Dwaine E. Dunning: Instrumental Music Will Untie the Gordian Knot
Solution to Instrumental Music Problem: Many Monks Mastered by Youthful Friar and the Gordian Knot. If thou does not have a sword then solve the problem with an Axe. The ROOT problem, beginning in Eden if our eyes are open, is using the magical sounds of instruments to replace the often-silent Words of God. After John Calvin, the problem was solved by taking axe and torch to pipe organs as a "chist of whistles" baptized to free it of bad demons.
<< This is the second of six related studies again available as one printed (44-pages, at $4) booklet, now titled "The Fruitless (Music) Tree." >>Theodoret (Quasten, Music & Worship, p. 65) claimed that the Jews brought liturgical music from Egypt and Philo wrote that "Moses learned rhythm, harmony, meter and everything concerned with instrumental music from the Egyptians." This is why Moses knew that the noise at Mount Sinai was not the sound of defeat or of victory. Rather, it was the "sound of them singing that I hear."
The Jews sang in the type of the Egyptian threnodies (elegies for the dead):
Thus they made a golden bull, the image of an animal that was held to be the most sacred in that land; they offered unholy sacrifices, performed impious dances and sang hymns which differed in no way from the pagan mourning songs. Philo, De specialibus legibus
Stephen said that as a result God TURNED THEM OVER to worship the starry host. And so we understand that the later Temple State was just like all pagan sacrificial altars which were not commanded until the musical idolatry at Mount Sinai.
Psalm 41 predicted that Judas would not 'triumph over' Jesus where triumph is blowing wind instrumenta and making a loud, rejoicing sound. God outlawed this for the Israelite congregation (Numbers 10:7).
Does anyone need any further proof?
A TALE OF MANY MONKS OF 1432 -- by Dwaine E. Dunning
Read what Thomas Aquinas and most early church writers said about singing versus teaching.
Non-Instrumental Position Must Be Destroyed: Introduction
Instrumental Music Will Untie the Gordian Knot #2
1ST-CENTURY INFLUENCES on Instrumental Music? #3
See Was Instrumental Music Only For Israel #4
Ray Downen challenging the WORSHIP word. #6 Paul's word for the ONE ANOTHER assembling themselves is a form of the word SYNAGOGUE. The synagogue was a school of the Bible and never had a praise service. Paul's unique "in the spirit" worship word is to GIVE HEED to God in Christ by reading and giving heed to His words which are Spirit and Life.
<< This is the second of six related studies again available as one printed (44-pages, at $4) booklet, now titled "The Fruitless (Music) Tree." >> A TALE OF MANY MONKS OF 1432 -- by Dwaine E. Dunning Ray Downen <outreach@sofnet.com>
Brother Dunning has proposed what sounds like a literal AXE which would be a virtual repeat of the first sectarianizing of the RM. Now, it might be simpler to use a sword. However, when you cut the Gordian Knot with a sword you will no longer have TWO ends, you will have FOUR ends. That is what is going on with the small band of merry men taking pay from non-instrumentalists but doing the CHOP, CHOP for the instrumentalists. I don't trust 'em.
No heaped up "reasoning" can be used to justify sowing discord and cutting the knot by cutting the rope into two pieces as Dwaine E. Dunning advises (if the axe doesn't work). Here is the only way to lawfully wage war without having to be so destructive:
The proof text shows that the sword has been prepared by God the Spirit and then given to us to swing:
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 6:10
And (you v. 13) take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Ep.6:17The Sword is:
machaira (g3162) makh'-ahee-rah; prob. fem. of a presumed der. of 3163; a knife, i.e. dirk; fig. war, judicial punishment: - sword.
mache (g3163) makh'-ay; from 3164; a battle, i.e. (fig.) controversy: - fighting, strive, striving.
Machomai (g3164) makh'-om-ahee; mid. of an appar. prim. verb; to war, i.e. (fig.) to quarrel, dispute: - fight, strive.
Click to see WHO uses the Sword of the Spirit.
Dwaine E. Dunning in the red box, my review in black and other quotations in blue. Not proofread.
Dwaine E. Dunning Begins:
Dwaine E. Dunning: Hear a sad story about conflict and confusion among misguided monks of yore. Dedicated to contemplation, they found themselves caught up in controversy. In the year of our Lord 1432 it is said there arose a grievous quarrel among the brethren over the number of teeth in the mouth of a horse.For 13 days the disputation raged. All the ancient books were fetched and consulted weightily. Wondrous erudition such as was never before heard of in this region was made manifest. At the beginning of the 14th day a youthful friar of goodly bearing asked his learned superiors for permission to add a word. Then straightway, to the wonderment of the disputants, whose deep wisdom he sore vexed, he besought them to unbend in a manner coarse and unheard of, and to look in the open mouth of a horse and find an answer to their questionings.
Their dignity being grievously hurt at this, the many monks waxed exceeding wroth. Joining in a mighty uproar they flew upon him and smote him hip and thigh and cast him out forthwith. For, said they, surely Satan has tempted his bold neophyte to declare unholy and unheard-of ways of finding truth, contrary to all the teachings of the fathers.
After many days, the dove of peace sat on the assembly. As one man, they declared the problem to be an everlasting mystery because of a grievous dearth of historical and theological evidence thereof, and so ordered the same writ down (the fellow I heard this story from used very strange language sometimes).
The Monks were the unlawful clergy now replaced by non-celebate monks. Jesus said that the "doctors of the Law take away the key to knowledge" so Dunning is in the CLASS to which Jesus refused to speak except in parables. Peter said that people should save themselves from that CROOKED GENERATION which John refused to baptize as a generation of VIPERS. Skolios points directly to the only place where drinking wine, using the flute-girls (prostitutes) or harp PLUCKERS (Sodomites) in the male Symposia: Paul said "don't get drunk with wine" people would hear "don't get FLUTTED DOWN with Wine" because that would disable speaking which excludes poetry or music.
Gallup once did a survey of preacher's stories. You know, "When I lived in Texas I led 80 people to Christ in one meeting." Know what? Gallup found that 80% of preacher stories are just made up. That is ok but when it is told as the truth Gallup had another word for it. Francis Bacon, 1592, is blamed for this story but probably not. This sounds like an early version of an "Urban Legend" and therefore has no value in solving the Instrumental Music problem except as the "first principle" of defeating those who won't try to approach God throught the "voice" of an instrument. That is, define them by words equivalent to RACA then no one will dare associate with them. The Bible is not the source of this story.However, The MONKS were the preachers whose sermons were "recited by rote" and who would not read because they could not read the Word. Dwaine E. Dunning is our Monk because he writes without ever having read the Old Testament with eyes and ears open.
The youthful Friar is me (Just 70). I an an engineer (thinker) who has never had holy water of ordination poured over my head. I have had other stuff poured over my views. I read and I have had my eyes opened up so that they can now scan back past Matthew 1:1.
The Muses John identifies with the speakers and musicians in Revelation 18 performed SORCERY under the Mother of Harlots (Rev 17). History knows the Muses as the dirty, smelly prostitutes who served as Apollo or Apollyon's Musical Worship Team.
According to Erasmus, the monks were indeed filthy, ignorant and a plague on the Catholic church and the people upon whom they fed. In 1432 they did not meditate in the sacred places. Erasmus notes in part:
Nor can I think of anything that could be more miserable did not I support them so many several ways.
For first, they reckon it one of the main points of piety if they are so illiterate that they can't so much as read.For whereas all men detest them to that height, that they take it for ill luck to meet one of them by chance,
yet such is their happiness that they flatter themselves.
And then when they run over their offices, which they carry about them, rather by tale than understanding,
they believe the gods more than ordinarily pleased with their braying.And some there are among them that put off their trumperies at vast rates, yet rove up and down for the bread they eat; nay, there is scarce an inn, wagon, or ship into which they intrude not, to the no small damage of the commonwealth of beggars.
another produces more bundles of ceremoniesAnd yet, like pleasant fellows, with all this vileness, ignorance, rudeness, and impudence, they represent to us, for so they call it, the lives of the apostles.
than seven of the stoutest ships would be able to carry;
another brags he has not touched a penny these three score years
without two pair of gloves at least upon his hands.The monks are pretending to be "doctors of the law" but often brag that they don't even care about the history of the church which: 1) universally rejects mechanical means of worship, 2 universally accepts that God's Will includes silences, 3) that all agree that God has the right to impose direct commands without being "legalistic" and 4) therefore put the lie to the charge that "Pharisee, Hypocrite, Sectarian, Legalistic, brother-murderers" as recently as the mid 1800s deliberately took an axe to a "unified denomination" by inventing 1, 2 and 3.
Being history-literate would also understand that something is dramatically and structurally wrong with the brain which can stab you and blame your thin skin for the injury.
I'm now receiving a vision from that dead shark: "if that kid and his uncle had not imposed their legalism I would be alive and well fed." Zounds! Shazam!
Well, being associated with the Pharisees, Hypocrites and now Monks is really going too far. Reading Erasmus, one suspects that Dwaine E. Dunning has his "actors" in this fable mixed up.
Dwaine E. Dunning: I also heard that when Alexander, later to be called "the Great," came to Gordium, he was shown the famed Gordian knot, said to be of such complexity that he who untied it would conquer the world. We have all read that Alexander simply took out his sword and cut away the confusion.It's a shame that there are so few of us like Alexander, at least in this way. Instead, like the monks, some of us, rather than just "counting teeth,"
prefer to look for the complicated solution which will show how wise and erudite we are. And, perhaps sometimes, to show how many books we've read and/or written.
But, that's what I said: rather than just taking Paul at his word that the object of Christian "singing" is teaching the Revealed Word of God, the monks believe the superstition that the Spirit Who doesn't associate "music" with worship REALLY meant (based on the traditions of the elders) that Paul was 1) really commanding "singing" and 2) that singing really means "music," and 3) music permits a band, and 4) the musicians must be inspired as part of High Church and that means 5) that we can ignore Christ's old timey Word and substitute our own.
Alexander is one of the proof-texts used to prove that PSALLO meant 'playing the harp.' Well, it never meant anything but PLUCK. In the case of Alexander and ALL of the Psallo proof-texts they don't tell you that it is ALWAYS older males plucking a harp to seduce a young boy.
Example 61 is from page 100. This passage reads from Plutarch On the Fortune of Alexander -- Second Oration Tom Burgess quotes the red portion but we continue to quote from the context. In Deipnosophistai 3 which we have now linked and posted:
And among the barbarians the Celts also, though they have very beautiful women, enjoy boys more; so that some of them often have two lovers to sleep with on their beds of animal skins.
As for the Persians, Herodotus says they learned the use of boys from the Greeks.
King Alexander also was madly devoted to boys. Dicaearchus, at any rate, in his book On the Sacrifice at Ilium, says that he was so overcome with love for the eunuch Bagoas that, in full view of the entire theatre, he, bending over, caressed Bagoas fondly, and when the audience clapped and shouted in applause, he, nothing loath, again bent over and kissed him...Tom Burgess quotes the part in red: 1. Philip also was in these matters somewhat more petty and childish than became him, since he had acquired his knowledge late in life.
Thus they tell the tale that Philip once argued with a certain harp-player about the technique of his instrument, and even thought he was confuting the man; but the harp-player smiled gently and said,
"God forbid, your Majesty, that you should ever fall so low as to know more of these matters than I."
2. But Alexander, knowing well in what matters he should be merely a spectator and listener, and in what he should play the chief rôle, trained himself.....
[The UNQUOTED rest of the story] Thus they tell the tale that Philip once argued with a certain harp-player about the technique of his instrument, and even thought he was confuting the man; [Traditional subsection D] but the harp-player smiled gently and said, "God forbid, your Majesty, that you should ever fall so low as to know more of these matters than I."
This art he inherited from his ancestors, the Aeacidae, and from Heracles; but upon the other arts he freely bestowed honour without jealousy according to their worth and artistic excellence; but he was not so easily carried away by the pleasure they gave him as to try to imitate them.The tragic actors of his time were the group that centred about Thettalus and Athenodorus. At the contest of these two, the kings of Cyprus defrayed the expenses of the performance and Alexander's most celebrated generals served as judges.
When Athenodorus won, "I would rather," said Alexander, "have lost half my kingdom than see Thettalus defeated." However, he did not intercede with the judges nor find fault with the judgement, since he felt that, while he must be superior to all men, yet he must submit to Justice.
The comic actors of his time were the group that centred about Lycon of Scarpheia. When Lycon inserted in one of his comedies a begging verse, Alexander laughed and gave him ten talents.
Various harp-players also were his friends, among them Aristonicus, who came to Alexander's aid in a certain battle, and was slain, fighting gloriously. Therefore Alexander ordered to be made and set up at Delphi a bronze statue of him, with lyre in hand and spear advanced; thereby he not only honoured this particular man,
but also paid tribute to Music herself, in the belief that she is a creator of true men and, in particular, that she fills with inspiration and impetuousness those who are truly her foster-children. [Traditional section number 335]
For once upon a time, when Antigenides was playing on his flute the Chariot Song,
Alexander became so transported, and his spirit so inflamed by the strains,
that he leapt up and laid hands upon the weapons that lay near, and thus confirmed the testimony of the Spartans who used to sing,The noble playing of the lyre is meet to match the sword.
The youthful Friar would try to arouse the Monks from their stupor and just have them read Paul with open eyes and heart: just "count the teeth" in the "Mouth" of God where "lips" means a "double-edged sword" and that means the Bible which gives God the right to speak in direct commands: yea, even to latter day saints.
Gallup missed this one:
The Monk's Version: "According to tradition, this knot was to be untied only by the future conqueror of Asia. In the popular account, probably invented as appropriate to an impetuous warrior, Alexander sliced through the knot with his sword,
The youthful Friar's "the rest of the story" from the original: but, in earlier versions, he found the ends either by cutting into the knot or by drawing out the pole. The phrase "cutting the Gordian knot" has thus come to denote a bold solution to a complicated problem.
Alexander knew the difference between UNTIE and CUT. Tom Burgess quotes some notes about Alexander the Great. There is little doubt that Alexander was homosexual and in an ASSEMBLY Alexander plays so skillfully that Philip had no doubt about Alexander's vile attitudes.
You see, the "direct command" was to untie the knot and cutting through the knot would be violating a direct command and certainly cheating on the "spirit" of the command. Any fool could just cut through the knot.
But this was and is the warrior's way to achieve peace. Machiavelli would say: "You can pray or kill them but prayer rarely works in warfare."
James Madison wrote that:
"There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, controlling its effects.
"Again, there are two methods of removing the cause of faction: the one,by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence;
the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests."It could never be more truly said that of the first remedy that it was worse than the disease. Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be a less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imports to fire its destructive agency.
"The second expedient is as impracticable as the first would be unwise. As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed." (James Madison, Number Ten, The Federalist Papers)
So, we should not hold up the latter-day "cheat" version as a solution to the knot we have tied.
I believe that Alexander died of syphilis (as did Erasmus as proven by an 1930 X-Ray).
When the instrumentalists could not untie the knot of needing musical performance (professional) for the temple collection plates (called "trumpets" by the way) they just took out their sword and whack, cut the church right down the middle. They really believed that through instruments to collect the masses and by having children sign up for life membership in the Society they could build an empire which, according to promises, would sweep Tennessee into music the society and get on with building an institution to include "All Christendom." Like, Wow!
But, let's run on. I know the color is gagging but God wants you to HEAR this!
Musical Instruments are Lifeless Instruments Are Carnal WeaponsSpiritual warfare has always stood between God's power to speak in order create physical and spiritual life, and the Babylonian attempt to convert through the literal sword and musical "worship teams" controlling the masses. Paul wrote:
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 2Co.10:3
- For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 2Co 10:4
- Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Co 10:5
- Carnal instruments (weapons) bring you into captivity to the musicial or theatrical performance: that was Satan's plan.
- And even things without life giving sound (there is that HOLE where music should be), whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? 1Co 14:7
- Apuschos (g895) ap'-soo-khos; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and 5590; lifeless, i.e. inanimate (mechanical): - without life.
- You don't know the meaning of the "inspired" instrumentalists unless they interpret for you: therefore, Paul identified such antics in the spiritual worship assembly as just "speaking in tongues." Paul said that not even he would do that "in church."
A carnal, or lifeless musical instrument or weapon is from the Greek words:
- Sarkikos (g4559) sar-kee-kos'; from 4561; pertaining to flesh, i.e. (by extens.) bodily, temporal, or (by impl.) animal, unregenerate: - carnal, fleshly.
- Hoplon ( g3696) hop'-lon; (to be busy about); an implement or utensil or tool (lit. or fig., espec. offensive for war): - armour, instrument, weapon.
- "the watchmen, who patrolled the streets for the repression of common crime, were charged with the additional duty of exorcizing the dreaded powers of the air and of darkness, which went about like roaring lions seeking what they might devour.
- To accomplish this object the night watchman wielded spiritual weapons of two different sorts but of equal power; he range a bell, and he chanted a blessing." (Frazer, James George, Folk-Lore in the Old Testament, Macmillian, p. 423, 1923)
The same meaning in Hebrew is conveyed by the word:
- Keliy (h3627) kel-ee'; any apparatus as an implement, utensil, dress, vessel or weapon instrument, jewel, psaltery..
- And his brethren, Shemaiah, and Azarael, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethaneel, and Judah, Hanani, with the musical (singing) instruments (Keliy) of David the man of God, and Ezra the scribe before them. Neh 12:36
There must be almost 600 years since David used instruments in conncection with the civil-temple-state!
- "Then to all mankind He calls out, 'Let every spirit praise the Lord,' because He rules over every spirit He has made. In reality, man is an instrument for peace,
- but these other things, if anyone concerns himself overmuch with them, become instruments of conflict, for inflaming the passions. The Etruscans, for example, use the trumpet for war; the Arcadians, the horn; the Sicels, the flute; the Cretans, the lyre; the Lacedemonians, the pipe; the Thracians, the bugle; the Egyptians, the drum; and the Arabs, the cymbal.
- But as for us, we make use of one instrument alone: only the Word of peace by whom we a homage to God,
- no longer with ancient harp or trumpet or drum or flute
- which those trained for war employ." (Clement of Alexandria, 190AD The instructor, Fathers of the church, p. 130)
Those who added instruments (weapons) knew that they were waging war upon the "instrument" or "harps of God"--all things with SPIRIT can praise God: cymbals cannot.
This is why Paul equated speaking in tongues to the musical instruments of warfare which do not have life and therefore do not speak clearly:
- Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me.1 Cor 14:11
The harp of the Barbarians was called the barbatos.
In Numbers 10:7 God gave the silver trumpets as instruments or tools to sound or signal an action by the Israelites. It could be used to send "clear" signals in time of War (1Co 14). However,
- But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. Nu10:7 (Alarm means to triumph over the enemy by creating panic music)
Back then and now the Musical Worship Teams or instrumentalists stand at the entrance to the temple (my mind) like the Levites or flaming cherubim to keep the redeemed mind out of the "garden of Eden" where God walks in the quiet of the evening, or from the restored temple where the musical Levites would use their literal sword if you got into their instrumental presence.Because "churches" define the liturgy place--pulpit, altar--as the Holy Place of the new Levitical temple, your Musical Worship Teams are now seen standing in the Holy Place as Mediators even of the Lord's Supper and usurping the teaching role of the elders. You may want to have your bags packed.
Here is one of the planters and the ROOT was an attempt to organize the entire Restoration Movement which had fought to free itself from the control of an Anglican or Methodist Denomination (the O'Kelley fight). This meant a congregational system and the only "possible" division could only take place within that given congregation:
> Rejecting instruments involved only that congregation.
> Forceful introduction of Instruments was to gain denominational control. If that is not a fact then there could be no "sectarianizing" of one group from another. Once can hardly invent a Sectarian Denomination with one congregation!
> The "sectarian" cry is still the ungodly lust to force everyone to conform.
CHRISTIAN UNION: A Historical Study J. H. Garrison, LL.D., Editor Christian-Evangelist. A SEED-TRUTH TAKING ROOT The ROOT was to take the Restoration Movement practicing local autonomy and make a historically-unique leap using the RM churches to build a New World Order so grandiose that the entire world would join in the new denomination. The "rules of the game" were established by one man, into whose eyes you are looking, in 1905 when the musical group began counting every member in the country as belonging to them. That's too early for churches of Christ to have created the division in 1906.Oh sure: if violating the rules and taking a sword to a complicated problem is one's ethic then it can certainly be said that:
Those Who Refused To Be Shackled By a New Catholicism Sowed Discord. Praise the Lord for the freedom they gave to us even though they have to be "resurrected" and destroyed over and over.
The Census Bureau knew that that was a gross error. Thereafter, those who did not "join" the new denominational dictatorship were counted separately. The denominational or musical groups have never forgiven those who would not submit. As you can see, those who refused to put the shackles on their own neck after just struggling free from slavery are disloyal to Christ and do not love Christ. In spite of the "old" Jesus who said that the kingdom can never be organized in visible and tangible form but "the kingdom is within you" they organizers demanded:
"We come now to the consideration of the very latest of these efforts to give visible and tangible expression to the growing unity of the Church, for the double purpose of
utilizing this unity in the service of our common Master, and of
promoting a still closer unification of the religious forces of Christendom.Interpreted, this meant: "First, we will organize all of the Restoration Movement but our goal is to organize every church and every denomination under one large political organization." All of Christendom must be organized in a society in order for the will of Christ to be accomplished: the Scriptures are just legalisms but this plan is sure to accomplish God's will for Him.
This began with state branches which would grow up to a "federation movement" of the world. Garrison established a set of rules to be followed in 1905. The first meeting was to occur in 1908 and "unity" was based on the high standard of 2/3 vote but of only the "in" members.
"In case this plan of federation is approved by two-thirds of the proposed (preselected) constituent bodies the executive committee of the
National Federation of Churches and Christian Workers,
which has called this conference, is requested to call
the Federal Council
to meet at a fitting place in December, 1908.
[Those with eyes and ears clearly saw this as a Preacher's Labor Union and Retirement Plan Organizing Movement using a "hostile takeover" to gain even children as "life members."]
"What is the meaning of these facts if it be not that God is calling us to ultimate unity through the method of co-operation in all things wherein we are agreed?
Can any religious body justify its holding aloof from this step toward unity on the ground that it has received special light on the subject of union and occupies more advanced ground than others?
If you disagree that means that you probably don't accept Papal Infallibility. Your personal liberty and personal opinion must be submerged in the COLLECTIVE will of the new social order.
In the James O'Kelly case the Methodists wanted to establish a denominational movement which went far beyond the English Methodists.
Not even ministers had a right to appeal if the denomination fired them without a fair "trial." In other words these men always hovered over places like Corinth and sought to suck up the freedom and money as fast as the "Paul's" could establish churches. James O'Kelly might take the inititiave, found churches and run a circuit to teach them, but once he joined the "National Federation of Churches and Christian Workers" labor union or its Methodist equivalent, you lost the authority to teach and you lost control of the property.
"To refuse assent to, and co-operation with, this movement toward unity on the plea that it is not the ideal unity of the New Testament,
would be to ignore the whole law of progressive development in the kingdom of God.
"We are bound, therefore, by every consideration of loyalty to Jesus Christ, and by every regard for our future growth and development, to co-operate to the fullest extent possible,--which would be in different degrees, no doubt, in different places--
with all who love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ for the advancement of his kingdom among men.
This is what the federation movement means, and as such, it is the next logical step--the next inevitable step--toward thecomplete unity of Christians."
The principalities and powers in high places are still furious that churches of Christ did not choose to put itself back under a small body which would become the new POPE to speak for, organize, assign preachers and therefore control the Word of Christ from central headquarters. Get over it: churches of Christ are still congregational and you cannot therefore force them into a mass confession and repentance (re; Rubel Shelly) for the division the organizational and musical group caused as mass suicide.
The instrumental music issue is not complicated if we just do what Jesus did and Paul commanded us to do. We don't have to appeal to Alexander the Great: just open the mouth of the Word of God and count the negative statements about instrumental music. Then try to find one positive endorsement by God of the use of instruments or "music" as worship for the common people. If you cannot find one then you need to remove yourself from the Holy Conclave of Mighty Monks, fall on your face and ask God to open your eyes to the host of ten thousand of His saints watching you trying to open God's Mouth and force Him to say what He always repudiated. Not even Monks have that power.
Then, we will not find the word "music" listed as one of those worship words. However, we will stand by and see if our writer rise above the ignorant monks and becomes the Alexander the Great for our times.
However, it is a fact that instead of untying the knot, with the latter-day version of Alexander the Great as proof-text:
- The instrumentalists took an axe
- The gave the brotherhood forty whacks
- When they saw what THEY had done
- Guilty Party? Why, you're the One.
- Pity that poor, put-upon, hungry shark if you will.
Not very nice? Well, I never promised you a rose garden. People believe this scrambling for an atonement of the evil they have done and Christ sent me out to tell you the truth. The guy who punches you in the nose cannot blame you for spurting blood on him and it is about time that people who claim superior spirituality to quit scrambling the facts. Confessing to not being interested in historians can be a dangerous thing for people who claim to be an authority.
And you know what? I believe that time is running out and the running to and fro trying to find the water of the Word which has been stolen by wine, women, song and instruments (Amos 5, 6, 8) is a troubling sign, especially as the musical crowd just goes from one extreme to another with women's worship teams "standing in the holy place claiming that they are Christ the Mediator between man and God." And the Monks claiming that they have instrumental skills by the sovereign grace of "the dancing God."
Dwaine E. Dunning:The following is an attempt to look into the mouth of the horse on the question of whether or not Christians are "allowed" to use musical instruments "in worship." Some allege that we are not permitted this liberty. The conflict on this subject has lasted longer than in the story of the countless monks of 1432. For many years, arguments of wonderful and ponderous erudition have been offered by many good and intelligent men on this subject.Perhaps a simple and helpful approach to this involved study can be found. Surely it's worth at least a try. I believe a usable approach that will help us learn the truth is one we ask others to use who disagree with us about the proper mode of baptism.
- By word study to find out what "baptize" and "baptism" means, we seek understanding about how and why baptism is performed.
Some suggest that the early church used no musical instruments when they sang together. Assuming this is a fact, they then surmise that means others also must not do so.
- They affirm that when the church met together, it was to worship God, and that only exactly what they then did is appropriate for us to do "in worship."
God ordained the assembly ONLY for instructions and therefore to EXCLUDE any loud or instrumental noise which made people think of warfare. It was called the Qahal or synagogue or church in the wilderness. Numbers 10 has been defined by men like John Calvin to exclude calling the assembly with noise. The met to hold a Holy Convocation throughout the Old Testament for the common people who did not participate in the Temple State which was added as a curse when the Elders fired God and demanded a king like the nations so that they could worship like the nations. That meant to REST, read and rehearse whatever portion of Scripture they had which would reside often in the memory of a competent elder. The word REST specificially excludes travel or "sending out minsiters" and was devoted solely to the Word of God. Even thought more institutionalized after the Return, it still never had a praise service based on the Law of Numbers 10 and minimal common sense. Jesus exampled by standing up to READ and sitting down to dialog. Paul defined the assembly by using a form of the word synagogue and the same as the Synagogue: to speak that which is written and to EXCLUDE self-plesure which excluded anything which sucked away attention by sight or sound.
No one even thought of adding SINGING to the assembly prior to about 360 and that introduced by a pagan priest who had enlisted to get waged by the state. WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID from Romans 15, Eph 5, Col 3 and many other passages which do not mention the singing which was IN THE HEART.
Anyone is free and at liberty to do anything they wish and call it worship. If you attend a church of Christ you can still worship and then go home, strip off your clothes, get a harp and dance and prance through the hay fields. If you want to attend an instrumental church YOU ARE NOT AT LIBERTY to worship without instruments for that time.The issue is not "how much can I get by with without buring in hell." The issue is, how much do I love the Lord as proven by loving His evey Word and just cannot tolerate a "musical band" performing while Jesus is speaking to me. I have no doubt that He will forgive many slights: but I doubt that He will forgive not caring what He said so intensely that we can deny that He even considered "music." We just remember that when David did his musical Ark moving, everyone was so ignorant of the Law that they moved the Ark on a cart and Uzzah was so ignorant that He tried to "prop up God" whom they believed to be in the "box." But God can take care of Himself.
Well, I don't see any "meat" to get my teeth into here. So much wheel spinning when we are all waiting for someone to untie the Gordian Knot which no one for 1800 years recognized was really there. I knew a fellow who believed that he was the reincarnation of Alexander the Great.
Dwaine E. Dunning:Yet it is not taught anywhere in the Bible that early Christians met to worship or to listen to an oration. They met, Paul suggests, to edify one another. In their meetings, all took turns encouraging and seeking to bless the other. In 1 Corinthians 14:26, Paul explains that "each" had something to share. Paul makes clear that in their meetings "everything" was to be done "for edification." Edification is not the same as worship, since we're into word study. Worship is directed toward a superior being. Fellowship and edification is shared among equals. Edification is not worship. The assumption that they met for worship is not supported by God's revealed facts
That is true: Paul EXCLUDED anything which did not EDIFY and edify means EDUCATE and the only resource was THAT WHICH WAS WRITTEN. Paul's UNIQUE worship word means to GIVE HEED to the Word of God.
The word ORATION connected to the retoricians along with singers, musicians, actors and dancers were identified by Jesus as SECTARIAN HYPOCRITES by his referring to Isaiah and Ezekiel 33. So, we knot that ORATATION was specificially EXCLUDED.
Well, Troas might have met to listen to Paul but Paul didn't often give "orations." Rather than preach the word might better be rendered "dialog." But when you hire a "father" to do your thinking, planing and preaching the dialoguing ceases. Surely Dwaine E. Dunning is not going to blame performance preaching on NOT using instruments. Or? Maybe yes.Pavoratti comes to our assembly and says: "I see that you have all composed a song and that you are all singing opera! But, you don't all have the gift of singing Opera, do you?" Now, Dwaine E. Dunning might take that as a compliment as most musicians tend to feel inspired but are often tolerated and often with amusement.
Paul didn't say that "everything should be done" with a period. Rather, everything which is done must be done for edification. And musical instruments "have no breath" and therefore "cannot teach" (Hab 2:18-20).
Edification is not playing instruments either. It has been observed that the Word of God is once removed from the reality of God but God reveals Himself through His Word. Music is a second step away by allegorizing or "speaking in tongues" without interpreting what all of those notes mean. Therefore, music is two removals from the reality of God: it brought people "into God's presence" only in paganism.
Furthermore, the universal association with Satan as the "father" of those who "handle without authority" also recognizes an ancient understanding confirmed by modern science that music actually "takes away the key to knowledge" because it closes down that part of our Brain God gave us as an "instrument" for filtering out bits of truth from a world of lies.
Edify means "educate." If one can induce a sexual-like feeling with choirs or instruments that might make the "customers" feel good just as it did in many of the pagan temples manned by priestesses-prostitutes. However, that "feeling" tears down and does not "house build" because when the drug-high wears of there is a backlash and the congregation attends Sunday evenings "disguised as empty pews."
We worship whoever or whatever we "give our attention to."
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 2 Pe.1:19
Proserchomai (g4334) pros-er'-khom-ahee; from 4314 and 2064 (includ. its alt.); to approach, i.e. (lit.) come near, visit, or (fig.) worship, assent to: - (as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto).
We worship Christ whose Spirit filled the Prophecies (1 Peter 1:11) by giving heed to His words. Jesus said "my words are Spirit and Life" (John 6:63). The Corinthians were giving heed to the mad ravings in prayer and song just as they had before they were "just out of paganism." The women, then and now, were afflicted to speaking gibberish and believing that it was "prophesying" or revelation from the demons (warned against in 1 Cor 10). Paul said that they were "speaking to God" (14:2) Who needs no instruction and therefore they were just speaking into the air (14:9). Both of these would have informed them that the generic "goddess of the air" was not Jesus (Jehovah-Saves) but Juno, the feminist goddess reincarnated today by ZOE the Lucifer-Beast figure expanded in Gnosticism. These uncovered prophesiers (11:5) were doing the disturbing and using "authority" which meant "sexual authority." Males use the same authority in theatrical performance.
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; 1Ti.6:3
These words don't need to be "chewed up and digested" in order for the Non-Monks to understand it. These are not "words of Christ" as cannon fodder from which we construct songs and sermons: that which is to be taught is The Word of Christ "as it has been delivered to you."
Those who teach a Catholic Eucharist through Twila Paris are "teaching otherwise" and don't consent to wholesome words.
Edification cannot occur through theatrical performance in song, instrument or performance style preaching. If you "build the house" upon the "core gospel" and the doctrines of men (i.e. the Pharisees used the Law of Silence) then you build the house upon sand and you have no light or spirit in you. Using the same message Paul absolutely issued a direct command:
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach (preach) and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16
Now, Paul warned the Corinthians beginning in 11:17 that "when you assemble." Now, we don't know whether he had issued a direct command or not to assemble but here they are assembling and all that we know says that was upon the first day of the week. That is good enough for me.
In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. 1 Cor 11:17 NIV
In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. 1 Cor 11:18
No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval. 1 Cor 11:19
When you come together, it is not the Lord's Supper you eat, 1 Cor 11:20
for as you eat, each of you goes ahead without waiting for anybody else. One remains hungry, another gets drunk. 1 Cor 11:21
Every ounce of testimony shows that people often met to hear the word and pray just as in the Synagogue. However, the testimony is also universal that they met on the Lord's Day or first day of the week to hear the Word of Christ and to eat the Lord's Supper. If you reject that and dishonor the only evidence we have then there may be no light.
They were doing exactly the same thing with their "revelation performance." Some had a song often in the pagan gibberish which as oracles some of them had probably used to fool the fools or, consistent with paganism, music enhanced with drinking to get saturated to the gill. The "god of the air" has a rich history which Paul undoubtedly understood.
The soloist or organist or "musical mediating team" just "goes ahead." They are not edifying because they often teach (preach) false doctrine and the "praise" songs are often highly erotic. Therefore, Paul continues to warn them not to speak or sing unless they were inspired and had another inspired person to validate their revelation. Now, Paul speaks with much irony: this would not encourage them but shame them into silence because no Corinthian had any spiritual gift as far as we know. Chapter should shame them into silence because they could read the list and know that they did not and would never have the smallest supernatural gift.
The old wineskin was an ancient musical instrument. Being hollow, one could beat on it like a drum, mumble as a ventriloquist into it and sell the echo to Saul, or stretch strings across it and call it a "nebal" or harp named after "a vile person." The nebel has the same meaning and the crooks claimed that the gods or demons lived inside and that the instrumental sound was an inspired message just like today's singers and musicians. Because musical "prophesying" is defined as the world's oldest profession, it was usually a skill and profession fore women. LaGard Smith notes that if women quit speaking in tongues there would be no speaking in tongues.
When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? Isaiah 8:19
To the law and to the testimony!
If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. Isa 8:20The "whispering" was a hissing sound like a serpent and the muttering into a musical instrument was like a booming gong which was taught to be the gods speaking through "bell metal" in trumpet or cymbal or the bronze "echo chamber" Paul warned about in 1 Cor 13.
See the musical instrument and the Great Red Dragon connection. Then read about Apollo (Apollyon, Abbadon) and his Seeker Center.
See Layard's Description of Serpent or Devil Worship in the same area of the garden of Eden.
The brass-throated, hissing, poison spitting cobra was the incarnation of the Devil and he was worshiped by this modern incarnation of the ancient "trumpet" or trombone as the serpent or nachash is related to bronze musical instruments. People were so ignorantly superstitious that they believed that the talent of the player and the ringing or piping or whispering sound of "clanging" or "whistling" brass was the voice of the god: they claimed to be inspired. The musicians have been the most successful in "taking away the key to knowledge" by the real psychological effect of of music on every nerve ending in the body. Because this shuts off the rational nature of the brain, the musician can whisper or mutter any lie he wishes and get by with it.If you don't "give heed" or actually honor the Words of Christ it is because there is no light in you. This means that in song and sermon your words are more important than God's words: there is simply no light or spirit in you.
As there is a hysterical rush to "go ahead of the others" and impose instruments and steal church property "from widows" we are not surprised that people "give heed" or worship human words and "the idolatry of talent" because the Babylon end-time prostitute religion will dominate:
NOW the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 1 Tim 4:1
The Faith is the totality of what Jesus taught and inspired the Apostles to deliver to us "once for all times." The moment you begin to question that faith or substitute for it and have the "audience" give heed to songs invented by men or musical talent you are involved in repudiating the Word of Christ in song and sermon and, wittingly, unwittingly or half-wittingly, you are a seducing spirit and the clearest "doctrine of Satan" we can find evidence of in all of the ancient literature is that Satan imposes his doctrine upon people to the beat of the harp and other instruments. Click to see how God passes judgment upon the Assyrians who were "the tallest trees in Eden" and who seduced people with music.
And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven fold in the day when the Lord shall heal the breach of his people, and shall heal the pain of thy wound. Isaiah 30:26 LXX
Behold, the name of the Lord comes after a long time, burning wrath; the word of his lips is with glory, a word full of anger, and the anger of his wrath shall devour as fire. Isaiah 30:27 LXX
His breath is like a rushing torrent, rising up to the neck. He shakes the nations in the sieve of destruction; he places in the jaws of the peoples a bit that leads them astray. Isaiah 30:28
The Jews went to Jerusalem like people going to a feast and therefore brought along their instruments even to Tophet where children were burned in the arms of Molech to the beat of instrumental music. god often warns Israel by telling them how others will be defeated:
Must ye always rejoice, and go into my holy places continually, as they that keep a feast? and must ye go with a pipe, as those that rejoice into the mountain of the Lord, to the God of Israel Isaiah 30:29 LXX
and the Lord shall make his glorious voice to be heard and the wrath of his arm, to make a display with wrath and anger and devouring flame: he shall lighten terribly, and his wrath shall be as water and violent hail. Isaiah 30:30 LXX
For by the voice of the Lord the Assyrians shall be overcome, even by the stroke where with he shall smite them. Isaiah 30:31 LXX
And it shall happen to him from every side, that they from whom their hope of assistance was, in which he trusted, themselves shall war against him in turn with drums and with harp. Isaiah 30:32 LXX
And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which the Lord shall lay upon him, it shall be with tabrets and harps:and in battles of shaking will he fight with it. Isaiah 30:32KJV
Dwaine E. Dunning: So if indeed God opposes Christian use of musical instruments "in worship," as is alleged by some, why would we assume the law is directed to Christian assemblies? We are to meet together for mutual edification. Christians are called to worship by serving God daily wherever they are.If we are forbidden to use musical instruments in worship,
we are forbidden to use musical instruments anywhere.
But countless monks and some others of us sometimes miss seeing simple truths.
Here this silliness refuted by a Presbyterian in 1851.We have just described how the Jews treated God like a king of the festival and even like a harp-playing prostitute. They went to Jerusalem as they would go to a a Saturday fish fry. They went in procession to Jerusalem with pipes which meant to pollute or prostitute and when they got there it was not God they were worshiping. God accused them of offering the animals to me but you eat the meat for yourselves. God had no problem with a Jubilee where everyone blew trumpets and made a loud joyful sound because it was a homecoming party. However, as we have just noted, they could not treat Jehovah the same way the treated Molech as they went to Jerusalem to worship Yahweh but attended the baby-burning picnic down in Tophets (tabret or tambourine) which gave its name to hell itself where, in Babylon, the king as the Lucifer agent would be consumed along with his harps on a bed of maggots.
The bull harp had been eaten up with worms but the metal remained and by making casts the harp was reconstructed. When the strings were plucked the bull demon actually spoke to you.I suppose that if we are forbidden to eat steak and eggs for the Lord's Supper then we are forbidden to eat steaks at home? No. Just silly. In 1 Cor 11 Paul addressed the "out of assembly" time where the uncovered prophesying needed to be outlawed. In 11:17 he speaks of "when you come together in assembly."
I can twang a guitar or dulcimer to my heart's content. In my private valley I can imitate David, strip off naked, play the harp, kill and eat animals, eat watermelon or whatever. However, the assembly is a "one another" event. The command was not necessarily pure dialog but edification by one or more who had some Biblical material to read: they didn't make up their "edification" resources. Remember that "everyone having a song" was a put-down and not an endorsement.
Ten million monks might argue that playing instruments is evil but that would not make it so. One Jesus could model and command teaching His Word as He honored His Father by speaking only what He heard from the Father could overcome the monks. One Paul issuing a direct command against the wine-drinking, charismatic (always musical) prophesying in the pagan temples and connect that to a positive command to teach the Word of Christ or Spirit and we have an ANTI-LAW against prophesying paganistically (singing while drunk with instruments) and a PRO-LAW telling us that we should worship (give heed) Christ by giving heed to His words.
If we don't do that then we have no light in us.
There was no law against singing Fanny Crosby or Twila Paris on your on time.
Dwaine E. Dunning: Paul used three simple words as he exhorted Christians of his day to edify one another through singing and seeking to grow in Christ. The words he chose are "psalms, hymns, and odes (spiritual songs)." We who love God are indeed urged to sing to one another at various times and in varied ways.The Bible makes no mention of musical instruments in regard to Christians. We surely are not required to use musical instruments at any time in any designated way. But common sense forces us to realize that some few among us are gifted with musical abilities which surely come to them from God. Some play easily and beautifully, on one instrument or on many varied instruments. Some play in such a way as to "charm the savage beast." Many of us play with less artistry, and are most appreciated by our family and close friends
Paul specificially identified speaking or singing in dialects with LIFELESS INSTRUMENTS. Now, his term LIFELESS INSTRUMENTS is the universal mark of EMPTY SOUNDING blather. Would one suggests that Paul RECOMMENDED lifeless instruments or did he UTTERLY OUTLAW them? He spoke of the bongs and clangs in 1 Cor 13 which points ONLY to weapons of warfare or to SORCERY or to the theater.
The acoustic properties of a Greek theatre would be naturally good, since the actors had a high wall behind them and a rising slope in front. Vitruvius, indeed, says that artificial aid was sought from brazen vessels, which the Greeks call êcheia, so placed in the auditorium as to reverberate the voices of the actors. He even speaks of these resonators as being nicely adapted to the required musical pitch (ii. 1, 9). The theatre at Aizani in Cilicia has a series of niches above the diazôma: and similar niches exist elsewhere. According to one view, these niches held the êcheia, while another connects them merely with the substructions of seats. The statement of Vitruvius leaves no doubt that êcheia were used, at least sometimes, in the theatres of his own day: but it remains uncertain whether such a device was employed by the Greeks of an earlier time.
Again, we should note that "musical" is a secular or pagan term. It is not used in the New Testament except by a home-coming feast with instruments and dance, and in Revelation where the musicians will cease and the end-time Babylon king/queen will be finally destroyed "upon a bed of maggots" perhaps.Echeion , to, ( [êchos] ) drum, gong, Plu.Crass.23, Apollod. ap. Sch. Theoc.2.36, Procop.Gaz.Ecphr.p.153B.; tambourine, as head-dress, Herm.Trism.in Rev.Phil.32.254; used for stage-thunder, Sch.Ar. Nu.292; as sounding-boards in the theatre, Vitr.5.5.2.
II. in the lyre, = chalkôma, apptly. a metallic sounding-plate, Hsch.; so of the palate, Gal.UP7.5.
2. Adj. êcheion organon sounding instrument, Ph.1.588, cj.ib.444,510.
Organon , 3. musical instrument, Simon.31, f.l. in A.Fr.57.1 ; ho men di' organôn ekêlei anthrôpous, of Marsyas, Pl.Smp.215c ; aneu organôn psilois logois ibid., cf. Plt.268b ; o. poluchorda Id.R.399c , al.; met' ôidês kai tinôn organôn Phld.Mus.p.98K. ; of the pipe, Melanipp.2, Telest.1.2.
The organon is an INSTRUMENT for doing HARD WORK or to induce SHOCK AND AWE. By definition it does WORKS to aid God and is therefore LEGALISM.
Bront-eion , to, engine for making stage-thunder, Poll.4.130.
Echetês , ou, ho, Ep. êcheta^ , Dor. achetas , acheta^ , ( [êcheô] )
A. clear-sounding, musical, shrill, donax achetas A.Pr.575 (lyr.); kuknos E.El.151 (lyr.); epith. of the cicada, chirping, êcheta tettix Hes.Op.582 , AP 7.201 (Pamphil.); achetat. ib.213 (Arch.): abs., achetas, ho, the chirper, i.e. the male cicada, Anan.5.6, Ar.Pax1159 (lyr.), Av.1095 (lyr.), cf. Arist.HA532b16,556a20: Orph.A.1250 has Ep.acc. êcheta porthmon the sounding strait.
Tettix cicala, Cicada plebeia or allied species, a winged insect fond of basking on trees, when the male makes a chirping or clicking noise by means of certain drums or 'tymbals' underneath the wings, a prov. for garrulity,
Strabo (first century) explains how popular writers describe the phenomenon:
They represent them, one and all, as a kind of inspired people and as subject to Bacchic frenzy, and, in the guise of minister, as inspiring terror at the celebration of the sacred rites by means of war-dances accompanied by uproar and noise and cymbals and drums and also by flute and outcry . . . (Georg., X, 3:7)
The 'sounding gong and tinkling cymbal' used in such worship are mentioned in a derogatory sense in 1 Corinthians 13:1; but the religious outcry itself is dealt with more directly. It is essential that we understand that much of the shouting involved in the rite was the specific function of women. Euripides describes the advent of Dionysiac religion to Thebes thus: 'This city, first in Hellas, now shrills and echoes to my women's cries, their ecstasy of joy' (Bacchae, 11, 20-24)
The word used here for 'cry' is olulugia, defined by the Etymologicum Magnum as 'the sound which women make to exult in worship' and by E.R. Dodds as 'the women's ritual cry of triumph or thanksgiving'.
Pausanias tells of 'the mountain they say was called Eva from the Bacchic cry 'Evoe' which Dionysus and his attendant women first uttered there' (Descr. of Greece, IV, xxxi)
Menander also demonstrates women's role in worship: 'We were offering sacrifice five times a day, and seven serving women were beating cymbals around us while the rest of the women pitched high the chant (olulugia)' (Fragment 326).
Women were expected, then, to provide certain types of sound-effects; and some of these effects seem to have been limited to feminine ministrants.
Remember that the Old Testament was not written in Greek. However, the Septuagint (LXX) used psalms, hymns and spiritual songs of the book of Psalms and other scattered songs. These were all inspired by God and the Corinthians were not true prophets.
To "sing a song" does not mandate an instrument. A song or "praise" is written in meter or poetic form so that it can be accompanied. The Greek language was poetic and to "speak" (as Paul commanded) a Psalm one "s singing in a way to make the voice carry in the absence of a PA system. This is not a forced musical thing" because of the lilting nature of the written and spoken language. A "psalmos" includes no instruments
Psalmos (g5568) psal-mos'; from 5567; a set piece of music, i.e. a sacred ode (accompanied with the voice, harp or other instrument; a "psalm"); collect. the book of the Psalms: - psalm. Comp. 5603.
Now, don't ignore the parenthetic expression:
Note that the Ode definition defines only the first part of psalmos (g5568) as a Hebrew cantillation. This was chanting or a singing term but not a musical term as we know it because the purpose was teaching:
Psalmos (g5568) psal-mos'; from 5567; a set piece of music, i.e. a sacred ode
- (accompanied with
- the voice,
- harp or
- other instrument; a "psalm");
- collect. the book of the Psalms: - psalm. Comp. 5603.
The first part of a "psalmos" is equivalent to an ode which was written so that it could be cantillated. The "ode" defines away the instrument of g5568 unless one is specified.
Ode (g5603) o-day'; from 103; a chant or "ode" the gen. term for any words sung; while 5215 denotes espec. a religious metrical composition, and
5568 still more spec. a Heb. cantillation): - song.
Again, a "song" does not define instruments. However, the human voice is the "harp of God" or the "trumpet of God" and is the first instrument of choice.
> If Paul didn't care he could have said ode psalmos and put a period right there.
> Paul picked the human voice (speak) and internal melody in the heart.
> Therefore, if the Holy Spirit had picked the harp there would be no argument by monks "from the law of silence."
> God is there and He is not silent: He listens and we would insult Him if we prayed (hymned) Him accompanied by an orchestra.Like the English song which mandates no mechanical instrument, a psalmos mandates no instrument. However, it is written in a poetic form so that it can be accompanied by the voice. To a Greek most prose was a "song." I just finished a book on Greek mythology. The writer finished her prose story and wrote: "Thus ends my song." There were no instruments or parts or harmony but a story is a song if it is a poem.
The Britannica notes that:
"Music, like the word, also may have symbolic meaning. The basic elements out of which musical symbolism is built are sounds, tones, melodies, harmonies,
- and the various musical instruments,
- among which is the human voice.
Sound effects can have a numinous (spiritual) character and may be used to bring about contact with the realm of the holy. A specific tone may call one to an awareness of the holy, make the holy present, and produce an experience of the holy.
This may be done by means of drums, gongs, bells, or other instruments.
The ritual instruments can, through their shape or the materials from which they are made, have symbolic meaning. The Uitoto in Colombia, for example, believe that allthe souls of their ancestors are contained in the ritual drums. (See liturgical music BM members.) Or Click here
[The flute usually had a vulva attached]
If you impose musical instruments for the collective assembly then you make a law: Thou shalt sit and listen to my talented idolatry of talent or thou shalt get out and not "sow discord."
Therefore, adding instruments makes a law just as "going ahead" and getting drunk in the assembly implicates everyone there in your guilt. There is an absolute demand to flee and resist making a law Thou Shalt Worship With Instruments.
Some few among us are gifted with musical abilities which surely come to them from God.
I try to pull that "idolatry of talent" on my wife: God gave me the taste and capacity to eat hot buttered popcorn and by golly I'm gonna use God-given talent right there on the podium (the Holy Place). About 9 to 10 O'clock I do a fairly good sleep apnia (you spell it) but my preacher won't accept it as "an act of worship."
There is not hint in any of the lists of spiritual gifts that singing or playing instruments is on God's list of preferential talent.
Dwaine E. Dunning: But whoever plays music surely does so by God's power rather than as a gift from the Devil.For every historian who says the early church never used musical instruments when they sang,
there's at least one historian of equal reputation who says they did.Not remotely true or he would have quoted him: Because Dunning has taken on a literal destruction of the ANTI-instrumental position and his UNHOLY TRINITY of warriors agree with him, because the above statement is not remotely true that makes Dunning a liar. If he can find one example to prove his false teachings we will take it all back. If he does not produce you must denounce his sowing of discord among those who do not care a whit whether he sings and plays or even dances naked like David.
Dwaine E. Dunning: What would it prove if they did not? Did early Christians ride horses everywhere they went? Did early Christians drive automobiles on every Roman road? How often did they fly as a passenger on an airline from one city to another? If we discovered they had absolutely NO guitars or pianos or organs, what would that have to do with us who do have them? Does God's Word teach we must do all and only what they then did?
At the bottom barrell ethical and moral standard it DEMANDS that Dunning stick to the facts and not try to rationalize and legalize an END RUN around the Bible and ALL of the historical writers. Furthermore, if God had demanded sacrificing an ASS on the church communion table then Dunning would not be so irrational that he would burn a Cadillac. If we sacrificed ASSES it would NOT be in the assembly building as a Holy Place or in the Most Holy Place of the pulpit: both the sacrificing and guitars would be on the lawn and the "people's congregation" would be PLAYED back into their cars in the parking lots.
The Book of Enoch and its parallel accounts are quoted at least 128 times in the New Testament by Jesus, by Peter and by Jude. Genun was Jubal and siblings in the Babylonian accounts. In these accounts Satan taught the youth how to organize mixed-sex choirs and musical bands.Believe it or not, this is the overwhelming evidence and absolutely no evidence that God gives musical skills in order to worship Him. That would mean that Dwaine E. Dunning and musical friends have more inherent, Calvinistic-power over God than the rest of us. Humbug!
ONLY by taking out the "musical" talent could Paul consistently define a one-another method of teaching through singing.
For you readers, a few notes about the source of instruments:
"The voice of God in the Old Testament was a still, small voice; but when man would silence the noises of the human heart, that voice will always ring forth like a clarion." (Barnhouse, D.G., Revelation, Zondervan, p. 27).
Art thou desirous of hearing beautiful songs? Best of all indeed, thou oughtest not; nevertheless,Art thou desirous of seeing choirs of dancers? Behold the choir of Angels. And how is it possible, saith one, to see them?I condescend if thou wilt have it so: do not hear those Satanic ones, but the spiritual.
Where pipers are, by no means there is Christ; but even if He should have entered, He first casts these forth, and then He works His wonders. What can be more disagreeable than this Satanic pomp?where everything is inarticulate, everything without significance; and if there be anything articulate, again all is shameful, all is noisome.
Any Bible student knows that the PIPERS tried to get Jesus and the believers to SING and DANCE while they piped if we understand the statement of Jesus. He lumped them along with those who HOPED that John the Baptist wore SOFT clothing meaning that he was a king's CATAMITE.
They also know that Jesus CAST OUT the pipers when He was doing his work. They also know that the word defining how Lucifer was CAST OUT of heaven is the same word translated as "steal your vines, take your inheritance, play the flute, pollute and prostitute."
"The Gandharvas are renowned musicians and bards and singers. Whey they play on their divine instruments the fairy-like Apsaras, who are all females, dance merrily. In the various Aryan heavens these elves and fairies delight and allure with music and song and dance the gods, and the souls of those who have attained to a state of bliss.... The band of Gandharvas were skilled in music sacred and profane", and attracted the Apsaras "with eyes like lotus blooms, employed in enticing hearts"; they had "fair round hips and slim waists", and "began to perform various evolutions, shaking their deep bosoms and casting their glances, and exhibiting other attractive attitudes capable of stealing the hearts and resolutions and minds of the spectators."
The Gandharvas were spirits of the air, forests, and mountains; they were the mates of the Apsaras.
"Slightly less familiar are the Devil's musical exploits. He not only loves singing but is master of the violin, of which instrument of evil he is reputedly the inventor. By the same token he can give mastery of the violin, bartering infernal skill for the pupil's soul.
These legends are related to the larger belief in the supernatural origin of musical skill and individual songs." (Botkin, B. A., A Treasury of American Folklore, Crown Publishers, p. 718; Cf. The Devil and the Fiddle, Herbert Halpert, Hoosier Folklore Bulletin, Vol II (Dec., 1943).
Chaucer collected the folklore of the period and tells us through The Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales about the common opinion of music--
"In Flanders there once was a company of young folk, who devoted themselves to such follies as riotous living, gambling, brothels, and taverns. Where, with harps, lutes, and guitars they danced and played at dice day and night, and also ate and drank more than they could handle; and thus they offered sacrifices to the devil within the devils temple, in a cursed manner... singers with harps... all truly the devil's agents." (Bantam Classic edition, p. 345)
It was believed that the Cainites were influenced by the giants or titans who were the result of intermarriage between humans and the elders of Lucifer who seduced the children of God through music.
"We see, therefore, that the arts also are consecrated to the services of the beings who dwell in the names of their founders; taints of idolatry whose inventors have got a place among the gods for their discoveries. Nay, as regards the arts, we ought to have gone further back,
and barred all further argument by the position that the demons, predetermining in their own interests from the first, among other evils of idolatry, the pollutions of the public shows,
with the object of drawing man away from his Lord and binding him to their own service, carried out their purpose by bestowing on him the artistic gifts which the shows require'." (Tertullian, de Spectaculis, Ante-Nicene, III, p. 84).
Verses 1-19 Ethbaal, or Ithobal, was the prince or king of Tyre; and being lifted up with excessive pride, he claimed Divine honours. Pride is peculiarly the sin of our fallen nature.
Nor can any wisdom, except that which the Lord gives, lead to happiness in this world or in that which is to come. The haughty prince of Tyre thought he was able to protect his people by his own power, and considered himself as equal to the inhabitants of heaven. If it were possible to dwell in the garden of Eden, or even to enter heaven, no solid happiness could be enjoyed without a humble, holy, and spiritual mind.
Especially all spiritual pride is of the devil. Those who indulge therein must expect to perish.
20-26. The Zidonians were borderers upon the land of Israel, and they might have learned to glorify the Lord; but, instead of that, they seduced Israel to the worship of their idols. War and pestilence are God's messengers; but he will be glorified in the restoring his people to their former safety and prosperity. God will cure them of their sins, and ease them of their troubles.This promise will at length fully come to pass in the heavenly Canaan: when all the saints shall be gathered together, every thing that offends shall be removed, all griefs and fears for ever banished.
Happy, then, is the church of God, and every living member of it, though poor, afflicted, and despised; for the Lord will display his truth, power, and mercy, in the salvation and happiness of his redeemed people. Matthew Henry Ezekiel 28
The king of Babylon and of Tyre were king/queens and agents or images of Lucifer (the Zoe-Beast character). Tyre was a commercial-religious prostitute and literally used female musicians to "take away the key" to property. See the Wen Amun Story. That is they used lust as a weapon or instrument just like Judah:
And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king: after the end of seventy years shall Tyre sing as an harlot. Isaiah 23:15
This is the song of the prostitute: "Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered. Isaiah 23:16
When instruments were intended they are named: "sing" and "make melody" with "a harp" or other instrument. No naming of instrument none can be assumed.
The king as Lucifer was bisexual and wanted to be "remembered" as a male.
By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Eze.28:16
Chalal (h2490) khaw-lal'; a prim. root [comp. 2470]; prop. to bore, i. e. (by impl.) to wound, to dissolve; fig. to profane (a person, place or thing), to break (one's word), to begin (as if by an "opening wedge"); denom. (from 2485) to play (the flute): - begin (* men began), defile, * break, defile, * eat (as common things), * first, * gather the grape thereof, * take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.
The ANTI-Biblical promoters of Lucifer's Weapons and lusting to TAKE THE AXE to those who do not bow to baal while they pipe are more than psychologically violent: they hold very expensive JOINT ventures to try to use the TRAFFICKING book peddlers to seduce peacable churches into musical discord. Of the Lucifer Principle the violence is:
Chamac (h2555) khaw-mawce'; from 2554; violence; by impl. wrong; by meton, unjust gain: - cruel (-ty), damage, false, injustice, * oppressor, unrighteous, violence (against, done), violent (dealing), wrong.
Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Eze.22:26
Again profaned is translated as: to play (the flute), gather the grape thereof, take inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.
Based on every shred of information we have been able to find, to claim, with price,skill of playing musical instruments as a supernatural gift of worship not given to the rest of us is to claim the same gift for which God will come with ten thousand saints. It was the gift which the King of Babylon and Trye claimed as earthly models of Lucifer:
"In pagan traditions, musical instruments are invented by gods or demi-gods, such as titans (seitans) . In the Bible, credit is assigned to antediluvian patriarchs, for example, the descendants of Cain in Genesis 4:21. There is no other biblical tradition about the invention of musical instruments." (Freedman, David Noel, Bible Review, Summer 1985, p. 51).
In all of the ancient records, it is the descendants of Cain who seduced people with music and magic. The word "handle" used of Jubal means "without warrant." Therefore, Jubal handled instruments in an unlawful way.
Dwaine E. Dunning: Opponents of Christian use of musical instruments "in church" need to find their anti-instrument law in the Bible before they seek to impose it on anyone. Church law is not made by historians, however worthy and weighty their work. But likely none will attempt to prove that the apostle Paul had no right to encourage in their lives those whom he had won to Christ. Would Paul have incited his friends to do what God condemned? Surely none will take that position.The word SPEAK specificially EXCLUDES both poetry and music of ANY kind:
Wouldn't it be LEGALISTIC along with SECTARIAN to try to weasel in a word to AUTHORIZE instrumental music to such an extent that you would do violence to weeping widows when God has NEVER used the music word without ALWAYS associating it with Satan, pollution, prostitution and STEALING other people's property?
NO CHURCH of Christ has attempted to IMPOSE not playing instruments on anyone. Dunning knows better. To IMPOSE would be what Dunning and his spiritual ancestors HAVE done and still attempt to do: into a peacable church which has rejected trying to worship a SPIRIT God with the works of human hands, they PHYSICALLY MOVE an organ into the building and dare the elders to take it out.
Non- instrumentalists are too ethical to INFILTRATE and attempt to DIVERT an instrumental church into removing instruments.
As long as we consult the ancient books and chronicles rather than the Bible, we are apt to bog down as did the monks. But God has not "left us comfortless" in facing a demand that we must never play musical instruments when God is around.
- By examining the Word, we can arrive at facts to provide a basis for accurate knowledge that will certainly enable us to be well-pleasing to our God.
If you repudiate history then you can just deceive the "brotherhood." For instance, you can lie and tell them that latter day churches of Christ (ignorant, southern rednecks as I remember) invented the law of silence and the need for direct commands from God. We are told that no one before the 1900s based faith and practice on the Bible. Well, it turns out that everyone based faith and practice on their grasp of the Bible. Now, how could we pick the prophets from the profits without consulting the very documents they use to deceive knowing fully well that most people are not going to be able to "test the spirits." Those days are over. Get real. Understand that you cannot lie, cheat and steal and be honored as "a man of God."It is not honest to hang the "logo" of Christian on anything which Christ did not teach or authorize to be taught. Jesus repudiated music in prophecy (Psalm 41) and in many events which we have noted in the previous notes. Therefore, Christian Musical Instruments is an oxymoron and a false claim to gain the endorsement of Jesus for what we are going to do "spite of hell."
Church law is often made by historians. Almost without exception the pro-instrumentalists deliberately misrepresent all of the church fathers to force them to lie about music. If, Say, Bill Swetmon snookers Freed Hardeman University with his "claimed neutral" but openly pro-instrumental music by misquoting the church fathers then we have to read history to show that this is absolutely false.
- Freed-Hardeman's 1991 Lectures: Pro music and rebuttal:
- Bill Swetmon on The Odes of Solomon church of Christ, Freed Hardeman
- Bill Swetmon on Josephus and Psallo church of Christ, Freed Hardeman
- Bill Swetmon on Gregory of Nyssa on Psallo Churches of Christ, Freed Hardeman
- Bill Swetmon on Clement's "permission" Churches of Christ, Freed Hardeman
Many lies were told about Lucian of Samosata to prove that "psallo" commanded instrumental music a hundred years after the time of Paul. This lie along with the one about psallo and misstating the reasons for church division (not instruments but racism) was used by an instrumental group to steal the "home" of widows who are now lost and wandering around in Seattle.
Well, wouldn't you know it, preachers are not the repositories of information any more. I just happened to have bought a four volume set of Lucian on E-Bay and I could not be lied to, cheated or bamboozled. It turns out that Lucian was an upper class fooler of fools as lecturer, story inventor and parasite. Therefore, all of his education was based on the Attic Greek. Furthermore, Lucian associates instrumental music with the oracles such as that of Alexander the Oracle Monger where everyone knew that you could play a flute and deceive the bumpkins. Read the story. You will understand how thieves and tricksters use music to make a commercial Seeker-Center operate.
Dwaine E. Dunning: I do not intend to say that whatever any person decides to do in worship and service of God is automatically right and pleasing to God.Paul urges that whatever we do together is to be done decently and in order.
If it's worship, we'll not forget that Jesus says it's to be done in spirit and truth.Zion and Gerezim and their temples were physical PLACES. Jesus said that God does not even SEEK those who are not spiritual enough to worship in the NEW PLACE of the human spirit made into A holy spirit at baptism. IN SPIRIT does not allow you to make melody UPON A HARP as long as you have the RIGHT MENTAL ATTITUDE. Paul and all Jewish converts knew to worship God IN THE SPIRIT because if you attempt to worship IN THE FLESH you allow the dogs or catamites to make a profession out of entertaining you--for a price, always for a price.
- That is, we are to be honest, genuine, and with every intention of honoring the God who made this world and who calls us to worship and serve Him.
Paul said to do only that which EDIFIES: not "do everything." Edification means teaching and teaching is SPEAKING "that which is written" because the purpose is not RELIGION Or THRESKIA or pagan rituals but EDUCATION as in "synagogue" or school of the BibleSome things you cannot do decently and in order. Some things done decently and in order are not acceptable to Christ who insisted that God only looks for those competent to worship in spirit or in the mind:
Let the word (spirit) of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord Col 3:16
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name (authority) of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Col 3:17
The Word (Spirit and Life John 6:63) lives or dwells in us: God's Spirit as Truth dwells in our spirit and this is the PLACE where worship takes place. As we dwell on it and teach and admonish one another with TRUTH then we "worship" God by serving His children--He needs no burnt meat, blood or musical noise.
Now, try chewing (admonishing) out an employee while you have a Rock band play. No? Why not? Because you are not ignorant or insane. Teach your new employee the "company rules" while a dance team "performs?" No? Because you are not childish and silly.
> We have authority to teach and admonish with Spirit or the Word of Christ. This cannot be done decently and in order with a display of the "idolatry of talent" standing in the holy place (where the Lord's Table used to sit).
> We have the name or authority of the Spirit through Paul to replace pagan singing with Christian teaching.
> We have a direct command that whatever we do must be based on that authority.
> We do not have a positive command to play instruments but instead lots of negative statements associating instruments and ignoring the Name or authority of God.
> > Therefore, Colossians 3 is violated and we dishonor the "Name" of the Lord and "sow discord among brethren" if we try to implicate Him in our own human sense-stimulation which is, at its heart, sexual.
Paul denounced "lifeless instruments" which are "carnal weapons."
Therefore, we clearly understand why there is such an emphasis upon the Catholic "High Church" right to make new laws under the Name of "Christian" and why there is such an attack upon those who just do what we are commanded to do in the sense of "worship." (Don't pull the "chairs" argument and just look childish. We are authorized to sit, stand, be warm and get in our of the rain but not as "acts of worship.")
Jesus did not say that our "worship" (the act) must be done "in spirit" and "in truth." Rather, worship is in the PLACE of Spirit and based on truth.
Dunning's formulation would authorize "playing musical instruments" AS worship as long as we played instruments "in spirit" and "In truth."
Worship in spirit does not mean "with a good mental attitude" or "inspirited." Philo coined the word "enthusiasm." It is Enthus O Mania. The idea is that when you go charismatic (musical is charismatic) the "gods" or demons steal in and make you insane. Any visitor would see the Corinthians as MAD, insane.
"In spirit" does not mean enthusiastically or sincerely: Paul would sincerely hold your cloak while you killed a Christian. In spirit means "in the human mind" (Nous) which is Gods Holy Space (Naos) in our human heart, spirit, mind. Remember that Gerizim and Jerusalem were PLACES. Therefore, "in spirit" is in a PLACE and does not mean "lovingly" playing instruments so as to exclude those who know the Word and a bit about church history.
Human intention does not qualify above and beyond what we know about a Spirit God who can only be worshiped in our spirit. Any noise closes down the rational or spiritual nature of mankind and prevents worship "in spirit" or in the thinking part of mankind.
Dwaine E. Dunning: Both Paul and James were men of God active in the leadership of the early church in Bible times. Both were familiar with the Old Testament.
- Each was able to express himself understandably in the language used in writing the New Testament scriptures. Both quoted freely from the Septuagint version of the Old Testament which had been translated into Greek from Hebrew some years before New Testament times.
- Without question, the Septuagint was the Bible in use by God's people in New Testament times. So both the readers and the writers of the New Testament would have been familiar with the common definitions of words used in the Septuagint.
- Surely if they used words which were also used in the Septuagint, they would have explained if they were using them with different meanings than the words there possessed.
The word Zamar or Psallo NEVER meant to play a harp at any time in the history of the world: Psallo simply means to PLUCK or pull a string with the FINGERS but NEVER WITH A PLECTRUM. That is because Psallo is firstly a WARFARE word speaking of murder most foul. Secondly, the next meaning of Psallo speaks of the RED ROPE used to separate the Agora or Marketplace from the Ekklesia which was ONLY for verbal instruction.
Jesus identified the MARKED PLACE religion by calling that "generation of vipers" simple childeren PIPING in the Agora trying to force people to lament and dance the perverted Dionysus choral dance. Only in a very remote case do people speak of SHOOTING FORTH HYMNS or songs. The ROOT words in both Hebrew and Greek speak of Pruning your vines to steal your inheritance or PLUCKING something. You had to tell just WHAT was to be plucked before it had any musical connection. The words always point to Lucifer, warriors, sacrificial systems (God's curse), prostitutes or Sodomites who prowled the temple grounds but NEVER entered into the Holy Places of the MOST VILE pagan temple.
Paul would have never been involved in the court where animals were slaughtered. Paul would have attended synagogue and he would NEVER have heard either singing or instruments. Paul uses languages which connects music to pagan and words like SPEAK with one MIND and one MOUTH which excludes music.
The Agora Marketplace
The Ekklesia Church
Singing, Piping
Playing Harps
Empthy Rhetoric
Selling boy chorus leaders
Selling radishes
Only for Listening to
a Speaker teach
some vital information for
the community.
Psallo identifies the RED chalk line
which STAINED or POLLUTED those
Tardy for "church.
Paul also knew about animal sacrifices and the people knew about animal sacrifices. And the same words are used. Under the Law "added because of the transgression at Mount Sinai" animal sacrifices meant killing an animal and offering its blood to make people horrendously aware of the sinfulness of their nature. David added the musical instruments only after Israel's elders had "fired God" so that they could worship like the nations. This was not MUSIC. Music is not a "worship word." People sang songs with or without instruments. David was an expert. However Israel condemned by Amos "rose up to play" in the same musical idolatry which cost them the Covenant at Mount Sinai. Their sin was using David's "civil-state" instruments and making them into daily "worship services."No one ever "sang congregationally with instrumental accompaniment under the law." There was no "praise service" in the Synagogue but teaching with possibly cantillation or chanting the revealed Word of God.
The people of Paul's time and place understood that outside of the temple and animal sacrifices it was actually illegal to try to worship God with musical noise. They also knew that anti-Christian or pagan worship was consumed with "musical" worship.
THERE IS NO SINGLE word used in the Bible to speak of singing congregationally with instrumental accompaniment. There IS NO EXCEPTION that when Psallo or Zamar or other plucking or shooting [derivered from the antlered gods] word is used it defines the NAME of the musical instrument. This is always IN ADDITION TO the word sing or shout.
Psallo or Zamar mean to PLUCK or trim your vines and are NOT DEFINED as making music. When a harp is PLUCKED then one is making music normally to panic the enemy or seduce your male friend.
Dr. Everett Ferguson, A Capella Music in the public worship of the church, published by Biblical Research Press, Abilene, Texas, notes that "In the Psalms in the Septuagint, Psalm 33:2; 71:22; 98:5; 144:9; 147:7; 149:3, the word psallo is followed by the preposition en and the name of the instrument.} Two examples make this clear.
Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; praise becomes the upright. Praise (confess) the Lord on the harp; play to him on a psaltery of ten strings. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise. Psalms 32:1LXX
God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with a sound of a trumpet. Psalm 47:5LXX
None of these were for congregational worship but for quite different purposes. Click for the colored chart to see that these are not associated with the majority of Psalms which speak only of singing. In another passage from the Septuagint:
This is always the practice: if you said "sing" then you meant "sing" only. If you intended an instrument then you must specify that instrument. Here are two examples using "melody"--
Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered. Isa 23:16
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. Am.5:23
The Septuagint always amplifies the negative impact of musical instruments in an attempt to worship God or to take away people's heart from the Word of God. See Psallo in the Septuagint.
"The psaltery (psalterion, saltere, sauterie, Psalterium, Psalter, salterio) is an ancient instrument seen in many forms. Early versions were simply a wooden board with gut strings stretched between pegs. The strings were plucked with fingers or by plectra (the name might have derived from the Greek psallein meaning plucked with fingers).
Gut strings stretched over a board were found to "sing" when you pulled the string out like a bow string hand had it "thwack" the board and then vibrate. This is why "psallo" is derived from the idea of "abrading or grinding something or someone into bits." All pagans believed that as Pythagoras learned in Babylonia that this was the "spirit" or the "demon" singing back to you. Therefore, rising up to "play" with demons meant musically.
"The name of psaltery entered Christian literature in the 3rd century B.C. translation of the Old Testament called the Septuagint where, in the Psalms, nebel was translated psalterion. Thus, Nebuchadnezzar's idolatrous ensemble included the Aramic psantria. Notice, also, that the book of Psalms has also become known as the Psalter (or psalterium), from the hymns sung with this harp. Source
Therefore, the Greek translation uses a word which, in their culture, meant a song which could be sung with a psalterium.
Nebel, of course, is the harp and defined like the familiar spirit of the witch of Endor. It is derived from a word meaning "a vile fellow."
No one suggests that music is evil but that it has no role in teaching. Psalm 150 is discussing neither a temple ritual, from which common people were excluded, or "congregational singing with instrumental accompaniment." One of the highly insulting concepts in the Classics is that a person -- usually a woman or a child -- would sing (recite) a song and play an instrument at the same time.
Dwaine E. Dunning: This verb which is translated "sing" is used in Psalm 27:6. It's use is clarified even more in Psalm 33:2 where readers are urged to "Praise the Lord with harp, sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings." Psalm 47:5 urges God's children to sing praises to Him on the "trumpet of God," and Psalm 71:22 repeats 33:2, again translating the "psallo" verb once as "praise" and the second time as "sing."This was the warrior's chant claiming, in effect "our God can destroy your god." Jesus doesn't DESTROY enemies wiht an AXE. It had nothing to do with congretational worship..
God: God is ascended with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. Psalm 47:5
When ye blow an alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on the south side shall take their journey: they shall blow an alarm for their journeys. Nu.10:6
But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. Numbers 10:7
The trumpet is the shofar and was retained by the Jews after the destruction of the temple because it WAS NOT a musical instrument.
The People: Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. Psa 47:6
See how God condemned those who ASCENDED to Jerusalem to the sound of instruments. He hated these processions and promised that they with the Assyrians and Egyptians would be destroyed to the BEAT of musical instruments.
Psalms are poems and POEMS TEND TO BE POETIC: if Dunning gets authority to hold a WORSHIP SERVICE with paid performers he also gets the authority to DASH out the heads of the little babies of one's personal enemies: much better than an AXE.
I will also praise thee
........with the psaltery,
........even thy truth,O my God:
unto thee
........will I sing with the harp,
........O thou Holy One of Israel. Psa 71:22 IYou can only praise God, in Psalm 150 with THAT WHICH HAS BREATH. The Psalmist praises God with the PSALTERY or the TRUTH which is both "Spirit and Life" (John 6:63).
You cannot praise with a literal psaltery and simultaneously SING with a harp. Therefore, scholars have long noted that these instruments are "harps of God" or the instrumentsof Praise which God created in us.
Thirdly, the psaltery is also translated as a weapon or sword: the double-edged sword in the New Testament is the human lips so defined in the Greek language.
The message is repeated in Psalm 92:1; 98:5,6; and in 108:1,2. Please take a look at these passages to confirm my statement that the word used by James and by Paul in exhorting Christians to praise God could never in any way be thought to mean always in the absence of musical instruments. Then join me in figuring out what those to whom James and Paul wrote would have understood them to mean by use of this verb.
Instruments are included in MELODY only if they are specified IN ADDITION TO the singing:Praise the Lord with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings. Psalm 33:2
Sing in Hebrew is:
Zamar (h2167) zaw-mar'; a prim. root [perh. ident. with 2168 through the idea of striking with the fingers];
prop. to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument, i. e. play upon it; to make music, accompanied by the voice; hence to celebrate in song and music: - give praise, sing forth praises, psalms.
As SING can be accompanied with a mechanical instrument, Zamar is used IN CONTEXT with singing but never itself defines the singing.
But the Psalmist said "sing" with an "instrument" the Nebel or 'familiar spirit."
Nebel (h5035) neh'-bel; from 5034; a skin- bag for liquids (from collapsing when empty); hence a vase (as similar in shape when full); also a lyre (as having a body of like form): - bottle, pitcher, psaltery, vessel, viol
Therefore, as the Greek Psalmos or song means primarily just "sing" the definition is that of metrical composition which can be sung or accompanied.
Therefore, this proves that "sing" in the Hebrew did not include the instrument unless that instruments was specified. Consistent with the "law" this reference says:
Sing and accompany that singing with the Nebel
In the same way, Paul says:
Sing and make melody with the lips and heart.
And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord. Psalm 27:6
The first word "sing" is
Shiyr (h7891) sheer; or (the orig. form) 7788 (1 Sam. 18:6), shoor; a prim. root [rather ident. with 7788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy]; to sing: - behold [by mistake for 7788], sing (-er, - ing man, -ing woman).
SINGING in the normal sense was an activity of the wandering minstrels: remember that Jesus cast them out as one casts out dung before He healed the dead or "sleeping" girl. The singing in the courts of sacrifice to which the 'congregation' was excluded was all wrapped up in blood and dung:
Shuwr (h7788) shoor; a prim. root; prop. to turn, i. e. travel about (as a harlot or a merchant): - go, sing. See also 7891.
The Second word "sing" is:
Zamar (h2167) zaw-mar'; a prim. root [perh. ident. with 2168 through the idea of striking with the fingers];
prop. to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument, i. e. play upon it; to make music, accompanied by the voice; hence to celebrate in song and music: - give praise, sing forth praises, psalms.
There is no name of an instrument supplied and therefore "the law" is that this was vocal praise. The tabernacle didn't ever have instrumental music in it. This is The Psalmists "tent" where God dwelled. In Paul's writings this "house" or "tent" is the human mind or heart.
Then the Psalmist is not defining congregational worship and we are free to "sing and make melody in our mind" as we "speak to ourselves" in the privacy of our home.
James also gives us permission to "mourn" because of our riches but this was not a congregational act of worship. Paul used the same word, and consistent with the "Law" of usage, he clearly defined the place or instrument upon which the melody "struck" us. That was not a harp but a heart. See the difference?
Dwaine E. Dunning: By no stretch of the imagination could sensible men think inspired writers were demanding the Christians must always sing only vocally. If James and Paul had used the verb differently than it was used in the Septuagint,surely they would have made SOME mention of the change in meaning.
- They gave no hint that they thought there was anything wrong with use of musical instruments.
God never calls it MUSIC but NOISE and that is what it was. They made a great crashing sound connected only with animal sacrifices and connected only to the TEMPLE STATE. The people's "congregation" would always be EXCLUDED when they heard the horrifying noise which SERVED the priests while they were trying to endure the slaughter of screaming innocent animals, the blood, the dung, the burning flesh, the flies and the belief that the demons were hoovering around lusting to eat the flesh and drink the blood. THERE WAS NOTHING TO CHANGE because God had EXCLUDED instruments and loud rejoicing during the assembly which was the Qahal or synagogue or "church in the wilderness."
- The Bible simply provides no reason at all to suppose that God has changed his mind about use of musical instruments. God's people gifted with musical abilities have always used their gifts for God. There's not one word in the Bible to support an anti-instrument law for Christians.
At this time synagogue was compulsary for 5 year old boys. At 12 Jesus could question the rabbi and Josephus was consulted by the scholars at age 14. They would know that the festivals had ALWAYS been to muster warrior-aged males: everone else was excused from EVER having to go to the horrors of animal sacrifice as a substitute for the hoped-for Christ.
They would attend synagogue and even a FIVE YEAR OLD would know that "there was no praise service in the synagogue" any more than the preacher is going to allow a Rock band to play while he reades the Word of God.
Dunning and the UNholy trinity of false teachers simply has a VAST HOLE of missing information about WHY sacrifices were added BECAUSE of musical idolatry at Mount Sinai and the fact that the people DID NOT worship musically. There might be 300 years between one INSTRUMENTAL ritual with sacrifices and another.
We have shown that the verb as used in the Septuagint always demands that the instrument be defined. Therefore Psallo or Psalmos does not and did not include instruments in the Koine Greek language of the Septuagint. If an instrument inhered, the writer would have said, "sing and make music" and left them free to pick the instrument. However, without defining an instrument no instrument is mandated by the word "sing" even as it does not today.By defining the instrument Paul made it certain that no latter-day prophet could inject an instrument into a Psalmos which could have permitted an instrument if one was specified. The Holy Spirit did that just for Dwaine Dunning.
And Paul did just that and James wasn't defining congregational worship. Therefore, you are free to use your "talent" but not impose it upon me to sow discord in the collective assembly which was for "edification" or "education" and not legalistic worship here based upon the Law of Moses as radically changed by David to fit a "like the nation's" temple state worship. This worship was for the clergy and civil leaders: the people were not invited. Therefore, if you want to use the Law I suggest that the preacher, elders and city council meet and slaughter a bull, lets its blood flow away, splash some of it on an altar, burn parts of it, throw the carcass out on Main Street and let the Levites play instruments to make you feel spiritual.
But, Christianity is a Spiritual system and the Tabernacle is in Heaven and we as priests are free to go into the holy place and meet God where NO MUSICIAN EVER DARED TO GO--UNTIL NOW.
God never made up His "mind" to include instruments in the worship which He prescribed. Therefore, we don't have to "force" God to change His Mind. This is the same mind-set which identifies those who never changed with sowing discord while those who "changed God's Mind" for Him label themselves as faithful, loyal, brave and true.
David's scheme and the Temple state was God's permitting those who totally repudiated Him and disregarded His laws to experience "the idolatry of nationhood" where all "like the nation's temples" used instrumental music and more.
Dwaine E. Dunning: We all recognize the value of finding how the word is used when we're thinking about how to baptize a sinner into Christ. Baptism is by immersion. Christian baptism is the immersion of a sinner in water. This is made clear by how the word is used in the inspired Word.We likewise see that singing and "making melody" is
done by voice alone or
by voice accompanied with appropriate other musical instruments,
or even by use of instruments alone.
- That's how the words were used in the Septuagint. That's how the words are used by James and Paul in the New Testament scriptures.
A SONG is a poem or metrical writing: it says NOTHING about instruments. One might silently read a Psalm it, chant it or chant it with each of, say three notes, being reinforced by the IDENTICAL tone from a harp SUSTAINING the word. MELODY has no remote connection to HARMONY and Dunning etal are confusing MELODY or a string of say three notes in a row and four different groups singing four different sets of words to four different notes at four different times. In both PSALMOS and SONG, the human voice is the first instrument of choice. Among the Greeks this woudl be RECITING with the true singing or wailing or screeching with an instrument left to the prostitutes or sodomites.
It seems reasonable to suppose that if James and Paul were using these words in a different way than the Psalmist did, they surely would have specified the difference rather than expect to be misunderstood by those familiar with the correct usage of the words in the book all then recognized as being God's Word. These facts are simple and easy for any reader to see by study of the English translations alone.
Seems like we are going in circles but I will follow the "bouncing ball." Singing is one thing, instrumental vibrations are another thing, and the combination is scientifically something no longer just singing or playing.Coffee is coffee and Sulfuric Acid is is acid. However, when you add them together the Coffee is no longer called coffee but "dilute sulfuric acid" and lots of other chemicals would result from the reaction.
Singing is not commanded according to Dwaine Dunning. The command is to teach and the "result" is singing and melody in the heart. In the Greek language, when you recited a poem you "sang" the song or poem.
If you sang and made melody someone would have to define the instrument.
No, you cannot "sing and make melody" with a musical instrument.
Dwaine E. Dunning: Especially in light of this actual meaning of the word Jesus used, it is hard to accept a claim that the only ways to acceptably worship God are the four acts of worship" in which early Jerusalem saints daily continued, plus the congregational singing we also want to call worship, which needs other "proof texts
Dunning has to decide whether it is acceptable to lie about all of the "music" passages and lust to sow discord among bretheren..
Jesus didn't free one to worship with external means. When we assemble and honor God we are worshiping God. However, it may be wrong to define this as "a worship ritual." You cannot worship for me nor can you lead me into the holy place to worship. You cannot jack me up into God's presence. Rather, our assembly must take consideration of the silence needed to do our own personal worship. The Passover practice was to use a candle and search for leaven in absolute silence. To the extent that the Lord's Supper is similar, to have a "hum team" in the background to make me more "spiritual" is absolute absurdity and we hope that God has a juvenile court. We "give heed" to the hummers and the hummers are stumbling into our sacred places and actually preventing our remembering Christ.Again, worship "in spirit" is not an attitude but a PLACE. We honor God in our own spirit which is the temple of God. Anything which distracts us from that is anti-worship. Nothing fills that bill more completely that a musical team or instruments. I grow weary.
Dwaine E. Dunning: Arguments from any area on the subject of instrumental music are bound to result in confusion rather than unity if we fail to consult the original writing of God's spokesmen, or if we fail to allow the inspired words to mean what they meant when they were written.Some suggest that the meaning of the three words Paul used on the subject of Christian use of music are unclear. [Why do I doubt that?]
Is this only another effort to avoid truth those readers and those scholars prefer to not see?
Jesus many times cleared up questions on the real meaning of the law, and explained God's will in clear ways that all could understand. Things that were unpleasing to God were attended to. Jesus rebuked the wrong-doing. This is seen in his continued conflict with the Pharisees and their hypocrisy. It is seen in the case of dishonest money-changers and cheating cattle sellers on temple grounds.
But if Jesus was displeased by use of instrumental music inside that temple, either He failed to say so, or His biographers failed to record the fact. If Christian use of musical instruments has become so important as to be made a test of fellowship by those who oppose it, is not the one opposed making more of the matter than did the Lord Jesus?
Another set of HOLES in the scholarly data bank!
Just what part of the word "sing" don't we understand. Is that like a summer course trying to grasp the meaning of a horseshoe? Just how would Paul have said to "make the melody in the heart" as opposed to "make melody upon a harp" consistent with the Old Testament grammatical "law" if he wanted to exclude instruments. Where will we get the data which allows us to ignore the purpose of the assembly to teach and not sing in the pagan sense?Well, if I wanted to diatribe against instrumental music and I knew Old Testament Sacrificial System 101aaa this is how I would say it and let my biographers say it with finality:
AND as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here Mark 13:1
And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. Mark 13:2
Every Jewish school boy knew that the music was associated with animal sacrifices at or around the Temple and in Jerusalem. Until 1815 the conservative Jews did not use instruments because they were matched together by David and you cannot destroy Jerusalem without destroying animal sacrifice and therefore instrumental music (called noise by the Bible.)
If Jesus had been neutral He could have stopped animal sacrifices and said "but I want the sacrificial music to continue." He did not. By stopping the entire system He stopped instrumental music because it was never used by the people for "congregational worship."
The Jews killed Stephen because they knew that Jesus was promising to abrogate their laws and their place. And with that, every Jew understood that the music would cease. Jews are still looking for the musical instruments. As Revelation identifies Jerusalem as Sodom I suggest that the were consumed by the eternal fires of Topheth which gave its name to the tambourine and other drums. This was prophesied of the king of Babylon and his instruments went with him.
Dwaine E. Dunning: If it is argued and asserted that all 1st-century Christians did not use musical instruments, and if it is asserted that this fact which is never stated in the Bible proves God's opposition to use of musical instruments, at best it must be said that the argument is from the silence of the Bible rather than from anything it says.
- If historians are the authority, then it's easy enough to pick one to agree with whichever position you prefer. But is not our announced intention to accept the Lord's Word rather than men's?
We need to look this gift horse in the mouth if we want to count teeth. The less arguing we do over historians and their views, the more peaceful and fruitful is apt to be our walk together in search of eternal truth.***
I have a better solution: find one post-apostolic writer who defended the use of instruments and you will find that the silence of history was based on the universal understanding that instruments were defacto silenced by the end of the sacrificial system. Furthermore, as Israel's Monarchy was "like the nation's," these scholars understood that instrumental music and other charismatic practices were a key ingredient to all "like the nation's" worship.Tell you what! We are left with the Bible or Dwaine Dunning. Or we are left with the universal testimony of historians and scholars who began to write on the tail end of the book of Revelation or we can trust Dwaine Dunning. Choose ye this day. But as for me, I know that the Old Testament identifies instrumental music with ignoring the Word of God and it was this system which the Israelite Monarchy adopted, lock, stock and barrel when they established the temple system as a "house for God" just as David had Him in the box--the Ark of the Covenant. This is why the Ark and the Temple and its instruments disappeared off the face of the earth.
from Ray Downen respectfully on this day of the Lord.417/782-0814 2228 Porter Joplin Mission Outreach.Mail address is P O Box 1065 Joplin MO 64802-1065.Internet home page addr = http://www.sofnet.com/~outreach
That is why Dwaine E. Dunning has not looked for Biblical authority but from within self and the hope that out there, somewhere perhaps, there is authority. However as "high church" the Christian Church added instruments knowing that it would sow discord and the dodge was that "instruments are not part of worship but an aid. And if instruments became a part of worship it would be sinful." The Judge at New Bern Tennessee ridiculed that ploy but admitted that he didn't have authority to prevent the instrumentalists from confiscating the property.Again, you are not obligated to believe any of this. The goal is to show that where pro-instrumentalists can be so harshly judgmental in accusing those who never changed with dividing the church, at the same time they cannot find a speck of anti-instrumental evidence in the Bible and "call off" any views which existed for 2,000 years before they were born.
Any pro-instrumental proof-text has the benefit of totally ignoring all of the rest of the evidence to escape being "legalistic."
I expect to get cut out of this dialog. So, if you are out there you might copy me on future chapters.
See another E-Mail Response to show that the "chief musician" translates a word which means OVERSEER. He drove everyone in ministering to the priests during the burning of the sacrifice and of the huge quantity of animal carcasses. He was slave driver to force the building of the Temple. The word translated "worship" really means meniel bondage.
His "musical" role was filled in every pagan temple in the world.
Dwaine E. Dunning Number One: An AXE at the root of the MUSIC tree. killing off those who, like Daniel, will not bow to instrumental music. Review of Ray Downen's E-mail. Added: R. Christopher Heard, Southern Methodist University Annoints Rubel Shelly and C. Leonard Allen as THOUGHT LEADERS in churches of Christ to defend Dunning's views of Scripture.
Dwaine E. Dunning Number Two: Using the Sword Youthful Friar and Alexander the Great will Solve Music Problem--See James O'Kelly and a similar Methodist attempt to Restore a Catholic or High Church structure.
Dwaine E. Dunning" Number Three First Century Influences on Instrumental Music
Dwaine E. Dunning" Number Four Was Instrumental Music Only for Israel.
Dwaine E. Dunning" Number five Making Melody ln the Heart
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