounds, “aulō laleōTheoc.20.29; of trees, v.supr.1.2; “di'aulou ē salpiggos l.Arist. Aud.801a29; of Echo, D.C.74.14: also c.acc. cogn., magadin lalein sound the magadis,

Eve in Greek is Zoe called "the Beast and female instructing principle."
Beastia 2. As a term of reproach (cf. belua and our beast): “mala tu es bestia,Plaut. Bacch. 1, 1, 21; id. Poen. 5, 5, 13.—And, humorously, of the odor of the armpits (cf. ala and caper), Cat. 69, 8.— constellation, the wotf, Vitr. 9, 4

Bacchis, it is, because I dread you Bacchantes, and your Bacchanalian den5.
Your allurements6, more than your couch, do I dread. You're a mischievous serpent7. But, madam, a lurking-place does not befit this youthful age.
       5 Your Bacchanalian den: "Bacchanal" was properly the place where the Bacchanalia, or orgies, were celebrated. He styles them "Bacchantes," and their house a "Bacchanal," in allusion both to their names and their habits.
       7 Mischievous serpent: "Mala tu's bestia." Literally, "you are an evil beast;" which sounds harsh to an English ear, even when applied to such an animal as Bacchis.

Baccha I. a Bacchanet, a female attendant of Bacchus, who, in company with Silenus and the Satyrs, celebrated the festival of that deity with a raving madness carried even to insensibility,
Aggelos ,  of a loquacious person 2.  generally, one that announces or tells, e.g. of birds of augury, Il.24.292,296; Mousōn aggelos, of a poet,

"It is a great mistake to imagine that back of their idolatry and their idol sacrifices there is nothing but an empty vacuity. True enough, as 1 Cor 8:4 makes plain, the gods of the idols have no existence whatever; no being by the name of Jupiter exists, and this is true with respect to all other gods. But something does exist, something that is far more terrible than these pseudo-gods, namely an entire kingdom of darkness which is hostile to God, a host of demons or fallen angels who are ruled by the greatest of their number, namely Satan, Eph. 2:3; 6:12. (Lenski)

Enoch 7:1 It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful.

2 And when the angels, (3) the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamoured of them, saying to each other,
        Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men,
        and let us beget children.

See the generation of Vipers and the Crooked Generation

(3) An Aramaic text reads "Watchers" here (J.T. Milik, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976], p. 167).

Dan. 4:17 This matter IS by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. 

For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. 1 Co.11:10

Homer's TO PYTHIAN APOLLO who is Abaddon, Apollyon or SATAN in the Book of Revelation: his MUSES are the LOCUSTS in legend of the Patmos area.

And there is this great wonder besides -- and its renown shall never perish --
the girls of Delos, hand-maidens of the Far-shooter;
for when they have
praised Apollo first,
        and also Leto and Artemis who
delights in arrows, {psallo put down}
they sing a strain-telling of men and women of past days,
and charm the tribes of men
Also they can imitate the tongues of all men and their clattering speech  
Q. Horatius Flaccus, Odes

1.17 The pleasures of Lucretilis 
Tempt Faunus from his Grecian seat;
He keeps my little goats in bliss [capellis=She Goats]
Apart from wind, and rain, and heat. 

In safety rambling o'er the sward 
For arbutes and for thyme they peer,
The ladies of the unfragrant lord,
Nor vipers, green with venom, fear,

Nor savage wolves, of Mars' own breed, 
My Tyndaris, while Ustica's dell 
Is vocal with the silvan reed,
And music thrills the limestone fell.
Heaven is my guardian; heaven approves
A blameless life, by song made sweet;
Come hither, and the fields and groves
Their horn shall empty at your feet.

Here, shelter'd by a friendiy tree,
In Teian measures you shall sing
Bright Circe and Penelope,
Love-smitten both by one sharp sting.

Here shall you quaff beneath the shade 
Sweet Lesbian draughts that injure none,
Nor fear lest Mars the realm invade
Of Semele's Thyonian son,

Lest Cyrus on a foe too weak
Lay the rude hand of wild excess,
His passion on your chaplet wreak,
Or spoil your undeserving dress.
1.18 Varus, are your trees in planting? put in none before the vine,  
In the rich domain of Tibur, by the walls of Catilus;
There's a power above that hampers all that sober brains design,
And the troubles man is heir to thus are quell'd, and only thus.

Who can talk of want or warfare when the wine is in his head,
Not of thee, good father Bacchus, and of Venus [Lucifer, Zoe]  fair and bright?
But should any dream of licence, there's a lesson may be read,
How 'twas wine that drove the Centaurs with the Lapithae to fight.
Aggelos , ho, ,
A. messenger, envoy, Il.2.26, etc.; “di' aggelōn homileein tiniHdt.5.92.z, cf. SIG229.25 (Erythrae):— prov., Arabios a., of a loquacious person, Men.32.
2. generally, one that announces or tells, e.g. of birds of augury, Il.24.292,296; Mousōn aggelos, of a poet,“aggelon glōssan logōnE.Supp.203; “aisthēsis hēmin a.Plot.5.3.3; neut. pl., “aggela nikēsNonn.D.34.226.
4.  in later philos., semi-divine being, “hēliakoi a.Jul.Or.4.141b, cf. Iamb.Myst.2.6, Procl. in R.2.243 K.; “a. kai arkhaggeloiTheol.Ar.43.10, cf. Dam.Pr.183, al.: also in mystical and magical writings,
aggela nikēs
nik-ēi_, II. pr. n., Nike, the goddess of victory, Hes.Th.384, cf. Pi.I.2.26, etc.; “Nikē Athana PoliasS.Ph.134, cf. E. Ion457 (lyr.), 1529.
Eur. Supp. 203 Theseus
[195] Full often have I argued out this subject with others. For there are those who say, there is more bad than good in human nature; but I hold a contrary view, that good over bad predominates in man, [200] for if it were not so, we should not exist. He has my praise, whichever god brought us to live by rule from chaos and from brutishness, first by implanting reason, and next by giving us a tongue to declare our thoughts, so as to know the meaning of what is said..

And where sight fails us and our knowledge is not sure, the seer foretells by gazing on the flame, by reading signs in folds of entrails, or by divination from the flight of birds. Are we not then too proud, when heaven has made such [215] preparation for our life, not to be content with it? But our presumption seeks to lord it over heaven, and in the pride of our hearts we think we are wiser than the gods.

The sole worship concept is to "give attendance to the reading of the Word of God, to exhortation and to doctrine included in that systematically read text. There is no command, example or remote inference that any of God's people ever assembled as  a congregation to sing with or without instruments.  On the contrary, there are several examples of ungodly people singing, playing, dancing or making body movements: these were the CAUSE of God turning the people over to worship the starry host. Stephen alerted us to that in Acts 7 speaking of the fall from grace at Mount Sinai. Exodus 32.

The direct command for the Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ (the Rock) after this fall from grace for which there was no redemption outlawed "vocal or instrumental rejoicing" including smooth speaking rhetoricians. That is because a Church is a School (only) of the Word of God (only).  The Church is now built upon the Prophets guided by the Spirit of Christ, thep prophecies made more certain by Jesus of Nazareth, eye- and ear-witnessed by the Apostles and the record they left for our memory.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Col.3:15 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Eph 5:17
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;

teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess;  [Methuo in the literature is always "getting fluted down with wine.]

but be
filled with the Spirit; [Word] Eph 5:18

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, [Inspired Text]

and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil 4:8

Worship takes place only in our own heart.

singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col. 3:16

With Grace in our hearts
[the effect of the Word in our spirits]

singing and making melody IN your heart to the Lord; Eph 5:19

is the same as with melody in our hearts: neither are "music" but the nature of speech.

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. Phil 4:9 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Col. 3:17 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Eph 5:20

Those who are PRESUMPTIOUS and USURP the role of God and the congregation NEVER make cause people to worship God.

Paul said that the liberated Jews worshipped in the SPIRIT in contrast to in the FLESH.  This was to forbid the dogs or concision: catamites.

For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Phil 3:3
Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. Phil 3:2

The pagan THESIS included women worshipping goddesses and seducing men by wine, drugs, motion or music. The object was to strip them of their food money.  The Spirit of Christ in Isaiah 50 prophesied against those who would Smite Him and Pluck in a musical sense to silence Him and therefore MOCK Him.

in Isaiah 55 warned us NOT to spend our food money on the Word which He supplied free of charge.  He equated His WORDS to SPIRIT. 

In Isaiah 58 He commanded us not to seek our own pleasure or even speak our own words. He warned against PARASITES trying to get into the act: all sacrificial musicians were called PARASITES.

History notes that only women and effeminate men can be seduced by religious money: a male who plays and sings is noted to be "drunk, gender-confused or just having fun."

Dogs were the CYNICS they stamped, clapped and made noises like DOGS to attract their fellow homosexuals.

kuōn  II. as a word of reproach, freq. in Hom. of women, to denote shamelessness or audacity; applied by Helen to herself, Il.6.344, 356; by Iris to Athena, 8.423 rhapsōdos k. implying recklessness,

Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Pan [beast]  is the kuōn of Cybele Persephonēs kunes, of the planets
of Hecate, in Mithraic worship of the Bakkhai, Lussas k.E.Ba.977 (lyr.

3. of the Cynics, “areskei  self-pleasure Rom 15  toutois kunōn metamphiennusthai bion

The Beast: thēreutēs deinos. “A mighty hunter,” a very Nimrod. For the notion of the chase in erotics, cp. the use of helein and diōkein in 182 E, etc., and of thēra in Soph. 222 D tōn erōntōn thēra (cp. thērōmai in Isocr. Hel. 219 D): 

Thērion , to (in form Dim. of thēr),
A. wild animal, esp. of such as are hunted, mala gar mega thērion ēen, of a stag, Od.10.171, 180 (never in Il.); in Trag. only in Satyric drama,  mousikē aei ti kainon thērion tiktei” 

The beast is A new style of song, music or drama.

mousikê aei ti kainon thêrion tiktei

A.  Mousikos, musical, agônes m. kai gumnikoi  choroi te kai agônes ta mousika music
II. of persons, skilled in music, musical, X.l.c., etc.; poiêtikoi kai m. andres Pl.Lg.802b ;
kuknos [minstrel]  kai alla zôia; peri aulous - professional musicians, mousikos kai melôn poêtês, use with singing, skilled in speaking before a mob. Melody, 

B. aei always
C. kainos , esp. of new dramas, the representation of the new tragedies,  (Aphrodisias dedicated to Aphrodite (ZOE); comedy, sexual love, pleasure, a woman's form of oath, Aster or Venus or ZOE.
D. Tikto mostly of the mother 
E. of Rhea one of the zoogonic or vivific principles

Rev. 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

THE PATTERN ESTABLISHED BY JESUS FOR US TO FOLLOW. This CANNOT be violated. When the Scribes or Pharisees Jesus called hypocrites (speakers, singers, instrument players Ezekiel 33), the lambs are made dumb before the slaughter and Jesus will be OUTSIDE suffering the reproaches.

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said,
        I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
        because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent,
        and hast revealed them unto babes.

These are silenced because God HIDES from them. If you are not speaking that which is written for our learning you are defined as a sophist: God HIDES the truth from you and that is why worship leaders compose those silly praise ditties.
Sophos , ē, on, A. skilled in any handicraft or art, clever
Margites, poets and musicians, en kithara s. [harp, guitar]
amath-ēs , es, (mathein) A. ignorant, stupid, boorish freedom of speech,
manti^s  of Apollo [Abaddon, Apollyon] and Cassandra, of this prophetic band, priestess,
This is the promise after one has A holy spirit or A good conscience, consciousness.
Apo-ka^luptō , aor. 2 Pass. disclose, reveal,tode tēs dianoiasreveal one's whole mind
Matthew 11:26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.
Matthew 11:27 All things are delivered unto ME of my Father:
        and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father;
        neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son,
        and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

When and Where does the Son Reveal the Father:

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me,
        all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
        and I will give you rest.

He said, "Woe to you lawyers also! For you load men with burdens that are difficult to carry, and you yourselves won't even lift one finger to help carry those burdens.
HEAVY LADEN BY SCRIBES AND PHARISEES IN GREEK. You have to go OUTSIDE the Camp or religious observation: the kingdom does not come to such observations.

Jesus identified the Scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites: He refers to Isaiah 6 and Ezekiel 33. There the Spirit of Christ marked speakers, singers and instrument players.

ALL religious observations claiming to be in contact with God creates "spiritual anxiety through religious rituals." The leaders know that: if they didn't make you aroused you would not pay them.

-Phort-izô , load, load them with burdens, encumber the eyes, ophthalmos

Laden is:
Impure Religion is:
Phortizo (g5412) for-tid'-zo; from 5414; to load up (prop. as aa vessel or animal),

i.e. (fig.)
to overburden with ceremony or spiritual anxiety: - lade, be heavy laden.
Threskeia (g2356) thrace-ki'-ah; from a der. of 2357; ceremonial observance: - religion, worshipping.

Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, Col.2:18  
Phort-izô   Ev.Luc.11.46; perissêi dapanê  ph. ta koina A massive burden
Perissos A.beyond the regular number or size, prodigious, 2.out of the common, extraordinary, strange, II. more than sufficient, superfluous, 2. in bad sense, superfluous, useless, poetry,

Luke 11:44 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
        for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them
        are not aware of them.
Luke 11:45 Then answered one of the lawyers, and said unto him,
        Master, thus saying thou reproachest us also.
Luke 11:46 And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers
        for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne,
        and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.
Phort-izô  A.  load,phortisas ton ononBabr.111.3; phortia ph. tinas load them with burdens, Ev.Luc.11.46; perissē dapanē ph. ta koina

Dapan-ê  A. cost, expenditure,Hes.Op.723

Daphne of the chorodidaskal-os A. trainer of the chorusorgeônikos

Orgeôn 1 [perh. from orgia] at Athens, a citizen from every dêmos, who had to perform certain sacrifices: then, generally, a priest,  . thrêsk-eia ,

orgi-a , iôn, ta, [Worship of the Mother of Harlots Rev 17_
A. secret rites, secret worship, practised by the initiated, a post-Hom. word ; used of the worship of Demeter at Eleusis, h.Cer.273,476. Ar.Ra.386, Th.948 ; of the rites of the Cabeiri and Demeter Achaia, Hdt.2.51,5.61; of Orpheus, Id.2.81; of Eumolpus, App.Anth.1.318 ; of Cybele, E.Ba.78 (lyr.): most freq. of the rites of Dionysus, Hdt.2.81, E.Ba.34, al., Theoc.26.13.
II. generally, rites, sacrifices, SIG57.4 (Milet., v B. C.), A.Th.179 (lyr.), S.Tr.765, Ant.1013 ; orgia Mousôn II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, mousi^kē (sc. tekhnē), , A. any art over which the Muses presided, esp. poetry sung to music, tis tekhnē, hēs to kitharizein kai to adein kai to embainein orthōs;

BURDEN IS:  4. after Hom., of Poets, compose, write, p. dithurambon, epea, Hdt.1.23, 4.14; “p.
Represent in verse, or poetry, invent, represent, myths, comedy, tragedy 

BURDEN IS: erōs , ōtos, o(, acc. erōn —love, mostly of the sexual passion, name of the klēros Aphroditēs,  III. of the Levites, “Kurios autos klēros autouLXX De.18.2:


Latin Onus: C. (Eccl. Lat.) The burden of a prophecy, the woes predicted against any one: “Babylonis,Vulg. Isa. 13, 1: “Tyri,id. ib. 23, 1.—With subj.gen.: “Domini,Vulg. Jer. 23, 33: “verbi Domini,id. Zach. 12, 1.

B. To load, burden, weary; to oppress, overwhelm, overload
verbis lassas onerantibus aures,Hor. S. 1, 10, 10: “contumeliis,Cic. Phil. 2, 38, 99; laudibus,Liv. 4, 13:
Any kind of laus ,  “divinis laudibus ornare   [writing, tabernacle,  speech, hair, praise]  
dīvīnus ,   I. of or belonging to a deity, “Pergamum divina moenitum manu,Plaut. Bacch. 4, 9, 2; “stellae divinis animatae  “illustri laude celebrari,id. Mur. 7, 16
A. Divinely inspired, prophetic: Subst.: dīvīnus , i, m., a soothsayer, prophet = vates, Cic. Div. 1, 58; In the fem.: dīvīna , ae, a prophetess

Cĕlē^bro , āvi, ātum, v. a. id.. I. To go to a place or person in great numbers or often, to frequent, to fill. b.  to do something frequently or in multitudes
B. To honor, praise, celebrate the praises of a person or thing, to celebrate in song laus, quae non poetarum carminibus,
        Singing and playing instruments, enchantments, sorcery
Solemn, festive, supplicatio celebratior,Liv. 3, 63, 5.—
        supplĭcātĭo I. a public prayer or supplication, a religious solemnity in consequence of certain (fortunate or unfortunate) public events; a day set apart for prayer, either by way of thanksgiving or of religious humiliation, genuflection (cf. obsecratio)
Scripsisse ad me credo,” to entrust, fait
hic carmen mediā scribe columnā,Prop. 4 (5), 7, 83
versus,  carmina

Hor. S. 1.10.10 You that intend to write what is worthy to be read more than once, blot frequently: and take no pains to make the multitude admire you, content with a few [judicious] readers. What, would you be such a fool as to be ambitious that your verses should be taught in petty schools? That is not my case. It is enough for me, that the knight [Maecenas] applauds: as the courageous actress, Arbuscula, expressed herself, in contempt of the rest of the audience, when she was hissed [by the populace].
illustri laude celebrari,
cĕlē^bro ,
A. To go in great numbers to a celebration; hence, in gen., to celebrate, solemnize, keep a festival:
B. To honor, praise, celebrate the praises of a person or thing, to celebrate in song laus, quae non poetarum carminibus,
        Singing and playing instruments, enchantments, sorcery
Solemn, festive, supplicatio celebratior,Liv. 3, 63, 5.—
Supplĭcātĭo I. a public prayer or supplication, a religious solemnity in consequence of certain (fortunate or unfortunate) public events; a day set apart for prayer, either by way of thanksgiving or of religious humiliation, genuflection (cf. obsecratio)
genus divinationis,id. Div. 1, 2, 3; cf.: “celebratum genus mortis,a kind of death suffered by many, juvenes multo sermone, to talk much with them,
A. To go in great numbers to a celebration; hence, in gen., to celebrate, solemnize, keep a festival:
II. (Acc. to II. A.) Solemn, festive, brilliant: “dies celebratior,Ov. M. 7, 430: “supplicatio celebratior,Liv. 3, 63, 5.

The levites were not musicians: they were soothsayers or sorcerers. Their job was as exorcists to MAKE THE LAMBS DUMB BEFORE THE SLAUGHTER.  All clergy of which the Levites were Jacob-cursed prophetic types were called PARASITES who burdened the people for their worship of the STARRY HOST.  This burden was imposed because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai for which there was no redemption.

Whatever you are doing it, the word PAUO (like Sabbath) means to stop it. We have many examples of what people are told to stop and rest.  None of these can be done if you understand why Jesus gave us REST.
Ana-pauō  make to cease, stop or hinder from a thing, 3. bring to a close,ton logon
Pauō ,
Stop Singingaoid-ē  spell, incantantations (arousal songs)
Stop the sorcery Pharmakon
A. poisoner, sorcerer, magician, LXXEx.7.11 (masc.), Ma.3.5 (fem.), Apoc.21.8, 22.15. when he stopped playing,

The Pauo Jesus died to give us means: To Take Thy Rest:
a place for lying down, hence a hut, cot, cabin, such as besiegers lived in during long sieges.

Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. Isa 26:20



Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
        for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

THE burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. Isa 17:1

A burden is:
Massa (h4853) mas-saw'; from 5375; a burden; spec. tribute, or (abstr.) porterage; fig. an utterance, chiefly a doom, espec. singing; mental, desire: - burden, carry away, prophecy, * they set, song, tribute.

First: pray that everyone be QUIET and PEACEABLE.

1Timothy 2:1  I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions,
         and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
1Timothy 2:2 For kings, and for all that are in ;
        that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

This is not an ACT of worship as a performance for which women  EQUALITY.  Paul will command the women to be quiet and sedentary because it was only women and effeminate males who could fall into the wrath or  ORGE of performance religion



Ana-pauō  make to cease, stop or hinder from a thing, 3. bring to a close,ton logon
Pauō ,
Stop Singingaoid-ē  spell, incantantations (arousal songs0
Stop the sorcery Pharmakon
A. poisoner, sorcerer, magician, LXXEx.7.11 (masc.), Ma.3.5 (fem.), Apoc.21.8, 22.15. when he stopped playing,

Revelation 18


Quĭesco  4.  to make a pause in speaking: quiescere, id est, hēsukhazein
A. To suffer or allow quietly, to peaceably permit a thing to be done
B.  Neutr., to cease, leave off, desist from any thing:quiesce hanc rem modo petere,

mŏdus  2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode: “vocum,Cic. Div. 2, 3, 9: “musici, Quint. 1, 10, 14: “lyrici,Ov. H. 15, 6: “fidibus Latinis Thebanos aptare modos,Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 12: Bacchico exsultas (i. e. exsultans) modo, Enn. ap. Charis. : “flebilibus modis concinere,Cic. Tusc. 1, 44, 106: saltare ad tibicinis modos, to the music or sound of the flute, Liv. 7, 2: “nectere canoris Eloquium vocale modis,Juv. 7, 19.—Fig.:

All of the Muses were female goddesses and dirty adulteresses

Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, I. a muse, one of the goddesses of poetry, music
Tranquillus , I. quiet, calm, still, tranquil, Opposite to motion or excitement (syn. serenus).
perturbātĭo, I. confusion, disorder, disturbance. Mental or personal disturbance, disquiet, perturbation:
hēsukh-ios  still, quiet, at rest

1Timothy 2:9 In like manner also,
        that women adorn themselves in modest apparel,
        with shamefacedness and sobriety;
        not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
1Timothy 2:10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
1Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach,
        nor to usurp  over the man, [Aner,  Presbyter]
        but to be in silence.

Paul did not use a generic person but man is:

Anēr  man, opposed to woman (anthrōpos being man as opp. to beast),
IV.  man emphatically, man indeed, Od.18.53; but a. alone always means a man in the prime of life, esp. warrior,  V. husband,  presbutēsX.Smp.4.17;

Teaching over a man intended to deceive or wholly seduce the patriarchs into a matriarchal goddess worship.

Peter outlawed private interpretation or further expounding in song or sermon. This would repudiate the elders and Jesus who made the prophecies more certain to eye- and ear-witnesses. They left a "memory" to MARK as false teachers anyone who dishonored that record.

di^daskō ,
abs., explain,pōs ; didaxonA.Eu. 431; “saphōs d.Th.2.60, etc.; show by argument, prove,legōn didasketōX.An.5.7.11, etc.; d. peri tinos hōs . . Th.3.71; “hēlikon esti to alazoneuma . . peirasomai . . didaxaiAeschin.3.238; poiētēs d. hoti . . Jul. Or.2.50b.
Xen. Anab. 5.7.11 For my part, however, what I have said on these points seems to me sufficient; but if any one among you imagines either that he could be deceived himself by such tales, or could deceive another by these tales, let him speak and explain.
Paul said that Eve was "whollyseduced" and that Cain (from a musical note) was OF that wicked one. Christ in the prophets calls Babylon and Tyre the "singing and playing prostitute in the garden of Eden."
Exa^pa^taō  deceive or beguile, deceive thoroughly,
lso “e. epi tois idiois sumbolaioisIsoc.10.7; peri sauton poieisthai . . eph' hois exapatas eleon surround yourself with compassion for your swindling tricks
A. make, produce, first of something material, as manufactures, works of art, etc. on works of art, Polumēdēs epoiwēh' (= epoiēse
4. after Hom., of Poets, compose, write, p. dithurambon, epea, Hdt.1.23, 4.14; “p. theogoniēn HellēsiId.2.53; p. Phaidran, Saturous, Ar.Th.153, 157; p. kōmōdian, tragōdian, etc., Pl.Smp.223d; “palinōdianIsoc.10.64, Pl.Phdr.243b, etc.; “poiēmataId.Phd.60d: abs., write poetry, write as a poet,orthōs p.Hdt.3.38; “en toisi epesi p.Id.4.16, cf. Pl.Ion534b: folld. by a quotation, “epoēsas pote . .Ar.Th.193; “eis tinaPl.Phd.61b; “peri theōnId.R.383a, etc.
b. represent in poetry,Homēron Akhillea pepoiēkenai ameinō OdusseōsPl.Hp.Mi.369c, cf. 364c, Smp.174b; poiēsas ton Akhillea legonta having represented Achilles saying,
c. describe in verse,theon en epesinPl.R.379a; epoiēsa muthous tous Aisōpou put them into verse, Id.Phd. 61b; “muthonLycurg.100.
Invent new gods
2. procure,p. adeian te kai kathodon tiniTh.8.76; “ho nomos p. tēn klēronomian tisiIs.11.1; logos argurion legonti p. gets him money, D.10.76:—Med., procure for oneself, gain

3. of sacrifices, festivals, etc., celebrate
of dithyrambic and dramatic Poets (cf. “didaskalos11), d. dithurambon, drama, produce a piece, Hdt.1.23, 6.21; “PersasAr.Ra.1026, cf. Pl.Prt.327d, IG12.770, al.:—Med., didaxasthai khoron train one's own chorus, 
the dithyramb; a kind of lyric poetry, Hdt., Ar., etc.: its proper subject was the birth of Bacchus metaph. of bombastic language,tosoutoni d. asasPl.Hp.Ma. 292c; “ouketi porrō dithurambōn phtheggomaiId.Phdr.238d.
Plat. Phaedrus 238d the place seems filled with a divine presence; so do not be surprised if I often seem to be in a frenzy as my discourse progresses, for I am already almost uttering dithyrambics.
Numpho-lēptos , on, A. caught by nymphs : hence, raptured, frenzied, IG12.788, Pl.Phdr.238d, Arist.EE1214a23, [the Brides of the hieros Gamos in Revelation 19)

Thaum-azō1. [select] abs., wonder, marvel, Il.24.394, Pl.Hp.Ma.282e, etc.

Phtheggomai , 3. of inanimate things, of a door, creak, Ar.Pl.1099; of thunder, X.Cyr. 7.1.3; of trumpets, Id.An.4.2.7, 5.2.14; of the flute, Id.Smp.6.3, Thgn.532; of the lyre, “phormigx ph. hiron melos
II. a name of Dionysus, E.Ba.526 (lyr.), Philod.Scarph.1:—hence Di^thurambogenēs, AP9.524. (Pi. is said to have written it lu_thirambos (Fr.85)—as if from luthi rhamma, the cry of Bacchus when sewn up in his father's thigh.)
Drama   II. action represented on the stage, drama, play, Ar.Ra.920, Arist.Po.1448a28, etc.; en d. not in the action on the stage, ib.1460a31; exō tou d. ib.1453b32; “d. poieinAr.Ra.1021; “saturikon d.Pl.Smp.222d (with play on 1): metaph., stage-effect of any kind,ta eleina tauta d. eisageinId.Ap.35b: also, tragical event, Plb.23.10.12,

Eur. Heraclid. 575 You are the bravest of all women, the bravest I have ever seen. But, if it is your will, say your last words as a farewell to your brothers and the old man and go.

Farewell, old man, farewell! Please train up [575] these boys to be such men as yourself, wise for every occasion, not more wise than that: that will suffice. With all your zeal try to save them from death. We are your children, we have been raised by your hands
USURP over the presbyters includes the elders yielding, permitting, suffing, trusting women with what belongs to men.

II. give up, yield,Poseidaōni de nikēn pasan epetrepsasIl.21.473 ; later e. tini c. inf., permit, suffer, Ar.Pl.1078, Pl.Chrm.171e, etc.
5. Med., entrust oneself, leave one's case to,tiniHdt.1.96 ; “diaitētēId.5.95, cf. X.An.1.5.8 ; also, to entrust what is one's own to another, Hdt.3.155,157.
Authent-ria , h(, fem. of authentēs,
A. = kuria, Keil-Premerstein Zweiter Bericht142.
ku_ri-a , ,
A. authority, power, Arist.Mir.837a5, etc.; possession, control, “oinouPlb.6.11A.4; “tamieiouId.6.13.1; “tou epaposteilai stratēgonId.6.15.6; kurian ekhein peri tinosId.6.14.10.—
II. fem. of kurios (q.v.).
authent-eō ,
A.  to have full power or  over, tinos I Ep.Ti.2.12; “pros tina  42.
authent-ikos , ē, on,
A. principal,anemoiGp.1.11.1.
2. warranted, authentic, kheirographia, apokhē, diathēkē, POxy.260.20 (i A. D.), Ostr.1010, BGU326ii 23 (ii A. D.); original,epistolaiPHamb.18ii6 (iii A. D.); “epithumataPMag.Leid.W.9.15; onoma ib.14.25; authoritative, Ptol.Tetr.182. Adv. -kōs, loqui make an authoritative statement, Cic.Att.9.14.2; au. nuntiabatur ib.10.9.1: Comp. “-ōteronwith higher authority, Ptol. Tetr.177.

kheirogra^ph-ia , ,
A. report in writing, PTeb.64a).54 (ii B.C.).
2. declaration attested by oath, written testimony, kh. horkou basilikou ib.27.32 (ii B.C.); “kata nomous kheirographiasPRev.Laws 37.13 (iii B.C.); “parabebēkotos ta tēs kh.

diathēkē , , (diatithēmi) A. disposition of property by will, testament, Ar.V.584,589, D.27.13, etc.; kata diathēkēn by will
III. compact, covenant,ēn diathōntai diathēkēn emoiAr.Av.440; freq. in LXX, Ge. 6.18, al.; kainē, palaia d., Ev.Luc.22.20, 2 Ep.Cor.3.14; disposition (with allusion to 1), Ep.Gal.3.15, cf. Ep.Hebr.9.15.

"Dionysus is the wine-god, and thus should be a pleasant fellow, a benefactor. But wine has both positive and negative aspects. It makes people drunk, causes them to behave in strange ways. The Greeks were well aware of the dual natures of wine, mirrored by the dual nature of its god.... He betrays a dual nature: being bright, joyous, and vital for life,

while also having a side that is dark, mysterious and deadly.

"The adored wife of the fallen Hector, is taken as a concubine by the authentes, who can command her domestic and sexual services. The word also occurs in a homosexual sense in a speech by Theseus, king of Athens, where love of young boys was considered a virtue rather than a vice." (Charles Trombly, Who Said Women Can't Teach, p. 174)

"dionysus's worship is thus established by the simple means of killing the opposition. It has been suggested that every tragic hero who suffers and dies on stage at the Dionysia, the great dramatic festival at Athens (of the South?), is in fact dionysus himself, being killed."

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority (authenteo) over the man, but to be in silence.1Ti.2:12

All "non-sedentary" or silent participation by women exercises the authority condemned by Paul. This sexual authority with the Catholic A Cappella or castrated "musical worship" solved the problem of a male priesthood but with a homosexual, feminine style of worship called "MUSIC."

Godly women should not want to literally FORCE men to see her as exercising authority over his good or bad nature.

Second: FOLLOWING THE Jesus Pattern: the ONLY purpose of an assembly is as A School of the Word.

1Timothy 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

When God put MEN or ANERS in full authority it was to Teach that which had been taught and to refute or silence anyone who opposed that which had been taught. MEN in this case specificially EXCLUDES women.  Now, the SAVED men is the Greek Word:

A. man, both as a generic term and of individuals, Hom. etc., opp. gods
3. in pl., mankind,anthrōpōn . . andrōn ēde gunaikōnIl.9.134;
II. as fem., woman, Pi.P.4.98, Hdt.1.60, Isoc.18.52, Arist.EN1148b20; contemptuously, of female slaves,
Andr-ōn , ōnos, ho, A. men's apartment in a house 

Men as Anthropose are men and women inclusively: in the synagogue everyone sat in reverence and silence while a senior male READ the Biblical text. Women past, present and future are subject to the emotional form of music and drama.  Music from mystery means "to make the lambs dumb before the slaughter."

As in Corinth Paul was always concerned that women just out of paganism would have been the prophesiers connected to their god by wine, music or drugs. Paul said that if the Corinthians needed to know anything he would write them another letter. Musical performers have always claimed to be mediators between women and the gods.


"Worship Leaders" (perhaps a blasphemous title) claim to be mediators by leading you into the presence of God.  They also claim to bring God INTO the presence by their roles as WORSHIP LEADERS.  However, they repudiate Jesus Christ when they try it.

1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God,
        and one mediator between God and men,
        the MAN
Christ Jesus;

Jesus earned His role as SOLE teacher when the elders teach that which has been taught.

1Timothy 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
1Timothy 2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle,
        (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.

At His baptism God pronounced Jesus as the Son of a Father: the pagans then and now believed that Sophia, Zoe etc. were DAUGHTERS of the MOTHER GODDESS. Lifting holy hands is not the same as waving unholy arms and clapping hands which signaled "I am available" in pagan assemblies.

1Timothy 2:8 I will therefore that men pray every where,
         lifting up holy hands, without wrath and

Paul did not use a generic person but man is:

Anēr  man, opposed to woman (anthrōpos being man 
IV.  man emphatically, man indeed, Od.18.53; but
a.  alone always means a man in the prime of life, esp. warrior, 
V. husband,  presbutēsX.Smp.4.17;

Without Wrath:
diagō a^], “khrononPlu.Tim.10 (but khronos diēge me, = khronon diēgon, S.El.782); d. heortēn celebrate it, Ath.8.363f:
heort-ē , 2. generally, holiday-making, amusement, pastime,paidias kai heortēs kharinPl.Phdr.276b,
4. assembled multitude at a festival,okhlos kai he. kai stratos kai plēthos
Plat. Phaedrus 276b Socrates
Exactly. Now tell me this. Would a sensible husbandman, who has seeds which he cares for and which he wishes to bear fruit, plant them with serious purpose in the heat of summer in some garden of Adonis, [short-lived pleasure] and delight in seeing them appear in beauty in eight days, or would he do that sort of thing, when he did it at all, only in play and for amusement?
        Would he not, when he was in earnest, follow the rules of husbandry,
        plant his seeds in fitting ground,
        and be pleased when those which he had sowed
        reached their perfection in the eighth month?
or Orge.

Lit.: “movit et ad certos nescia membra modos,Tib. 1, 7, 38: “ut festis matrona moveri jussa diebus,to dance, Hor. A. P. 232: moveri Cyclopa, to represent a Cyclop by dancing (gesticulating), id. Ep. 2, 2, 125: “et fila sonantia movit,struck, Ov. M. 10, 89: citharam cum voce,id. ib. 5, 112: “tympana,id. H. 4, 48; to disturb: “novis Helicona cantibus,Manil. Astron. 1, 4: “signum movere loco,to move from the place,
struck, Ov. M. 10, 89: “citharam cum voce,id. ib. 5, 112: tympana, id. H. 4, 48; to disturb: “novis Helicona cantibus,Manil. Astron. 1, 4: “signum movere loco,to move from the place,
a. to excite, occasion, cause, promote, produce; to begin, commence, undertake: “
SŏnoI. Neutr., to make a noise, to sound, resound: aes sonit, the trumpet sounds, Enn. ap. Non. 504, 33 (Trag. v. 213 Vahl.): “plectra,Prop. 4 (5), 7, 62. tympana, * Caes. B. C. 3, 105, 4 et saep
Pythius in longā carmina veste sonat,sings, pours forth, accompanies on the lyre, id. 2, 31 (3, 29), 16; cf.: “sonante mixtum tibiis carmen lyra,

Cantus , ūs, m. id., I. the production of melodious sound, a musical utterance or expression, either with voice or instrument; hence, song, singing, playing
1. With the voice, a singing, song; in full, cantus vocum,
2. With instruments, a playing, music: in nervorum vocumque cantibus,Cic. Tusc. 1, 2, 4; id. Rosc. Am. 46, 134: “citharae,Hor. C. 3, 1, 20: “horribili stridebat tibia cantu,Cat. 64, 264: “querulae tibiae,
B. An incantation, charm, magic song, etc.: cantusque artesque magorum 

1Timothy 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
1Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived,
        but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing,
        if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

That does not meant that women will be SAVED by having children.  She will be SAFE in childbearing. The usurped AUTHORITY or AUTHENTIA identified the women who had infants and under the arousal of Molech worship GAVE UP their children to be BURNED (1 Corinthians 13). The Assembly was to gather and READ the text as it was written: this was to guard against people inserting their own opinions in song and sermon.  The object from the synagogue in the wilderness onward was to read and rehearse or make certain that everyone understood The Book of the Covenant of Grace.  Discussion was limited to that portion of the text.

1Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion,
   but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
  Let your women keep silence in the churches:
  for it is not permitted unto them to speak;
  but they are commanded to be under obedience,
  as also saith the law. 1Corinthians 14:34

The ONLY ordained task was to PREACH the Word (only) by READING the Word only. Everyone else was to be SILENT. For some reason it was women and effeminate males who violated this rule in paganism

1Corinthians 14:35 And if they will learn any thing,

  Let them ask their husbands at home:
  for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

Proving the problem of "uncovered" female prophesiers (singing, music) in 1 cor 11:5

1Corinthians 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only
Genesis 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman,
  What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said,
  The serpent (musical enchanter)
   beguiled [seduced] me, and I did eat.

Genesis 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent,
  Because thou hast done this,
  thou art cursed above all cattle,
  and above every beast of the field;
  upon thy belly shalt thou go,
  and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity
  between thee and   the woman,
  and between THEY seed and HER seed;
   it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said,
  I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception;
  in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;
  and thy desire shall be to thy husband,
  and he shall rule over thee.
Speak is self-speak:
la^l-eō , A. [select] talk, chat, prattle, b. metaph., zōgraphia lalousa (of poetry)
II.  chatter, opp. articulate speech, as of locusts, chirp, Theoc.5.34; mesēmbrias lalein tettix
III.  of musical sounds, “aulō laleōTheoc.20.29; of trees, v.supr.1.2; “di'aulou ē salpiggos l.Arist. Aud.801a29; of Echo, D.C.74.14: also c.acc. cogn., magadin lalein sound the magadis,

Eve in Greek is Zoe called "the Beast and female instructing principle."

Beastia 2. As a term of reproach (cf. belua and our beast): “mala tu es bestia,Plaut. Bacch. 1, 1, 21; id. Poen. 5, 5, 13.—And, humorously, of the odor of the armpits (cf. ala and caper), Cat. 69, 8.— constellation, the wotf, Vitr. 9, 4

Bacchis, it is, because I dread you Bacchantes, and your Bacchanalian den5.
Your allurements6, more than your couch, do I dread. You're a mischievous serpent7. But, madam, a lurking-place does not befit this youthful age.
       5 Your Bacchanalian den: "Bacchanal" was properly the place where the Bacchanalia, or orgies, were celebrated. He styles them "Bacchantes," and their house a "Bacchanal," in allusion both to their names and their habits.
       7 Mischievous serpent: "Mala tu's bestia." Literally, "you are an evil beast;" which sounds harsh to an English ear, even when applied to such an animal as Bacchis.

Baccha I. a Bacchanet, a female attendant of Bacchus, who, in company with Silenus and the Satyrs, celebrated the festival of that deity with a raving madness carried even to insensibility,

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