Women in God's Service: Women in Israel
Gender Inclusive and Egalitarian Churches of Christ Everyone prays that EVERYONE be in peace and quietness. Men cannot bring on WRATH or ORGY which includes all of the performing or hypocritic performances: rhetoric, singing, playing, acting. Women cannot teach OVER men because the authorized pattern is to PREACH the Word by READING the Word and mutually confessing it. The PURPOSE all inclusives miss and violate is that so that "everyone can be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth." That truth is the elders teaching that which has been taught. 7.03.13
Gal328 Gender Justice in Church of Christ
D'Esta Love Pepperdine Board of Directors for Gal328.org
-Mike Cope Women Worship Leaders
John Mark Hicks Women in the Assembly: Prophesying
Women ministers in the future of Woodmont Hills: Rubel Shelly and John York. Click to see how the Egyptians including Miriam rose up to Play.
Doug Hurley Your Sons and Daughters shall Prophesy at ACU
See Ken Cukrowski Women in Ministry at ACU
See Ken Cukrowski Women in Ministry at ACU
See Ken Cukrowski claiming that the old and new testaments authorizes women prophets. Maybe "covered"
Wiley Clarkson one of Ken Cukrowski's disciples
Dave Clayton Ethos Church of Christ at Pepperdine 2013
Mike Cope A Cappella Music
Mike Cope Women Worship Leaders
See that Miriam led the women OUT to repudiate male leadership!
See Review of Al Maxey
Home... Apocalyptic... Apocryphal... Awakening... Baptism.....Caneridge... Church.... Colonial... Godhead.... MaxLucado Index... Max Lucado Creed....Max Lucado Shepherding....Lynn.Aderson... Musical Worship... Preaching... Restoration... RubelShelly... Search Our Site.. Tongues... Topical...[Preached as a dialogue between Rubel Shelly and John York.]
John York: As most of you know, we are beginning the New Year at Woodmont Hills by continuing a study on the role of females in the ministry life of this church. On the one hand, it is simply a given that women in God's kingdom are actively engaged in ministry in local churches.
On the other hand, we live with cultural circumstances and definitions of "public" and "private" -- and even the term "worship" -- that force us to rethink our understandings and practices from time to time.
John York and Rubel Shelly teach the CORE GOSPEL. This says that there are only SEVEN FACTS ABOUT Jesus which can be used to test faith and practice. Why?The ELDERS are not NEUTRAL and the SERMONIZING is not to speak the truth: May 11, 2003
Rubel Shelly: The leaders of this church have come to that position over a period of years -- not to adjust to cultural pressures but to honor the Lord's gifting of females in this body and to obey Scripture. So women not only cook and teach children -- both of which are critical ministries in themselves --
but read Scripture, sing on our Praise Teams,
teach a wide variety of classes for people of whatever age, greet visitors,
serve communion, present drama, give testimonies, etc.Paul warned the MALES (if any) not to let WRATH or ORGY break out.
He commanded that the women be silent and not TEACH OVER men.
That is because the DIRECT COMMAND was to PREACH the Word by READING the Word.
The PURPOSE is not to let either male or female PERFORM which is defined as prostitution but that EVERYONE be saved and come to a knowledge of THE TRUTH.
Why, because THEY lived in a DIFFERENT culture! Don't we all? "Working out their salvation with fear and trembling" is identified by POST-BIBLICAL authority as "working as partners with God to define the scriptures for THEIR culture. Since WE live in a different culture then WE have to again partner with God to get OUR inspired narrative text for OUR church. Click for instructions about writing YOUR OWN BIBLE.
CHURCH was never defined as a Shelly-like WORSHIP service. Jesus DID NOT promise to build a CHURCH. Church is derived from CIRCE the holy whore whose "grave" John could see from Patmos. Jesus promised to build an EKKLESIA (Gr) or a SYNAGOGUE (Greek synonym). The Jewish synagogue was a SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE. Women and men baked bread but women were never teachers or synagogue ELDERS.
Because Rubel Shelly has defined CHURCH as violating all of the first century FACTS, he then uses CULTURE to declare that women may serve in leadership roles.
Rubel Shelly as taught that before by TAKING LIBERTIES with the text (truth) so the REQUEST of the elders is a PLOY because they already know what Shelly HAS TAUGHT and will teach. This will LEAD to more PERFORMANCE ROLES for women to "aughorize" the ILLEGAL performance roles ACTED OUT (as rhetoricians, sOPHISts (sorcerers, serpents), singers and musians). The are all ranks in the SECTARIAN HYPOCRITE tribe condemned by Jesus.
Carrol D. Osburn: ACU:
"Feminist hermeneutics stands over against patriarchal hermeneutics" its goal
achieved "by small, often unnoticed acts of SUBVERSION. Numerous such incremental
changes, like EROSION, will eventually bring down the
FORTRESS " ( p. 32).
See how the DOVE repudiated the FEMINIST religion of Inanna (Ishtar, ZOE): God is defined as FATHER and not Mother Goddess of above. Jesus as the IMAGE of God was identified as a SON. Ezekiel 13: Women Prophets, Wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly. Lifting the "inspired" ban on Judges to repudiate Paul's clear statement against both SPEAKING roles or NON-SEDENTARY roles in the public assembly which is Synagogue or school of the Bible. It is not the newly restored Pagan Worship Center which used the Lucifer Principle of bleeding off worship due only to God. Revised 5/12/03 Rubel Shelly and John York REPUDIATE Paul's clear statement on women oversight or non-sedentary roles. Their "proof person" is Deborah and therefore JUDGES must be inspired. However, Deborah was a judge and no one objects. She SHAMED the effeminate males into protecting their own nation (church?). However, another woman, Jael, violated the most fundamental ethic of hospitality to drive a tent peg (clapped) into the sleeping Sisera's head. This is the MOTIFF of all musical "worship." See more about Deborah to understand the nature of PROPHESYING without being a prophet. Musical prophesiers expanded in Ezekiel The ZOE connection. Zoe was known as the BEAST and "the female instructing principle." She took the brainless little "jehovah" and "Jesus the male Logos" and infused human intelligence into them. Then Sophia and Zoe made them form Musical Worship Teams to worship who? why Sophia and Zoe. You cannot have a performance preacher or musical team unless they have declared to adopt the Lucifer (Zoe) principle to bleed off worship due only to God. Rubel Shelly: Women in the assemblyWine, New Wineskins and the Prophetess connection: It isn't pretty. Music and the Holy Whores. In the Bible------The Origin of the Musical Prostitute in Babylon----- The Origin of the ZOE CONCEPT: Zoe has her origin in Inanna as the supreme GODDESS who had to put a brain into the head of the minor jehovah and little idiot brother, Jesus us Logos. The origin of the world and the feminist (effeminate) religion. Introduction. See Three Dozen documents which associates women and music with Satan or Lucifer. Includes Enoch and Book of Jubilees
First, lets jump to the false teaching before we question motives:John York: On the other hand, it is also clear from specific examples in the story of Israel that God sometimes chose women and gifted them specifically for leadership among all of the people. Last week, Rubel, you mentioned the sister of Moses, Miriam. It is interesting that when Miriam sang her song of praise in Exodus 15, following the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, we hear these words:
"Then the prophet Miriam, Aaron's sister, took a tambourine in her hand;
There is no example of women connected with the Tabernacle or Synagogue or Temple rituals. Not even the LEVITICAL MUSICIAL WARRIORS could enter the Holy Place (as a type of the church or body of Christ) even to clean out the Garbage when Hezekiah restored animal sacrifices--not a worship service.
FALSE TEACHING OF THE FIRST ORDER. The out of control band of men and women in churches of Christ truly believe that BEFORE ME there was no truth. By substituting the word PROPHET for the PROPHETESS there MUST be an intention to deceive. The word PROPHETESS never meant anything more than a MUSICAL PROPHESIER. Deborah sang her self-glorifying song to TAUNT the princes who had become more like princesses. Huldah was the librarian of the mishna. The king did not have a copy of the Law so they went to Huldah who was responsible for keeping copies.FIRST LET'S NOTE THAT, AS IN PAUL'S LETTERS, THE SONG TO TAUNT THE CANAANITES WAS SPOKEN:
THEN sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and SPAKE, SAYING, I will sing UNTO the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. Exodus 15:1
It is interesting that Paul used this as a TYPE of baptism: they were in the sea and under the protive covering of God. At the same time, the Egyptians as the embodiment of Sin were DROWNED. They came out on the LIVING and SAVED side of the waters.
The word SING includes no INSTRUMENTS. SING in all languages means sing. If you MAKE MELODY as in "pruning your vine with a pruning hook" you STILL must have an INSTRUMENT named or it is NOT included. Paul said SPEAK which means PREACH and MAKE MELODY in the HEART. Why is that translated MAKE MUSIC?
SPEAK and SAYING mean to SAY, commune, command. SPEAKING a song is not modern MUSIC or even SINGING. It is cantillation or SPEAKING with a raised voice with the normal intonation of the LANGUAGE. Moses DID NOT speak to 3 million people with swarming animals and crying babies. In the second song, Moses SPAKE to the elders or TRIBAL leaders and they passed it on.
Rubel Shelly and John York may be UNIQUE in translating the word as a PROPHET. No woman ever PROPHESIED except as a false PROPHETESS.
and all the women went out after her with tambourines and with dancing.
And Miriam sang to them [Heb, masculine plural]:Here is the Pre-Shelly/York inspired Text. If MEN were involved in the singing, clanging, probably dancing naked they would be identified as homosexuals. Contrary to the false message:
Rubel Shelly and John York:
"Then the prophet Miriam, Aaron's sister, took a tambourine in her hand;
All Bible translations:And Miriam the prophetESS, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand;
ANTECEDANT: and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. Exod 15:20
THEM: And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. Ex 15:21
This was a TAUNT SONG to prepare the Canaanites for WARRIORS and NOT to illustrate WORSHIP. Worship means to bow down or fall down on your face or, in a spiritual sense, to GIVE HEED to God by paying attention to His Word. You CANNOT do that while singing, dancing and beating on metallic sistrums.
Miriam was such a prophetess even in Egypt. As a "princess" brother of Moses, Miriam would have been a prophetess of Hathor. It was Apis and Hathor who were worshipped as some Israelites ROSE UP TO PLAY in the musical idolatry of the Egyptian Triad.
"Hathor's cult is unusual, as both men and women were her priests (most deities had clerics of the same gender as they).
Many of them were artisans, musicians, and dancers who turned their talents into creating rituals that were nothing short of works of art. Music and dance were part of the worship of Hathor like no other deity in Egypt. Hathor herself was the incarnation of dance, and stories were told of how Hathor danced before Ra when he was in despair to cheer him up.
"Inspiration was also Hathor's bailiwick, and many would come to the temples of Hathor to have their dreams explained or to beseech her for her aid in creation, much in the same way the Greeks invoked the Nine Muses. From
Hathor also had a murderous, rebelious spirit.
The word is PROPHETESS where even most PROPHETS were false.
Nebiyah (h5031) neb-ee-yaw'; fem. of 5030; a prophetess or (gen.) inspired woman; by IMPLICATION a poetess; by association of prophet's wife: - prophetess.
Miriam caused the WOMEN-only representatives who met for the initial TRIUMPH OVER song which was to send a PANIC MESSAGE to the people in CANAAN." Rather than TEACH the song to the women, Miriam went out (Escaped) with a responsorial singing, dancing and making a great crashing sound: you DON'T MAKE MUSIC with a SISTRUM or TIMBREL.
Then the dukes of Edom shall be amazed; the mighty men of Moab, trembling shall take hold upon them; all the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away. Ex.15:15
Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone; till thy people pass over, O Lord, till the people pass over, which thou hast purchased. Exod 15:16
The two silver trumpets were to MELT THE HEART of the enemy even as the musical warrior Levites were prophesied to melt the heart of Jesus Christ.
Neither Shelly, York or any of the scholars know the gender of "THEM." A Prophetess is here first defined by what Miriam and the women did: prophecy has always been an ecstatic or charismatic state induced by women or the effeminate arousing the others with singing, clapping, dancing and playing instruments.
Moses said that THEM are ALL THE WOMEN. That means all of those represented among the tribal leaders: not 3 million people.
As the LEADER of the processionals which worshipped Apis or Hathor it was WOMEN such as Miriam who led the PANIC CHANTS. Miriam, as she would do later and more fatally, USURPED the SPEAKING-SAYING role of masculine men and REBELLED from the male-led panic song which was better than a telephone. What Miriam led the WOMEN to do was:
Yaca (h3318) yaw-tsaw'; a prim. root; to go (causat. bring) out, in a great variety of applications, lit. and fig... break out, ..be condemned, departure), draw forth, escape, exact, fail, fall (out), fetch forth (out), get away.. lead out, pluck out, proceed, pull out,
And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.Ge.4:16
And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf. Ex.32:24
There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the Lord, a wicked counsellor. Na.1:11
Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. Zec.14:3
Miryam (h4813) meer-yawm'; from 4805; rebelliously; Mirjam, the name of two Israelitesses: - Miriam.
Meriy (h4805) mer-ee'; from 4784; bitterness, i. e. (fig.) rebellion; concr. bitter, or rebellious: - bitter, rebellion, rebellious).
Marah (h4784) maw-raw'; a prim. root; to be (caus. make) bitter (or unpleasant); (fig.) to rebel (or resist; causat. to provoke): - bitter, change, be disobedient, disobey, grievously, provocation, provoke (- ing), (be) rebel (against, -lious).
"She was the sister of Moses, was the eldest of that sacred family; and she first appears, probably as a young girl, watching her infant brother's cradle in the Nile, (Exodus 2:4) and suggesting her mother as a nurse. ver. 7. After the crossing of the Red Sea "Miriam the prophetess" is her acknowledged title. ch. (Exodus 15:20)
The prophetic power showed itself in her under the same form as that which it assumed in the days of Samuel and David,
poetry, accompanied with music and processions. ch. (Exodus 15:1-19)
"She took the lead, with Aaron, in the complaint against Moses for his marriage with a Cushite, (Numbers 12:1,2) and for this was attacked with leprosy. This stroke and its removal, which took place at Hazeroth, form the last public event of Miriam's life. ch. (Numbers 12:1-15) She died toward the close of the wanderings at Kadesh, and was buried there. ch. (Numbers 20:1) (B.C. about 1452.) (Smith's Bible Dictionary)
"The cultic dance went on right down to the last days of the Temple. Rabbinic tradition speaks particularly of a torch dance by night at the water pouring ceremony at the Feast of Tabernacles: It was said that the gladness there was above everything. Pious men danced with torches in their hands and sang songs of joy and praised,
while the Levites played all sorts of instruments. The dance drew great crowds of spectators for whom grandstands had been erected. It did not end until the morning at a given sign, when water from the spring of Shiloh was poured over the altar. This is certainly not the invention of later Jewish times, but a very old tradition" ( W. O. E. Osterley, The Sacred Dance (Cambridge: N. P., 1923), p. 94)
After Miriam CLAIMED to be a PROPHET, God plagued her with Leprosy and denied that she spoke for Him. We hear no history of the PROPHESYING or PREACHING before men or anyone else. Aaron with Moses were the initial priests and there was no music. Nadab and Abihu added the lack of reverence, violated the LAW OF SILENCE and were burned up for the same irreverence Paul said still burns up because GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE.
And it shall be upon Aaron to minister: and his sound shall be heard when he goeth in unto the holy place before the Lord, and when he cometh out, that he die not. Exo 28:35
John York: 'Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea' " (Ex. 15:20-21). On this joyous occasion of singing and dancing in praise to God, Miriam is the worship leader before all of the men!
The word PROPHETESS does not mean a PROPHET or a public proclaimer:
Nebiyah (h5031) neb-ee-yaw'; fem. of 5030; a prophetess or (gen.) inspired woman; by impl. a poetess; by association of prophet's wife: - prophetess.
Worship, as all know, means to bow or fall down: you CANNOT worship while performing the Egyptian Cult ritual. Most charismatic "music" is an act of violence by people who know that your heart can be melted so that it is virtually impossible for friends and family to tell you that you are out of your mind.
Here is another example. Those who "procure" false preachers often do so with the spirit of SET A KING OVER US. God knew that the true motive was so that "We can worship like the nations" basically meaning the Babylonians.
Therefore was he hired, that I should be afraid, and do so, and sin, and that they might have matter for an evil report, that they might reproach me. Neh 6:13
My God, think thou upon Tobiah and Sanballat according to these their works, and on the prophetess Noadiah, and the rest of the prophets, that would have put me in fear. Neh 6:14
NO PROPHETS, PROPHETESSES, WARRIOR MUSICIANS or KINGS LED THE 'WORSHIP." The writing prophets inspired by the SPIRIT OF CHRIST are the VOCAL MINORITY against the MUSICAL WORSHIP RITUALS of the PRIESTHOOD which had been IMPOSED because of the MUSICAL IDOLATRY. Sacrificial "worship" was not mandatory until Israel ROSE UP TO PLAY at Mount Sinai.You cannot be Bible literate or faitful if you see SINGING as a modern wailing of lost souls in the ancient superstition of PRAISE SINGING which intended to PROP UP the gods.
THEN sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and SPAKE, SAYING,
Or in the assembly or synagogue or church which HAD NO PRAISE SERVICE:
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, Eph 5:19a
I will sing UNTO the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. Exodus 15:1
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Eph 5:19b
David NEVER led "congregational singing with instrumental accompaniment."
O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name:
make known his deeds among the people. Ps 105:1
Twila Paris and no one else can COMPOSE an acceptable version of what God has done without repudiating God's version:
The word SING includes no INSTRUMENTS. SING in all languages means sing. If you MAKE MELODY as in "pruning your vine with a pruning hook" you STILL must have an INSTRUMENT named or it is NOT included. Paul said SPEAK which means PREACH and MAKE MELODY in the HEART. Why is that translated MAKE MUSIC?
SPEAK and SAYING mean to SAY, commune, command. SPEAKING a song is not modern MUSIC or even SINGING. It is cantillation or SPEAKING with a raised voice with the normal intonation of the LANGUAGE. Moses DID NOT speak to 3 million people with swarming animals and crying babies. In the second song, Moses SPAKE to the elders or TRIBAL leaders and they passed it on.
Miriam caused the WOMEN only representatives of whom met for the initial TRIUMPH OVER song which was to send a PANIC MESSAGE to the people in CANAAN." Rather than TEACH the song to the women, Miriam went out (Escaped) with a responsorial singing, dancing and making a great crashing sound: you DON'T MAKE MUSIC with a SISTRUM or TIMBREL:
And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. Exodus 15:20
And Miriam answered them, SING ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. Exodus 15:21
Miriam was not a PROPHET. This passage actually DEVINES the meaning of a PROPHETESS. She is a musical performer who then and now believed that their songs were inspired and that a Spirit God could be approached by the antics of women musicians.
Anah or the RESPONSORIAL chant was prophesied in Psalm 22 to be used on Jesus. She quoted only PART of the song and this was probably, if ANAH has any meaning, chanted and responded to over and over and over. See Psalm Twenty Two.
The uncovered "prophesiers" in 1 Cor 11:5 were bringing their old charismatic prophesying into the ASSEMBLY of synagogue of Christ.
Paul will say that the songs in Corinth should be revealed doctrinal truth (1 Cor. 14:6) but Miriam claimed that she as a prophetess had the right to speak for God. However, the presbyterian Girardeau wrote that
"In the first place, it will be noticed from the account of the triumphant rejoicing on the shore of the Red Sea that the MEN sang only: 'Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake saying.'" (Girardeau, George, p. 33)
"In the second place, it was Miriam and the women who used instruments of music on the occasion: 'And Miriam, the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went after her with timbrels and with dances." (Girardeau, p. 33).
Of this DANCING by the women (which sends the SAME old message when MALES go charismatic or drunk and PARTICIPATE):
"Before the establishment of the kingdom under Saul, it was the women who, as in every young civilization, played a major part in the performance of music. Such figures as Miriam, Deborah, Jephthah's daughter, and the women hailing the young hero David have become almost archetypes of female musicians. [And harems of the gods]
"Characteristic of all these cases is the familiar picture of a female chorus, dancing and singing, accompanied by frenzied drum-beating.
This is the scene known to the entire Near East, and not
"even the severe rule of Islam could wholly suppress this age-old practice." (Int Dict of the Bible, Music, p. 457)."Women and girls from the different ranks of society were proud to enter the service of the gods as singers and musicians. The understanding of this service was universal: these singers constituted the 'harem of the gods'." (End of Quasten)
The FRENZIED "music" was identical to the LORD, LORD saying and Jesus seems to have FORGOTTEN Miriam's name after she was cursed for pretending to be a PROPHET in the revealing sense.
"It was probably usual to welcome a king or general with music and dancing...The distinctly religious dance is more frequently mentioned. The clear instances of it in the Bible are the dance of the women of Israel at the Red Sea, headed by Miriam with her tambourine (Exodus 15:20); the dance of the Israelites round the GOLDEN CALF (Exodus 32:19); the dance of the maidens of Shiloah at the annual feast (Judges 21:19 ff);
the LEAPING or LIMPING of the prophets of BAAL round their altar on Carmel (1 Kings 18:26);
and the dancing of David in front of the ark (2 Samuel 6:14-16) (Int. Std. Bible Ency., p. 1169-70)Paul warned the Romans and Corinthians about this "rising up to play." This was singing with instrumental music and more:
"The triumphal hymn of Moses had unquestionably a religious character about it; but the employment of music in religious services, though idolatrous, is more distinctly marked in the festivities which attended the erection of the golden calf." (Smith's Bible Dictionary, Music, p. 589).
"And the people celebrated this feast with burnt-offerings and thank-offerings, with eating and drinking, i.e. with sacrificial meals and sports, or with loud rejoicing, shouting, antiphonal songs, and dances, in the same manner in which the Egyptians celebrated their feast of Apis (Herod. 2, 60, and 3, 27)." (Keil and Delitzsch, Vol. II, p. 222).
And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting (the play at Mount Sinai sport or entertain) themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; 2 Pe.2:13
"They sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. They practiced rites in which they made themselves naked, perhaps similar to those which were carried out by naked Babylonian priests." (Woodward, p. 158).
"Not to be overlooked here is the accompaniment of music and dancing which, with the character of the ensuing phenomena, makes the diagnosis (of idolatry) certain." (Schaff-Herzog, Ecstasy, p. 71).
"Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as it is written, 'The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to dance (play)'" (1 Cor. 10:7).
Paul also condemned this in Romans 10 when he defined the Egyptian "sending across the sea" to get a better spokesman than God. Therefore, he warns us not to try to "ascend" or "descend" speaking of these "rising up to play" rituals.David rose up to PLAY just as the musical Israelites at Mount Sinai. For this offense, God turned them over to worship the STARRY HOST."In the O. T., 'prophet' is also applied to the sacred MUSICIANS (1 Ch. 25:1); and it may be only because Miriam led the concert (Ex. 15:20, 21) that she was reckoned as a prophetess. So Deborah is called a 'prophetess' (Judg. 4:4). Aaron is spoken of as a prophet (Ex. 7:1)--being one who delivered another's message" (Book, Hist. Digest., p. 265).
Let's say it CLEARLY: the Israelites were being removed from Egypt to protect God's own name because of their idolatry and to fulfill prophecy. They brought their idols with them in crossing the Red Sea and never ceased idol worship.
Miriam was not a leader but a misleader:
I sent MOSES also and Aaron, and I PLAGUED Egypt, according to that which I did among them: and afterward I brought you out. Joshua 24:5
Take heed in the PLAGUE of leprosy, that thou observe diligently, and do according to all that the priests the Levites (males) shall teach you: as I commanded them, so ye shall observe to do. Deut 24:8
Remember what the Lord thy God did unto Miriam by the way, after that ye were come forth out of Egypt. Deut 24:9
ALL "religious" musicians believe and many claim to be INSPIRED. In fact ORGANISTS GUILDS were formed to protect and promote the organist as INSPIRED PERSONS. Shelly says they can LEAD YOU INTO GOD'S PRESENCE: that puts JESUS out in the cold. For that, they have been afflicted and spread the VIRUS throughout the world trying to SHUT THE MOUTH OF JESUS CHRIST.
The AGENTS in the book of Revelation are singers and musicians: the PLAGUE is defined a like weeping sores.
Click to see that Miriam was NOT a PROPHET of God and assuredly she WAS NOT a WORSHIP LEADER OVER MALES.
Click to read more about MIRIAM which God has hidden from John York and Rubel Shelly because they LOVE NOT THE TRUTH by claiming, in effect, that CHRIST THE SPIRIT was NOT able to preserve the Bible. However, FOR A PRICE, the preachers Rubel Shelly confesses is NOT BIBLICAL, can WRITE you a narrative to FIT women into leadership roles BECAUSE "our culture had changed" and therefore God's will had changed and WE GOT IT IN A BOX.
Isaiah 30 shows how the "nations" who go in musical processions will die like the BABY DEDICATION to Molech. When the INSTRUMENTS begin to sound you can know that God is pouring out His Wrath (meaning to send buffoons).
Musical Worship Index: Universal Perverson
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