Michael Armour uses Peter Ainslie to promote unity by promoting musical instruments. Michael Armour uses the Disciples Centenniel assembly which fully defines the Disciples Denominaiton in 1910 which had tried to "count" the Church of Christ groups in their "organ and society party" in the first 1906 census.  The Church of Christ was NEVER part of that society and did not sect out in 1906. However, the Christian Church (NACC) did sectarian out in 1927 and ever afterward have claimed that the Church of Christ became a musical sectarian group which split OUT of the Christian church--which didn't even exist at the time.

Peter Ainslie did not speak of unity but of the failure to "speak where the Bible speaks" as making the church prodigal because it placed its focus on buildings, organs and preachers:

Peter Ainslie: Amid the clashes of creeds and one generation making orthodox what another had declared heresy, I do not hesitate to say that indifference to benevolence in all ages has been the great heresy of Christendom. On the departure of the church from that cardinal principle, the door was opened for all kind of heresies; and when you read church history, 

you read the history of a church that is largely prodigal, because one of the chief sources of her life was almost closed. It is no surprise that worldly aggrandizement became her policy; but the religion of Jesus Christ is not in great church buildings, pipe-organs and pulpit oratory, but pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is to recognize the wants of the orphan and the aged as the wants of Christ himself, and go speedily to the help of Him who helped us out of sin into the light of pardon. By the side of faith in the Book must be unstinted practice of the Book. I care little about higher criticism or lower criticism, so long as this heresy is permitted to exist in Christendom with so little concern for its abolition. 



Michael C. Armour, August 11, 2001, Lexington Theological Seminary
[Because this document is lengthy, it is divided 
into three sections for easier browser loading. The 
address was not divided in this way in its presentation.] 
Michael C. Armour: Looking back at the twentieth century, the a cappella Churches of Christ present one of the great ironies of American religion. A Bible-believing people, aggressively evangelistic for most of our history, we have always described ourselves as eager for Christian unity.

Yet, by mid-century the broader religious community saw us as exclusivists, thoroughly isolated from our spiritual neighbors.

Nor could we hold ourselves out as a model of unity, for we constantly struggled with our own polarizing divisions.

Mike misses the point that any member of a Church of Christ can attend and be in full fellowship with any of those groups which practice things differently.  I would not be permitted to preach against the one cuppers (the historic position) in a one cup congretation. Nor, in the name of common decency would I want to.  You cannot enter into ANY true Church of Christ and be offended by people trying to worship God with musical instruments which are defined as "machines for doing hard work mostly in making war or in creating the shock and awe to excite the religious groups."

The the Synagogue or Church in the wilderness: the only authorized change was the Lord's Supper to show forth or evangelize.  The godly elder and Jesus stood up to preach by READING the Word and had the uncommon decency to sit down and discuss any unclear passage.  Preaching and singing was imposed only after Constantine gave them a pay day for the first time in history. Of course, that attracted all of the rabble.

In 2 Peter 1 Peter left us the example (written) of Christ for our "memory" since no one since the Prophets and apostles had a single word to add.  In fact, Isaiah 55 gives us the FREE WATER OF THE WORD.  And in Isaiah 58 we are forbidden to seek our own pleasure or SPEAK OUT OWN WORDS: we can contribute nothing to God.

Peter outlaws PRIVATE INTERPRETATION which means "further expounding." God is God and we are not: we have nothing to the cross to bring.  In 2 Peter 2 Paul defines the MUSICAL or performing arts as CORRUPTING.

God invented CENI or the Regulative Principle: it fills the Bible, Church Fathers, and all founders of denominations.

Isa. 8:19 And when they shall say unto you, 
        Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
        and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:
        should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

[19] et cum dixerint ad vos quaerite a pythonibus et a divinis qui stridunt in incantationibus suis numquid non populus a Deo suo requirit pro vivis a mortuis

To the law and to the testimony:
        if they speak not according to this word,
        it is because there is no light in them. Isa 8:2

In-canto , āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. and n. *
I. To sing in, with dat.: “passer incantans saepiculae (i. e. in saepicula),App. M. 8, p. 210, 26. —
II. In partic.
A. To say over, mutter, or chant a magic formula against some one: QVI MALVM CARMEN INCANTASSET, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Plin. 28, 2, 4, § 17.—
B. Transf.
1. To consecrate with charms or spells: “incantata vincula,lovelcnots, Hor. S. 1, 8, 49.—
2. To bewitch, enchant: “quaesisti, quod mihi emolumentum fuerit incantandi (sc. illam)?App. Mag. p. 305: “incantata mulier,id. ib.: “pileum vetitis artibus,Amm. 14, 7, 7.

vincŭlo , āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. id.,
I. to fetter, bind, chain: “multa animalia redimiculis gaudent, et phalerari sibi magis quam vinculari videntur,Ambros. in Psa. 118, Serm. 3, 6; Cael. Aur. Tard. 4, 8, 108.
vincŭlum , or (also in class. prose), contr., vinclum , i, n. id.,
I. that with which any thing is bound, a band, bond, rope, cord, fetter, tie (cf.: catena, manica, compes).
Incantātĭo , ōnis, f. id.,
I. an enchanting, enchantment (post-class.): “magicae, Firm. Math. 5, 5: incantationum vires,Tert. Hab. Mul. 2.

Strīdō to make a shrill noise, sound harshly, creak, hiss, grate, whiz, whistle, rattle, buzz: stridentia tinguunt Aera lacu, V.: cruor stridit, hisses, O.: belua Lernae Horrendum stridens, V.: horrendā nocte (striges), O.: mare refluentibus undis, V.: aquilone rudentes, O.: videres Stridere secretā aure susurros, buzz, H.

Never in the history of the Bible are the "people's congregation" forced to assemble to TO worship in the sense of performing superstitious rituals such as SINGING. Singing "at the places of watering" might have been a social practice during the time of Deborah but the Israelites as a nation are never commanded to "worship" because worship, then and now, carried the Babylon or Canaanite sense of using music, food and sex to try to appease or even threaten the gods or goddesses who brought fertility.

Men like Thomas Campbell knew that CHURCH was an ekklesia or synagogue or school of the Bible. He called it A School of Christ. Worship was defined as the ONLY way Paul defined it: to give attention to the public reading of the Word, to discussing the doctrine and exhorting people to obey what they heard.

Paul defined this assembly in Romans 15 as the way to REJECT pleasuring one another and glorify God with one MOUTH and one MIND by speaking "that which is written." Paul defines the ekklesia or synagogue which outlawed "vocal and instrumental rejoicing" in the church in the wilderness:

Romans 14:1 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

-Romans XV. 1 debemus autem nos firmiores inbecillitates  infirmorum -sustinere et non nobis placere

-sustinere I. to hold up, hold upright, uphold, to bear up, keep up, support, sustain 1.To sustain, support, maintain, by food, money, or other means (maintain, preserve with dignity of a citizen II. Concr., the citizens united in a community, the body - politic, the state, and as this consists of one city and its territory, or of several cities, it differs from urbs, i.e. the compass of the dwellings of the collected citizens; 

-inbecillitates   Caes. B. G. 7, 77, 9

Caes. B. G. 7, 77, 9  Caesar, Gallic War 7.77. LXXVII. But those who were blockaded at Alesia , the day being past, on which they had expected auxiliaries from their countrymen, and all their corn being consumed ignorant of what was going on among the Aedui, convened an assembly [ Concilium a ăd-hĭbĕo ] and deliberated on the exigency of their situation. After various opinions had been expressed among them, some of which proposed a surrender, others a sally, while their strength would support it, the speech of Critognatus ought not to be omitted for its singular and detestable cruelty

Concilium is the same as Latin ecclesia or Greek sulloge or synagogue. I.a collection of people, an association, gathering, union, meeting A.An assembly for consultation pastorum pasco  2.To feed, nourish, maintain, support, 3.To cherish, cultivate, let grow, feed 

 The Pagan assemblies had a different purpose:
ăd-hĭbĕo , I.to hold toward or to, to turn, bring, add to;
A. Lit.: “cur non adhibuisti, dum istaec loquereris, tympanum,Plaut. Poen. 5, 5, 38: “huc adhibete aurīs (ad ea) quae ego loquar,id. Ps. 1, 2, 20: “ad mea formosos vultus adhibete carmina,Ov. Am. 2, 1, 37; which the orator may wish to communicate to the judge,
adhibebitur heros,shall be brought upon the stage,
C. Adhibere aliquem cenae, epulis, etc., to invite to a dinner, to a banquet, etc., to entertain: “adhibete Penatīs et patrios epulis, etc.,Verg. A. 5, 62;


A. Of animals, to pasture, drive to pasture, to feed, attend to the feeding
2. To feed, nourish, maintain, support (syn.: “alo, nutrio): olusculis nos soles pascere,used to feed us with vegetables,
pastor A MINISTER (Deacon) of a Church

Ezek XXXIV. The word of Yahweh came to me, saying, [2]  Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and tell them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Shouldn't the shepherds feed the sheep? [3]  You eat the fat, and you clothe you with the wool, you kill the fatlings; but you don't feed the sheep. [4]  You haven't strengthened the diseased, neither have you healed that which was sick, neither have you bound up that which was broken, neither have you brought back that which was driven away, neither have you sought that which was lost; but with force and with rigor have you ruled over them. [5]  They were scattered, because there was no shepherd; and they became food to all the animals of the field, and were scattered.

Eph 4:[11]  He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers; [12]  for the perfecting of the saints, to the work of serving, to the building up of the body of Christ; [13]  until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ 

Hireling shepherds are self-appointed shepherds who are HIRED: Christ gave them no role and no dole.

Verg. E. 3, 96 Virgil, Mario

O every way
unhappy sheep, unhappy flock! while he
still courts Neaera, fearing lest her choice [A mistress of the shepherd ]
should fall on me, this hireling shepherd here
wrings hourly twice their udders, from the flock
filching the life-juice, from the lambs their milk.

“My Muse, although she be but country-bred,
is loved by Pollio: O Pierian Maids,
pray you, a heifer for your reader feed!”

“Pollio himself too doth new verses make:
feed ye a bull now ripe to butt with horn,
and scatter with his hooves the flying sand.”

“Pollio himself too doth new verses make:
feed ye a bull now ripe to butt with horn,
and scatter with his hooves the flying sand.
Romans 14 and Romans 15 silences the SELF-pleasure which is "creating spiritual excitement" in the assembly: it has the same meaning as the Laded Burdens which includes songs which "create spiritual anxiety through religious ceremonies."  Jesus said that the kingdom does not come with observation: that word defines Religious ceremonies with performance rhetoric, singing, playing or acting: Paul calls that lying Wonders of those God has strongly deluded.

Romans 15.2  unusquisque vestrum proximo suo placeat in bonum ad aedificationem

Outlawed:  -placere to please, to be pleasing or agreeable, to be welcome, acceptable, to satisfy (class.).
1. In scenic lang., of players or pieces presented, to please, find favor, give satisfaction: scenico placenti 

Rom. 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Rom. 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, 
        if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. 
        Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Outlawed: -Scaenicus I. of or belonging to the stage, scenicfabula,a dramatheatrical . Lit.: “poëtae,dramatic poets, Varr. L. L. 9, § 17 Müll.: “artifices,players, actors, I. Lit.: poëtae, dramatic poets, ludi, stage-plays, theatrical representations, : fabula, a drama,  
2. Placere sibi, to be pleased or satisfied with one's self, to flatter one's self, to pride or plume one's self II. Transf. (opp. to real, true, actual), fictitious, pretended: “populus Romanus, invictus a veris regibus, ab illo imaginario et scaenico

I. Lit.: poëtae, dramatic poets, ludi, stage-plays, theatrical representations, : fabula, a drama, organa, Suet. Ner. 44 : coronae, id. ib. 53 : habitus, id. ib. 38 : gestus, Cic. de Or. 3, 59, 220 : modulatio Comedy. Orator

-Poi-êtês II. composer of a poem, author, p. kômôidias Pl.Lg.935e ; p. kainôn dramatôn, b. composer of music, 2. author of a speech

Outlawed: -Organum Vitr. 10, 1.--Of musical instruments, a pipe,. Gen. 4, 21; id. 2 Par. 34, 12 et saep.--Of hydraulic engines, an organ, water-organ: organa hydraulica,

Gen 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.

H8610 manipulate, figuratively to use unwarrantably:--catch, handle, (lay, take) hold (on, over), stop, X surely, surprise, take.
H8608 taphaph to drum, that is, play (as) on the tambourine:taber, play with timbrels.
H8611 tôpheth to'-feth From the base of H8608 ; a smiting, that is, (figuratively) contempt:--tabret. MEANING HELL

Outlawed:  Modulatio. In partic., a rhythmical measure, modulation; hence, singing and playing, melody, in poetry and music, Quint. 9, 4, 139: modulatione produci aut corripi (verba), id. 9, 4, 89 : modulatio pedum, id. 1, 6, 2 : scenica, id. 11, 3, 57 : vocis,melody, id. 11, 3, 59: “musica,.

Clement of Alexandria: "After having paid reverence to the discourse about God, they leave within [at church] what they have heard. And outside they foolishly amuse themselves with impious playing, and amatory quavering (feminine vibrato), occupied with flute-playing, and dancing, and intoxication, and all kinds of trash.

Romans 15.[3] etenim Christus non sibi placuit sed sicut scriptum est inproperia inproperantium tibi ceciderunt super me

aedĭfĭcātĭo , II. Concr., a building, a structure, edifice

LOQUOR I. inf. loquier, Naev. ap. Gell. 1, 24, 2), v. dep. n. and a. [Sanscr. lap-, to talk, whisper; Gr. lak-, elakon, laskô], to speak, talk, say (in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation; cf. Quint. 9, 4, 10; 11, 3, 45). 

1. To speak out, to say, tell, talk about, mention, utter, name: A. To speak, declare, show, indicate or express clearly:

Aedificatio III. Fig., building up, instructing, edification.
(a). Absol.: loquitur ad aedificationem, Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 3 ; 14, 26.--
(b). With gen.: ad aedificationem Ecclesiae [church], Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 12 ; ib. Eph. 4, 12.
III. Fig., building up, instructing, edification.
(a). Absol.: “loquitur ad aedificationem,Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 3; 14, 26.—
With gen.: “ad aedificationem Ecclesiae,Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 12; ib. Eph. 4, 12.

 The Stoneites under Barton W. Stone saw church in the "holy spirit" sense of DOING things to stir up the flesh. They approved of the Methodist Shouting as an official Act of Worship.

The REFORMATION under the Campbells and most people in time repudiated the charismatic approach to such worship. They also REPUDIATED the idea that they wanted any unity other than meeting to READ the Word and PRAY. While they held there were believers in all of the SECTS their command was for them to COME OUT OF BABYLON.

Only men on the dole have any earthly reason to try to bind everyone in an ORGANIZED union.

The restoration never sought UNION with denominations which differed on issues such as Baptism, the Lord's Supper and Instrumental Music which was introduced by the DISCIPLES knowing that it would destroy the existing unity. That is, with a high hand they forced instruments into non-instrumental churches and forced those who resisted to REMAIN SILENT or GET OUT of their own property.

Therefore, the unity which existed over the specific issue of MUSIC was based on the Bible and the totality of church history. That unity was broken by the MUSICAL SECTARIANS who radically changed the view "held en toto" and are therefore the heretics or sectarians.

Churches of Christ were ALWAYS a tiny remnant and NEVER thought of unity with the Presbyterians who kicked Thomas Campbell out for offering COMMUNION to Presbyterians NOT of his Presbyterian SECT. The Campbells would have been excommunicated by the Baptists over their view of Baptism. They rejected UNITY in repudiating infant Baptism and therefore could not UNIT with the Methodists or Presbyterians. The repudiate believer's baptism or FAITH only and knew that they rejected UNITY with the Baptists.

In short, the American Restoration Movement-- not out of the Anglican influence-- was COUNTER CULTURAL. They knew beforehand that their views would DISRUPT any unity with ANY group other than themselves. Any UNITY included in Thomas Campbell's DECLARATION AND ADDRESS was defined as NOT a church but an effort to send missionaries throughout the frontier.

Churches of Christ are congregatonal therefore feels no need to work with even their own group very much because a SYNAGOGUE OF CHRIST has its hands full in its own arena.

Michael C. Armour: The bitterness of this irony has long pained me, for the Churches of Christ are my heritage, the source of my spiritual formation. My entire life has been spent in their service, just as I hope to devote the remainder of my years to their nurture.

As a result, I cannot remain unmoved when I see how miserably we have failed in achieving the very unity under whose banner we have marched.

But, the unity sought was unity based on the Bible and not on the REJECTION of the Bible for faith and practices. Churches of Christ NEVER sought UNITY by divorcing their wives so that they could FRATERNIZE with the Shakers. They never sought UNITY by joining a SOCIETY which was a "clergy retirement scam." When the Disciples SOWED DISCORD and created MUSICAL SECTS, the churches of Christ ran from them even leaving to the MUSICIANS the privilege of "stealing the church houses of widows."

Whatever their claims, those who moved out of the Stoneites have a radically different way of interpreting the Bible for faith and authority. Jesus prayed for unity based on the PATTERN that as SON He spoke only what He heard from the FATHER Who was within Him.

Those who SEEK UNITY with the instrumental churches are themselves CONVERTS to the instrumental position. Being ecumenical as at Cane Ridge meant that you exposed your SHEEP to sheep stealers. The arrogant need to AFFIRM others traps the weak into being taken CAPTIVE. There is the morality of an alley cat in taking unlawful and ungodly pay from the Churches of Christ to act as a JUDAS GOAT to lead all of the lambs to the slaughter. You simply cannot trust anyone who would not LEAVE their non-instrumental churches and form new churches or JOIN the music denominations.

Michael C. Armour: But the news is not altogether bad. Today there are fresh stirrings in a cappella congregations, as hundreds of them emerge from decades of isolation--sometimes self-imposed, sometimes thrust upon them--

to open their hearts and their embrace to others who share a passion for Christ-centered spirituality and an abiding respect for God's word. It is a story I look forward to relating in just a moment.

Beginning in about 1971 after the Disciples finally DEcounted the NACC begun in 1927, the ploy of Unity Meetings have been sponsored by unfaithful universities and professors.  The Christian church UNIFIER always comes with a sheaf of papers listing all of the "instrument" passages and insists that UNITY happens only when the faithful Churches of Christ AFFIRM or CONFORM to the instrumental sectarians.  It is easy to PROCURE a few dupes by inviting them to the NACC assembles, publishing them in the Christian Standard (the original divider), interviewing then with videos and PUBLISHING their false books. By defining the historic Church of Christ which knew that Christ outlawed "vocal and instrumental rejoicing and rhetoric" beginning with the Church of Christ (the Rock) in the wilderness as Ignorant, Southern, Red-necks.

WEST: "Apostasy in music among 19th century churches that had endeavored to restore New Testament authority in worship and work

began, in the main, following the American Civil War'
1868, Ben Franklin guessed that there were ten thousand congregations
and not over
fifty had used an instrument in worship." (Earl West, Search for the Ancient Order, Vol. 2, pp. 80, 81)

That is about 1/2 of 1%. So, it can hardly be that the Restoration Movement used Instrumental Music rather than the American Civil War as justification for division. In 1868 there was, statisticaly, no division over the use of instruments for many years.

The Stark Warlick Debate 'sealed the separation in Henderson over the instrument."

Stark: Like Paul's '"man of sin," they have taken their place in the temple of God and assume to speak as God.  God put it [instrumental music] into his sanctuary by command; and if he has not taken it out, it remains there, unless some one claiming superior authority to God shall as God put it out of the temple of God.  That character Paul calls "the man of sin who opposseth and exalteth himself above all that is called God: The Doom of such is HELL.  I need no authority for using it; for where there is no law, there is no transgression. [p.15] What have they to do with my worship of God? The whole thing comes from a devilish, domineering spirit, which, instead of worshipping God, has taken God's seat in judgment to control the praise others may bring...  it is well enough to teach them: but 'rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborness is as iniquity and idolatry. (1 Samuel 15:23)
        Who put the twelfth commandment into God's law, saying, "Thou shalt not have an instrument of music in the congregation of the saints?"  David [Lipscomb], the destructive critic, when, like the "man of sin," he sits in the temple of God, says: "Thou shalt not."  That is the corner stone of his departure--the foundation of his schism.  Their church is built upon it, and a few old fogies have made it a test of fellowship.  God will shake their thunder out of them and put some lightning into them one of these days. [p.28]

Dwaine E. Dunning: There are at least three ways to kill a tree.

You can poison it, or burn it. It might not survive if all the limbs were lopped off.
But men usually choose to kill a tree by
cutting down its trunk.
We take an axe or saw to it not far above the roots and "fell" that tree.

Likewise a system of doctrine may be destroyed in various ways. It might be poisoned (or sweetened in this case) by injecting a different spirit into those who hold the doctrine.

Or its various contentions may be individually or specifically refuted,
lopping off a tree's branches one by one.

Robert Ballard and the NACC: and to refuse to permit that which God Himslef has (P93) SAID TO USE. To forbid their use, where God has  SAID TO USE THEM, as in Eph. 5:19 and Col. 3:16 is flagrant sin (Rev 22:18:19)

Agents of the NACC love to say that NO ONE OBJECTS to instruments anymore: that was just a TRADITION or a vile virus you caught from your mother.  They are also the ones who flood into once-Christian colleges and ignore the Scriptures and church history or PERVERT them so that, as boasted, young preacher go out with the NACC or instrumentalists agenda.  For example: the mechanic busted the heater on my wife's Jeep but he said "I can fix it for 400 dollars."  So the false teachers set up the shills and then come rushing in to SAVE everyone from those they have slandered and vilified using all of the RACA words.  If you lie about Scripture that is called despising the word and that is the meaning of Blasphemy.

The Word is the LOGOS which is defined as God's Regulative Principle but all of the false teachers MOCK the idea that God or Jesus had any thing to say about musical instruments so THEY jump in and assist God by doing exactly what the Regulative Principle commands.  The Regulative Principle does not command any ACTS OF WORSHIP other than the unique concept of "Giving attendance to the public reading of the WORD, to comfort and doctrine."  The Logos which Christ revealed is the OPPOSITE of rhetoricians, singers, instrument players or actors.  Christ in Isaiah 8 says of those who do not SPEAK the Word "THERE IS NO LIGHT IN THEM."

One of the oxymorons of todays NEW STYLE WORSHIP which is as new as Lucifer's rebellion is that we are CHRIST CENTERED when we EXPOSE the musical worship team front and center. For instance, Rubel Shelly along with the Vineyard crew claim that the "team" can "lead you into the presence of God." That means that the TEAM has become the MEDIATOR replacing Jesus. While claiming to present Just Jesus they sing their own infantile "praise songs" which are erotic and errow filled. Therefore, they remove "that which is written" or "the Spirit" or "the Word of Christ" in violation of a direct command.


See Mystery, Babylon the Great to see that one definition of the BEAST is a NEW STYLE SINGING.

2342.  therion, thay-ree´-on; diminutive from the same as 2339; a dangerous animal: — (venomous, wild) beast.
, ê, on, ( [thêrion] )

Thêrion Trag. only in Satyric drama,

III. as a term of reproach, beast, creature, hê mousikê aei ti kainon thêrion tiktei  [A New Style of Music}
IV. Astron., the constellation Lupus, [Identifies the Wolves in Acts 20]

Music is the most WORKS-INTENSIVE thing one could do and call it worship.

Michael C. Armour: I must begin, however, by describing my mixture of emotions on this occasion. I am both honored and humbled to be invited to this podium, to deliver this annual Peter Ainslie Lecture on Unity. The mere fact of the invitation alone still amazes me, given the contrast between Peter Ainslie's efforts toward unity and our own treatment of unity questions in my a cappella heritage.

It is hard to imagine two approaches more strikingly different.

During most of my lifetime, Ainslie's views on Christian unity would have received an unkind hearing in a cappella churches, as they still would in many quarters today. Yet, from what I know of his patient, forgiving, irenic spirit, I believe he would have commended the

Council on Christian Unity for choosing a speaker whose heritage would have treated Ainslie himself dismissively.

Probably none of the audience recognizes that this was in the context of the 1910 Centennial Convention of the Disciples of Christ.

The same Denominations claimed to the first census taker that the Church of Christ groups should be counted as part of the organ and society party. The census taker knew better and David Lipscomd said, no they cannot have us. About as ethical as the Anglicans counting the Disciples as a break-away sect.  By default, this meeting is trying to put people on a psychological guilt trip without telling them that this was the DISCIPLES.

The Council on Christian Unity (CCU) was created by the Disciples of Christ from which the Christian Church (NACC) would begin to sect out in 1927.  The Christian Church is the only group which split from the Disciples. 

However, the REAL Peter Ainslie spoke of The Heresy of Christendom WITHIN the Disciples of Christ.

Amid the clashes of creeds and one generation making orthodox what another had declared heresy, I do not hesitate to say that indifference to benevolence in all ages has been the great heresy of Christendom. On the departure of the church from that cardinal principle, the door was opened for all kind of heresies; and when you read church history, you read the history of a church that is largely prodigal, because one of the chief sources of her life was almost closed. It is no surprise that worldly aggrandizement became her policy

but the religion of Jesus Christ is not in great church buildings, pipe-organs and pulpit oratory
but pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is to recognize the wants of the orphan and the aged as the wants of Christ himself, and go speedily to the help of Him who helped us out of sin into the light of pardon. By the side of faith in the Book must be unstinted practice of the Book.
  It is as much our duty to think seriously of our obligation to the orphan and the aged as it was to think seriously of our obligation to be baptized. As to whether distress is more universal now than in former years, is a question we need not consider. Suffice it for duty and our sympathy that there is distress, and the sight of the needs of the orphan and the aged is the appeal from Christ himself. They are here in his stead, and through them he receives our ministries. Then, "deal thy bread to the hungry, cover the naked with thy garment, hide not thyself from thine own flesh, build up the broken-hearted, set at liberty them that are bruised. Then thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the paths to dwell in."

Yet they seek [as a Necromancer] me daily,
delight to know my ways [Seek like a necromancer],
(if they were) a nation that did righteousness
forsook not the ordinance of their God:
        they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they
take delight in approaching to God. Isaiah 58: 2

quaero  “natura fieret laudabile carmen, an arte, Quaesitum est,Hor. A. P. 409
2. To seek for something missing Phoebi comam, [seeking Missing HAIR]
1. To look for, seek to gain any thing; to get, acquire, obtain, procure:

carmen  I. In gen., a tune, song, air, lay, strain, note, sound, both vocal and instrumental
versus, numeri, modi):[melody] carmen tuba istacarmine vocali clarus citharāque Philammon,Ov. M. 11, 317; cf. “vocum,id. ib. 12, 157: “per me (sc. Apollinem) concordant carmina nervis,”  “citharae liquidum carmen,
5. A magic formula, an incantation7. Moral sentences composed in verses: [A Laded Burden]
Phoebus , i, m., = Phoibos (the radiant), I.a poetical appellation of Apollo as the god of light:
B. Phoe-bēus , a, um, adj., Phœbean, Apollinean: “carmina, Lucr. 2, 504: “lampas,the sun, “Rhodos,where the worship of Apollo prevailed, id. M. 7, 365: “lyra,
lampăs  “Phoebeae lampadis instar,the light of the sun, the sun,

And the Lord shall guide thee continually,
satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones:
        and thou shalt be like a
watered garden,
        and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. Isa 58:11

Nachah (h5148) naw-khaw'; a prim. root; to guide; by impl. to transport (into exile, or as colonists): - bestow, bring, govern, guide, lead (forth), put, straiten.

Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies. Ps.27:11

And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places:
        thou shalt
raise up the foundations of many generations;
        and thou shalt be called,

                The repairer
of the breach,
restorer of paths to dwell in. Isa 58:12

Sabbath does not mean Saturday but: intermission

A primitive root; to repose, that is, desist from exertion; used in many implied relations (causatively, figuratively or specifically): (cause to, let, make to) cease, celebrate, cause (make) to fail, keep (sabbath), suffer to be lacking, leave, put away (down), (make to) rest, rid, still, take away.

If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him,

not doing thine own ways,
        nor finding thine own pleasure,
        nor speaking thine own words
: Isa 58:13

Jer 23:18 For who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord,
        and hath perceived and heard his word?
        who hath marked his word, and heard it?
Jer 23:19 Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury,
        even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.
Jer 23:20 The anger of the Lord shall not return,
        until he have executed,
        and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart:
        in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly.
Jer 23:21 I have not sent these prophets,
        yet they ran:
        I have not spoken to them,
        yet they prophesied.
Jer 23:22 But if they had stood in my counsel,
        and had caused my people to hear my words,
        then they should have turned them from their evil way,
        and from the evil of their doings.

We are not lacking information about Threskia or impure religion where Orpheus and the Lesbian women put tunes and added instruments to insult men like Homer:

Orpheus the Thracian was the inventor of worship in the form of rituals. Music especially was added to claim that the charismatic, sexual feelings were proof that he could call down the gods or move you up to "him".

"If any one perchance thinks that we are speaking calumnies, let him take the books of the Thracian soothsayer (Orpheus the inventor of musical soothsaying), which you speak of as of divine antiquity; and he will find that we are neither cunningly inventing anything, nor seeking means to bring the holiness of the gods into ridicule, and doing so: for we shall bring forward the very verses which the son of Calliope uttered in the Greek, and published abroad in his songs to the human race through out all all ages." (Arnobius Against the Heathen, Ante-Nicene, VI, p. 499).

Worship which is conducted in musical rituals comes from the orgies of Orpheus:

"Nor are these Thracian orgies, from which the word Worship (threskia) is said to be derived; nor rites and mysteries of Orpheus, whom the Greeks admired so much for his wisdom that they devised for him a lyre which draws all things by its music. Nor the tortures of Mithras

The word in the Bible is:

Threskos (g2357) thrace'-kos; prob. from the base of 2360; ceremonious in worship (as demonstrative), i.e. pious: - religious.

Britannica Myth and music are linked in many cultures and in various ways. For example, numerous stories ascribe the origins of music to a figure, usually divine, who lived in the mythical past.

Thus, in ancient Greece the lyre was said to have been invented by the god Hermes, who handed it on to his (half) brother Apollo as part of a bargain.

From then on Apollo played the lyre at the banquets of the gods, while the Muses sang to his accompaniment.

An ancient Chinese myth tells of the discovery of the "foundation tone," which, in addition to being a musical note of specific pitch, also had political implications, since each dynasty was thought to have its own "proper pitch." The foundation tone was produced when Ling Lun, a scholar, went to the western mountain area of China and cut a bamboo pipe in such a way that it produced the correct sound. (See music, history of.)

Throughout the world music is played at religious ceremonies to increase the efficacy and appeal of prayers, hymns, and invocations to divinities.

The power of music to charm the gods is movingly expressed in the Greek story of Orpheus. This mythical figure goes to the underworld to try to have his dead wife, Eurydice, restored to life.

By means of his lyre playing and singing he is able to win over even the god of death, so that Eurydice is allowed to leave the underworld. The continuing potency of the myth (including its tragic conclusion--Orpheus is forbidden to look back at his wife but does so and thus loses her again) is shown by the fact that it has been retold in Europe by numerous composers of opera since the early 17th century.

That a particularly close connection exists between myth and music has been argued by Claude Lévi-Strauss. In an analysis of the myths of certain South American Indians (Le Cru et le cuit, 1964; The Raw and the Cooked) he explains that his procedure is "to treat the sequences of each myth, and the myths themselves in respect of their reciprocal interrelations, like the instrumental parts of a musical work and to study them as one studies a symphony."

However, Peter Ainslie was speaking of another ORGANIZATION and not with "unity" with the Church of Christ or the Christian church WHICH DID NOT EXIST.

SPEAK WHERE THE BIBLE SPEAKS: "That was the conception of the apostolic church. It must be the conception of the church again if it would be apostolic. "He that hath pity on the poor lendeth unto Jehovah;" "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your boom.

 So, life gets stranger and stranger. Here is what Mike Armour seems to defend:

"In 1911 an ecumenical journal, The Christian Unity Quarterly, was launched. Soon dialogues were set up with the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist, Congregational, and Christian Connection churches (the last two united in 1931 and in 1957 became constituent parts of the United Church of Christ.) Resource

"Later generations of CCU leadership vigorously guided the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the U.S. and Canada and Disciples throughout the world toward their destiny in the one holy, catholic and apostolic church. Its leadership has been uncompromising in the call for the visible unity of the church as a sign of the unity of humanity Resource.

Michael C. Armour: I've been asked to talk about unity initiatives in Churches of Christ as we move into the twenty-first century and as we near the centennial of

that famous 1906 census that identified a cappella congregations as a distinct body within the Stone-Campbell movement.

But, Peter Ainslie has just said:
you read the history of a church that is largely prodigal,
because one of the chief sources of her life was almost closed

It is no surprise that worldly aggrandizement became her policy 
but the religion of Jesus Christ is not in great church buildings, pipe-organs and pulpit oratory, 

That is why the Church of Christ never "joined" the Disciples of Christ other than working on projects and THAT ended mostly just after the civil war when the Disciples began adding the ORGAN because they confessed to J.W. McGarvey that their "largly prodigal" institution could not survive without going with the carnal culture.

Because churches of Christ are NOT a denomination Mike is not speaking of UNITY INITIATIVES in churches of Christ but INFILTRATING AND DIVERTING movements of the Disciples to GOBBLE up churches of Christ. To that end they were wise in picking the JUDAS GOATS.

Because the NON-INSTRUMENTAL position had been held for 1800 years or more and the American Restoration Movement began out of a CULTURE of denominations which REJECTED instrumental music it can be said that churches of Christ were faithful to the view held en toto for its short existance emerging on the frontier.

The fact is that the Christian churches had alread made their OWN census which excluded churches of Christ. Therefore, if MAJORITY WINS then the Christian churches were held to be A DISTINCT BODY outside of the Stone-Campbell churches.

But the SHOOTER has always blamed the SHOT for the blood.

WEST: "Apostasy in music among 19th century churches that had endeavored to restore New Testament authority in worship and work

began, in the main, following the American Civil War'
1868, Ben Franklin guessed that there were ten thousand congregations and not over fifty had used an instrument in worship." (Earl West, Search for the Ancient Order, Vol. 2, pp. 80, 81)

See Ben Franklin on the organ to see that NOTHING happened in 1906 other than an attempt to COUNT other people's sheep.

The Christian Chronicle as the organ of the CHANGE movers laments that only 5 congregations out of 13,000 have added instruments even into a "third" or alternative service. By his statement Mike Armour defines all of the non-musical churches as being the sowers of discord among a UNITY which never existed any closer than unity could exist with Baptists.

Choate/Woodson note that like David Lipscomb, E. G. Sewell worked for the Gospel Advocate to earn a living and preached for the Woodland Street Church in Nashville. He received little for his preaching. A new building was constructed in 1880 and Sewell was asked to preach there longer and devote more time.

"From the North, where the Society system was deeply imbedded in the churches, people moved into Nashville and many filled the Woodland Street church. By the end of 1882, a woman from Kentucky asked Sewell about forming an auxiliary society to the Christian Woman's Board of Missions. Sewel objected, and gave his reasons.

But as always, when a group in a congregation wants something, and the preacher stands in their way, there is only one thing to do: dismiss the preacher. Sewell was ousted and at the beginning of 1883, W. J. Loos, son of C. L. Loos, president of the Foreign Society, was hired. In the fall of that year young Loos attended the annual convention at Cincinatti, telling them with some embarassment that he was ashamed to admit he was from Tennessee for the churches of his state were doing nothing."

J. E. Choate and Adron Doran in The Christian Scholar note that:

In 1890 the first convention was called at Chattanooga to organize the state society. The only churches in the state of Tennessee were those who had already adopted the organ in their worship. The Christian Standard pumped up the news and "it is reported that the brethren in Nashville, Tennessee are desirous of entertaining our National Convention next year." This of course was just two congregations. A survey showed that out of 2500 members in Nashville, less than one hundred wanted the society. Lipscomb noted that among the Society people "the Bible is as popular as last year's almanac."

Michael C. Armour: As a corollary to that assignment I want to look back at those ten decades of formal separation and trace some of the factors that

led Churches of Christ into increasing isolation during the first two-thirds of the twentieth century.

Then I want to note how that tendency reversed itself near the end of the century. My goal is to offer those outside the a cappella tradition a fuller understanding of who we were in the past and who we are today. And from that story we may also discover some valuable lessons for unity-loving people of any era.

The Unity forums began with the creation of the twisted title Stone-Campbell Movement.  The fact is that the Reformers were never united with the Stoneites which came out of the wild revivalism of the American frontier. History marks such activities as witchcraft or sorcery and in early ages most of the "converts" would have been burned at the stake.  A few banded brothers sent out agents of the NACC to preach unity but came with a full-blown rationale (?) defending the COMMAND to use musical instruments. Therefore, unity meant lying about the Bible and all known church history before the DISCIPLES tried to use the word PSALLO to authorize or command instruments as late as 1878.

That massive sowing of discord fueled by the NACC has fleeced off ONLY the churches of the original plotters (dupes) from the Church of Christ. To date about 7 have added instruments at some meeting out of 13,000 or more congregations which were literate.  Max Lucado's movement of "quiet wind instruments in a class room" has blossomed to a Rock and Roll breakdown with the congregation as stunned audience. ALL of these began with the heresy of the "musical worship team" intending to add instruments which would take about 10 years.

Michael C. Armour: Long before the 1906 census we had already set a trajectory that would eventually take us on our course of isolation. From hindsight today it is easy to see a converging pattern of developments and attitudes in the late nineteenth century that

together resulted in our isolation, even within the Stone-Campbell movement.

That trajectory began with the church in the wilderness (Qahal, synagogue) which was to rest, read and rehearse the Word of God: a synagogue "never had a praise service" because evolution had not yet produced fools would make noise in the presence of God in "the school of the Bible."  To prove the point, no form of singing was added before the year 373 and resulted in a split between the eastern and western churches.  While the Church of Christ did not diverge from the historic path which did NOT include an organization to "capture all of Christencom" it was the Commercial based publishing institutions which declared:

"The supporters of the missionary society organized the Tennessee State Missionary Convention on October 6, 1890, with one purpose in mind, as stated by J. H. Garrison. He said at that time:

"We will take Tennessee for organized mission work...within five years."

A. I. Myhr was dispatched to Tennessee to head the new state society despite the protestation of David Lipscomb that Tennessee was not a destitute mission territory. Myhr and his supporters moved resolutely ahead to accomplish their mission.

"Their efforts met with some success and the intent was clear. Myhr was aggressive and abrasive in his operations. His actions were of such a nature, in promoting the missionary society, that he came under the direct attack of E. G. Sewel and David Lipscomb. And as later event proved, Myhr was no match for Lipscomb and the Gospel Advocate.

That proved that the Church of Christ did NOT belong to the society and the NACC sectarianed OUT of the society a decade after and rejected all of the INSTITUTION the 1911 conference included Peter Ainslie denouncing the focus on buildings, organs and preachers.
The Federal Religious Census of 1906 acknowledged the separation between Churches of Christ and Disciples of Christ (who commonly used the name Christian Churches) even though many congregations did not decide which they were for some years.

The trajectory continued through all of church history: Not even the apostate Catholics ever engaged in "congregational singing with instrumental accompaniment." The organ was used between Acts but soon led to abuse before and after the mass. No "musical" for was ever imposed without sowing massive discord. NONE of the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians or Congregationalist USED any musical instrument until primarily after the Civl War. Therefore, the TRAJECTORY from Ainsle rejection of HERESY was begun by the Disciples. The Church of Christ never cnanged its path from the RESTORATION begun and partly completed by John Calvin and others who ejected the instruments from the buildings even though not used by the church. They contributed to the use of the building as a THEATER.

This is the Old Testament "praise" of a nation abandoned to worship the starry host (Acts 7)

Hillel, Judgex 12:13. This word deserves investigating, as it is clearly allied with praise, and has


1. Of, relating to, or adapted for leaping or dancing.
2. Proceeding by leaps rather than by smooth, gradual transitions
This SOUND and LIGHT show of "making self vile" is the source for the word Lucifer--the singing and harp playing prostitute.

HOWEVER, as Peter Ainsle seems to agree, the "church in the wilderness is absolutely" INCLUSIVE OF:

But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. Numbers 10: 7

To blow the trumpet was the Hebrew:

Taqa (h8628) taw-kah'; a prim. root; to clatter, i. e. slap (the hands together), clang (an instrument); by anal. to drive (a nail or tent-pin, a dart, etc.); by impl. to become bondsman (by hand-clasping): - blow ([a trumpet]), cast, clap, fasten, pitch [tent], smite, sound, strike, * suretiship, thrust

The alarm was:

Ruwa (h7321) roo-ah'; a prim. root; to mar (espec. by breaking); fig. to split the ears (with sound), i. e. shout for alarm or joy: - blow an alarm, cry (alarm, aloud, out), destroy, make a joyful noise, smart, shout (for joy), sound an alarm, triumph.

Michael C. Armour: Not the least of these developments was a critical change in the way we applied principles from Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address

Campbell had identified three sources of Biblical authority: direct commands, apostolic precedent, and inferences properly drawn from commands and precedents. 

It seems that all error just popped up during the time of the American Restoration movement; and all forms of interpreting the Bible is uniquely and divisively the product of the Campbells. Hitler's propaganda minister repeated Hitler's mantra that if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it.

Only ignorance of the Bible and all of church history [as well as all literate people] which proves that you transfer authority by direct commands, examples and necessary inferences. For instance, if we see Jesus CASTING OUT the musical minstrels as one EJECTS DUNG we MIGHT INFER that Jesus does not want singers and instrumentalists present when HE is present to be out ONLY teacher through His Word.

Part of the pack often scream the mantra against the use of commands and examples and the law of silence. However, the Bible and the world's theologians before the Disciples "high church" or Catholic right to make new laws honored the commands of Scripture as the ONLY RESOURCE for establishing faith and practice. To do otherwise is to LAY CLAIM to inspiration equal to Jesus Christ:

Clement of Alexandria concurs:

Plainly, then, the other kind of discourse, the didactic, is powerful and spiritual, observing precision, occupied in the contemplation of mysteries. But let it stand over for the present. Now, it is incumbent on us to return His love, who lovingly guides us to that life which is best;

and to live in accordance with the injunctions of His will,

not only fulfilling what is commanded,
or guarding against what is

but turning away from some examples, and imitating others as much as we can, and thus to perform the works of the Master according to His similitude,

and so fulfil what Scripture says as to our being made in His image and likeness.

For, wandering in life as in deep darkness, we need a guide that cannot stumble or stray; and our guide is the best, not blind, as the Scripture says, "leading the blind into pits." [Matt. xv. 14]

We might have adduced, as supporters on this question, the philosophers who say that only the perfect man is worthy of praise, and the bad man of blame.

But since some slander beatitude, as neither itself taking any trouble, nor giving any to any one else, thus not understanding its love to man; on their account, and on account of those who do not associate justice with goodness, the following remarks are added.

For it were a legitimate inference to say, that rebuke and censure are suitable to men,

since they say that all men are bad;
but God alone is wise, from whom cometh wisdom, and alone perfect, and therefore alone worthy of praise.

Now, for Mike Armour's information, that was long before te 20th century!

And on the Law of Silence;

Michael C. Armour: But he ascribed far greater weight to direct commands than to teachings derived from precedents and inferences. Lines of fellowship, he cautioned, should never be drawn on the basis of doctrines supported primarily by precedents or inferences.

Otherwise salvation depends on proper deductions from closely reasoned arguments, which would put salvation beyond the reach of those with simple minds or limited intellect.

Yet, in the wake of the instrument controversy Campbell's distinction generally disappeared in churches supporting a cappella worship.

The CENI is defended from the beginning to the end of the Bible, defended by all of the church fathers and depended by all of the founders of denominations.  It is also used by Mike Armour BUT Mike cannot read BLACK text on BROWN paper.


During one of the periodic attempts of the instrumentalists to sow discord, H. Leo Boles wrote:

"Areas of silence," "liberty of opinion," and "the realm of expediency" are trite phrases used by leaders in the "Christian Church" and have been coined and put on a par with the teachings of the New Testament. It is just another way of saying that the opinions of men may guide the people of God, and that some of the people of God should submit to the opinions of men. There was unity with God's people so long as they respected the slogan, "Where the scriptures speak, we speak; and where the scriptures are silent, we are silent"; but when brethren began to claim the authority to speak where the New Testament is silent, and impose their opinions upon other brethren, division and separation were the inevitable results. 

The Christian Church makes ITS OPINION the same as the authority of Christ.

W.R. Walker, in Christian Standard, May 27, 1939, said: "There are two areas in our religious living in which the authority of Christ must be recognized. 

The first embraces all his teaching and that of his inspired followers, the `vocal area' ; 
     but there is another area, the `area of silence."' 

He further said: "I am persuaded that Christ has authority in the `areas of silence.' Christ, by his silence, in every situation concerning which he has left no direct teaching, has bestowed on me this authority to act for myself." 

Here are the two standards or rules recognized by many in the "Christian Church," namely, that of "walking by faith," and that of "walking by opinion." W.R. Walker calls the opinions of man in the "areas of silence" "the authority of Christ." This is tantamount to saying that man's opinions in the "areas of silence" are of equal force with the word of God. I join issue with him on this point. There can be no unity in the "area of silence," as there can be no unity on opinions when each man claims the authority to do what is right in his own eyes. This would violate every scripture that God has given instructing his people to be "of the same mind, the same judgment of one accord." 

If the liberty of opinion lets one put an organ in the worship, it will let another oppose that act; - if acting in the "realm of silence" permits one to act for himself, it will permit every one to act for himself. If liberty in opinion will let one organize a missionary society, the same liberty of opinion will let another group of God's people oppose that society. 

Neither the "Christian Church" nor the churches of Christ can have the liberty of opinion, in the sense that they make their opinions the basis of action for themselves and for the church. One will have his opinions tyrannized over by the other. It will be nonetheless tyranny of opinion that a majority, great or small, imposes its opinion on the minority. One man has as much right to "liberty of opinion" as another, or any number of others.


Charles P. Butler, in the Christian Standard March 25, 1939, in deploring the present condition in the Christian Church, said: "All this was followed by one of the most ruinous things we face today-to wit, a disregard for law and authority, both human and divine; and it extends from the cradle to our national leaders.
        We sowed to the wind and we have been reaping the whirlwind." What a sad picture! The " doctrine of expediency" or the "law of expediency" came in with the "liberty of opinion" in the "areas of silence." It is an afterthought.
        The missionary society was organized and in operation before this law was discovered and applied.
        The same is true with respect to introduction of the organ.

J.B. Briney, in his treatise on "The Doctrine of Expediency," said with respect to instrumental music in the worship:
"I affirm that an "instrumental accompaniment" is an addition to this ordinance, and affects its character, and is therefore an infringement of the divine prerogative. That singing as worship is a divine ordinance will not be questioned in the face of the scripture cited above.
        That the `instrumental accompaniment' is an addition is simply certain from the historical facts in the case, it having been born five hundred years out of time. Therefore, whatever men may think of its expediency, it affects the character of the divine appointment, and cannot be tolerated for a moment.

There is no way that one could get a hint of a whisper of a glimps that one can worship a SPIRIT God in the PLACE of the human spirit by using rhetorical performance preaching, singing or playing instruments without MARKING one as saying to God: "We WILL NOT listen to your words."

Declaration and Address

7. That although doctrinal exhibitions of the great system of Divine truths,

and defensive testimonies in opposition to prevailing errors,
highly expedient, and the more full and explicit they be for those purposes, the better; yet, as these must be in a great measure the effect of human reasoning,

and of course must contain many inferential truths, [You have to INFER instruments contrary to all of the Bible: you cannot IMPOSE]
they ought not to be made
terms of Christian communion;

unless we suppose, what is contrary to fact, that none have a right to the communion of the Church,

but such as possess a very clear and decisive judgment, or are come to a very high degree of doctrinal information; whereas the Church from the beginning did, and ever will, consist of little children and young men, as well as fathers.

8. That as it is not necessary that persons should have a particular knowledge or distinct apprehension of all Divinely-revealed truths in order to entitle them to a place in the Church; neither should they, for this purpose, be required to make a profession more extensive than their knowledge;

but that, on the contrary, their having a due measure of Scriptural self-knowledge respecting their lost and perishing condition by nature and practice, and of the way of salvation through Jesus Christ,

accompanied with a profession of their faith in and obedience to him, in all things, according to his word, is all that is absolutely necessary to qualify them for admission into his Church.

This view of Thomas Campbell focuses especially upon those who would use INFERENCES to introduce new doctrines:

11. That (in some instances)

a partial neglect of the expressly revealed will of God,
and (in others) an
assumed authority for making the approbation of human opinions and human inventions a term of communion,

by introducing them into the constitution, faith, or worship of the Church,

are, and have been, the immediate, obvious, and universally-acknowledged causes, of all the corruptions and divisions that ever have taken place in the Church of God.

It is always the error of those who INTRODUCE something which is not absolutely necessary into the fellowship to which there are Scriptural objections.

Of course, literacy 101aaa grasps that IF I force a choir or organ into YOUR congregation and you, being Biblically and historically literate, KNOW that it is a sin by DIRECT SCRIPTURE. And THEY insist that if YOU object then YOU are sowing discord (recent example in Seattle) and would probably be a racists or fire bomb restaurants. And THEY know that they are OFFENDING perhaps half of the congregation. But with a high hand they replace the ONE ANOTHER teaching of the word in song with a THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE TEAM and expert MUSICIAN. Then THEY have added made HUMAN OPINION AND INVENTIONS a term of communion and FORCE you to leave. John Locke spoke of that evil.

Let us note that a cappella is ala the Pope's castrated choir for the Sistine Chapel and is not remotely related to the direct command of Paul to TEACH the inspired Word with no hint of a musical content.

Michael C. Armour: The non-instrumental position depended

entirely on historical precedents from the first century
and on inferences drawn from the handful of Biblical passages that mention music in the early church.

Falsehood, most Biblical scholars grasped that there is no MUSIC word used in connection with the worship under the Old or New Testament. Blowing 120 trumpets in unison is not music.

Next, they understand that church is not a pagan worship center but like the synagogue A School of the Bible. Or in the words of Thomas Campbell A School of Christ. There simply is no rationale in a classroom.

Next, Bible scholars grasp that the serpent (nachash) was not a snake but a musical enchanter or soothsayer. The personification of Lucifer as the king of Tyre who was in the garden of Eden "came equipped" with musical instruments: he is called the harp-playing prostitute.

The totality of the Patristics DENOUNCES instruments based on their use under the Law of Moses which was "added because of transgression." That transgression was MUSICAL IDOLATRY at Mount Sinai.

This, in turn, acknowledged that worship or religion in the sense of the Greek threskia USED music and musicians because they knew that they could subvert and pervert people into a charismatic or sexual and homosexual experience.

Then, scholars grasp that all instrumental passage show that music is the MARK of those who tell God that they do not want to hear any more from His Word.

All musical terms and names of instruments in the Greek language identify enchantment or Sorcery as does John in Revelation 18

Jezebel's PROPHETS by their very name used INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC to bring on the "bowing to Baal." As a result, she is prophetic:

And the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her. And he opened the door, and fled. 2K.9:10

And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel; so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel. 2K.9:37

When Jesus CAST OUT like DUNG the minstrels, pipe players of flute players as the common pagan MUSICAL WORSHIP TEAM as a fulfillment anti-time of all PAGANISM where musicians were prostitutes or Sodomites. The word describing this is:

Skubalon (g4657) skoo'-bal-on; neut. of a presumed der. of 1519 and 2965 and 906; what is thrown to the dogs, i.e. refuse (ordure): - dung.

Kuon (g2965) koo'-ohn; a prim. word; a dog ["hound"] (lit. or fig.): - dog.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Mt.7:6

Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. Ph.3:2

But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. 2 Pe.2:22

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Re.22:15

Musical worship team and instrumentalists demand the "idolatry of Talent." Clement noted:

I do not think, if one were to say to a king, `I give you an equal share of honour with that which I give to corpses and to worthless dung'-I do not think that he would profit by it. But some one will say, Do you call our objects of worship dung? I say Yes,

for you have made them useless to yourselves by setting them aside for worship,
whereas their substance might perhaps have been serviceable for some other purpose, or for the purpose of

"And thou shalt pollute the plated idols, and thou shalt grind to powder (like "melody" in Greek) the gilt ones,and shalt scatter them as the water of a removed woman, and thou shalt thrust them forth as dung. Isaiah 30:22 LXX

"Then shall there be rain to the seed of thy land, and the bread of the fruit of thy land shall be plenteous und rich: and thy cattle shall feed in that day in a fertile and spacious place. Isaiah 30:23 LXX

The Greeks, especially, would understand the connection between the flute girls, prostitutes and the DUNG heap:

Aristotle, Athenian Constitution

L. These then are the matters administered by the Council. Also ten men are elected by lot as Restorers of Temples, who draw 30 minae1 from the Receivers and repair the temples that most require it; and ten City Controllers, [2]

five of whom hold office in Peiraeus and five in the city;

it is they who supervise the flute-girls and harp-girls and lyre-girls to prevent their receiving fees of more than two drachmas,

and if several persons want to take the same girl these officials cast lots between them and hire her out to the winner.

And they keep watch to prevent any scavenger from depositing ordure (dung) within a mile and a quarter of the wall;

and they prevent the construction of buildings encroaching on and balconies overhanging the roads, of overhead conduits with an overflow into the road, and of windows opening outward on to the road;

and they remove for burial the bodies of persons who die on the roads, having public slaves for this service.

See Aristot. Ath. Pol. 7.3. A drachma (say 9 1/2d. or 1 franc) was a hundredth part of a mina (say 4 pounds.)

All rhetoricians, sophists, singers and instrumentalists (prostitutes) pretended to be sorcerers or soothsayers. For instance, the can "bring the worshiper into the presence of God." In reality they were known as PARASITES because they contributed nothing:

Citharizo , a-re, v n., = kitharizô, to play on or strike the cithara, Nep. Epam. 2, 1; Vulg. Apoc. 14, 2..

The same in Greek:

Parasitor . a-ri, v. dep. [id.] , to play the parasite, to sponge: parasitarier, Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 54 : parasitando pascere ventres suos, id. Pers. 1, 2, 3

Michael C. Armour: By refusing fellowship with those who used instruments,

a cappella churches were effectively elevating "necessary inferences" and apostolic examples to a new plateau of authority.

Now disagreements over inferences and examples, no less than violations of direct commands, could justify a withdrawal or withholding of fellowship.

From the garden of Eden to Revelation and including all historical scholalrs, God is GIVEN the right to communicate by direct commands, approved examples and necessary inferences.  Mike INFERS that there are no direct commands to "sing that which is written" and "teach that which has been taught." He infers that God has never warned about speaking where He has been silent.

See some Biblical and historical DIRECT COMMANDS to use that which is written as authority for faith and practices. In fact the instrumental churches elevate the curse of the sacrificial system and infer that if Hezekiah burned the goats using the instruments of the king and commanders of the army, that constitutes a "command for instrumental praise and WE had better not be disobedient."  However, Bible 101 should have taught people that the Law was a curse added BECAUSE of musical idolatry.

Justin Martyr b 110

Chapter XXII.-So Also Were Sacrifices and Oblations.

"And that you may learn that it was for the sins of your own nation,
        and for their
idolatries and
        not because there was any necessity for such sacrifices,
       that they were likewise enjoined,

listen to the manner in which He speaks of these by
Amos, one of the twelve, saying:

`Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is this day of the Lord for you?
It is
darkness and not light, as when a man flees from the face of a lion, and a bear meets him; and he goes into his house, and leans his hands against the wall, and the serpent [devil] bites [stings with tithes] him. Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness and not light, even very dark, and no brightness in it? I have hated, I have despised your feast-days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies:

wherefore, though ye offer Me your burnt-offerings and sacrifices, I will not accept them; neither will I regard the peace-offerings of your presence.

Take thou away from Me the multitude of thy songs and psalms; I will not hear thine instruments.

BUT, let judgment be rolled down as water, and righteousness as an impassable torrent. 

If God DID NOT command the slaughter of innocent animals, but added it as a curse BECAUSE of musical idolatry, and the loud noise (never called music) was to carry out the captrivity and death sentence, how can anyone assume that God gives His permission for false preachers to take you captive to silence the Word of God:

Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon beast, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched. Jeremiah 7:20

Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel;
Put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices, and eat flesh. Jeremiah 7:21
21. Put ... burnt offerings unto ... sacrifices ... eat flesh--Add the former (which the law required to be wholly burnt) to the latter (which were burnt only in part), and "eat flesh" even off the holocausts or burnt offerings. As far as I am concerned, saith Jehovah, you may do with one and the other alike. I will have neither (Isa 1:11 Ho 8:13 Am 5:21,22). JFB

For I spake NOT unto your fathers, nor commanded them I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Amos 5:21
        in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt,
burnt offerings or sacrifices: Jeremiah 7:22
Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Amos 5:22
     Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs;
     for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. Amos 5:23
BUT this thing commanded I them, saying,
       Obey my voice, and I will be your God,
                 and ye shall be my people:
       and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you,
                 that it may be well unto you. Jeremiah 7:23 
BUT let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream Amos 5:24

Amos 5:25 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?

BUT they HEARKENED NOT, nor inclined their ear,
        but walked in the counsels
        and in the
imagination of their evil heart,
        and went backward, and not forward. Jeremiah 7:24

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day,
        I have even sent unto you all MY servants the PROPHETS, daily rising up early and sending them: Jeremiah 7:25

Yet they HEARKENED NOT unto me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers. Jeremiah 7:26

Therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them;
       but they will not hearken to thee:
       thou shalt also call unto them; 
       but they will not answer thee. Jeremiah 7:27

Amos 5:26 BUT ye have borne the tabernacle of your and Moloch and Chiun [#666] your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

They burned infants to the beat of instruments in 2 Chron 28 just before the PURGE and EXORCISM and in chapter 30 just AFTER Hezekiah's ceremony SOLELY to get the priests to return to Jerusalem to help defend it.

Amos 5:27 Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity
beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.

This was the sentence conditionally imposed because of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.  Canaan as the promised land became the Killing Fields as God let the kings lead them into captivity and death.

Why are people so anxious to impose the CURSE  of hypocrites and parasites.

The False preachers also missed that the Spirit OF Christ spoke ONLY through the prophets: it is a lie that the "holy spirit" guided the elders and preachers to lie about all of the Bible. The prophets thought that the kings, our princes, our priests, and  our fathers were lawless parasites. 

So the children went in and possessed the land, and thou subduedst before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and gavest them into their hands, with their kings, and the people of the land, that they might do with them as they would. Neh 9:24

And they took strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods, wells digged, vineyards, and oliveyards, and fruit trees in abundance:
so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted
Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee,
          and cast thy law behind their backs, and slew thy prophets
          which testified against them to turn them to thee,
          and they wrought great provocations. Neh 9:26

Neither have our kings, our princes, our priests, nor our fathers, kept thy law, nor hearkened unto thy commandments and thy testimonies, wherewith thou didst testify against them. Neh 9:34

For they have not served thee in their kingdom, and in thy great goodness that thou gavest them, and in the large and fat land which thou gavest before them, neither turned they from their wicked works. Neh 9:35

Behold, we are servants this day, [and so are you]
        and for the land that thou gavest unto our fathers to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof,
        behold, we are servants in it: Neh 9:36

And it yieldeth 
        much increase unto the kings whom thou hast set over us 
        because of our sins:
        also they have dominion over our bodies, and over our cattle,
        at their pleasure
        and we are in great distress. Neh 9:37

        They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns
        they have put themselves to pain, but shall not profit: 
        and they shall be ashamed of your revenues 
        because of the fierce anger of the Lord. Je.12:13

Never listen to those SELLING and twisting the free water of the Word (Isa 55)


Most of the false teachers about "music" do not define terms. For instance, the word fellowship is defined to mean that you must AFFIRM that the sowerss of discord were correct, or you must CONFORM to their practices.  However, fellowship has a deeper meaning which Instrumentalists will judge about but never meet:

One verse in Hebrew lumps several things together:

Lev. 6:2 If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD,
        and lie unto his neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep,
        or in fellowship, or in a thing taken away by violence,
        or hath deceived his neighbour;

The word fellowship is h8667 [from h7760] meaning "a pledge, security, deposit" from "to put, set, put a garment in pledge, set the heart and mind upon

The fellowship the instrumentalists so desparately need to cleans them from the sin of discord means more than visiting their church:

2Cor. 8:4 Praying us with much intreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints
Phil. 1:5 For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;

However, the Bible and all of church history identifys the instrument as the MARK of those who have no wish to unite on the basis of the Word of God. An instrument is "a machine for doing hard work mostly in making war and creating what John called sorcery (Rev 18:23) or mind manipulation.

Hear, ye that are far off, what I have done; and, ye that are near, acknowledge my might. Isaiah 33:13

The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the HYPOCRITES
        Who among us shall dwell with the
devouring fire?    
        who among us shall dwell with
everlasting burnings? Isaiah 33: 14

Hebrews 12 promies consuming fires for all of those who do not come before God in reverence and godly fear: you cannot fellowship those built upon the foundation of irreverence and even claiming to LEAD you into God's presence. That is what all of the Praise Teams promise you--for a price. 

He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; Isaiah 33: 15

He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure. Isaiah 33: 16

Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off. Isaiah 33: 17 

If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow,
shed not innocent blood in this place,
        neither walk after other gods to your hurt: Jeremiah 7:6

Ashaq (h6231) aw-shak'; a prim. root (comp. 6229); to press upon, i. e. oppress, defraud, violate, overflow: - get deceitfully, deceive, defraud, drink up, (use) oppress ([-ion], -or), to violence (wrong).

HEAR this word, ye kine of Bashan, that are in the mountain of Samaria, which oppress the poor, which crush the needy, which say to their masters, Bring, and let us drink. Am.4:1

Jesus identified the Hypocrites as slick speakers, singers and instrument players:

Job 20:5 That the triumphing of the wicked is short,
        and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?
Job 20:6 Though his excellency mount up to the heavens,
        and his head reach unto the clouds;
Job 20:7 Yet he shall perish for ever like his own dung:
        they which have seen him shall say, Where is he?

Paul in Romans 10 and 1 Corinthians 10 defined the rising up to play at Mount Sinai as musical idolatry: their singing, dancing, playing instruments caused them to repudiate God and He abandoned them to the worship of the starry host (Acts 7 and many other passages).  That was the worship of demons:

1Cor. 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. 

The notion of FELLOWSHIP REFUSED is the big lie that one who believes in instrumental music cannot attend church, make comments, take communion and do ALL of those things which fit the PATTERN of a school of the Bible. No one is ever asked about their beliefs and no one is refused COMMUNION (fellowship with Christ).

In writing on FELLOWSHIP, the Campbells and others never hinted that people should ASSEMBLY WITH and endorse those whom they believed to teach a sinful dogma. OTHERS refused to fellowship the early Reformers and NOT the other way round. See Alexander Campbell on FELLOWSHIP.

He did not mean or say that one should fellowship those in error by allowing THEM to intrude things like instruments or choirs. He meant that he would not EXCLUDE one from meeting peacably even though they may believe something non-essential.

However, MUSIC was not on the horizon at the time. When it reared its ugly head nothing he ever said could be twisted into forcing him to say that he would FELLOWSHIP with instrumental music forced into his church.

In many of the early introductions of instruments with NO thought of Biblical authority, the instrument was FORCED IN and the organist went to work to collect the big contributors. The non-instrumentalists known as the church of Christ from the beginning ADDED NOTHING and were simply forced OUT to meet in buildings while those they had paid for were confiscated.

The Bible contains MANY direct commands about what the church or ekklesia or synagogue should be: it should NOT do anything which would arouse spiritual anxiety. The word MELODY or the Greek PSALLO was not a worship word but a WARFARE word. it was derived from twanging bowstrings to send singing arrows to grind (make melody) out of the enemy's literal heart.

The CORE GOSPEL where all has been stripped out of the Bible except seven factual statements ABOUTJesus ridicules and eleminates the epistles form being inspired.

Jesus in Person taught them.
He promised to guide them into all truth.
The writers THOUGHT that they were inspired.

History before the seven merry men of th end times and others STILL consider them inspired.

The Discorders USE the letters whether they are believers or not.

Unless we are on the dole with too much time to, like J. H. Garrison, lust to set up a society to encompass all of Christendom based on--

J.H.Garrison: "There is God and Jesus: all the rest is opinion."

Or: Rubel Shelly: "Outside the essence of the gospel, there are other features that reflect our history and consensus interpretations of the larger biblical message."

Most of us have time only to fellowship a small fraction of our own congregation.

Furthermore, the command to externally TEACH OR PREACH with the Word of God with the singing (Greek secular) and make melody (abrading you into a fine powder re. the Sop Jesus fed Judas) left in the heart was meant to make fellowship with diverse background.

This is also the big lie of the Guilt Clause: "You shoot me in the heart, I spurt my dying blood on your clergy garb, and you curse me for messing up your clothing." Or from Abraham Lincoln

A highwayman jumps out in front of your horse, shoves a gun into your chest and yells, 'stand and deliver or I will shoot you and that will make you a murderer."

Read how J. W. McGarvey who was chased out of his own church and others defines the GUILT CLAUSE Mikey is pulling on us.

Michael C. Armour: This proved to be a fateful turn,

for viewpoints that our movement would have previously relegated to the realm of private judgments and opinions were now to be taken by some as core doctrines and essentials of the faith.

The Church of Christ never TURNED: it was opposed to the Society party from the beginning. As soon as some went sectarian and added organs, the faithful taught against instruments.  For instance, even very old, Alexander Campbell refused to preach in a church if they played the organ.

Like most of those "among the scholars" Mike invents the evidence and then draws unnecessary inferences. Neither the Baptists, Methodists or Presbyterians would permit the organ as part of "worship." Therefore, Mike has no EVIDENCE to build upon. When the organ was forced in men like J. W. McGarvey and others OBJECTED. It did not OCCUR to them that anyone would introduce an instrument as it would be unthinkable that they would introduce a naked dancer--which in the literature is included. Their PRIVATE JUDGMENT forced McGarvey to cease fellowshiping the STOLEN churches even though he would preach the truth to them.

The INTRODUCTION of the organ was by men who KNEW that it would sow discord while they KNEW that it was not a CORE DOCTRINE. However, the MADE it a core doctrine. You either FELLOWSHIP with their theatrical performance or YOU are effectively disfellowshipped. John Locke would define such an introduction of what became THE CORE of musical churches as HERESY.

Unfortunately, "among the scholars" there is not time nor felt need to read the evidence. Music was the fatal flaw at Mount Sinai and was a MARK that Israel had repudiated the rule of God in favor of a king "like the nations" so that they could "worship like the nations."

Mike doesn't there for grasp or is just bluffing because the church fathers and founders of denominations repudiated instrumental music because they knew that it was the MARK of those who did not want to listen to the Word.

When the Catholics added instruments it was never for the accompaniment of congregational singing. The organ played preludes, interludes or recessionals. At the same time the MUSICAL WORSHIP MINISTER or chanter CHANTED the Biblical Psalms or other material suitable as SERMON or PRAYER. The congregation was FORBIDDEN to sing. That meant that the COMBINATION simply was not acceptable in the Mass.

At the Reformation the goal was to RESTORE congregational singing of the Psalms and naturally CAST OUT the organ as Jesus CAST OUT the musical minstrels. They had never been A MATCHED PAIR with congregational singing and the acceptance of ONE implied the rejection of the OTHER.

See John Calvin on MUSIC.
See Martin Luther on MUSIC

When the Restoration Movement, NONE of the groups which left their old denominations practiced instrumental music because they KNEW it was wrong. You will find that before the Civil war it was black Methodists who were the first to added small instruments BECAUSE financial trouble showed them just how valuable MUSIC was in collecting unlawful and ungodly money from the widows and honest working people.

The Presbyterians out of which the Campbells Came:

And when instruments were added, primarly post Civil War, it was because the huge wealth in the North made carnal men see that if they were gonna get their fair share they would have to institute seculat entertainment: none of them used any form of Biblical authority. History, namely Zwingli, note that the RELIGION which sides with the CIVIL STATE which wins the war ASSUMES the right to ALSO win the CHURCHES. This is exactly what happened after the Civil war when the ladies primarily presumed the right to add the society and Organ. Some went to the Law to steal the church houses.

They also did it with a high hand knowing that they were sowing discord but effectively telling opposition faithful for 1800 years to get run over or get run off.

The fact that I leave when someone throws a skunk into my car would, in the Armour theology, make me the GUILTY PARTY.

Michael C. Armour: This change in climate made additional ruptures all but inevitable.

The twentieth century saw something like 20 recognizable lines of division among a cappella churches. And all of them resulted from disagreements over inferences from Scripture or the normative force of specific New Testament examples. Implicit in these divisions was the concept that fellowship is possible only in settings of extensive and detailed doctrinal agreement.

The Disciples existed and the Christian churches were part of them: only in 1927 and completed in 1971 did the Christian church exist. Therefore, it would have been impossible for the Church of Christ--never part of the full blown denomination--to have separated from the Christian churches.

Since there never was an Armourish Denomination called "The A Cappella churches of Christ" then it would be impossible to rupture that which never existed. The Armourites are "among the scholars" or dominant pastors who, like all bullies, want their own turf and to be Top Billy Goat on Mount Polemic." Most officialdom recognizes three divisions in the Restoration Movement although there is little in common between churches of Christ and even conservative Christian Churches. There are more divisions than Armour is aware of. For instance, on the direct operation of the Holy Spirit as in Western Christian churches.

Someone has identified 146 distinct ORGANIZED bodies of Baptists. That is down from 321 which developed out of the First Great American Awakening where UNITY proved ot be DIVISIVE. When you have those like J. H. Garrison who tried to force a united denomination encompassing "all of Christendom" financed by siging up even children for "life memberships" on the one side, and congregational autonomy then this brain warp can see a thousand divisive groups if there are a thousand congregations.

The church as Christ left it by instructing Paul does not need to have the "fellowship of bonding buddies of the priesthood" to do its own work in its own assigned area.

Michael C. Armour: This in itself was a major departure from the efforts of Stone and Campbell to allow broad latitudes of opinion and to build unity on a small core of essentials. Once we preconditioned fellowship on far-ranging doctrinal agreement, we reduced the perimeter of fellowship markedly. By the middle of the twentieth century the perimeter had become so small that we had little communion with anyone other than our own congregations.

No, almost without exception the scholars have not read the facts. Thomas Campbell learned something valuable from John Locke as did Thomas Jefferson and our entire culture of religious and political freedom. While they lie about the Campbells, Alexander said that there MUST be Christians in the sects: if so, he said "they must come out of Babylon."

Mike C. Armour: Compounding the problem of our isolation were our own matters of conscience, beginning with our convictions on instrumental music, that limited our opportunities to work collaboratively with other spiritual communities.

Our commitment to unaccompanied music in worship became a core identity issue--

so much so that to distinguish ourselves from the independent Christian Churches and instrumental Churches of Christ, both we and others use the term "non-instrumental Churches of Christ" or "a cappella Churches of Christ."

ALL people down through history called their church THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. They grasped that the body belongs ot the HEAD. In his Declaration and Address Thomas Campbell often used the CHRISTIAN CHURCH to identify the universal church and THE CHURCH OF CHRIST within our world. Before instruments were added Thomas Campbell helped form Churches of Christ.

NONE of the groups involved in the Stoneite Cane Ridge "revival" used instruments in any form. When churches of Christ and Christian churches met in the same buildings NONE of them used instruments. For 2,000 years among faithful and literate believers INSTRUMENT had no role to play in the "school of the Bible."

ONLY when Christian churches begin imposing instruments and confiscating church buildings was there any reason to use a DIVISIVE term to distinguish inividual congregations: remember that the churches of Christ HAD NO organizational structure.

What would Moses Lard do?

Thus these organ-grinding churches will in the lapse of time be broken down, or wholly apostatize, and the sooner they are in fragments the better for the cause of Christ. I have no sympathy with them, no fellowship with them, and so help me God never intend knowingly to put my foot into one of them. As a people we claim to be engaged in an effort to return to the purity, simplicity, freedom from ostentation and pride, of the ancient apostolic churches. Let us, then, neither wink at any thing standing in the way, nor compromise aught essential to this end. The moment we do so our unity is at an end, and our hopes are in the dust.

Moses Lard would not be "shamed" into sin and neither will most churches of Christ except those who have been INFILTRATED and DIVERTED by dishonorable men needing AFFIRMATION by anyone but those who pay them.

When the Christian church imposed the Missionary Society and begin to sign up children as "life members" and insist that member congregations ADD instruments to be part of the group as well as use their Sunday School material and "song books" they FORMED a denomination with no more connection to the New Testament than the Baptists who STILL didn't use instruments.

Churches of Christ DID NOTHING except inform the Census bureau fellow who UNDERSTOOD that the new denomination was counting EVERYONE as belonging to their society. David Lipscomb informed them that the churches of Christ SHOULD NOT BE counted in the denominational sheep fold. They simply refused to be stolen sheep.

Churches of Christ call themselves churches of Christ and Christian churches call them ANTI-instrumental as a term of derision. They even use the ONE CUPPERS to make sure that people believe that NOT bowing to Baal is like drinking out of ONE CUP.

Paul defined this assembly in Romans 15 as the way to REJECT pleasuring one another and glorify God with one MOUTH and one MIND by speaking "that which is written." Paul defines the ekklesia or synagogue which outlawed "vocal and instrumental rejoicing" in the church in the wilderness:

Romans XV. 1 debemus autem nos firmiores imbecillitates infirmorum sustinere et non nobis placere

Sustinere  I. to hold up, hold upright, uphold, to bear up, keep up, support, sustain 1.To sustain, support, maintain, by food, money, or other means (maintain, preserve with dignity of a citizen II. Concr., the citizens united in a community, the body - politic, the state, and as this consists of one city and its territory, or of several cities, it differs from urbs, i.e. the compass of the dwellings of the collected citizens; 

Imbecillitas Caes. B. G. 7, 77, 9

Caes. B. G. 7, 77, 9  Caesar, Gallic War 7.77. LXXVII. But those who were blockaded at Alesia , the day being past, on which they had expected auxiliaries from their countrymen, and all their corn being consumed ignorant of what was going on among the Aedui, convened an assembly [Concilium Pastorium]

Concilium is the same as Latin ecclesia or Greek sulloge or synagogue. I.a collection of people, an association, gathering, union, meeting A.An assembly for consultation pastorum pasco  2.To feed, nourish, maintain, support, 3.To cherish, cultivate, let grow, feed

Pastor 2.The minister or superintendent of a church or congregation

Ezek XXXIV. The word of Yahweh came to me, saying, [2]  Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and tell them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Shouldn't the shepherds feed the sheep? [3]  You eat the fat, and you clothe you with the wool, you kill the fatlings; but you don't feed the sheep. [4]  You haven't strengthened the diseased, neither have you healed that which was sick, neither have you bound up that which was broken, neither have you brought back that which was driven away, neither have you sought that which was lost; but with force and with rigor have you ruled over them. [5]  They were scattered, because there was no shepherd; and they became food to all the animals of the field, and were scattered.

Eph 4:[11]  He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers; [12]  for the perfecting of the saints, to the work of serving, to the building up of the body of Christ; [13]  until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ 

Outlawed:  Placeo to please, to be pleasing or agreeable, to be welcome, acceptable, to satisfy (class.).
1. In scenic lang., of players or pieces presented, to please, find favor, give satisfaction: scenico placenti 

Rom. 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Rom. 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, 
        if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. 
        Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Outlawed: Scaenicus I. of or belonging to the stage, scenic, dramaticORGANA, theatrical
I. Lit.: poëtae, dramatic poets, ludi, stage-plays, theatrical representations, : fabula, a drama,  
2. Placere sibi, to be pleased or satisfied with one's self, to flatter one's self, to pride or plume one's self

I. Lit.: poëtae, dramatic poets, ludi, stage-plays, theatrical representations, : fabula, a drama, organa, Suet. Ner. 44 : coronae, id. ib. 53 : habitus, id. ib. 38 : gestus, Cic. de Or. 3, 59, 220 : modulatio Comedy. Orator

Poi-êtês II. composer of a poem, author, p. kômôidias Pl.Lg.935e ; p. kainôn dramatôn, b. composer of music, 2. author of a speech

Outlawed:  Organum Vitr. 10, 1.--Of musical instruments, a pipe,. Gen. 4, 21; id. 2 Par. 34, 12 et saep.--Of hydraulic engines, an organ, water-organ: organa hydraulica

[2] unusquisque vestrum proximo suo placeat in bonum ad aedificationem [3] etenim Christus non sibi placuit sed sicut scriptum est inproperia inproperantium tibi ceciderunt super me 

LOQUOR I. inf. loquier, Naev. ap. Gell. 1, 24, 2), v. dep. n. and a. [Sanscr. lap-, to talk, whisper; Gr. lak-, elakon, laskô], to speak, talk, say (in the lang. of common life, in the tone of conversation; cf. Quint. 9, 4, 10; 11, 3, 45). 

1. To speak out, to say, tell, talk about, mention, utter, name: A. To speak, declare, show, indicate or express clearly:

Aedificatio III. Fig., building up, instructing, edification.
(a). Absol.: loquitur ad aedificationem, Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 3 ; 14, 26.--
(b). With gen.: ad aedificationem Ecclesiae [church], Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 12 ; ib. Eph. 4, 12.

Eph. 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists;
        and some, pastors and teachers;
Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Eph. 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

What would Moses Lard do?

Thus these organ-grinding churches will in the lapse of time be broken down, or wholly apostatize, and the sooner they are in fragments the better for the cause of Christ. I have no sympathy with them, no fellowship with them, and so help me God never intend knowingly to put my foot into one of them. As a people we claim to be engaged in an effort to return to the purity, simplicity, freedom from ostentation and pride, of the ancient apostolic churches. Let us, then, neither wink at any thing standing in the way, nor compromise aught essential to this end. The moment we do so our unity is at an end, and our hopes are in the dust.

Moses Lard would not be "shamed" into sin and neither will most churches of Christ except those who have been INFILTRATED and DIVERTED by dishonorable men needing AFFIRMATION by anyone but those who pay them.

Click for some proof.

Mike C. Armour: In defense of our position, and later our identity, Churches of Christ came to see our stance on instrumental music as more than a matter of doctrine. It became a matter of conscience.

Men who read the Bible and church history KNEW for a fact that MUSIC tells God that "we will not listen to your words." All of church history knows tha it was not just an OPINION which became a LAW. Why would music which was known to produce "worship services" which led to sexuality and homosexuality be seen as an OPTION and then only because NOT playing instruments somehow MAKES you evil and corrupt turn to conscience. It was ALWAYS conscience. J. W. McGarvey had to flee his own congregation because to have participated in the musical worship would have been SIN. Those who FORCED him to flee were the TERMINAL SINNERS.

Mike C. Armour: This then precluded opportunities to participate in one of the simplest, yet most basic expressions of unity with others, worshipping with them. For decades the vast majority of our members could not attend joint worship with neighboring denominations, or even with their spiritual cousins in the Disciples of Christ, without feeling they had violated their conscience. And many still feel that way today.

No, that is not TRUTH. Those who resisted the hostile takeover of their own congregation knew that the INTRODUCERS were destroying their ability to participate in what ALL of the literature brands as sinful idolatry. When they tried to preach against the organs they were accused of SOWING DISCORD AMONG THE BRETHREN. If they persisted in trying to teach the truth they were CAST OUT. That is a fact: this writer knows of a modern example.

It is utterly impossible to GIVE HEED to Christ and His Word--Paul's unique worship word--and give heed to the performance rhetorician or professional stage performer at the same time. And that HAS to be the purpose as the Lucifer Principle to BLEED OFF worship due only to God. That is why Lucifer is called the "singing and harp-playing prostitute" as the king or queen of Tyre.

Why would anyone but a false preacher on the DOLE have either the time or inclination to WORSHIP with instruments just to prove that they are civilized? It was a fact known in the garden of Eden and by Nimrod at the towers of Babylon that MUSIC induces a feeling of PANIC in people. The body rushes endorphins to HEAL the pain. With the left-over MORPHINE the effects of FIGHT, FLIGHT or SEXUALITY is created. That is proven by moden medicine. Therefore, it would be stupid for people who know that they are being USED to fill the collection plates to attend a meeting they neither believe in nor wish to TOLERATE. See a Time Magazine article: Music on the Brain. 

Nothing brings about compromise faster than familiarity. I find it almost impossible to teach what the Bible teaches when I am in the presence of someone who is FRIENDLY (a weapon) and who seems "spiritual." Now, Mike and his wrecking crew CLAIM to be more spiritual than those perverted by NOT using instruments but that is to DISARMOUR us. See how Tertullian warns about those who first WALK then STAND and the SIT as speaking directly to church as THEATER.

Mike C. Armour: These settings have shown us opportunities to build on our commonalities without compromising our convictions. We now see ways to work together without abandoning our distinctives. We are learning how to be of one heart even though our heads sometimes lead us to opposing conclusions. I, for one, am excited about where this course may take us and for the prospects for unity it portends.

Mike alienates the Church of Christ with a sound understanding of the "music" issue by declaring that we were JUST FLAT WRONG. There has never been a discussion by the NACC which did not match an INSTRUMENTAL "church of christ" preacher against an INSTRUMENTAL preacher from the NACC.  There has never been any "dialogy" been permitted by anyone who is not a PLEDGED PLANT defending unity by having those who believe instruments are condemned by commands and all of the Biblical examples. Based on church being a school of the Bible anyone can INFER that you cannot tolerate Rock And Roll (voodoo and worse) when the people assemble to listen to JESUS CHRIST.

Mike has no DIFFERENCES about any of the fundamentals and therefore has NOTHING which has not already been compromized. The problem with a tiny muddied stream of preachers is that they seem to be isolated and alienated from any fellowship and seek affirmation WHEREEVER it can be found. This is consistent with The Book of Enoch, Jubilees, Adam and Eve and three dozen versions we have posted about how SATAN seduced the Genun composite or Jubal into HANDLING musical instruments meaning "without authority."

When Satan had COME INTO the youth and into the musical instruments they called the faithful Sethites away from the Living Word. Once they had fallen they could never repent (see Hebrews 6 and 12). Therefore, in their lostness and isolation they felt the need to seduce EVERYONE to give them aid and comfort.

Mike C. Armour: This group, drawing on the language of Ephesians 4, sees unity as something created by the Holy Spirit, not by us. Our duty is to maintain the unity which the Spirit proclaimed when He placed us all in one body. To maintain this unity, we must submit to the Spirit's judgment who, by making us part of the same body, affirmed that the differences between us are not so great as to preclude oneness. Our challenge, therefore, is to find ways to transcend our differences and work together as one. 

Paul warned the original gifted men to TEACH the Word because the world if filled with mercinary people trying to Navigate the Winds of Change. Note that the GIFTED LIST does not include PULPIT PREACHERS:

He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) Eph 4:10

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; Eph 4:11

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Eph 4:12

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Eph 4:13

That perfecting is to train people to believe in and obey Christ in Baptism where we have A holy spirit or regenerated mind. Paul used MILK in First Corinthians but for the PERFECTED he taught the "meat" of the Word. The reason for making Disciples of Christ is:

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Eph 4:14

What is ABSOLUTELY OUTLAWED:Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, 
        and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
        by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Paul always defines the EVIL PAGAN assemblies before he defimes the Christian assembly: when you COME TOGETHER is a synagogue word. We know that the synagogue or church in the wilderness met weekly and the civl ekklesia met roughly weekly.
Panourgia (g3834) pan-oorg-ee'-ah; from 3835; adroitness, i.e. (in a bad sense) trickery or sophistry: - (cunning) craftiness, subtilty.

3835.  panougos, pan-oor´-gos; from 3956 and 2041; all-working [ergon], i.e. adroit (shrewd):  crafty.
A musical instrument is a machine for doing hard WORK from ERGON. This was always to MAKE WARE or to induce the arousal in religious ritualism.
A musical instrument is a machine for doing hard WORK from ERGON. This was always to MAKE WARE or to induce the arousal in religious ritualism. 
Organon , to, ( [ergon, erdô]  3.a hard piece of work, a hard task, Il.: also, a shocking deed or act,
3. musical instrument
Aristotle Politics 1341b and all the instruments that require manual skill. And indeed there is a reasonable foundation for the story that was told by the ancients about the flute. The tale goes that Athena found a flute and threw it away. Now it is not a bad point in the story that the goddess did this out of annoyance because of the ugly distortion of her features; but as a matter of fact it is more likely that it was because education in flute-playing has no effect on the intelligence, whereas we attribute science and art to Athena...And since we reject professional education in the instruments and in performance  (and we count performance in competitions as professional,  for the performer does not take part in it  for his own improvement, but for his hearers'  pleasure, and that a vulgar pleasure, owing  to which we do not consider performing to be proper for free men, but somewhat menial; and indeed performers do become vulgar,  
Panourg-êma  A. knavish trick, villainy, S.El.1387 (lyr.), LXX Si.1.6 (v.l.); sophistry, Gal.5.251; cf. panourgeuma.
Panourg-os A. ready to do anything, wicked, knavish, b. panourgôs kataskeuazesthai to be adulterated, 3. of animals, as the fox, sophos

The hypocrites:
hupokrinô reply, make answer, of an oracle, 2. expound, interpret, explain [Peter outlawed this as private interpretation.] 2. deliver a speech, declaim, of orators and rhetoricians, represent dramatically, erôtikôn dramatôn 3. of an orator, use histrionic arts, exaggeratehence play a part on the stage, 3. of an orator, use histrionic arts, exaggerate,

tragôidoi * I. properly, a goat-singer  [Cappella] 
Latin canto I. Neutr., to produce melodious sounds (by the voice or an instrument), to sound, sing, play (class. in prose and poetry; to sing and play while the actor accompanies the song with gestures or dancing, C. Transf., of instruments, to sound, resound: 
Sophis-tikos  Artistic or poetic, This includes the techne or craftsmen who perform as sorcerers in Rev 18. 
Techn-ê , A.art, skill, cunning of hand, soothsayer, to learn a thing professionally, hence title of various treatises on Rhetoric (v. VI; but rather tricks of Rhetoric, OF the rhapsoidikos, poetl

Clement Against Heresies
To me, therefore, that Thracian Orpheus, that Theban, and that Methymnaean,-men, and yet unworthy of the name,-seem to have been deceivers,  who, under the pretence of poetry corrupting human life, possessed by a spirit of artful sorcery for purposes of destruction, celebrating crimes in their orgies, and making human woes the materials of religious worship, were the first to entice men to idols; 
        nay, to build up the stupidity of the nations with blocks of wood and stone,-
              that is, statues and images,- 
        subjecting to the yoke of extremest bondage the truly noble freedom
             of those who lived as free citizens under heaven
             by their songs and incantations. Technites

What is ABSOLUTELY COMMANDED with no inferences needed. But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: Eph 4:15
From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Eph 4:16
Aedificatio, III. Figurative, building up, instructing, edification. Absolute: loquitur ad Aedificationem Ecclesiae, Vulg. 1 Cor. 14, 12 ; ib. Eph. 4, 12.
Loquor a. [Sanscr. lap-, to talk, whisper; Gr. lak-, elakon, laskô], to speak, talk, say (in the language of common life, in the tone of conversation;
B. Act. 1. To speak out, to say, tell, talk about, mention, utter, name, declare, show, indicate or express clearly 
Doubtful disputations outlawed in Romans 14 are opinions whicharise out of the human mind. Because "the imaginations of man is only evil continually" no man can offer anything of value when the church assembles for "instruction only."
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Eph 4:17

Vanitas I.Lit., emptiness, nothingness, nullity, want of reality:

B. Esp., falsity, falsehood, deception, untruth, untrustworthiness, fickleness, magice I. the magic art, magic, sorcery (post-Aug.): pariter utrasque artes effloruisse, medicinam [p. 1097] dico magicenqu.
Tumultus  an uproar, bustle, violent commotion, disturbance
Pulso to push, strike, beat, Of military engines, Of musical instruments

Craftiness is SOPHISTRY. The sOPHISt enfolds the word OPHIS who is the serpent enchanter in Greek. He is the serpent or Nachash or the Musical Enchanter in the garden of Eden.

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2Co.11:3

And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; Rev 18:22

The MUSES are the singers of Apollo or Abaddon or Apollyon. They are the LOCUSTS or musical performers. The craftsmen work their CRAFT. In the Greek theater they were "house builders and stage managers." It comes as no surprise that one of the churches Mike Armour helped discord in Nashville expresses the demand that the church be turned into a "theater for holy entertainment." One suspects that godly members of the Christian churches will deeply regret that they have used the left fringe to help FACILITATE and CHANEL people their way.

That is quite identical to the "singing" passages such as Romans 15 where we speak "that which is written" or in Ephesians the Spirit or the material inspired by the Spirit of Christ or the Word of Christ in Colossians. No music when you are doing this, please. Christians worship in THEIR SPIRIT or their mind: pagan Gentiles walk in A vain MIND.

This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Eph 4:17

Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Eph 4:18

Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. Eph 4:19

The MUSIC in Amos 5 and 6 was evil because it produced the ignorance in Amos 8. The result was that people hungered and thirsted for the Word but could never find it. Isaiah 5 speaks the same thing: their religious festivals had become ECUMENICAL with the beast people.

Paul admits that evangelists deserve the DAILY DOLE OF FOOD just like the temple servant. However, he admits that you cannot PEDDLE the free gospel and get people to PURCHASE. Rubel Shelly speaks of the Located Missionary! But Paul refutes him.

The so called Stone Campbell Movement

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