Genun - Jubal - Musical Worship - Book of Adam and Eve
In the story of Genun or Jubal, Musical worship is treated as Satan's change agent to seduce God's people down into his dusty world where he lives and where God, in Genesis, assigned him. The following story has many parallels in Scripture often hidden in parable-words in which Jesus said the Truth of God was put in safekeeping from those who see "godliness as a means of financial gain."
Modern myth plays may understand the Bible better than most:The Four Rawuns: Rawuns - Arabian bards, the legend-keepers and storytellers. This note is shows the connection between Genun and Lamech's children. No better way to seduce people than through "children in the marketplace playing games."
"Jubal, Jabal, Tubal-Cain, and Naamah were known as the four Rawuns (bards) Great explorers, musical enchanters, warrirors and adventueres, the songs of their adventures are the staple of any Moorish courts musician or interpretive dancer. Cursed by Sethu, all of these found their lovely voices changed to whispering, hissing snake-like sibilant sounds.
Genun, the child of Jubal and Naamah is said to be progenitor of the Ophidians. In Genun the arts of the Rawuns were pereverted and used to subdue adversaries reducing them to slavery (or sacrifices).
Goddess of the arts (literature, poetry, music, dancing, painting, sculpting, etc.), harems, beauty, sexual pleasure and all sorts of epicurean delights. Phaaus is neutral good in alignment and has many symbols such as the quill, the lyre and the ibex.
9. Many details of the Genun story, taken from the fifth-century A.D. Ethiopian Book of Adam, are paralleled in midrashic writings.
Although Genun's name suggests "Kenan," who appears in Genesis V:9 as the son of Enoch, he is a composite Kenite character: the invention of musical instruments being attributed in Genesis to Jubal, and of edged iron blades to his brother Tubal Cain.
Genun was said to occupy "the Land of the Slime Pits," namely the southern shores of the Dead Sea (Genesis 14:10), doubtless because the evil city of Sodom stood there (see 32:6).
Qeynan (h7018) kay-nawn'; from the same as 7064; fixed; Kenan, an antediluvian: - Cainan, Kenan.
Cain is qayin h7014Qiynah (h7015) kee-naw'; from 6969; a dirge (as accompanied by beating the breasts or on instruments): - lamentation.
Quwn (h6969) koon; a prim. root; to strike a musical note, i. e. chant or wail (at a funeral): - lament, mourning woman.
Of course, literal Jerusalem was the capital of the Jebusites. This was taken over by David and the kingdom which God permitted to lead Israel into the destruction they had earned at Mount Sinai when they rose up to play in musical idolatry:
Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. Gal 4:24
But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. Gal 4:26
For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. Gal 4:25
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Rev 1:8
In ancient tradition, after Adam and Eve were removed from the Garden of Eden Satan tried to further tempt them with his heavenly singing groups. He failed until Seth became the Patriarch and remained totally faithful to God as the Word.
The Sethites continued to live on the Holy Mountain which is treated as somewhere between the earth and heaven. The Cainites lived down in the dark valley of the true, physical earth.
When Satan failed after many efforts of seduction to drag the Sethites down with him, he picked on the youth, Genun, as a composite of Jubal, Jabal, Tubal-Cain and Naamah who are all connected with the magic of musical sound used to enchant. Through the ministry of Jubal and his musical worship teams, Satan finally succeeded. The serpent in Genesis was the symbol of Babylonia and is defined by Hebrew words which follow a trail to musical instruments and soothsaying.
The writer of Adam and Eve has told us the complete story of the fall and he will not leave us in suspense but will return to the beginning and tell us about the motives and methods which Satan used to bring all of these events about.
While these writers were not inspired they lived closer to the real story and knew all of the ancient traditions recorded in the very first records. These documents at least have the value of a proof-text sermon:
"There are a vast number of false and spurious writings which deserve mention at this point; not because anyone would seriously contend for their authority, but because they do represent the religious lore of the Hebrews in the inter testamental period. Strangely enough, the New Testament writers make use of a number of the books, for example, Jude 14-15 have a possible quotation from the Book of Enoch (1:9) and the Assumption of Moses (1:9); and an allusion from the Penitence of Jannes and Jambres is found in II Timothy 3:8. Of course, it should be remembered that the New Testament also quotes from the heathen poets Aratus (Acts 17:28); Meander (1 Cor. 15:33); and Epimenides (Titus 1:12). Truth is truth no matter where it is found whether uttered by a heathen poet, a pagan prophet (Num. 24:17), or even a dumb animal (Num. 22:28)." (Nix/Geisler, A General Introduction to the Bible, p. 165).
The complete story of the fall is in Second Adam and Eve
The Story of the Fall Begins
For a quick partial review you may read just the bold print. The
"Now the reason for which the children of Jared went down from the Holy mountain, is this, that we will now reveal unto you" (Second Adam and Eve, 19:9).
It all began with the Cainites "leaving the fold" at the top of the mountain and going down to the valleys and river bottoms (Lot's Choice) where the soil was rich and one could gain a livelihood without too much work. Since "an idle hand is the Devil's workshop" the leisure time opened the Cainites up to listening to unholy spirits
The writer proposes to explain how Satan overpowered the children of Jared and chapter twenty explains that his tools were ravishing music, strong drink, and colorful clothing. The Sethites first begin to look with lust, they revolted from the counsel of the wise, they descended into the valley of iniquity, and they could never get back upon the mountain.
Second Adam And Eve CHAP. XX.
Ravishing music; strong drink loosed among the sons of Cain. They don colorful clothing.The children of Seth look on with longing eyes. They revolt from wise counsel; they descend the mountain into the valley of iniquity. They can not ascend the mountain again.
Satan worked directly with early men and women to seduce them away from the Holy mountain but if his influence was going to spread he would have to recruit disciples and show them how to carry on his work.
"After Cain had gone down to the land of dark soil, and his children had multiplied therein, there was one of them, whose name was Genun, son of Lamech the blind who slew Cain" Second Adam and Eve 20:1
This is similar to the Bible record:
After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. Gen 3:24 (NIV)
Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the [soil]. -- Gen 4:2
In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. -- Gen 4:3
Josephus understood the Biblical account this way:
"And when Cain had traveled over many countries, he, with his wife, built a city, named Nod, which is a place so called, and there he settled his abode; where also he had children. However, he did not accept of his punishment in order to amendment, but to increase his wickedness;
for he only aimed to procure every thing that was for his own bodily pleasure, though it obliged him to be injurious to his neighbors.
He augmented his household substance with much wealth, by rapine and violence; he excited his acquaintance to procure pleasures and spoils by robbery, and became a great leader of men into wicked courses.
He also introduced a change in that way of simplicity wherein men lived before; and was the author of measures and weights.
And whereas they lived innocently and generously while they knew nothing of such arts, he changed the world into cunning craftiness.
He first of all set boundaries about lands: he built a city, and fortified it with walls, and he compelled his family to come together to it; and called that city Enoch, after the name of his eldest son Enoch.
Now Jared was the son of Enoch; whose son was Malaliel; whose son was Mathusela; whose son was Lamech; who had seventy-seven children by two wives, Silla and Ada. Of those children by Ada,
one was Jabal: he erected tents, and loved the life of a shepherd.
But Jubal, who was born of the same mother with him, exercised himself in music; and invented the psaltery and the harp. (The hebrew word "handle" means "without authority")
But Tubal, one of his children by the other wife, exceeded all men in strength, and was very expert and famous in martial performances.
He procured what tended to the pleasures of the body by that method; and first of all invented the art of making brass.
Lamech was also the father of a daughter, whose name was Naamah. And because he was so skillful in matters of divine revelation, that he knew he was to be punished for Cain's murder of his brother, he made that known to his wives.
Nay, even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became exceeding wicked, every one successively dying, one after another, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behavior, in acting unjustly, and doing injuries for gain.
Note: From this Jubal, not improbably, came Jobel, the trumpet of jobel or jubilee; that large and loud musical instrument, used in proclaiming the liberty at the year of jubilee. Flavius Josephus Jewish Antiquities 1.60 (Whiston)
In Genesis, the name is Jubal which rimes with Rubel:
of whom it is said--
And his brothers name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. Gen 4:21
The word "handle" means "without warrant." That is, Cain did not have Divine authority to turn his musical skills against the people in order to rob them. His "children" are the king of Babylon whose harps would and did go with him into hell, and the king (or queen) of Tyre, the agent of Lucifer, called "the harp-playing prostitute." The end-time king/queen is defined much like the king of Tyre.
David is considered the father of musical instruments because Amos said that the Israelites invented musical instruments like David. However, David's sin was not that he invented instrument which had been around for thousands of years but that he moved them from the secular scene and the battle field into the secular worship of God. The Holy Spirit is always careful to say that while God ordained the silver trumpets, it was David who was the father of music as a tool of worship. In the beginning it was Jubal who brought music into the lives of people.
These sons invented cities, swords, musical instruments, and Lamech invented polygamy. The tools amplified the power of the individual by which a Lamech could kill Cain even though blind and he could strike out at a lad who had offended him simply by following his instructions. His is the first boast-song in the Bible and it was undoubtedly singing accompanied with the harp which his son had invented
In First Adam and Eve, Cain in his wanderings comes to Lamech in the fields but a young shepherd misleads Lamech and Cain is killed. Lamech is said to have been blind and trusted the shepherd and struck out in his blindness and killed Cain whom God had protected. Lamech was sorry but blamed the shepherd lad and smashed in his head and killed him. As usual someone else gets the blame when those who are blind gain too much power from the use of human invention.
The message is clear that Lamech was Satan's tool because Jared said that
"Satan in an apparition has deceived our son, wishing to destroy him as he destroyed our son Cain" (Adam and Eve 18:2).
The temptation to idolatry is the greater the more man is surrounded by the works of his own hands. -- Richard Niebuhr
In the Biblical Lamech's music the theme was that of vengeance and he wrote the following song which is believed to have been popular in the time of Moses:
Adah and Zillah! hear my voice,
............Ye wives of Lamech! give ear unto my speech;For a man had I slain for smiting me,
............ And a youth for wounding me:Surely sevenfold shall Cain be avenged,
............ But Lamech seventy and seven (Gen. 4:23-24).This song was considered to be in celebration of his son's invention of the metal sword. Luther believed that it was the celebration of Lamech's deliberate murder of Cain. If Luther is right then the song would be a song pronouncing judgment against himself. This, too, would be prophetic of Israel who saw their sacrifices as meriting God's pleasure while never realizing that sacrifices were a testimony to their own sinfulness.
The modern self-deceived see David's praise upon the harp as a model of spiritual worship even as Lamech saw his song as proof of his power, However, David will say later--
May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, -- Psa 149:6-7
Whatever the occasion, this song is very similar to many of David's Psalms in which he uses instruments to praise and ask God to smash his enemies in the teeth, destroy his enemy's parents, wife, children, grandchildren and even fail to hear their prayers.
In contrast to the first Lamech who worshiped the works of man's hands rather than God, the second Lamech (Gen. 5:25:28), the son of Methuselah said of his son, Noah:
"He named him Noah and said, 'He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed.' "-- Gen 5:29
`"His words show the great difference between this descendant of Seth and the descendant of Cain.
While the one is stimulated to a song of defiance by the worldly inventions of his sons,
the other, in prophetical mood, expresses his sure belief in the coming of better times, and calmly and prayerfully awaits the period of comfort and rest which he expected to be ushered in by his son Noah." (Int. Std. Bible Ency., p. 1824).The first forger of metals, the first inventor of music, the first practitioner of polygamy, and the first song writer and the second murderer were the offspring of Cain who is the father of a tribe always seen in opposition to the Sethites. Jubal was the inventor of musical instruments and was the son of Lamech the Cainite and his mother was Zillah (Gen. 4:22). Lamech was the fifth descendant from Cain (Gen. 4:18-24) and of him it is said:
"he furnishes the first recorded instance of polygamy. It is very instructive to note that this 'father of polygamy' at once becomes the first blustering tyrant and a braggadocia; we are fully permitted to draw this conclusion from his so-called 'sword-play' (Gen 4:23f). He does not put his trust in God, but in the weapons and implements invented by his sons,
Organon , to, ( [ergon, erdô] ) I. an implement, instrument, engine of any kind (mostly post-Aug.), Col. 3, 13, 12.--Of military or architectonic engines (whereas machina denotes one of a larger size and more complicated construction)or rather these instruments, enhancing the physical and material powers of man are his God. He glories in them and misconstrues the Divine kindness which insured to Cain freedom from the revenge of his fellow-men." (Int. Std. Bible Ency., p. 1823)
Ergon [Ergô], 1. in Il. mostly of deeds of war, polemêïaerga, 3.a hard piece of work, a hard task, Il.: also, a shocking deed or act,
Polemeios: warlike, aoida war-note, of the trumpet, B.17.4
aoid-ê 5. = eppsdê, spell, incantation
B.17.4 Bacchylides, Odes Daughters of Zeus ruling on high, famed for the lyre, ... Pierian Muses ... weave... [5] Isthmian land ... son-in-law of wise Nereus ...... of the island ... [10] god-built gates of Pelops' shining island... ... [15] yoked horses to chariots,[20] and they flew ...... [45] thick ... maidens ...[50] of sleep, like honey to the mind ... our ... ancient city ... [homes] on the shores of the sea ...[55] [and under] the rays of the sun ...... and Makelo, loving the distaff, ... [75] by the fair-flowing stream ... speaks ... fawning with the voice ...... I am bereaved ... with double-edged grief .
A. instrument, implement, tool, for making or doing a thing
3.musical instrument, Simon.31, f.l. in A.Fr.57.1 ; homen di' organôn ekêlei anthrôpous, of Marsyas, Pl.Smp.215c ; aneuorganôn psiloislogois ibid., cf. Plt.268b ; o. poluchordaId.R.399c , al.; met'ôidês kai tinôn organôn Phld.Mus.p.98K. ; of the pipe, Melanipp.2, Telest.1.2Charles Spurgeon Psalm 149 Ver. 3. Let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. They who from hence urge the use of music in religious worship, must, by the same rule, introduce dancing, for they went together, as in David's dancing before the ark (Jud 21:21). But whereas many Scriptures in the New Testament keep up singing as a gospel ordinance, none provide for the keeping up of music and dancing; the gospel canon for Psalmody is to "sing with the spirit and with the understanding." --Matthew Henry.
The concept of "enhancing the powers of man" is never better demonstrated than by the "inventing of instruments like David" where there was an obsession to see how many different mechanical devices he could invent and introduce to enhance his power to worship God. The modern organ and even large orchestras are the extreme example of man bent upon improvising. Whatever man invents as tools upon which to worship God, they never rise above being extensions of man's own power and ability and, to the extent this is true, cannot please God.
Elsewhere in the discussion of the Apocalyptic writings we see how David took the warrior's tool of music and brought it into the worship of Yahweh and thereby permitted Israel and then Judah to forget the Word of God as they substituted their own musical celebrations.
"But as to this Genun (Jubal), Satan came into him in his childhood; and he made sundry trumpets and horns, and string instruments, cymbals and psalteries, and lyres and harps, and flutes; and he played on them at all times and at ever hour. -- Second Adam and Eve 20:2
"In pagan traditions, musical instruments are invented by gods or demi-gods, such as titans. In the Bible, credit is assigned to antediluvian patriarchs, for example, the descendants of Cain in Genesis 4:21. There is no other biblical tradition about the invention of musical instruments Freedman, David Noel, Bible Review, Summer 1985, p. 51)
This writer declares that he is about to tell us how Satan was able to pry the righteous people of God off the holy mountain by first getting them to attend the Cainite "worship services" and finally get them down into the valley in a worship from which they could not--without divine help--ever extricate themselves so that they could return to God's presence.
"Where kithara playing and dancing and hand clapping find place, there is the beguiling of men, the corruption of women, the sorrow of angels and a feast for the devil... Today, to all appearances, they sing psalms as God ordained, and tomorrow they will eagerly dance as taught by Satan. Today they contradict Satan and tomorrow they follow him... Let it be far from you that today, as one loving Christ, you listen attentively to the reading of the divine Scripture, and tomorrow as a criminal and a hater of Christ you listen to lyre playing." (St. Ephraim, quoted by Green, p. 37-38).
In pronouncing his judgment upon Israel, Amos gave as one reason--
You strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments. Amos 6:5
They did not just have a bad mental attitude: they were worshiping the "starry host" to whom God turned them over as punishment for their musical idolatry at Mount (Acts 7)
One plays music because it is personally pleasing but it is not long before it is understood that the skilled musician has a powerful tool which may be used to amplify other natural skills. One only has to look at the physical appearance of many powerful musicians to understand that they may have gained control of a supernatural weapon. When Israel rejected God He signaled His disapproval by sending the charismatic prophets who induced a different spirit in Saul such that "he became another man." Later, when David played the harp the evil spirit caused Saul to attempt to kill David and it ultimately drove him mad.
The speaking voice has only a single tone but the invention of various instruments showed how to create fantastic harmonies. It was not just the music itself but music had the power to alter the nature of singing so that sounds and combinations of sounds could actually create totally new sounds which did not come from the harp or the voice. Modern scientific studies have shown that sounds produced by various instruments are actually mixed and combined in the ear and brain to produce tones which did not previously exist. These combinations have the power to produce endorphins in the blood and actually alter the mind of the "worshiper" just as morphine would alter the mind of a drug addict.
Modern science can measure the morphine-like endorphins which are created in the bloodstream when certain forms of music is performed.
"And when he played on them, Satan came into them, so that from among them were heard beautiful and sweet sounds, that ravished (raped) the heart. Second Adam and Eve 20:3
The "Judas bag" of the thief was "for carrying the mouthpieces of wind instruments." Furthermore, it was prophesied that Judas would attempt to "triumph over" Jesus. This means "to blow wind instruments and make a joyful noise." This was used to panic the enemies into fleeing:
And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly. John 13:27
The sop which allowed Satan to "come into Judas" was:
Psomion (g5596) pso-mee'-on; dim. from a der. of the base of 5597 (from 5567); a crumb or morsel (as if rubbed off), i.e. a mouthful: - sop.
And this is the base of "external melody" which is grinding one to bits:
Psallo (g5567) psal'-lo; prob. strengthened from psao , (to rub or touch the surface; comp. 5597); to twitch or twang, i.e. to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the divine worship with music and accompanying odes): - make melody, sing (psalms
The Book of Enoch described this same event and what made it possible.
"And they said to me: These are the Grigori, who with their prince Satanail rejected the Lord of light, and after them are those who are held in great darkness on the second heaven, and three of them went down on to earth from the Lord's throne, to the place of Ermon, and broke through their vows on the shoulder of the hill Ermon and saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives,
and befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and giants are born and marvelous big men and great enmity" 2 Enoch 18:3
After these signs were performed as a witness against Israel for rejecting Him and His Word, God would be with Saul but Saul had the power to walk in his own ways and destroy the spiritual life of Israel.
What might the writer intend to teach by saying that music ravished the hearts of the people?
Schizophrenia, a major mental disorder of unknown cause typically characterized by a separation between the thought processes and the emotions, a distortion of reality accompanied by delusions and hallucinations, a fragmentation of the personality." (Webster).
Music has been considered and defined as "the effeminate art." That is, music was primarily the tool of children and women because it altered their lives by appealing to the "right brain" or feminine nature. It also had the power to suppress the "left brain" or rational nature and allow fairly bright young men to be led into the irrational acts required by a warrior.
While all charismatic religious practices have the power to suppress the rational nature, the word "ravish" supports the sexual stimulation which music can create.
Ravish, to carry away, to seize and carry away forcibly, to rape a woman, to transport with joy or delight." (Webster)
Paul said of the Corinthians--
You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. 1 Cor 12:2
G880 aphōnos af'-o-nos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5456 ; voiceless, that is, mute (by nature or choice); figuratively unmeaning:—dumb, without signification.
G5456 phōnē fo-nay' Probably akin to G5316 through the idea of disclosure; a tone (articulate, bestial or artificial); by implication an address (for any purpose), saying or language:—noise, sound, voice.
1 Cor. 14:7 And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped?
G895 apsuchos ap'-soo-khos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5590 ; lifeless, that is, inanimate (mechanical):—without life
Organon , to, ( [ergon, erdô] ) I. an implement, instrument, engine of any kind (mostly post-Aug.), Col. 3, 13, 12.--Of military or architectonic engines (whereas machina denotes one of a larger size and more complicated construction)
A. instrument, implement, tool, for making or doing a thing
3.musical instrument,
G5456 phōnē fo-nay' Probably akin to G5316 through the idea of disclosure; a tone (articulate, bestial or artificial); by implication an address (for any purpose), saying or language: noise, sound, voice.
Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them. Heb 13:9Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. -- 2 Pet 3:17
This "carrying away" int literal madness was considered desirable by the Corinthians but Paul understood that "madness" does not recommend itself to those who might believe in God. The pagan concept of madness induced by charismatic practices--of which music is the most powerful--was the highest expression of true "worship."
"We owe our greatest blessings to madness, if only it be granted by Heaven's bounty. For the prophetess at Delphi, ye are well aware, and the priestesses of Dodna, have in their moments of madness done great and glorious service to men and the cities of Greece, but little or none in their sober mood." (Wright, J., Dialogues of Plato, NY: A. L. Burt Co., pp. 34-35)
"The spiritist maid at Philippi is interesting, too, in illustrating the fact that 'the vehicles of manifestation resembling possession in the ancient world are almost exclusively women... Among the possessed prophetesses of historic times the most eminent is the Pythoness.' The Delphic seeress was originally a maid from the surrounding countryside. She was reputed to be filled with the god Apollo himself and his spirit. The god, as was believed, entered into the physical body, and the priestess' soul, loosed from her body, apprehended the divine revelations. What she uttered was spoken through her by the god (demon)."
In this story Jared is "carried away" or hallucinates and believes that it is Adam speaking to him with a very plausible story. It was only after he saw that Satan's works were not something which Adam would have done that he understood that he had seen a phantom-an apparition. Satan, in his mind, had "become another man."
The modern understanding of music is that it has the power to alter the state of consciousness --
"During the 1940's and 1950's groups of psychiatrists and students of mental health began experimenting with music to sooth their patients... Dramatic results were reported by numerous researchers. Though it has not proved the cure-all that early practitioners hoped it would, music has won an established place in mental and emotional therapy. Some noted specialists feel that in some patients it can have a tranquilizing effect unmatched by any known drug. Though he didn't use the vocabulary of modern psychiatry, one noted biblical figure endorsed the view that music an sooth a troubled mind. King Saul was a tormented man who exhibited many symptoms associated with schizophrenia. Ancient historians described his condition in theological terms; when he was less than rational 'the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him' (1 Sam. 16:14)" (Garrison, p. 19
Our story continues as Genun took the inventions which Satan had given him and employed them to satisfy the sensual pleasure of a people who had already rejected the Word of God and followed their own ways. It was with the Satan-given tools that Satan gains access to people in their worship. If a little bit of music is good then surely more will be better.
While the Cainites had already deserted God, they were not yet conditioned to be tools to serve Satan's purposes. Therefore, before Satan became "evangelistic" with his singing-group, he had to try it out among the Cainites. Genesis said that Jubal was the "father" of all of the musicians and Genun of this literature understands that a solo flute is not going to create enough noise to reach to the top of the mountain. Therefore, he began to recruit and train teams of musicians.
"Then he gathered companies upon companies to play on them; and when they played, it pleased well the children of Cain, who inflamed themselves with sin among themselves, and burnt as with fire; while Satan inflamed their hearts, one with another, and increased lust among them. -- Second Adam and Eve 20:4
In the Biblical story, while Moses was upon the holy mountain getting the Book of the Covenant which would have enabled an intimate walk with Him, the Israelites down in the valley were being seduced into idol worship around the golden calf as they sang, danced, and committed all forms of evil. Of a similar story of David, scholars understand that this is a reenactment of a universal motif or them--
"There is a passing reference to this custom (dancing naked) in Exod. 20:26, where it is linked with worship of Jehovah himself. Later the band of refugees led out of Egypt by Moses danced naked before Aaron's little golden bull (32:25). By this standard Moses himself was somewhat conservative; approaching the burning bush on Mt. Sinai, he removed his shoes in order to avoid profaning holy ground (3:5).
"Wearing a linen ephod, David once performed an ecstatic dance (He played as Israel did at Mount Sinai) before the ark of the Lord. From the fact that his wife Michal chided him for having uncovered himself before his servant's handmaidens (2 Sam. 6:20), it seems likely that the king's exhibition was vulgar and revealing. Apparently as a retaliation for her scolding, David fathered no children by Michal (2 Sam. 6:23)" (Garrison, p. 31-32).
There is nothing wrong with a revolver but if improperly aimed it becomes the tool of great destruction. In the same way, the innocent instruments when combined into an orchestra actually altered the chemical balance of the brain so that it no longer functioned rationally. Wine and music is often grouped together because wine, too, is totally innocent but when put into the brain it alters that part of the mind which constructs barriers beyond which we will not ordinarily go.
The word "melody" when instruments are included is the extreme work performed upon a lump of metal to form it into a thin sheet and roll it up into a pipe. The perforation of the metal to make it play a tune is defined as polluting it. Adding the instrument to the voice is defined as adding the work of human hands in an effort to worship God.
The quiet soloist cannot always get the job done. For instance, when one person sings with a single tone then we hear single tones which may be effective in teaching. However, when two parts are sung we do not hear just two tones but at least four. The more voices we add the more complex the harmony and the more effective it becomes as a mind-altering tactic. There are very few solo instrument players which can powerfully alter the state of one's thinking but whole orchestras can powerfully affect the human mind.
However, music is only one innocent tool which can be put to evil tasks. Along with the tools of mental manipulation Satan showed Genun how to make it even more powerful. He taught him how to make strong drink out of corn and to collect great companies of people in drink-houses.
"Satan also taught Genun to bring strong drink out of corn; and this Genun used to bring together companies upon companies in drink-houses; and brought into their hands all manner of fruits and flowers; and they drank together" Second Adam and Eve 20:5
"Thus did Genun multiply sin exceedingly; he also acted with pride and taught the children of Cain to commit all manner of the grossest wickedness, which they knew not; and put them up to manifold doings which they knew not before." Second Adam and Eve 20:6
"Then Satan, when he saw that they yielded to Genun and hearkened to him in every thing he told them, rejoiced greatly, increased Genun's understanding, until he took iron and with it made weapons of war." Second Adam and Eve 20:7
"Then when they were drunk, hatred and murder increased among them; one man used violence against another to teach him evil taking his children and defiling them before him." Second Adam and Eve 20:8
This leisure activity was enhanced with fruits (See Rev 18) and flowers as they drank together. This was an artificial method of assembling what would always be sought as the people went to the groves in the high places to worship.
It is significant, therefore, that Paul's instruction to the Ephesians about singing the Biblical text is in contrast to the kind of music which they employed in their "drink-houses" or temples.
The drunken celebration resulted in one man taking the children of another and defiling them. We saw earlier that when Satan brought Jared to watch the Cainites being defiled it involved food and drink and resulted in fornication with the wives and daughters of the men. Now the writer tells us why this happened and implicated music and drink. Thus we have the first example of "wine, women, and song."
Misery demands company
Those who had been gradually led astray and overcome would--if rationality prevailed--want to warn others not to "get hooked." However, because many operate out of the subjective mind there is a natural urge to get them involved in the charismatic practices perhaps to validate their own sense of failures. Therefore, they actively "evangelize" to spread their worship. To do this, it was necessary to "join the unity movement."
In keeping with this idea, when the Cainites saw that they had been deceived they did not, like Jared, pray to God for delivery but pride demanded that they continue to pretend to be superior. This in turn demanded that they try to "convert" their old friends. This is true because a weak man is always brought into judgment by a strong person who does not fall under the same spell. If the drunkard can get his teetotaler to take a sip then his own actions are validated and he feels so much better.
"And when men saw they were overcome, and saw others that were not overpowered, those who were beaten came to Genun, took refuge with him, and he made them his confederates." Second Adam and Eve 20:9
These people were "overcome, "overpowered," and "beaten" but they were sure that that were competent to "speak a good word for the lord."
If one has been seduced the feeling of being duped may make them feel silly. However, if it is possible to get an instrument and become one of Genun's confederates in his orchestra then we gain power and the strange feeling leaves us. They say, in effect, "We do not believe in your religion but we will hire out to you as a professional musician."
Paul told the Corinthians that their tongues were potentially dangerous because they had been overpowered and led astray to such an extent that one might speak in tongues and curse Jesus. They would feel spiritual as the watching world saw them as crazy.
In the same way, Jared was worried about being overcome or of being in the company of the Cainite worshipers as they were influenced by Satan. Therefore, he prayed to God for help as the only way to escape from Satan's strong power. However, the Cainites allowed themselves to be overcome. And like a person seeing a film of his charismatic antics they felt embarrassed. They did not have the moral strength to run for their life and to feel justified they wanted to get others involved. Perhaps this is why false religion is often the most evangelistic in attempting to convert others.
Like a narcotic, the use of sense stimulants to make one feel "spiritual" never works for very long. One needs a larger and larger "fix" in order to get the same sensation. Unfortunately, when one is under the influence of morphine or induced endorphins one can no longer distinguish between right and wrong. Therefore, the Corinthians could see themselves as God's messengers to the world in their charismatic worship even as the watching world saw them as insane.
"Then sin increased among them greatly; until a man married his own sister, or daughter, or mother, and others; or the daughter of his father's sister, so that there was no more distinction of relationship, and they no longer knew what is iniquity; but did wickedly, and the earth was defiled with sin; and they angered God the Judge, who had created them." (Second Adam and Eve 20:10).
This defines those of whom Paul warned in Rome (See Rom. 1:21f) and in the words of Amos, "they invent ways of doing evil." It also defines some of the sins of Corinth. As with many of the examples of false worship in the Old Testament, it was not enough for women like Jezebel to organize her own idol worship but she could never be happy until she had dominated all of Israel's worship and converted them to idolatry.
From the law of Moses we can understand that sleeping with the wife of one's father was not wrong just because "it violated some law of nature." Rather, it was against the law because it dishonored the man's father.
A man is not to marry his father's wife; he must not dishonor his father's bed.-- Deu 22:30
Do not have sexual relations with your father's wife; that would dishonor your father. -- Lev 18:8
Meanwhile Back on the Mountain
The Cainites had reached the bottom of the pit and the "home church" had been converted to musical celebrationism. Those who had been overcome or defeated needed the other "brethren" to join in the joy but the joy turned to grief. However, not even an entire church which had fallen to such a level that they angered God could tolerate being considered strange.
In this story, the fallen Cainites still had the "holy" Sethites upon the mountain condemning them by their loyalty to the Word of God. Every time they looked up they saw all of those people who had not experienced "full salvation." And even if the new religion based upon music made them feel like they had been overpowered or seduced, they would never be content until they seduced all of those "goody, goodies" off those high observation points from which they undoubtedly began by laughing at the valley people.
Well, if the Sethites are not going to "fall into our hands" and just come down when they hear our "superior" worship services, and if we need them to worship the same way in order to feel justified in our own worship, what is the next best method of softening them up with soft, little body blows?
Satan not only gave Genun the music but he supplied alternative approaches. Therefore, Genun began to plot a scheme for a traveling chorus to induce (ever so gradually) the Sethites to first listen to the musical group and then join them in celebration. Perhaps we can decide that Sunday night is not "worship time" and to get the bored crowd who have had all the "sermonizing" they can tolerate back we can have a soloist or a small, quiet band, or a guitar, or a small organ. Or maybe we can "cut off" the worship service with a closing prayer and then have a harp recital. There are a lot of ways to skin a cat.
It is consistent, therefore, that Genun attempted to bring the sense stimulants into the very worship of God's faithful but small remnant--
"But Genun gathered together companies upon companies, that played on horns (Jubilee) and on all the other instruments we have already mentioned, at the foot of the Holy Mountain and they did so in order that the children of Seth who were on the Holy Mountain should hear it. -- Second Adam and Eve 20:11
The Cainites will tell you that their worship makes them feel very spiritual but in their hearts they may feel that they have lost their will to resist. Upon the mountain the Sethites were not going to violate God's command and have joint meetings with the Cainites. However, the loud noise could not be ignored and so curiosity that killed the cat reached out and touched them.
Genun makes no pretext to using music as an "aid" to make the worship of God more "meaningful" but he was honest in declaring that the value of the music was that they could perform and have others hear it.
It is pure human nature that when our little voice does not convert the world to our view that we feel that if we can amass enough supporters or construct an elaborate enough celebration that the watching world will be force by sheer persuasive power to come over to our sides.
"But when the children of Seth heard the noise, they (1) wondered, and (2) came by companies, and (3) stood on the top of the mountain to (4) look at those below; and (5) they did thus a whole year. -- Second Adam and Eve 20:12
They heard
They wondered
They came
They stood
They lookedThe writer of the Psalms understood that before one sits in the seat of the "mockers" or "players" he must first walk in their counsel and then stand in their way:
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. -- Psa 1:1
Wow, the Sethites must have exclaimed. We know that they do not believe what we believe but if they are still listening then we must keep up the pattern. However, this gathering is somewhat parallel with the later Israelites who conducted their idolatrous worship at the foot of Mount Sinai.
When Joshua heard the noise of the people shouting, he said to Moses, "There is the sound of war in the camp. Moses replied: "It is not the sound of victory, it is not the sound of defeat; it is the sound of singing that I hear." -- Exo 32:17-18
Moses defines the common message of music: it is the noise of war, the noise of victory, or the noise of singing.
The LORD said to Moses, "Come up to me on the mountain and stay here, and I will give you the tablets of stone, with the law and commands I have written for their instruction." -- Exo 24:12
This instruction was called the Book of the Covenant and consisted of about 70 laws which told how the ten commandments were to be kept. They were not part of the Book of the Law. However, after Israel had fallen into idolatry, the expanded law of Moses was given and the Jews were bound "not to go beyond what is written."
Not even a year's "free sample" could convert the Sethites but Satan is patient and grasped that there was a small chink in the Sethite armor not guarded by the Sword of the Spirit. Therefore, a little bit of success just caused him to "up the ante" and he placed unbearable pressure upon the little "church" which could not be ignored because it touched them where it felt good. Perhaps, he reasoned, we should pick out the best of our women, dress them in "heavenly" robes to make them appear "angelic" and hide the flaws, and use them as prostitutes.
No one can be led astray without a great amount of effort and it is to their credit that the Sethites conducted a "study program" for a whole year before they were ready to join in a "unity movement" with the Cainites.
"When, at the end of that year, Genun saw that they were being won over to him little by little, Satan entered into him, and taught him to make dyeing stuffs for garments of divers patterns, and made him understand how to dye crimson and purple and what not. And the sons of Cain who wrought all this, and shone in beauty and gorgeous apparel, gathered together at the foot of the mountain in splendor, with horns and gorgeous dresses, and horse races, committing all manner of abominations." (Second Adam and Eve 20:13-14).
One acquires power by pretending to power and dressing with power. The clergyman may have nothing to say but if he wears priestly garments and turns his collar opposite your collar then surely he must be different. In the same way, one of the ways choirs often error gain their power is by wearing "priestly" robes. White for purity is often the color of choice. And a little bit of music won't do the job. You have to call the assembly specifically to eliminate the Word by substituting long, loud and colorful music.
They heard
They wondered
They came
They stood
They looked
The were gradually won over
Genun was given power to accelerate the seduction processIn Ezekiel 26 when God says that the king of Tyre--who stands for Satan--would be brought low he wrote--
I will put an end to your noisy songs, and the music of your harps will be heard no more. Ezek 26:13
then I will bring you down with those who go down to the pit, to the people of long ago. I will make you dwell in the earth below, as in ancient ruins, with those who go down to the pit, and you will not return or take your place in the land of the living. Ezek 26:20
In Ezekiel warning to Tyre who was also marked by music which was the "song of the prostitute" there was a strong emphasis upon trusting commerce rather than trusting God. One of the warnings said--
In your marketplace they traded with you beautiful garments, blue fabric, embroidered work and multicolored rugs with cords twisted and tightly knotted. -- Ezek 27:24
Sin never appears full-blown upon the scene accepted by all but it must begin by little increments. Perhaps we should have a soloist for the evening service. If we get away with that wouldn't it be in keeping with history if she strummed upon the harp while she sang? If one singer/musician is good wouldn't a "great company" be better? If we become addicted to quiet music shouldn't we add more pipes and more horsepower to create a great pipe organ? And if this becomes a "tool" or "aid" to worship shouldn't we "baptize" it and allow only "clergy musicians" to play it?
Remember that Satan first questioned God's Word and then denied it. Next, he appealed to all of the senses. Studies have shown that while the sense of sound can become an avenue to actually changing the chemicals in the brain, a combination of sound, smell, and sight are much more powerful.
God still had the children of Seth who praised Him by telling about His deeds and they took the place of the fallen angels in God's mind. This may be why Paul warned the musical-charismatic Corinthian women that they should be silent "because of the angels."
"Meanwhile the children of Seth, who were on the Holy Mountain, prayed and praised God, in the place of the hosts of angels who had fallen; wherefore God had called them 'angels,' because He rejoiced over them greatly. -- Second Adam and Eve 20:15
There is a common contrast between those who pray and praise God and those who attempt to worship God with that which pleases their own senses. Earlier, when Satan attempted to seduce Adam and Eve, they often caused him to flee by their devotion to prayers and praise which was telling them about what God had done--it was not singing idle songs.
They heard
They wondered
They came
They stood
They looked
They were gradually won over
Genun was given power to multiply the seduction process
The Sethites continued a divided allegianceThe "fallen angels" had once been content to pray and praise God but they took their role as God's judgmental warriors to mean that they were superior (harp and sword lamech) and decided that they would just take control from God. When they fell from heaven they had to be replaced by earthly people who "took their place" in prayer and praise. This was to replace the original state of the fallen angels who praised God vocally.
However, The "fallen angels" could not tolerate praise and prayer and brought their musical practices down to the earth to tempt people through the sexual senses. Therefore, "because of the angels" women are warned not to allow themselves to participate in the worship activities--especially the charismatic practices which still plagued the churches "just out of idolatry." The faithful children of Seth are also witnesses against false religion because some of them remained faithful. God was happy with those who could withstand the very entertaining and exciting inducement to come off the mountain.
This helps us understand why the warriors attempt to praise God with their instruments while the angels prayed and praised Him with the "fruit of their lips." When these warrior angels fell they were then used as soldiers to bring about punishment because Satan did not want a world full of converts--he wanted all of his converts dead so that the world (church) would be emptied so that he would have a free hand in ruling "his" domain.
That's all right, says Genun, just praise God with the "fruit of the lips" at night and I will supply the musical instruments of delusion by day. We can worship with our voices on Sunday morning but perhaps it will be acceptable if we just worship God with the works of our hand--our inventions--for the dull old evening service!
Genun--indwelled by Satan--accepted that because he reasoned: "sooner or later I will get to you." However, then and now, the cause of failure was the rejection of the Word or tokenizing of the Word and the solution would be to return to the Word. Adding the celebration might increase the participation for a time but in the end the "bricks of straw" will just burn up when the heat is turned up.
As the Sethites were gradually won over it was said:
"But after this, they no longer kept His commandment, nor held by the promise He had made to their fathers; but they relaxed from their fasting and praying, and from the counsel of Jared their father. And they kept on gathering together on the top of the mountain, to look upon the children of Cain, from morning until evening, and upon what they did, upon their beautiful dresses and ornaments" Second Adam and Eve 20:16
No well-instructed church is going to instantly decide to abandon worship as God has delivered it. The excitement coming from the rich valleys did not immediately cause the Sethites to come off the mountain but they had such a divided mind that they gave up the study and observance of the Word of God. Then they relaxed fasting as a discipline to buffet their bodies; they gave up praying by which their ancestors had called the Living Word down to chase Satan away, they decided not to listen to the "old folks" any more, and they became the "overflow" crowd just outside the church-building of the Cainites. They could not join wholeheartedly in the "musical praise" of the Cainites but they attended their "gospel concerts" after they gradually believed that music was better than quiet prayer and praise.
Like one addicted to drugs, the initial weekly high seemed so delightful. But if we have discovered a new level of excitement we immediately want to involve our friends. The "fixes" become more frequent until one is on the drug all day. In the modern context, it is common to hear people addicted to music and charismatic practices begin to wish for the next "meeting" before this one is over.
The Cainites out on their recruiting mission were also looking up and called for the Sethites to come join the party. The Sethites claimed that they did not know the way off God's mountain. That is, while the Sethites had defected from the Word in their hearts, they still had the hang-up of "traditionalism" and could see no way to get off the mountain into the rich valley. The long conditioning of the Word had convinced them of God's desire but their change of heart could not yet dispel the sense of guilt which would occur if they got involved in attempting to worship God by what appeal to their own senses. They understood that the first time they repudiated God by repudiating His Word they were going to hurt. They also understood that once the "twisting hurt" created a callus in their hearts the hurt would go away.
"But the children of Seth said to them from above, 'We don't know the way.' Then Genun, the son of Lamech, heard them say they did not know the way, and he bethought himself how he might bring them down." Second Adam and Eve 20:18
Satan always has his little "tattle-tales" within the church, and Genun overheard the conference and tried to find a way to make the change of membership possible.
"Then Satan appeared to him by night, saying, 'There is no way for them to come down from the mountain on which they dwell; but when they come to-morrow, say to them, 'Come ye to the western side of the mountain; there you will find the way of a stream of water, that comes down to the foot of the mountain, between two hills; come down that way to us." Second Adam and Eve 20:19
We noted earlier (First Adam and Eve 26:2-3) that the light from the Word came from the east. Now, that Satan wants to deprive the people of light he insists that they go to the western side of the mountain to find his little stream. Isaiah noted that those who praise the Lord often sing from the west but true praise comes from the east.
Satan came to him and told him that there was a path by which they could get off the mountain. Satan said, in effect, that the mountain was too steep and that there was no direct or "open" way for the non-musical group to just come down and place membership. That is, there is simply no way for one who has studied God's Word about music--especially the Old Testament--to join a musical worship group in a single step. That is before he can "sit" he must first "walk" among them and then "stand" among them.
However, Satan told Genun to tell them that if they went down the western side of the mountain they would find a stream of water which flowed into the valley. Water can't often fall directly off the mountain: it must take the gradual path from one level to another until it gets off the mountain without dashing itself into mist. This, of course, would be a continuation of the "gradualism" which would allow the Sethites to "ease" off the mountain with their bodies still intact.
However, the children of Seth began to disobey God and their father Jared and the children of Cain looked at them on the top of the mountain but saw that there was no way for them to get down and worship with them (v. 16-88). There is simply no way to radically and suddenly drag people off the "mountain" and, in fact, there is no human force adequate to "separate us from the love of God." It takes satanic consultation and, therefore, Satan appeared to Genun and showed him how to get the holy children down from their mountain:
"Then when it was day, Genun blew with horns and beat the drums below the mountain, as he was wont. The children of Seth heard it, and came as they used to do. -- Second Adam and Eve 20:20
They were "looking to the hills."
Genun now switched from just playing loud music to combining it with teaching error and he told the Sethites how to get off the mountain. However, it was to their credit that the Sethites who had been converted in their heart knew that there was a problem between their feelings and the Word of God. Therefore, they returned to Jared who, upon hearing their message, was grieved because he knew that their question told him that they would transgress his counsel.
"But when the children of Seth heard these words from him, they went back into the cave to Jared, to tell him all they had heard. Then when Jared heard it, he was grieved; for he knew that they would transgress his counsel." Second Adam and Eve 20:22-23
By analogy, a group "swarms" and comes to the elders wanting their advice. They find the old church too dull and they have decided that they should form a new church in which they can adopt a "few" of the "innocent" practices which they like when they attend Joywood. However, we would really like your advice. What they have said is "we have decided to do this at any cost even if it divides the church and we want you to tell us that we are ok and you are ok." It didn't take Jared long to catch on. The music, like in the warning of Amos and Isaiah 5, was proof that they were "sliding down the mountain" and were lost and beyond redemption--only a tiny few would suffer for "seventy years" and then return.
The people decided that what was happening "out in the world" was much more "meaningful" than the teachings of Jared. After all "if I don't get anything out of it" then don't I have the duty to find something better? In a page out of modern youth-thought, the men decided to have a home study and perhaps an "organization meeting" and decide how we are going to disrupt the peace upon the mountain. A hundred people decided to "swarm" and join the enemy. When Jared heart this his very soul was moved and he warned them that to go down would be to violate the commandments of their fathers.
"After this a hundred men of the children of Seth gathered together, and said among themselves, 'Come, let us go down to the children of Cain, and see what they do, and enjoy ourselves with them." Second Adam and Eve 20:24
However, this was still a "study group" and they claimed that they just wanted to go down and see what they are doing and just enjoy ourselves with them" (v. 24).
Seeing that they would go down, Jared warned them that they could never return to God's presence on the mountain.
"But when Jared heard this of the hundred men, his very soul was moved, and his heart was grieved. He then arose with great fervour, and stood in the midst of them, and adjured them by the blood of Abel the just, 'Let not one of you go down from this holy mountain, in which our fathers have ordered us to dwell." Second Adam and Eve 20:25
Enoch was grown up enough to join with Jared and warn them not to leave God's way. He told them that the moment they left the mountain they would remove themselves from life and mercy. They would no longer be called "children of God," but "children of the devil."
Later we will see that music had the power to make even ugly women seem very beautiful and ugly men suddenly became attractive. The music, the clothes, and the makeup began to transform the women and the Sethites must have felt themselves slipping--gradually getting hooked but not able to rest the addiction of sight and sound.
"But when Jared saw that they did not receive his words, he said unto them, 'O my good and innocent and holy children, know that when once you go down from this holy mountain, God will not allow you to return again to it." Second Adam and Eve 20:26
God will send strong delusions
Satan through Genun then told the Watchers how to get off the mountain. However, the Sethites went back and told Jared who grieved "for he knew that they would transgress his counsel"(v. 23). A hundred men decided to go down but Jared warned that once they left the mountain they could not return because they would be "reft of life and of mercy and you shall no longer be called 'children of God,' but 'children of the devil.'" (v. 27). Enoch joined in the warning but they wend down from the Holy Mountain.
"For if people occupy their time with pipes, and psalteries, and choirs, and dances, and Egyptian clapping of hands, and such disorderly frivolities, they become quite immodest and intractable, beat on cymbals and drums, and make a noise on instruments of delusion" (Clement, The Instructor).
"...The churches soon adopted an elaborate ceremonial. The hymns of Ephraim the Syrian, of Hilary of Pietavium, and of Sedulius, showed traces of the artificiality which now disturbed every factor in the services of the church" (John Fletcher Hurst, History of the Christian Church, vol. I., p. 357).
"Jingling, banging, and rattling accompanied heathen cults, and the frenzying shawms of a dozen ecstatic cries intoxicated the masses. Amid this euphoric farewell feast of a dying civilization, the voices of nonconformists were emerging from places of Jewish and early Christian worship ..." (Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1971 ed., s.v. "Music")
In the Wilderness parallel, after Israel had fallen into idolatry, God held out His hand but he really sentenced them to go into Assyrian captivity because He knew that once they had tasted the sense stimulants of idolatry they would never return to the quiet worship of Him.
The first company went down to the valley and their greatest wish was fulfilled and they just knew that they had joined the most spiritual church in town because--
"And when they looked at the daughters of Cain, at their beautiful figures, and at their hands and feet dyed with colour, and tattooed in ornaments on their faces, the fire of sin was kindled in them.' -- Second Adam and Eve 20:31
They heard
They wondered
They came
They stood
They looked
The were gradually won over
Genun was given power to accelerate the seduction process
The Sethites continued a divided allegiance
They fell into temptationAnother writer saw the great destruction in later years and warned that they would fall because they made their daughters into singing girls where head adornment was always important. Judah had children by his Canaanite daughter in law but he had to give up the "scepter of his kingdom."
"Now I have much grief, my children, because of your lewdness and witchcrafts, and idolatries which ye shall practise against the kingdom, following them that have familiar spirits, diviners, and demons of error" Ye shall make your daughters singing girls and harlots, and ye shall mingle in the abominations of the Gentiles" (Testament of Judah 4:15-16)
Prostitution is not always overtly sexual. We say that a great speaker "prostitutes his talents" when he goes out to sell books or make a name for himself. Women used by men to attract crowds through their beauty and musical talent are prostituting themselves for their own money or fame.
In the imagery of the New Testament the "Holy Mountain" or kingdom of God is the church and Paul warns that if we practice the same things as those seduced by Satan we cannot live on the mountain--
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions--and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. -- Gal 5:19-21
This error was connected with following familiar spirits, diviners, and demons of error. Making their daughters into singing girls and harlots was literal but the meaning was spiritual in that they engaged in the worship of the "Gentiles" or Cainites (and later the Canaanites). The Bible is very clear that music and adornment played a vital part in inducing ecstasy and Peter will specifically warn the women not to make themselves into something they are not. Because of this failure in later years God brought death and captivity and the destruction of the temple
"For which things' sake the Lord shall bring upon you famine and pestilence, death and the sword, beleaguering by enemies, and revilings of friends, the slaughter of children, the rape of wives, the plundering of possessions, the burning of the temple of God, the laying waste of the land, the enslavement of yourselves among the Gentiles" Testament of Judah 4:17
In later years, the men of Israel would import the pagan women who introduced or enhanced idolatry. This was an affront to the faithful women as surely as the men's choice of a beautiful musician to "perform" on Sunday should be seen as an affront to the Godly women. The destruction which resulted (and results) was always born primarily by the women and children.
It is not just that the Cainites were very beautiful but the charismatic spirit altered the state of the Sethite's minds and they began to hallucinate--seeing even an ugly singer or player as the most beautiful person in the world. When the music attracted their attention and began to win over the Sethites this was Satan's final tool to "close the deal." In the words of God at Sinai, after Israel had engaged in charismatic worship He said that they had become a "laughingstock" before their enemies. How can you fear an army who allows its mind to be taken away by ecstasy?
It was not just the adorned face which seduced the men but as Satan fooled Jared with a phantom or apparition (hallucination) he would make the men and women unnaturally beautiful.
Consistent with many Biblical examples, there is a close association between prostitution and singing women. If anywhere in Scripture God wanted to communicate the message that He wanted to be honored by the secular methods of music then it would appear that in all cases He would use great care not to make unfavorable associations.
However, rescue would come and the confusion brought about by "familiar spirits" would be put down:
"And ye shall be the people of the Lord, and have one tongue; and there shall be there no spirit of deceit of Beliar, for he shall be cast into the fire forever" Testament of Judah 4:30
When the post-flood people became very evil and worshiped God as they choose, God "sent a spirit" into them and confused their tongues so that as they were speaking different tongues they were never able to unify in their Satanic methods. However, when we become the people of God He gives us one tongue so that there can be no "spirit of deceit of Beliar" to cause people to speak in tongues and curse Jesus (1 Cor. 12:1f).
Then Satan made them look most beautiful before the sons of Seth, as he also made the sons of Seth appear of the fairest in the eyes of the daughters of Cain, so that the daughters of Cain lusted after the sons of Seth like ravenous beasts, and the sons of Seth after the daughters of Cain until they committed abomination with them" Second Adam and Eve 20:32
They heard
They wondered
They came
They stood
They looked
The were gradually won over
Genun was given power to accelerate the seduction process
The Sethites continued a divided allegiance
They fell into temptation
They began to hallucinate
They lusted
They fell from graceHave you noticed that the ugliest man alive can literally have women fall in love with him and meet him in every hotel room simply because he has the charisma bestowed by ecstasy-inducing music? Why else would a scraggly-bearded, effeminate man seduce thousands of women and have them screaming, crying, and rolling in the floor but by music? How else can millions of straight women fall in love with a homosexual piano player? The same is true on a lesser level with men where musical ability causes a homely women to appear quite beautiful with tens of thousands of men falling in love with her.
"Ephesus was famous for its shrine of Diana, where thousands of sacred prostitutes believed fornication brought believers into contact with deity in much the same way the Gnostics used authentia (authority) to bind the flesh and the divine together.
When these women converted to Christianity they had to unlearn these pagan practices. 'Virtually without exception, female teachers among the Greeks were courtesans, such as Aspasia, who numbered Socrates and Pericles among her students. Active in every major school of philosophy, these hetairai made it evident in the course of their lectures that they were available afterwards for a second occupation. But the Bible teaches that to seduce men in such a manner was indeed to lead them to slaughter and the halls of death (cf. Prov. 2:18; 5:5; 6:27; 9:18). The verb authentein is thus peculiarly apt to describe both the erotic and murderous." (Trombley, p. 177).
Lust but then guilt--always the guilt. The Sethites had allowed others to pry open their brain and pour in Satanic influences but then Satan admits that he never delivers what he promises and they were left feeling like fools.
The Bible records this even when it says:
When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.
They were the heroes (gods in ANE tablets) of old, men of renown. The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. Gen 6:1-5
They had abandoned their own mind and their God for the best promises in the world but they got nothing but guilt with no remedy.
When Satan's devices had caused the Sethites to fall into sin, they naturally wanted to return to their own place when the music-induced drugs or endorphins had worn off and they realized that they had been in the middle of an ecstatic experience. However, once one comes off the mountain it is very difficult or even impossible to return to the quiet worship of God.
"But after they had thus fallen into this defilement, they returned by the way they had come, and tried to ascend the Holy Mountain. But they could not, because the stones of that holy mountain were of fire flashing before them, by reason of which they could not go up again." (Second Adam and Eve 20:33)
Satan fell when he thought that he could take what belonged to the heavenly realm and bring it into the earthly where the Word was to rule. Of "Lucifer" (Zoe)
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Ezekiel 28:13
Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:14
When Satan fell, it was his goal to get all humanity to join him in seducing others with music and commerce. When Genun (Jubal) fell he had the urge to cause others to fall so that he would not be lonely even in hell.
They Sethites said, in effect, "we didn't really intend to 'join' Satan and his brood down in the dark valley. We just wanted to skip that old dull service for a few Sunday nights because they have the best 'Christian Rock' group in the world." While they were not evil, they had rejected the clear Word of God and slid off the mountain against Godly warnings. Therefore, to this point--
They heard
They wondered
They came
They stood
They looked
The were gradually won over
Genun was given power to accelerate the seduction process
The Sethites continued a divided allegiance
They fell into temptation
They began to hallucinate
They lusted
They fell from grace
They tried to repent but could notThis fall is parallel with the fall from the garden of Eden and, therefore, Satan's appeal to Eve's human senses are often held to have been sexual. After their sin, Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden whose gate was guarded by angelic beings with flashing swords. God's people do not "experience" joy as a result of some charismatic musical performance. Rather, when they honor Him and serve Him they sing out of the inner joy--
But as for you who forsake the LORD and forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for Fortune (gad) and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny, -- Isa 65:11
I will destine you for the sword, and you will all bend down for the slaughter; for I called but you did not answer, I spoke but you did not listen. You did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me." -- Isa 65:12
Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: "My servants will eat, but you will go hungry; my servants will drink, but you will go thirsty; my servants will rejoice, but you will be put to shame. -- Isa 65:13
My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit. -- Isa 65:14
Amos and Isaiah associate this to musical worship which, by definition, means that the Word as it has been written is ignored and the people hunger and thirst for the Word but cannot find it.
While the authenticity of these books may be questioned, it cannot be disputed that they convey the message which Paul wanted conveyed. That message is that when the Word is forgotten and people turn to celebrating their own senses great evil always results. As it touches the concept of angels, they show that children of faith stand in the place of the fallen angels who failed in their worship of God.
When the women took off the veil so that they could display their beauty sexual stimulation was the natural result and people were led away from God. When Paul warned the women to be submissive he warned that--
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. 1 Pet 3:3-4
At Mount Sinai, God originally gave the ten commandments with a body of enabling laws which could have been kept and which would allow them to walk in the very presence of God. However, even as Moses was collecting the laws the Israelites fell into musical ecstasy and worshiped the golden calf which they had made with their own hands. When they wanted to "return to the mountain" of God's grace the could not. Therefore, God gave the ten commandments again but added about 613 laws which were destructive and which could never be kept. In addition, after they had sinned, God told Moses that they would go into captivity and most of them would be destroyed because they could never return to the worship of God in its very simple, non-ecstatic form.
In the second letter to Corinth Paul gives a better description of these people and definitely identifies the unbeliever as an evil infidel who must be "divorced" from fellowship. From the context we understand that they were people who had authority to teach error:
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people." 2 Cor 6:14-16
Paul says (1) "don't keep on being yoked" with these people, and he says (2) "come out" or "be separated" from them. The word "separated" is the same word which is translated as "divorce" elsewhere.
"Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." -- 2 Cor 6:17-18
From all that we know of pagan temples of idols the fundamental method for literally and spiritually seducing men was the use of music and priestesses who taught and served the "worshipers." Paul told the Corinthians in his first letter that they had been led astray to dumb idols and spoke in tongues and may have been cursing Jesus. They could no longer engage in "unity in diversity" with these pagan temples or pagan practices.
Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. -- 2 Cor 4:2-7
The first company had fallen into temptation and it was natural to hire counselors, make up a rescue squad, and go right into the jaws of Satan to rescue and bring them back. However, the second company--with all of the good intentions in the world--joined the unity movement in order to "have more influence." After all, if we are going to "win" them then "how can we knock it if we haven't tried it?" How can you say that Cocaine is bad if you have never sniffed it? Good point. However, once we have sniffed it we might loose all control to even evaluate whether it is good or bad.
"But he followed God's order, and preached unto them not to do down from that holy mountain, and not to hold intercourse with the children of Cain. But they headed not his message, and would not obey his counsel." Second Adam and Eve 20:37-38
But this "valley ministry team" was also tempted and lost. Rather than teach God's Word to prevent error, other missions were sent out until only a few Sethites were left.
Well, perhaps it is just the best thing if "those malcontents" just get out of here and leave us in peace. However, even the small faithful remnant would not be left on the holy mountain but would be taken into captivity and most would die. Only those saved by the ark would survive the "old world" which was destroyed by water and move to a "new world."
CHAP. XXI. Jared dies in sorrow for his sons who had gone astray. A prediction of the Flood. 1 AFTER this another company gathered together,and they went to look after their brethren;
but they perished as well as they.
And so it was, company after company, until only a few of them were left.Because the Sethites had not just "fallen from grace" as they joined the Cainites but they destroyed the "leaven principle" by which the world had a preserving number of people who could slowly convert the celebrants back to God's Word. The "beyond redemption" principle meant that God reached the point where it was not worth the effort to try to purify a polluted mass of humanity--better just begin all over.
"But, O my sons, God will take you to a strange land, and ye shall never again return to behold with your eyes this garden and this holy mountain" (Second Adam and Eve 21:6)
They heard
They wondered
They came
They stood
They looked
The were gradually won over
Genun was given power to accelerate the seduction process
The Sethites continued a divided allegiance
They fell into temptation
They began to hallucinate
They lusted
They fell from grace
They tried to repent but could not
They were sentenced to captivityCHAP. XXII. Only three righteous men left in the world. The evil conditions of men prior to the Flood. 1 BUT Enoch kept the commandment of Jared his father, and continued to minister in the cave.2 It is this Enoch to whom many wonders happened, and who also wrote a celebrated book; but those wonders may not be told in this place.
3 Then after this,
the children of Seth went astray and fell, they, their children and their wives.
And when Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah saw them, their hearts suffered by reason of their fall into doubt full of unbelief; and they wept and sought of God mercy, to preserve them, and to bring them out of that wicked generation."Altogether, not one of our fathers or of their children, remained on that holy mountain, except those three, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah. For all the rest went down from the mountain and fell into sin with the children of Cain. Therefore were they forbidden that mountain, and none remained on it but those three men" Second Adam and Eve 22:10
They may "look to the hills with lust" but they will never get back on top where the Word dwells in relationship with believers.
They heard
They wondered
They came
They stood
They looked
The were gradually won over
Genun was given power to accelerate the seduction process
The Sethites continued a divided allegiance
They fell into temptation
They began to hallucinate
They lusted
They fell from grace
They tried to repent but could not
They were sentenced to captivity
They served as a warning or pattern.Now, the "church" had been stripped of its members by the celebrative worship of the Cainites and we might begin to wonder whether we should adopt their practices to "hold onto the young people." But this was not the case. After all others had died or fallen into temptation, "Enoch kept the commandments of Jared his father, and continued to minister in the cave" (22:1). The little lamp of God's Word still gave light but it was beginning to flicker.
Enoch continued to be a "hold out" and preached three hundred and eighty-five years before he understood that God's grace would simply move him off the face of the earth before it was destroyed (22:4) without it being converted. Truly when we fall off the mountain there probably is never a way back. However, Enoch continued his warnings--
"Enoch said also to them, 'Watch over your souls, and hold fast by your fear of God and by your service of Him, and worship Him in upright faith, and serve Him in righteousness, innocence and judgments, in repentance and also in purity" (Second Adam and Eve 22:7).
Enoch knew full well that the only way to keep from losing one's mind is to hold onto it. Never, for a moment, allow someone else to reach into your skull and take hold of the brain through sight, sound or smell which actually create drugs in the brain. Because drugs are addictive, we need larger doses, and still there is no fulfillment--the promises were lies.
And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: Genesis 5:21
And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: Genesis 5: 22
And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: Genesis 5: 23
And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5: 24The story of Enoch is in three parts. The primary Genun story begins here. The Book of Jubilees version is here.
While music, like steak, has its rightful and productive place, it should not be used to silence the rational (spirit) part of the brain so that error sounds like truth.
Kenneth Sublett
First edition: 1996, Posted 1997. Edited 9/13/01
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