Anunnki - Anu, Enlil, Shamash, Ea - The Creation of Man

Anu, Enlil, shamash, Ea, The great gods, The Anunnaki, the great gods, Lofty sanctuaries inhabited as creators. In anxiety they asked and Lamga was sacrificed to create mankind to work for the gods.
"The 'Eridu Genesis'...described the creation of man by the four great gods [the Anunnaki]: An ['Sky', the source of rain and most powerful of the gods], Enlil ['Lord Wind', the power in 'Growing Weather', creator of the hoe, Ninhursaga ['Lady of the Stony Ground', mother of wildlife], and Enki [rival of Ninhursaga]. After Nintur [Ninhursaga] (Cain? or Nimrod?) had decided to turn man from his primitive nomadic camping grounds toward city life the period began when animals flourished on earth and kingship came down from heaven. The earliest cities were built, were named, had the measuring cups, emblems of a redistributional economic system, allotted to them, and were divided between the gods. Irrigation agriculture was developed and man thrived and multiplied. However, the noise made by man (Genun a composite of Jubal, Jabal, Tubal-Cain, Naamah) in his teeming settlements began to vex Enlil sorely, and, driven beyond endurance, he persuaded the other gods to wipe out man in an great flood. Enki, thinking quickly, found a way to warn his favorite, one Ziusudra. He told him to build a boat in which to survive the flood with his family and representatives of the animals." - Thorkild Jacobsen, The Treasures of Darkness
  1. When both heaven and earth had been completely established;
  2. When the mother of the godesses had been born;
  3. when the earth had been brought forth, the land created,
  4. When the domes of heaven and earth had been established,
  5. Straight canals had been constructed;
  6. The Tigris and Euphrates--their banks had been established;
  7. Anu, Enlil, shamash, Ea,
  8. The great gods,
  9. The Anunnaki, the great gods,
  10. Lofty sanctuaries inhabited as creators.
  11. In anxiety they asked:
  12. "Since the domes of heaven and earth have been established,
  13. Straight canals have been constructed,
  14. The Tigris and Euphrates--
  15. Their banks have been established,
  16. What shall we change?
  17. What shall we create?
  18. O Annunnaki, ye great gods,
  19. What shall we change?
  20. What shall we create?"
  21. The great gods, standing aloft,
  22. The Anunnaki, who determine fate.
  23. The two of them made answer to Enlil;
  24. "In the land where flesh grows, the bond of heaven and earth,
  25. Lamga, Lamga, we will overthrow;
  26. From his blood mankind we will make,
  27. Let the bonds of the gods be bound upon them;
  28. For future days the limit
  29. Be established;
  30. The yoke and lifting cord on their hands
  31. Be placed,

    Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden (anxiety from religious ceremonial), and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew11:29
    For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:30

  32. The temple of the great gods
  33. Unto a lofty sanctuary to bring,

    Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. John 4:21
      But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit (mind) and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. John 4:23

  34. The meadows to mark out,
  35. Forever their limits
  36. To establish,
  37. The straight canal
  38. As a boundary to establish,
  39. The earth to water, the plants
  40. To raise,
  41. The rain of heaven, the rain of heaven....
  42. The ravine of the land as a boundary to set,
  43. The storehouse of the district to measure it,
  44. To make the field of the Anunnaki produce,
  45. To increase the abundance of the land,
  46. To keep the feast of the gods,
  47. Cool water to pour out
  48. In the dwellings of the gods which have been made lofty.
  49. Ullugarra and Nigarra
  50. Shall they be called,
  51. Ox, sheep, cattle, fish, and bird,
  52. The abundance of the land to increase,
  53. The lord of gladness and the lady of gladness
  54. With their holy mouth to supplicate.
  55. O Aruru, who hast been raised up for ladyship,
  56. Great structures thou thyself shalt enclose,
  57. Wise men for the people, heroes for the weak,
  58. Like grain springing of itself from the earth, shall be made--
  59. A destiny unchangeable as a star forever.
  60. By day and night
  61. The feasts of the gods,
  62. Their great appointed festivals of themselves
  63. They shall celebrate."
  64. Anu, Enlil,
  65. Ea, Ninmakhu
  66. The great gods,
  67. The place of mankind created.
  68. The goddess Nishaba (grain goddess) in mankind's place was established.
  69. Mighty and secret things
  70. As a scribe I teach.

In this account, instead of being from the blood of Kingu, one of the rebellious gods, husband of the arch-rebel Tiamat, he is made from the blood of Lamga, the craftsman, the god of carpenters.

"The text of this poem is accompanied by a set of notations which are believed to be musical notes. The text was doubtless recited at the festival service of the gods; to recount the great deeds of the gods by the recitation or chanting of such texts was in ancient heathen worship a way of doing them honor. It is interesting that the tablet which records this text contains also directions for chanting it." (Barton)

"Anunnaki translates as "those who Anu sent from heaven to earth." They were also called NEPHILIM meaning "To fall down to Earth, to land" or ELOHEEM in the bible meaning "These Beings". In ashuric/syriac (arabic) they are called Jabaariyn meaning "the mighty ones" and in Aramic (hebrew) Gibborim meaning "The Mighty or Majestic ones." They are also called NETERU which is an Egyptian term for Anunnaki

ANUNNAKI (Anukki, Enunaki)

The Akkadian name for a group of gods of the underworld - chthonic and fertility. They are judges in the realm of the dead. Their counterparts are the Igigi or good gods (although in some texts the positions are reversed). The Anunnaku are the children of Anu and Ki and are like the Apkallu and they are paired with an igigi. Below the anunnaki were several classes of genii -- sadu, vadukku, ekimu, gallu -- some of which were represented as being good, some evil.

IGIGI (ee gee' gee)

Sumerian term for the great gods of the younger generation, sky-gods headed by Ellil, often paired with the Anunnaki.

Early deities who guide and control every aspect of nature. Either they were not given much promenance later, or they simply were never given much attention. Chances are that these are Angels were the gods are Archangels. Collective name for the great gods of heaven associated with blood, madness and revenge.

Nephiyl (h5303) nef-eel'; from 5307; prop., a feller, i. e. a bully or tyrant: - gian

Naphal (h5307) naw-fal'; a prim. root; to fall, in a great variety of applications (intrans. or causat., lit. or fig.): - be accepted, cast (down, self, [lots], out), cease, die, divide (by lot), (let) fail, (cause to, let, make, ready to) fall (away, down, -en, -ing), fell (-ing), fugitive, have [inheritance], inferior, be judged [by mistake for 6419], lay (along, (cause to) lie down, light (down), by (* hast) lost, lying, overthrow, overwhelm, perish, present (-ed, -ing), (make to) rot, slay, smite out, * surely, throw down.


Prior to 2000 B.C.From: George A. Barton, Archaeology and The Bible, 7th Edition revised, (Philadelphia: American Sunday School, 1937), pg. 307-308


Kenneth Sublett

Babylonian Documents

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