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Lynn Anderson, Jubilee 99, NAVIGATING the Winds of Change or BLOWING the winds of change? Change Agentry from neo- paganism and the secular world WEARS OUT the people of God. Jb.15:2 asks: Would a wise man answer with empty notions or fill his belly with the hot east wind? All of these "revival through external means" have their roots deeply embedded in ancient Babylonia.What Do Change Agents Do? See Donnie Cruz response to collect the characteristics of CHANGE AGENTS. According to Cruz, he leans heavily on the DOGMA or TENENTS of the Legalist new Change Agent revealed by John Waddey.
Christianity Then and Now. John Waddey
Paul said "the body must be put to death" and Jesus said that worship must be "in spirit" or in the mind. The only reason you have to Navigate the Winds of Change is by getting too far from the calm waters and attempting to go where no Christian would dare to go.
Max Lucado has organized the "pastors" in San Antonio. That is the first gambit in the Promise Keeper's Cult takeover. Promise Keepers has restored the SHEPHERDING or DISCIPLING or MENTORING cult identical to the Cross Roads movement, The Boston church of Christ or the International Church of Christ.
Max Lucado has OUTED his new creed having taken over Oak Hills Church of Christ. At Madison they call it "infiltrating and diverting" to turn the church into a theater for holy entertainment. What happens is that the SECTARIAN group of Pharisees, Scribes and Hypocrites using the methods of LUCIFER.
See Max Lucado's New Creed Bringing the National Shepherding Movement to confiscated Oak Hills church of Christ.
See an Index of Max Lucado's rejection of Baptism and EVERY Biblical concept.
Brad Tuggle has been hired as a YOUNGER to replace the vocational ELDER to manipulate the new SHEPHERDING GROUP at Oak Hills church of Christ.
Rubel Shelly defending Locating Shepherds.
Lynn Anderson detailing the old Crossroads or IOC SHEPHERDING which is the Promise Keepers Cult. See Lynn Anderson's Forum:
Accountability groups
Accountability Group (no more than 3) What are some good questions to ask each time 2 or 3 of us men meet to hold each other accountable. What are the do's and don'ts of such a commitment...size limits...suggestions for such a commitment. If women want to do this, what accountability questions would be asked in this case? Your ideas and experiences and suggested resources please. We are ministers wanting to lead holy lives before our community in the hope that we may have opportunities to minister and teach. Thanks!
This type of accountability can be hard but it is where people really grow. Especially us ministers have a hard time admitting our faults for fear of discovery and losing our jobs and/or reputations. The end result is that many of us live double lives with secret sin being our second god that we worship when no one else is looking.
Obviously in some cases this deeper type of accountability is only appropriate within all male or all female groups.
Accountability groups only work when there is trust and openness. This may take a while to develop. Give it time and start slow until you feel that your relationship can progress into these more intimate areas.
Was the division between Northern churches and Southern churches (Baptists, Presbyterians, Church of Christ) based on Racism? So goes the charge against a faithful defender of Scripture against the forced introduction of instrumental music in Seattle. This charge was gathered from a Pepperdine extension course. The conclusion is that to oppose the forceful introduction of instrumental music means that you are in favor of slavery even today. Click Here for some history and making a law out of the 'guilt clause'. To use the deed to prevent it is deemed "legalism" and the opposition legalistic, divisive and now marked.
The Corpus Hermeticum, 7 asks:
"Whither stumble ye, sots, who have sopped up the wine of ignorance and can so far not carry it that ye already even spew it forth? Stay ye, be sober, gaze upwards with the [true] eyes of the heart! And if ye cannot all, yet ye at least who can! For that the ill of ignorance doth pour o`er all the earth and overwhelm the soul that's battened down within the body, preventing it from fetching port within Salvation's harbors. (Eph 4:14 winds of doctrine. Sop and psallo or external melody have the same root.)
"Be ye then not carried off by the fierce flood, but using the shore-current (lit., "back-current" or "up-current"), ye who can, make for Salvation's port, and, harboring there, seek ye for one to take you by the hand and lead you unto Gnosis' gates.
Where shines clear Light, of every darkness clean; where not a single soul is drunk, but sober all they gaze with their hearts' eyes on Him who willeth to be seen. (Paul: He is not far from all of us).
"No ear can hear Him, nor can eye see Him, nor tongue speak of Him, but [only] mind and heart. (John 4:21-23)
But first thou must tear off from thee the cloak which thou dost wear - the web of ignorance, the ground of bad, corruption's chain, the carapace of darkness, the living death,
sensation's corpse, the tomb thou carriest with thee, the robber in thy house,
"who through the things he loveth, hateth thee, and through the things he hateth, bears thee malice. (Body-spirit conflict. See Rom 7-8)
"Such is the hateful cloak thou wearest - that throttles thee [and holds thee] down to it, in order that thou may'st not gaze above, and having seen the Beauty of the Truth, and Good that dwells therein, detest the bad of it;
"having found out the plot that it hath schemed against thee, by making void of sense those seeming things which men think senses. For that it hath with mass of matter blocked them up and crammed them full of loathsome lust, so that thou may'st not hear about the things that thou should'st hear, nor see the things thou should'st see. (2 Cor 3:13-17)
What follows is our Bible-supported commentary -- not for the non-reader -- and review of public statements or public writings of the "Top of the Pyramid" change agents working on your external self. We have added links to some of those considered to be human change agents by other fellowships. If your god is a human change agent then you need to click the back button.
Because musical worship is the only effective Change Agent for pseudo-worship, we should not a key "proof-text" used to restore legalistic worship to replace the church of edification and service to others:- And king Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty and two thousand oxen, and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep: so the king and all the people dedicated the house of God. 2 Chronicles 7:5
- And the priests waited on their offices: (Religious)
- the Levites also with instruments of musick of the Lord, which (Authorized for Civil-state)
- David the king had made to praise the Lord,
- because his mercy endureth for ever (To stop the plague!)
- when David praised by their ministry; (Notice: not the congregation!)
- and the priests sounded trumpets before them,
- and all Israel stood (ordained to be present or stand fast). 2 Chronicles 7:6
Did you get it? No? Well, take another look. David did not compose, invent and institute musical instruments under the commanders of the army for you! Nor did he do it for congregational worship. Plato would warn us that when the music changes people are involved in "changing the government" and, at first, it seems harmless.Jubilee 99 - Latter Reign - Thy Kingdom Has Come? Part TwoZoe - Sophia Gnosticism - Women Rule Over You - The Hypostasis of the Archons 3/15/99
Gnosticism - Sophia - Zoe - Catholic Encyclopedia 3/20/99
Look to the Hills - The Zoe Group - Human Potential
The Zoe Connection - Music, Drama, Dance as Change Agent
Pistis Sophia - Zoe - Female Pastors - Gnosticism 3/15/99
Neo - Gnosticism - Sophia - Female Instructing - Mediating Principle 3/15/99
Clement of Alexandria - Exhortation to the Heathen - Singing, Drama and Idolatry 6/3/99
Tertullian, The Shows, or De Spectaculis, Modern Religious Drama and Music 6/4/99
The Two Babylons - Ancient Wineskin Religion 4/3/99
Navigating Change -TERTULLIAN - SCORPIACE - ANTIDOTE FOR THE SCORPION'S STING 3/15/99 There are many parallels to modern gnostic-like efforts to revive people through external means. 3/15/99
Review: FAX of Life - Rubel Shelly - Creative Strategies: 1/6/99
Review: Navigating the Winds of Change - Lynn Anderson - Jubilee 99 11/20/98
Lynn Anderson, Jubilee 99, Navigating or Blowing the Winds of Change
Change Agents - Jubilee 99 - Willow Creek Parallels
Keith Suter/Gordon Moyes, Change Agent 1 Link
Tony Compolo Change Agents 2 Link
Billy Graham Change Agents 3 Link
James Dobson Human Psychology Change Agents 4 Link
Pagan Dance as Change Agent Link
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