Levitical Musicians - 2 Chronicles 29:25, Instrumental Music In Worship
Levitical Musicians in 2 Chronicles were for the civil Temple-State and not for personal worship. Music was always important on a personal basis and especially with women and in paganism in a worship sense. It was not commanded by God but instead was forbidden for the people's assembly. It was practiced by Hebrews as they commingled with the Canaanite worshippers. It was used to force them to worship (fall on their face) at the Jerusalem Temple when animals were burned and in Babylon Captivity to force the worship of a ninety-foot tall phallic symbol. It is routinely condemned because it was both admission of rejecting God's Word and as a symbol of His wrath being poured out upon them.Toward the end:
When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? Isaiah 1:12
Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Isaiah 1:13
Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. Isaiah 1:14
But this was from the beginning:
Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices, and eat flesh. Jer 7:21
For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: Jer 7:22
But this thing commanded I them, saying,
Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people:
and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. Jer 7:23
But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. Jer 7:24
Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day, I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them: Jer 7:25
Yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers. Jer 7:26
About three million Hebrews were rescued by God's grace out of Egypt purely to protect His own name by removing their false witness from the Egyptians. This probably grew to more millions over the centuries. However, only 25 to 50 thousand returned from Babylonian captivity. Out of this tiny remnant about 5 thousand listened to the voice of their Incarnate God and obeyed Him. The majority of the Jews continued to practice fertility rituals with music as they tried to force John and Jesus into their obscene dance.
The kingdom and therefore the kingdom was against God's will but He permitted Israel to walk in their own ways because they had never obeyed Him. However, God picked the kings to fit the new demand to finally rid themselves of His rule. He permitted concubines, polygamy, slavery and a worship like the nations because this was part of their demand. God gave up easily because He had already sentenced them for their idolatry at Mount Sinai unless they repented. They did not. Levitical Musicians were "like the nations" musicians.
The three primary kings: Saul, David and Solomon were used by God to carry out His sentence upon a people who were doomed by their musical idolatry at Mount Sinai. The insult was that while God had rescued them from Egypt, Aaron made an image of Apis the bull and said: "This is the god who brought you out of Egypt." As a result the tribe of Levi and its Aaronic priests would have to "bear the burden" for the people and keep them away from God's symbolic presence in the Tabernacle.
When they refused to repent in Canaan, the demand for a human king in place of God was the final blow. Hosea wrote:
O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help. Hosea 13:9
I will be thy king: where is any other that may save thee in all thy cities? and thy judges of whom thou saidst, Give me a king and princes? Hosea 13:10
I gave thee a king in mine anger, and took him away in my wrath. Hosea 13:11
Ecclesiasticus 48
1. Then the prophet Elijah arose like a fire, and his word burned like a torch.
2. He brought a famine upon them, and by his zeal he made them few in number.
3. By the word of the Lord he shut up the heavens, and also three times brought down fire.
4. How glorious you were, O Elijah, in your wondrous deeds! And who has the right to boast which you have?
5. You who raised a corpse from death and from Hades, by the word of the Most High;
6. who brought kings down to destruction, and famous men from their beds;
7. who heard rebuke at Sinai and judgments of vengeance at Horeb;
8. who anointed kings to inflict retribution,
........... and prophets to succeed you.The theme that the kings were not spiritual leaders but civil leaders who would eventually drag the nation into destruction and captivity is so common in the bible that no literate person could ever see the king and the civil-state sacrificial system as authority for modern musical worship ministers or clergy mediating between God and the congregation. For instance, when Israel demanded a king and Samuel protested, God said, in effect, It is now my will that they have a king because when you reject Me by rejecting My Word I send you strong delusions to make you rejoice in your new freedom -- for awhile.
And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. 1 Samuel 8:7
According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee. 1 Samuel 8:8
Now, an earthly king is part of God's will because they have violated the probation they were on when they wanted the "god" represented by the golden calf to become their leader:
Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them. 1 Samuel 8:9
And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots. 1 Samuel 8:11
And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments (trumpets to toot the people away) of his chariots. 1 Samuel 8:12
Prophecy of a Like The Nation's King
Hesoid: Shield of Heracles shows how the kings of the nations used musicians:
(ll. 191-196) And on the shield stood the fleet-footed horses of grim Ares made gold, and deadly Ares the spoil-winner himself. He held a spear in his hands and was urging on the footmen: he was red with blood as if he were slaying living men, and he stood in his chariot. Beside him stood Fear and Flight, eager to plunge amidst the fighting men.
(ll. 197-200) There, too, was the daughter of Zeus, Tritogeneia who drives the spoil (3). She was like as if she would array a battle, with a spear in her hand, and a golden helmet, and the aegis about her shoulders. And she was going towards the awful strife.
(ll. 201-206) And there was the holy company of the deathless gods:
........... and in the midst the son of Zeus and Leto played sweetly on a golden lyre.There also was the abode of the gods, pure Olympus, and their assembly, and infinite riches were spread around in the gathering,
........... the Muses of Pieria were beginning a song like clear-voiced singers.(ll. 270-285) Next, there was a city of men with goodly towers; and seven gates of gold, fitted to the lintels, guarded it.
The men were making merry with festivities and dances; some were bringing home a bride to her husband on a well-wheeled car, while the bridal-song swelled high, and the glow of blazing torches held by handmaidens rolled in waves afar.
- And these maidens went before, delighting in the festival;
- and after them came frolicsome choirs,
- the youths singing soft-mouthed to the sound of shrill pipes,
- while the echo was shivered around them,
- and the girls led on the lovely dance to the sound of lyres.
Then again on the other side was a rout of young men revelling,
with flutes playing; some frolicking with dance and song, and
others were going forward in time with a flute player and laughing.
The whole town was filled with mirth and dance and festivity.But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me. Psalm 81:11
So I gave them up unto their own hearts lust: and they walked in their own counsels. Psalm 81:12
XENA: Warrior Princess is loosely based on ATHENA/XENIA, sister of Aphrodite, who sprang full grown from the head of Zeus and was known as Pallas Athena and Parthenos - the maiden/virgin. In Rome Minerva was one of the Capitoline triad with Juno and Jupiter); and primary goddess of Greek cities (as Polias: her effigy, Palladium, protected Athens), industry (as Ergane), wisdom, war (with her shield Aegis) and arts, especially agricultural and crafts of women, particularly spinning and weaving. Often associated with birds, especially the owl, she invented the plough, the flute, taming animals, building ships and making shoes, also known as Tritogeneia/ Tritonia; Soteira, saviour; Glaukopis, blue-eyed goddess; Hippia, tamer of horses; and Mechanitis, ingenious. She is sometimes depicted as the male god Mentor.
The Greeks believed she was one of the Aeons, Sophia (Wisdom) (qv). Associated with Athena is Nike (Roman Victoria) goddess of victory, daughter of Oceanid nymph, Styx.
In Rome MINERVA (goddess of intelligence, handicrafts, arts and trades: sister of Diana and Venus, daughter of Jupiter) was one of the Capitoline triad with Juno and Jupiter.
THE NAG HAMMADI CODICES found near Qumran (like the Dead Sea scrolls), ancient centre of the Essenes, thought to have been written by Valentinus from Christian and Coptic texts, were a reflection of Platonism and Eastern dualism religion, Zoroastrianism. They have brought additional Gospels to the fore including that of Mary Magdalen - her true importance is said to have been excluded from the Bible by Peter (and the Roman Catholic Church) who denied Christ and detested women, especially educated ones, seeing them as the gateway to the Devil, even denying they had souls.
According to Gnostic tradition Mary Magdalen was associated with wisdom (Sophia) represented by the sun, moon and halo of stars, becoming Athena to the Greeks. The female gnosis of Sophia (mother of Zoe (Life, thought to be EVE and Pandora), one of the AEONS, gnostic creators of all things, daughters of Barbello) was deemed to be the Holy Spirit, represented on Earth by Mary Magdalen.
Of course, they picked their old Babylonian-Egyptian-Canaanite form of worship which they never really abandoned during their stay in Egypt. Therefore, what the Psalmist said (even though he used instruments for his personal praise) is restated at the end of the Bible as Christ warns about the end-time worship:
And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. Revelation 18:14
And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; Revelation 18:22
When people refuse God's Word He sends strong delusions upon them. They play music, dance to make fools of themselves and speak in tongues and even speak it to god (1 Cor 14:2) which was probably Juno, the air god (1 Cor. 14:9):
She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying
How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Proverbs 1:22 Pr 1:21
Scorn is similar to the word halal taken as authority for musical praise:
Luwc (h3887) loots; a prim root; prop. to make mouths at, i. e. to scoff; hence (from the effort to pronounce a foreign language) to interpret, or (gen.) intercede: - ambassador, have in derision, interpreter, make a mock, mocker, scorn (-er, -ful), teacher.
On the other hand, when people love God and obey Him He pours out His Spirit (mind) upon them which is to make them understand His Words. When we reject the Word we can be sure that God has rejected us and turned us over to worship our bodies.
How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Pr 1:22
Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. Proverbs 1:23
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; Proverbs 1:24
Conclusion: If you insist that David is your authority for musical worship you are, perhaps subconsciously, playing out the eternal drama of a people who have rejected the Word of God and are being led into captivity to men who are lost and beyond redemption for pretending to be God's agents to rule over the church.
As a result of the violation of the Covenant, God gave The Book of the Law. This included a modified set of commandments structured for a people who would live under and be controlled by idolatry. It also included 413 statements of law which, in the words of Jeremiah, were not good. In the words of Paul, they were "given because of transgression."
God demanded that anyone who veered off to the right or left of the law was in trouble. He included no command for instrumental music - or any kind of music. He never said of music: "I like that."
Along with the Law of Moses, God also reassigned the Tabernacle from being easy access by the people to His "presence" and made it "off limits" except to the priestly class. The Levites were to stand at the doors or gates like flaming cherubim to keep the people away from God's symbol of His presence so they would not be destroyed.
The Book of the Covenant permitted the first born son to represent God in the family. However, after the musical idolatry at Mount Sinai, God set aside the Levites to take the place of the first born. The Levites, in turn, did not serve God but served the people. They had no priestly role to play although after David they violated that role. The Levitical Musicians or Levitical Teams could not bring you into the presence of God. To the contrary, they were specificially ordained to keep you away from a Holy God:
Bring the tribe of Levi near, and present them before Aaron the priest, that they may minister unto him. Numbers 3:6
And they shall keep all the instruments (carriage, furniture, utensils etc.) of the tabernacle of the congregation, and the charge of the children of Israel, to do the service of the tabernacle. Numbers 3: 8
And thou shalt give the Levites unto Aaron and to his sons: they are wholly given unto him out of the children of Israel. Numbers 3: 9
And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons, and they shall wait on their priests office: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death. Numbers 3: 10
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Numbers 3: 11
And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine; Numbers 3: 12
Because all the firstborn are mine; for on the day that I smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt I hallowed unto me all the firstborn in Israel, both man and beast: mine shall they be: I am the Lord. Numbers 3: 13
Fact: As a result of sin of the musical idolatry at Mount Sinai, led by Aaron and the Levites, the burden of bearing the sins of the congregation literally fell upon them instead of all of the people. There is no hint in the Law that God wanted or permitted "musical worship." The event of Job 21: Isaish 5; Amos 5,6,8 and Ezekiel 33 have God saying that music is that which people used to prevent other people from comming boldly before God without priests or Levites to understand His Word.
Musical Worship Ministry usurping this role: In all of paganism, religion always degenerated from the manly life of righteousness and justice to the artistic group who were "blessed" with some form of sexual or emotional abnormality.
Conclusion: Modern Levitical Musicians do not hesitate to claim that they mediate between God and the "audience." The dance team even (as at the Tower of Babel) is the platform upon which God lands. These people have tested God by claiming to be the burden bearers of the congregation. This role has been taken over by Lord Jesus Christ. It is not without importance to note that some teams go from being "meadiators" to becomming "God Himself."
Before the sin at Sinai, God told Israel that under the Covenant:
Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people; for all the earth is mine: Exodus 19:5
And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. Exodus 19:6
And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the Lord commanded him. Exodus 19:7
And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Lord hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord. Exodus 19:8
Worship is two-way communication: God speaks to us and we return the words to Him. (Isa 55)
After their sin God assigned the priesthood to stand between His symbolic presence at the Tabernacle and the common people.
Edersheim in Bible History wrote: "Levites were really only the representatives of all Israel, having been substituted instead of their firstborn. (Numbers 3:11-13) On this account, also, the Levites were not specially "hallowed," as the priests had been, * but only "cleansed" for their ministry, and after that presented to the Lord.
* We read in Exodus 29:1, in reference to Aaron and his sons, "Hallow them to minister unto Me in the priest's office", literally, "consecrate them to priest unto Me" (we use the word "priest" as a verb). In the case of the Levites there was neither consecration nor priesting, but cleansing unto ministry or service. Of course,
the Aaronic priesthood pointed to and has ceased in Christ, our one great High-Priest.
"The first part of this symbolical service consisted in sprinkling on them "water of sin" (rendered in our Authorized Version "water of purifying"), alike to confess the defilement of sin and to point to its removal. After that they were to shave off all their hair and to wash their clothes. The Levites were now "unsinned" (8:21), * so far as their persons were concerned. Then followed their dedication to the work.
* This is the literal rendering of the Hebrew term, which is the same as that used by David in Psalm 51:9.
"For this purpose the Levites were led "before the Tabernacle" (8:9), that is, probably into the outer court, bringing with them two young bullocks - the one for a burnt, the other for a sin-offering, and each with its meat-offering.
"The people, through their representatives - the princes - now laid their hands upon them, as it were to constitute them their substitutes and representatives. Then Aaron took them "before Jehovah" (ver. 10), that is, into the Holy Place, and "waved them for a wave-offering of the children of Israel" * - probably by leading them to the altar and back again - after which, the
"Levites would lay their hands upon the sacrifices which were now offered by Aaron, who so "made an atonement for them" (ver. 21). The significance of all these symbols will be sufficiently apparent. "And after that, the Levites went in to do service in the Tabernacle of the congregation" (ver. 22).
In the later temple, the Standing Men represented the common people who were put "outside the gate" or "outside the camp" during the sacrificing of animals with the loud music.
Fact: Musical worship teams get their authority from David's later change of the law to be like the nations.
Fact: The cleansing of the Levites gave them only roles of service for the people in a civil sense and the priests in the sacrificial system but no clergy-priestly role.
Conclusion: If musical worship teams are going to become clergy (noted by McClintock and Strong as "the first heresy largely pervading the church.") then they should bring their young bullocks for slaughter and burning. Again, to assume these roles is to assume the role of Lord Jesus Christ Who died as our sacrifice.
The Trumpets for Wilderness Wandering
AND the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Numbers 10: 1 Levitical Musicians, 2 Chronicles 29:,Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps. Numbers 10: 2
And when they shall blow with them, all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. Numbers 10: 3
Fact: The actual worship took place inside the Tabernacle by the priests. At best, the congregation was only spectator to the national worship performed by Aaron's family -- as substitutes for "the first born son" -- for or on behalf of the entire nation.
Fact: Even when the trumpets called the congregation into assembly, it was not into the most holy place where they could meet God but only to the doorway. To go further meant that they would die.
Conclusion: Musical worship teams might entertain in a "hootenanny" or "Hee Haw" but they cannot -- however pretensious -- bring the worshippers into the presence of God. Musical worship teams and "worship preaching" denies the value of and usurps the role of Lord Jesus Christ Who has brought us nigh.
Paul compared the musical worship with songs and tongues in Corinth to spiritual warfare of the carnal minds. Even in war, the trumpets must not speak unknown tongues but must give clear, life-saving signals or you wouldn't know when to attack or retreat:
And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes, which are heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee. Numbers 10: 4
When ye blow an alarm, then the camps that lie on the east parts shall go forward. Numbers 10:5
When ye blow an alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall take their journey: they shall blow an alarm for their journeys. Numbers 10: 6
This would be the signal for the great rejoicing and man and beast began to move forward.
Fact: Musical Worship Ministries take their authority from the Levites.
Fact: The Levites were not hallowed for priestly duties.
Fact: Only the priests -- and not the Levites -- were to blow the trumpets. The Levites had no authority to blow anything or play anything.
Conclusion: Musical worship teams have no authority to promote themselves from "ministry" to "ruling masters" or clergy.
God gave no authority for "musical" worship. Not a shred of evidence that He connected music and worship. Rather, the silver trumpets blown only by the priests, were to send the vital signals to up to 3 million men, women, children and their animals.
Therefore, He specificially outlawed the trumpets as musical devices:
But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. Numbers 10: 7
The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to blow the trumpets. This is to be a lasting ordinance for you and the generations to come. Numbers 10:8
The alarm was: Levitical Musicians, 2 Chronicles 29:, Levitical Musicians, 2 Chronicles 29:,
Ruwa (h7321) roo-ah'; a prim. root; to mar (espec. by breaking); fig. to split the ears (with sound), i. e. shout (for alarm or joy): - blow an alarm, cry (alarm, aloud, out), destroy, make a joyful noise, smart, shout (for joy), sound an alarm, triumph.
Halal (h1984) haw-lal'; a prim. root; to be clear originally of sound, but usually of color; to shine; hence to make a show, to boast; and thus to be clamorously foolish; to rave; causat. to celebrate; also to stultify: - (make) boast (self), celebrate, commend, (deal, make), fool (- ish, -ly), glory, give [light], be (make, feign self) mad (against), give in marriage, [sing, be worthy of] praise, rage, renowned, shine.
Heylel (h1966) hay-lale'; from 1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning-star: - lucifer.
An equivalent word used for similar purposes often meant to pollute:
Chalal (h2490) khaw-lal'; a prim. root [comp. 2470]; prop. to bore, i. e. (by impl.) to wound, to dissolve; fig. to profane (a person, place or thing), to break (one's word), to begin (as if by an "opening wedge"); denom. (from 2485) to play (the flute): - begin (* men began), defile, * break, defile, * eat (as common things), * first, * gather the grape thereof, * take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.
The pagan religions had their own Jubilees. In fact, the sin at Mount Sinai was the celebration of such a festival. Therefore, God permitted Israel a period every fifty years to blow the wind instruments but only in connection with the restoration of all lands from the large landholders and return it to the tribe which, in turn rented it to the little people. Consistent with this, the call for Jubilee is almost universally the call to take the property away from the people and give it back to the state -- Socialism never dies!
God knew that the pagans had their "Jubilees" often. For instance, Amos warned Israel about imitating the same musical play which helped destroy Israel at Mount Sinai.
The trumpet as a signal was and is still important. The musical rejoicing would be the way to separate Judas and his priestly employers from Jesus Christ:
By this I know that thou favourest me, because mine enemy (Judas) doth not triumph over me. Psalm 41:11
Ruwa (h7321) roo-ah'; a prim. root; to mar (espec. by breaking); fig. to split the ears (with sound), i. e. shout (for alarm or joy): - blow an alarm, cry (alarm, aloud, out), destroy, make a joyful noise, smart, shout (for joy), sound an alarm, triumph.
However, this attempt to "pipe and make Jesus dance with the girls" was the supernatural sign to Jesus and to those who can hear "the silence of the whispered word" that He was God Incarnate.
Paul understood that triumphant music and animal sacrifices or Jubilees or Passovers had been done away in the new covenant:
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; Col 2:14
And having spoiled (unclothed) principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly (out-spoken in public show), triumphing over them in it. Col 2:15
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Col.2:16
The trumpets were to be blown during these times or to signal events:
Also at your times of rejoicing--your appointed feasts and New Moon festivals--you are to sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, and they will be a memorial for you before your God. I am the LORD your God." Numbers 10:10
Cannot we assume that if the "new moons" have ceased then the trumpets have ceased?
Rather than suggesting that believers attempt to "triumph" over the congregation with musical worship, shouting or speaking the tongues as signs, Lord Jesus Christ Himself led the heavenly procession into the Spiritual Tabernacle in Heaven when He put His body on the altar, arose and returned to His original "clothing" of Majesty and Glory.
When people sing, dance, play and even uncover as women did in 1 Corinthians 11:5 when they prophesied, they may very well be agents of "principalities and powers" and Jesus is making an open show of them.
Trumpets even in a legal sense were for triumphing in war or for Jubilees and other holy days. Jesus said that we should never be judged by these men-boys denying the value of the sacrifice and Word of Lord Jesus Christ.
Thriambeuo (h2358) three-am-byoo'-o; from a prol. comp. of the base of 2360 and a der. of 680 (mean. a noisy iambus, sung in honor of Bacchus); to make an acclamatory procession, i.e. (fig.) to conquer or (by Hebr.) to give victory: - (cause) to triumph (over).
Bacchus or Dionysus was the god of the new wine in new wineskins.
When people hold legalistic musical festivals such as Jubilees they are being led into captivity with the triumphal music which God outlawed for the "congregation." They are, in fact, an end-time supernatural sign.
Fact: Those who claim Levite authority have no authority.
Fact: They attempt to triumph over the congregation to force them to make a joyful noise which will close down their mind so that they cannot hear the instruction.
Conclusion: Musical Worship Teams violate the explicit Law of God and attempt to triumph over Jesus and His quiet Word.
God's Law Could Never Be Altered
It is a fact that God gave the Law of Moses or The Book of the Law because Israel transgressed at Mount Sinai. God is competent and we cannot alter His Laws without denouncing Him to His Face:NOW therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you. Deuteronomy 4:1
Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. Deuteronomy 4:2
So be careful to do what the LORD your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left. Deuteronomy .5:32
Your eyes have seen what the Lord did because of Baal-peor: for all the men that followed Baal-peor, the Lord thy God hath destroyed them from among you. Deuteronomy 4:3
But ye that did cleave unto the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day. Deuteronomy 4:4
Baal means master and his worship was with babbling, dreaming or necromancy, musical instruments and ritual prostitution. As a soothsayer or necromancer their jobs were described by the Hebrew:
Lachash (h3908) lakh'-ash; from 3907; prop. a whisper, i. e. by impl. (in a good sense) a private prayer, (in a bad one) an incantation; concr. an amulet: - charmed, earring, enchantment, orator, prayer.
Nachash (h5175) naw-khawsh'; from 5172; a snake (from its hiss): - serpent.
Their musical worship was like that of Babylon or Egypt. A priestly class of musicians, prostitutes and enchanters governed the people and took their money. This is the message inherent in the "serpent" whose name is identical to the magical methods of music and madness.
David Altered the Law
David altered Israel's worship according to God's law because God had abandoned them to kings and kingly worship like the nations. Levitical Musicians were part of this "under the commanders of the army." To say that David was a many after God's own heart simply means that God picked David who really did have God's permission to change things because that is what Israel demanded when they rejected God's law and demanded a better deal like the nations.Without animal sacrifices there is no rationale for musical instruments to force people to worship. However, animal sacrifices were not a part of God's Covenant of Grace. Therefore, there was no instrumental music for about 400 years after Israel came out of Egypt.
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. I, Dialogue of Justin with Trypho, a Jew, Chapter XXII commenting on Amos:
"Ye who come to the evil day, who are approaching, and who hold to false Sabbaths; who lie on beds of ivory, and are at ease upon their couches; who eat the lambs out of the flock, and the sucking calves out of the midst of the herd;
who applaud at the sound of the musical instruments;
they reckon them as stable, and not as fleeting,"who drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments, but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph. Wherefore now they shall be captives, among the first of the nobles who are carried away; and the house of evil-doers shall be removed, and the neighing of horses shall be taken away from Ephraim.-So Also Were Sacrifices and Oblations.
"Accordingly He neither takes sacrifices from you
........... nor commanded them at first to be offered because they are needful to Him,
........... but because of your sins.For indeed the temple, which is called the temple in Jerusalem, He admitted to be His house or court, not as though He needed it,
........... but in order that you, in this view of it, giving yourselves to Him, might not worship idols.And that this is so, Isaiah says: `What house have ye built Me? saith the Lord. Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool
After Israel committed musical idolatry, sacrifices and a priestly class were added: Without animal sacrifices there is no CIVIL rational for musical instruments. If God did not command animal sacrifices then He did not command instruments. The Bible always attributes instruments to David to be used WHEN the Temple was built.
For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: Jeremiah 7:22
But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. Jeremiah 7:23
But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. Jeremiah 7:24
Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day, I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them: Jeremiah 7:25
Yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers. Jeremiah 7:26
Therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them; but they will not hearken to thee: thou shalt also call unto them; but they will not answer thee. Jeremiah 7:27
Israel (Northern tribes) held their religious festivals daily. Therefore, while God was rising up early to send the prophets to them, they were rising up for a "new wineskin" worship:
- Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them Amos 5:11
- And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands. Amos 5:12
- Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. Amos 5:13
But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth. Jeremiah 7:28Cut off thine hair, O Jerusalem, and cast it away, and
take up a lamentation on high places; for the Lord hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath. Jeremiah 7:29
Qiynah (h6969) kee-naw'; a dirge (as accompanied by beating the breasts or on instruments): - lamentation.
For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the Lord: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it. Jeremiah 7:30
Therefore, Israel rejected both God and His Word and would be lost. David was selected to help bring on the punishment earned by this rejection of God. It was necessary, therefore, that David change the worship which God had ordained.
Scholars have no doubt that David changed the worship from honoring God through the Word to music. Why did this happen? Remember that Israel rejected God's direct rule through the prophets and demanded a king like the nations so that they could worship like the nations. God gave them kings to bring about the destruction which they had earned at Mount Sinai.
When Israel demanded a king so that they could worship like the nations, God turned them over to their own lusts. David, not God, added musical instruments to the trumpets of God.
At every high place they burned incense, as the nations whom the LORD had driven out before them had done. They did wicked things that provoked the LORD to anger. 2 Kings 17:11
Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel. Ezekiel 5:4
Thus saith the Lord God; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her. Ezekiel 5:5
And she hath changed my judgments into wickedness more than the nations, and my statutes more than the countries that are round about her: for they have refused my judgments and my statutes, they have not walked in them. Ezekiel 5:6
Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: You have been more unruly than the nations around you and have not followed my decrees or kept my laws.
You have not even conformed to the standards of the nations around you. Ezekiel 5:7
You say, "We want to be like the nations, like the peoples of the world, who serve wood and stone." But what you have in mind will never happen. Ezekiel 20:32 (It would happen but they would not get away with it)
The birth of Isaac was supernatural: both Abraham and Sarah were beyond the age of producing children.However, God begat Isaac through whom the PROMISE would flow.
Those not of the promise are not just Arabs but all who subscribe to the covenant of Law made at Mount Sinai. The curse of the Law and the "because of transgression" was the musical idolatry which repudiated The Book of The Law or covenant of Grace:
Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? Gal 4: 21
For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. Gal 4:22
But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Gal 4: 23
Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants;
........... the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. Gal 4: 24For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. Gal 4: 25
........... But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. Gal 4: 26For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. Gal 4: 27
Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. Gal 4: 28
But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. Gal 4: 29
Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. Gal 4: 30
Mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets; all my bones shake: I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine hath overcome, because of the Lord, and because of the words of his holiness. Jer 23:9
For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right. Jer 23: 10
For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the Lord. Jer 23: 11
Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein: for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation, saith the Lord. Jer 23: 12
And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err. Jer 23: 13
Tiphlah (h8604) tif-law'; from the same as 8602; frivolity: - folly, foolishly.
I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah. Jer 23: 14
Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land. Jer 23: 15
The physical temple is the place where the "nations" worship. It is holy only because God in Christ visited it to die for the sins of the world:
But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. Rev 11:2
And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. Rev 11: 3
These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. Rev 11: 4
And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. Rev 11: 5
These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. Rev 11: 6
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. Rev 11:7
Polemos (g4171) pol'-em-os; from pelomai , (to bustle); warfare (lit. or fig.; a single encounter or a series): - battle, fight, war
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Mt.24:6
And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. Re.9:7
Polis (g4171) pol'-is; prob. from the same as 4171, or perh. from 4183; a town (prop. with walls, of greater or less size): - city.
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Rev 11: 8
And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. Rev 11: 9
And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. Rev 11: 10
Chairo (g5463) khah'ee-ro; a prim. verb; to be "cheer"ful, i.e. calmly happy or well-off; impers. espec. as salutation (on meeting or parting), be well: - farewell, be glad, God speed, greeting, hail, joy (-fully), rejoice.
I have smitten you with blasting and mildew: when your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord. Amos 4:9
I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your camps to come up unto your nostrils: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord. Amos 4:10
I have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord. Amos 4:11
Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel. Amos 4:12
I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Amos 5:21
Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Amos 5:22
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. Amos 5:23
But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. Amos 5:24
Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? Amos 5:25
But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. Amos 5:26
For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: Jeremiah 7:22
But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. Jeremiah 7:23
And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. Mt.11:23
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city. Mk.6:11
And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. 2 Pet 2:3
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Pet 2: 4
And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eigth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; 2 Pet 2: 5
Ungodly is:
Asebes (g765) as-eb-ace'; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and a presumed der. of 4576; irreverent, i.e. (by extens.) impious or wicked: - ungodly (man).
For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Ju.1:4
For certain men whose condemnation was written about [b] long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord. Jude 4NIV b4 Or 'men who were marked out for condemnation'
Jude 5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.
To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. Ju.1:15
Old means
Palai (g3819) pal'-ahee; prob. another form for 3825 (through the idea of retrocession); (adv.) formerly, or (by rel.) sometime since; (ellipt. as adj.) ancient: - any while, a great while ago, (of) old, in time past.
Palin (g3825) pal'-in; prob. from the same as 3823 (through the idea of oscillatory repetition); (adv.) anew, i.e. (of place) back, (of time) once more, or (conj.) furthermore or on the other hand: - again.
Paliggenesia (g3824) pal-ing-ghen-es-ee'-ah; from 3825 and 1078; (spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act), i.e. (fig.) spiritual renovation; spec. Messianic restoration: - regeneration.
For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 2 Peter 3:5
Ekpalai (g1597) ek'-pal-ahee; from 1537 and 3819; long ago, for a long while: - of a long time, of old.
Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 2 Peter 3:6
But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 2 Peter 3:7
And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; 2 Pe.2:6
I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. Jude 5
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Jude 6
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 7
Heteros (g2087) het'-er-os; of uncert. affin.; (an-, the) other or different: - altered, else, next (day), one, (an-) other, some strange.
The false worship Israel followed was identified as spiritual prostitution because they thought of their God as capable of being approached through the human senses of making love with musical instruments and song:
Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and speak one to another, every one to his brother, saying, Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the Lord. Ezekiel 33:30
And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people,
........... and they hear thy words,
........... ........... but they will not do them:
........... for with their mouth they shew much love,
........... ........... but their heart goeth after their covetousness. Ezekiel 33:31And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument:
........... for they hear thy words, but they do them not. Ezekiel 33:32From the rejection of God onward in the history of the Jews we must understand that their government and worship was not according to His plan but was like the surrounding nations. Of every "like the nations" religion, God overlooked polygamy and a lot of things which were not ideal because they had already rejected Him. However, Paul said:
Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and mans device. Acts17:29
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Acts 17:30
Most ancients believed that the demons or gods lived in or came into musical instruments and would awaken and speak to you. Not really, but the "musical worship teams" pretended, like the witch of Endor, that her own voice echoed in an empty wineskin (h178) was the voice of the dead. For instance, in describing how Satan caused the fall of mankind an early commentator recorded the most ancient and most common belief:
"And when he played on them, Satan came into them, so that from among them were heard beautiful and sweet sounds, that ravished (raped) the heart. Second Adam and Eve 20:3
For some interesting observations Click Here.
"The trained musicians which eventually appear around the time of David and Solomon mark a distinctive change in the history of Jewish music. Before this time much of the music was made by women." (Zondervan Pict., Music p. 313).
"David introduced innovations in the age and service of the Levites (I Chron. 23-26). Certain Levites, particularly Asaph, became musicians and probably wrote some of the Psalms." (Living Bible Ency., p. 1143)
See how the LAW was changed from Moses to a JUBILATING ritual.
One of the definitions of "like the nations" prophesying was to sing, dance and play musical instruments until you fell into charismati "speaking in tongues." This was sold as a message from the God.
But, is this true in the Bible?
David, together with the commanders of the army, set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun for the ministry of prophesying, accompanied by harps, lyres and cymbals. Here is the list of the men who performed this service" 1 Chr 25:1PROPHESYING means to sing and play instruments rather than foretell or predict:
One of the judgmental signs of rejecting God and demanding a king LIKE THE NATIONS was so that they could worship like the nations. The form of musical prophesying or praising was not music but making self vile. This would prove to the ignorant that the person was INSPIRED because the NATION'S prophets were madmen or sexually abnormal.
After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Philistines: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city, that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe, and a harp, before them; and they shall prophesy: 1S.10:5
When David ran for his life he tried to get help from Achish the king of GATH. Achish threw up the lying, boast song of the women serving the returning warriors and asked:
And the servants of Achish said unto him, Is not this David the king of the land? did they not sing one to another of him in dances, saying, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands? 1 Samuel 21:11
And David laid up these words in his heart, and was sore afraid of Achish the king of Gath. 1 Samuel 21:12
And he changed his behaviour before them, and feigned himself mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his beard. 1 Samuel 21:13
Feiging himself MAD was a form of PRAISE:
Halal (h1984) haw-lal'; a prim. root; to be clear originally of sound, but usually of color; to shine; hence to make a show, to boast; and thus to be clamorously foolish; to rave; causat. to celebrate; also to stultify: - (make) boast (self), celebrate, commend, (deal, make), fool (- ish, -ly), glory, give [light], be (make, feign self) mad (against), give in marriage, [sing, be worthy of] praise, rage, renowned, shine.
Heylel (h1966) hay-lale'; from 1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning-star: - lucifer.
Then said Achish unto his servants, Lo, ye see the man is mad: wherefore then have ye brought him to me? 1 Samuel 21:14
Have I need of mad men, that ye have brought this fellow to play the mad man in my presence? shall this fellow come into my house? 1 Samuel 21:15
Mad is:
Shaga (h7696) shaw-gah'; a prim. root; to rave through insanity: - (be, play the) mad (man).
The Lord hath made thee priest in the stead of Jehoiada the priest, that ye should be officers in the house of the Lord,
for every man that is mad, and maketh himself a prophet, that thou shouldest put him in prison, and in the stocks. Jer 29:26
Shaga (h7696) shaw-gah'; a prim. root; to rave through insanity: - (be, play the) mad (man).
The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred. Ho 9:7
Naba (g5012) naw-baw'; a prim. root; to prophesy, i. e. speak (or sing) by inspiration (in prediction or simple discourse): - prophesy (- ing), make self of prophet.
MOREOVER David and the captains of the host separated to the service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals: and the number of the workmen according to their service was: 1Chr.25:1
From the sons of Asaph: Zaccur, Joseph, Nathan and Asarelah. The sons of Asaph were under the supervision of Asaph, who prophesied under the king's supervision." 1 Chronicles 25:2
All these men were under the supervision of their fathers for the music of the temple of the LORD, with cymbals, lyres and harps, for the ministry at the house of God. Asaph, Jeduthun and Heman were under the supervision of the king." 1 Chr 25:6NIV
While SONG is written so that it CAN be accompanied because it is poetic, it is not automatically accompanied with an instrument UNLESS that instrument is defined:
All these were under the hands of their father for song in the house of the Lord, with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God, according to the kings order to Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman. 1 Chr 25:6KJV
The kings had their own seers or prophets.
This prophesying was not foretelling or forthtelling: it was singing their own compositions with musical accompaniment. However, this was for the temple service and every Israelite knew that outside of the Temple or the area of Jerusalem musical instruments were not used for "worship."
Whatever the Psalmists write about music, they knew that they were living their lives largely apart from the rule of God:
But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me. Ps 81:11
........... So I gave them up unto their own hearts lust: and they walked in their own counsels. Ps 81:12
........... ........... Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways Psalm 81:13Therefore, when we see the worship under the Kingdom perios we are witnessing worship out of their own counsel.
But what about 2 Chronicles 29:25?
Remember that Israel's "elders" fired God and demanded a human king like the nations so that they could worship like the nations. What we know about the nation's worship is that it was a civil activity and not for the common people.An in all temple-states, the common people were not involved in the temple worship rituals:
"Each of the important deities had, in one or more of the Babylonian cities, a large temple in which he or she was worshiped. Temple services were generally conducted in open courts containing fountains for ablution and altars for sacrifices.
Only the high priest and other privileged members of the clergy and court were permitted to enter the cella, or inner part of the temple,
which held the special statue of the deity. The needs of the deity were provided for in accordance with impressive ceremonies carried out by a vast institutionalized clergy that included
priests, musicians, magicians, soothsayers, dream interpreters, astrologers, and hierodules (temple slaves or prostitutes). Sacrifices of food, drink, or incense were offered daily. Numerous festivals were held, the most important of which was the celebration of the new year at the spring equinox. [Encarta Encyclopedia]
"the testimonies of neighboring civilizations are of little value, as they concern chiefly the music of courts or temples, which in Sumer, Babylon, and Canaan
was then in the hands of professional priests-musicians. We have only a few remarks of Herodotus about Egyptian practices, which were similar to those of ancient Hebrew popular singing. He refers to the 'lament for Linos,' also to women's chants in procession of the cult of Osiris and the Diana of Bubastis. In Phonicia and Syria almost all popular music reflected the worship of Ishtar, the goddess of fertility." (Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, p. 461, Abingdon).
"An Egyptian temple was not a place of public worship. It was the shrine for the neter (wrongly translated as god), who represented some specific aspect of the One God.
Only the priesthood had access to the inner sanctuaries, where the sacred rites and ceremonies were performed. In some instances, only the King himself or his authorized substitute had permission to enter.
"The ancient Egyptian temple was built to facilitate the meeting
- between a specific supernatural/metaphysical force (neter/netert),
- and the physical/human,
- for the benefit of the people, land, and the universe.
It was not intended to be an art gallery for academicians and tourists. Only a small part of it was open to the ancient Egyptian public, on annual festivities. Therefore, every ancient Egyptian temple had/has a specific function.
Edersheim points out that the "stationary men" represented the 'congregation" but that the people were shut out of the sacrificial offering:
First: As the last great gate slowly moved on its hinges, the priests, on a signal given, blew three blasts on their silver trumpets,
summoning the Levites
and the 'representatives' of the people (the so-called 'stationary men') to their duties, and announcing to the city that the morning sacrifice was about to be offered.Second: As the president gave the word of command, which marked that 'the time of incense had come,' '
the whole multitude of the people without' withdrew from the inner court, and fell down before the Lord, spreading their hands * in silent prayer.
Third, The temple Music was blown and songs sung. This excluded all people not of the tribe of Levi. It also excluded all women.
Fourth: This closed the morning service. [Note: only representatives of the people were present. The common Jews did not participate in this temple service]
It was immediately followed by the sacrifices and offerings which private Israelites might have to bring, and which would occasionally continue till near the time for the evening service
Conclusion: the sacrificial worship was for the secular Temple-State and not for the congregation of Israel.
Fulfilment in the New Covenant: The animals were burned outside the "worship center."
Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Hebrews 13:12
Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. Hebrews 13:13
For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Hebrews 13:14By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. Hebrews 13:15
Dire Warning:
The restoration of the "King" to replace the elders is fulfilled in dominant clergy replacing the elders in the Christian Church. This replacement is because people want to prosper "like the nations" and they will "worship like the nations."
Musical Worship Teams are clearly organized as Levitical Musicians and the Legal period of the temple and a secular Monarchy is the proof-text.
This repudiates the "Christ-o-Centric" false claim and makes the clergy and the worship team into the Intercessor and Mediator clearly claiming for their music that they can "lead you into the presence of God."
There remaineth no more forgiveness for sins.
Next, this is very much like "David's stopping the plague" sacrifices as he sacrificed in Jerusalem because he was too frightened of God to return to Gibeon where the Tabernacle rested. This does not involve a congregational worship service:
Then Hezekiah the king rose early, and gathered the rulers of the city, and went up to the house of the Lord. 2 Chronicles 29:20
And they brought seven bullocks, and seven rams, and seven lambs, and seven he goats, for a sin offering
- for the kingdom, and
- for the sanctuary, and
- for Judah.
And he commanded the priests the sons of Aaron to offer them on the altar of the Lord. 2 Chronicles 29:21
So they killed the bullocks, and the priests received the blood, and sprinkled it on the altar: likewise, when they had killed the rams, they sprinkled the blood upon the altar: they killed also the lambs, and they sprinkled the blood upon the altar. 2 Chronicles 29:22
Fact: This passage has to do with animal sacrifices to make atonement for the nation of Judah and polluted buildings and grounds. It was not "congregational worship with instrumental accompaniment." And it most assuredly was not a "Musical Worship Team" attempting to bring the people into the presence of God. Nor was it a dance team to provide God a platform upon which He could land.
Fact: Musical Worship Teams which yank this event out of context believe and practice a redemptive, mediating, sacrificial role. The priests and Levites were trying with all of their human skills to keep God from destroying the nation. The people were incidental to this, were outside of the temple and probably outside of the temple area, could not hear any "music" because of the loud trumpets making a "wall" to sound the people away from the ritual. The instruments at the place of throat-cutting, skinning, cutting and burning in all like the nations temple were to "keep the evil sounds away from the ears of the priests."
Conclusion: To take this as authority for musical worship is an awful admission of being lost and perhaps beyond redemption. Such Triumphing-Over violates the Law in Numbers 10:7 and denies the value of the once-for-all sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ.
And they brought forth the he goats for the sin offering before the king and the congregation (representatives only); and they laid their hands upon them: 2 Chronicles 29:23
And the priests killed them, and they made reconciliation with their blood upon the altar, to make an atonement for all Israel: for the king commanded that the burnt offering and the sin offering should be made for all Israel. 2 Chronicles 29:24
When Hezekiah's life was spared for fifteen years, he spent his time playing the harp in the temple even as little Manessah was in training to be one of the most evil, idolatrous kings in history. Hezekiah said that he didn't mind that destruction was comming to his nation "as long as it didn't happen in his lifetime."
The word of the LORD you have spoken is good," Hezekiah replied. For he thought, "Will there not be peace and security in my lifetime?" 2 Kings 20:19
For this one purification of "buildings and grounds" and the people so that they might (future tense) be able to worship God:
What: And he set the Levites in the house of the Lord with cymbals, with psalteries, and with harps,
........... Authority: according to the commandment of David, and of Gad the kings seer,What: and Nathan the prophet:
........... Authority: for so was the commandment of the Lord by his prophets. 2 Chronicles 29:25So the Levites stood ready with David's instruments,
and the priests with the trumpets. 2 Chronicles 29:26
By looking at both cycles of statements in table form it is clear that the "music' was David's idea but only for certain dedicatory or purification rituals; the trumpets were the everlasting ordinance of God. Notice that there are two commands and two authorities:
First Cycle Second Cycle according to the commandment of David
So the Levites stood ready
and of Gad the kings seer,
with David's instruments,
- and Nathan the prophet:
- for so was the commandment of the Lord
and the priests
by his prophets
with the trumpets.
Recall what we have already noted. The command from God was for the trumpets. What David added for "plague stopping rituals" was the musical instruments:But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. Numbers 10: 7
The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to blow the trumpets. This is to be a lasting ordinance for you and the generations to come. Numbers 10:8Conclusion: If you are not a son of Aaron you have no authority to blow the trumpets. If you are not a Levite you have no authority from David to play musical instruments. If you are not ignoring the purification value of Christ then you should not be involved with purifying authorities or buildings and grounds.
The Septuagint may make this clearer:
And the priests slew them and offered their blood as a propitiation on the altar; and they made atonement for all Israel: for the king said, The whole-burnt-offering, and the sin-offerings are for all Israel 2Chr 29:24LXX
........... And he stationed the Levites in the house of the Lord with cymbals, and lutes, and harps,
........... ........... according to the commandment of king David, and of Gad the king's seer,and Nathan the prophet:
........... for by the commandment of the Lord the order was in the hand of the prophets 2 Chr 29:25LXXAnd the
........... Levites stood with the instruments of David,
........... and the priests with the trumpets. 2 Chr 29:26LXX
To see that the trumpets but not David's musical instruments were commanded Click Here.
And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations. Numbers 10: 8
And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm (shouting, clapping, rejoicing to panic the enemy) with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies. Numbers 10: 9
Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the Lord your God. Numbers 10: 10
The Syriac is consistent with every passage in Scripture except the one cited. For instance,
God: Then Solomon offered burnt offerings unto the Lord on the altar of the Lord, which he had built before the porch, 2 Chronicles 8:12
Even after a certain rate every day, offering according to the commandment of Moses, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts, three times in the year, even in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles. 2 Chronicles 8:13
David: And he appointed, according to the order of David his father, the courses of the priests to their service, and the Levites to their charges, to praise and minister before the priests, as the duty of every day required: the porters also by their courses at every gate:
for so had David the man of God commanded. 2 Chronicles 8:14
The commandment was either from David or from God: no commandment of God is said to be the commandment of a man. Therefore, there were two commands, two musical actions and two sets of authority.
The New Covenant Absolutely Forbids Restoring Legalistic -- Secular Temple State rituals:
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; Colossians 2:14
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:15
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Colossians 2:16
........... Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Colossians 2:17Even under the Law, the music was associated with keeping of days and animal sacrifices. It cannot be restored without repudiating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels (messengers), intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, Colossians 2:18
And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. Colossians 2:19
IF ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2
........... For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3This means that "worship is in spirit and in truth" and not in musical or messenger-honoring rituals.
In all pagan animal sacrifices (given to Israel as punishment) the musical performers were to make a loud crashing noise to keep the screams of dying animals from reaching the ears of the priests. This even happened when Israel burned their own children in the red-hot arms of Molech and loud musical instruments were also to mask the screams of burning children so their their mothers might not hear and relent.
Therefore, Scripture is clear that the "praising" of God with loud music was to serve the priests and not God.
I have searched for the following connection between music and worship and find nothing which would indicate that God connected worship of Him to music. For instance:
- Worship and Harp: Daniel 3:5, 10, 15 all in connection with idol worship.
- Worship and Flute: Daniel 3:5, 10, 15
- Worship and Singing: None
- Worship and Song: None
- Worship and Dance: None
- Worship and Handclapping: None
- Worship and Music: none
Even in pagan idolatry, the music was never an act of worship but of forceful control. The worship among Jews and Babylonians was to fall on their face perhaps well away from the sacred spaces:
As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipes and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. Daniel 3:5
Now when you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipes and all kinds of music, if you are ready to fall down and worship the image I made, very good. But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?" Daniel 3:15
Music, here, is:
Zemar (h2170) zem-awr'; from a root corresp. to 2167; instrumental music: - musick.
However, in the New Testament, singing is a metaphor for teaching:
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
........... singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:19Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
........... singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16This was also God's message to the Jews. The singing was not to the "congregation" but to the Lord as the result of teaching His Word to the congregation or the world:
O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name:
........... make known his deeds among the people. Psalm 105:1Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things;
........... let this be known to all the world. Isaiah 12:5However, God had already condemned the people with Zemar which was to prune their vine:
I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated, and briers and thorns will grow there. I will command the clouds not to rain on it." Isaiah 5:6
One of the reasons was, according to Amos, their daily religious festivals at which they worshipped their own appetites:
And (you have) the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts:
but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands. Isaiah 5:12
Music was added to the like the nations worship at the temple only after Israel had rejected the rule and worship of God so that they could worship like the nations..
The worship was for the king, civil officials and part of the clergy assigned to the Temple.
The people were represented by certain men.
The doors were shut and the congregation was "outside the gates."
The animal sacrifices along with a great noise of singing and instruments was made inside the Temple during the sacrifices.
When the worship of the secular state officials was completed, individual Israelites could make their own sacrifice.
The Jewish clergy mocked Jesus with music as he was offered as a human sacrifice.
Jesus then went to die outside the gates.
Christians must seek Him outside the gates because all animal sacrifices with loud noise have ceased.
To attempt to restore the Levitical musicians is to restore the secular religion of the Jews and denies the sacrifice of Christ.
You cannot be "Christ-o-Centric" with music because He has been here and gone. Therefore,
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2
Kenneth Sublett: Comments welcome Levitical Musicians, 2 Chronicles 29:,
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