Abilene Christian University: Rubel Shelly A Stumbling Block For Jesus Kenneth Sublett, Piney.com, Hohenwald, Tennessee Abilene Christian University (ACU): Rubel Shelly at the Restoration Forum XII - Abilene Christian University (ACU), proposes a Post Denominational rule of fellowship with instrumental music. He demands that non-musical churches fellowship instrumental churches to escape the horrors of being: "fratricidal, traditionalist, legalists, unChristian posture, schismatic, Satanic, sectarian, idolatrous, irrelevant, just pushing junk." The same people who don't have the time or inclination to "fellowship" musical churches are said to preach an "ology" of church which is decadent and deliterious. To those without doctorates, that is rotten and destructive. Others have now been assaulted by being called pharisaical and racist for rejecting instrumental music in worship.Don't Miss Number four:
7/7/03 Shelly at ACU: Wine Drinking focus and DIRTY PICTURES of the New Style Worship. Instrument players were always perverted and known as PARASITES.
Part One Assault of the church of Christ
Part Two Use of Romans 14 to justify music. "Instrumental music, having a glass of wine, the role of women in church leadership. However, a fundamental cultural background of Orphics and Dionysics was singing with instrumental music to "lead them into the presence of the Gods."
Part Three: you are there
> C. Leonard Allen and Richard T. Hughes: Discovering our Roots?
No. Calvin: "There is no more marked manifestation of God's wrath than the fact that he permits the decline of his spoken and written Word." When God pours out His wrath, He sends BUFFOONS.
> Royce Money ACU "can't determine the foundation of the church."
> Carrol D. Osburn: Training people to play leading PROPHETIC roles in CHANNELING and FACILITATING change.
See new Summary of Rubel Shelly at ACU on Music and Wine.
However, it is Vinter's 101aaa that:
"New wine is not poured into old wineskins, or they might break, and aged wine is not poured into a new wineskin, or it might spoil." Gospel of Thomas.
But you may like the taste of fresh billy goat.
Click For an Index of Rubel Shelly Sermon Reviews.
Paul Lays The Foundation to Insist Upon Teaching rather than "music" which is secular Anything Else Was Always Divisive and Violates Romans 14
Well, we seem to be climbing up to the music connection. But, as usual, let's back up to the context. Dr. Shelly identifies things like the non-use of instrumental music as a horribly judgmental position unless you affirm that those who do use instruments are ok.The use of Romans 14 to give everyone the right to do their thing and others no right to object is used as proof-text. In part 2 we noted that "don't get drunk on wine" included, among the Greeks, the flute player or other instrument player. In Romans 14 Paul said that the kingdom consists NOT of EATING and DRINKING. We showed that this repudiated the wine drinking, flute playing festivals of Dionysus where the KOMO or dance meant a naked, perverted dance.
In chapter 13 Paul demanded:
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Romans 13:14
Rather than the naked, musical, wine drinking festivals Paul insisted that we be CLOTHED with Christ. Then we should be FILLED with the Word or Spirit of Christ and TEACH one another with the Biblical Text as the way to glorify God with one voice in Romans 15.
Now, all of the historical evidence I have collected--from the Tower of Babel onward--shows that music is to satisfy the human lusts in the belief that humans can be seduced or called into their churches by music then surely the gods can be called down by a musical worship team which is quite identical in function to a pipe organ.
Paul pictures us "sinking into the clothing" of Christ.
And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Col.3:10
Now, Jesus didn't do "choirs" and "instrumental bands" and "worship entertainment" or play the organ (yes, they existed) so while "wearing" Lord Jesus Christ we should not attempt to preside over Him with a band.
This then leads into chapter 14 but that will be covered here. You will notice that the first part of the chapter has a later part of the chapter which is ignored.
Now that we have that cleared out and can see that one way not to put a stumbling block in front of someone is to just stay with the Words of Christ which are Spirit and Life. We will see later that they tried to put a stumbling block in the front of Jesus by "standing in the gap" to get Him to panic so they could defeat Him.
No one can get upset if we just read the Word and not try to make hash out of it to justify our existence.
WE then that are strong ought to bear
the infirmities of the weak, and not to PLEASE
ourselves. Rom 15:1
This was the SPORT or PLAY at Mount Sinai which was MUSICAL IDOLATRY. For that crime God REMOVED the BOOK OF THE COVENANT and saddled them (and You) with THE BOOK OF THE LAW (tithing, priesthoods, musicians to mock). Hesoid: The Shield of Heracles
Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. (education or spirit house building) Rom 15:2
For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. Rom 15:3
For whatsoever things were WRITTEN AFORETIME were written for our learning,
Psalm 22, 41 and all the rest were WRITTEN FOR OUR LEARNING. All of the Old Testament is consistent in associating music with the warriors, prostitutes and those holding festivals or revelery where you were PIPED DOWN with music and wine. Learning means INSTRUCTION or informing, doctrine, learning or teaching. Paul made a rule: we can please our neighbor only by EDIFICATION which is teaching that which is written. Hope is to "anticipate with pleasure." Can human songs do that? The Spirit of Christ inspired ALL that was written (1 Peter 1:11; Rev 1910). Comfort of the Scripture CANNOT occur when you frazzle nerves and claim that YOUR songs were inspired by Christ. Sure, some claim to "lead you into the presence of God" through their performance.
Patience means cheerfulness. Melody also means cheerfulness as "she has a MELODIOUS voice" or "she has a GRACEFUL walk." Only Jesus Christ is the Paraklete and He said that God ONLY seeks those who can worship in the PLACE of their spirit as it gives heed to THE TRUTH: the Word of Christ or Spirit. ONLY His Words can produce this patience and comfort. Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: Rom 15:5 Everyone can be likeminded and "speak the same things" if they speak the Scriptures which must be "taught as they have been taught." Then the SUBSTITUTE for pagan singing and music can be performed to glorify God rather than the rhetoricians, Sophists, hypocrites who are all parasites. That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify (praise) God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom 15:6 Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Rom 15:7 I believe that is the same thing as "Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs" which were written aforetime by the Spirit of Christ (1 Peter 1:11).
Plato understood that MELODY had did not demand an INSTRUMENT.
Paul said that the SINGING is the ODE: Plato says that the ODE or song has MELODY. Therefore, Paul does not remotely speak of a MUSICAL effort but and EDIFICATION or EDUCATIONAL process. The TEXT BOOK is the Inspired WORDS of Christ which are SPIRIT and LIFE. If we listen Paul explains that "that which is written" means "the Spirit" and the "Word of Christ." Singing with MELODY in the heart is not musical but is explained as singing with GRACE in the heart.
The same Plato who said that an ODE must have MELODY also wrote about musical training which with gymnastic was required of Warriors but quite despised in the performers who were normally the "lower classes."
What kind of machinery could we propose to produce COMFORT in the heart? |
Cycle One |
Cycle Two |
15:1 WE then that are strong ought
to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to
please ourselves.
15:10 And again he saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people. |
15:2 Let every one of us please his
neighbour for his good to edification.
15:3 For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. |
15:11 And again, Praise the Lord, all
ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people.
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning (teaching), that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4 |
And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a
root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him
shall the Gentiles trust. Romans 15:12
Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: Romans 15:5
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that
ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13
That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify (tell of His works) God, even the
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6
And I myself also am persuaded of
you, my brethren, that ye also are full of goodness, filled with all
knowledge, able also to admonish one
another. Romans 15:14
Now I say that Jesus Christ was a
minister (deacon) of the
circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the
promises made unto the fathers: Romans 15:8
Nevertheless, brethren, I have
written the more boldly unto you in some sort, as
putting you in mind, because of the grace that is given
to me of God. Romans 15:15
And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written,
For this cause I will
(2) that the offering (bloodless sacrifice) up of the
Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by
the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:16
(1) confess to thee among the
Gentiles, and
(1) That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to
the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God,
(2) sing unto thy name.
Romans 15:9
ministering the gospel of God,
And, you know what? Learning means "for your doctrine." Old consistent Paul said something like that to Timothy:Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 1 Timothy 4:13
Musical agents have universally moved beyond the "confused epistles" but we like Paul.
And, you know what? Comfort of the scriptures sound a bit like "teaching and admonishing" one another with the same Biblical text written aforetime for our learning by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: Rom 15:5
Now, let Dr. Shelly tell you about irrelevant bunch of junk but which we believe is the punch line to Romans Chapter 14 which does not allow "unity in diversity."
So Romans 15:5, 6: "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement
give you a spirit of unity among yourselves
as you follow Christ Jesus so that with one heart and
one mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Glorify means:
Docazo (g1392) dox-ad'-zo; from 1391; to render (or esteem) glorious (in a wide application): - (make) glorify (-ious), full of (have) glory, honour, magnify.
But you cannot glorify God by waving your hands and singing: "Glorify thy name over and over."
And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Lu.2:20
If we use the "glorifying" praise songs of sister singer then guess who we are praising: Yep! Sister Singer.
One mouth means "unanimously." This is defeated if one group glorifies itself and many of the "one another" do not agree with because the teaching is silly praise songs and not the Word of Christ.
You know, in the Classical writers and church Fathers, "speaking with one voice" meant unison singing. In "melody" there is no harmony. Doesn't Paul to the Romans sound like Paul to the Ephesians:
Following Christ in this situation is speaking the Words of Christ which are Spirit and Life (John 6:63)
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18
Speak (preach) to one another (unanimously in Romans) with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. (What was written aforetime in Romans)
Sing and make melody (with one voice)
in your heart to the Lord, Ephesians 5:19
And, I'll betcha that this doesn't mean Sister Singer or A Cappella Cal or Cowboy Dan's songs because the punch lline to the "liberty" in Romans chaper 14 is literally impossible unless we listen to Chapter 15:4--
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Rom 15:4
Neither one of these sounds like theatrical performance! Doesn't this also sound like Colossians 3?
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Colossians 3:15
Let the word of Christ (spirit John 6:63) dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
teaching (preaching = no music) and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, [That means inspired and you ain't]
singing (Ado = no music) with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16
You cannot SPEAK or PREACH externally and SING externally at the same time just as you cannot RUN and WALK at the same time. Therefore, Paul does not remotely use a MUSICAL term but a TEACHING of the Bible term.
There can be no peace when the bull dogs ram musical teams and instruments on the heads of the congregation when a large group will always war against you in spirit if not in fact.
Choirs and instruments violate the clear teaching of the inspired Word.
So the unity which the speaker demands from Romans 14 and the no judgments passed based on verse 13a is proof-texted to prove that we should all "walk hand in hand without seeing eye to eye" and not pass any judgments however wrong people may be and however grievous or how much sectarianism created by the addition of instruments.
> However, the Roman conclusion is identical to the Ephesian and Colossian texts which discuss group singing of the inspired Word of God to one another as a way to teach and admonish one another.
> The unity which Dr. Shelly demands from Romans 14 is lost when..
> He repudiates the view of non-instrumental music as Junk.
> But the "junk" is proven in the very next chapter to define the method, resource and purpose for what we call "singing" but Paul tailed speaking (preaching) the doctrine of the revealed Word.
> You cannot do that
- with sister singer
- seducing Sam
- who can't see Jesus
- through sister singer's gown.
No. That is not extreme: female authority in religion has always been and always seen as sexual authority. Orphic music was a problem in Rome as Dionysic music was a problem in Jerusalem in in Ephesus.
Paul said that where this unity exists within a given congregation in Rome it demands that they follow Christ which is to teach what He taught.
There must be one heart or spirit uniting the people and they must speak with one mouth.
The result would be to glorify God by repeating what Lord Jesus Christ taught.
Now, you are not filled with the spirit (Word of Christ) if what spills over is your own composition in song and sermon.
There is no teaching and admonishing while music is played any more than a preacher teaches or speaks while the band plays.
Therefore, the unity, tolerance and non-judgmentalism can exist only among a body of believers who can say the same thing with one voice of unity because what it is saying is repeating the Words or Spirit of Christ.
No human content can be injected without destroying the unity for someone.
Paul absolutely passed judgment on the Ephesians who drank wine because it would automatically lead to the wine-induced, music-induced charismatic prophesying (singing with instruments) universally practiced in the idolatry out of which many had just come. Therefore, declaring practices wrong is not forbidden and strange as it seems, the wineskin music of the pagans was explicitly excluded by defining using the Word of Christ to teach and admonish and the "singing and melody" could be in the heart because external melody meant to "grind to bits" like the sop Jesus fed Judas.
Let's look again at Dr. Shelly's proof-text about judging:
In the
first section Dr. Shelly just quoted part a of
Romans 14:13.
In a sermon (linked above by the blue) Rubel proof-texted Romans 14 even going to the extreme of cutting verse 13 off in the middle of Christ's speech through Paul. Rubel wrote:
Now, that is a Post-Modern approach. if the apostles were divided men in divided churches then why shouldn't we just take the first part of Paul's verse (which is correct) and cut off the second part which is "just Paul's opinion" I suppose. But a half truth is a whole error. Now, listen to Paul:
Can you detect the difference? The difference is that we ARE to judge. And this judgment means that we choose not to do something which is a stumbling block. A stumbling block as we saw in PART TWO was specificially attributed to trying to tempt or get some one to relax their principles about drinking wine. They put a stumbling block in front of Jesus when they piped hoping that they woudl dance the perverted song and dance. Tempting people and even browbeating non-instrumentalists is tempting them and making one guilt of deliberately trying to trip up or PIPE DOWN a believer who answers to God. If we replace Christ's Words of song and sermon and add instruments we are judging and condemning those with Biblical maturity to be forced out our OUR fellowship. |
The instrument of torture defined
in Hebrews 11:35
Tumpanizo (g5178) toom-pan-id'-zo; from a der. of 5180 (mean, a drum, 'tympanum"); to stretch on an instrument of torture resembling a drum, and thus beat to death: - torture.
Again Sounding Brass and Tinkling Cymbals Chorus Echo, the nymph of Cithaeron, returns thy words, which resound beneath the dark vaults of the thick foliage and in the midst of the rocks of the forest; the ivy enlaces thy brow with its tendrils charged with flowers. In Fourth Maccabees, Eleazar and his sons are murdered because they refused to participate in the Hellenistic worship at the Temple. This worship never totally ceased and Dionysus was clearly the new wine god the clergy tried to get Jesus to sing and dance to as they played pipes. Because He refused to disqualify Himself, they tortured Him just like Antiochus would have. Being "stretched out of joint" gave its name to the drum frame referred to in Hebrews 11:35: "cymbalum': cymbala were hollow hemispheres of metal a few inches in diameter, held one in each hand by the aid of small rings or thongs attached to the center of their convex surfaces. Struck together, they gave a sharp, clanging sound that fitted well with that of the tympana and tibiæ; cf. Catul. 64.262 "tereti tenuis tinnitus ære ciebant''; Ov. Fast. 4.184 "æra tinnitus ære epulsa dabunt''; Ov. Fast. 4.189 "sonus æris acuti''; Aus. Epist. 24.23 "tinnitus atinnitus aëni.eumlautni.'' Paul outlawed this in 1 Cor. 13: Echeo (g2278) ay-kheh'-o; from 2279; to make a loud noise, i.e. reverberate: - roar, sound. Echos (g2279) ay'-khos; of uncert. affin.; a loud or confused noise ("echo"), i.e. roar: fig. a rumor: - fame, sound. As the panic music of the priests "standing in the gap" with all of the clamor of the Levites, the enemy was supposed to be frightened to death or cowardice. Gideon showed how it was done. Furthermore, in the worship common in places like Corinth and Ephesus one could literally emasculate himself or give his body to be burned when the goddess or or effeminate priests (called dogs) attacked you with musical instruments. Defining the worship of Cybele or ZOE it is noted that: The worship was orgiastic in the extreme, and was accompanied by the sound of such frenzy-producing instruments as the tympana, cymbala, tibiæ, and cornu, and culminated in scourging, self-mutilation, syncope from excitement. and even death from hemorrhage or heart-failure (cf. Lucr. 2.598ff.; Varr. Sat. Men. 131 Büch.ff.; Ov. Fast. 4.179ff.). Syncope: Webster. 1) the dropping of the sounds or letters from the middle of a word. 2) fainting, or loss of consciousness, caused by a temporary deficiency of blood supply to the brain. "The early connection of Attis with the Mother of the Gods seems to point to the association of an original male element with an original female element as the parents of all things. But in the age of tradition Attis appears as a servant instead of an equal, and the subordination of the male to the female element is further emphasized by the representation of Attis, like the Galli of historic times, as an emasculated priest. See The Eve-Sophia-Zoe connection. Therefore, it was easy for the effeminate priesthood tp hope that Jesus was Dionysus. After all, He had created about 160 gallons of wine as a key sign to them. Like his lectures, this was a parable to hide the truth from the clergy (Matthew 13) But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: Jn.12:37 The prophets of wine, after all, were then and would be in the end-times the dominant marketers of religious religions. God will press them out in His winepress. |
Sir James
George Frazer (1854&endash;1941). The Golden
Bough. 1922. On human Sacrifice.
Among the Lhota Naga, one of the many savage tribes who inhabit the deep rugged labyrinthine glens which wind into the mountains from the rich valley of , it used to be a common custom to chop off the heads, hands, and feet of people they met with, and then to stick up the severed extremities in their fields to ensure a good crop of grain.
Among the Meriah: "Human sacrifices were offered to the Earth Goddess by tribes, branches of tribes, or villages, both at periodical festivals and on extraordinary occasions. The periodical sacrifices were generally so arranged by tribes and divisions of tribes that each head of a family was enabled, at least once a year, to procure a shred of flesh for his fields, generally about the time when his chief crop was laid down. All of the Babylonian, Cannanite, or Egyptian worship of the Hebrews came out of this area. All ritual with music and sacrifice was a fertility ritual. The Feast of Tabernacles to which Jesus at first refused to attend was a giant fertility ritual much like the modern Jubilee where the "sacraficial victims" are the enemies of the musical team playing around the "trees" or Asherah poles or free-standing, non-functional columns. The mode of performing these tribal sacrifices was as follows. Ten or twelve days before the sacrifice, the victim was devoted by cutting off his hair, which, until then, had been kept unshorn. Crowds of men and women assembled to witness the sacrifice; none might be excluded, since the sacrifice was declared to be for all mankind. It was preceded by several days of wild revelry and gross debauchery.
A great struggle now arose to obtain the smallest relic from his person; a particle of the turmeric paste with which he was smeared, or a drop of his spittle, was esteemed of sovereign virtue, especially by the women.
The crowd danced round the post to music, and addressing the earth, said, "O God, we offer this sacrifice to you; give us good crops, seasons, and health";
then speaking to the victim they said,
The victim was again anointed with oil, and each person touched the anointed part, and wiped the oil on his own head.
In some places they took the victim in procession round the village, from door to door, where some plucked hair from his head, and others begged for a drop of his spittle, with which they anointed their heads.
As the victim might not be bound nor make any show of resistance, the bones of his arms and, if necessary, his legs were broken; but often this precaution was rendered unnecessary by stupefying him with opium.
The mode of putting him to death varied in different places. One of the commonest modes seems to have been strangulation, or squeezing to death. The branch of a green tree was cleft several feet down the middle; the victim's neck (in other places, his chest) was inserted in the cleft, which the priest, aided by his assistants, strove with all his force to close. Then he wounded the victim slightly with his axe, whereupon the crowd rushed at the wretch and hewed the flesh from the bones, leaving the head and bowels untouched.
Naga (h5060) naw-gah'; a prim. root; prop. to touch, i. e. lay the hand upon (for any purpose; euphem., to lie with a woman); by impl. to reach (fig. to arrive, acquire); violently, to strike (punish, defeat, destroy, etc.): - beat, (* be able to) bring (down), cast, come (nigh), draw near (nigh), get up, happen, join, near, plague, reach (up), smite, strike, touch.
The Naga was the serpent or Satan. Jesus identified Judas as filled with Satan and of the clergy He said:
Because these self-appoinnted clergy loved to change the Law Jesus refused to speak to them. Therefore, He spoke in parables (Matthew 13) to keep them from hearing and obeying. In some way, people continue to be the agents of Satan because they have damaged their souls. See the Serpent Connection:
Nachash (h5175) naw-khawsh'; from 5172; a snake (from its hiss): - serpent
The black-necked cobra (Naja
nigricollis), a small form widely distributed
in Africa, is also a spitter. Venom is
accurately directed at the victim's eyes at
distances of more than 2 m (7 feet) and may
cause temporary, or even permanent, blindness
unless promptly washed away. The Indian cobra
(naja Naja) has a spectacle-like mark on its
exceptionally wide hood.
Job said:
It means the same thing: when the "serpents" spat in Jesus' face they also "stretched His 'hide' and beat Him like a drum." Watch for him next Sunday: ![]() And if you stand too close, it will spit in your face as it is trying to defeat Jesus and His Word.
Doctor Shelly and friends believe that they can structure a new system but when it includes women, preside-over teams and instruments it is just an ongoing attack from the clergy.Rubel Shelly ACU: Our post-denominational world is waiting for someone to offer what we've always claimed to preach. Our post-denominational world is waiting for someone to step up and offer them a real, live, working model of what we've always claimed to preach. My question is, "Will we serve it, or will God have to raise up somebody else to take the message that we once claimed as our own?" But I guess the larger and more important question is, "Will we honor Christ, by offering them that lived model?"
Well, we end where we began: with Paul demanding that the word of Christ be the "resource" for next Sunday in both song and sermon:
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Rom 15:4
The Post Denominational church is defined much like the Post Modern church. Post Modernism is always based upon the perceived failure of organized or "secular, seeker" religion and looks for a rescue from some new gimmick. The ACU accommodation has been fulfilled at Jubilee 1999 and will be furthered at Jubilee 2000 led by Rubel Shelly.
Notes from: (Abilene Christian University, Restoration Forum XII).
Click here For
Part One---Part Two---Part Three
Notes from: (Abilene Christian University, Restoration Forum XII).
See a more recent assault against non-musical churches.
See That Romans 14 Limits freedom of Romans 15 by defining singing: not instruments
First Musical Heresy Musical Worship Teams
Musical Heresy 2: Hippolytus on Music and Soothsaying
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