whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by
him. Colossians 3:17
Al Maxey: Notice that there are
TWO "audiences" here in this passage: God and One
Another! Paul says we are to "SPEAK" to ONE ANOTHER in psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs. This is obviously referring to
an audible sound, as opposed to
that which occurs silently in the heart, since men
can't read the hearts of other men (although many
try to do so!!.
However, when our
"audience" is the LORD, our singing and psalming are both IN THE HEART. Why? Because God is
not concerned so much with the audible sounds being
made (that is for OUR benefit), rather He is
concerned with the beautiful "sounds" coming from
the HEART.
Al admits then that
there is no Biblical authority for external singing. The
usual conclusion is that because you can sin with modern
complex harmony this gives us the authority to sin with
Jesus said that
worship is "in the spirit" or in the heart or mind and
not in the place of "worship service." Paul's notices
about worship is "in the spirit" and prayer is "in the
spirit." What the "church" did was never called worship
but church was synagogue or school of the Bible. Singing
in our sense of the word was a purely secular activity
because you have to become somewhat dissociated in order
to move into this very unnatural form of speech. In
addition, external melody speaks of twanging bow strings
sending singing arrows into your heart to grind you into
a powder: it is related to the SOP Jesus ground up for
Judas and the Judas Bag was "for carrying the
mouthpieces of wind instruments." See some Twanging universal
connection with warfare and never with spiritual
Unfortuantely, Al is
going to want to add this non-authority for modern
singing up and come up with authority to make the melody
upon a harp and the one another singing done by a
God is concerned with
the SOUND because if it does not TEACH and ADMONISH with
inspired Biblical material, then it is violating a
direct commandment of Christ through Paul.
It is true that God is
so unconcerned about the "artistic" performance of music
that He used a word or two which explicitly excludes the
charismatic practice of getting "carried away" with the
music which we see was reserved for the singing, dancing
and drinking festivals or the end-time Babylon harlot
Al Maxey: Brethren, I think we
have missed something VERY significant here in this
passage. The "singing and psalming (making melody)"
which GOD approves is entirely SILENT --- it occurs IN THE
HEART. Our praise unto God is truly offered WITHIN.
First, let's not that
"praise" is not singing but
speaking or teaching someone about what God has done.
Paul didn't command a "praise ritual" which is the most ancient
superstitious belief that God is aided by our much
praising. I cannot praise Joe for his hunting skills
without telling others audibly!
Next, the singing is internal but the 'psalming' is external: when we Teach it has to
be audible; when we Admonish it has to be audible. Since
the teaching resource is the inspired Biblical Text, the
singing is
also external. However, singing to the Greek mind, would
be ordinary speech which was melodious or highly accented.
The "melody" in an
external sense in the Old Testament and in the root
meaning of the word is always destructive: we psallo
someone to death by twanging a bow string to send an
arrow "singing" into the enemy's heart.
Al Maxey: The various "sounds" which we make are not
what impresses our God, these are for the benefit
and edification of "one another." The "sounds" which
our Lord finds pleasing to His "ears" are the
"sounds" which come from our hearts.
If we violate the
direct command stated over and over about the resources
of teaching (song and sermon) then what goes on in the
heart, however sincere, is not heard from God. Jesus
said that God seeks worshipers who worship in spirit.
That means "in the mind or heart." And the second
requirement is "in truth." If we try to worship with out
bodies or artistic talent God isn't listening, and if we
refused to speak His Truth then He does not listen.
He answered and
said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written,
This people honoureth me with their lips (and instruments) but their heart is far from me. Mk.7:6
Jesus refers to Isaiah
and Ezekiel where people treated both God and the
prophets as musical prostitutes: they came to hear the
polished voice and well played instrument but this was a
sign that they were not interested in the Word of God.
Al Maxey: In this way, our deaf and mute brethren
are just as much in compliance with this directive
as are we!!! And when they "speak" to one another,
they are also in compliance, for they "speak" with
their hands!!! They too, then, are in full
compliance with the directive to teach and admonish
one another, as this can be done with sign language,
and they too sing and make melody "in their hearts"
to the Lord.
Some, not
understanding this, have condemned the deaf in their
worship because "the Bible says SING, not SIGN!!" Absurd!!!
Why do I doubt that? I
think the objection is usually women "teaching" using
sign language. The direct command was to teach or preach
or communicate: most often the preaching in established
churches was "reading the Word." However, if a signer
comes into a hearing congregation and insists on signing
without an interpreter then he is speaking an unknown
tongue. If the fellow decides to "sign" with a harp then
we can see the absurdity of the example.
Al Maxey: These are the types of legalistic
restrictions and declarations with which the church
is plagued when the intent of this passage is not
truly perceived.
Jeses condemned the
Pharisees because they MADE UP their doctrines.
Therefore, legalistic means human rules imposed on the
church. Instrumental music is a human rule. Therefore,
adding instruments is the LEGALISM which you MUST obey
or get out.
Paul didn't restrict
women from teaching others and they have the other 167
hours a week to do so. However, in a public,
preside-over or non-sedentary sense, Paul restricted the
effort. Because the "musical" commands are not singing but teaching, Paul understood that when
everyone has the Scriptures they can "give attention to
reading the Word" without having to have someone
interpret for the deaf: why cheat the deaf by
preachifying or versifying the Words of Christ when they
can have, as Isaiah 55 claimed, the free word free of
Al Maxey: Thus, "to the Lord" we "sing and make
melody" in our hearts; and to "one another" we "speak" (or "verbalize" or use signing with our hands) so
that we can all be benefited by the thoughts
conveyed by the psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
Worship in Truth.
the point: two audiences but two functions. To others
we speak audibly because the command is to teach and admonish. And God neither needs
to be instructed nor admonished.
Worship in
Spirit. However, the singing and melody is in the
heart or spirit which is the only PLACE where Jesus
said God even seeks us.
The only true
worship word means to "give heed" to Christ by
giving heed to His Word. If you ADD what was always
a pagan way to silence the Word of God then you
prohibit any worship in spirit.
The word "speak" is
the same word as preach: the word sing is often the poetic sound of poetic
language. Paul didn't say "verbalize" by singing with our mouth or with our hands: he said verbalize, teach or preach and that can only be
done with the voice or hands but never with an
instrument. Indeed, Paul equated speaking in tongues
to instruments of warfare.
Al Maxey: Indeed, Col. 3:16 points out that our
psalms, hymns and spiritual songs "teach and
admonish one another!" However, the passage says
that "with grace" you "SING IN YOUR HEARTS to God."
Then that does
not mean "with grace you sing with your mouth to
God." Nor does the Spirit intend to say "with harps
in your hands." As you speak the word to one another
the RESULT is singing and melody in the heart
directed to God.
Al Maxey: What do these passages teach us? They
simply teach that SINGING actually takes place
in the heart, when the audience is GOD.
That is a fact.
Al Maxey: : The psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs have a different audience (at least audibly
& visibly) -- it is "one another." And in our "speaking" to one another
through these psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (whether accompanied or unaccompanied) we "teach and admonish" one
Now, let's test that:
Paul told Timothy how to "worship." He said "give
attendance to the public reading of the word, to
doctrine and to exhortation.
Now, "it doesn't
matter whether accompanied or unaccompanied we read the
word to the others." But, no, the preacher will not make
"accompaniment or unaccompanied" an option when HE is
preaching: why should Lord Jesus Christ make it
Paul said teach or
preach using the Biblical material: he didn't have to
hint whether it was accompanied or unaccompanied; we are
too smart for that.
However, it is the
little word "sing" which gets us into trouble but the
direct command is to TEACH OR PREACH and the singing is
in the heart even though it would occur externally with
any poetic material. A good public speaker does not
speak monotone. Rather, speaking has a natural melody
about it and a good preacher would be said to "sing" in
the Greek world.
"Ancient Greek was a pitched language, so melody had to be an outgrowth
of the natural
inflections of the spoken language.
Greek vowels had long and
short values that corresponded to long and short
notes in the musical settings. Thus musical rhythms
were derived from metric forms, and melodic movement
was governed by the natural rise and fall of the text.
When you read a
"Greek" document you "sing" it but not with four
part harmony.
Al Maxey: Remember: the audience IN THIS CASE is our
fellow man, and not God! The sounds being made or
the motions being seen are for US; to OUR edification! That just might make
a difference, when understood, in what we declare to
be pleasing & acceptable & "authorized" ....
and to whom!!
Edification does
not mean "makes me feel good or spiritual." That feeling is created
by a quick squirt of endorphins (morphine within) to
heal the hurt created by complex harmony. This harmony
creates the impulses of "fight, flight or sex." When
we exercise our right to "sow discord" many people flee and some remain to fight. However, the weak and
effeminate actually have an erotic, climaxing experience with "a god" but not Jehovah. Click to read the Mother of the
"having sex with God praise craze."
Edification in the Biblical sense is "house building." All of the bricks must
come from the Word of God or we build with straw. We
build up the house by edification. That is the meaning
of "education." And Paul told the Romans
to teach with the revealed resources with "one mouth" and then wrote:
> Yea, so have I strived
to preach
(evangelize) the gospel, not where Christ was named,
lest I should build upon another mans
foundation: Ro.15:20
At least, that
sounds like "an approved example."
But having had
the Word preached to you then what? Why:
> And now, brethren, I
commend you to God,
and to the word of his grace,
which is able to build (house build or edify) you up,
and to give
you an inheritance among all them which are
sanctified. Ac.20:32
We have "grace
singing in our hearts" when the word sings in our
So, don't let any
one give you a new set of songs or sermons. All of
the writers warn us not to accept "private
interpretation" which means "further expounding"
because, first, the word is God breathed and,
second, if you allow any "cut N paste" slick
serpents will wrestle the Word to your and their own
That their hearts
might be comforted, being knit together
in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God,
and of the Father, and of Christ; Col 2:2
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Col 2:3
And this I say,
any man should beguile you with enticing
words. Col 2:4
For though I
be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the
spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the
stedfastness of your faith in Christ. Col 2:5
As ye have
therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in
him: Col 2:6
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in THE FAITH, as ye have been
taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
Col 2:7
PISTIS (G4102) pis'-tis;
from 3982; persuasion, i.e. credence; mor.
conviction (of religious truth, or the
truthfulness of God or a religious teacher),
espec. reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstr.
constancy in such profession;
by extension
the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: -
assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity.
Don't let
professionals GET ACCESS to your "spirit" which is
the only place worship can take place as it gives
heed to the Word or spirit of truth:
brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same
things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is
safe. Phil 3:1
Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of
the concision. Phil 3:2
For we are the
circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no
confidence in the flesh. Phil 3:3
It is not
possible to worship God in the new PLACE of the
human spirit which was washed and made into A holy
spirit at baptism while listening to people
refusing to teach that which has been taught or
"that which is written" in Romans 15
Rather than
being like Christ, who refused to pleasure or be
pleasured in a homosexual sense of Dionysus attack
by the Jewish clergy, almost all forms of worship
OUTSIDE of the mind or spirit would be like
breaking down the walls or the sheepfold to let
the wolves in to FEED ON the lambs.
All performers
in the worship of most were dogs or catamites or
male homosexuals.
Beloved, when I
gave all diligence to write unto you of the common
salvation, it was needful for
me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye
should earnestly contend for THE FAITH which was once
delivered unto the saints. Jude 1:3
For there are certain
men crept in unawares, who were before
of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly
turning the
grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the
only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude
Aselgeia (g766)
as-elg'-i-a; from a comp. of 1 (as a neg.
particle) and a presumed selges , (of uncert.
der., but appar. mean. continent);
licentiousness (sometimes including other
vices): - filthy, lasciviousness, wantonness
delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy
conversation of the wicked: 2Pe.2:7
For when
they speak great swelling words of vanity,
they allure through the lusts of the flesh,
through much wantonness, those that were clean
escaped from them who live in error. 2Pe.2:18
But the
heavens and the earth, which are now, by the
same word are kept in store, reserved unto
fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 2Pe.3:7
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations:
for his house, Plancius, Sextius, Coelius,
Milo, Ligarius,
XIX.[44] But
in Marcus Caelius (for I will speak with the
greater confidence of his honourable pursuits,
because, relying on your good sense, O judges, I
am not afraid freely to confess some things
respecting him) no luxury will be found; no
extravagance; no debt; no lasciviousness; no
devotion to banquets or to gluttony. Those
vices, forsooth, of the belly and the throat,
age is so far from diminishing in men, that it
even increases them. And loves, and those things
which are called delights, and which, when men
have any strength of mind, are not usually
troublesome to them for any length of time, (for
they wear off early and very rapidly,) never had
any firm hold on this man so as to entangle or
embarrass him.
[46] Do you
suppose that there is any other reason, why,
when the prizes of eloquence are so great when
the pleasure of speaking is so great, when the
glory is so high, the influence derived from it
so extensive, and the honour so pure, there are
and always have been so few men who devote
themselves to this study? All pleasures must be
trampled underfoot, all pursuit of amusement
must be abandoned, O judges; sports and jesting
and feasting; yes, I may almost say, the
conversation of one's friends, must be shunned.
And this is
what deters men of this class from the labours and studies of oratory; not
that their abilities are deficient, or that
their early training has been neglected. [47]
Would Caelius, if he had given himself up to a
life of pleasure, while still a
very young man, have instituted a prosecution
against a man of consular rank? would he, if he
shunned this labour, if he were captivated by
and entangled in the pursuit of pleasure, take
his place daily among this array of orators? would he court
enmities? would he undertake prosecutions? would
he incur danger to his life? would he, in the
sight of all the Roman people, struggle for so
many months for safety or for glory?
Josephus, Against Apion (ed. William Whiston,
Again: Why is it
important to teach that which you have been taught? Over and over, Paul and
Peter insist on using the inspired Word for two
First, the word
is inspired by God. Second, if you open up the
process to another "teacher" you are certain to be
Beware lest any
man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments
of the world, and not after Christ. Col 2:8
That means songs
which "you have not been taught by Christ."
> As newborn babes,
desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 1 Pe. 2:2
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual
house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual
sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
1 Pe. 2:5
By him therefore
let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to
his name. Heb.13:15
This does not
define a legalistic 'praise ritual."
Edification is
not "my feelings" but it is education and the
resource for teaching and "singing" is the Word of
Christ or Spirit or "that which is written." Singing
our own songs deliveres the universal message of
music to God: "We don't want to hear your songs
Paul did not tell
the Corinthians to do all things but to do things
which edify: only the Word can build the house.
Al Maxey: IM itself, in my view, is not a sin. God nowhere declares
it to be a sin, therefore it is rather presumptuous
of ME to do so. God never makes it a salvation or
fellowship matter, thus neither shall I. I really
hope you'll reflect upon the "two audiences" in view
in the two passages by Paul. I think it will make a
vast difference in our view of some things!!
The issue is
this: if Christ came into your presence to speak to
you and you got out your fiddle while He was
speaking would that be a sin?
Of course not,
God never said "thou shalt not fiddle while I am
Most of the
world's older scholars held a different view based
on facts:
"The triumphal
hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious
character about it; but the employment of music in religious
services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly
marked in the festivities which attended the
erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible
Dictionary, Music, p. 589).
This is self
evident: "worship" means to give heed to God through His
Word in the New Testament. For instance, the Lord's
Supper is not an "act" but it becomes our worship
when we honor Christ's Word.
If we "give heed"
to the musicians "standing in the holy place" then
we are worshiping the performers. This is idolatry.
If Al can tolerate idolatry then instrumental music
is ok. But, again, all ancients saw the musical
twanging or ringing sound as proof that the gods
lived inside the musical instrument. Therefore,
instruments were made in the form of the female, a
bull, a penis or some other "animate" article. The
instruments were the idols.
Click to see what happened at Mount
Ephraim Syrus On Our Lord notes
that Sinai was a test. The Israelites were consummate
idolaters in Egypt. However, God gave them one more shot
at the Abrahamic Covenant. By removing Moses as a
visible "authority figure" He wanted to let them answer
their own prayer:
18. But when their heathenism from being inward became open, then Moses also from being hidden openly appeared; that he might openly
punish those whose heathenism had revelled beneath the holy cloud
which had overshadowed them.
But God removed the
Shepherd of the flock from it for forty days, that the flock might
show that its trust was fixed upon the calf.
And he was there
in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan; and was with the
wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.
Mark 1:13
While God was feeding the
flock with all delights, it chose for itself as its Shepherd the calf, which was not able
even to eat.
Moses who kept
them in awe was removed from them, that the idolatry might cry
aloud in their mouths,
which the
restraint of Moses had kept down in their hearts.
For they cried: Make us gods, to go before us.
19. But when Moses came down, he saw their heathenism revelling in the wide plain with drums and cymbals.
Speedily, he put
their madness
to shame by means of the Levites and drawn
So likewise
here, our Lord concealed His knowledge for a little when
the sinful woman approached Him, that the Pharisee might form
into shape his thought, as his fathers had shaped the
pernicious calf.
Of the Musical
worship condemned by Amos: "we recognize the same
elements: the sacrifices and libation, the cultic feast in which the
congregation gets a share of food and drink after it
has been blessed by the king, and the merry-making, now in the form of instrumental and vocal music. But the central act of
the ritual, which was performed by the king, is called literally 'drinking' the god (Gurney, O. R. Some
Aspects of Hittite Religion, p. 33-34, Oxford
University Press, 1977)
"In the New
Testament there is nowhere any emphasis laid on the
of the hymns; and in particular none on instrumental accompaniment whereas
this is significantly paganism." (Delling, Gerhard,
Worship in the New Testament, trans. Percy Scott
Phil. Westminster press, 1962, p. 86).
Job represents
many parallel passages associating musical play with
telling God: "We had just rather not listen to your
- Why do the
wicked live and become old,
- Yes, become
mighty in power? Jb 21:10
- They send forth their
little ones like a flock,
- and their
children dance. Jb 21:11
- They take (make
insurrection) the timbrel and harp,
- and rejoice
at the sound of the organ. Jb 21:12
- They spend their days in
- and in a
moment go down to the grave. Jb 21:13
- Therefore they say unto God,
- Depart
from us;
- for we
desire not the knowledge of thy ways. Jb 21:14
- What is the
Almighty, that we should serve him?
- and what profit
should we have, if we pray unto
him? Jb 21:15
Trying to worship a
Spirit God with the works of human hands has always been
evil: it says to God, "Our songs are better than your
songs" and making the people "feel" the drug high from
music is more important than teaching the Words (Spirit)
of Christ.
Geography 10.3.16
Of the rites of Dionysus condemned by Paul in
First Corinthians using the "weapons" of warfare or
even the metallic chisel to help with the clangs and
booms to bring down the gods:
"And he mentions
immediately afterwards the attendants of
one, holding in
his hands the bombyces, toilsome work of the turner's chisel,
fills full the
fingered melody, the call that brings on frenzy,
while another
causes to resound the bronze-bound cotylae.
"and again, stringed instruments raise
their shrill cry, and frightful mimickers from some place
unseen bellow like bulls, and the semblance of
drums, as of subterranean
thunder (underlying bass), rolls along, a
terrifying sound.
THOUGH I speak
with the tongues of men and of angels, and have
not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling
cymbal. 1 Cor 13:1
Echeo (g2278( ay-kheh'-o;
from 2279; to make a loud noise, i.e. reverberate:
- roar, sound.
And there
shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and
in the stars; and upon the earth distress of
nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring Lu.21:25
Echos (g2279) ay'-khos; of
uncert. affin.; a loud or confused noise ("echo"),
i.e. roar: fig. a rumor: - fame, sound.
For ye are not come unto the mount
that might be touched, and that burned with
fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and
tempest, Heb 12:18
And the sound of a
trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that
heard intreated that the word should
not be spoken to them any more: Heb.12:19
Brass is: Chalkos (g5475) khal-kos';
perh. from 5465 (great gulf) through the idea of
out as a vessel (this metal being
chiefly used for that purpose); copper (the
substance, or some implement or coin made of
it): - brass, money.
A hi-tek
"familiar spirit."
AUGUSTINE: on the Morals of the
Manichaeans riducules them for believing that the gods came out of brass and other things by rubbing or abrading (making melody with
them). Augustin uses figurative language much like
Paul's warning that our melody must never be external
but in the heart:
Augustine on the
Psalms noted that making melody external is a work
which David always performed trying to find God whom
he believed had become lost:
"Make melody unto
the Lord upon the harp: on the harp and with the voice of a
(ver. 5). Praise Him not with the voice only; take up works, that ye may not only sing, but work also.
- He who
singeth and worketh,
- maketh
melody with psaltery and upon the harp.
I have no opinion. I
have no right to an opinion. But, I honor God by
listening to God and, thankfully, He has unplugged my
ears and opened my eyes because I seek (worship) Him in
spirit (mind) and in truth (His Word and not my
And, somehow, along
with all of the world's scholarship until the latter day
prophets, I somehow see the "music" as not a worship to
the Spirit God word. On the contrary, along with all of
the world's scholarship I see the "music" word as a sign
that people have turned their mind away from God and
they are not going to be able to turn back. One pastor
confessed that all of the music and instrument words in
the Bible have bitter or even Satanic roots. However,
God saw how successful the Devil was and decided to
reveal to us that "music" is really a good idea after
Kenneth Sublett
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