North Boulevard Church of Christ and A New Day Church informed by Stan Grandberg and Jimmy Adcox from the Kairos Church Planting Plot
David Young's Creed Opposite Jesus’ final command must be our first priority.
Making disciples is the sole mission of Christ’s church. But many of us find it very difficult to remain focused on this mission— there are so many other things competing for our attention.
Notice that the words for preacher includes both the GOOD and the UGLY SATANIC
Matt. 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matt. 28:19 GO ye therefore, and TEACH all NATIONS
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Matt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
And, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
por-euō of things, bring, carry, “epistolas patri”
ma^thēt-euō , to be pupil, tini to one II. trans., make a disciple of, instruct, “panta ta ethnē” Ev.Matt.28.19, cf. Act.Ap.14.21:—Pass., Ev.Matt.13.52.
Matt. 13:52 Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribeSECOND CONTRADICTION OF DAVID YOUNG:
which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven
is like unto a man that is an householder,
which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.
should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Acts 3:20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:
Acts 4:2 Being grieved that they taught the people,
and preached through Jesus the RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD
Acts 8:25 And they, when they had testified
and preached the WORD of the Lord, returned to Jerusalem,
and preached the GOSPEL in many villages of the Samaritans.
Acts 13:38 Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren,
that through this man is preached unto you THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS
Acts 14:[21] When they had PREACHED the GOSPEL to that city,
and had made many DISCIPLES, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch,
Acts 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples,
and exhorting them to continue in the faith,
and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
Acts 15:36 And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas,
Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city
where we have PREACHED the WORD of the Lord, and see how they do.
Acts 18:23 And after he had spent some time there,
he departed, and went over all the country of Galatia and Phrygia
in order, strengthening all the disciples.
Rom. 10:8 But what saith it? The WORD is nigh thee,
even in thy mouth, and in thy heart:
That is, the word of faith, which we preach;
Rom. 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart
That God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.
Rom. 10:14 How then shall they call on him
in whom they have not believed?
and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?
and how shall they hear without a preacher?
when Jesus had made an end
of commanding his twelve disciples,
he DEPARTED thence to teach and to PREACH in their cities.
Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead:
but GO thou and preach the KINGDOM of God.
Rom. 10:15 And how shall they PREACH, except they be SENT?
as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them
that preach the gospel of peace,
and BRING glad tidings of good things!
Acts 17:25 Neither is WORSHIPPED with MEN'S HANDS hands,
as though he NEEDED any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
g2323. THERAPEUO, ther-ap-yoo´-o; from the same as 2324; to wait upon menially, i.e. (figuratively) to adore (God), or (specially) to relieve (of disease): — cure, heal, worship.
-therap-ōn henchman, attendant [1] “Mousaōn [2] therapontes”
[1] Mousa music, song [3 below] stu^ger-os , Mousa “kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousas”
II. mousa, as Appellat., music, song, “m. stugera” A.Eu.308
moisan pherein LADED BURDEN
adokim-os , disreputable, discredited, reprobate,
“kanakhan . . theias antiluron mousas
moisan pherein”\
“adein adokimon m.” Plat. Laws 775b
[2] therapontes” [preacher of]
kērux generally, public messenger, envoy,
“k., Dios aggeloi ēde kai andrōn” 1.334; theōn k., of [2]
Zēus”,[preacher of] ploutou, Semitic Baalim, [preacher of]. Beelbōsōros, .[preacher of] Ōromasdēs, [preacher of] Dios astēr the planet Jupiter [preacher of] Ploutōn A.Pluto, god of the nether world,rom ploutos) the wealth-giver, a name of Hades, Eur. Alc. 360, Soph. Ich. 273Eur. Alc. 360 If I had the voice and music of Orpheus so that I could charm Demeter's daughter or her husband with song and fetch you from Hades, [360] I would have gone down to the Underworld, and neither Pluto's hound nor Charon the ferryman of souls standing at the oar would have kept me from bringing you back to the light alive.Soph. Ich. 273 Zeus came secretly to Atlas's house ... to the deep-girdled goddess 1 ... and in a cave begot a single son [Hermes, Kairos] He has a hidden machine that makes the sound you're asking about, that so surprised you. It's a box full of pleasure that he made in just one day from a dead animal [A Turtle] he found, and he's down there shaking it.[preacher as] “kērukōn, hoi dēmioergoi
a skilled workman, handicraftsman,
peithous dēmiourgos hē rhētorikē
from presbeis, as being messengers between nations at war
used interchangeably with apostolos,
[preacher of] 2. crier, who made proclamation and kept order in assemblies, etc.
[Minister of] mustēs , ou, ho, (mueō) A.one initiated
“ta mustōn orgia”[WRATH] (Prob. cogn. with erdō, rhezō, cf. ergon, orgeōn.)
orgeōnII. of men, like sphrigaō, swell with lust, wax wanton, be rampant
to be in heat, desire sexual intercourse
By definition the words for preach or preacher DEMANDS that the give up being rich and popular and go out to suffer and probably die.
A preacher is limited to the Holy Scriptures: The Church of Christ is defined INCLUSIVELY and EXCLUSIVELY in the Prophets. In Turn the church is built up or EDUCATED by the Prophets and Apostles. An overseer in the Synagogue watched that the READER did not even add inflections of his voice which would tamper with the Word.
Acts 20:7 And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.WHAT IS EXCLUDED AS OBSCENE FOR SPEAKERS WHO PROSTITUTE OR SELL THEIR OWN WORDS.
Paul demands that both male and female be silent and not author songs or sermons because:
1Tim. 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
1Tim. 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
1Tim. 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
1Tim. 2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
Rom. 15:19 Through mighty SIGNS and WONDERS,
by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem,
and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.
The WORD is GOD'S Mind or Spirit which He put into the MOUTH of Jesus. Jesus spoke only what he heard from the Father. He said that those who speak on their OWN are Sons of the Devil. When Jesus INCLUDES He also EXCLUDES:
Logos Regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible and operative in the sensible universe.
Opposite to epithumia
A. desire, yearning, longing after a thing, desire of or for it, Theaomai :--gaze at, behold, mostly with a sense of wonder, 3. view as spectators
Opposite Pathos A. that which happens to a person or thing, incident, accident, Moralizing Rhetoric
Opposite Poiein to excite passion, Arist.Rh.1418a12; V. Rhet., emotional style or treatment,
Opposite Enthousi-astikos , ē, on, A. inspired, “phusis” Pl.Ti.71e; esp. by music,
Prose, OPPOSITE -poiêsis, Id.R.390a;
OPPOSITE -poiêtikê, D.H.Comp.6; OPPOSITE poiêmata, onomatopoeic word
OPPOSITE emmetra Modus 2. The measure of tones, measure, rhythm, melody, harmony, time; in poetry, measure, metre, mode:Mūsĭcus a, um, adj., = mousikos.
X. the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government,
The Church or Congregation is defined as an UMBRELLA or a Safe House for small groups who worship by Reading the Word only. How can you worship God when the preacher and muusicians are in your face absorbing all of the attention.
As a result, many American denominations and fellowships are in decline. Some appear to be in a death spiral. Even the churches of Christ are losing members: 200 people leave the churches of Christ every week, and every week in America a church of Christ goes out of business forever. Is the sun setting on Christianity in the West?
My home church and David Young begin his preaching career condemning the historic Church of Christ and began diverting time and money to begin a new denomination. All Bible Students became Theologians which is defined as myhthologists and devoted to Apollyon, the BEAST and scattering the flock making way for his own disciples.
Up to half of a congregation when Instrumental Mocking was introduced. This begins as a Worship Team with effeminate males and women RULING OVER the Flock.
The Gender persona of self-exibitation and the inability to READ BLACK text on Brown Paper obeyed Alexander Campbell's advice to Church.Decline.David.Young.jpgspeaking of the Instrumental MARK of the BEAST. Such imposed instruments or performing groups is the MARK of people refusing to speak God's Words. Instrumental sounds known by the Greeks to induce KOMA are also connected with BEING CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.
Large city churches were Purpose Driven to bleed the youth from rural congregations and they naturally died. That was the purpose.
Eph. 3:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery,
which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God,
who created all things by Jesus Christ:
Eph. 3:10 To the intent that now
unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places
might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
Eph. 3:11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
Eph. 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
Eph. 3:13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
This is a review of just one small fragment of the Purpose Driven attempt to decertify any existing church of Christ. The same thing is going on in most Bible based groups founded the Apostles and Prophets. The New Day of Jesus was to free both Jew and Gentile from the clergy structures of self-assertion.Eph. 2:20 And are built upon [Educated by: Christians-Disciples-Students don't pay to watch worship performers]Both Father and Son abide IN use when we OBEY God's commandments through Jesus..
the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
Eph. 2:21 In whom all the BUILDING fitly framed together groweth
unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Eph. 2:22 In whom ye also are builded together
for an habitation of God through [en, eis within] the Spirit.
WE abide IN the Father and Son when we OBEY God''s commanments.
John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him,The habitation is inside of the believer's spirit or mind. After Jesus moved in the Holy Spirit state He left His WORD as the communicator of SPIRIT and LIFE (John 6:63]. That Spirit is TRANSFERRED by SPEAK or READ.
IF a man love me, he will keep my words:
and my Father will love him,
and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
SPIRIT in all languages cannot be a god or person: it is figurative or a parable (to hide from the wise) to explain that God puts HIS Word directly into the MOUTH of a Moses, the Prophets and LASTLY His Son by who He created his World (g165) Aion or Messianic Age]
BUT, says anyone who writes their own songs and sermons: "God is not incapable" as promoted by Lipscomb-Invented form of Trinity. He cannot dwell in YOUR spirit without another god person's help.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit:Paul warned against the concision:
[in contrast to Jesus who was made of fllesh and bones]
Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see;and they that worship him must worship him in [the] spirit and in truth.
for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
Phil. 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in THE spirit,
and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in THE flesh.
Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. Phil 3:2Gender confusion has always been associated by those who need to display their body and who perform rhetoric, singing or playing instruments. Those who claim that they are serving a "god" such as priests or Levites gave rise to the PARASITE Word. The "persona" whether real or pretend is what has cause up to 2/3 of the "owners" to flee without understanding why.
Gal 5:12 As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!
Anastatoo (g387) an-as-tat-o'-o; from a der. of 450 (in the sense of removal); prop. to drive out of home (Psallo has the same meaning), i.e. (by impl.) to disturb (lit. or fig.): - trouble, turn upside down, make an uproar, to stir up, excite, unsettle to excite tumults and seditions in the state to upset, unsettle, minds by disseminating religious error
Only as a methaphor has PSALLO ever musical meant more than SHOOT SOMEONE WITH A SONG.
Gal. 5:24 And they that are Christ’s have CRUCIFIED the FLESH with the affections and lusts.
Similar: PSALLO I. In gen., to play upon a stringed instrument; esp., to play upon the cithara, to sing to the cithara: psallere saltare elegantius, [carry away] 1. to convey away (from the family) by bequest, to bequeath away,
Gal. 5:25 If we live IN the SPIRIT, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Gal. 5:26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.
WOE: for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short TIME [kairon ekhei ETHOS.’] Rev. 12:12
"Just remember: when you're reading your Greek Testament and come upon kairos: stop, look and listen, because the Holy Spirit is flashing a caution light, warning of a coming crisis, an eminent judgment. That's why Jesus used the word more than once to predict his own crucifixion."Rick Atchley with Christian Standard: Explain how you transistioned over the past few years to include instrumental worship (an oxymoron) in MOST services. [After YOU broke your promise]
When WE made the decision, we knew we would have to explain why WE were making the decision,
so I led the church through some teaching on why WE were making the change WE made.
And "We used christian bands to teach your youth to leave your movement.This band of "progressives" lie about all of the historic practices of the Church of Christ. The use of Mechanical Instruments as -- machines for doing hard work--or in the words of David Young, "produce shock and awe" in religious "worship. From clay tablets--a thousand to two thousand years older than Moses--identified the Babylon Mother of harlots who had musicians to build and tear down temples. She appears again in Revelation 17 and in Revelation 18 here speakers and musicians are called SORCERERS and will be CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.
In the 2019 "conference" known sowers of discord are used to prove that Ephesians 4 authorizes them to be APOSTLES dominating the elders (already). In fact, they refused to use the part where APT elders are supposed to and WILL cast out the cunning craftsmen or sophists. Sophists are speakers for hire, singers and instrument players in religious shrines. Jesus said that god HIDES from the WISE or Sophists: speakers, singers or instrument players. Jesus identified the Scribes and Pharisees (writers and preachers) as Hypocrites. He references Isaiah 29 and Ezekiel 33. God tells Ezekiel that they listen to him for entertainment but refuse to obey. God's pattern for hypocrites are "speakers for hire, singers or instrument players.
A New Day Church confiscating your "investment with the Lord" and in the words of Stan Grandberg REpurposing the property are in bed with Renew.org which is another money and power seeking commercial institution.
Ephesians 4 is MISSused to prove that APOSTLES now USURP Elders and Deacons. An APT elder is commanded to EJECT the cunning craftsmen or SOPHISTS because they are MARKED as Lying in Wait to Deceive. Sophists are the WISE from whom God HIDES: they are speakers, singers, guitar players especially a place dedicated to God. Stan Grandberg and Jimmy Adcox of the Kairos Church Planting Plot are used at north Boulevard to facilitate the end-time Mother of Harlots church.
"Just remember: when you're reading your Greek Testament and come upon kairos: stop, look and listen, because the Holy Spirit is flashing a caution light, warning of a coming crisis, an eminent judgment. That's why Jesus used the word more than once to predict his own crucifixion."
The elders at North Boulevard sponsors the beginning of A New Day Church. They promise to plant 100,000 new Daughter Chuches.
Stan Grandberg of the Kairos (demon) Church Planting Plot sponsored by Jimmy Adcox and used to support David Young.
Stan says as A New Day Speaker: History and research have proven true C. Peter Wagner’s assertion, “Planting new churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under heaven.”[5] Timothy Keller further expands Wagner’s view about church planting,
We don't PLANT new churches. WE if we are decent and in order we GO into the world seeking lost spirits. Jesus said that neither He nor those who can hear the call or invitation are OF the World order. The World or Kosmos is the ECUMENICAL kingdom of the Devil. They are HIS seed and his children. Those who are scattered into all of the world can hear the Word and want to be baptized. This is the Mark or Seal that God has made their spirit into A holy spirit.
The Kingdom of Christ IN the world but not OF the world is "The WAY that is called a SECT." It is a narrow road and almost one one can find the WAY. A Disciple of Christ goes looking for individual Lost Sheep. They are the only ones who hear the voice of the sheep shepherd. A church assembles itself as a School of the Word and is not PLANTED by a hireling.
Matthew 13:36 Then Jesus sent the MULTITUDE away, and went into the house:
and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto US the parable of the tares of the field.
Matthew 13:37 He answered and said unto them,
He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
Matthew 13:38 The field is the world;
the good SEED are the children of the kingdom;
but the TARES are the CHILDREN [DNA] of the WICKED ONE
Matthew 13:39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil;
the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angelsJohn 8:37 I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me,
because my word hath no place in you.
John 8:38 I SPEAK that which I have seen with my Father:
and ye DO that which ye have SEEN with your father.
There is no Command, Example or Remote Inference of God calling the godly out for church or EKKLESIA to engage in group singing with our without instruments.
All instrumental passage MARK those who refuse to let Jesus peak and also connected with BURNING.
Suddenly attacks have been mounted to ADD instruments or a Musical Worship Team (a blasphemy). Pretty extreme violence is CASTING a vision intending to steal the church houses of widows and orphans.
Cain is the father of those who handle--without authority--musical instruments. Paul said that Cain was OF or the son of that WICKED ONE. The Spirit in the prop;hets identifies Lucifer in the garden of Eden as a "singing and harp-playing prostitute."
Jude warns to be faithful to the Word and uses the instrumental idolaters at Mount Sinai as FORE ORDAINED to Attempt again to defeat God.
"In pagan traditions, musical instruments are invented by gods or demi-gods, such as titans. In the Bible, credit is assigned to antediluvian patriarchs, for example, the descendants of Cain in Genesis 4:21. There is no other biblical tradition about the invention of musical instruments." (Freedman, David Noel, Bible Review, Summer 1985, p. 51). (Proof Here).
"The marzeah had an extremely long history extending at least from the 14th century B.C. through the Roman period. In the 14th century B.C., it was prominently associated with the ancient Canaanite city of Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra), on the coast of Syria...
The marzeah was a pagan ritual that took the form of a social and religious association... Some scholars regard the funerary marzeah as a feast for--and with--deceased ancestors (or Rephaim, a proper name in the Bible for the inhabitants of Sheol)." (King, Biblical Archaeological Review, Aug, 1988, p. 35, 35)
"These five elements are:
(1) reclining or relaxing,
(2) eating a meat meal,
(3) singing with harp or other musical accompaniment,
(4) drinking wine and
. (5) anointing oneself with oil." (King, p. 37).John 8:41 Ye DO the deeds of your father.
.....Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication;
.....we have one Father, even God.
There is SPEAK in the School of Christ and no DO
făcĭo “poëma,” to compose, id. Pis. 29, 70: “carmina,” Juv. 7, 28: “versus,” id. 7, 38: “sermonem,” Cic. Fam. 9, 8, 1; cf. “litteram,” id. Ac. 2, 2, 6: ludos, to celebrate, exhibit = “pecuniam,” to make, acquire to excite commercium sermonis,
THE 20/20 VISION: 3. With gen., to make a thing the property of a person, subject it to him:
rhezein, to perform or celebrate a religious rite; to offer sacrifice, make an offering, to sacrifice
presiding over the Muses or LOCUSTS.
John 8:42 Jesus said unto them, IF God were your Father, ye would love me:
.....for I proceeded forth and came from God;
.....neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech?
.....even because ye CANNOT hear my word.
[5] C. Peter Wagner, Strategies for Growth: Tools for Effective Missions and Evangelism (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1987), 168.
Peter Wagner: served for 30 years (1971 to 2001) as Professor of Church Growth at the Fuller Theological Seminary's School of World Missions
“Unless I’m mistaken, the most radical of all the changes from the old wineskin to the new wineskin is this: the amount of spiritual authority delegated by the Holy Spirit to individuals. The two operative words are authority and individuals.”Dominant Female President's Wives come out of Fuller Theological Seminary.
My first wonderful congregation to be CONFISCATED in Seattle, Washington was FUELED by the IOCC and Fuller. This was part of the Church Growth Cult.
Worship: Intimacy with God John & Carol WimberC. PETER WAGNER
A heretic who thought he was an apostle.
A tare who thought he was sowing wheat.
A bramble who thought he was producing fruit.
A goat who thought he was building the church.
A blasphemer who thought he was going to heaven.
A wandering star who thought he was offering direction.
A salt water spring who thought he was offering fresh water.
A lost soul who thought they were leading the church
through the gates of the Kingdom of God…Lest we forget Wagner –
so that none ever forget the dangers of heretics in Christ’s church,
may his gravestone be a millstone.Spiritual Formation, which Stan endorses, invaded the major universities when Fuller Wives began to neuter the new preacherlings. From personal experience these groups go not "go into the world and preach the gospel: Planting or collecting institutions is the end."
Apollo or Apollyon is the leader of the LOCUSTS unleashed from hell. They are the MUSES as Apollyon's Musical Worship Team. They are recorded in history as dirty adulteresses used to pick the pockets of "worshipers" before they could get out of their "worship services."
Stan Grandberg: History and research have proven true C. Peter Wagner’s assertion, “Planting new churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under heaven.”[5] Timothy Keller further expands Wagner’s view about church planting,
[5] C. Peter Wagner, Strategies for Growth: Tools for Effective Missions and Evangelism (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1987), 168.
Peter Wagner: served for 30 years (1971 to 2001) as Professor of Church Growth at the Fuller Theological Seminary's School of World Missions
We must adopt the Ephesians 4:11 understanding that RESTORES the full circle of biblical leadership.[4]
This will mean a recognition of the personal leadership giftedness God provides the church.
[4] This idea of APEST leadership from Ephesians 4:11 is thoughtfully engaged by Alan Hirsch, http://www.alanhirsch.org/books. A circle model of leadership that has strong research support is described by Stanley E. Granberg, “Circle of biblical leadership,” Kairos Church Planting, August 31, 2011, accessed May 29, 2017, http://kairoschurchplanting.blogspot.com/ 2011/08/circle-of-biblical-leadership.html.The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a movement which seeks to establish a fifth branch within Christen
distinct from Catholicism, Protestantism, Oriental Orthodoxy, and Eastern Orthodoxy.
The movement is largely associated with the Pentecostal and the Charismatic movements
and advocates the restoration of the lost offices of church governance,
namely the offices of prophet and apostle.[1] Inspired by the G12 movement,
it grows by recruiting pastors of independent congregations and nondenominational churches,
by assimilating members from other churches through cell group meetings,
and by frequent Church planting and rapid expansion, including foreign missions around the globe
Apostolic governance – The Apostle Paul's assertion that Jesus appoints apostles within his church continues to this day.
Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, [hypocrites: speakers, singers, instrument players Ezekiel 33'
The office of the prophet – There is within the church a role and function for present-day prophets. Dominionism –
"When Jesus came, He brought the kingdom of God and
He expects His kingdom-minded people to take whatever action is needed
Theocracy – Not to be confused with theocratic government but rather the goal to have "kingdom-minded people" in all areas of society.
to push back the long-standing kingdom of Satan
and bring the peace and prosperity of His kingdom here on earth."
There are seven areas identified specifically: religion, family, education, government, media, arts & entertainment, and business.[1] Extra-biblical revelation – There is available to all believers the ability to hear from God.
"The one major rule governing any new revelation from God is
Supernatural signs and wonders – Signs and wonders such as healing, demonic deliverance,
that it cannot contradict what has already been written in the Bible. It may supplement it, however."
and confirmed prophecies accompany the move of God.
Relational structures – church governance has no formal structurebut rather is by relational and VOLUNTARY alignment to APOSTLES.[3]
when the kingdom of God should come,
he answered them and said,
The kingdom of God cometh not with OBSERVATION [Religious observations or lying wonders]
Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for,
behold, the kingdom of God is WITHIN you.
The tiny flock or spirits of lost spirits which are found are placedin a Covert or UMBRELLA so that is hidden while the kingdom of Jesus finds those RESERVED UNTO FIRE.
Spiritual Formation, which Stan endorses, invaded the major universities when Fuller Wives began to neuter the new preacherlings. From personal experience these groups go not "go into the world and preach the gospel: Planting or collecting institutions is the end."
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)
is a movement which seeks to establish a fifth branch within Christen
distinct from Catholicism, Protestantism, Oriental Orthodoxy, and Eastern Orthodoxy.
The movement is largely associated with the Pentecostal and the Charismatic movements
and advocates the restoration of the lost offices of church governance,
namely the offices of prophet and apostle.[1] Inspired by the G12 movement,
it grows by recruiting pastors of independent congregations and nondenominational churches,
by assimilating members from other churches through cell group meetings,
and by frequent Church planting and rapid expansion, including foreign missions around the globe
Apostolic governance – The Apostle Paul's assertion that Jesus appoints apostles within his church continues to this day. The office of the prophet – There is within the church a role and function for present-day prophets. Dominionism – "When Jesus came, He brought the kingdom of God and
Stan Grandberg and Jimmy Adcox promote the latter day groups as Kairos Church Planting Plot.
He expects His kingdom-minded people to take whatever action is needed
Theocracy – Not to be confused with theocratic government but rather the goal to have "kingdom-minded people" in all areas of society.
to push back the long-standing kingdom of Satan
and bring the peace and prosperity of His kingdom here on earth."[2]
There are seven areas identified specifically: religion, family, education, government, media, arts & entertainment, and business.[1] Extra-biblical revelation – There is available to all believers the ability to hear from God.
"The one major rule governing any new revelation from God is
Supernatural signs and wonders – Signs and wonders such as healing, demonic deliverance,
that it cannot contradict what has already been written in the Bible. It may supplement it, however."
and confirmed prophecies accompany the move of God.
Relational structures – church governance has no formal structurebut rather is by relational and VOLUNTARY alignment to APOSTLES.[3]
WOE: for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short TIME [kairon ekhei ETHOS.’] Rev. 12:12
Rev. 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child
Rev 12:12 dia touto “euphrainesthe, ouranoi” kai hoi en autois skēnountes: ouai tēn gēn kai tēn thalassan, hoti katebē ho diabolos pros humas, ekhōn thumon megan, eidōs hoti oligon kairon ekhei.’
This word appears in both the Greek and LatinRick Atchley with Christian Standard: Explain how you transistioned over the past few years to include instrumental worship (an oxymoron) in MOST services. [After YOU broke your promise]
ekhi^s hōsper e. ē skorpios ērkōs to kentron [of Pericles as an orator]ib.52; cf. ekhidna.
hăbĕo “ornamenta dicendi, wise, skilled carminis simile haec oratio?”
carminis tune, song, air, lay, strain, note, sound, both vocal and instrumental
Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis “citharae “lyrae carmen, cantus (melodies) 5. A magic formula, an incantation:
theos” (Delph. Mousēgetēs , Pl.Lg. 653c, D.S.1.18, Jul.Or.4.132a, al.; voc. Mousēgeta^ , IG12(5).893 (Tenos); also Epithet of Heracles, in dat. Mousagētē ,
Strabo Geography [-10.3.10] And on this account Plato, and even before his time
the Pythagoreians, called philosophy music;andthey say that the universe is constituted in accordance with harmony,
assuming that every form of music is the work of the gods.
And in this sense, also, the Muses are goddesses,
and Apollo is leader of the Muses,
and poetry as a whole is laudatory of the gods.Aristotle: Melody Deceives: "Poets also make use of this in inventing words, as a melody "without strings" or "without the lyre"; for they employ epithets from negations, a course which is approved in proportional metaphors..
- The form of diction should be neither metrical nor without rhythm.
- If it is metrical, it lacks persuasiveness, for it appears artificial, and at the same time it distracts the hearer's attention, since it sets him on the watch for the recurrence of such and such a cadence..
According to Philo, the gods of the pagans exploit this weakness of men. For the sake of a better effect, and with the intention of more easily cheating their devotes, that they have set their lies to melodies, rhythms and meters.." Click for more.
When WE made the decision, we knew we would have to explain why WE were making the decision,
so I led the church through some teaching on why WE were making the change WE made.
And "We used christian bands to teach your youth to leave your movement."
The old Hermeneutic of Commands, Examples or Necessary inferences. This is based on Factual Statements expanded by word definitions and parallel passages which God provided so that you could NEVER be mistaken.
The New Hermeneutic. We mock (old hermeneutic) Jesus by adding Musical Worship Teams. We use this in our Liturgical practices. It drives away most but attracts replacements.
This makes us Co-Interpreters by being stuffed with A spirit. This experience reveals what was always in the text. It was not possible for your grandmother because SHE imagined that she could read BLACK text on BROWN paper.
The old Hermeneutic: The olden people thought that Jesus said he that believes and is baptized shall be saved. You assume that God and thousands of years made you correct.
The New Hermeneutic: We have A god inside of us and we understand that the OBSERVER can see alternative readings. So we CO-inspired the passage to say that He that believes AND is not baptized shall be saved. WE have uncovered what Jesus really said.
Stan Grandberg: The following three challenges are hard because they
are deeply embedded, DNA level aspects of CofC
that seem to hold us back,
even cripple us, from engaging 21st century America,
Now, in their Quantum world, the PRESENT CULTURE cannot hear the Gospel (especially when it is not preached) because something went BAM!
Rom. 1:15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach [GO] the gospel to you that are at Rome also.He wants you to believe that because your bloodline has had a Scriptural Doctrine "teach that has been written for your learning" is no longer true in the 21st century. The records of eye -- and ear--witnesses cannot be understood because you are a creature of evolution,. The "Heisenberg uncertainty principle" says that when you try to determine velocity of a subatomic particle its position has been moved. Shelly thinks that you cannot READ a text Jesus read because you CHANGE its meaning.
Jesus preached the Gospel of THE KINGDOM or the Church: it is defined inclusively and exclusively when God put His WORD into the MOUTH of the Prophets.
Rom. 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
for IT is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;
to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Rom. 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith [prophecy] to faith: [made certain]
as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Rom. 1:18 For the WRATH of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom. 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them;
for God hath shewed it unto them.
Stan Grandberg: To change our course of decline in the 21st century [Which WE caused]
WE must explore the other side of this hermeneutic coin,
the side of freedom and openness.
On this other side, unless something is expressly forbidden,
WE are free to explore it based upon biblical PRINCIPLES.
That would be ANTI-Christian:
John 8:29 And he that sent me is with me:THAT IS THE MARK OF LAWLESSNESS
the Father hath not left me alone;
for I do alway those things that please him.
Titus 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might
redeem us from all INIQUITY, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good work
Autonom-ia , hē, of a state, 3. dogmatism, Olymp.in Mete.151.21.
poi-ētikos , ē, on, A.capable of making, creative, productive, opp. praktikos autonom-ia , hē, of a state,
The command was to enroll DISCIPLES or Students. No one was sent to PLANT institutions operated by people who CLAIM that they can give you freedom and let you DO things.
2Pet. 2:16 But was rebuked for his iniquity:The OLD pattern needs no hermeneutic (which just means translation back then) because the One-Piece Pattern defined for the Church of Christ (the Rock) in the wilderness was a Reading the Word of God--only--gathering once each week.
the dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
2Pet. 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest;
to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.
2Pet. 2:18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity,
they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness,
those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.
2Pet. 2:19 While they promise them liberty,
they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome,
of the same is he brought in bondage.
2Pet. 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world
gThrough the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
they are again entangled therein, and overcome,
the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
This hermeneutic approach is based upon a narrative-historical interpretation of scripture,
most readily expressed in our faith stream through the writings of John Mark Hicks.
This is part of our faith HERITAGE.
John 8:29 And he that sent me is with me:
........... the Father hath not left me alone;
........... for I do alway those things that please him.
You don't have to!
John 8:30 As he SPAKE these WORDS, many believed on him.
John 8:31 Then SAID Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
........... If ye continue in MY WORD, [Logos: regulative principle: CENI]
then are ye my disciples indeed;
You don't have to!
John 8:32 And ye shall know THE TRUTH, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8: 35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever:
but the Son abideth ever.
John 8: 36 If the Son therefore shall make you free,
ye shall be free indeed.
John 8:37 I know that ye are Abrahams seed; but ye seek to kill me,
........... because my WORD (logos) hath no place in you.John 8: 38 I SPEAK that which I have seen with my Father:
........... and ye do that which ye have seen with your father. [the Devil]
John 8: 39 They answered and SAID unto him,
........... Abraham is our father. Jesus SAID unto them,
........... If ye were Abrahams children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
There are many para church organizations taking advantage of the dearth of Bible teaching replace by Self-exhibition, self-speaking angels of light.
John Mark Hicks says that if change or go beyond that which is written in your LITURGY, the CHURCH Co-Creates new meaning into the Text inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.
JESUS SAID THAT THE ONLY MESSAGE OF THE SPIRIT DELIVERED TO HIM HAS BEEN "GUARDED" BY MAKING A RECORD. Apostolic Succession guaranteed that the record of the Apostles and Prophets were not changed and that the next Bishop could receive this "once for all delivered to the saints record:
John 6:62 What and if ye shall see the Son of man [Not God the Father]
ascend up where he was before?
John 6:63 It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing:
the WORDS that I speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are life.
God exists in the STATE of Holy (wholly) Spirit.
Jesus said that a SPIRIT hath not flesh and bones as YE see me have.
Spirit is Mind or one's Mental disposition.
Mind is communicated by God's BREATH
What results is WORDS which are Spirit.
John Mark Hicks thinks that he has "one of the LU gods INSIDE of His Carnal body."
John Mark Hicks: Theological hermeneutics, then,
is where ecclesially-formed, believing readers co-CREATE meaning with the TEXT
His leader said that Father and Son are not INTELLIGIBLE without the Spirit "god."
(1) within liturgical life of the church,
(2) in the confidence of the sacramental function of Scripture,
(3) the transformative presence of the Holy Spirit.
Christians, Disciples, Students of Christ do not DO liturgyJohn Mark Hicks: Such readers, INHABITED by the indwelling SPIRIT,
Leitourg-ia i.e. annual, liturgies, D.20.21; leitourgiaimetoikôn, III.public service of the gods Eis-phora , A.carrying or gathering in, property-tax levied for purposes of war"Biblical Greek. Here the meaning is always religious. leitourgia in the OT is limited to priestly and Levitical administration. In the LXX it renders chiefly the Hebrew abhodha (5656) (from abad (5647)) which signifies service to God, specially undertaken by priests and Levites (e.g. Num.8:25; Lk.1:23; Heb.8:6; 9:21).
5656. abodah, ab-o-daw´; or abowdah, ab-o-daw´; from 5647 [keep in bondage, enslave]; work of any kind:—act, bondage, + bondservant, effect, labour, ministering(-try), office, service(-ile, -itude), tillage, use, work, x wrought.
listen to HEAR how “this is that” and see what is not explicitly there.
Eph. 2:20 And are built upon [Educated by] the foundation of the APOSTLES and PROPHETS,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
PETER DEFINES THE SINGULAR TEXT BOOK:Stan Grandberg, Kairos and the A New Day Church are P:urpose Driven to deny that the Holy Spirit of God spoke what the historic Church has taught against Clergy, Music, Fleecing and Personal Opinions is now SUPERCEDED.
1Pet. 1:10 Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently,
who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:
1Pet. 1:11 Searching what, or what manner of time
the Spirit of Christ [God putting His WORDS into the MOUTH of the Prophets concerning Jesus]
which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ,
and the glory that should follow.
2Pet. 1:19 We have also a more sure WORD of prophecy; [Logos, Regulative Principle]
whereunto ye do well that ye TAKE HEED [THE worship concept]
as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
2Pet. 1:20 Knowing this first,
that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
2Pet. 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man:Epilusis (g1955)ep-il'-oo-sis; from 1956; explanation, i.e. application: - interpretation.
Epiluo (g1956) ep-ee-loo'-o; from 1909 and 3089; to solve further, i.e. (fig.) to explain, decide: - determine, expound.
Epi-lusis A. release from, e. phobôn [fear] didou A.Th.134 (lyr.): abs., exemption from banishment, [purgatory?]. The word dissertio also carries the idea of trying to REMOVE fear by explaining away any worry about keeping laws.
OUTLAWED 2. . solution, “sophismatōn” S.E.P.2.246; explanation, 2 Ep.Pet.1.20,
Sophisma A.acquired skill, method, stage-trick, claptrap, rhetorikos 2. of persons, skilled in speaking, fit to be an orator Pi.O.13.17 2. in less good sense, sly trick, artifice, dikên dounai s. kakôn E.Ba.489 , cf. Hec.258; eph' hêmas tauta paronta s. Th.6.77, cf. D.35.2; stage-trick, claptrap
Sophos A. skilled in any handicraft or art, clever, mostly of poets and musicians, Pi.O.1.9, P.1.42, 3.113; en kithara s. E.IT1238
but holy men of God SPAKE as they were moved by the Holy SPIRIT.
In the words of Leonard Allen The Father and Son cannot be INTELLIGIBLE without THE Holy Spirit third and last GOD. All of the Prophesied end-time Singers, Instrument Players, Speakers who Jesus in His STATE of Holy Spirit informed John and any literate reader that they are SORCERERS and WILL be CAST ALIVE INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.
Kairos and A New Day Church post Christ's Assembly
-Incentor, I. one who sets the tune or begins to sing, a precentor, singer (post-class.).THE BUR IN THE SADDLE OF THOSE RIDING DOUBLE OR DOZEN ON PEACEABLE CHURCHES OF CHRIST IS THE USE OF INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TO COLLECT OTHER PEOPLE'S FLOCK TO GROW: CANCERS GROW. THE BODY OF CHRIST IS WITHIN INDIVIDUALS AND DOES NOT COME WITH OBSERVATION MEANING RELIGIOUS OBSERVATIONS WHICH PAUL CALLED LYING WONDERS.I. Lit.: “carminis,” Paul. Nol. Carm. 15, 32: “incentore canam Phoebo [APOLLON] Musisque magistris,” [Female Worship Leader of “ars Apollinea,]II. Trop., an inciter, exciter: “igneus turbarum,” Amm. 15, 1, 2: “civilis belli,” Oros. 5, 19: “rebellionis totius,
kinad-os , cunning rogue, “toupitripton kinados” “ō sukophanta kai epitripton k. (ō kinade, ō kinadeu codd.): generally, beast, monster, “puknotaton k Ar.Av.430, [Leader of the Chorus]
Aristoph. Cl. 448 if I shall escape clear from my debts and appear to men to be bold, glib of tongue, audacious, impudent, shameless, a fabricator of falsehoods, inventive of words, a practiced knave in lawsuits, a law-tablet, a thorough rattle, a fox, a sharper, a slippery knave, a dissembler, a slippery fellow, an impostor, a gallows-bird, a blackguard, a twister, a troublesome fellow, a licker-up of hashes.
Puknos 2. in Music, puknon, to, part of the tetrachord in which the intervals are small 2. of persons, sagacious, shrewd, crafty, cunning,
Epi-triptos , on, of persons to whom one says epitribeiēs (= axios tou epitribēnai, to exōles thērion,
A.accursed, damned, rascally, “rhētores.
2. hē nun e. kai kateaguia mousikē the disreputable and effeminate music of to-day, . (
For this sense of a participial formation, cf. oulomenos [Lost and unhappy wretch] and onēmeno
[While dominant and making money in lthe counsel of the elders boulē
thērion A Parasite, lisping pronounciation of korax. “hē mousikē aei ti kainon thērion tiktei in Revelation. present A New Style of Music and Satyric Dramas III. as a term of reproach, beast, creature, “ō deilotaton su thērion” Ar.Pl.439, cf. Eq.273; “kolaki,
kolax II. lisping pronunciation of korax, Ar.V.45. PARASITE defines a religious craftsman and who eats by as priests or Levites in sacrificial systems A Goes
Goes ēs , ētos, ho, A. sorcerer, wizard, Phoronis
A.sorcerer, wizard, Phoronis 2, Hdt.2.33,4.105, Pl.R. 380d, Phld.Ir.p.29 W.; “g. epōdos Ludias apo khthonos” E.Ba.234, 2. juggler, cheat, “deinos g. kai pharmakeus kai sophistēs” Pl.Smp.203d; “deinon kai g. kai sophistēn . . onomazōn” D.18.276; “apistos g. ponēros” Id.19.109; “magos kai g.”Epōd-os , on, (epadō) A.singing to or over, using songs or charms to heal wounds, “epōdoi muthoi
sung to music, “phōnai”
psōmo-kolax , a^kos, ho, A.flatterer for morsels of bread, parasite, Ar.Fr.167 (anap.), Philem.8, Sannyr.10:—hence psōmo-kola^keuōrhētōr A.public speaker, “muthōn rhētores” 2. one who gives sentence, judge, S.Fr.1090.
Muthos OPPOSITE of Logos skolion A.song which went round crookedly at banquets, being sung to the lyre by the guests one after another in irregular order, the omission of the bad singers being ascribed to the difficulty or non-social character of the songs
Eph. 5:19 SPEAKING to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
g5567. psallo, psal´-lo; probably strengthened from ya¿w psao (to rub or touch the surface; compare 5597); to twitch or twang,
5597. psocho, pso´-kho; prolongation from the same base as 5567; to triturate, i.e. (by analogy) to rub out (kernels from husks with the fingers or hand): — rub.
John 13:27 And after the SOP Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.
g5596. psomion, pso-mee´-on; diminutive from a derivative of the base of 5597;
Mūsa , ae, f., = Mousa, I.a muse, one of the goddesses of poetry, music,Kairos and A New Day Church post Christ's Assembly
“Musarum delubra,”[Temple] Cic. Arch. 11, 27: “hic Musarum parens domusque Pieria, Mela, 2, 3, 2: crassiore Musā,
A. A song, a poem: “musa procax,” Hor. C. 2, 1, 37
KOMA A. deep sleep, “autō . . malakon peri kōma kalupsa” Il.14.359; “ē me . . malakon [of music, soft, effeminate, “m. harmonia] peri kōm' ekalupsen” i” ] Od.18.201; “kakon de he kōma kaluptei” Hes.Th.798; “hupnou k.” Theoc.Ep.3.6: metaph., of the effect of music, Pi.P.1.12.
2. Medic., lethargic state, coma, “kōma sunekhes, oukh hupnōdes” Hp.Epid.3.6
Matthew 27:29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head,
and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him,
and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
Matthew 27:28 And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
Matthew 27:31 And after that they had MOCKED him, they took the robe off from him,
and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
Empaizō , fut. to be deluded II. sport in or on, “hōs nebros khloerais e. leimakos hēdonais” E.Ba. 866 (lyr.); tois khoroisin e. to sport in the dance, Ar.Th.975; “tō gumnasiō” Luc.Lex.5.MARK: Jesus said that those who spoke on their own (for their own glory) are Sons of the Devil. Kairos was the demon son of ZEUS.
-Prospaizô , 2. abs., sport, jest, 3. laugh at, make fun or sport of, sing to the gods, sing in their praise or honour, 2. banter, tous rhêtoras
Jude 3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation,
it was needful for me to write unto you,
and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend
for THE FAITH which was ONCE delivered unto the saints.
Jude 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, [they boast that it taks about ten years or more]
who were before of OLD ORDAINED to this condemnation, ungodly men,
turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,
and denying the ONLY
Lord God, [Theos]
our Lord [Kurios] Jesus Christ.
1Tim. 2:5 For there is ONE GOD,
and one MEDIATOR between God and men,
the MAN Christ Jesus;
Mark 13:20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days,
no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake,
whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.
Mark 13:21 And then if any man shall say to you,
Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:
Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise,
and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
Mark 13:23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
Mark 13:24 But in those days, after that tribulation,
the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
The Sun and Moon are the givers of LIGHT as God is the giver of WORD or TRUTH.
Luke 18:7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?Mark 13:25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.
Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily.
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Mark 13:26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
Mark 13:27 And then shall he send his angels,
And shall gather together his elect from the four winds,
from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.
how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt,
afterward destroyed them that believed not.
Jude 6 And the angels which kept not their first estate,
but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness [Ignorance]
unto the judgment of the great day.
Jude 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner,
giving themselves over to fornication,
and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an EXAMPLE (pattern), suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
Jude 8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
Stan Grandberg: Challenge #2: restore APOSTOLIC leaders as part of our leadership system.
Pastoral STAFF are hired to work under the oversight of the ELDERS,
who can also fire on any pretense or personal discretion.
This structure creates a maintenance orientation designed to keep the system stableRuss Adcox working with Stan Grandberg1Pet. 5:1 The elders [not youngers] which are AMONG you I exhort,
who am also an elder,
and a WITNESS of the sufferings of Christ,
and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:
1Pet. 5:2 FEED the flock of God which is AMONG you,
taking the oversight thereof, [g1983 episkopeo beware, watch for wolves, as SENTRY]
not by constraint, but willingly;
not for filthy lucre,
but of a ready mind;
The Shepherd of lambs or believers STANDS WATCH: He risks his life without pay to fend off the WOLVES. He is AMONG and never preaches to them or picks the pocket.
Antithesis thera^p-euteon , to BE Courted Kolax "lisping tongue."
Xen. Mem. 2.1.28 For of all things good and fair,
the gods give nothing to man without toil and effort.
If you want the favour of the gods,
you must worship the gods if you are resolved to get wealth from flocks,
you must care for those flocks:
Not Service but 2. one must court, flatter, “tous akouontas epainō epainon Erōtos” name of the klēros Aphroditēs, passionate joy
Soph. Aj. 693 Chorus
I shiver with rapture; I soar on the wings of sudden joy! [695] O Pan, O Pan, appear to us, sea-rover, from the stony ridge of snow-beaten Cyllene. King, http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:abo:tlg,0011,003:693&lang=original come, so that joining with us you may set on the Nysian and the Cnosian steps, [700] your self-taught dances. Now I want to dance. And may Apollo, lord of Delos, step over the Icarian sea [705] and join me in his divine form, in eternal benevolence!
Max compares the role of the Spirit in our lives to a guy who wants to learn to dance. He's a rational, intelligent sort of guy, so he goes to the bookstore and buys a how-to book. With that, she puts on a CD. "Try it again. Quit worrying about the steps and just follow the music." She holds out her hand, and he gets up and takes it. The music starts, and the next thing the guy knows
he's dancing without the book!
Max closes the story with this: "We Christians are prone to follow the book while ignoring the music. We master the doctrine, outline the chapters, memorize the dispensations, debate the rules, and stiffly step down the dance floor of life with no music in our hearts.
Dancing with no music is tough stuff. Jesus knew that. For that reason, on the night before His death He introduced the disciples to the song maker of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit."
1) Why did you include the senior minister [Dominating Servant]
position with the elders? The reason I included this position as a restriction is because in many churches (including Maury Hills) the senior minister operates in a very similar capacity as an elder in that he provides AUTHORITATIVE teaching and oversees the affairs of the church. In our context, the elders have delegated a good deal of authority to me in regards to preaching/teaching, leading the staff, overseeing the daily operations/ministry of the church, having a vote in key decisions, etc.
Stan Grandberg: Challenge #3: enliven the EXPERIENCE of God among us.
CofC have typically been a HEADY, intellectually oriented movement.
Io-ēsis A. INTELLIGENCE, understanding, OPPOSITE. aisthēsis
Stan Grandberg: Both our places and practices of worship
are designed to strip out emotional content and symbolism.[idols]
The rule of “decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40)
has been used to emphasize hearing the word of God
Aisthēsis sense-perception, sensation, organ or seat of sensation, furnish the means of observingHab. 2:19 Woe unto him that saith to the wood, AWAKE; to the dumb stone,
Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver,
and there is no breath [SPIRIT] at all in the midst of it.
Hab. 2:20 But the Lord is in his holy temple:
let all the earth keep silence before him.
"We even have a mention at a later date of a similar custom in connection with the cult in Jerusalem, where certain Levites, called me'oreim, 'AROUSERS,' sang (every morning?) this verse from "Ps 44:23: "Awake, O Lord! Why do you sleep? Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever." The Talmud tells us that John Hyrcanus suppressed the practice because it recalled too readily a pagan custom." (Roland de Vaux, p. 247).
Awake, my soul!
Awake, harp and lyre!
I will awaken the dawn. Ps.57:8
Psa. 44:23 Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord?
arise, cast us not off for ever.
Awake, harp and lyre!
I will awaken the dawn. Ps.108:2
"A similar practice is attested in connection with the cult of Herakles-Melkart. According to Menander, as he is quoted by Josephus, the king Hiram, who was a contemporary of Solomon, rebuilt the temples of Tyre and, 'he was the first to celebrate the awakening of Heracles in the month of Peritius.'" (de Vaux, p. 247)
II in object. sense, impressions of sense, Arist.Metaph.980a22; stage-effects, Po. 1454b16; aisthēseis theōn visible appearances of the gods, Pl.Phd.111b. 2. display of feeling, Arist.Rh.1386a32
ano-ētainō , A.to be devoid of intelligence,
Aristoph. Cl. 1480 Strep.
Ah me, what madness! How mad, then, I was when I ejected the gods on account of Socrates! But O dear Hermes [Kairos], by no means be wroth with me, nor destroy me; but pardon me, since I have gone CRAZY through prating.
Phil. 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
Phil. 3:3 For we are the circumcision,
which worship God IN THE SPIRIT,
and rejoice in Christ Jesus,
and have no confidence IN THE FLESH in the flesh.
Eph. 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit [Mental Disposition] of your mind;
Phil. 1:27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ:
that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs,
that ye stand fast in one spirit,
with one mind striving together for THE FAITH of THE GOSPEL [NOW obsolete]
2Tim. 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit OF fear;
but [spirit] of power, and [spirit] of love, and [spirit] of a SOUND MIND.
g4995. sophronismos, so-fron-is-mos´; from 4994; discipline, i.e. self-control: — sound mind.
g4998. sophron, so´-frone; from the base of 4982 and that of 5424; safe (sound) in mind, i.e. self-controlled (moderate as to opinion or passion): — discreet, SOBER, temperate.
CLICK FOR Spirit of Christ - mind of God - Holy Spirit
Is. 11:2 And the spirit OF the Lord shall rest ["flutter"]
upon him, the SPIRIT
[1] OF wisdom and
[2] understanding [have intelligence], the spirit of
[3] counsel and
[4] might, the spirit of
[5] knowledge and of the
[6] fear of the Lord;
Is. 11:3 And shall make him of
[7] quick understanding in the fear of the Lord:
and he shall NOT judge after the SIGHT of his eyes,
neither reprove after the HEARING of his ears:
Is. 11:4 But with righteousness shall he judge the POOR,
and reprove with equity for the MEEK of the earth:
and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth,
and with the SPIRIT of his LIPS shall he slay the wicked.
Rom 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my MIND,
and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.Nous (g3563) nooce; prob. from the base of 1097; the intellect, i.e. mind (divine or human; in thought, feeling, or will); by impl. meaning: - mind, understanding. Comp. 5590. a. to have sense, be sensible
ekhein to have one's mind directed to something,
turn one's mind, attention to a thing, be intent on it, give heed
Opposite: senselessly
1. mind, as employed in perceiving and thinking, sense, wit
Stan Grandberg: Both our places and practices of worship1Co.1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you;
but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment
Rom. 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning,
that we through patience and comfort (the written Paraclete) of the scriptures might have hope.
Rom. 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation
grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Rom. 15:6 That ye may with ONE MIND and ONE MOUTH glorify God,
even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
A New Day is MARKED by SCRIPTURE and the Pre-Post-Literate age of Theologians.
Plat. Laws 691a Athenian
Is it not plain that what those kings strove for first was to get the better of the established laws,
and that they were not in accord with one another about the pledge
which they had approved both by word and by oath;
and this discord—reputed to be wisdom, but really, as we affirm, the height of ignorance,
owing to its grating dissonance and lack of harmony, brought the whole Greek world to ruin?
are designed to strip out emotional content and symbolism.[idols]
The rule of “decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40)
has been used to emphasize hearing the word of God
Hab. 2:20 But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.THAT'S RIGHT MISTER GRANDBERG, DAVID YOUNG AND NORTH BOULEVARD: Revelation 17-18 Right on TIME.
Arnobius, Heresies IV May it not happen, may it not come to pass, although you craftily conceal it, that the one should take the other's place,
If the magi, who ares o much akin to soothsayers [Levites], relate that, in their incantations, pretended gods steal in frequently instead of those invoked; that some of these, moreover, are spirits of grosser substance, who pretend that they are gods, and delude the ignorant by their lies and deceit,- why should we not similarly believe that here, too, others substitute themselves for those who are not, that they may both strengthen your superstitious beliefs, and rejoice that victims are slain in sacrifice to them under names not their own?
deluding, mocking, deceiving, and PRESENTING THE APPEARANCE OF THE DEITY INVOKED?
33. Your gods, it is recorded, dine on celestial couches, and in golden chambers, drink,
and are at last soothed by the music of the lyre, and singing .
You fit them with ears not easily wearied;
and do not think it unseemly to assign to the gods
the pleasures by which earthly bodies are supported,
and which are sought after by ears enervated by the frivolity of an UNMANLY spirit.
My Morning Casting the Word to the WINDS: RECLINING TIME. MORE LATER.Then, indeed, you will learn who is the one God, or who the very many under Him are,
who pretend to be gods, and make sport of men's ignorance .
14. Your theologians, then, and authors on unknown antiquity, say that in the universe there are three Joves, one of whom has Aether for his father; another, Coelus; the third, Saturn, born and buried 74 in the island of Crete.
They speak offive Suns and vie Mercuries [KAIROS],-of whom, as they relate, the first Sun is called the son of Jupiter,Titus 1:9 Holding fast the faithful WORD as he hath been taught,
that he may be able by sound doctrine
both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
Titus 1:10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers,
specially they of the circumcision:
Titus 1:11 Whose mouths must be stopped,
who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not,
for filthy lucre’s sake.
Titus 1:12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said,
The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
Titus 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in THE TRUTH
Titus 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
Only the Lost Spirits in a Terminally-Tribulated Earth will: Jesus said that He and His are from ABOVE but the world is from BENEATH or TARTARUS.
Stan Grandberg defining the New Day Church
Keith D. Stangllin The Restoration.Movement.Habit.of.Schism
Theologians (Apollon's agents) Love to live off the poor of Churches of Christ and then mount an attack of everything taught as just the ignorant but forgivable IGNORANCE of your godly mother and grandmother. His and their way to unity is to use and SPEAK the Trinitarian Creeds. Jesus calls that BLASPHEMY and John calls it the mark of ANTICHRIST.
David Young now plans to produce 100,00 (up from 60,000) new "A New Day Church" which intends to TRUMP all groups, Catholic and Protestant. You always wanted to know WWJD when a TEST of Biblical Proportions stares you in the face. Yesterday's experience say that MOST of the shepherds will FLEE. That's in THE BOOK.
For dogs have compassed me:
the assembly [multitude, swarm]
of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. Ps.22:16
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough,
and they are shepherds that cannot understand:
they all look to their own way, every one for his gain,
from his quarter. Is.56:11
And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith the Lord:
the sword to slay,
and the dogs to tear,
and the fowls of the heaven,
and the beasts of the earth,
to devour and destroy. Je.15:3
Beast, the Wolves or pederasts Paul warns about or a term of reproach of the "new wineskin worship." Jesus consigned the pipers, singers and dancers to the marketplace because of their vile practices:Besta 2.As a term of reproach (cf. belua and our beast): “mala tu es bestia,” Plaut. Bacch. 1, 1, 21; id. Poen. 5, 5, 13.—And, humorously, of the odor of the armpits (cf. ala and caper), Cat. 69, 8.—
Pl. Bac. 1.1 "Bacchis, it is, because I dread you Bacchantes, and your Bacchanalian den5."
John Mark Hicks: It illustrates how the church legitimately CO-CREATES meaning
that is beyond the explicit statements in the text.
If you use the Lord's Prayer about DAILY BREAD to teaching about the UNLEAVENED bread you create a new way to Spiritual Formation.
But is the spiritual meaning in the TEXT? In one sense, yes, because it is situated
within a grand story that gives such meaning to bread.
And we might SURMISE that the divine author
INTENDED it as a meaning inherent in the TEXT (Scripture).
But in another sense, it is NOT, but that is okay.
The CHURCH—as A faithful reader—is called to CO-create meaning with THE TEXT
for the sake of the formation of the people of God into the image of God.
Of course, GOD never meant for YOU to be a CO-Spirit (breath which produces WORDS). You must submit to the Community reading. Who is the "commune"? Why, of Course the APOSTLE.
Please don't drink the KoolAid!
Kairos.Church.Planting.Plot WE who are from above and not from beneath (Tartarus) WILL not go where they have the Kingdom ON DISPLAY.
2Tim. 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
Timothy and everyone who attended synagogue would already know the inclusive and exclusive PATTERN by hearing the prophets PREACHED by being READ.
2Tim. 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
deceiving, and being deceived.
2Tim. 3:14 But continue thou in the things
which thou hast learned and hast been assured of,
knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
2Tim. 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures,
which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2Tim. 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2Tim. 3:17 That the man OF God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
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