Ishtar's Proposal, A scathing Rejection, Ishtar's Revenge: The Bull of Heaven, The Slaughter of the Bull, Enkidu's Ominous Dream
- Gilgamesh bathed himself and cleaned his hair,
- as beautiful as it was long.
- He cast off bloodied robes and put on his favorite gown,
- secured the cincture and stood royal.
- Then Gilgamesh put on his crown.
- Ishtar looked up at Gilgamesh's handsome pride.
- "Come to me," she whispered. "Come to me and be my groom.
- Let me taste all parts of you,
- treat you as husband, be treated as your wife.
- 10. And as a gift I'd give to you
- one regal coach of gold and blue
- with wheels of yellow and all so new
- that I would flatter all your might
- with the sight of demons driven off
- by my own god, by my own man.
- Come to my home, most sweetly scented of all places,
- where holy faces wash your feet with tears as
- do the priests and priestesses of gods like Anu.
- All mighty hands of kings and queens
- 20. will open doors for you.
- So too will all the countryside donate
- in duplicate to your fold.
- And the slow will race ahead for you,
- so that by association, all that you touch
- will turn to gold."
- Gilgamesh replied to mighty Ishtar thus:
- "But how could I repay you as a wife
- and still avoid the bitterness and strife that follow you?
- Is it perfume for a dress you want, or me?
- 30. My self or something wrapped around a tree?
- Do I offer you food, sweet nuts or grapes?
- Are those for gods or for the savage apes?
- And who will pour a treat to us in bed,
- you dressed for life and me as if I'm dead?
- Here's a song I made for you
- Ishtar's the hearth gone cold,
- a broken door, without the gold;
- a fort that shuts its soldiers out,
- 40. a water well that's filled with doubt;
- tar that can't be washed away,
- a broken cup, stained and gray;
- rock that shatters to dust and sand,
- a useless weapon in the hand;
- and worse than that or even this,
- a god's own sandal filled with piss.
- You've had your share of boys, that's true,
- but which of them came twice for you?
- Let me now list the ones that you just blew away.
- 50. First was Tammuz, the virgin boy you took
- after a three-year-long seductive look.
- Then you lusted for a fancy, colored bird
- and cut its wing so it could not herd.
- Thus in the lovely woods at night
- bird sings, 'I'm blind. I have no sight.'
- You trapped a lion, too, back then.
- Its cock went in your form-as-hen.
- And then you dug him seven holes
- in which to fall on sharpened poles.
- 60. You let a horse in your back door
- by laying on a stable floor;
- but then you built the world's first chain
- to choke his throat and end his reign.
- You let him run with all his might,
- as boys will sometimes do at night,
- before you harnessed his brute force
- with labor fierce, a mean divorce.
- So did his mother weep and wail
- to see her child's foot set with a nail.
- 70. You fondled once a shepherd boy
- who baked buns for your tongue's joy
- and daily killed his lambs so coy.
- So in return for gifts like those
- you chose to lupinize his toy.
- And when his brothers saw his penis
- they knew you'd done something heinous.
- Ishullanu trimmed your father's trees
- and brought you carrots, dates and peas.
- So mighty you sat down to feasts,
- 80. then turned your thoughts to raping beasts.
- You saw him naked once and said:
- 'Come, Ishullanu, into my bed
- and force your force into my head.
- Place your fingers where men dread
- to touch a girl who's dead.'
- And he in turn said this to you:
- 'What is it that you'd have me do?
- I know, kind mother, I won't eat
- if I can't match your female heat.
- 90. But would you have me sing and sin
- as my whistle goes both out and in?'
- So since he balked to play that role,
- you switched his jewel into a mole;
- stuck in the muck of a marshy town
- his pleasure can't go up or down.
- And that is how you'd deal with me
- if we got friendly, warm, and free."
- When Ishtar heard his words so cruel,
- she lost her cool and played the fool
- loo by blasting off for daddy's distant star,
- where she said: "Daddy, daddy, daddy, please,
- Gilgamesh called me a tease."
- "Gilgamesh said I sinned and lived
- without faith in myself or others," she pouted.
- Her father, Anu, said these exact words to Ishtar:
- "Now, daughter, did you first insult him,
- this Gilgamesh who then began to taunt you
- with jibes about your inclinations?"
- Ishtar shouted back at him-who-is-her-father:
- 110. "You! Now! Make him stop! Loose the
- bull who could trample him at once.
- Let the bull spill his blood.
- And you'd better do this now or I'll
- wreak havoc of my own right down to Hell.
- I'll loose the goddamn devil. I'll rain corpses.
- I'll make zombies eat infants and there will be
- more dead souls than living ones!".
- Her father, Anu, said these exact words to Ishtar:
- "But if I do what you seem now to want,
- 120. there would be long years of drought
- and sorrow. Have you stored enough
- reserve to feed the people who
- deserve your close protection?"
- And she said:
- "Yes, I have reserved a plan for those I love. Now do as I demand
- and punish all who insult me."
- Then her father, Anu, heard Ishtar's cry
- and Ishtar forced her will.
- 130. Anu set loose a bull from out of the sky and,
- at the bull's proclamation, there cracks the
- earth to swallow up nine dozen citizens of Uruk!
- An earthquake fixed a grave for nine dozen citizens of Uruk.
- Two or three or four hundred victims,
- maybe more than that, fell into Hell.
- And when the quake returned for a third time,
- it was near to Enkidu,
- he who fell upon the Abyss so wide and grim.
- Enkidu collapsed near the earth-shaking bull.
- 140. Then he leaped to grab the bull by his long horns
- even with spit upon his face from out the savage mouth, .
- even with the stench of bowels near his nose.
- Then Enkidu said to Gilgamesh:
- "Brother, you and I are now hailed as one.
- How could we defeat a god?
- Brother, I see great challenge here, but can we dare defy such force?
- Let's kill it if we can right now.
- Be unrelenting and hope that god
- gives us the strength.
- 150. We must be cold and strong
- to cut our enemy's weak neck."
- Enkidu surrounds the bull, pursuing Heaven's beast
- and finally catches him.
- So Gilgamesh, like a bull dancer,
- svelte and mighty then,
- plunged his sword into the throat held fast by Enkidu.
- They butchered and bled the bull and then cut out its heart
- to offer as sacrifice before Shamash.
- Then Gilgamesh and Enkidu retreated
- 160. from the altar itself and stood afar
- in deep respect as they did pray.
- At last the two sat down, bound by war, bound by worship.
- Ishtar appeared upon Uruk's walls
- looking like a wailing widow.
- She shrieked this curse aloud:
- "Damn Gilgamesh, who injured me,
- by slaughtering a divine bull."
- Enkidu reacted to these words of Ishtar quick
- by hurling at her head a hunk of meat from the bull's thigh.
- 170. And from afar he shouted up to her:
- "This bloody mess of a plain bull would
- be about what I could make of you
- if you came near. I'd tie
- your hands with these rope-like intestines."
- Ishtar signaled then for her attendants:
- coiffured bishops, cantors, and girls
- whose charms keep worshippers coming.
- Then atop the great wall above the city high
- standing by the severed part of its right thigh,
- 180. she had them shriek laments for the bull who'd died.
- So to complete this ritual and adorn his throne
- Gilgamesh summoned artisans of all kinds.
- Some measured the diameter of the bull's horns,
- each containing thirty pounds of lapis lazuli.
- Together those horns could hollow hold
- half a dozen quarts of oil.
- And that is what Gilgamesh brought as potion
- to the altar of Lugalbanda, his special protector.
- He carried the horns and enshrined them in a palace
- 190. of honor where his clan held rites.
- Then Enkidu and Gilgamesh absolved their
- bloody hands in the forgiving river,
- the deep, eternal Euphrates that does not change.
- At last relieved of such a stain, the friends renew
- their vows with a brief embrace
- before riding through Ur-uk's crowded streets
- amid acclaim. There Gilgamesh stops to
- give this speech to gathered girls:
- "What man is most impressive now?
- 200. Who is finest, firmest, and most fair?
- Isn't Gilgamesh that man above men
- and isn't Enkidu the strongest of all?"
- Then they party loudly throughout the day
- so that, come night, they drop down dead in sleep.
- But Enkidu is resurrected quickly
- to relieve his soul of fright
- and sadly he asks Gilgamesh in tears:
- "Oh brother, why would I dream that gods sat round to set my fate?"
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