Enuma Elish, the Babylonian Creation Epic Tablet VII

Kenneth Sublett, Piney.com, Hohenwald, Tennessee
ASARE, bestower of ploughland, who fixes (its) boundaries,
Creator of grain and linseed, producer of vegetation.
ASAR-ALIM, whose weighty counsel in the Chamber of Council is most valued;
The gods, even those who know no fear, pay heed to him.
ASAR-ALIM-NUNA, the honoured one, the light of the father who begot him,
Who directs the orders of Anu, Ellil, Ea, and D[amkina?].
He indeed is their provider, who allocates their incomes,
Whose farmland makes a surplus for the country.

He is TUTU, (first) as creator of their renewal.

He shall purify their shrines, that they may stay at rest.
He shall invent an incantation, that the gods may be at peace.
Even if they should rise up in anger, he shall turn them back.
He shall be pre-eminent in the assembly of the gods his fathers;
None among the gods shall rival him.
He is Tutu, (second) as ZI-UKKINA, the inspiration of his people,
Who fixed pure skies for the gods,
Who set their ways and marked out their stations.
May he not be forgotten by teeming humanity, may they uphold his work.
Thirdly, they named him Tutu and ZIKU, upholder of purification,
The god of sweet breath, lord of obedience and consent,
Producer of riches and abundance, who maintains a surplus,
Who turns whatever is scant into plenty.
Even in the worst hardship we can smell his sweet breath!
May they speak in worship and sing his praises!
Fourthly, let the people glorify Tutu as AGAKU,
Lord of the pure incantation, who revives the dying,
Who showed mercy even to the captured gods,
Who removed the yoke imposed upon the gods his enemies,
Who created mankind to set them free,
The merciful one who has the power to give life!
His words shall be firm; they shall never be forgotten
In the mouth of the black-headed people whom he created with his own hands.
Fifthly, let their mouths show forth Tutu as TUKU, whose spell (is) pure,
Who uprooted all the wicked with his pure incantation.He is SHAZU, aware of the gods' intentions, who can see emotions,
Who does not allow evil-doers to escape him,
Establisher of the gods' assembly, gratifier of their wishes,
Who makes the arrogant kneel beneath his wide canopy.
Director of justice, who plucks out crooked speech,
In whose place lies can be distinguished from truth.
Secondly, let them worship Shazu as ZISI, silencer of the aggressor,
Expeller of deathly silence from the bodies of the gods his fathers.
Thirdly, he is Shazu as SUHRIM, uprooter of all the foe by force of arms,
Dispelling their plots, scattering them to the winds,
Extinguishing all the wicked, wherever they may be.
May the gods always proclaim the triumph in the assembly!
Fourthly, he is Shazu as SUHGURIM, responsible for the obedience of the gods his fathers.
Uprooter of the foe, destroyer of their offspring,
Dispeller of their works, who left no trace of them.
Let his name be proclaimed and spoken in the land.
Fifthly, let future generations consider Shazu as ZAHRIM,
Destroyer of all enemies, every one of them arrogant,
Who brought all the refugee gods into shrines:
Let this be established as his name.
Sixthly, let them all praise Shazu as ZAHGURIM too,
Who destroyed all the foe by himself in battle.
He is ENBILULU, the lord, their enricher;
Their deity is mighty, responsible for sacrificial omens,
Who looks after pasturage and watering places, establishes them for the land,
Who opens up wells (?) and apportions the waters of abundance.
Secondly, let them address Enbilulu as EPADUN, lord of the countryside and . . . ,
Canal-controller of heaven and earth, establisher of the furrow,
Who maintains pure ploughland in the countryside,
Who directs ditches and canals and marks out the furrows.
Thirdly, let them praise Enbilulu as GUGAL ("canal-controller") of the gods' irrigated land.
Lord of abundance and the luxuriance of great grain-piles.
Responsible for riches, who gives surplus to homes,
Giver of cereals, producer of grain.
Fourthly (?), he is Enbilulu as HEGAL ("Abundance"), who heaps up a surplus for people,
Who brings rain of abundance over the broad earth, and makes vegetation grow profusely.
He is SIRSIR, who piled a mountain over Tiamat,
And took as booty the corpse of Tiamat, by his force of arms.
Governor of the land, their righteous shepherd,
Whose gifts are cultivation, garden plots and ploughland,
Who waded into the broad Sea-Tiamat in his fury:
Like a bridge he spanned her battlefield.
Secondly, they maned Sirsir as MALAH ("Boatman")---may she, Tiamat,
Be his barque forever, and he her sailor.
He is GIL, who amasses mighty heaps and mounds of grain.
Producer of cereals and flocks, giver of the land's seed.
He is GILIMA, who established the cosmic bond of the gods, who created stability;
The ring that encompasses them, who prepares good things,
He is AGILIMA, the lofty, who pulled the crown from the wicked,
And built the earth above the water, established the upper regions.
He is ZULUM who designated fields for the gods, and divided up what he had created.
Bestower of incomes and food offerings, supplier of shrines.
He is MUMMU, fashioner of heaven and earth, director of . . .
The god who purifies heaven and earth, secondly as ZULUM-UMMU
Whom no other god equals for strength.
GISH-NUMUN-AB, creator of all people, maker of the world's quarters,
Destroyer of Tiamat's gods, maker of people in their entirety.
LUGAL-AB-DUBUR, the king who scattered Tiamat's brood and snatched her weapon,
Who made a firm base in the van and the rear.
PAGAL-GUENA, leader of all lords, whose might is supreme,
Who is greatest of the gods his brothers, prince of them all.
LUGAL-DURMAH, king, bond of gods, lord of the cosmic bond,
Who is greatest in the royal abode, highest of the gods by far.
ARANUNA, counsellor of Ea, creator of the gods [his (?)] fathers,
Whom no god equals in his princely way.
DUMU-DUKU, whose pure dwelling is marked out for him on the holy mound,
Dumu-duku, without whom rules cannot be decided, LUGAL-DUKU.
LUGAL-SHANNA, king whose might is supreme among the gods.
Lord, might of Anu, who is pre-eminent as the namesake (?) of Anshar.IRUGA, who took them all captive from inside Tiamat,
Who unites all wisdom, and is broad of understanding.
IRQINGU, who took Qingu captive as foe (?) in (?) battle,
Who administers decrees for everything, who confirms supremacy.
KINMA, director of the gods, giver of counsel,
At whose name the gods themselves quake in fear as in a tempest.
As E-SIZKUR, he shall sit highest in the house of prayer,
And the gods shall bring their presents before him,
As long as he accepts revenues from them.
None may perform miracles without him.
No (other) god shall designate the revenues of the black-headed people, his own creation,
Without him, nor decisions about their lifetimes.
GIBIL, who establishes the . . . of weapon(s),
Who performed miracles in the battle with Tiamat.
Profound in wisdom, skilled in understanding,
(So) profound, that none of the gods can comprehend.
ADDU shall be his name: let him cover all the sky,
And may his fine noise rumble over the earth.
May he shed water (?) from the clouds,
And give sustenance to the people below.
ASHARU, who like his name is responsible for the gods of destinies:
He does indeed take charge over every single person.
NEBERU: he does indeed hold the crossings of heaven and earth.
Neither up nor down shall they cross over; they must wait on him.
Neberu is the star which is bright in the sky.
He controls the crossroads; they must look to him,
Saying: "He who kept crossing inside Tiamat without respite,
Shall have Neberu as his name, grasping her middle.
May he establish the paths of the heavenly stars,
And may he shepherd all the gods like sheep.
Let him defeat Tiamat, constrict her breath and shorten her life,
So that for future people, till time grows old,
She shall be far removed, not kept here, distant forever,
Because he created a place, he fashioned Dannina."
ENKURKUR, father Ellil named him.
Ea heard that name, by which the Igigi all called him,
And was delighted, saying,
"He whose fathers have given him such a splendid name
Shall have the name Ea, just like me.
He shall have mastery over the arrangement of all my rites,
And shall direct every one of my decrees."'
With fifty epithets the great gods
Called his fifty names, making his way supreme.
May they always be cherished, and may the older explain (to the younger).
Let the wise and learned consult together,
Let the father repeat them and teach them to the son.
Let the ear of shepherd and herdsman be open,
Let him not be negligent to Marduk, the Ellil of the gods.
May his country be made fertile, and himself be safe and sound.
His word is firm, his command cannot alter;
No god can change his utterance.
When he is angry, he does not turn his neck (aside);
In his rage and fury no god dare confront him.
His thoughts are deep, his emotions profound;
Criminals and wrongdoers pass before him.
He (the scribe?) wrote down secret instruction which older men had recited in his presence,
And set it down for future men to read.
May the [people?]s of Marduk whom the Igigi gods created
Weave the [tale?] and call upon his name
In remembrance of the song of Marduk
Who defeated Tiamat and took the kingship.

Enuma Elish 1--2--3--4--5--6--7


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