The Feminization of Christianity

"80% of pastors are FEMININE-tuned; 80% of Men are MASCULINE-tuned. Feminine is identified as artistic, creative, and musical." Therefore, 80% of the males have only 20% of the leaders to identify with. That is why they attend church "disguised as empty pews."

Vineyard New Wineskin Worship
See Charismatic and Homosexual connection among the Greeks
Effeminization of Church and Christianity
Music and Effeminate Worship

Number Two

New Wineskins: the Effeminate Mark
Dionysia Drama Theater Music

Feminine works because it is Seeker-Friendly. However, the resident "family" has its male leadership destroyed and with it the meaning of Christianity is lost.

"Therein lies the real tragedy: Instead of arming the nation's youth with the intellectual tools they need to pursue the truth, we are teaching them to deal with crucial public policy problems by burying their heads at the bottom of a Kleenex tissue box. The Seattle Times

Back to the Beginning of Tribalism

Parkes, Henry Bamford Parkes in Gods and Men The Origins of Western Culture, p. 29, Knopf notes that in pagan cultures magical techniques for solving certain problems developed so that:

"In this fashion every common tribal interest--the recurrence of the seasons, the increase of the food supply, successful hunting--was likely to become embodied

in some regularly repeated ceremony, which usually included group dancing, singing, and feasting.

Besides enabling men to express, and thereby to allay, anger and anxiety, such ceremonies also promoted tribal unity and strengthened the loyalty of the individual to tribal traditions,

for the emotional excitement they aroused had the effect of breaking down the barriers between individuals and thus fusing all tribesmen into a collective whole.

Meanwhile, whole systems of magical devices were gradually elaborated."

'Certain members of a tribe, marked out either by unusual skills or by some emotional abnormality, usually became particularly adept at these operations, and gradually assumed specialized functions.

Released from the duty of hunting, and concentrating on the practice of magic, the shaman, sorcerer, or medicine man was the world's first professional."

"The development both of religion and of the arts can be traced back in a continuous line to the hunting era.

The group ritual of the primeval tribesmen were the origin not only of all religious ceremonial, but also of the drama and of poetry and music, while magic gave birth to the visual arts." (Parkes, p. 30).

"Awed by the mysteries of his own spirit no less than by those of nature, primitive man was likely to attribute to divine influence

any abnormal emotional state, whether above or below the usual level. Medicine men customarily went into states of trance in which they were believed to be in communication with the gods,

and many tribes supposed lunatics and sexual deviants to be divinely possessed.

In most early societies, moreover, men evolved techniques for deliberately inducing the abnormal forms of consciousness in which they supposed themselves to achieve union with divine power,

sometimes by the use of drugs and other physiological stimuli, sometimes by hypnotic dances and music.

The wild utterances to which they gave vent on such occasions were regarded as the words of a god and were interpreted as divine commands or predictions of future events." (Parkes, p. 32-33).

Outside of the Garden of Eden lived the Beast people: you don't think that Adam really had sex with all of those animals do you? The Adamas family had a hard time keeping on "God's holy Mountain" when expelled from the garden.

The story of Cain and Abel centers around the differences between the agricultural Cain down in the valley and the herding Abel on the sides of the Mount. The problem was that Cain did not offer his sacrifice BY FAITH. From history we know that the Cainites gave rise to the Lamech family which controlled people by the magic of art and music. As an agriculturist Cain may have offered his sacrifice in a sexual or fertility form:

"Pastoral religion, moreover, remained relatively free from degrading rituals.

Worshiping chiefly divinities of the sky and the weather, and seeing them definitely in masculine forms,

pastoral peoples did not usually deify the processes of sexual reproduction or regard human sacrifice as more than an extreme and unusual expedient; and their gods, being nomadic rather than fixed to particular localities, and not normally represented by means of images, could be universalized and spiritualized more easily than the peasant deities." (Parkes, p. 48).

When Israel moved into Canaan, they were confronted with and accepted the fertility rituals of Baal worship so that:

"Like most primitive peoples, the Israelites had always believed in inspiration, interpreting any disturbance of normal consciousness and self-control as due to spiritual agencies. During their early history, as can be seen from stories in the books of Judges and Samuel, not only the rhapsodic utterances of priests and poets but also the babblings of maniacs were attributed to a divine spirit. (See 1 Cor. 14)

Prophecy gradually became professionalized, and the schools of prophets,
who had developed techniques for the deliberate inducement of states of derangement  by means of music and dances and of alcohol and possibly other drugs,
earned money by helping peasants to find lost articles, performing miraculous cures, and advising kings about the will of Jehovah.

"At the end of the United Kingdom, the ten tribes or Israel adopted pagan idolatry which is soundly condemned by Amos. Parks notes that:

"This tradition seems to have been stronger in the northern kingdom, where the orgiastic fertility cults were more deeply rooted;

"its rulers apparently maintained large bodies of hired ecstatics to encourage their subjects with suitably propitious oracles on the eve of a war or some other moral crisis.

"Among more sophisticated persons it was recognized that many of the prophets were merely lunatics (P. 106)

Of course this was the natural result of Israel's demanded a king like the nations so that they could worship like the nations. Therefore, what we often see even in the Temple in Jerusalem is pagan idolatry and a prostituted priesthood just like the nations.

This is why Jesus claimed that the priesthood and all of their hangers-ons took away the key to knowledge. Therefore, He warned against religious ritual which produced the burden of "spiritual anxiety from religious ceremony" set Himself up as the sole Priest and Teacher, and demanded that we call no human being by a clergy title.


In what may be the last days, the prostitute religion of Babylon seems to be on the rise in fulfillment of prophecy. The end is prophesied about in Revelation 18 where the religious-commercial institutions (and "ministeries") will lose that which they lusted after and the music and musicians will go with the whore into destruction.

The End Time Result
The Church Impotent :The Feminization of Christianity
by Leon J. Podles

The natural result of the feminization of the clergy according to the research done by The Navigators is described by Dr. Podles:

"The current preoccupation with the role of women in the church obscures the more serious problem of the perennial absence of men. A Provocative new book argues that Western churches have become "women's clubs," that the emasculation of Christianity is dangerous for the church and society, and that a masculine presence can and must be restored.

After documenting the highly feminized state of Western Christianity,
Dr. Podles identifies the
masculine traits that once characterized the Christian life but are now commonly considered incompatible with it.

Perhaps women are "easier to handle" and because while denied the role of "Authority Usurper" women are increasingly in power in hiring a pastor or preacher who identifies more with the feminine nature. Because women are increasingly the pastor's power base, men are kept off the "high places" of pulpit or Billy Goat Hill.

Also instrumental in the feminization of the priesthood and of the church is a close ecumenical identification with Catholicism. Therefore, Dr. Podles

"traces feminization to three contemporaneous medieval sources:

the writings of St. Bernard of Clairvaux,
the rise of scholasticism, and
the expansion of female monasticism.

Theatrical performance and especially music has been tainted by feminized males. For instance, in the Greek Theater, women were often excluded or tokenized by males who looked and acted feminine. Modern knowledge of theatrical performance and a "groupy priesthood" is fully aware of the attraction of feminized men. Where the exception exists, beginning with Plato there was a danger of "gender-bleed" or "gender crosssover" by males who acted out the erotic nature:

Dr. Podles "contends that though masculinity has been marginalized within Christianity, it cannot be expunged from human society. If detached from Christianity, it reappears as a substitute religion, with unwholesome and even horrific consequences.

The church, too, is diminished by its emasculation.
spirituality becomes individualistic and erotic, tending toward universalism and quietism.

Nowhere is theatrical more dangerous than in performance preaching. Like music, it puts the rational nature into a quiet state of acceptance of anything as "moving into the presence of God." Quietism is defined as:

A type of mysticism that regards the most perfect communion with God as coming only when the soul is in a state of quiet. In this state it ceases to reason or to reflect either upon itself or upon God, ceases to exercise any of its faculties, its sole function being passively to accept the fellowship that God is ever ready to bestow.

Music is the mark of a feminized religion because it is the most powerful drug-inducer (endorphins) known to mankind to put the rational soul to sleep so that people believe that they are "led into the presence of God" whereas their minds get no further than the "brick wall" erected by the sight and sound of theatrical performance whether in preaching or music. As proven by the "men's movements" the morality of the leader cannot be considered by the rational mind which has been quieted or put to sleep by dissociation:

According to some of the Stoics, the sage may indulge in the lowest kind of sensuality, so far as the body is concerned, without incurring the least defilement of his soul. The Neoplatonists held that the One gives rise to the Nous or Intellect, this to the world-soul, and this again to individual souls. These, in consequence of their union with matter, have forgotten their Divine origin. Hence the fundamental principle of morality is the return of the soul to its source. The supreme destiny of man and his highest happiness consists in rising to the contemplation of the One, not by thought but by ecstasy (ekstasis).

(Charismatic exercises would be impossible without erotic preaching or music)

The Antinomian School, looked for salvation in a sort of intuitive knowledge of the Divine which emancipated the "spiritual" from the obligation of the moral law. Catholic Encyclopedia

This is defined as Post-Modern religion which has moved beyond God's "Comands, Examples and Inferences" into a self-authticating authority. This authority, while used in mind manipulation, is measured by attendance at the restored "temples" including a priesthood which has always been separated from the parishoner's children and wives.

The reviewer notes that:

"In the otherwise stale and overworked field of "gender studies," The Church Impotent is the only book to confront the

lopsidedly feminine cast of modern Christianity

with a profound analysis of its historical and sociological roots. Dr. Podles presents the fruit of his meticulous scholarship in a lucid and readable style thoroughly accessible to the non-specialist.

The End Time Cause

In Another Article

National Coalition of Men's Ministries head, Daniel Erickson, in most churches, "a man can't be a man," said Daniel Erickson.

"American churches are becoming feminized, and that is turning men off in droves, says the director of the National Coalition of Men's Ministries. ..

Only half of the men who say they have a relationship with Christ attend church, he said. Of the men who don't go to church and say they have no relationship with Christ, 85% were once in a church.

Pastors aren't helping draw and keep men in church, said Erickson, an ordained minister and former Promise Keepers executive. Men are "intimidated by pastors, and pastors don't know how to minister to them," he said.

Eighty percent of pastors are "more in tune to their feminine side" and are artistic, creative, and musical, Erickson said, citing a study done by The Navigators.

But "the problem is that 80% of men are not,

so 20% of pastors who are more in tune to their male side are trying to help 80% of men."

Church services generally are geared to women, Erickson said.

Men often are criticized in church, but not helped, Erickson said. Pastors point out the inadequacies of fathers, but "these men already realize they are bad fathers," he said. "Let's provide training and equipping."

The average church is not relevant to men, and is "answering questions they are not asking."

Men want to know God, Erickson said. About 97% of men believe in God, but they want a church

"where they can be real men and not have to play religious games,"

Men also want to be recognized as "the seat of leadership in the church," and want action rather than words, Erickson said. If church were a football game, men wouldn't want to stand around in a "holy huddle" and talk, with no action, Erickson said. "The average man wants to 'hit somebody' -- the devil." From

From The Feminization of American Christianity

"The last century saw the minister's role in liberal churches reduced to that of a woman. The pastor was content to "wait on" his congregation rather than "lead" it. The message was implied rather than stated. In the pulpit he sought to influence only by example, rather than persuade by arguments. His congregation consisted of those who were feeling rather than thinking. Unassertive, retiring, saccharine, weakly, passive, sickly, and homebound, these ministers were the opposite of dogmatic.

"What goes around comes around. Countless ministers today are little more than "cultural custodians." Their specialty lies in maintaining the status quo. These hirelings are not leaders. They belong to the community only because they embody the shared feelings and aspirations of the group. Operating totally by consensus, these unassertive pastors become a mere emblem of influence. Much like the man who had involved himself in a movement with gross doctrinal error, he said he was participating so he could "lend an influence" to the movement. By that he didn't mean he was going to confront the leadership with truth. Somehow he felt his presence was going to exude an unconscious influence on the direction of the movement. HOGWASH!

"Feminine religion is fiercely anti-intellectual, and that out of necessity. That which is masculine smacks of domination, decisiveness, and demarcation. Feminine is characterized by absorption, affection, and assimilation. The devotional had to overtake the doctrinal. The demise of theology was inevitable because right-brain religion cannot undergo the scrutiny of serious examination and analysis. The demise of theology was imperative. Emotion triumphed over the intellect.

"In her book, The Feminization of American Culture, Ann Douglas notes how dogma gave way to fiction. The liberal ministers of the 19th century had jettisoned truth. In their sermons people were not encouraged to observe or act, but feel. The men left their churches and church membership consisted largely of women. Liberal ministers romanticized their sermons to appeal to their female congregations. Feminine fiction became a substitute for religious faith. Douglas comments, "A novel pervades without argument, without labor: it suggests a credo of leisure." Orville Dewey in 1830 articulated his conviction, "Novel reading is the pursuit of idle ladies and men who are fast becoming 'effeminate' as a result." Concerning fiction William Peabody stated, "It is to the mind like drinking is to the body: it intoxicates and destroys the power of the mind for any strong and useful exercise." I guess Mr. Peabody didn't think it was good for men to get in touch with their feminine side!

Today we have the stealth approach to reach people.

The idea is to subliminally disguise the gospel. In other words, sneak the message in between the jokes and songs so no one knows what they hear or when they hear it. The appeal is not to the mind, but to the heart. Resource

The End-Time Proof
Sensing the problem but not knowing the source of the disease, Promise Keepers assembled almost 40,000 of these "pastors" in Atlanta. The first symptom is that any male clergy would have the urge to group with 40,000 other men in a charismatic (effeminate) breakdown. The second symptom is that many experienced a dissociation or induced schizophrenia and saw it as a "masculine journey" just as others bond to talk about their sex life or lack of. We will let one participant speak:

"Atlanta changed my life! There, I've said it, OK? To be a part of the world's largest-ever collection of clergy (42,000) in one building at one time; to hear the thunderous, ear-splitting applause, the four-part harmony, and that eerie, haunting, inspiring chant of "Je-e-e-s-u-s" as this hand-holding, mid-sized city of men affirmed their common faith-what can one say? It will never be forgotten.

The highlight for me had to be somewhere around the time of Steve Green's emotional presentation of "Let the Walls Come Down," leaving thousands of male pastors of every race and denomination tearfully hugging while offering and receiving apologies for centuries of injustice and blindness to each other's plight. Hats off to Coach Bill McCartney and the team for bringing vision to fruition as they launched the much-needed Promise Keepers' theme for 1996, "Break Down the Walls."

"Sports Motif: Oh, some things were missing-the beer, the cigarettes (for the most part) and the gutter language. But the similarities to professional football were all too noticeable-the incredible hype, the "wave," the close-to-hypnotic chanting for your team (now here's a difference-everyone cheered for the same team!), the frenzied buying of souvenirs, the loud singing on the go-train after. After all, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, right? And now it's time for that big annual cup game. So it's expected that you leave the wife and kids at home to take off and do the male-bonding thing for a few days. Too bad it's over Valentine's Day, but she'll understand-I'll send her a card....

"Promise Keepers, I beg of you: Seriously, biblically, prayerfully, consider the unprecedented impact your organization could have in tearing down this remaining wall. I can imagine no single project that would more favorably impress the hundreds of millions of women in our continent, and offer hope to billions of oppressed women around the world, than to "let the women prophesy," educate and ordain them to do it,

and finally propel this new Christian church into the third millennium, free from all walls, with a message of hope and equality for the other half of its population.

The Fulfillment of Prophecy
Click to see the meaning of the Babylon mother of harlots.

Rev 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials,
        and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither;
        I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters

Rev 17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication,
        and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine
of her fornication.

Rev 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness:
        and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy
        having seven heads and ten horns

Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour,
        and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,
        having a golden cu
p in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
Rev 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written,

Rev 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

Rev 18:1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. [seed pickers]

And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; Rev 18:22

Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. 

This motif is repeated by Amos (Ch. 5, 6, 8) who attributes the destruction of Israel to the 'cows of Bashan" who had gained control of the male leadership so completely that any righteous male's mouth was stopped so completely they to be prudent they no longer spoke.

The sacrificial music of David had been turned into celebrative religious rituals. The result in Amos chapter eight is that the people hungered and thirsted and died for lack of the Word of God.

Kenneth Sublett

Musical Performance Is Gender Confusion

Plato & Augustine Effeminate Worship

Aristotle Politics on the Masculine Journey

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