Enuma Elish, the Babylonian Creation Epic Tablet V

Kenneth Sublett, Piney.com, Hohenwald, Tennessee

He fashioned stands for the great gods.
As for the stars, he set up constellations corresponding to them.
He designated the
year and marked out its divisions,
Apportioned three stars each to the twelve months
When he had made plans of the days of the year,
He founded the stand of Neberu to mark out their courses,
So that none of them could go wrong or stray.

He fixed the stand of Ellil and Ea together with it,
Opened up gates in both
Made strong bolts to left and right,
With her liver he located the Zenith;
He made the crescent moon appear, entrusted night (to it)
And designated it the jewel of night to mark out the days.

Go forth every month without fail in a corona,
At the beginning of the month, to glow over the land.
You shine with horns to mark out six days;
On the seventh day the crown is half.
The fifteenth day shall always be the mid-point, the half of each month.
When Shamash looks at you from the horizon,
Gradually shed your visibility and begin to wane.
Always bring the day of disappearance close to the path of Shamash,
And on the thirteenth day, the [year] is always equalized, for Shamash is (responsible for) the year.

A sign [shall appear (?)]: sweep along its path.
Then always approach the [ ] and judge the case.
[ ] the Bowstar to kill and rob.
(15 lines broken)
At the New Year's Festival
Year [ ]
May [ ]
The bolt of the exit [ ]
From the days [ ]
The watches of night and day [ ]
The spittle of Tiamat [ ]
Marduk [ ]

He put into groups and made clouds scud.
Raising winds, making rain,
Making fog billow, by collecting her poison,
He assigned for himself and let his own hand control it.
He placed her
head, heaped up [ ]
Opened up springs: water gushed out.
He opened the Euphrates and the Tigris from her eyes,
Closed her nostrils, [ ].

He piled up clear-cut mountains from her udder,
Bored waterholes to drain off the catchwater.
He laid her tail across, tied it fast as the cosmic bond (?),
And [ ] the Apsu beneath his feet.
He set her
thigh to make fast the sky,
With half of her he made a roof; he fixed the earth.
He [ ] the work, made the insides of Tiamat surge,
Spread his net, made it extend completely.
He . . . [ ] heaven and earth
[ ] their knots, to coil [ ]

When he had designed its cult, created its rites,
He threw down the reins (and) made
Ea take (them).
The Tablet of Destinies, which Qingu had appropriated, he fetched
And took it and presented it for a first reading (?) to Anu.
[The gods (?) of] battle whom he had ensnared were disentangled (?);
He led (them) as captives into the presence of his fathers.

And as for the eleven creatures that Tiamat had created, he [ ],
Smashed their weapons, tied them at his feet,
Made images of them and had them set up at the door of Apsu.
Let this be a sign that will never in future be forgotten!'
The gods looked, and their hearts were full of joy at him.

Lahmu and Lahamu and all his fathers
Embraced him, and Anshar the king proclaimed that there should be a reception for him.
Anu, Enlil, and
Ea each presented him with gifts.
[ ]
Damkina his mother exclaimed with joy at him;
She made him beam [inside (?)] his fine (?) house.
He (Marduk) appointed
Usmu, who had brought his greetings present as good news,
To be vizier of the Apsu, to take care of shrines.

The Igigi assembled, and all of them did obeisance to him.
The Anunnaki, each and every one, kissed his feet.
The whole assembly collected together to prostrate themselves.
[ ] they stood, they bowed, Yes, King indeed!'
[ ] his fathers took their fill of his manliness,
[They took off his clothes] which were enveloped in the dust of combat.
[ ] the gods were attentive to him.

With cypress [ ] they sprinkled (?) his body.
He put on a princely garment,
A royal aura, a splendid crown.
He took up a mace and grasped it in his right hand.
[ ] his left hand.
[ ]

He set a [mushussu-dragon (?)] at his feet,
Placed upon [ ]
Slung the staff of peace and obedience at his side.
When the mantle of radiance [ ]
And his net was holding (?) fearful Apsu,
A bull [ ]
In the inner chamber of his throne [ ]

In his cellar [ ]
The gods, all that existed, [ ]
Lahmu and Lahamu [ ]
Made their voices heard and spoke to the Igigi,
Previously Marduk was (just) our beloved son
But now he is your king. Take heed of his command.'

Next they spoke and proclaimed in unison,
LUGAL-DIMMER-ANKIA is his name. Trust in him!
When they gave kingship to Marduk,
They spoke an oration for him, for blessing and obedience.
Henceforth you shall be the provider of shrines for us.
Whatever you command, we shall perform ourselves.'

Marduk made his voice heard and spoke,
Addressed his words to the gods his fathers,
Over the Apsu, the sea-green dwelling,
In front of (?) Esharra, which I created for you,
(Where) I strengthened the ground beneath it for a shrine,
I shall make my house to be a luxurious dwelling for myself
And shall found his cult centre within it,
And I shall establish my private quarters, and confirm my kingship.

Whenever you come up from the Apsu for an assembly,
Your night's resting place shall live in it, receiving you all.
I hereby name it Babylon, home of the great gods.
We shall make it the centre of religion.'
The gods his fathers listened to this command of his,
[ ]...
Who has [ ] your [ ]
More than you by yourself have created?
Babylon, whose name you have just pronounced,
Found there our night's resting place forever!
[ ] let them bring our regular offerings
[ ]
Whatever our work that we [ ]
There [ ] his toil [ ].'
They rejoiced [ ]
The gods [ ] them
Who knows [ ] them light
He made his voice heard, his command [ ]
[ ] them [ ]
[ ]
They did obeisance to him and the gods spoke to him,
They addressed their lord Lugal-dimmer-ankia,
Previously the Lord was [our beloved] son.
But now he is our king. We shall take heed of his command.
[ ] gave long life [ ]
[ ] the mantle of radiance, the mace, and staff.
[ ] all the lore of sages.
We [ ].

[Palace of Asssurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria.]




Enuma Elish 1--2--3--4--5--6--7


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