We must take seriously the fleshy use of images, sound, and visualization." You should understand that the re-visioning or re-imaging coming out of Methodist feminists and lesbians
Fred Peatross: The electronic culture
and screen introduced an entire range of practices not previously present
to the world. MTV, film, and TV are more visual than audio. Teenagers
are even called "screenagers" today. While print-viewing habits have
changed (fewer youths read books or newspapers), other more visual
activities have increased among them (visits to museums or galleries).
This affects the way people make judgments about truth and reality.
They look and learn through visual intellects rather than rational
arguments or mathematical proofs.
Since when did the "Old destructive churches" depend so much on reading for its "worship" rituals? After about 5 sings no one pays any attention to the "improvized like David" hymns: know a totally illiterate girl who can sing 'em all.The Magic Lantern had as much effect on its generation as TV does on its. In fact, these older materials were much more sexually explicit which is the primary reason for the popularity of Visual MTV and film. Cut out the sex and the medium would die overnight.
So, why would you try to seduce people in a "religious" sense by using the same destructive methods of the secular world?
I'll bet that you will not get much out of the Smithsonian unless you can read. When people go on the internet they will not make it to first base without reading the content. Images are condensed "words" but they are nevertheless something you have to be trained to read.
Fred Peatross: These three ways of engaging the world are combined to create
a new
powerful way of communicating.
How would you do singing, dancing, drama or musical entertainment without totally repudiating Jesus Who communicated the truth in the OLD powerful way?And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. Jn.8:23
Perhaps the PostModern mind denies there is any truth left because there was no truth for them in the old Modern world. Jesus said, and we dare you to do a dance to communicate this fact:
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. Jn.14:17
The temple clergy engaged the people through sight and sound which would impress even Fred. However, this was really both a cause and a MARK that Jesus would use a form of VISUAL speech called parables which could not be understood unless they were translated: and Jesus refused to translate for the "doctors of the law."
Judas was "of the world." His "Judas Bag" was for "carrying the mouthpieces of wind instruments which were prophesied in Psalm 41 as the way to mock or triumph over Jesus. This Judas Bag is made up of "speaking in tongues" and "of the world." Therefore, Judas pretended that he was not part of the "world rulers" out to kill Jesus:
Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? Jn.14:22
Fred is proposing a "new powerful way of communicating to engage the world" because the old "modern" method of Jesus will never suck in the seekers or make you the "hotest venue in town."
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Jn.15:19
Here is a test to determine whether Jesus has chosen you out of the world or left you there to die spiritually:
I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. Jn.17:6
Denying the value of the "old word" is proof positive: the MARK that one is still in the world.
Fred Peatross: Spectacle Creations aren't just presentations by performers but events that provide an occasion for the enactment of an experience by participants and large crowds that gather.
Neo-Paganism And Enactment of ExperienceIf you will compare the practices of Navigating the Winds of Change or the Zoe group or Jubilee group to neo-paganism or witchcraft you will find an almost-identical new but ancient belief system:
"First among the beliefs of witchcraft is the "creed of experience."
Experience is exalted dogmatically above, and often set in opposition to, creeds or doctrines. In short, experience is superior to doctrine.
Aidan Kelly, who was formerly involved in neopaganism, noted: "What really defines a witch is a type of experience people go through. These experiences depend on altered states of consciousness.The Craft is really the Yoga of the West" (emphasis in original). The witchcraft experience is often expressed as a mystical experience,
that feeling of ineffable oneness with all Life."
Witchcraft is therefore a religion based first and foremost on the sense of
being one and in harmony with all life.Tolerance is another highly-touted value among witches.
Diversity of belief and practice is viewed as not only healthy but essential to the survival of humanity and planet earth, and to spiritual growth and maturation as well.
Independence, autonomy, and the freedom to experience, believe, think, and act as one desires
are defended as if they were divine rights.Witches do become intolerant, however, when they perceive intolerance and authoritarianism in other individuals and faiths (which they would term "religious imperialism"). [legalism]
So we have statements like number 10 of the Council of American Witches' "Principles of Wiccan Belief":
"Our only animosity toward Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy-of-life,
is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be 'the only way' and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.""These beliefs stem from the notion that
ultimately there is no right or wrong religion or morality.
Relativism in all areas of life, including ethics and metaphysics, is the rule.Truth is what is true for you; right what is right for you; but neither are necessarily so for me.
The only absolute is that there are no absolutes. Thus, all have the right to believe and practice "what they will." In this context, one often hears the story of the three blind men who have all grasped different parts of an elephant (tusk, trunk, and tail), and, in describing it, each man thinks he alone has the truth.
Hitler would explain Experience this way:
"But the community of the great demonstration not only strengthens the individual, it also unites and helps to create an esprit de corps.
"The man who is exposed to grave tribulations, as the first advocate of a new doctrine in his factory or workshop,
absolutely needs that strengthening which lies in the conviction of being a member and fighter in a great comprehensive body."And he obtains an impression of this body for the first time in the mass demonstration. When from his little workshop or big factory, in which he feels very small,
he steps for the first time into a mass meeting and has thousands and thousands of people of the same opinions around him, when,
as a seeker, (Als Suchender.' A Wagnerian phrase, which Hitler was apparently determined to use at all costs)
he is swept away (the Vortex) by three or four thousand others into the mighty effect of suggestive intoxication and enthusiasm,
"when the visible success and agreement of thousands confirm to him
the rightness of the new doctrine and for the first time
arouse doubt in the truth of his previous conviction -then he himself has succumbed to the magic influence of what we designate as 'mass suggestion.'
The will, the longing, and also the power of thousands are accumulated in every individual. The man who enters such a meeting doubting and wavering leaves it inwardly reinforced:
he has become a link in the community.
Contrary to being a "new discovery" of Post Modernism,
> "In all of these early cultures the social functions of music were essentially the same since their climate, geographic location, cultural pace, and mutual influences produced many more social similarities than differences.
The primary function of music was apparently religious, ranging from heightening the effect of "magic" to ennobling liturgies.
The other musical occasions depicted in both pictures and written accounts were equally functional:
stirring incitements to military zeal,
soothing accompaniments to communal or solitary labour,
heightening aids to dramatic spectacles, and
enlivening backgrounds to social gatherings that involved either singing or dancing or both.In every case musical sounds were an adjunct either to bodily movement (dance, march, game, or work) or to song.
Many centuries were to pass before pleasure in euphonious sound became an end in itself. Ancient Greece (Britannica Members)
> "The use of polyphony was from the earliest times restricted to major feasts, often including the patron saint of a cathedral or its dedication festival...
but these (rules) were often disregarded because of the
sensuous appeal of the new art. Professional singers delighted in solo or duet virtuoso performances, accompanied by the organ...
By the 12th century, the art of harmony had matured, especially in France where the early polyphonic tropes of Limoges had stimulated the later and more spectacular organs of Leonin and Perotin" (Britannica Book of Music, p.185).
Jesus identified speaking or singing out of their own "spirit" in Corinth as "speaking in tongues" which was like blowing ATTACK on the trumpet when you meant to sound RETREAT.
When Jesus spoke to crowds he knew that they might enjoy the show and food but were not interested in hearing the Words of God:
All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: Matthew 13:34
Multitudes is:Ochlos (g3793) okh'-los; from a der. of 2192 (mean. a vehicle); a throng (as borne along); by impl. the rabble; by extens. a class of people; fig. a riot:- company, multitude, number (of people), people, press.
A dance is speaking in tongues and has to be interpreted. Therefore, you can bet that if Jesus is there He is forcing the singing, dancing, clapping and playing music as "speaking in tongues" or in parables.
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. Jn.18:36
Furthermore, if a crowd comes together in spectacle Jesus said: "It is not MY kingdom, ole buddy!"
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Luke 17:20
Neither shall they say, Lo here or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21
And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. Luke 17:26
They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Luke 17:27
In Hebrew of Noah's day "giving in marrage" was the common "praise" word: Halal (h1984) haw-lal'; a prim. root; to be clear (orig. of sound, but usually of color); to shine; hence to make a show, to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causat. to celebrate; also to stultify: - (make) boast (self), celebrate, commend, (deal, make), fool (- ish, -ly), glory, give [light], be (make, feign self) mad (against), give in marriage, [sing, be worthy of] praise, rage, renowned, shine.
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; Luke 17:28
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Luke 17:29
Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. Luke 17:30
This is why John in Revelation identifies Jerusalem as Sodom.
The only thing the "church" has to communicate is the Word of God. We would rejoice in seeing archaeology films to help understand the Word. However, singing, dancing, clapping and playing instruments says with dead finality throughout the Old Testament: "We will not listen to your WORDS."
That is the eternal conflict between Satan and God: it is between the visual image or sense stimulation versus the WORDS of God.
The very first Psalm
condemns a spectacle of worship:
BLESSED is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Ps.1:1 Tertullian in The Spectacle notes that: Though he seems to have predicted beforehand of that just man, that he took no part in the meetings and deliberations of the Jews, taking counsel about the slaying of our Lord,
For they call the spaces between the seats going round the amphitheater, and the passages which separate the people running down, ways. The place in the curve where the matrons sit is called a chair.
The Hebrews would never "be the best show in town" but they would be seen as the beasts being sacrificed by the theatrical performers:Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used. Heb 10:33
The gazingstock were the faithful believers who were "triumphed over" by theatrical performers. The evidence seems clear that even in modern musical worship there is a certain gleefulness when the theatrical performers are able to lie, cheat and steal to enable the theatrical performance which has no connection to either Judaism or Christianity but is ancient paganism. The Greek word is:
Theatrizo (g2301) theh-at-rid'-zo; from 2302; to expose as a spectacle: - make a gazing stock.
Theatron (g2302) theh'-at-ron; from 2300; a place for public show ("theatre"), i.e. general audience-room; by impl. a show itself (fig.): - spectacle, theatre.
And the goddess of the theater was:
Thea (g2299) theh-ah'; fem. of 2316; a female deity: - goddess.
So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth. Ac.19:27
And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshiper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter? Ac.19:35
She replaces the Theos or supreme divinity.
Theaoas (g2316) theh'-os; of uncert. affin.; a deity, espec. (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; fig. a magistrate; by Heb. very: - * exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward].
"Jung claims that patients can be trained to do this by "first of all in systematic practice to
eliminate critical attention, whereby a vacuum is produced in consciousness."
"In essence, the techniques Jung then recommends are those that
actively promote the dissociation of consciousness [This is schizophrenia]"and therefore disrupt the so-called normal sense of continuity of self, identity, volition, and the processes of memory. (Noll, p. 229)
Fred Peatross: In this spectacle there is the development of anticipation or expectation about what
is coming;
Jesus died to eliminate the burden of the clergy. This is defined as "spiritual anxiety created by religious ritual." But, here we have Fred promoting one of the key ingredients of charismatic Mind Manipulation: expectation of laughing can cause a huge group to fall on the floor laughing when the preacher just stands up. This means that they have been put into a mild form of schizophrenia.Neo-Paganism: "The next step is to merge into a "groupmind." For those of you unfamiliar with this term, think of it as getting everyone present to be "on the same wavelength",
experiencing the same emotions and
seeing the same visual and mental images.This is usually done through individual centering and grounding, followed by a reminder to the congregation of what they have in common (ancestry, beliefs, relations to the divine, etc.), and some sort of meditation,
song or other activity designed to promote a sense of unity and to begin the circulation of coordinated psychic energy by the group.
Key words and techniques: Alignment, transformation, reawakening, spiritual tools and paths, shifting, balancing energy, centering, decreeing, meditation, channeling, astral projecting travelling, empowering, energies, crystals, initiations, invocations, (this does not mean everyone who uses these words is an a occultist, not everyone who wears a crystal is. But it can be possible they have some relative views or practices).
Rublel Shelly calls for a Group Mentality.
Lynn Anderson: The beaming expressions of the worship leaders spread to the class members.
Fred Peatross: there is pacing (a movement from fast to slow to fast); there is total participation by the audience.
What I am warning against is the other end of the spectrum, music that hurts, enrages and triggers fight or flight brain reactions, resulting in physiological changes that can be harmful. As N'omi Orr once stated, "Military drums play music designed to make your feet take you where your head never would-Music is almost as dangerous as gunpowder-". If we look at history, as far back as organized warfare can be seen, there has been attempts to enrage soldiers into battle by beating drums first slowly (consistent with heart beat) and then more quickly as troops enter battle. The sound of the drums is low frequency and is as high intensity as the instrument would allow at the time.Neo-Paganism (witchcraft): "Praise Offerings most often consist of songs and poems, preferably original, designed to have the maximum emotional impact. We have also had ritual drama performances and storytellings, as well as ritual dances.
"Pacing is absolutely critical here, because this is the main "power raising" for your ceremony (See The Voodoo Connection). The folks who plan to offer Praise should show their material to everyone during rehearsals, or at least to the presiding clergy beforehand,
so that the best possible performance order be worked out ahead of time.
Then people can be called upon to offer their Praises in such an order as to generate the greatest possible amount of energy.Neo-paganism (witchcraft): Another option you have hear is to have ready a simple, powerful, and well-rehearsed chant to use as the final Praise Offering.
Start it out softly, then gradually build up the volume and speed of both the voices and the music (especially drums).
Decide on a cue (such as raising their arms high) for the presiding clergy to use to indicate that the last verse is coming up. This part gets tricky. You can't just stop the music abruptly at the end,
since folks are likely to start yelling and screaming (especially at a large festival rite),
and your carefully woven web of energies will go splattering in all directions. If the musicians and chant facilitatorsdrop their volume on cue and slow down for the final verse (which they should), with no visible signal to the rest of the grove, then the other participants may not notice, but instead continue to increase the volume and the speed of their chanting until it all falls apart.
Lynn Anderson again: "gathering the congregation into the momentum of the experience."
Or as Carol Wimber of Vineyard would put it:
The fourth phase is described as "God Visits His People when "Expression then moves to a zenith, a climactic point, not unlike physical lovemaking... We have expressed what is in our hearts and minds and bodies, and now it is time to wait for God to respond.
Stop talking and wait for Him to speak, to move. I call this, the fourth phase, visitation:"
Neo-paganism Fourth Phase: Thus each individual and the group as a whole receive what they need in the way of "healing, blessing, power, and inspiration". Bonding within the group as a whole will be reinforced, something that will last beyond the ceremony, whether it's bonding with the community at large, or with the members of one's local grove. Some people will have visions or be healed of ailments, others will be filled with a holy joy or suddenly recognize a psychic link to a deity they never really knew before. The changes may be simple or complex, subtle or obvious. Every participant will have a unique experience, as well as sharing those of everyone else.
"Communion" with the Goddess and the God, as well as with each other, will be achieved.
Most schemes of the most ancient pagan, musical worship is much more explicit.
See how this neo paganism or witchcraft is worked out by those attending the Tulsa International Workshop and the A cappella musical group.
Lynn Anderson: The worship team led directly from one song to the next
without interruption,
intentionally moving the tone and content of worship in a specific direction,
gathering the congregation into the momentum of the experience.
Dallas Burdette: Thrust Statement: Psalms 150 is a dramatic call
for self-abandonment to God
Scripture Reading: Psalm 150; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16 Psalm 150 is a psalm calling for praise. Praise is the obligation and gladness of all creation. Praise is not only a human necessity and a human requirement, but it is also a human delight. One's praise to God is one's response to His power and mercy. It is inappropriate not to praise God. God should be praised because He is God. |
Fred Peatross: Music plays a key part
of the spectacle. Sound, as a sensual component, enters us in a way in which the
visual alone cannot.
Previous generations found meaning in words; today's generations find meaning in experiences. |
Music enters "us" through every nerve ending in the body and that is why the connection between explict sexuality and music was known in the garden of Eden.Music certainly played a part in the musical idolatry as a spectacle of worship at Mount Sinai. However "music" is not a word ever used of the spiritual worship of a Spirit God. Today's generation may find "experience" in "experience" but it does not experience MEANING.
Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me. 1 Co.14:11
This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. Ja.3:15
But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. 2Pe.2:10
These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. Ju.1:19
Experiences don't have "meaning" unless they are translated. I will bet that all generations get "meaning" out of words and all people experience things in the real world. Why would one suppose that "words" don't work with today's generation?
Sound works because it massages every nerve ending in your body (yes, every nerve ending). This is why a musical experience is always much like a sexual experience. Wouldn't it be embarassing if the watching world knew that we were trying to emerge a worship ritual which created a aural or visual or even literal orgasm? And exactly why do we want to do that? Why, we need to pay off the new buildings and grounds built as "venue for Rock and Roll to save your soul." And you charge for this public massage. That is why God always called it "spiritual adultery."
Sound works also because it creates a drug high through endorphins. It creates or is related to the impulses of fight, flight or sexuality (sensuality). Chocolate also produces the "sexual" afterglow but you still need words to buy it.
Actual sexual intercourse with the ancient musicians which were always know of as "the harem of the gods." Of course, the priest or preacher was the god's "agent."
But Christianity is not a "sensual" religion which must be massaged with what Fred defines as reveling.
This may come as a shock but ancient pagan religions depended totally upon selling "experience" as spiritual worship. You could sell such stuff right off the Ark. And yet, the most ancient writings of "words" began in Babylonia before Abraham was born.
However, the towers of Babylon depended totally upon experience. This keep the truth out of their heads and people could become "watchtower slaves" in the belief that the experience was a personal experience with a god.
People, then and now, understood things like sight, sound, smell and touch. They understood images on signposts and words written on clay tablets. People have not changed enough to obsolete the Written Word of God in a book which has to be read to understand.
And by what stretch of arrogance is an artist more able to "read" the Word and translate it into body motions than all of the rest of the "audience?"
Fred Peatross: In concerts there is a convergence--the total experience takes place in the response of an audience to the multidimensional character of electronic
events. There are music, words, the charisma of the artists,
That translates to "THE IDOLATRY OF TALENT."The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary by June G. Beltzer, Ph.D., defines various methods used to bypass the rational mind while emplanting the will of the speaker into your emotional being. This is so powerful and is therefore considered mystical or spiritual. Some of these terms which define the musical worship minister or enchanter or soothsayer are:
"ARTIFICIAL GROUP ELEMENTAL - a large energy field hovering over the heads of individuals in a gathering which has a strong influence on each individual;
Energy field is composed of thought energy coming from individuals; field is formed and sustained because of the unity of thoughts and emotions;
all minds are focused on one subject, one goal, one concept, or one attitude brought about telepathically
by the tone and pitch of the words of the leader or music;elemental becomes recharged as the meeting progresses if the group keeps this unity of emotion and thought; (Note: this is why no contrary opinion will be tolerated. Biblical teaching is indeed divisive in this connection).
Elemental has an independent existence outside the consciousness of the thinkers and is capable of influencing each person individually to react emotionally in a manner one could not or would not be capable of individually away from the group;
Elemental disperses as rapidly as it is formed when the group is dismissed as the crowd no longer has continuity of existence;
e.g., individuals at a concert frequently weep because the oneness, joy and awe become overwhelming;
young adults at a rock festival scream and tear off clothing because the music is choreographed to tune into these levels of the brain and the massness of feelings thrust them into this:
soldiers attend military drills frequently in the sameness of uniform; this, along with the saluting and music reinforces their patriotism; destructive-brainwashing cult members meet daily or bi-daily to engage in repetitious verbiage and phrase shouting to keep the cult-programming" at an emotional peak. [cf. ELEMENTAL, MASS HYPNOSIS, DESTRUCTIVE-BRAINWASHING CULTS]. (I.e. prayer circles)
That is just what we said: concerts plan to create a sexual experience because otherwise you would not listen and pay. Taking the attention off Jesus and His Word and putting it on the "charisma of the artist" is the goal of the oldest accounts we have of how Satan tried to steal worship from God by using the immaturity and music of youth. We saw that account in the beginning (above.)
Christian worship is GIVING HEED to God and HIS Word. If you give heed to a theatrical performer then you are anti-Christian.
Charisma has two meanings: in the Bible it means power and is not related to the seductive power of mind manipulators who were always known to be sexually or emotionally abnormal. In the modern sense, "charisma of the artists" is a clear confession that we are to give heed or worship the artists.
In Corinth Paul called that "madness." Philo coined the word "enthusiasm." It meant Enthus O mania: made mad by the gods. All charismatic religion clearly confessed that the gods didn't speak to the prophet or prophetess until they drove themselves mad with singing, dancing, clapping, playing instruments and drinking wine.
Note: Kildahl notes that in charismatic religion there is a strong, unhealthy bonding between male-male or female-male. This permits them to do what the leader asks for and to utter rejection of anyone who questions the strange bonding. When the "lovers" fall out, the tongue speaker usually stops.
The modern charismatic movement could not function without a charismatic leader who can through anticipation and mind-altering devices cause someone to begin the tongue speaking "exercises." Kildahl says,
"It is not uncommon for linguists to be able to tell which prominent itinerant glossolalist has introduced a congregation to tongue-speaking. Relatively few men and women travel the tongue-speaking circuit. The glossolalic styles of Bennett, Bredesen, Christenson, du Plessis, Mjorud, and Stone are distinctive enough to be identifiable by observant linguists." ( Kildahl, John P., The Psychology of Speaking in Tongues, Harper and Row, 1972, p. 53).
krotos , ho,
A. rattling noise, made to collect a swarm of bees, Arist.HA 627a16; k. podôn beat of the feet in dancing, E.Heracl.783 (pl.), Tr. 546 both lyr.); k. sikinidôn Id.Cyc.37 ; ho tôn daktulôn k. snapping of the fingers, Ael.NA17.5; enoplios k. clash of arms, Plu.Mar.22; ho k. tôn logôn Luc.Dem.Enc.15 (but perh. 'welding'); hê euroia kai ho tês glôssês k. Philostr.VS2.25.6 ; rhuthmoio k. APl.4.226 (Alc. Mess.).Heredotus gives a vivid of the musical idolatry in Egypt which Israel practiced at Mount Sinai. Elsewhere he notes the story:
2. k. cheirôn clapping of hands, applause, Ar.Ra.157: abs., X.An.6.1.13, etc.; thorubon kai k . . . epoiêsate D.21.14 , cf. 19.195.b. in token of ridicule, [free flow of the tongue] kai k. Pl.La.184a .Aristophanes, Frogs
Plato, Laches. [184a] until he gripped the butt-end of the shaft. From the crew of the transport there came laughter and clapping at his posture, and when someone aimed a stone at him which hit the deck near his feet, and he let go the spear, the troops on the warship in their turn could no longer restrain their laughter, as they saw the notable scythe-spear dangling from the transport.
Now, by the Gods, besides these there should be
Whoever learned Kinesias' pyrrhic dance.
Next a breath of pipes will surround you,
you'll see a shining light, just like up here,
then myrtle groves, and happy choirs
of men and woman mixed who loudly clap their hands.
And who are these?
These are the Mystic celebrants.
By God, I am the donkey at the Mysteries!
But I won't put up with this for one more minute!
And these will tell you all you wish to know,
For they live closest by the way to Pluto's door.
And now farewell, my brother.
The History of Heredotus, Chapter Six reads:
"When at length the day arrived which had been fixed for the espousals, and Clisthenes had to speak out and declare his choice, he first of all made a sacrifice of a hundred oxen, and held a banquet, whereat he entertained all the suitors and the whole people of Sicyon.
After the feast was ended, the suitors vied with each other
in music and
in speaking on a given subject.Presently, as the drinking advanced, Hippoclides, who quite dumbfoundered the rest,
called aloud to the flute-player, and bade him strike up a dance; which the man did, and Hippoclides danced to it. And he fancied that he was dancing excellently well; but Clisthenes, who was observing him, began to misdoubt the whole business.Then Hippoclides, after a pause, told an attendant to bring in a table; and when it was brought, he mounted upon it and danced first of all some Laconian figures, then some Attic ones; after which he stood on his head upon the table, and began to toss his legs about.
Clisthenes, notwithstanding that
he now loathed Hippoclides for a son-in-law,
still, as he wished to avoid an outbreak, had restrained himself during the first and likewise during the second dance; when, however, he saw him tossing his legs in the air, he could no longer contain himself, but cried out,
by reason of his dancing and his shamelessness,"Son of Tisander, thou hast danced thy wife away!" "What does Hippoclides care?" was the other's answer. And hence the proverb arose.
"Not to be overlooked here is the accompaniment of music and dancing which, with the character of the ensuing phenomena, makes the diagnosis (of idolatry) certain." (Schaff-Herzog, Ecstasy, p. 71).
This was Egyptian form of music which was idolatry:
"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's, Music, p. 589).
"And the people celebrated this feast with burnt-offerings and thank-offerings, with eating and drinking, i.e. with sacrificial meals and sports, or with loud rejoicing, shouting, antiphonal songs, and dances, in the same manner in which the Egyptians celebrated their feast of Apis (Herod. 2, 60, and 3, 27)." (Keil and Delitzsch, Vol. II, p. 222).
"They sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. They practiced rites in which they made themselves naked, perhaps similar to those which were carried out by naked Babylonian priests." (Woodrow, p. 158).
"Instruments, especially flutes and drums, were used to induce ecstasy, or frenzy, in the worshippers of certain deities. The devotees of Thracian Dionysus (Bacchus) engaged in orgies at night. Members of the society were seized with a divine madness as they danced to the music and would seize an animal who was believed to be the incarnation of the god, tear the body limb from limb, and eat it on the spot. By this sacred communion they hoped to attain union with their god and themselves become Baccoi. There was a wave of Bacchic enthusiasm that swept Italy in 185 B.C. and created such a scandal that it was sternly repressed by the Roman senate." (Green, William M., The Church Fathers and Musical Instruments" unpublished paper, p. 32).
> The cone of power is a vortex of magickal energy which is raised within a circle by one or more witches working for the same goal.
One of the most common methods of power raising is dancing. Tradition dictates that one dance deosil (clockwise) for spells of increase or attraction, and widdershins (counterclockwise) for decreasing or banishing spells.
Start the dance at a steady pace using whatever music you wish as an accompanyment. Then slowly begin to speed up the pace, continuing in this manner until you can feel the mass of energy raised above you. Then, concentrating on the goal, release the energy to go to where it is needed.
Other methods of raising power include drumming, chanting, and others... Unknown Author
> Donning Encyclopedia of Psychic Dictionary
CROWN - (capitalized) (THE TOP and "Christos") the whirling vortex of energy that emanates a huge glow surrounding the head; seen visibly when one has purified the soul-mind to earn the rank of being Christed; i.e., the light around Jesus, especially at the time of the ascension. (Inconcl.) Syn. CROWN OF GLORY, CROWN CHAKRA, SAHASRARA. [cf. A;CHEMY, GLORIFIED BODY, PURIFIED BODY, NIMBUS].
A seemingly apt description of the end result of the glorification of a Manifest Son of God.
As the Post-Moderns see the idolatry at Mount Sinai as a "pattern for Christian worship and community" even when the musical idolatry was a terminal sin for Israel, Fred recommends that we "rise up to play" again:
> "The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).
> "They sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. They practiced rites in which they made themselves naked, perhaps similar to those which were carried out by naked Babylonian priests." (Woodrow, p. 158).
> "Not to be overlooked here is the accompaniment of music and dancing which, with the character of the ensuing phenomena, makes the diagnosis (of idolatry) certain." (Schaff-Herzog, Ecstasy, p. 71).
> "Before the establishment of the kingdom under Saul, it was the women who, as in every young civilization, played a major part in the performance of music. Such figures as Miriam, Deborah, Jephtha's daughter, and the women hailing the young hero David have become almost archetypes of female musicians.
Characteristic of all these cases is the familiar picture of a female chorus, dancing and singing, accompanied by frenzied drum-beating.
This is the scene known to the entire Near East, and not even the severe rule of Islam could wholly suppress this age-old practice." (Int Dict of the Bible, Music, p. 457).
Both Fred and the Bible call that "fleshly" which means "carnal."
A how to do it liturgy warns that:
Wiccan circles are an outgrowth of Goetic circles, but with the barriers meant to keep energy in, as well as to keep it out. They are very appropriate for private small group rituals, where intense magical work is going to be done by people expecting outside interference. On the other hand, Paleopagan Druid groves were, naturally, open to the air (though fenced on the ground), and were meant to attract energy, or at least the attention of spirits, ancestors and the Gods.
There was no need to try and keep out energy, since no "demon" or other evil spirit would dare to invade a sacred grove. Did they have a need to keep energy in? I don't know. Keeping energy in may only be necessary for rituals involving the buildup to a single peak of power. My experience with the ADF ceremony is that the psychic/magical/spiritual energy can be successfully "breathed" in and out of the grove, throughout the entire ritual, without worrying about barriers at all. The pattern seems to turn into a vortex/whirlwind shape, with energies going up and down, in and out, simultaneously.
As mentioned in the rubrics, the energy flow during the invocation is directed from the center of the grove downwards and outwards, in a radiating cone. In the moments after the words are finished, the nature spirits reply by reversing the energy flow into the grove and thence into the Waters (thus consecrating them). The clairvoyantly inclined will "see" an arc of energy going from the center into the containers of Waters. Even after the Waters begin to be passed around, the energy flow continues to climb up the cone into the center. As the Waters go around the grove, the arc of energy from the center will touch each person. Eventually, everyone present will have a direct psychic link to the nature spirits through the center.
The geometric pattern of the energy flow for this third invocation is the opposite of the first one -- a cone of energy going from the center and radiating upwards, then reversing its direction as the Waters become consecrated. Again, an arc of energy will come from the center into the containers of Waters, and follow it around the grove as each person partakes.
The idea of "raising a cone of power" is that the participants are supposed to create, usually by dancing and chanting, a large, cone-shaped field of psychic energy. At a peak of energy buildup, the cone is supposed to "fire" a blast or energy towards the target, carrying the power and information content of the spell. Nice theory. Unfortunately, most of the time it doesn't work very well.
We noted above that
Hitler used the same ideas.
"But the community of the great demonstration not only strengthens the individual, it also unites and helps to create an esprit de corps. "The man who is exposed to grave tribulations, as the first advocate of a new doctrine in his factory or workshop,
Let's Repeat Fred
Peatross: the percussive use of light, images and beat
Fred Peatross: Popular culture, with its music, has brought a growing emphasis on sound. Rhythm has become a vital part of the new generation. |
It is important to note that all musical terms and names of instruments are derived from very destructive roots. For instance "melody" in Hebrew is related to "trimming the vine" or "taking one's inheritance." The word for melody in Greek is related to "grinding into a fine powder" and the same Hebrew word defines "play the flute, prostitute or pollute."What Fred is advocating is creating the "spiritual anxiety through religious rituals" as the burden for which Jesus died and fired the burden laders.
In an article in Christianity Today we have added the following comments:
"On pages 90, and 131, of this book Battle for the Mind Dr. William Sargent, a leading scientific authority on the human nervous system, writes, "Electrical recordings of the human brain show that it is particularly sensitive to the rhythmic stimulation by percussion and bright light among other things,
and certain rates of rhythm can build up recordable abnormalities of brain function and explosive states of tension sufficient enough to produce convulsive fits in predisposed subjects.
Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility
"Rhythm induced stress shows up in many ways, including decreased performance, hyperactivity, increase in errors in the work force,
decreased decision making ability, emotional pressures, depression,
and lack of respect for authority."Unnatural rhythm, like many drugs, can become addictive. Repeated exposure to it causes one to seek it. It is as if a switch is thrown in the mind. After this switching takes place the body begins to crave this unnatural beat or rhythm over a natural one.
"It is as if the body can no longer distinguish between what is beneficial and what is harmful. In fact,
the body actually chooses that which is destructive over that which is constructive.Much earlier: Clement Homily IX: Chapter VII.-Sacrificial Orgies.
"But they did not cease to worship images, by reason of the evil intelligence of the magicians, who found excuses for them, which had power to constrain them to the foolish worship For, establishing this things by magical ceremonies, they assigned them feasts from sacrifices, libations, flutes, and shoutings,
by means of which senseless men, being deceived, and their kingdom being taken from them, yet did not desist from the worship that they had taken up with.
To such an extent did they prefer error, on account of its pleasantness, before truth.
They also howl after their sacrificial surfeit, their soul from the depth, as it were by dreams, forewarning them of the punishment that is to befall such deeds of theirs.
The Biblical and other evidence clear shows that once you have become addicted to music the SWITCH HAS BEEN THROWN and you have "fallen and will never get up." Consistent with addiction, it is common to try to tempt others into the same dilema.
The serpent in the garden based on word definitions and the king/queen of Tyre, the king/queen of Babylon and the end-time Babylon Harlot religion was not a snake but a MUSICIAN. Of Lucifer (Zoe):
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Ezekiel 28:13
NACHASH (H5175) naw-khawsh'; from 5172; a snake (from its hiss): - serpent.
Nachash (h5173) nakh'-ash; from 5172; an incantation or augury:- enchantment.
"ENCHANTER - a male psychic who specializes in the skill of influencing people for good or evil by creating a thought atmosphere around his subject by a technique using songs, chants or rhythmic sounds. [cf. ENCHANT, THOUGHT ATMOSPHERE].
WEBSTER. That which captivates the heart and senses; an influence or power which fascinates or highly delights. Such an enchantment as there is in words. --South. Syn: Incantation; necromancy; magic; sorcery; witchcraft; spell; charm; fascination; witchery.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev 12:9
Ophis (g3789( of'-is; prob. from 3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision); a snake, fig. (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, espec. Satan: - serpent.
Optanomai (g3700) op-tan'-om'ahee; a (mid.) prol. form of the prim. (mid.) oåptoåmai , s op'-tam-ahee, which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as alt. of 3708; to gaze (i.e. with wide-open eyes, as at something remarkable
Fred Peatross: They are drawn into a vortex of personal and social
yearnings and satisfactions.
Vortex: "A mass of fluid, especially of a liquid, having a whirling or circular motion tending to form a cavity or vacuum in the center of the circle, and to draw in towards the center bodies subject to its action." Webster"Shaman work with the Spirits and protectors of a given area. They know the power runs and Lay lines for an area they work with. Within the confines of their realm the power vortex are known and the association of certain vortex's to specific guardians are recorded and studied. They see both the positive and negative runs as facets of nature neither one good or bad simply in opposition or balance.
Fred Peatross: the percussive use of light, images and beat, the behaviors of the
crowd, the kinesthetic involvement of the
audience in moving, dancing and typically staying on their feet
the entire time.
kineô (Liddell and Scott)I. pf to set in motion, to move, Hom., attic
2. to move or remove a thing from its place, Hdt.; k. ta akinêta to meddle with things sacred, id=Hdt., Soph.; k. ta chrêmata es allo ti to apply them to an alien purpose, Hdt.;-- k. to stratopedon, Lat. castra movere, Xen.:-- to change, innovate, ta nomaia Hdt.
II. to rouse, disturb, of a wasps' nest, Il.: to stir up, arouse, urge on, Trag., etc.akinêtos [kineô]
2. not to be stirred or touched, inviolate, Lat. non movendus, taphos Hdt.: proverb. of sacred things, kinein ta akinêta id=Hdt.; also takinêta phrasai Soph.
3. of persons, not to be shaken, steadfast, stubborn, id=Soph.3. used in periphrases to express something strange or extraordinary, mega suos chrêma a monster of a boar, Hdt.; to chr. tôn nuktôn hoson what a terrible length the nights are, Ar.: liparon to chr. tês poleôs what a grand city! id=Ar.; klepton to chr. tandros a thievish sort of fellow, id=Ar.; sophon toi chrêm' anthrôpos truly a clever creature is he! Theocr.:--so, to express a great number, as we say, a lot, a deal, a heap, pollon ti chr. tôn ophiôn, chr. pollon neôn Hdt.; hoson to chr. parnopôn what a lot of locusts! Ar.; hoson to chr. plakountos id=Ar.; to chr. tôn kopôn hoson what a lot of them! id=Ar.; --also of persons, chrêma thêleiôn woman kind, Eur.; mega chr. Lakainan Theocr.
moveo , mo-vi, mo-tum, 2 (sync., mo-stis for movistis, Mart. 3, 67, 1; mo-runt for moverunt, Sil. 14, 141 ), v. a. and n. [Sanscr. mi-v, set in motion; Gr. ameibô, change; cf.: momentum, mutare]
a. To excite, occasion, cause, promote, produce; to begin, commence, undertake
b. To shake, to cause to waver, to alter: alicujus sententiam,to change, cause to waver, Cic. Att. 7, 3, 6 : sententiam regis, Liv. 35, 42, 6 .--d. To disturb, concern, trouble, torment one: men moveat cimex Pantilius? Hor. S. 1, 10, 78 : Armeniosne movet, Romana potentia cujus Sit ducis? Luc. 7, 282 ; cf. Val. Fl. 7, 131. intoleranda vis aestu-s omnium ferme corpora movit, Liv. 25, 26: strepitu fora vestra, Juv. 2, 52
III. to set agoing, cause, call forth, Soph., etc.:--proverb., k. pan chrêma to turn every stone, try every way, Hdt.
B. Pass. to be put in motion, to be moved, move, stir, Il., Hdt., attic
2. to move forward, of soldiers, Soph., Xen., etc.Kineo (g2795) kin-eh'-o; from kio , (poetic for eåimi , to go); to stir (trans.), lit. or fig.: - (re-) move (-r), way
All of this is a product
of Africa and not from the Bible. In Witchcraft:
GROUP ELEMENTAL - a thought-form hovering over the heads of a gathering or an assembly; thought-form is charged with a stimulus that causes mutual emotion between members and leader pulling them into unity of purpose; thought form intensifies in strength as the meeting lengthens if the "theme" is constantly being dwelled upon and directed toward one's emotional needs; everyone becomes emotionally linked into the vortex of the thought-form; . .
"RAISE THE VIBRATIONS - to accelerate the vibrations in an area by fast, loud, jolly songs, by clapping and stamping in rhythm, or by playing loud fast music; frequently done to give energy to the etheric world intelligences to perform physical phenomena in a seance;used in charismatic meetings to put the sitters onto a spiritual high and to give energy to the healing forces working within the leader. |
For thus saith the Lord God; Because thou hast clapped thine hands, and stamped with the feet, and rejoiced in heart with all thy despite against the land of Israel; Ezekiel 25:6Behold, therefore I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and will deliver thee for a spoil to the heathen; and I will cut thee off from the people, and I will cause thee to perish out of the countries: I will destroy thee; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord. Ezekiel 25:7
The following article is widely distributed on the WWW and will help explain why you find yourself thousands of miles away from your flock looking for another fix with no real control over your actions.
All charismatic "worship" was within an area of insanity and Post Modernism is schizophrenic: libertarian and legalistic at the same time:
"The sense of well-being or euphoria created by the opiates and by enkephalin seems to involve opiate receptors in a different pathway of the brain from that of substance P. I n addition, another pleasure pathway or 'river of reward' may be actified (by other drugs). Both pleasure systems... reinforce activities essential to survival, such as eating and mating. (The Incredible Machine, NGS, p. 355-356).
However, Jesus and Paul issued an absolute command which is violated every day of our life and twice on Sunday:
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Mt.6:25
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Ph.4:6
Fred Peatross: When you get people in close proximity to one another, focus their attention on a common object,and engage them in exercises that arouse emotions, bonding occurs.
"GROUP HYPNOSIS - to induce a light, hypnotic state of consciousness in the majority of participants of a gathering wherein participants are not aware they are being hypnotized.
- "when a number of persons are gathered in unity of purpose, they can easily become hypnotized
- by an intense consistent concentration on the leader and what he or she is saying;
- > the intense concentration quiets the conscious mind and
- > allows the subconscious mind to absorb the material as it is presented without first sifting it out in the conscious mind.
- "induced by a leader with CHARISMA; the verbiage is carefully planned, and structured to touch one's emotional needs, and the pronoun you is emphasized and used repeatedly with a pointed finger at the group; music and chanting frequently aid in the inducement of the hypnotic stage;
- almost all lectures and sermons, whether for good or evil intent, have a hypnotic effect;
the larger the group and the longer the lecture with no break,<>
the more easily the hypnotic state is accomplished without one realizing he or she is being hypnotized; if one can trust their leader and there is no need for decision-making regarding its contents, it is a good method to more easily remember what one heard.Aldus Huxley wrote: Abused as we abuse it at present, dramatic art is in no sense cathartic; it is merely a form of emotional masturbation. It is the rarest thing to find a player who has not had his character affected for the worse by the practice of his profession.
- Nobody can make a habit of self-exhibition, nobody can exploit his personality for the sake of exercising a kind of hypnotic power over others, and remain untouched by the process. From Source
This calls everyone back to the primitive religion promoted by Satan and which destroyed Israel at Mount Sinai:
- "During the erotic dance ritual, the priestess would actually become the Goddess in all Her glory. According to the ancient texts, during the erotic dance ritual the priestesses would achieve visionary orgasm in which great truths were revealed.
- "Het Heret was the over-arching sky cow Goddess, associated with fertility and bounty and plenty. Married couples would go to the temples of Het Heret for fertility rites that would hopefully lead to a successful pregnancy. The temples were filled with sweet smelling incense.
Typically sweets and red beer or golden ale would flow freely.
The priestesses of Het Heret would dance to the rhythms of live drumming. (hand clapping)When the couples were sufficiently aroused, they would engage in sexual intercourse on comfortable pillows.
Isn't our attention to be upon Jesus and His Word?One well known fact and articulated by Joseph Campbell in Myths to Live by is that when people lose their mental and emotional grasp on their religious faith they tend to get sucked back to the archaic. Therefore, what is sold as "new and improved" can be seen well documented in the ancient Babylonian texts.
This fall from faith is really an emotional retreat into ancient tribalism where there is a need to control the group to validate one's personal experiences. For instance, sexual and emotional deviates were the world's first priests. The visual came first. Therefore the appeal to the VISUAL to replace the Biblical notion of Spiritual worship could be performed at the towers of Babylon:
See Ancient Mind Control1. to hypnotize the majority of people at a lecture without them realizing that their level of awareness is altered; occurs, unconsciously or deliberately, if a leader is very impressive and charismatic;
(a) deliberate techniques;
- leader commands undivided attention to his or her speech;
rhythmic pacing and hand flinging movements are used;
- ploy is preplanned to reach one's basic emotional needs (personal acceptance, self-preservation, patriotism, service to others, and cultural acceptance) through fear, guilt, or excessive love; (Note: endorphins from music produces the fight, flight or sex "feeling." These are all for self-preservation)
- to overly repeat the pronoun you and continually point the finger at the audience;
- (b) all this narrows one's concentration to the theme of the lecture which automatically relinquishes the conscious mind from its role and
- allows the uncritical subconscious mind to surface and accept the material as presented, and the leader makes her or his point;
- the more clever the leader is with the above tactics, the more hypnotized each member becomes, and the more unlikely to question the material of the lecture;
- (c) most ministers and lecturers capture their audience's attention by using some of the above methods of delivery; this is a good way for the audience to grasp the meaning of the speech; it is absolutely necessary in a healing program as one is more receptive to healing energies when in an alpha (hypnotic) state of consciousness; e.g., slaying-in-the-spirit-meetings;
- 2. to hypnotize the majority of people at a gathering by playing loud, rhythmic music; music has been composed in a special key that will have a hypnotic effect on the audience;
- chanting special chants also put members in an alpha state of consciousness; [The new "praise songs"]
(a) music is deliberately played at meetings designed for brainwashing the audience;- 3. dangers: one should know how to shield one's self from this during the first encounter with the speaker so one can keep from being put into a hypnotic state and
- be able to make a clear-cut decision regarding the speaker's intelligence, integrity and intent; (this all is a form of brainwashing but do not confuse it with destructive-brainwashing).
Fred Peatross: This is the power of spectacle. Spectacle is the ultimate experience where convergence generates participation and meaning. The following features of Spectacle are noted:
This means that by the carnal senses of sight, sound and motion you CREATE something which didn't exist before. However, Jesus build a synagogue or school of the Bible: if you want to go pagan you could attend the numerous temples and Oracles. In Corinth, for instance, the specialized in getting SEEKERS involved in their worship where sex was the next to the last act (see Caroll Wimber and the Vineyard aka New Wineskins). The last act was another lie imposed on the assembly: the giving of means. They intended to strip the seeker before he could get out of town.Therefore, a spectacle of worship describes Baal Worship:
"Baal-worship had a colorful, impressive ritual, conducted in elaborate temples, adorned with Phoenician art and with Phoenician ingenuity, and also apparently garnished with what, in that day, passed for very stirring music.
This deity, together with such companionate female symbols of sex and fertility as Anath, Asherah and Astarte, touched a mystic chord deep within the being of many an Israelite of both the northern and the southern kingdoms.
Even in this present day and age, our religious interests are strong or weak pretty much in accord with our attachment to a community or parish church. And in these other times, the nearby 'high place,' or local temple of Baal (2 kings 10:21), in contrast to a Temple far removed from all but residents of Jerusalem, gave heathen ways a strong competitive pull in both Israel and Judah, (Keys, Nelson Beecher, Story of the Bible World, C. S. Hammond, p. 65).
In the traditions of Babylonia even today:
The frailer, weaker and sensual part of man`s nature, it loves spectacles, phenomena, colour, song and the pleasures of the senses;
and are thus constantly in the grips of the worldly and darker powers.
With the nisimta, the higher part of man`s being, it survives, according to Mandaean tradition, by the help of the death rites performed, and eventually unite and travels with it to the realms of light.
"Then, from the Life (I ask) your mercy, your healing power, your radiance, your compassion, yours, Great First Life! Forgive me, make me whole, awake me, have compassion on this my soul, mine, Nimrus Zaina, for whom this prayer which I have prayed and these devotions shall bring forgiveness of my sins. When the bird uttered the name 'Nimrus Zaina', Hirmiz Shah understood that she was none other than Ruha herself for Nimrus Zaina is one of the names of Ruha. And he fell before her, crying, "l crave your protection and that of your son" The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran By E.S. Drower Clarendon Press,
This also describes ancient tribalism:
"Tribal groups had been brought together in a political community giving legal rights to individuals, and the authority of the dike, established custom, had been transformed into diakaiosyne, the ideal justice that must be interpreted and implemented by human intelligence. By a parallel process,
the worship of Dionysus ceased to consist merely of the traditional group songs and dances,
developing into dramatic performances portraying specific individuals and presenting new interpretations of the meaning of life." (Parkes, Henry Bamford, Gods and Men The Origins of Western Culture, p. 207, Knopf)
Fred Peatross: But spectacle tends to
create publics, not communities, since a common story is not provided. People
bring their own stories with them to the event
Ministering Incarnationally The church has to "pitch tent" (incarnate) with the electronic culture, yet it must be transformative, not conformative. It must bring its own story, tradition, and practices into the equation. The church lives in a culture and is a culture. This presents the church with the difficult task of incarnating with a culture while remaining true to its story.
The church is a School of the Bible and never a Pagan Worship Center. Therefore, the Electronic age has been here and gone and the Commercial-Institutional Temples with Priests, Musicians and Soothsayers missed the "boat." Individuals have picked up the thrown-away baton and silly sermonizing and versifying can no longer be peddled to the world hungry for information.In declaring Jesus a wine drinker and wine manufacturer, Fred charges:
His sermons emphasized grace and mercy (Matthew 11:18-19). He was a party-goer, a gregarious friend of sinners. Yet both Jesus and John pleased God.
We don't see Jesus "joining the indigenous practices" of the time. Rather, He came to show His glory to the religious world devoted to spectacle. Eventually, they would make Jesus into one of their spectacles;
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14
Truth means "words."
Jesus as Word "had a body prepared for me." The meaning is a "hut or temporary residence." Jesus came to declare God the Spirit and not to promote religious spectacle. Rather, he tore the temple down to do away with human spectacle:
No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him . Jn 1:18
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own:
but because ye are not of the world, butI have chosen you out of the world,
therefore the world hateth you. Jn.15:19I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Jn.17:14
Jesus as God Incarnate did not come to confirm or absorb or codify the culture but to condemn it.
Fred Peatross: In pitching the tent,
Jesus experienced an indigenous engagement. But at the
same time, Jesus didn't pitch a tent with every practice, and the
church cannot pitch a tent with every practice it finds in a culture.
autochthônI. sprung from the land itself, Lat. terrigena: autochthones, hoi, like Lat. Indigenae, aborigines, natives, Hdt., Thuc.; of the Athenians, Eur., Ar., etc.
II. as adj. indigenous, Hdt.
Singing, dancing, clapping and playing music was contemptuous of the Word of God in ever culture. That has not changed. You cannot (cannot) promote these efforts of the purely carnal body without mocking the Word of God: Lord Jesus Christ and His message.
However, "giving heed to the Word" as the primary "worship" word in Christianity is not culture-dependant. I can read ancient tablets written 3500 BC and they mean the same thing today. However, one man's clap might be another man's sexual disease.
It is impossible to resurrect ancient pagan clapping, singing, dancing and playing instruments to arouse the nerve endings without "imposing them on my culture in a colonial fashion." By NOT doing these pagan practices I can never be accused of imposing anything other than that which is commanded to make "church" into a school rather than a pagan "worship center."
Fred Peatross: The implications of this are profound and far-reaching. First, the incarnation is not God joining the human story and becoming part of it, but it's the disclosure that the world is part of God's story. We must understand our picture in terms of God's greater picture.
Our old "modern" version read that Jesus came to absolutely deaden our senses to the human story and its culture. He said "my kingdom is not of this world." He said not to listen to people trying to localize the kingdom because the "kingdom is within you." He said that worship is only in the PLACE of the spirit or mind. If you can see it as acrobatics it is not, cannot be In Spirit worship.
Fred Peatross: Secondly, God's story is fleshy and engaged with human practices, which means the emerging Church of Christ must take seriously the fleshy use of images, sound, and visualization.
- It must pitch a tent through the practices of convergence, bonding, and commitment.
The church of Christ is not going there: those who go there are not the church of Christ!
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Rom 8:9If so be that ye have heard him,
and have been taught by him,
as the truth is in Jesus: Eph 4:21That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; Eph 4:22
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; Eph 4:23
And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Eph 4:24
- Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour:for we are members one of another. Eph 4:25
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit,
- and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Galatians 5:17
But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Galatians 5:18
And they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Galatians 5:24
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25
Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Galatians 5:26I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 Jn.1:4
God is Spirit and we must therefore worship Him IN OUR SPIRIT and according to TRUTH. There is no FLESHLY component of our relationship to a Spirit God: it is utterly impossible for Flesh to interact with Pure or Holy Spirit. The Jews charged Jesus with engaging with the FLESHLY practice of drinking wine just because he took meals with common people. However, Jesus said in effect: "You are liars."We used to sing: "This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through." That is what Jesus taught and demonstrated. Once His Flesh was dead He could live in the Spirit realm: once we are dead to those singing, dancing and clapping nerve endings then we are competent to worship IN SPIRIT.
Jesus "engaged" with the clergy and identified them as "children in the markets piping and trying to make God sing and dance."
Jesus engaged the Musical Worship Team on their "funeral" call by "casting them out more or less violently."
Jesus engaged the Jews as "beliar" in their minds as they mocked him with music according to the prophecy of Psalm 41.
Jesus engaged the temple and tore it down. He engaged praying as "spectacle" and insisted that it be private. Jesus engaged public display and silenced it.
Too bad, but we doubt that many churches of Christ are going to emerge into rank paganism and a religion of the flesh. Why should we train the flesh when it cannot inherit heaven?
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 1Co.15:50
What Fred is defining is a religion where in the Post Modern world the flesh wins and the spirit looses: you cannot have both at the same time:
Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. Ep.2:3
Wrath is what is promoted as singing, clapping and dancing to do mind control:
Orge (g3709) or-gay'; from 3713; prop. desire (as a reaching forth or excitement of the mind), i.e. (by anal) violent passion (ire, or [justifiable] abhorence); by impl. punishment: - anger, indignation, vengeance, wrath.
The "burden" Jesus died to remove was the same:
Phortizo (g5412) for-tid'-zo; from 5414; to load up (prop. as aa vessel or animal), i.e. (fig.) to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety): - lade, be heavy laden.
Satan is the Kosmokrater, the world ruler in high places. Jesus came to call us out of the world and into "heavenly places" to escape the world.
When we promote the world as our arena then we are agents of Satan:
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.1Jn.2:16
As with the drum beating of the Seeker's attempt to worship Jesus as "a phallic kind of guy"--
Sam Keen says: "Primitive religion is not believed, it is danced." "The word must be discovered in the flesh."
"If the church fails to develop a visceral theology and fails to help modern man rediscover his flesh and his feelings it will neglect a common source of grace as well as the seed from which compassion grows. Keen.
Fred Peatross says: the emerging Church of Christ must take seriously the fleshy use of images, sound, and visualizationKeen continues: "The time is ripe to return to the primitive, the carnal (fleshy)
> there is a time for words, it has lasted from the time of the Reformation to the present,
> now we are sick of being inundated in an ocean of verbiage --the word must be rediscovered in the flesh, religion must return to the dance." Sam Keen
Fred Peatross: the percussive use of light, images and beat, the behaviors of the crowd, the kinesthetic involvement of the audience in moving, dancing and typically staying on their feet the entire time. The power of the event for the participative audience occurs
On the other hand, Jesus said in the "verbiage" being repudiated by Post-Modernism:It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life (Zao or Zoe). Jn.6:68
Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh. Colossians 2:23
IF ye then be risen with Christ, seek (worship) those things which are above, where Christ sitteth (the work is finished) on the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2
For ye are dead, and your life is hid (sealed and concealed) with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3
That is why worship is ONLY in the spirit or mind: when you are singing, clapping and danceing you are not worshiping a holy Spirit God but your own body.
If you are still dancing, clapping and making music and calling it worship then you are not yet dead and you are still in your sins.
Christian worship is devoted to honoring Christ and seeking His Mind or Spirit in what He has delivered to us in the Bible. One does not have to believe the Bible is inspired. However, the meaning of being a Christian is to be His disciple. One does not "disciple" under Christ as Master Teacher without giving Heed to the Book He inspired. Therefore, John Locke would define a religion which is based on the Bible for its information and one which is not as "different religions."
Everyone is free to propose their own version of what God wants in worship but Jesus would say that if we get too involved our worship is in vain.
We believe that the church of Christ Fred is proposing is not the church of Christ which is Bible based. Therefore, we believe that he is proposing a new and different religion.
We suggest the following articles on the spectacle as a distinctly pagan system.
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