Enuma Elish, The Fifty Names of Marduk, Tablet VIb - VII
Tablet VIb --------
- Let us then proclaim his fifty names:...
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- 'He whose ways are orious, whose deeds are likewise, 91
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- (1) MARDUK, as An, his father,"' called him from his birth;...
- Who provides grazing and drinking places, enriches their stalls,
- Who with the flood-storm, his weapon, vanquished the detractors,
- (And) who the gods, his fathers, rescued from distress.
- Truly, the Son of the Sun,"' most radiant of gods is he.
- In his brilliant light may they walk forever!
- On the people he brought forth, endowed with li[fe],
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- The service of the gods he imposed that these may have ease.
- Creation, destruction, deliverance, grace-
- Shall be by his command."' They shall look up to him!
- (2) MARUKKA verily is the god, creator of all,
- Who gladdens the heart of the Anunnaki (earth spirits), appeases their [spirits].
- (3) MARUTUKKU verily is the refuge of the land, protection of its people].
- Unto him shall the' people give praise.
- (4) BARASHAKUSHU... stood up and took hold of its... reins;
- Wide is his heart, warm his sympathy.
- (5) LUCALDIMMFRANKIA is his name which we
- proclaimed in our Assembly.
- His commands we have exalted above the gods, his fathers.
- Verily, he is lord of all the gods of heaven and earth,
- The king at whose discipline the gods above and below are in mourning."
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- (6) NARI-LUGALDIMMNKIA is the name of him Whom we have called the monitor"' of the gods;
- Who in heaven and on earth founds for us retreats"' in trouble,
- And who allots stations to the Igigi (Sky Spirits) and Anunnaki.
- At his name the gods shall tremble and quake in retreat.
- (7) ASARULUDU is that name of his Which Amu, his father, proclaimed for him.
- He is truly the light of the gods, the mighty leader, Who, as the protecting deities"' of gods
- and land, In fierce single combat saved our retreats in distress. Asaruludu, secondly, they have named
- (8) NAMTILLAKU,The god who maintains life,"'
- Who restored the lost gods, as though his own creation; The lord who revives the dead gods by his pure incantation, Who destroys the wayward foes. Let us praise his prowess!...
- Asaruludu, whose name was thirdly called
- (9) NAMRU, The shining god who illumines our ways.
- Three each of his names"' have Anshar, Lahmu, and Lahamu proclaimed;
- Unto the gods, their sons, they did utter them:
- "We have proclaimed three each of his names.
- Like us, do you utter his names!" joyfully the gods did heed their command,
- As in Ubshukinna their exchanged counsels:
- "Of the heroic son, our avenger,
- Of our supporter we will exalt the name!"
- They sat down in their Assembly to fashion"' destinies,
- All of them uttering his names in the sanctuary.
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Tablet VII
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- (10) ASARU, bestower of cultivation, who established water levels;
- Creator of grain and herbs, who causes [vegetation to sprout]."'
- (II) ASARUALIM, who is honored in the place of counsel, [who excels in counsel];
- To whom the gods hope,"' when pos[sessed of fear].
- (I2) ASARUALIMNUNNA, the gracious, light of [the father, his begetter],
- Who directs the decrees of Anu, Enlil, [and Eal. He is their provider who assigns [their portions],
- Whose horned cap"" is plenty, multiply[ing ... Who banishes consternation from the body of the gods,
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- (I3) TUTU [is hel, who effects their restoration.
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- Let him purify their shrines that they [may have ease].
- Let him devise the spell that the gods may be [at rest].
- Should they rise in anger, let them turn [back].
- Verily, he is supreme in the Assembly of the gods;
- No one among the gods is his eq[ual].
- Tutu is (14) ZIUKKINNA, life of the host of [the gods], Who established... for the gods the holy heavens; Who keeps a hold on their ways, determines [their courses];
- He shall not be forgotten by the beciouded."' Let them [remember]... his deeds!
- Tutu they thirdly called
- (15) ZIKU, who establishes holiness,
- The god of the benign breath, the lord who hearkens and acceeds;
- Who produces riches and treasures, establishes abundance;...
- Who has turned all our wants to plenty;
- Whose benign breath we smelled in sore distress.
- Let them speak, let them exalt, let them sing his praises!
- Tutu, fourthly, let the people magnify as (16) AGAKU,
- The lord of the holy charm, who revives the dead;
- Who had mercy on the vanquished gods,
- Who removed the voke imposed on the gods, his enemies,
- (And) who, to redeem them, created mankind;
- The merciful, in whose power it lies to grant life.
- May his words endure, not to be forgotten,
- In the mouth of the black-headed, whom his hands have created.
- Tutu, fifthly, is
- (I7) TUKU, whose holy spell their mouths shall murmur;
- Who with his holy charm has uprooted all the evil ones.
- (18) SHAZU, who knows the heart of the gods, Who examines the inside;
- From whom the evildoer cannot escape;
- Who sets up the Assembly of the gods, gladdens their hearts;
- Who subdues the insubmissive; their wide-spread [pro]tection;
- Who directs justice, roots [out] crooked talk,
- Who wrong and right in his place keeps apart.
- Shazu may they, secondly, exalt as
- (19) (ig) Zisi,
- Who silences the insurgent;
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- his fathers."'
- 20 Shazu is, thirdly, SUHRIM, who with the weapon roots out all enemies
- Who frustrates their plans, scatters (them) to the winds; Who blots out all the wicked ones who tremble before him.
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- Let the gods exult, let them. .
- (21) Shazu is, fourthly, SUHGURIM, who insures... a hearing,
- Creator of the gods, his fathers,
- Who roots out the enemies, destroys their progeny;
- Who frustrates their doings, leaving nothing of them.
- May his name be evoked and spoken in the land!
- (22) Shazu, fifthly, they shall praise as ZAHRIM, the lord of the lit4ng,
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- [pur]sues the evil;
- Who all the fugitive gods brought home to their shrines. May this his name endure!
- To Shazu, moreover, they shall, sixthly, render all honor
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- (23) as ZAHGURIM,
- Who all the foes destroyed as though in battle.
- (24) ENBILULU, the lord who makes them flourish, is h . e , The mighty one who named them,
- who instituted roastofferings;
- Who ever regulates for the land the grazing and watering places;
- Who opened the wells, apportioning waters of [... ].
- (25) Enbilulu, secondly, they shall glorify as EPADUN,
- The lord who sprinkles the field,
- Irrigator"' of heaven and earth, who establishes seedrows,
- Who plow land and grazing land,
- Dam and ditch regulates, who delimits the furrow;
- (26) Enbilulu, thirdly, they shall praise as ENBILULU-
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- GUGAL, The irrigator of the plantations of the gods; Lord of abundance, opulence, and of ample crops, Who provides wealth, enriches all dwellings, Who furnishes millet, causes barley to appear.
- Enbilulu is (27) HFGAL, who heaps up abundance for the people's consumption;...
- Who causes rich rains over the wide earth, provides vegetation.
- (28) SIR. SIR,"" who heaped up a mountain over her, Tiamat,
- Who the corpse of Tiamat carried off with his weapon; Who directs the land-their faithful shepherd; Whose hair is a grain field, his horned cap furrows;
- Who the wide-spreading Sea vaults in his wrath, Crossing (her) like a bridge at the place of single combat.
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- Sirsir, secondly, they named (29) MALAH-and so forth-"'
- Tiamat is his vessel and he the rider.
- (30) GIL, who stores up grain heaps-massive mounds
- Who brings forth barley and millet, furnishes the seed of the land.
- (3I) GILMA, who makes lasting the lofty abodef the gods,
- Creator of security,
- The hoop that holds the barrel together, who presents
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- (32) ARILMA, the exalted one, who tears off the crown
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- Who creates the clouds above the waters, makes enduring [the heavens].
- (33) ZULUM, who designates the fields
- Who grants portions and food-offerings, tends [the ...
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- Who destroys all adversaries, who maintains . . . good things.
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- (34) Mummu (thunder or roaring of the sea), creator of heaven and earth, who directs [... ].
- The god who sanctifies heaven and earth is, secondly,
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- (35) ZULUMMAR,
- Whom no other among the gods can match in strength.
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- (35) GISHNUMUNAB, creator of all people, who made the (world) regions,
- Destroyer of the gods of Tiamat; who made men out of their substance.
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- (36) LUGALABDUBUR, the king who frustrated the work of Tiamat, Rooted out her weapons;
- Whose foundation is firm in front and in the rear.
- (37) PAGALGUENNA, the foremost of all the lords, whose strength is outstanding;
- Who is pre-eminent among the gods, his brothers, master of them all.
- (38) LUGALDURMAH, the king, bond of the gods, lord of the Durmah,"'
- Who is pre-eminent in the abode of the gods, most exalted of the gods.
- (39) ARANUNNA, counselor of Ea, creator of the gods, his fathers,
- Whose princely ways no god whatever can equal.
- (40) DUMUDUKU, whose pure dwelling is renewed in Duku;...
- Dumuduku, without whom
- (41) Lugalkuduga makes no decision.
- (42) LUGALLANNA, the king whose strength is outstanding among the gods,
- The lord, strength of Anu, who became supreme at the cdl... of Anshar.
- (43) LUGALUCCA, who carried off all of them amidst the struggle,"'
- Who all wisdom encompasses, broad in perception.
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- (44) IRKINGU, who carried off Kingu in the thick"' of the battle
- Who conveys guidance for all, establishes rulership.
- (45) KINMA, who directs all the gods, the giver of counsel,
- At whose name the gods quake in fear, as at the storm.
- (46) ESIZKUR shall sit aloft in the house of prayer;
- May the gods bring their presents before him,
- That (from him) they may receive their assignments; None can without him create artful works.
- Four black-headed ones are among his creatures;... Aside from him no god knows the answer as to their days.
- (47) GIBIL, who maintains the sharp point of the weapon,
- Who creates artful works in the battle with Tiamat; Who has broad wisdom, is accomplished in insight, Whose mind"-' is so vast that the gods, all of them, cannot fathom (it).
- (48) ADDU be his name, the whole sky may he cover. }
- May his beneficent roar ever hover over
- the earth;
- May he, as Mummu,"' diminish the clouds;...
- Below, for the people may he furnish sustenance.
- (49) ASHARU, who, as is his name, guided"' the gods of destiny;
- of all the gods is verily in his charge.
- (50) NEBIRU shall hold the crossings of heaven and earth;
- Those who failed of crossing above and below,
- Ever of him shall inquire.
- Nebiru is the star... which in the skies is brilliant.
- Verily, he governs their turnings,"' to him indeed they look,
- Saying: "He who the midst of the Sea restlessly crosses,
- Let 'Crossing' be his name, who controls... its midst.
- May they uphold the course of the stars of heaven;
- May he shepherd all the gods like sheep.
- May he vanquish Tiamat; may her life be strait and short!...
- Into the future of mankind, when days have grown old,
- May she recede... without cease and stay away forever.'
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- Because he created the spaces and fashioned the firm ground,
- Father EnlIL called his name (50) 'LORD OF THE LAND."'
- When all the names which the Igigi proclaimed, Ea had heard, his spirit rejoiced,
- Thus: "He whose names his fathers have glorified,
- He is indeed even as 1; his name shall be Ea.
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- All my combined rites he shall administer; All my instructions he shall carry out!"
- With the title "Fifty" the great gods
- Proclaimed him whose names are fifty and made his
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- way supreme.
- Epilogue
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- Let them be kept (in mind) and let the leader explain them."'
- Let the wise and the knowing discuss (them) together.
- Let the father recite (them) and impart to his son.
- Let the ears of shepherd and herdsman be opened.
- Let him rejoice in Marduk, the Enlil of the gods,
- That his land may be fertile and that
- he may prosper.
- Firm in his order, his command unalterable,
- The utterance of his mouth no god shall change.
- When he looks he does not turn away his neck;
- When he is angry, no god can withstand his wrath. Vast is his mind, broad his sympathy;
- Sinner and transgressor will be con[founded] before him.
- The teaching which the leader has voiced in his presence,
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- (The few remaining lines are too fragmentary for translation.)
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- From E. A. Speiser
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