Stozzi, Tito Vespasiano
circum candentia flammae
150Et virides radiant innexo adamante smaragdi.
Ipsa manu sceptrum, mira quod Mulciber arte
This Mulciber is the same as the Roman god Vulcan as well as having the qualities of Lucifer
Dr. Terry L. Miethe: Speak Where the Bible Speaks
Response to an E-mail Update 12.03.11 4:40 12.04.11 3:26 Revised 1.02.13
Subject: Re: Index
From: Dr. Terry L. Miethe <>
To: Kenneth Sublett <knthsublett@gmail.comt>
From Terry L. Meithe: Royce Money is no friend of mine. But, you "sir" are a true idiot! It is just a real shame that you know how to type and use the WWW! It is because of people like you that it is a "dangerous" place full of garbage!
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: You just do not get it. Evidently cannot get it. The use or nonuse of instrumental music has NOTHING to do with the "Bible" at all. And, NO what you post is not in agreement with the Bible or your so-called "known" history. It is in agreement with your bigoted misuse of reason and "history" to incorrectly argue a point that shouldn't even be argued! You are just the kind of person Chesterton was warning about with regard to the "irrepressible half truths masquerading as Truth."
From the time that "singing" as an ACT was first introduced in abut ad 373 people have sowed discord in order to force people to sing (not tunefully) their own songs as propaganda. It is true that the music word as in tuneful melody or harmony is never used in the Bible in connection with congregational assemblies. It should not be an issue. However, working with the NACC,
Rick Atchley: The era of the progressive Church of Christ is over.
Well, we discipled the children of those progressive churches
for a whole generation to grow past us Boomers.
They never heard the sermons we heard.
They never heard the rationale for a cappella music.
We sent them to youth rallies and Church of Christ events
with some of the finest Christian bands in the world.
We discipled our children to leave our Movement!
The only legalistic concept promoted today is using the Levites making loud sounds during the burnt offering of the goats for Israel which had already defected in a civil war.
Rick Atchley says: that the Levites -- following the NACC pattern -- were commanded to make instrumental music and this is used to say that "God commanded instrumental music" and "you had better not be disobedient." They say that Onstrumental music has therefore been the identifying mark of godly people: there is no longer an option because Jesus did not say thou shalt not use instruments.
In fact the Bible said that the Levites--under the not-commanded king--were SOOTHSAYERS with INSTRUMENTAL accompaniment.
- It was because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai that the Levites volunteered to execute 3,000 of the "brethren."
- Moses then commanded that the Levites stand in ranks to warn any one not of Levi that they would be executed if they came later.
- It was David who commanded the Levites to make noise during the burnt offering of the goats in the Hezekiah example.
- The godly congregation was "outside" the gate or outside the camp to escape being executed.
- Christ through the prophets especially Isaiah 1 and Jeremiah 7 said that God DID NOT command sacrifices or burnt offerings: they were imposed when God turned them over to worship the starry host at a Jebusite High Place, Jerusalem, called Sodom by John.
- Sorry, but God will never let them read BLACK text on BROWN Paper.
2Chronicles 29:27 And Hezekiah
commanded to offer the burnt offering upon the altar.
And when the burnt offering began,
the song of the LORD began also with the trumpets,
and with the instruments ordained by David king of Israel.
- If the NACC says that God commanded Instrumental Music for the Ekklesia - Synagogue of Christ.
- And Christ in the prophets or Jesus in the flesh says that God DID NOT command king, kingdom, temple, priests, Levites, sacrifices or instrumental music as they were ABANDONED to worship the starry host.
- Then Christ in Jeremiah 23 says that they despise God and are BLASPHEMERS.
- There is no hope for blasphemers.
- Why are not insult those who boast about "diverting" other people and stealing the church houses of widow.
Those boasting about "infiltrating and diverting your congregation into a theater for holy entertainment" are the ones who make "music" into an issues. All disciples [students] of Christ understand with the Restoration Leaders that church is A School (only) of Christ (only).
Without wanting to be offensive, I am fairly certain that theologians do not actually seek any fraction of truth as defined by the Bible. Jesus ordained elders to "teach the Word as it has been taught" and "refute those who oppose it." Even if you could hallucinate modern singing in the School of Christ, the direct command is to teach "that which is written for our learning using one mind and one mouth." Doctors of the Law, said Jesus, have the task of "taking away the key to knowledge." Theologians make or are forced to make the blunder that the mysteries of God are deeper, richer and more enlightening than any cuty song or sermon.I believe the quote is [JANUARY 9th] THE thing from which England suffers just now more than from any other evil is not the assertion of falsehoods, but the endless and irrepressible repetition of half-truths.
Bigot, french, hypocrite: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intoleranceI believe that qualifies as a RACA word but is the only defense instrumentalists or performers have left. Theologians do not grasp that the resource for building or educating the disciples is the Word of God. Non-disciples try to defeat that by disabling the Word or Logical mind (spirit) by using music. A literaly hypocrite can ONLY apply to those performing artists who sell the free water of the Word.
The Christ-defined meaning of a hypocrite (Scribe, Pharisee, performer, writer) in Isaiah and Ezekiel:
This was OUTLAWED for the Church in the wilderness: Common decency when God's Word (only) is being taught.Ezekiel 33:2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them,
When I bring the sword upon a land,
if the people of the land take a man of their coasts,
and set him for their watchman:
Ezek. 33:3 If when he seeth the sword come upon the land,
he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;
Ezek. 33:4 Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet,
and taketh not warning;
if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.
Ezekiel 33:5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning;
his blood shall be upon him.
But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet,
and the people be not warned; if the sword come,
and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity;
but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.
Ezekiel 33:7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel;
therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.
Ezek. 33:30 Also, thou son of man,By absolute definition a HYPOCRITE is FIRST a rhetorician as well as a MUSICIAN both called sorcerers because they intend to deceive the SIMPLE MINDED.
the children of thy people still are talking against thee
by the walls and in the doors of the houses,
and speak one to another, every one to his brother, saying,
Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the LORD.
Ezek. 33:31 And they come unto thee
AS the people cometh,
and they sit before thee
AS my people,
and they hear thy words,
but they will not do them:
for with their mouth they shew much love,
but their heart goeth after their covetousness.
Christ's definition of nothing of value: hypocrites.
Ezek. 33:32NET Realize that to them
you are like a sensual song,
a beautiful voice and skilled musician.
They hear your words, but they do not obey them.
Ezek. 33:33 When all this comes true–and it certainly will–
then they will know that a prophet was among them."
IN LATIN-Hupokritikos 2.suited for speaking or delivery, actor's art, acting a part, pretending to. Hupokrites 2. of an orator, poikilos rhapsodist, pretender, dissembler, hypocrite , interpreter, expounder l Epos
A hypocrite is: A. A. Poikilos 2. of Art, p. humnos a song of changeful strain or full of diverse art, Pi.O.6.87; “poikilon kitharizōn” Id.N.4.14; “dedaidalmenoi pseudesi poikilois muthoi” Id.O.1.29; of style, “lexis poiētikōtera kai p.” Isoc.15.47 (Comp.); “skhēmatismoi” D.H.Is.3.
A hypocrite is: B.Epos A. vácas 'word', 'hymn', cf. eipon):
1. song or lay accompanied by music, 8.91,17.519.
IV. in pl., epic poetry, opp. melē (lyric poetry), iambeia, dithuramboi, etc., “rhaptōn epeōn aoidoi” Pi.N.2.2 ; “ta Kupria epea” Hdt.2.117, cf. Th.1.3, X.Mem.1.4.3, Pl.R.379a, etc. ; “epea te poiein pros luran t' aeidein” Theoc.Ep.21.6 ; “nikēsas epos” IG3.1020 ; poētēs epōn7.3197.9 (Orchom. Boeot.), cf. OGI51.37 (Egypt, iii B.C.). ib.
The Nicolaitans were always the pagan musical clergy who TRIUMPHED over the Laity.
Nikaō , Ion. nikeō Democr.249, Herod.1.51, also GDI1413.16 (Aetol.), SIG265.4 (Delph., iv B.C.), v.l. in Apoc.2.7; Aeol. nikēmi Theoc.7.40, AP7.743 (Antip.); also in impf. nikē cj. in Pi.N.5.5, cf. Theoc.6.46: Ep. impf. 1pl.C. Phoebas , ădis, f., a priestess of Apollo; hence the inspired one, the prophetess,
2. prevail, be superior, muthoisin, egkhei, Il.18.252; “doloisi” Od.3.121; kallei enika (sc. krētēr) Il.23.742; “pasan aretēn nenikēkōs” Pl.Lg.964c: c. part., “euergetōn n.” X.Ages.9.7.
4. c. inf., succeed in . . , “enikēse skorpisai” Psalm.Solom.4.13.
Psalms of Solomon
4:7 Let God remove those that live in hypocrisy in the company of the pious,
........ (Even) the life of such an one with corruption of his flesh and penury.4:8 Let God reveal the deeds of the men-pleasers,
........ The deeds of such an one with laughter and derision;4:9 That the pious may count righteous the judgement of their God,
........ When sinners are removed from before the righteous,
........ (Even the) man- pleaser who uttereth law guilefully.4:11 And their eyes (are fixed) upon any man's house that is (still) secure,
........ That they may, like (the) Serpent, destroy the wisdom of...
........ with words of transgressors,4:12 His words are deceitful that (he) may accomplish (his) wicked desire.
4:13 He never ceaseth from scattering (families) as though (they were) orphans,
........ Yea, he layeth waste a house on account of (his) lawless desire.4:14 He deceiveth with words, (saying,) There is none that seeth, or judgeth.
4:15 He fills one (house) with lawlessness, And (then) his eyes (are fixed) upon the next house,
........ To destroy it with words that give wing to (desire).
........ (Yet) with all these his soul, like Sheol, is not sated.
Simulatior. a falsely assumed appearance, a false show, feigning, shamming, pretence, feint, insincerity, deceit, hypocrisy, simulation, pretend to be under a divine command. Keep in Latin: Custodio II. With the accessory idea of hindering free motion, A. In gen., to hold something back, to preserve, keep:Because this writer is simple minded he leaves it to those who IMPOSE to DISPOSE people of their spiritual inheritance to find legalistic loopholes by defining these verbal forms into a text which DOES NOT doom them.
Meaning to keep precepts or laws: Regula a rule, pattern, measuring rod, formula sermonisCustodio: hold something back, preserve, hinder free motion, watch, preserve. hold back simulation.
Loquor to speak, talk, say (sermo in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation
Excito I. to call out or forth, to bring or send out, to wake or rouse up (freq. and class.; cf.: provoco, evoco; irrito, lacesso, invito).
“ignem,” to kindle up, excite, Caes. B. G. 7, 24, 4; Lucr. 6, 308: “incendium,” Cic. Phil. 7, 1, 3: “invalidas flammas admoto fomite,” Luc. 8, 776.
ignis A. (Mostly poet.) The fire or glow of passion, in a good or bad sense; of anger, rage, fury:varios sermones, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 10, 2: “quantas tragoedias,” Cic. Mil. 7, 18
raving, inspiration, Stat. Ach. 1, 509: “quae simul aethereos animo conceperat ignes, ore dabat pleno carmina vera dei,”
B. Figuratively of that which brings destruction, fire, flame: “quem ille obrutum ignem (i. e. bellum) reliquerit,” Liv. 10, 24
“of Aurora,” id. ib. 4, 629: “arcano florentes igne smaragdi,” [emeralds]
smăragdus (in many MSS. written also zmăr- :I. “smărăgdus,” Mart. 5, 11, 1), i, comm. (m., Plin. 37, 5, 16, § 62; Luc. 10, 121; f., Mart. 4, 28, 4; Claud. VI. Cons. Hon. 563), = σμάραγδός, a transparent precious stone of a bright green color; including not only our emerald, but also the beryl, jasper, malachite, etc., Plin. 37, 5, 16, § 62; 37, 5, 18, § 73; Lucr. 2, 805; 4, 1126; Tib. 1, 1, 51; 2, 4, 27; Ov. M. 2, 24; Stat. Th. 2, 276 al.
Stozzi, Tito Vespasiano
circum candentia flammae
150Et virides radiant innexo adamante smaragdi.
Ipsa manu sceptrum, mira quod Mulciber arte
This Mulciber is the same as the Roman god Vulcan as well as having the qualities of Lucifer
Mulcĭber An epithet of Vulcanus (q.v.).
*] c. Mulciber, Vulcan, has -berī and -brī in the genitive. The barbaric names Hibēr and Celtibēr retain ē throughout.
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold:
the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created [cast out]. Ezekiel 28:13
Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:14
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Ezekiel 28:15By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:16
Carmen , ĭnis, n. (old form cas-men , Varr. L. L. p. 86 Bip.) [Sanscr. çasto declaim, praise; cf.: camilla, censeo],I. a tune, song; poem, verse; an oracular response, a prophecy; a form of incantation (cf.: cano, cantus, and canto).I. In gen., a tune, song, air, lay, strain, note, sound, both vocal and instrumental (mostly poet.; in prose, instead of it, cantus; cf. “also versus, numeri, modi): carmen tuba ista peregit ( = sonus),
“acutus et excitatus sonus,” Cic. Rep. 6, 18.—Comp.: “clamor,” Liv. 4, 37, 9: “haec lumina,” Quint. 12, 10, 49: “schema,” id. 9, 3, 10 Sŏnus , i (collat. form sŏnus ,“non exaudito tu
Christ said that Lucifer (Venus, Zoe) was a singing and harp-playing prostitute in the garden of Eden. He / she / it had wind, string and percussion instruments when she was "created" or Cast as profane out of heaven. In Revelation 17 the Babylon Mother of Harlots (Jerusalem) used lusted after fruits as speakers, singers and instrument players John called sorcerers in Revelation 18. John says that they will be (have been) cast alive into the Lake of Fire at the same time Jesus removes their lambs.
Miriam was a Soothsayer with instrumental accompaniment: the Levites were Soothsayers with instrumental accompaniment. They stood in ranks and made "noise" to warn you that you would be executed if you came near or into any holy thing or place.
h5175.Nachash from h5172.
Inanna, like Istar the mother/bride of Tammuz worshiped by the women in the Jerusalem temple, got Ea drunk and forced him to give her the ME which were supernatual gifts. Perverted sexuality and instrumental music were two prized gifts:The ME, Inanna - Ea - Gift of Wisdom and Music
- He gave me the art of lovemaking.
- He gave me the art of kissing the phallus.
- He gave me the art of prostitution.
- He gave me the resounding musical instrument.
- He gave me the art of song.
- He gave me the art of the elder.
- He gave me the kindling of strife
As in all temple-states, the common people were not involved in the temple worship rituals:
THIS IS WHAT GOD ABANDONED ISREAL TO DO WHEN HE TURNED THEM OVER TO WORSHIP THE STARRY HOST."Each of the important deities had, in one or more of the Babylonian cities, a large temple in which he or she was worshiped. Temple services were generally conducted in open courts containing fountains for ablution and altars for sacrifices.
Only the high priest and other privileged members of the clergy and court were permitted to enter the cella, or inner part of the temple, which held the special statue of the deity
[Only these were involved with the musical animal sacrifices for purifying temple or personnel in the court or slaughter pit but never IN the Jerusalem Temple. The Levites performed as Soothsayers with instrumental accompaniment: they would execute anyone not authorized. That is what God commanded]
The needs of the deity were provided for in accordance with impressive ceremonies carried out by a vast institutionalized clergy that included
priests, musicians, magicians, soothsayers, dream interpreters, astrologers, and hierodules (temple slaves or prostitutes). Sacrifices of food, drink, or incense were offered daily. Numerous festivals were held, the most important of which was the celebration of the new year at the spring equinox. Encarta Encyclopedia
Musical worship teams seem to have unnatural power over the minds of lower class or immature people. For this reason, it was an early belief of the Babylonians that sensual (read sexual) enjoyment from women singers (and men singers for the priestly classes and others) had magical power. In the end, of course, anything directed to the human emotion and bypassing the rational (spirit) was really idolatry which is always self worship. In defining Christian singing as "filling up with the Word or spirit and then speaking that truth to one another to teach and warn" Paul understood that:
"According to the system which Nimrod was the grand instrument in introducing, men were led to believe
that a real spiritual change of heart was unnecessary,
and that so far as change was needful,
they could be regenerated by mere external means."Looking at the subject in the light of the Bacchanalian orgies (Read Ephesus and Corinth), which, as the reader has seen, commemorated the history of Nimrod, it is evident that
he led mankind to seek their chief good in sensual enjoyment,and showed them how they might enjoy the pleasures of sin, without any fear of the wrath of a holy God. (Voodoo, Rock, Boogie Woogie becomes Contemporary Christian Music)
"In his various expeditions he was always accompanied by troops of women; and by music and song, and games (ritual drama) and revelries, and everything that could please the natural hearts,
he commended himself to the good graces of mankind." (Hislop, Alexander, The Two Babylons, p. 55, Loizeaux Brothers)
Parkes notes that most groups normally do not exceed about 150 (the Mormons understand that) and there is normally no professional leadership. However, in the ancient religions during a crisis, someone often emotionally or sexually abnormal might chant a song during a dry spell.
Sure enough, it rains the the non-productive member becomes a prophet. It isn't too long before he turns from servant to master. "If you want your pigs to be born alive you had better pay me." Or, "I can solve your marriage problems if you attend my church."
"Awed by the mysteries of his own spirit (See 1 Cor 14) no less than by those of nature, primitive man was likely to attribute to divine influence any abnormal emotional state, whether above or below the usual level. Medicine men customarily went into states of trance
in which they were believed to be in communication with the gods,
and many tribes supposed lunatics and sexual deviants to be divinely possessed.
"In most early societies, moreover, men evolved techniques
for deliberately inducing the abnormal forms of consciousness
in which they supposed themselves to achieve union with divine power,
sometimes by the use of drugs and other physiological stimuli,
sometimes by hypnotic dances and music.The wild utterances (speaking in tongues) to which they gave vent on such occasions were regarded as the words of a god and were interpreted as divine commands or predictions of future events." (Parkes, H.B., Gods and Men, p. 32-33).
"But when all these things were done, men turned again to impiety; [There is a similar chapter in Homily IX. 7, but in a discourse: on the following day.-R.] and on this account a law was given by God to instruct them in the manner of living.But in process of time, the worship of God and righteousness were corrupted by the unbelieving and the wicked, as we shall show more fully by and by.
Moreover, perverse and erratic religions were introduced, to which the greater part of men gave themselves up,by occasion of holidays and solemnities, instituting drinkings and banquets, following pipes, and flutes, and harps, and diverse kinds of musical instruments, and indulging themselves in all kinds of drunkenness and luxury.
Hence every kind of error took rise; hence they invented groves and altars, fillets and victims, and after drunkenness they were agitated as if with mad emotions.
By this means power was given to the demons to enter into minds of this sort, so that they seemed to lead insane dances and to rave like Bacchanalians; hence were invented the gnashing of teeth, and bellowing from the depth of their bowels; hence a terrible countenance and a fierce aspect in men, so that he whom drunkenness had subverted and a demon had instigated, was believed by the deceived and the erring to be filled with the Deity
Christ commanded the Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ in the Wilderness and the godly tribes were restricted to their area (about 700ft.) and commanded to Rest, Read and Rehearse the Word available to the sub-elders of the local group. The sabbath or REST outlawed ministers of God from going out.
A laded burden is a song that has a repeat, repeat, repeat almost always falsehood.
All of the massive sowing of discord would go away if someone could grasp the absolute fact that Qahal, synagogue or Church in the wilderness which never changed was as A School of the Word. The synagogue of Christ is built upon the Prophets and Apostles and the silencing of the hypocritic arts is always the pagan THESIS and using one mind and one mouth to teach "that which is written for out learning" as the only resource for which the assembly is called out of its living out their faith before the watching world.
Those who offend up to half of the "owners" of congregation often tell them that a "spirit" is speaking to them and YOU have no right to question the leadership. Well, people have questioned the music issue from the beginning but God in His wisdom breathed (the Spirit) on Jesus of Nazareth so that he spoke the words without METRON.
We know that Jesus didn't speak ALL of the words in God's Mind (Spirit) or without "measure" in a limited sense. The word "metron" is most often used in the Greek text to means METER. The word SPEAK in fact outlaws meter in any tuneful sense. Perhaps that is why you cannot SING any of the Bible as written and why the word LOGOS means the opposite of poetry or music or meter.
We can be dogmatic about that because the Catholics did not accompany congregational singing and when the big city churches inherited the Cathedrals they clamoured to be able to sing like the opera (organum). Calvin permitted some psalms (only) to be radically rewritten and set to a simple meter to be sung in unison (only). That is what Paul commanded in Romans 15 although the singing was not related to modern melody.
People may not believe or ever had read that the command is to use ONE MIND and ONE MOUTH to teach that which is written for our learning.
It is doubtful whether you can find even one of the great Greek Scholars who didn't know that all of the performers in theater or religious center who did not know that "men set their lies to melodies to deceive the ignorant."
THE CLASSICAL MEANING OF LEGALISM IS OBEYING A SET TRADITION ABOUT HOW MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WERE TO BE PLAYED.Plat. Laws 10.885b it has been already stated summarily what the punishment should be; and in respect of all the outrages, whether of word or deed, which a man commits, either by tongue or hand, against the gods, we must state the punishment he should suffer, after we have first delivered the admonition. It shall be as follows:—
No one who believes, as the laws prescribe, in the existence of the gods
has ever yet done an impious deed voluntarily, or uttered a lawless word:
he that acts so is in one or other of these three conditions of mind—
either he does not believe in what I have said; or, secondly, he believes that the gods exist,
but have no care for men;
or, thirdly, he believes that they are easy to win over when bribed by offerings and prayers.1 [hymns]
1 Cf.Plat. Rep. 364b ff.
[364b] and disregard those who are in any way weak or poor, even while admitting that they are better men than the others. But the strangest of all these speeches are the things they say about the gods1 and virtue, how so it is that the gods themselves assign to many good men misfortunes and an evil life but to their opposites a contrary lot; and begging2 priests and soothsayers go to rich men's doors and make them believe that they by means of sacrifices and incantations have accumulated a treasure of power from the gods3 that can expiate and cure with pleasurable festivals
1 The gnomic poets complain that bad men prosper for a time, but they have faith in the late punishment of the wicked and the final triumph of justice.
2 There is a striking analogy between Plato's language here and the description by Protestant historians of the sale of indulgences by Tetzel in Germany. Rich men's doors is proverbial. Cf. 489 B.
3 Cf. Mill, “Utility of Religion,”Three Essays on Religion, p. 90: “All positive religions aid this self-delusion. Bad religions teach that divine vengeance may be bought off by offerings or personal abasement.” Plato, Laws 885 D, anticipates Mill. With the whole passage compare the scenes at the founding of Cloudcuckootown, Aristophanes Birds 960-990, and more seriously the medieval doctrine of the “treasure of the church” and the Hindu tapas.
Plat. Rep. 2.364c any misdeed of a man or his ancestors, and that if a man wishes to harm an enemy, at slight cost he will be enabled to injure just and unjust alike, since they are masters of spells and enchantments1 that constrain the gods to serve their end.
And for all these sayings they cite the poets as witnesses,
with regard to the ease and plentifulness of vice, quoting:“
Evil-doing in plenty a man shall find for the seeking;
1 In Laws 933 D both are used of the victim with epōdais, which primarily applies to the god. Cf. Lucan, Phars. vi. 492 and 527.
Epōdē , Ion. and poet. epa^oidē , hē, II. apptly., = epōdos 11,Plat. Rep. 2.364d
and a certain long and uphill road. And others cite Homer as a witness to the beguiling of gods by men, since he too said:““ Smooth is the way and it lies near at hand and is easy to enter;
But on the pathway of virtue the gods put sweat from the first step,
”Hes. WD 287-289
The gods themselves are moved by prayers,
And men by sacrifice and soothing vows,
Plat. Rep. 2.364eAnd they produce a bushel1 of books of Musaeus and Orpheus, the offspring of the Moon and of the Muses, as they affirm, and these books they use in their ritual, and make not only ordinary men but states believe that there really are remissions of sins and purifications for deeds of injustice, by means of sacrifice and pleasant sport2 for the living,“ And incense and libation turn their wills
Praying, whenever they have sinned and made transgression.
”Hom. Il. 9.497
1 homadon, lit. noise, hubbub, babel, here contemptuous. There is no need of the emendation hopmathon. Cf. 387 A, and Kern, Orphicorum Fragmenta, p. 82; cf. John Morley, Lit. Studies, p. 184, “A bushel of books.”
2 Cf. Laws 819 B. paizō , dance, play a game
4. play on a musical instrument, h.Ap.206: c. acc., “Pan ho kalamophthogga paizōn” Ar.Ra.230; dance and sing, Pi. O.1.16.Plat. Laws 10.885c Athenian
In derision they would probably say this: “O Strangers of Athens, Lacedaemon and Crete, what you say is true. Some of us do not believe in gods at all; others of us believe in gods of the kinds you mention. So we claim now, as you claimed in the matter of laws,Plat. Laws 10.885d that before threatening us harshly, you should first try to convince and teach us, by producing adequate proofs, that gods exist, and that they are too good to be wheedled by gifts and turned aside from justice. For as it is, this and such as this is the account of them we hear from those who are reputed the best of poets [ poiētōn], orators [rhētorōn], seers [manteōn], priests, and thousands upon thousands of others;
and consequently most of us,
instead of seeking to avoid wrong-doing,
do the wrong and then try to make it good.
Manti^s , Apollo, Casandra, Pythian priestess, Dionysus
Nomos , ho, ( [nemô] ) can mean "the Law of God" without respect to MOSES.
A. that which is in habitual practice, use or possession, not in Hom. (cf. J.Ap.2.15), though read by Zenod. in Od.1.3.
I. usage, custom, [Mousai] melpontai pantôn te nomous kai êthea kedna Hes.Th.66n. archaios aristosWAS MARTIN LUTHER A BIGOT?A. Mousa 1 [known as filthy adulteresses and the LOCUSTS of Revelation]
I. the Muse, in pl. the Muses, goddesses of song, music, poetry, dancing, the drama, and all fine arts, Hom.: the names of the nine were Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia or Polyhymnia, Urania, and Calliope, Hes.,
II. mousa, as appellat., music, song, Pind., Trag.:--also eloquence, Eur.:--in pl. arts, accomplishments, Ar., Plat.[hypocrites]
Homer, Odyssey 1:[1] Tell me, O Muse, of the man of many devices, who wandered full many ways after he had sacked the sacred citadel of Troy. Many were the men whose cities he saw and whose mind he learned, aye, and many the woes he suffered in his heart upon the sea
B. Melpontai Melpo celebrate with song and dance. Od.4.17, [make melody with singing and the phormizon or HARP of Apollo.] dance a war-dance in honour of Ares, Sing and play the kithera, sing and play the aulos or flute. Epithet of Dionysus.
Od.4.17 Homer Odyssey 4.[15] So they were feasting in the great high-roofed hall, the neighbors and kinsfolk of glorious Menelaus, and making merry; and among them a divine minstrel was singing to the lyre, and two tumblers whirled up and down through the midst of them, as he began his song.
Making literal MELODY is the MARK of sorcery: Paul said do that IN the heart and you won't HARM people.
This "arousal singing" was always associated with Phoibos who was the BRIGHT ONE who is also Lucifer and Zoe. He competed with the Pythian spirit Paul cast out of the little TRAFFICING girl USED by men.
II. melody, strain, oida d' ornichôn nomôs pantôn Alcm.67 ; n. hippios Pi.O. 1.101 ; Apollôn hageito pantoiôn n. Id.N.5.25; n. polemikoi Th.5.69 ; epêlalaxan Arai ton oxun n. A.Th.952 (lyr.); krektoi n. S.Fr. 463 , cf. AP9.584: metaph., tous Haidou n. S.Fr.861 .
Pindar, Odes 5. The most beautiful chorus of Muses sang gladly for the Aeacids on Mt. Pelion, and among them Apollo, [Abaddon, Apollyon] sweeping the seven-tongued lyre with a golden plectrum, [25][25] led all types of strains. And the Muses began with a prelude to Zeus, then sang first of divine Thetis and of Peleus; how Hippolyte, the opulent daughter of Cretheus, wanted to trap him with deceit
2. esp. a type of early melody created by Terpander for the lyre as an accompaniment to Epic texts, n. orthios Hdt.1.24 ; n. Boiôtios S.Fr.966 ; n. kitharôidikoi Ar.Ra.1282 , cf. Pl.Lg.700d, Arist.Po.1447b26, Pr.918b13, etc.; also for the flute, n. aulôidikos Plu.2.1132d ; without sung text, n. aulêtikos ib.1133d, cf. 138b, Poll.4.79; later, composition including both words and melody, e.g. Tim.Pers.
NOTE: the use of the HARP had ceased over 400 years beforee the time of Paul
Epic verses were originally sung to musical accompaniment, but after the time of Terpander, as lyric poetry became more independently cultivated, the accompaniment of stringed instruments fell into disuse;
[40] The fortune that is born along with a man decides in every deed. And you, Euthymenes from Aegina, have twice fallen into the arms of Victory and attained embroidered hymns.
"That with one accord ye may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
52. All the good we can do to God is to praise and to thank him. This is the only true service we can render him, according to his words in Psalm 50, 23:
"Whoso offereth the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifieth me; and to him that ordereth his way aright will I show the salvation of God."
We receive all blessings from him, in return for which we should make the offering of praise. If anything else purporting to be service to God is presented for your consideration rest assured it is erroneous and delusive.
For instance, the distracted world attempts to serve God by setting apart houses, churches, cloisters; vestures, gold-trimmed, silk and [50] every other kind;
silver vessels and images; bells and organs, candles and lamps;
the money for which expense should have been appropriated to the poor if the object was to make an offering to God.Further, it keeps up a muttering and wailing in the churches day and night. But true praise and honor of God, a service that cannot be confined to place or person, is quietly ignored the world over.
The pretenses of priests and monks about their system of exercises being service to the Lord, are false and delusive.
53. Service to God is praise of him. It must be free and voluntary, at table, in the chamber, cellar, garret, in house or field, in all places, with all persons, at all times. Whosoever teaches otherwise is no less guilty of falsehood than the Pope and the devil himself.
But how shall there be with us honor and praise of God, true service to him, when we neither love him nor receive his blessings? And how shall we love him when we do not know him and his blessings?
And how shall we know him and his blessings when no word is preached concerning them and when the Gospel is left to lie under the table?
Where the Gospel is not in evidence, knowledge of God is an impossibility.Then to love and praise him is likewise impossible. As a further consequence it is necessarily impossible for divine service to exist.
Even if all the choristers were one chorister, all the priests one priest, all the monks one monk, all the churches one church,
all the bells one bell; in brief if all the foolish services offered to God in the institutions, churches and cloisters were a hundred thousand times greater and more numerous than they are,
--what does God care for such carnivals and juggling?54. Therefore, God complains most of the Jews in the second chapter of Micah,
because they silenced his praise, while at the same time, they piped, blared and moaned like we do.
True divine service of praise cannot be established with revenues,
nor be circumscribed by laws and statutes.High and low festivals have nothing to do with it.
It emanates from the Gospel, and certainly is as often rendered by a poor, rustic servant as by a great bishop. [51]
Titus 2: Here is a very quick linked resource to understand why Luther knew what modern scholars repudiate.WERE ALL OF THE RECORDED LITERATURE WHICH IDENTIFIED MUSIC AS SORCERY OR SOOTHSAYING BIGOTS?
What the real Campbell said in 1826: Bigotry. AMONGST the indiscriminate usage and application of the term bigotry, it is not uncommon to find it very unwarrantably applied.
It is used to excite public odium, where the thing which it is used to represent is no way disgusting.
Hence some are called bigots, and accused of bigotry, for rejecting all written creeds except the bible; for being strict in worshipping God according to his commandments; for requiring the members of a christian community to obey God rather than men. And I have known infidels accuse a christian church of bigotry, because they would not retain in their fellowship immoral persons, or persons who denied the Lord that bought them; and those who, in the apostles estimation, denied the faith and were worse than an infidel.
Those who dislike the institutions of the Messiah are often found reproaching those with bigotry who love and obey them. Indeed, there is no term, whether received in a good or a bad sense, that may not be most egregiously misapplied
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: : You do not know nearly as much as you think you do about church history, the Bible, or Campbell, etc.
In fact, you are the perfect example of the danger of a "half education." I have worked with dozens, perhaps hundreds of engineers and there is a reason they have a reputation for having "tunnel vision." I wrote two Ph.D. dissertations at two major universities - USC and Oxford - on Alexander Campbell's Social Ethics and Educational Theory, and own and have read the complete Millennial Harbinger, as well as owning Campbell first editions.
From page to page God commands that we only teach what He has commanded to be taught: knowing that He is God and I am not I try to faithfully copy the text and see how "tham wurds" are used in contemporaneous literature. They won't let you get beyond McGuffy's Lexicom and usually scholars quote other scholars to gain favor. Maybe the meek will inherit something?
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: Campbell found himself at the "head" of a movement of bigots and reactionaries very early on. But not wanting to have a split in his young movement, he when to the extreme of having others voice his opinion in the Harbinger. MANY - not all - of the church of Christ "creators" were of this reactionary and hotheaded lot! A FACT OF HISTORY!
No, that's a RACA statement. The Campbells would not have attracted all of those Stoneites and Baptists if he had been a hothead. Lots of preachers then and now get too aggitated when the instrumentalists boast about infiltrating and diverting their church away.
Spiritual Worship means RATIONAL WORSHIP: the LOGOS words are the opposite of the EMOTIONAL or feminine practices.
None of the Restoration leaders fighting the musical invaders in MOST religious groups at the time ever said or did anything which could be used as a weapon to refute any part of the Biblical Message. Christ in all of the Prophets may have been pretty unsocial when He warned that God would drive His enemies into "hell" to the beat of wind, string and percussion instruments. Jesus issued the same warning by marking the rhetoricians, singers and instrument players as SORCERERS and said that they would be cast ALIVE into the lake of fire. Richard Hughes had some bones to pick and was not a very good reader of Campbell. For instance, he has everyone pushing the "apocalyptic" vision of Campbell when Alexander Campbell CLEARLY refuted all of the millennial views.
Isaiah 30 is parallel to Revelation 17-18
Campbell always used another "name" to represent the absolute views of the Disciples/ Christian Chruches with whom the Church of Christ was never united and held almost nothing in common: Stone dened the Atonement. The E-mail writer is in fact threatening me for using his name. Then, always, Campbell answered with HIS OWN VIEWS. He did this against the Trinity, the Clergy, and Instruments. This would make Alexander a Coward.
In answering Mr. G
Calling Campbell and me a biggot will not change any of the universal connection between instruments and men intending to silence the "voice of the victim.""being founded on the Jewish pattern of things--baptism being given to all born into the world of these politico-ecclesiastic communities--
I wonder not, then, that an organ, a fiddle, or a Jews-harp, should be requisite to stir up their carnal hearts, and work into ecstasy their animal souls, else "hosannahs languish on their tongues, and their devotions die."
And that all persons who have no spiritual discernment, taste, or relish for their spiritual meditations, consolations and sympathies of renewed hearts, should call for such aid, is but natural.
Pure water from the flinty rock has no attractions for the mere toper or wine-bibber. A little alcohol, or genuine Cognac brandy, or good old Madeira, is essential to the beverage to make it truly refreshing.
So to those who have no real devotion or spirituality in them, and whose animal nature flags under the oppression of church service, I think with Mr. G., that instrumental music would be not only a desideratum, but an essential prerequisite to fire up their souls to even animal devotion.
But I presume, to all spiritually-minded Christians, such aids would be as a cow bell in a concert.
As a Presbyterian the Campbells had always rejected the use of instruments. That is why it would be pretty silly to accuse church of Christ bigods. See John Calvin.
Of Psalm 71:22. We are not, indeed, forbidden to use, in private, musical instruments, but they are banished out of the churches by the plain command of the Holy Spirit, when Paul, in 1 Corinthians 14:13, lays it down as an invariable rule, that we must praise God, and pray to him only in a known tongue. By the word of truth, the Psalmist means that the hope which he reposed in God was rewarded, when God preserved him in the midst of dangers.
The promises of God, and his truth in performing them, are inseparably joined together.
Unless we depend upon the word of God, all the benefits which he confers upon us will be unsavoury or tasteless to us;nor will we ever be stirred up either to prayer or thanksgiving,
if we are not previously illuminated by the Divine word.So much the more revolting, then, is the folly of that diabolical man, Servetus, who teaches that the rule of praying is perverted
as if we could have any access into the presence of God, until he first invited us by his own voice to come to him.
Then those who attack people because they will not be forced to use "machines for doing hard work" are right and ALL of history is wrong! All musical terms in the Greek language speak of enchantment or sorcery in John's word.
Plato Ion "[534a] just as the Corybantian worshipers do not dance when in their senses, so the lyric poets do not indite those fine songs in their senses, but when they have started on the melody and rhythm they begin to be frantic, and it is under possession--as the bacchants are possessed, and not in their senses, when they draw honey and milk from the rivers--that the soul of the lyric poets does the same thing, by their own report. For the poets tell us, I believe, that the songs they bring us are the sweets they cull from honey-dropping founts.
Note: The Corybantes were priests of Cybele or Rhea, mother of Zeus and other Olympian gods, and she was worshipped with wild music and frenzied dancing which, like the bacchic revels or orgies of women in honor of Dionysus, carried away the participants despite and beyond themselves. Cf. Eurip. Bacchae.
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: Let me give you just one example, which "prayerfully" will help clear things up for you; e.g. what the Campbell's really meant by the slogan: "Where the Scripture speaks, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent we are silent." which has so, so often been interpreted as exactly the opposite of what it meant by the fundamentalists in the church of Christ.
Paul commanded that we speak "that which is written for our learning with one mind and one mouth." That is the Biblical meaning of speak where the Bible speaks.
The Campbells, being Bible students, understood the inclusive and exclusive commands for the Qahal or Church in the wilderness: they defined church and worship the same way as did Peter and Paul in the epistles.
In The Necessity of Reforming the Church (1543) Calvin wrote:"In inveighing against ceremonies themselves, and also in abrogating a great part of them, we confess that there is some difference between us and the prophets.
They inveighed against their countrymen for confining the worship of God to external ceremonies, but still ceremonies which God himself had instituted; we complain that the same honor is paid to frivolities of man's devising. They, while condemning superstition, left untouched a multitude of ceremonies which God had enjoined, and which were useful and appropriate to an age of tutelage; our business has been to correct numerous rites which had either crept in through oversight, or been turned to abuse and which, moreover, by no means accorded with the time.
For, if we would not throw everything into confusion,
we must never lose sight of the distinction between the old and the new dispensations, and of the fact that ceremonies, the observance of which was useful under the law,
are now not only superfluous, but vicious and absurd.
But in regard to the former, it is plain that
they are destitute of authority from the scriptures,
as well as of any approved example of such intercession; while, as to the latter,Paul declares that none can invoke God, save those who have been taught by his word to pray. On this depends the confidence with which it becomes pious minds to be actuated and imbued when they engage in prayer.
But is it not altogether at variance with reason that the ploughing oxen should starve, and the lazy asses be fed? They will say, however, that they serve at the altar. I answer, that the priests under the law deserved maintenance, by ministering at an altar;
but that, as Paul declares, the case under the New Testament is different.
And what are those altar services, for which they allege that maintenance is due to them? Forsooth, that they may perform their masses and chant in churches, for example,
partly labor to no purpose,
and partly perpetrate sacrilege, thereby provoking the anger of God.
See for what it is that they are alimented at the public expense!
Now, if you will prove that your ceremonies proceed from faith, and do please God,
you must prove that God in expressed words has commanded them; or else you shall never prove that they proceed from faith, nor yet that they please God;
but they are sin, and do displease him, according to the words of the apostle,
"Whatsoever is not of faith is sin." John Knox, Works, 1:195-96.
Everyone, including Christ in the prophets defines "silence" as NOT teaching anything in His name not revealed by Him. Not only do you TEACH and violate Isaiah you use the LAW to impose and inculcate:
Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony:
if they speak not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them.
Thomas Campbell: 3. That in order to this, nothing ought to be inculcated upon Christians as articles of faith;nor required of them as terms of communion,
but what is expressly taught and enjoined upon them in the word of God. Nor ought anything to be admitted, as of Divine obligation, in their Church constitution and managements, (Locke LT)but what is expressly enjoined by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles upon the New Testament Church; either in express terms or by approved precedent
4. That although the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are inseparably connected, making together but one perfect and entire revelation of the Divine will, for the edification and salvation of the Church, and therefore in that respect can not be separated;
yet as to what directly and properly belongs to their immediate object, the New Testament is as for the worship, discipline, and government of the New Testament Church, and as perfect a rule for the particular duties of its members, as the Old Testament was for the worship, discipline, and government of the Old Testament Church, and the particular duties of its members. (Declaration And Address
Alexander Hislop, Presbyterian, on Instrumental Music1858
The worship of the Christian Church has not been left to be determined by the mere judgments and imaginations of men. There are principles laid down, there are precepts given, there are examples recorded, which show the mind and will of Christ in this matter; and the statements of Paul, in regard to "will-worship" (Col. 2:18-23), decisively prove that those who violate the purity of Christian worship,
are not only those who introduce practices which God has forbidden,
but those who introduce what God has not authorised, or commanded.There can be no meaning attached to the term, "will-worship," but that such "worship" rests, not on the "will" of God, but on the mere "will" or fancy of man.
Based on ALL who wrote about God's authority you must find a Command, Example or Inference that Jesus taught anyone to sing or play instruments in HIS presence in the church.
"Hebrew singing or rhymic prose had no fixed meter: "Since in all languages a sentence changes its meaning by mere intonations without adding or removing nounds, verbs or particles, the Syrian scholars who laid the fundament of correct language discovered a way by devising accents... and since these accents are a form of musical modulation, there is no possibliity of learning them except by hearing and through tradition from the master's tongue or the pupils hear. It follows from Bar Hebraeus' statement that the main concern was to secure an unadulterated and unadulterable version of the text This required (a) correct vocalization and (b) correct intonation. (p.87) " Nor is there a constant number of feet in a verse. Hebrew poetry is poetic p;rose. "Hebrew prosedy differes fundamentlly from classical prosody. No poem is written according to a repeating meter scheme.
Classical verse is mechanical; Hebrew verse is dynamic (p 89. Music in Ancient Western OrientCurt Sachs
The word Law or nomos defines a legal form of performance dedicated most often to Apollo (Abaddon, Apollyon)
The godly Jews who rested on the Prophets (by Christ) understood:
To the law and to the testimony:Synagogue singing
if they SPEAK not according to this word,
it is because there is no light in them. Isa 8:20
Dīco , Only speak, only to affirm Lŏquor , 1. To speak out, to say, tell, talk about, mention, utter, name
Testĭmōnĭum , ii, n. testor, I. witness, evidence, attestation, testimony (oral or written):
Christ in Spirit supplied ALL of the Testimony: 2 Cor 3; 1 Peter 1:11; Rev 19:10
" It has been shown in the article Cantillation (Jew. Encyc. iii. 537b) that the desire to read the Scriptures in the manner indicated in Neh. viii. 8 has from time immemorial resulted in the use of some sort of musical declamation for the passages uttered aloud in the synagogue. For reasons very similar to those there discussed, the prayers and praises equally with the lessons have always been thus musically declaimed; and this declamation... the absence of instruments from the synagogue in no way modified the system of the song itself. This presented little that to modern ears would appear worthy the name of melody, being, like the Greek melodies which have been deciphered, entirely of the character of a cantillation; that is, a recitation dependent on the rhythm and sequence of the words of the text instead of on the notes of the tune, and influenced by the syntactical structure of the sentence instead of by the metrical form of the musical phrase. Nor would the style of singing, nasal, shrill, and alternately full of intricate graces and of sudden pressures on emphatic notes, altogether commend itself to Western ears as graceful or harmonious.
If you care to look up the meaning, Jesus and the apostles SPOKE just one hymn.
Both Jew and Gentile were "wise unto salvation" because they both attended the synagogue to hear the Word of God Read: this is the way to SPEAK where the bible speaks:
Acts 15:18 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.SO THE CAMPBELLS KNEW THAT CHRIST PROVIDED A WAY FOR US TO ALL SPEAK THE SAME THINGS exactly as in the synagogue where He STOOD up to read and then decently SAT DOWN. If you are a Disiple of Christ that IS the pattern from the synagogue in the wilderness onward.
Acts 15:19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them,
which from among the Gentiles are turned to God:
Acts 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
Acts 15:21 For Moses of old time
hath in every city them that preach him,
being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
Paul affirmed that the PATTERN was to READ or SPEAK: that masculine thingy.
2Corinthians 3:11 For if that which is done away was glorious,
much more that which remaineth is glorious.
2Corinthians 3:12 Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:
2Corinthians 3:13 And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face,
that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished:
2Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were blinded:
for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away i
n the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.
2Corinthians 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
2Corinthians 3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, [at baptism]
the vail shall be taken away.
2Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord,
are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: You cannot make an argument against something based on silence! You cannot use this slogan to say that because something is not mentioned that it is prohibited. In fact, the slogan means EXACTLY the other position.
That's true but the Disciples/Christian churches said that you cam make an argument FOR something "if God hath not said Thou Shalt Not." The Campbells consistent with recorded history say that you cannot IMPOSE something divisivel based on silence. You can say something is prohibited it if sows discord: God hates musical instruments in the Holy Place and He hates sowing of discord.
The Campbells followed the understanding of all historic scholars that adding anything to what they called "A School of Christ" which sows discord or hinders letting Christ do the speaking is called heresy.
However, it is a prophetic certainty is that doctors of the Law "take away the key to KNOWLEDGE" so that they cannot SEE or READ the outlawing of "vocal or instrumental rejoicing" when the Qahal, synagogue or Church of Christ in the wilderness is assembled only to Rest, Read and Rehearse the Word of God.
The historic Church of Christ made the argument -- after Calvin and the Reformation when congregational singing was made possible by rewriting some Psalms (only) that Scripture is NOT Silent when it speaks of SPEAKING one to another with "that which is written for our learning."
Speaking the Logos (Logical) happens in the left hemisphere of the brain: singing in the right. Therefore, you cannot speak EXTERNALLY and sing EXTERNALLY at the same time.
A simple-minded view shich cannot comprehend that they are not God, is that if God has NOT OUTLAWED something then everyone is free to do whatever they want to do knowing that they are sowing discord. There is no historic reader of the Bible who does not understand that it always uses musical instruments as the MARK of the hypocrite (Ezek 33) and proof that people have no intention of using Christ's Words or obeying them.
The Bible speaks about SPEAKING The Word of God (only): since the Campbells knew that church was "A school of Christ" there was nothing about "doubtful disputations" or human preferences which are permitted (Rom, 14. Paul then defined what Paul called "synagogue" which demanded:
Romans 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak,ROMANS 15 SOME LATIN: prove it or not before one can deliberately sow discord with musical instruments, you have to neutralize almost all of the words defined in the actual Greek or Latin text.
and not to please ourselves.
Romans 15:2 Let every one of us please his neighbour
for his good to edification.
Romans 15:3 For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written,
The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.
Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning,
that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you
to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Romans 15:6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God,
even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:7 Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.
Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were
written aforetime
were written for our learning, (doctrīna)
(Christians are Disciples: not ritualists)
that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be
likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Romans 15:6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth
glorify God,
even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
[4] quaecumque enim scripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt ut per patientiam et consolationem scripturarum spem habeamusHomophōn-ia , hē, in Music, A. unison (v. homophōnos II), Arist.Pol.1263b35 ; “adontōn [sing of, chant] homophōnia”
What is the meaning of Scripture?
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach (dŏcĕo didasko) all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:20
The word for "observe" has no statute of limitations. Jesus said that the Kingdom does not come with Religious Observations.
Does that exclude silly willy and his praise ditties?
Aristot. Pol. 2.1263b. For in one way the state as its unification proceeds will cease to be a state, and in another way, though it continues a state, yet by coming near to ceasing to be one it will be a worse state, just as if one turned a harmony into unison or a rhythm into a single foot.Stoma 2. esp. the mouth as the organ of speech, speech, utterance e. ex henos s. with one voice, Id.Eq.670. Pl.R.364a, PGiss.36.13 (ii B.C.), Gal.15.763; so hōs aph' henos s.Speaking of the musical idolatry at Mount Sinai:Romans 10 [6] But the righteousness which is of faith says this, "Don't say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?' (that is, to bring Christ down); [7] or, 'Who will descend into the abyss?' (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.)" [8] But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart;" that is, the word of faith, which we preach: [9] that if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. [10] For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Glōssa , Ion. glassa, 2. tongue, as the organ of speech
2. obsolete or foreign word, which needs explanation, Arist. Rh.1410b12, Po.1457b4, hence Glōssai, title of works by Philemon and others.3. people speaking a distinct language, LXX.Ju.3.8
1. in Music, reed or tongue of a pipe, Aeschin.3.229,
Aeschin. 3 229 But when a man who is made up of words, and those words bitter words and useless—Dox-azō , II. magnify, extol, “epi pleon ti hauton d.” Th.3.45, cf. LXX Ex.15.2, al.; “ton theon”
when such a man takes refuge in “simplicity” and “the facts,”
who could have patience with him?
If you treat him as you might a clarinet, and take out his tongue, you have nothing left!
Aulos pipe, clarionet 2. hollow tube, pipe, groove, peronē tetukto auloisin didumoisi the buckle was furnished with two pipes or grooves (into which the tongue fitted)
Genesis 31:27 Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp?Yes! the universal message is WITHOUT your wives, children and catttle! As "Lucifer":
Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created (cast down)
Ezekiel 28:14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Ezekiel 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Ezekiel 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Profane: play the flute, steal people's inheritance, pollute, prostitute.Ezekiel 28:17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
Ezekiel 28:18 Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.
Ep.Rom.1.21, al.:—Pass., to be distinguished, held in honour, magnified,
Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God,
neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations,
and their foolish heart was darkened.
Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, (morons)
Those Jesud called "hypocrites" alwayss think they are wise and even inspired.
Sophos , ē, on, A. skilled in any handicraft or art, clever, harmatēlatas s. Pi.P.5.115, cf. N.7.17; “kubernētēs” A.Supp.770; “mantis” Id.Th.382; Margites Fr.2; but in this sense mostly of poets and musicians, Pi.O.1.9, P.1.42, 3.113; en kithara s. E.IT1238 also en oiōnois, kithara, E. IT662, 1238 (lyr.Romans 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image
made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness
through the lusts of their own hearts,
to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator,
who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Rising up to PLAY means to play instruments and play sexually: a terminal sin.
ALL modern church music intends to glorify the song writer or the singer even if it is the whole congregation competing to "do their part."
Thuc. 3.45 [6] Fortune too assists the illusion, for she often presents herself unexpectedly, and induces states as well as individuals to run into peril, however inadequate their means; and states even more than individuals, because they are throwing for a higher stake, freedom or empire,
and because when a man has a whole people acting with him,
he magnifies himself out of all reason.
[7] In a word then, it is impossible and simply absurd
to suppose that human nature when bent upon some favourite project
can be restrained either by the strength of law or by any other terror.
Music, Art concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or emotional expression, usually according to cultural standards of rhythm, melody, and, in most Western music,
If that is not enough then the fact that singing or any kind was not part of the historic church until the year 373 when they also violated direct commands and wrote their own "hymns." History notes however, that these were not sung in the assemblies. Seems that they understood the Bible back them.Romans XV. 1 debemus autem nos firmiores imbecillitates infirmorum sustinere et non [by no means] nobis [Ego] placere
Sustinere I. to hold up, hold upright, uphold, to bear up, keep up, support, sustain 1.To sustain, support, maintain, by food, money, or other means (maintain, preserve with dignity of a citizen II. Concr., the citizens united in a community, the body - politic, the state, and as this consists of one city and its territory, or of several cities, it differs from urbs, i.e. the compass of the dwellings of the collected citizens.
Outlawed: Placeo to please, to be pleasing or agreeable, to be welcome, acceptable, to satisfy (class.).
1. In scenic lang., of players or pieces presented, to please, find favor, give satisfaction: scenico placentiRom. 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Rom. 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,
if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.
Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.Outlawed: Scaenicus I. of or belonging to the stage, scenic, dramatic, ORGANA, theatrical
I. Lit.: poëtae, dramatic poets, ludi, stage-plays, theatrical representations, : fabula, a drama,
2. Placere sibi, to be pleased or satisfied with one's self, to flatter one's self, to pride or plume one's selfI. Lit.: poëtae, dramatic poets, ludi, stage-plays, theatrical representations, : fabula, a drama, organa, Suet. Ner. 44 : coronae, id. ib. 53 : habitus, id. ib. 38 : gestus, Cic. de Or. 3, 59, 220 : modulatio Comedy. Orator
Poi-êtês II. composer of a poem, author, p. kômôidias Pl.Lg.935e ; p. kainôn dramatôn, b. composer of music, 2. author of a speech
Outlawed: Organum Vitr. 10, 1.--Of musical instruments, a pipe,. Gen. 4, 21; id. 2 Par. 34, 12 et saep.--Of hydraulic engines, an organ, water-organ: organa hydraulica,
Gen 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
H8610 manipulate, figuratively to use unwarrantably:--catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, X surely, surprise, take.
H8608 taphaph to drum, that is, play (as) on the tambourine:taber, play with timbrels.H8611 tôpheth to'-feth From the base of H8608 ; a smiting, that is, (figuratively) contempt:--tabret. MEANING HELL
Outlawed: Modulatio. In partic., a rhythmical measure, modulation; hence, singing and playing, melody, in poetry and music, Quint. 9, 4, 139: modulatione produci aut corripi (verba), id. 9, 4, 89 : modulatio pedum, id. 1, 6, 2 : scenica, id. 11, 3, 57 : vocis, melody, id. 11, 3, 59 : musica, Aus. Ep. 25, 13 .
Clement of Alexandria: "After having paid reverence to the discourse about God, they leave within [at church] what they have heard. And outside they foolishly amuse themselves with impious playing, and amatory quavering (feminine vibrato), occupied with flute-playing, and dancing, and intoxication, and all kinds of trash.
[2] unusquisque vestrum proximo suo placeat in bonum ad aedificationem [3] etenim Christus non sibi placuit sed sicut scriptum est inproperia inproperantium tibi ceciderunt super me
LOQUOR I. inf. loquier, Naev. ap. Gell. 1, 24, 2), v. dep. n. and a. [Sanscr. lap-, to talk, whisper; Gr. lak-, elakon, laskô], to speak, talk, say (in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation; cf. Quint. 9, 4, 10; 11, 3, 45).
1. To speak out, to say, tell, talk about, mention, utter, name: A. To speak, declare, show, indicate or express clearly:
Aedificatio III. Fig., building up, instructing, edification.
(a). Absol.: loquitur ad aedificationem, Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 3 ; 14, 26.--
(b). With gen.: ad aedificationem Ecclesiae [church], Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 12 ; ib. Eph. 4, 12.
Eph. 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists;He did NOT include musicians in the list of required TRUTH speakers. The method of edification was by.
and some, pastors and teachers;
Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Eph. 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Rom. 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Doctrina A. Object., the knowledge imparted by teaching, i. e. science, erudition, learning. B. Subject., the habit produced by instruction, principle. Opposite natura Hor. C.4, 4,33
I would suggest that those who substitute rhetoric and music for the Scriptures do not intend that you learn doctrine and have no hope: we mist suggest that such heretics have no hope.
SPEAKING WHERE THE BIBLE SPEAKS MEANS "Speaking whatever it is you find in the Bible."
WHO WAS THAT "SCHOLAR" WHO SAID THAT? The Disciples of Christ "the Organ and Society Party."
W. S. PRIEST: A saintly man had just delivered a remarkable discourse in which he had uttered the now familiar sentence, "Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent." Little did he then know where that statement, followed to its logical conclusion, would lead him and his associates; how it would revolutionize their whole religious teaching and practice; and yet, brave man that he was, he did not hesitate to say that he refused to acknowledge as obligatory upon himself, or to impose upon others, anything as of divine obligation for which he could not produce a "thus saith the Lord," either in express terms or by approved precedent.Of course, Thomas was a student of John Calvin
Presently, submitting himself in obedience to a plain commandment of the Lord, a commandment hitherto not seen in all its relation to the preaching of a full gospel, the author of the "Declaration and Address," his family and some friends were baptized and formed a group of earnest advocates of that simple faith once for all delivered unto the saints.
From the utterance of that sentence, "Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent," may be dated, as Dr. Robert Richardson says, "the formal and actual commencement of the Reformation." And thus came into being the great religious body represented in this city at the present time by thousands of men and women from almost every quarter of the globe.
The Disciples of Christ are just closing, in these opening days of the twentieth century, a hundred years of wonderful achievement. The hand of the Lord has been with us in a marked degree. It is in no spirit of vainglory or boasting, however, that we, during this Centennial celebration, shall recount what God has wrought in us and through us for the ongoing of his kingdom, but with grateful recognition of the leadership of the Captain of our salvation and with devout thankfulness that we have been deemed worthy to be good soldiers of Jesus, we come to rejoice together and to plan and to pray for yet greater victories in the century upon which we have entered.
But in regard to the former, it is plain thatREJECTION OF THE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLEthey are destitute of authority from the scriptures,
as well as of any approved example of such intercession; while, as to the latter,Paul declares that none can invoke God, save those who have been taught by his word to pray. On this depends the confidence with which it becomes pious minds to be actuated and imbued when they engage in prayer.
THAT DICTUM IS SPREAD BETWEEN THE COVERS OF THE BIBLE AND RECORDED HISTORY.Rubel Shelly: We repeat Rubel Shelly's statement: "Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent."
But hold on! Where did that dictum come from? It's not a Bible verse. It's a well-worn religious slogan that I think has some very positive value.
But is it foundational enough to build a hermeneutic or theology on it? Is this human rubric (Rubric means: Red chapter heading) so sacred that it would be worth dividing the Body of Christ for the sake of our different slants on it?
No, it is not worth dividing the church over: That is why SECTARIAN happened when the people confessed that they needed musical instruments because of the huge "space race" of building grand buildings after the carpet bags ran empty. Those who imposed instruments deliberately divided the Disciples but those known as the Church of Christ were never "joined" in any sense of organization: you cannot UNITE congregational groups with another.
REJECTION OF THE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLEHowever, it is a huge concession since the slogan comes from God! The Post-Modern "hermeneutic" of the Latter Rain (or Latter Reign) asks:
"Are you having difficulty discerning or receiving this "new revelation"?
Then you have been interpreting your Bible in the "old way,"comparing Scripture with Scripture, studying diligently to account for every jot and tittle and being careful to rightly divide the Word of truth.
"If this describes you, then you belong to the "Old Generation"
which will not enter in to "possess the land" in the Latter Rain Revival. [New Wineskins]
You may even be a member of a denominational church, with its dogmatic confession of faith and statement of doctrine.These legalistic forms will be relics of the past in the up and coming "Post-denominational Church."
Paul Cain advises that you "dump all that carnal stuff" (doctrine)
and listen to what the "spirit" is saying to the churches through the Latter Rain Prophets and Apostles, who are dispensing many "new, sacred truths."The reason the "scholars" think the Laidity are stupid is that they do run in a rare atmosphere of "theology" not knowing that Jesus said that "doctors of the law take away the key to knowledge." They measure their views by peer review but prove that they have never read anything which existed before the NEW PROPHETS AND APOSTLES. The rest of the world considers them the irnorant ones.
Captain Edward Johnson, in about 1631, wrote on what became Harvard University. The learned, reverend, and judicious Mr. Henry Dunster had received a patron for establishing a college. And he notes:
"And as in all the other passages of this history the Wonder-working Providence of Sion's Saviour hath appeared, so especially in this work,
the Fountains of learning being in a great measure stopped in our native Country at this time, so that the sweet waters of Shilo's streams must ordinarily pass into the Churches through the stinking channel of prelatical pride, beside all the filth that the fountains themselves were daily encumbered withal, insomuch that the Lord turned aside often from them, and refused the breathing of his blessed Spirit among them, which caused Satan (in these latter days of his transformation into an Angel of light)
to make it a means to persuade people from the use of learning althgether, that so in the next generation they might be destitute of such helps as the Lord hath been pleased hitherto to make use of,
as chief means for the conversion of his people and building them up in the most holy faith, as also for breaking down the Kingdom of Antichrist."
Thomas Campbell Declaration and Address. Centennial Edition published when the Deciples declared their status as a denomination to "include all of christendom."IV. That this Society by no means considers itself a Church,
nor does at all assume to itself the powers peculiar to such a society;
nor do the members, as such, consider themselves as standing connected
in that relation;
nor as at all associated for the peculiar purposes of Church association;
but merely as voluntary advocates for Church reformation; and, as possessing the powers common to all individuals, who may please to associate in a peaceable and orderly manner, for any lawful purpose, namely, the disposal of their time, counsel, and property, as they may see cause.
V. That this Society, formed for the sole purpose of promoting simple evangelical Christianity, shall, to the utmost of its power, countenance and support such ministers, and such only, as exhibit a manifest conformity to the original standard in conversation and doctrine, in zeal and diligence;
only such as reduce to practice that simple original form of Christianity,
expressly EXHIBITED upon the sacred page;without attempting to inculcate anything of human authority, of private opinion, or inventions of men, as having any place in the constitution, faith, or worship, of the Christian Church, or anything as matter of Christian faith or duty,
for which there can not be expressly produced a "Thus saith the Lord, either in express terms, or by approved precedent.
Therefore, the express commands to preserve and maintain inviolate Christian unity and love, ought not to be set aside to make way
for exalting our inferences [25]
above the express authority of God.
Our inference, upon the whole, is, that where a professing Christian brother opposes or refuses nothing either in faith or practice,
for which there can be expressly produced a "Thus saith the Lord,"
that we ought not to reject him because he can not see with our eyes as to matters of human inference, of private judgment. "Through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish? How walkest thou not charitably?"They got that idea from Paul who outlawed doubtful disputations which were confined to the marketplace (Romans) while the "synagogue" is defined in Romans 15 for Bible study ONLY.'
Commenting on Phil 2:14, MacArthur notes that dialogismos...
soon developed the more specific ideas of questioning, doubting, or disputing the truth of a matter. In Romans 14:1, the word is used of passing judgment on another believer’s opinions and in 1 Timothy 2:8 it is rendered “dissension.” Whereas grumbling is essentially emotional, disputing is essentially intellectual. A person who continues to murmur and grumble against God will eventually argue and dispute with Him. (MacArthur, J. Philippians. Chicago: Moody Press)
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: The rather obvious emphasis of this slogan was that the authority of the scriptures must be the basis of Christian discussion.It refers to an opinion and then to a deliberating and a questioning about what is true as in Luke 24:38.
It is found in the Greek writings from Plato down where it referred to the thinking of a man deliberating with himself (Lu 2:25, 5:22, 6:8, 9:46ff, Ro 14:1). It was used to describe the reasoning of those who thought themselves wise (Ro 1:21, 1Cor 3:20). James 2:4 uses it to mean opinion referring to judges with evil thoughts or who follow perverse opinions or reprehensible principles.
Vine notes that dialogismos is...
chiefly in the N.T. in an evil sense, of reasonings that are the outcome of self-will, reasonings of the natural mind in independence of God. So in the LXX (e.g., Lam. 3:60), “imaginations.”...Dialogismos sometimes means inward questioning, sometimes dispute... the inward reasonings which find expression in controversy and contention. (Vine, W. Collected Writings of W. E. Vine. Nashville: Thomas Nelson )
The Spirit of Christ defined the true Sabbath or Rest which outlawed seeking one's own pleasure or "speaking one's own words."
Scholars who claim to be experts on Augustine who like the Bible and church history before him articulated the "speak where the Bible speaks." Augustine of Hippo (354-430) "Where the Bible Speaks."
Letter LV. or Book II-VII. of Replies to Questions of Januarius. (a.d. 400.)
while the play-actors may interfere with our mentioning the harp in the book of Psalms.
Let them therefore say, if they please, that,
because similitudes for the exhibition of the mysteries of God's word are taken from the things which I have named,we are chargeable either with consulting the omens given by the flight of birds, or with concocting the poisons of the charmer,
or with taking pleasure in the excesses of the theatre,-a statement which would be the clime of absurdity.
XVIII: 34. I am surprised at your expressing a desire that I should write anything in regard to those ceremonies which are found different in different countries, because there is no necessity for my doing this; and, moreover,
"one most excellent rule must be observed in regard to these customs,
- > "when they do not in any way oppose either true doctrine or sound morality,
- > but contain some incentives to the better life,
[But once they have been introduced they become the rule and to try to return to true doctrine is to sow discord] viz., that wherever we see them observed, or know them to be established,
we should not only refrain from finding fault with them, but even recommend them by our approval and imitation,
"In such a case we ought by all means to adopt it,unless restrained by fear of doing greater harm than good.
> especially if it be something in defense of which Scripture can be alleged: as in the singing of hymns and psalms,
- > for which we have on record both the example and the precepts of the Lord and of His apostles.
- This, dear Campbell critic, means Command, Example or Precept!
In this religious exercise, so useful for inducing a devotional frame of mind and inflaming the strength of love to God, there is diversity of usage,
and in Africa the members of the Church are rather too indifferent in regard to it; on which account the Donstists reproach
us with our grave chanting of the divine songs of the prophets in our churches,
while they inflame their passions in their revels by the singing of psalms of human composition, which rouse them like the stirring notes of the trumpet on the battle-field.(In the assembly) But when brethren are assembled in the church, why should not the time be devoted to singing of sacred songs, excepting of course while reading or preaching is going on, or while the presiding minister prays aloud, or the united prayer of the congregation is led by the deacon's voice?
(outside the assembly) At the other intervals not thus occupied, I do not see what could be a more excellent, useful, and holy exercise for a Christian congregation.
Origen Book VI, Chapter XLI speaking of the "god" to whom God abandoned Israel because of musical idolatry.
In the next place, as if he had forgotten that it was his object to write against the Christians, he says that, "having become acquainted with one Dionysius, an Egyptian musician,
Alawys denounced: "the latter told him, with respect to magic arts,
that it was only over the uneducated and men of corrupt morals that they had any power,Alawys approved: "while on philosophers they were unable to produce any effect, because they were careful to observe a healthy manner of life."
That was how you played the blame game 1600 years ago. Elijah knew something about the attack of the musical prophets of Baal and Asherah under Jezebel, another end-time patternism.
In recorded history the slogan FORBIDS imposing anything not clearly demanded to be a synagogue or School of the Word. It was Paul who outlawed "doubtful disputations" in Romans 14 which did not go specificially to edification which in Romans 15 means EDUCATION. Disiples of Christ synagogue as STUDENTS of Christ and not for the pagan purpose of "worship." Then, Paul outlaws any of they hypocritic arts and crafts with the SELF-please words.
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: When the scriptures are silent on any matter, then that matter should not, indeed must not, be made a test of belief or communion among Christians.
Assuming that Scripture is silent about the instrument (which would be false) then why would people IMPOSE performance music and MAKE it a test of fellowship where many of the "owners" are forced to "keep silence or find another church" (Re J.W.McGarvey). A sectarian or heretic is ALWAYS the one who IMPOSES something not necessary to carrying out the original purpose of the founders.
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: Matters not specifically delineated in scriptures could be discussed, but they must not be made points of theology or tests of fellowship. [Duh!] While this slogan was instantly accepted by the new group in theory, it proved much more problematic in application in the years ahead.... either
Paul outlaws "doubtful disputations" or discussions about one's personal DAY to go to the Agora or marketplace to get food and fellowship. In Rome the three sects permitted ONLY in the Agora were the Orphics and Dionysiacs clearly recorded in history. None of the PRACTICES were permitted to be performed or discussed when the Ekklesia was assembled at the Pnyx. The "psallo" meaning is of the polluted red rope used to drag and mark anyone who dallied around the wine, women, speakers and musicians so that they would be MARK as polluted in the ekklesia not not permitted to speak.
Even while the MUSIC word is never used once in connection with the assembly of God's people--for instruction only--most religious groups were fractured in the 19th century by people using the "Lucifer principle" to bleed off worship and money too themselves. It cannot be a test of fellowship UNLESS someone forces an instrument into a peaceable church knowing that it will sow discord: those who opposed, like J.W.McGarvey and others were silenced and most were disfellowshipped because their mouths were shut.
The view of Scripture and Augustine and everyone was that you cannot IMPOSE on others that for which you have no Scriptural authority. The Campbells followed Paul and defined church as "a school of the Bible" and worship as "reading and musing the Word of God." The whole society can gather on the Lord's day if you follow that Biblical and minimally-ethical "rubric." Paul specificially outlawed "doubtful disputations" which are opinions which arise out of one's own thinking: this flies in the face of Peter's outlawing private interpretation or further expounding.
However, that community "bible study" was wrestled by the merchantile class into "churches" where they followed their own agenda which included music as a way to "fill the coffers" even when the Bible and church history denies that there is a "law of goving.
What they IMPOSED to destroy the ekklesia or synagogue of Christ was always identified as sorcery because it used exrternal means to FORCE people to experience some sensation of the flesh. Strabo speaks of the "lord lord prophesying" which Jesus denounced:
Strabo Geography 10.3.9"The religious frenzy seems to afford a kind of divine inspiration and to be very like that of the Soothsayer.. "For although it has been well said that human beings then act most like the gods when they are doing good to others, yet one might better say, when they are happy; and such happiness consists of rejoicing, celebrating festivals, pursuing philosophy, and engaging in music; for, if music is perverted when musicians turn their art to sensual delights at symposiums and in orchestric and scenic performances and the like, we should not lay the blame upon music itself, but should rather examine the nature of our system of education, since this is based on music.
Dr. Terry L. Miethe E-Mail:et me give you just one example, which "prayerfully" will help clear things up for you; e.g. what the Campbell's really meant by the slogan:
"Where the Scripture speaks, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent we are silent."The Disciples of Christ or Christian Church first used SILENCE: where the Bible is silent "I have the right to speak and that becomes the Word of Christ."
which has so, so often been interpreted as exactly the opposite of what it meant by the fundamentalists in the church of Christ.
You cannot make an argument against something based on silence! You cannot use this slogan to say that because something is not mentioned that it is prohibited. In fact, the slogan means EXACTLY the other position.
No, it is not woroth dividing the church over: That is why SECTARIAN happened when the people confessed that they needed musical instruments because of the huge "space race" of building grand buildings after the carpet bags ran empty. Those who imposed instruments deliberately divided the Disciples but those known as the Church of Christ were never "joined" in any sense of organization: you cannot UNITE congregational groups with another.Rubel Shelly: We repeat Rubel Shelly's statement: "Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent."
But hold on! Where did that dictum come from? It's not a Bible verse. It's a well-worn religious slogan that I think has some very positive value.
But is it foundational enough to build a hermeneutic or theology on it? Is this human rubric (Rubric means: Red chapter heading) so sacred that it would be worth dividing the Body of Christ for the sake of our different slants on it?
However, it is a huge concession since the slogan comes from God! The Post-Modern "hermeneutic" of the Latter Rain (or Latter Reign) asks:
"Are you having difficulty discerning or receiving this "new revelation"?
Then you have been interpreting your Bible in the "old way,"comparing Scripture with Scripture, studying diligently to account for every jot and tittle and being careful to rightly divide the Word of truth.
"If this describes you, then you belong to the "Old Generation"
which will not enter in to "possess the land" in the Latter Rain Revival. [New Wineskins]
You may even be a member of a denominational church, with its dogmatic confession of faith and statement of doctrine.These legalistic forms will be relics of the past in the up and coming "Post-denominational Church."
Paul Cain advises that you "dump all that carnal stuff" (doctrine)
and listen to what the "spirit" is saying to the churches through the Latter Rain Prophets and Apostles, who are dispensing many "new, sacred truths."The reason the "scholars" think the Laidity are stupid is that they do run in a rare atmosphere of "theology" not knowing that Jesus said that "doctors of the law take away the key to knowledge." They measure their views by peer review but prove that they have never read anything which existed before the NEW PROPHETS AND APOSTLES. The rest of the world considers them the irnorant ones.
Captain Edward Johnson, in about 1631, wrote on what became Harvard University. The learned, reverend, and judicious Mr. Henry Dunster had received a patron for establishing a college. And he notes:
"And as in all the other passages of this history the Wonder-working Providence of Sion's Saviour hath appeared, so especially in this work,
the Fountains of learning being in a great measure stopped in our native Country at this time, so that the sweet waters of Shilo's streams must ordinarily pass into the Churches through the stinking channel of prelatical pride, beside all the filth that the fountains themselves were daily encumbered withal, insomuch that the Lord turned aside often from them, and refused the breathing of his blessed Spirit among them, which caused Satan (in these latter days of his transformation into an Angel of light)
to make it a means to persuade people from the use of learning althgether, that so in the next generation they might be destitute of such helps as the Lord hath been pleased hitherto to make use of,
as chief means for the conversion of his people and building them up in the most holy faith, as also for breaking down the Kingdom of Antichrist."
As an example, Terry L. Miethe claims to be an expert on Augustine who like the Bible and church history before him articulated the "speak where the Bible speaks."
Augustine of Hippo (354-430) "Where the Bible Speaks."
Letter LV. or Book II-VII. of Replies to Questions of Januarius. (a.d. 400.)
while the play-actors may interfere with our mentioning the harp in the book of Psalms.
Let them therefore say, if they please, that,
because similitudes for the exhibition of the mysteries of God's word are taken from the things which I have named,we are chargeable either with consulting the omens given by the flight of birds, or with concocting the poisons of the charmer,
or with taking pleasure in the excesses of the theatre,-a statement which would be the clime of absurdity.
XVIII: 34. I am surprised at your expressing a desire that I should write anything in regard to those ceremonies which are found different in different countries, because there is no necessity for my doing this; and, moreover,
"one most excellent rule must be observed in regard to these customs,
- > "when they do not in any way oppose either true doctrine or sound morality,
- > contain some incentives to the better life,
[But once they have been introduced they become the rule and to try to return to true doctrine is to sow discord] viz., that wherever we see them observed, or know them to be established,
we should not only refrain from finding fault with them, but even recommend them by our approval and imitation,
"In such a case we ought by all means to adopt it,unless restrained by fear of doing greater harm than good.
> especially if it be something in defense of which Scripture can be alleged: as in the singing of hymns and psalms,
- > for which we have on record both the example and the precepts of the Lord and of His apostles.
- This, dear Campbell critic, means Command, Example or Precept!
In this religious exercise, so useful for inducing a devotional frame of mind and inflaming the strength of love to God, there is diversity of usage,
and in Africa the members of the Church are rather too indifferent in regard to it; on which account the Donstists reproach
us with our grave chanting of the divine songs of the prophets in our churches,
while they inflame their passions in their revels by the singing of psalms of human composition, which rouse them like the stirring notes of the trumpet on the battle-field.(In the assembly) But when brethren are assembled in the church, why should not the time be devoted to singing of sacred songs, excepting of course while reading or preaching is going on, or while the presiding minister prays aloud, or the united prayer of the congregation is led by the deacon's voice?
That was how you played the blame game 1600 years ago. Elijah knew something about the attack of the musical prophets of Baal and Asherah under Jezebel, anoth(outside the assembly) At the other intervals not thus occupied, I do not see what could be a more excellent, useful, and holy exercise for a Christian congregation.
That was how you played the blame game 1600 years ago. Elijah knew something about the attack of the musical prophets of Baal and Asherah under Jezebel, another end-time patternism.
Terry L. Miethe E-Mail: The rather obvious emphasis of this slogan was that the authority of the scriptures must be the basis of Christian discussion. When the scriptures are silent on any matter, then that matter should not, indeed must not, be made a test of belief or communion among Christians. Matters not specifically delineated in scriptures could be discussed, but they must not be made points of theology or tests of fellowship. [Duh!] While this slogan was instantly accepted by the new group in theory, it proved much more problematic in application in the years ahead....
It was the NACC and now ACU who is making tests of fellowship by INSISTING that people can IMPOSE instruments. A sectarian or heretic is the one who IMPOSES a Practice not required for the function of the group: A heretic imposed instruments. A person who refuses to BEGIN DOING something they have never done in the stream out of Calvin cannot be the cause of IMPOSING something. No professor or preacher has ever banded together and sown massive to INFILTRATE AND DIVERT churches to REMOVE their instruments.
Even while the MUSIC word is never used once in connection with the assembly of God's people--for instuction only--most religious groups were fractured in the 19th century by people using the "Lucifer principle" to bleed off worship and money too themselves. It cannot be a test of fellowship UNLESS someone forces an instrument into a peaceable church knowing that it will sow discord: those who opposed, like J.W.McGarvey and others were silenced and most were disfellowshipped because their mouths were shut.
The Catholic Encyclopedia notes:
The view of Scripture and Augustine and everyone was that you cannot IMPOSE on others that for which you have no Scriptural authority. The Campbells followed Paul and defined church as "a school of the Bible" and worship as "reading and musing the Word of God." The whole society can gather on the Lord's day if you follow that Biblical and minimally-ethical "rubric." Paul specificially outlawed "doubtful disputations" which are opinions which arise out of one's own thinking: this flies in the face of Peter's outlawing private interpretation or further expounding.McEvilly in his "Commentary" applies them to public and private meetings. St Augustine (Ep. cxix, ch. xviii) says:
"As to the singing of psalms and hymns, we have the proofs, the examples, and the instructions of the Lord Himself, and of the Apostles". (Cf. also Col., iii, 16; I Cor., xiv, 26.)
In the ancient congregational singing both sexes took part; the words of St. Paul imposing silence on women in church being interpreted to refer only to exhorting or instructing.
Duchesne describes how the earliest worship of the Christians was parallel to that, not of the Temple of the Jews at Jerusalem, but of the local synagogues, the Christians borrowing thence their four elements of Divine service-
the lections (reading parts of Scripture),
the chants (of the Psalter),
the homilies (explaining those passages of scriptures),
and the prayers.
However, that community "bible study" was wrestled by the merchantile class into "churches" where they followed their own agenda which included music as a way to "fill the coffers" even when the Bible and church history denies that there is a "law of goving.
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